# Copyright 2021 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, #
# LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, the #
# U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. #
# If you want to use this code, please refer to the README.rst and LICENSE files. #
import numpy as np
from PyNucleus_base import REAL
from PyNucleus_base.factory import factory
from PyNucleus_base.utilsFem import problem, generates
from PyNucleus_fem.mesh import (simpleInterval, intervalWithInteraction,
uniformSquare, squareWithInteractions,
# box,
# boxWithInteractions,
from PyNucleus_fem.functions import (Lambda, constant,
indicatorFunctor, squareIndicator, radialIndicator,
solFractional1D, rhsFractional1D,
solFractional, rhsFractional2D,
from PyNucleus_fem.DoFMaps import P1_DoFMap, str2DoFMapOrder
from PyNucleus_fem.mesh import meshFactory as meshFactoryClass
from PyNucleus_fem import (PHYSICAL, NO_BOUNDARY,
NORM, dofmapFactory)
from PyNucleus_fem.factories import functionFactory, rhsFractional2D_nonPeriodic
from scipy.special import gamma as Gamma, binom
from . twoPointFunctions import (constantTwoPoint,
from . interactionDomains import (fullSpace,
from . fractionalOrders import (constFractionalOrder,
from . kernelsCy import (getKernelEnum,
from . kernels import (getFractionalKernel,
from copy import deepcopy
class fractionalOrderFactoryClass(factory):
def build(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
dm = None
if 'dm' in kwargs:
dm = kwargs.pop('dm')
if dm is not None:
s = self.build(name, *args, **kwargs)
assert isinstance(s, (constFractionalOrder, variableConstFractionalOrder,
constantNonSymFractionalOrder, singleVariableUnsymmetricFractionalOrder))
sVec = dm.interpolate(s.fixedY(np.zeros((dm.mesh.dim), dtype=REAL)))
return super().build('fe', sVec, s.min, s.max)
return super().build(name, *args, **kwargs)
fractionalOrderFactory = fractionalOrderFactoryClass()
fractionalOrderFactory.register('constant', constFractionalOrder, aliases=['const'])
fractionalOrderFactory.register('varConst', variableConstFractionalOrder, aliases=['constVar', 'constantSym'])
fractionalOrderFactory.register('leftRight', leftRightFractionalOrder, aliases=['twoDomain'])
fractionalOrderFactory.register('linearLeftRightNonSym', linearLeftRightFractionalOrder)
fractionalOrderFactory.register('smoothedLeftRight', smoothedLeftRightFractionalOrder, params={'r': 0.1, 'slope': 200.}, aliases=['twoDomainNonSym'])
fractionalOrderFactory.register('constantNonSym', constantNonSymFractionalOrder)
fractionalOrderFactory.register('innerOuter', innerOuterFractionalOrder)
fractionalOrderFactory.register('innerOuterNonSym', smoothedInnerOuterFractionalOrder)
fractionalOrderFactory.register('islands', islandsFractionalOrder, params={'r': 0.1, 'r2': 0.6})
fractionalOrderFactory.register('layers', layersFractionalOrder)
fractionalOrderFactory.register('fe', feFractionalOrder)
twoPointFunctionFactory = factory()
twoPointFunctionFactory.register('constant', constantTwoPoint, aliases=['const', 'constantTwoPoint'])
twoPointFunctionFactory.register('tempered', temperedTwoPoint, aliases=['temperedTwoPoint'])
twoPointFunctionFactory.register('leftRight', leftRightTwoPoint, aliases=['leftRightTwoPoint'])
twoPointFunctionFactory.register('interface', interfaceTwoPoint, aliases=['interfaceTwoPoint'])
twoPointFunctionFactory.register('lambda', lambdaTwoPoint)
