Multi-fidelity Quadrature

The following provides an example of how to use multi-fidelity quadrature, e.g. multilevel Monte Carlo, control variates to estimate the mean of a high-fidelity model from an ensemble of related models of varying cost and accuracy. A set of detailed tutorials on this subject can be found in the tutorials section, e.g. Monte Carlo Quadrature.

Load the necessary modules

import numpy as np
from pyapprox.benchmarks.benchmarks import setup_benchmark
from pyapprox import multifidelity
from pyapprox import interface
# set seed for reproducibility

First define an ensemble of models using setup_benchmark, see pyapprox.benchmarks.

benchmark = setup_benchmark(
    "tunable_model_ensemble", theta1=np.pi/2*.95, shifts=[.1, .2])
model_ensemble = interface.ModelEnsemble(benchmark.funs)
hf_mean = benchmark.mean[0]

Initialize a multifidelity estimator. This requires an estimate of the covariance between the models and the model costs and the random variable representing the model inputs

# generate pilot samples to estimate correlation
npilot_samples = int(1e2)
# The models are trivial to evaluate so make up model costs
model_costs = 10.**(-np.arange(3))

stat_name = "mean"
cov = multifidelity.estimate_model_ensemble_covariance(
    npilot_samples, benchmark.variable.rvs, model_ensemble,
stat = multifidelity.multioutput_stats[stat_name](benchmark.nqoi)
est_name = "mlblue"
est = multifidelity.get_estimator(est_name, stat, model_costs)

Define a target cost and determine the optimal number of samples to allocate to each model

target_cost = 1000
args = [benchmark.variable] if est_name == "mlblue" else []
samples_per_model = est.generate_samples_per_model(
best_models = [benchmark.funs[idx] for idx in est._best_model_indices]
values_per_model = [
    fun(samples) for fun, samples in zip(best_models, samples_per_model)]
mf_mean = est(values_per_model)

print("Multi-fidelity mean", mf_mean)
print("Exact high-fidelity mean", hf_mean)
print("Multi-fidelity estimator variance",
Multi-fidelity mean tensor(-0.0121)
Exact high-fidelity mean [0.]
Multi-fidelity estimator variance tensor([[0.0004]])


Compare the multi-fidelity mean to the single-fidelity means using only one model

Increase the target cost

Change the correlation between the models by varying the theta1 argument to setup benchmarks

Change the estimator (via est_name). Names of the available estimators can be printed via


#Change the statistic computed (via stat_name). Names of the implemented statistics can be printed via

dict_keys(['cv', 'gmf', 'gis', 'grd', 'mfmc', 'mlmc', 'mc', 'mlblue'])
dict_keys(['mean', 'variance', 'mean_variance'])

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.013 seconds)

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