User Reference Guide

The following documents the high-level functions that a typical user will may want to use. Note there are many more lower-level functions that may be of interest to advanced users. See the function doc-strings within submodule files for documentation of such functions.

pyapprox.analysis Package

The pyapprox.analysis module implements a number of popular tools for model analysis.



Plot parameter sweeps of a function.

gpc_sobol_sensitivities(pce, variable[, ...])

Compute variance based sensitivity metrics from a polynomial chaos expansion


Compute sensitivity indices from a sparse grid by converting it to a polynomial chaos expansion

morris_sensitivities(fun, variable, ...[, ...])

Compute sensitivity indices by constructing an adaptive polynomial chaos expansion.

plot_main_effects(main_effects, ax[, ...])

Plot the main effects in a pie chart showing relative size.

plot_total_effects(total_effects, ax[, ...])

Plot the total effects in a bar chart showing relative size.

plot_interaction_values(interaction_values, ...)

Plot sobol indices in a pie chart showing relative size.

run_sensitivity_analysis(method, fun, ...)

Compute sensitivity indices for a model.

plot_sensitivity_indices(result[, axs, ...])

pyapprox.bayes Package

The pyapprox.bayes module implements a number of popular tools for Bayesian Inference.



Compute the mean and covariance of the Laplace posterior of a linear model with a Gaussian prior



A Bayesian network of linear Gaussian models.

pyapprox.benchmarks Package

The pyapprox.benchmarks module implements numerous benchmarks from the modeling literature.


setup_ishigami_function(a, b)

Setup the Ishigami function benchmark


Setup the Sobol-G function benchmark


Setup the Oakely function benchmark

setup_genz_function(nvars, test_name[, ...])

Setup one of the six Genz integration benchmarks \(f_d(x):\mathbb{R}^D\to\mathbb{R}\), where \(x=[x_1,\ldots,x_D]^\top\).


Setup the Rosenbrock function benchmark

setup_benchmark(name, **kwargs)

Setup a PyApprox benchmark.




Setup the wing weight model benchmark.


Return an ensemble of 5 univariate models of the form


List the names of all available benchmarks


A benchmark for testing maximum likelihood estimation and Bayesian inference algorithms that involves learning the uncertain parameters \(\rv\) from synthteically generated observational data using the model


This benchmark is used to test methods for forward propagation of uncertainty.



Contains functions and results needed to implement known benchmarks.

pyapprox.expdesign Package

The pyapprox.expdesign module implements a number of popular tools for designing experiments


sobol_sequence(nvars, nsamples[, ...])

Generate a multivariate Sobol sequence

halton_sequence(num_vars, nsamples[, ...])

Generate a multivariate Halton sequence

optimal_experimental_design(design_pts, fun, ...)

Compute optimal experimental designs for models of the form

get_bayesian_oed_optimizer(short_oed_type, ...)

Initialize a Bayesian OED optimizer.


AlphabetOptimalDesign(criteria, design_factors)

Construct optimal experimental designs using functions of the fisher information matrix

NonLinearAlphabetOptimalDesign(criteria, ...)

Construct minimax optimal experimental designs of non-linear models by sampling fisher information matrix at multiple uncertain parameter realizations.

BayesianBatchKLOED(ndesign_candidates, ...)

Compute open-loop OED my maximizing KL divergence between the prior and posterior.

BayesianBatchDeviationOED(...[, qoi_fun, ...])

Compute open-loop OED by minimizing the deviation on the push forward of the posterior through a QoI model.


Compute sequential optimal experimental designs that collect data and use this to inform the choice of subsequent design locations.

BayesianSequentialKLOED(ndesign_candidates, ...)

Compute closed-loop OED my maximizing KL divergence between the prior and posterior.

BayesianSequentialDeviationOED(...[, ...])

Compute closed-loop OED by minimizing the deviation on the push forward of the posterior through a QoI model.

AbstractBayesianOED(ndesign_candidates, ...)

Base Bayesian OED class

pyapprox.interface Package

The pyapprox.interface module implements a number of tools for interfacing with numerical models


evaluate_1darray_function_on_2d_array(...[, ...])

Evaluate a function at a set of samples using a function that only takes one sample at a time


WorkTrackingModel(function[, base_model, ...])

Keep track of the wall time needed to evaluate a function.

TimerModel(function[, base_model])

Return the wall-time needed to evaluate a function at each sample as an additional quantity of interest.