twoPointFunctionFactory.register('lookup', lookupTwoPoint)
interactionFactory = factory()
interactionFactory.register('fullSpace', fullSpace, aliases=['full'])
interactionFactory.register('ball2_retriangulation', ball2_retriangulation, aliases=['ball2', '2', 2])
interactionFactory.register('ball2_barycenter', ball2_barycenter)
interactionFactory.register('ball1_retriangulation', ball1_retriangulation, aliases=['ball1', '1', 1])
interactionFactory.register('ball1_barycenter', ball1_barycenter)
interactionFactory.register('ballInf_retriangulation', ballInf_retriangulation, aliases=['ballInf', 'inf', np.inf])
interactionFactory.register('ballInf_barycenter', ballInf_barycenter)
interactionFactory.register('ellipse_retriangulation', ellipse_retriangulation, aliases=['ellipse'])
interactionFactory.register('ellipse_barycenter', ellipse_barycenter)
kernelFactory = factory()
kernelFactory.register('fractional', getFractionalKernel)
kernelFactory.register('indicator', getIntegrableKernel, params={'kernel': INDICATOR}, aliases=['constant'])
kernelFactory.register('inverseDistance', getIntegrableKernel, params={'kernel': PERIDYNAMIC}, aliases=['peridynamic', 'inverseOfDistance'])
kernelFactory.register('gaussian', getIntegrableKernel, params={'kernel': GAUSSIAN})
kernelFactory.register('exponential', getIntegrableKernel, params={'kernel': EXPONENTIAL})
kernelFactory.register('polynomial', getIntegrableKernel, params={'kernel': POLYNOMIAL})
kernelFactory.register('logInverseDistance', getIntegrableKernel, params={'kernel': LOGINVERSEDISTANCE})
kernelFactory.register('monomial', getIntegrableKernel, params={'kernel': MONOMIAL})
class nonlocalMeshFactoryClass(factory):
def __init__(self):
super(nonlocalMeshFactoryClass, self).__init__()
self.nonOverlappingMeshFactory = meshFactoryClass()
self.overlappingMeshFactory = meshFactoryClass()
def register(self, name, classTypeNoOverlap, classTypeOverlap, dim, indicators, paramsNoOverlap={}, paramsOverlap={}, aliases=[]):
if classTypeNoOverlap is not None:
self.nonOverlappingMeshFactory.register(name, classTypeNoOverlap, dim, paramsNoOverlap, aliases)
if classTypeOverlap is not None:
self.overlappingMeshFactory.register(name, classTypeOverlap, dim, paramsOverlap, aliases)
super(nonlocalMeshFactoryClass, self).register(name, indicators)
def build(self, name, kernel, boundaryCondition, noRef=0, useMulti=False, **kwargs):
skipMesh = False
if 'skipMesh' in kwargs:
skipMesh = kwargs.pop('skipMesh')
if kernel is None:
horizonValue = 0.
elif isinstance(kernel.horizon, constant):
horizonValue = kernel.horizon.value
horizonValue = kernel.max_horizon
domainIndicator, boundaryIndicator, interactionIndicator = super(nonlocalMeshFactoryClass, self).build(name, **kwargs)
if boundaryCondition == HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET:
if horizonValue == np.inf:
# if kernel.s.max < 0.5:
# else:
# tag = PHYSICAL
zeroExterior = True
tag = domainIndicator
zeroExterior = False
hasInteractionDomain = 0 < horizonValue < np.inf
elif boundaryCondition == HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN:
zeroExterior = False
hasInteractionDomain = False
elif boundaryCondition == DIRICHLET:
if horizonValue == np.inf:
if kernel.s.max < 0.5:
raise NotImplementedError("Non-homogeneous Dirichlet conditions for infinite horizon kernels are not implemented.")
zeroExterior = False
hasInteractionDomain = 0 < horizonValue < np.inf
elif boundaryCondition == NEUMANN:
if horizonValue == np.inf:
assert False
zeroExterior = False
hasInteractionDomain = True
elif boundaryCondition == NORM:
zeroExterior = kernel.s.max >= 0.5
hasInteractionDomain = False
raise NotImplementedError('Unknown boundary condition {}'.format(boundaryCondition))
if not skipMesh:
if hasInteractionDomain:
assert 0 < horizonValue < np.inf, horizonValue
kwargs['horizon'] = horizonValue
mesh = self.overlappingMeshFactory.build(name, noRef, **kwargs)
mesh = self.nonOverlappingMeshFactory.build(name, noRef, **kwargs)
dmTest = P1_DoFMap(mesh, tag)
while dmTest.num_dofs == 0:
mesh = mesh.refine()
dmTest = P1_DoFMap(mesh, tag)
nonlocalInfo = {'domain': domainIndicator,
'boundary': boundaryIndicator,
'interaction': interactionIndicator,
'tag': tag,
'zeroExterior': zeroExterior}
if not skipMesh:
return mesh, nonlocalInfo
return nonlocalInfo
def getDim(self, name):
return self.nonOverlappingMeshFactory.getDim(name)
def intervalIndicators(a=-1, b=1, **kwargs):
eps = 1e-12
domainIndicator = squareIndicator(np.array([a+eps], dtype=REAL),
np.array([b-eps], dtype=REAL))
interactionIndicator = Lambda(lambda x: 1. if ((x[0] < a-eps) or (b+eps < x[0])) else 0.)
boundaryIndicator = Lambda(lambda x: 1. if ((a-eps < x[0] < a+eps) or (b-eps < x[0] < b+eps)) else 0.)
return domainIndicator, boundaryIndicator, interactionIndicator
def squareIndicators(ax=-1., ay=-1., bx=1., by=1., **kwargs):
eps = 1e-12
domainIndicator = squareIndicator(np.array([ax+eps, ay+eps], dtype=REAL),
np.array([bx-eps, by-eps], dtype=REAL))
interactionIndicator = constant(1.)-squareIndicator(np.array([ax-eps, ay-eps], dtype=REAL),
np.array([bx+eps, by+eps], dtype=REAL))
boundaryIndicator = constant(1.)-domainIndicator-interactionIndicator
return domainIndicator, boundaryIndicator, interactionIndicator
def radialIndicators(*args, **kwargs):
eps = 1e-12
domainIndicator = radialIndicator(1.-eps)
interactionIndicator = constant(1.)-radialIndicator(1.+eps)
boundaryIndicator = radialIndicator(1.+eps)-radialIndicator(1.-eps)
return domainIndicator, boundaryIndicator, interactionIndicator
def twinDiscIndicators(radius=1., sep=0.1, **kwargs):
eps = 1e-9
domainIndicator = (radialIndicator(radius-eps, np.array([sep/2+radius, 0.], dtype=REAL)) +
radialIndicator(radius-eps, np.array([-sep/2-radius, 0.], dtype=REAL)))
interactionIndicator = constant(1.)-(radialIndicator(radius+eps, np.array([sep/2+radius, 0.], dtype=REAL)) +
radialIndicator(radius+eps, np.array([-sep/2-radius, 0.], dtype=REAL)))
boundaryIndicator = ((radialIndicator(radius+eps, np.array([sep/2+radius, 0.], dtype=REAL)) +
radialIndicator(radius+eps, np.array([-sep/2-radius, 0.], dtype=REAL))) -
(radialIndicator(radius-eps, np.array([sep/2+radius, 0.], dtype=REAL)) +
radialIndicator(radius-eps, np.array([-sep/2-radius, 0.], dtype=REAL))))
return domainIndicator, boundaryIndicator, interactionIndicator
def boxIndicators(ax=-1., ay=-1., az=-1., bx=1., by=1., bz=1., **kwargs):
eps = 1e-9
domainIndicator = squareIndicator(np.array([ax+eps, ay+eps, az+eps], dtype=REAL),
np.array([bx-eps, by-eps, bz-eps], dtype=REAL))
interactionIndicator = constant(1.)-squareIndicator(np.array([ax-eps, ay-eps, az-eps], dtype=REAL),
np.array([bx+eps, by+eps, bz+eps], dtype=REAL))
boundaryIndicator = constant(1.)-domainIndicator-interactionIndicator
return domainIndicator, boundaryIndicator, interactionIndicator
def ballWithInteractions(*args, **kwargs):
radius = kwargs.get('radius')
horizon = kwargs.get('horizon')
kwargs['radius'] = radius+horizon
return ball(**kwargs)
nonlocalMeshFactory = nonlocalMeshFactoryClass()
nonlocalMeshFactory.register('interval', simpleInterval, intervalWithInteraction, 1, intervalIndicators,
{'a': -1, 'b': 1}, {'a': -1, 'b': 1})
nonlocalMeshFactory.register('gradedInterval', graded_interval, double_graded_interval_with_interaction, 1, intervalIndicators,
{'a': -1, 'b': 1, 'mu': 2., 'mu2': 2.}, {'a': -1, 'b': 1, 'mu_ll': 2., 'mu_rr': 2.})
nonlocalMeshFactory.register('square', uniformSquare, squareWithInteractions, 2, squareIndicators,
{'N': 2, 'M': 2, 'ax': -1, 'ay': -1, 'bx': 1, 'by': 1}, {'ax': -1, 'ay': -1, 'bx': 1, 'by': 1}, aliases=['rectangle'])
nonlocalMeshFactory.register('disc', discWithInteraction, discWithInteraction, 2, radialIndicators,
{'horizon': 0., 'radius': 1.}, {'radius': 1.})
nonlocalMeshFactory.register('gradedDisc', gradedDiscWithInteraction, gradedDiscWithInteraction, 2, radialIndicators,
{'horizon': 0., 'radius': 1.}, {'radius': 1.})
nonlocalMeshFactory.register('discWithIslands', discWithIslands, discWithIslands, 2, radialIndicators,
{'horizon': 0., 'radius': 1., 'islandOffCenter': 0.35, 'islandDiam': 0.5},
{'radius': 1., 'islandOffCenter': 0.35, 'islandDiam': 0.5})
nonlocalMeshFactory.register('twinDisc', twinDisc, twinDisc, 2, radialIndicators,
{'radius': 1., 'sep': 0.1}, {'radius': 1., 'sep': 0.1})
# nonlocalMeshFactory.register('box', box, boxWithInteractions, 3, boxIndicators,
# {'Nx': 2, 'Ny': 2, 'Nz': 2, 'ax': -1, 'ay': -1, 'az': -1, 'bx': 1, 'by': 1, 'bz': 1},
# {'Nx': 2, 'Ny': 2, 'Nz': 2, 'ax': -1, 'ay': -1, 'az': -1, 'bx': 1, 'by': 1, 'bz': 1})
nonlocalMeshFactory.register('ball', ball, ballWithInteractions, 3, radialIndicators,
{'radius': 1.}, {'radius': 1.})
class nonlocalBaseProblem(problem):
def __init__(self, driver):
self.admissibleParams = None
self.feOrder = None
def setDriverArgs(self):
p = self.driver.addGroup('kernel')
self.setDriverFlag('kernelType', acceptedValues=['fractional', 'constant', 'inverseDistance', 'gaussian', 'exponential', 'local'], help='type of kernel', group=p)
self.addParametrizedArg('const', [float])
self.addParametrizedArg('varconst', [float])
self.addParametrizedArg('constantNonSym', [float])
self.addParametrizedArg('leftRight', [float, float, float, float])
self.addParametrizedArg('twoDomain', [float, float, float, float])
self.addParametrizedArg('twoDomainNonSym', [float, float])
self.addParametrizedArg('linearLeftRightNonSym', [float, float, float])
self.addParametrizedArg('innerOuterNonSym', [float, float])
self.addParametrizedArg('layers', [float, float, int])
self.addParametrizedArg('islands', [float, float])
self.addParametrizedArg('islands4', [float, float, float, float])
self.addParametrizedArg('tempered', [float])
self.setDriverFlag('s', 'const(0.4)', argInterpreter=self.argInterpreter(['const', 'varconst', 'constantNonSym', 'twoDomain', 'twoDomainNonSym',
'layers', 'islands', 'islands4']), help='fractional order', group=p)
self.setDriverFlag('horizon', 0.2, help='interaction horizon', group=p)
