import proveit
theory = proveit.Theory() # the theorem's theory
from proveit import a, b, c, k, m, n, t, P, defaults, Function
from proveit.linear_algebra import ScalarMult, TensorProd, VecSpaces
from proveit.logic import Equals, InSet
from proveit.numbers import (
zero, one, two, i, e, pi, Add, Sum, Exp, Less, LessEq, Mult, frac, Neg, subtract)
from proveit.numbers import Complex, Interval, Natural
from proveit.numbers.number_sets.natural_numbers import fold_forall_natural_pos
from proveit.physics.quantum import Ket, NumKet
from proveit.physics.quantum.QPE import _phase, _phase_is_real, _psi_t_def
%proving _psi_t_formula
Keep the $2$ in $2 \pi i$ from combining with powers of $2$:
# the induction theorem for positive naturals
# instantiate the induction theorem
induction_inst = fold_forall_natural_pos.instantiate(
{Function(P,t):_psi_t_formula.instance_expr, m:t, n:t})
defaults.assumptions = _psi_t_formula.all_conditions()
base_case = induction_inst.antecedent.operands[0]
We have $|\psi_{t}\rangle$ defined as a tensor product (the result of the first phase of the quantum circuit, and the LHS of Nielsen & Chuang's identity 5.20 on pg 222):
_psi_t_as_tensor_prod = _psi_t_def.instantiate()
For $\psi'_{1}$, we prove a useful equality then instantiate the psi_t_def
with $t=1$:
psi_1_def = _psi_t_def.instantiate({t:one})
Then show that the summation formula also gives the same qbit result
sum_0_to_1 = base_case.rhs
sum_0_to_1_processed_01 = sum_0_to_1.inner_expr().operands[1].partitioning_first()
# finish off the Base Case
base_case_jdgmt = sum_0_to_1_processed_01.sub_left_side_into(psi_1_def)
inductive_step = induction_inst.antecedent.operands[1]
defaults.assumptions = defaults.assumptions + inductive_step.conditions.entries
First, partition the summation: $\sum_{k=0}^{2^{t+1}-1} e^{2\pi i \varphi k} |k\rangle_{t+1} = \sum_{k=0}^{2^{t}-1} e^{2\pi i \varphi k} |k\rangle_{t+1} + \sum_{k=2^{t}}^{2^{t+1}-1} e^{2\pi i \varphi k} |k\rangle_{t+1}$
desired_domain = _psi_t_formula.instance_expr.rhs.scaled.domain
summation_partition_01 = (
Then shift the second summation of that partition, so that the two summations then have the same index domain:
summation_partition_02 = (summation_partition_01.inner_expr().rhs.
operands[1].shift(Neg(Exp(two, t))))
We want to rewrite the summand of that 2nd summation on the rhs now by (1) expanding the exponential term and (2) rewriting the $|k+2^t{\rangle}_{t+1}$ ket as $|1\rangle \otimes |k{\rangle}_t$. This takes a little work.
rhs_2nd_sum = summation_partition_02.rhs.operands[1]
summand_processed_01 = rhs_2nd_sum.summand.inner_expr().operands[0].exponent.distribution(
4, assumptions=[*defaults.assumptions,
summand_processed_02 = (
InSet(k, Interval(zero, subtract(Exp(two, t), one)))]))
# Avoid recombining these via auto-simplification
defaults.preserved_exprs = set([summand_processed_02.rhs.scalar])
from proveit.physics.quantum.algebra import prepend_num_ket_with_one_ket
prepend_num_ket_with_one_ket_inst = prepend_num_ket_with_one_ket.instantiate(
{n: t, k: k},
assumptions=[*defaults.assumptions, InSet(k, Interval(zero, subtract(Exp(two, t), one)))])
summand_processed_03 = (
# reminder of summation_partition_03
summation_partition_04 = (
Also process the summand in the 1st sum on the rhs, converting the ket $|k\rangle_{t+1}$ to the tensor product $|0\rangle \otimes |k\rangle_{t}$:
# pull up the relevant NumKet theorem
from proveit.physics.quantum.algebra import prepend_num_ket_with_zero_ket
# instantiate the theorem for our specific case
prepend_num_ket_with_zero_ket_inst = prepend_num_ket_with_zero_ket.instantiate(
{n: t, k: k},
assumptions=[*defaults.assumptions, InSet(k, Interval(zero, subtract(Exp(two, t), one)))])
# use our instantiation to substitute
summation_partition_05 = (
coef = inductive_step.instance_expr.rhs.scalar
summation_partition_06 = summation_partition_05.scalar_mult_both_sides(coef)
# Recall our inductive hypothesis:
inductive_hypothesis = defaults.assumptions[-1]
conclusion_01 = summation_partition_06.inner_expr().rhs.factor(
inductive_hypothesis.rhs, pull='right', field=Complex)
# use the inductive hypothesis:
conclusion_02 = inductive_hypothesis.sub_left_side_into(conclusion_01)
The RHS of conclusion02 above should be equal to $|\psi{t+1}\rangle$. Let's see how to get there. Ideally we could use the next three cells to show the rhs of the equality in `conclusion_02` is equal to $|\psi_{t+1}\rangle$
# reminder
psi_t_plus_one_as_tensor_prod = _psi_t_def.instantiate({t:Add(t, one)})
Now this substitute()
step will also manage to pull the scalar coefficients out to the front in the process:
conclusion_03 = conclusion_02.inner_expr().rhs.operands[1].substitute(
Now we partition the tensor product expression of $\psi_{t+1}$, so we can eventually show that it is equal to the rhs of conclusion_03.
# # we can partition the operands in the psi_{t+1} tensor prod expression
psi_t_plus_one_as_tensor_prod_02 = (
# # recall our earlier instantiation of the induction theorem:
We have proven both pieces of the antecedent (i.e., the base case and inductive case) of the instantiated induction theorem induction_inst
, so we can now derive the consequent: