- pyapprox.expdesign.get_bayesian_oed_optimizer(short_oed_type, ndesign_candidates, obs_fun, noise_std, prior_variable, out_quad_opts=None, in_quad_opts=None, nprocs=1, pre_collected_design_indices=None, **kwargs)[source]
Initialize a Bayesian OED optimizer.
- Parameters:
- short_oed_typestring
The type of experimental design strategy
- design_candidatesnp.ndarray (nvars, nsamples)
The location of all design sample candidates
- obs_funcallable
Function with the signature
obs_fun(samples) -> np.ndarray(nsamples, nqoi)
That returns noiseless evaluations of the forward model.
- noise_stdfloat or np.ndarray (nobs, 1)
The standard deviation of the mean zero Gaussian noise added to each observation
- nin_samplesinteger
The number of quadrature samples used for the inner integral that computes the evidence for each realiaztion of the predicted observations
- nout_samplesinteger
The number of Monte Carlo samples used to compute the outer integral over all possible observations
- quad_methodstring
The method used to compute the inner loop integral needed to evaluate the evidence for an outer loop sample. Options are [“linear”, “quadratic”, “gaussian”, “monte_carlo”] The first 3 construct tensor product quadrature rules from univariate rules that are respectively piecewise linear, piecewise quadratic or Gauss-quadrature.
- pre_collected_design_indicesnp.ndarray (nobs)
The indices into the qoi vector associated with the collected observations
- kwargskwargs
Key word arguments specific to the OED type
- Returns:
- oedpyapprox.expdesign.AbstractBayesianOED
Bayesian OED optimizer object