self.addParametrizedArg('ellipse', [float, float, float])
self.setDriverFlag('interaction', 'ball2', argInterpreter=self.argInterpreter(['ellipse',
acceptedValues=['ball2', 'fullSpace']),
help='interaction domain', group=p)
self.setDriverFlag('phi', 'const(1.)', argInterpreter=self.argInterpreter(['const', 'twoDomain', 'twoDomainNonSym', 'tempered']),
help='kernel coefficient', group=p)
self.setDriverFlag('normalized', True, help='kernel normalization', group=p)
self.setDriverFlag('discretizedOrder', False, help='Use a FE function for the fractional order s.', group=p)
self.setDriverFlag('gaussianVariance', 1.0, help='Variance of Gaussian kernel with infinite horizon.', group=p)
self.setDriverFlag('exponentialRate', 1.0, help='Parameter of exponential kernel.', group=p)
def processCmdline(self, params):
dim = nonlocalMeshFactory.getDim(params['domain'])
if params['kernelType'] == 'fractional':
s = params['s']
for sName in ['const', 'varconst', 'constantNonSym', 'leftRight', 'twoDomain', 'twoDomainNonSym',
'linearLeftRightNonSym', 'innerOuterNonSym', 'islands']:
if self.parametrizedArg(sName).match(s):
sType = sName
sArgs = self.parametrizedArg(sName).interpret(s)
if self.parametrizedArg('layers').match(s):
t = np.linspace(*self.parametrizedArg('layers').interpret(s), dtype=REAL)
sVals = np.empty((t.shape[0], t.shape[0]), dtype=REAL)
for i in range(t.shape[0]):
for j in range(t.shape[0]):
sVals[i, j] = 0.5*(t[i]+t[j])
sType = 'layers'
# dim =
sArgs = (dim, np.linspace(-1., 1., sVals.shape[0]+1, dtype=REAL), s)
elif self.parametrizedArg('islands4').match(s):
sType = 'islands'
sArgs = self.parametrizedArg('islands4').interpret(s)
raise NotImplementedError(s)
sType = None
sArgs = None
self.sType = sType
self.sArgs = sArgs
phi = params['phi']
if self.parametrizedArg('const').match(phi):
c, = self.parametrizedArg('const').interpret(phi)
if c == 1.:
phiType = None
phiArgs = None
phiType = 'const'
phiArgs = (c, )
elif self.parametrizedArg('twoDomain').match(phi):
phiType = 'twoDomain'
phiArgs = self.parametrizedArg('twoDomain').interpret(phi)
elif self.parametrizedArg('twoDomainNonSym').match(phi):
phiType = 'twoDomainNonSym'
phiArgs = self.parametrizedArg('twoDomainNonSym').interpret(phi)
elif self.parametrizedArg('tempered').match(phi):
lambdaCoeff, = self.parametrizedArg('tempered').interpret(phi)
phiType = 'tempered'
phiArgs = (lambdaCoeff, dim)
raise NotImplementedError(phi)
self.phiType = phiType
self.phiArgs = phiArgs
def getDim(self, domain):
self.dim = nonlocalMeshFactory.getDim(domain)
def constructAuxiliarySpace(self):
self.dmAux = None
@generates(['kernel', 'rangedKernel'])
def processKernel(self, dim, kernelType, sType, sArgs, phiType, phiArgs, horizon, interaction, normalized, admissibleParams,
discretizedOrder, dmAux, feOrder, gaussianVariance, exponentialRate):
if kernelType == 'local':
self.kernel = None
kType = getKernelEnum(kernelType)
if admissibleParams is not None:
assert kType == FRACTIONAL
assert sType == 'const'
from PyNucleus_nl.kernelsCy import RangedFractionalKernel
rangedKernel = self.directlyGetWithoutChecks('rangedKernel')
if rangedKernel is None or not isinstance(rangedKernel, RangedFractionalKernel):
self.rangedKernel = RangedFractionalKernel(dim,
admissibleParams.subset({('sArgs', 's')}),
