
class pyapprox.interface.WorkTrackingModel(function, base_model=None, num_config_vars=0, enforce_timer_model=True)[source]

Bases: object

Keep track of the wall time needed to evaluate a function.

Methods Summary

__call__(samples[, return_grad])

Evaluate self.function


Retrun the cost of evaluating the functions with the ids given in a set of config_samples.

Methods Documentation

__call__(samples, return_grad=False)[source]

Evaluate self.function

samplesnp.ndarray (nvars,nsamples)

Samples used to evaluate self.function

valuesnp.ndarray (nsamples,nqoi)

The values of self.function. The last qoi returned by self.function (i.e. the last column of the output array of size (nsamples,nqoi+1) is the cost of the simulation. This column is not included in values.


Retrun the cost of evaluating the functions with the ids given in a set of config_samples. These samples are assumed to be in user space not canonical space

config_samplesnp.ndarray (nconfig_vars, nsamples)

The configuration indices