ModelEnsemble(functions[, names])

Wrapper class to allow easy one-dimensional indexing of models in an ensemble.

PoolModel(function, max_eval_concurrency[, ...])

Evaluate a function at multiple samples in parallel using multiprocessing.Pool

AynchModel(shell_command[, ...])

Evaluate a model in parallel when model instances are invoked by a shell script.

FileIOModel(shell_command[, ...])

Evaluate a model by writing parameters to file, running a shell script and reading the results from the file created by the shell script.

DataFunctionModel(function[, data, ...])

Create a queriable function that stores samples and associated function values and returns stored values for samples in the database or otherwise evaluate the function.

MultiIndexModel(setup_model, config_values)

Define a multi-index model to be used for multi-index collocation

pyapprox.multifidelity Package

The pyapprox.multifidelity module implements numerous multi-fidelity algorithms for quantifying uncertainty and building surrgates from multiple models of varying cost and fidelity.


get_estimator(estimator_types, stat, costs)


plot_estimator_variance_reductions(...[, ...])

Plot the variance reduction (relative to single model MC) for a list of optimized estimtors.


Plot the number of samples allocated to each model for a set of estimators

plot_correlation_matrix(corr_matrix[, ax, ...])

Plot a correlation matrix

plot_model_costs(costs[, model_names, ax])


Estimate the covariance of a model ensemble from a set of pilot samples

pyapprox.optimization Package

The pyapprox.optimization module implements a number of popular tools for risk-averse regression and design.



Solve first order stochastic dominance (FSD) constrained least squares


Solve second order stochastic dominance (SSD) constrained least squares

cvar_regression(basis_matrix, values, alpha)

Solve conditional value at risk (CVaR) regression problems.

solve_quantile_regression(tau, samples, ...)

Solve quantile regression problems.

solve_least_squares_regression(samples, ...)

Solve the safety margins least squares regression problem.

pyapprox.surrogates Package

The pyapprox.surrogates module implements numerous algorithms for constructing surrogates.



Return the quadrature rule associated with the marginal.


Use tensor-product Barycentric Lagrange interpolation to approximate a function.


Use tensor-product piecewise polynomial basis to interpolate a function.


Compute the nodes and weights needed to integrate a 2D function using piecewise linear interpolation

approximate(train_samples, train_vals, method)

Approximate a scalar or vector-valued function of one or more variables from a set of points provided by the user

adaptive_approximate(fun, variable, method)

Adaptive approximation of a scalar or vector-valued function of one or more variables.



A polynomial chaos expansion for independent random variables.

APC([compute_moment_matrix_function, ...])

A polynomial chaos expansion for dependent random variables.

AdaptiveInducedPCE(num_vars[, cond_tol, ...])

An adaptive PCE built using induced sampling and generalized sparse grid like refinement.

AdaptiveLejaPCE(num_vars, candidate_samples)

An adaptive PCE built using multivariate Leja sequences and generalized sparse grid like refinement.

CombinationSparseGrid(num_vars[, basis_type])

Adaptive sparse grid that uses the combination technique.

pyapprox.util Package

The pyapprox.util module implements numerous foundational utilities.


cartesian_product(input_sets[, elem_size])

Compute the cartesian product of an arbitray number of sets.

outer_product(input_sets[, axis])

Construct the outer product of an arbitary number of sets.

check_gradients(fun, jac, zz[, plot, disp, ...])

Compare a user specified jacobian with the jacobian computed with finite difference with multiple step sizes.

plot_2d_samples(samples[, ax])

Plot 2D samples

pyapprox.variables Package

The pyapprox.variables module provides tools for creating and transforming multivariate random variables.


print_statistics(samples[, values, ...])

Print statistics about a set of samples and associated values


Convert design variables to random variables defined over them optimization bounds.



Class representing independent random variables

GaussCopulaVariable(marginals, x_correlation)

Multivariate random variable with Gaussian correlation and arbitrary marginals


Base class for multivariate variables.

AffineTransform(variable[, enforce_bounds])

Apply an affine transformation to a pyapprox.variables.IndependentMarginalsVariable

NatafTransform(x_marginal_cdfs, ...[, ...])

Apply the Nataf transformation to an arbitraty multivariate random variable.

RosenblattTransform(joint_density, num_vars, ...)

Apply the Rosenblatt transformation to an arbitraty multivariate random variable.


Class which maps one-to-one configure indices in [0, 1, 2, 3,...] to a set of configure values accepted by a function