functionFactory('constant', horizon),
self.rangedKernel = rangedKernel
self.kernel = self.rangedKernel.getFrozenKernel(sArgs['s'])
except TypeError:
self.kernel = self.rangedKernel.getFrozenKernel(*sArgs)
self.rangedKernel = None
if kType == FRACTIONAL:
if feOrder is None:
if isinstance(sArgs, dict):
if discretizedOrder:
sFun = fractionalOrderFactory(sType, dm=dmAux, **sArgs)
sFun = fractionalOrderFactory(sType, **sArgs)
if discretizedOrder:
sFun = fractionalOrderFactory(sType, *sArgs, dm=dmAux)
sFun = fractionalOrderFactory(sType, *sArgs)
except TypeError:
sArgs = (sArgs, )
if discretizedOrder:
sFun = fractionalOrderFactory(sType, *sArgs, dm=dmAux)
sFun = fractionalOrderFactory(sType, *sArgs)
if discretizedOrder:
self.directlySetWithoutChecks('feFractionalOrder', sFun)
if isinstance(feOrder, feFractionalOrder):
sFun = deepcopy(feOrder)
elif isinstance(feOrder, np.ndarray):
t = dmAux.fromArray(feOrder)
sFun = feFractionalOrder(t, feOrder.min(), feOrder.max())
raise NotImplementedError()
sFun = None
if phiType is not None:
if phiType == 'const':
phiFun = constantTwoPoint(*phiArgs)
elif phiType == 'twoDomain':
phiFun = leftRightTwoPoint(*phiArgs)
elif phiType == 'twoDomainNonSym':
phiFun = smoothedLeftRightTwoPoint(*phiArgs)
elif phiType == 'tempered':
phiFun = temperedTwoPoint(*phiArgs)
raise NotImplementedError(phiType)
phiFun = None
if isinstance(horizon, (REAL, float)):
horizonFun = functionFactory('constant', horizon)
max_horizon = np.nan
if (horizon == np.inf) or interaction == 'fullSpace':
assert horizon == np.inf
interactionFun = fullSpace()
elif interaction == 'ball2':
interactionFun = ball2_retriangulation(horizonFun)
elif self.parametrizedArg('ellipse').match(interaction):
a, b, theta = self.parametrizedArg('ellipse').interpret(interaction)
interactionFun = ellipse_retriangulation(horizonFun,
functionFactory('constant', a),
functionFactory('constant', b),
functionFactory('constant', theta))
raise NotImplementedError(interaction)
piecewise = True
if sFun is not None:
piecewise &= sFun.symmetric
piecewise &= isinstance(horizonFun, constant)
self.kernel = getKernel(dim=dim, kernel=kType, s=sFun, horizon=horizonFun, normalized=normalized, phi=phiFun,
interaction=interactionFun, piecewise=piecewise,
def report(self, group):
group.add('kernel', self.kernel)
if self.kernel is not None:
if self.kernel.kernelType == FRACTIONAL:
group.add('s', self.kernel.s)
group.add('horizon', self.horizon)
class fractionalLaplacianProblem(nonlocalBaseProblem):
def __init__(self, driver, useMulti=False):
self.useMulti = useMulti
def setDriverArgs(self):
if self.driver.isMaster:
self.driver.parser.set_defaults(s='const(0.75)', horizon=np.inf, interaction='fullSpace')
p = self.driver.addGroup('problem')
self.setDriverFlag('domain', acceptedValues=['interval', 'disc', 'gradedInterval', 'gradedDisc', 'Lshape', 'square',
'cutoutCircle', 'disconnectedInterval', 'disconnectedDomain',
help="spatial domain", group=p)
self.setDriverFlag('problem', acceptedValues=['constant', 'notPeriodic', 'plateau',
'sin', 'cos', 3, 'source', 'zeroFlux', 'Greens', 'knownSolution'],
help="select a problem to solve", group=p)
self.setDriverFlag('element', acceptedValues=['P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P0'], help="finite element space", group=p)
self.setDriverFlag('adaptive', acceptedValues=['residualMelenk', 'residualNochetto',
'residual', 'hierarchical', 'knownSolution', None],
argInterpreter=lambda v: None if v == 'None' else v,
help="type of error indicator", group=p)
self.setDriverFlag('noRef', -1, help="number of uniform mesh refinements applied to initial mesh", group=p)
self.setDriverFlag('targetDoFsAux', 0, help="number of degrees of freedom for the fractional order (0 = do not discretize order)")
def processCmdline(self, params):
noRef = params['noRef']
if noRef <= 0:
domain = params['domain']
element = params['element']
adaptive = params['adaptive']
if domain == 'interval':
if adaptive is None:
if element == 'P0':
noRef = 6
elif element == 'P1':
noRef = 6
elif element == 'P2':
noRef = 5
elif element == 'P3':
noRef = 5
raise NotImplementedError(element)
if element == 'P1':
noRef = 22
elif element == 'P2':
noRef = 21
raise NotImplementedError(element)
elif domain == 'gradedInterval':
noRef = 6
elif domain == 'disconnectedInterval':
noRef = 40
elif domain == 'disc':
if adaptive is None:
noRef = 5
noRef = 7
elif domain == 'gradedDisc':
noRef = 2
elif domain == 'square':
noRef = 20
elif domain == 'Lshape':
noRef = 20
elif domain == 'cutoutCircle':
noRef = 30
elif domain == 'ball':
noRef = 2
raise NotImplementedError(domain)
params['noRef'] = noRef
def getDomainParams(self, domain):
meshParams = {}
if domain == 'interval':
radius = 1.
meshParams.update({'a': -radius, 'b': radius})
elif domain == 'gradedInterval':
radius = 1.
meshParams.update({'a': -radius, 'b': radius, 'h': 0.1})
elif domain == 'disconnectedInterval':
meshParams['sep'] = 0.1
elif domain == 'disc':
radius = 1.
meshParams.update({'h': 0.78, 'radius': radius})
elif domain == 'gradedDisc':
radius = 1.
meshParams.update({'radius': radius, 'h': 0.78})
elif domain == 'square':
meshParams.update({'N': 3, 'ax': -1, 'ay': -1, 'bx': 1, 'by': 1})
elif domain == 'Lshape':
elif domain == 'cutoutCircle':
meshParams.update({'radius': 1., 'cutoutAngle': np.pi/2.})
elif domain == 'ball':
raise NotImplementedError(domain)
self.domainParams = meshParams
@generates(['analyticSolution', 'exactHsSquared', 'exactL2Squared', 'rhs',
'mesh_domain', 'mesh_params', 'tag', 'boundaryCondition',
'domainIndicator', 'interactionIndicator', 'fluxIndicator',
'rhsData', 'dirichletData', 'fluxData', 'problemDescription'])
def processProblem(self, kernel, dim, domain, domainParams, problem, normalized):
s = kernel.s
self.analyticSolution = None
self.exactHsSquared = None
L2_ex = None
assert kernel.horizon.value == np.inf
assert normalized
if domain in ('interval', 'gradedInterval'):
radius = 1.
if problem == 'constant':
self.problemDescription = "Constant forcing, homogeneous Dirichlet volume condition"
self.rhs = constant(1.)
if (isinstance(s, (constFractionalOrder, variableConstFractionalOrder, constantNonSymFractionalOrder)) or
(isinstance(s, feFractionalOrder) and np.array(s.vec).min() == np.array(s.vec).max())):
if isinstance(s, feFractionalOrder):
sValue = s.vec[0]
sValue = s.value
C = 2.**(-2.*sValue)*Gamma(dim/2.)/Gamma((dim+2.*sValue)/2.)/Gamma(1.+sValue)
self.exactHsSquared = C * np.sqrt(np.pi)*Gamma(sValue+1)/Gamma(sValue+3/2)
L2_ex = np.sqrt(C**2 * np.sqrt(np.pi) * Gamma(1+2*sValue)/Gamma(3/2+2*sValue) * radius**2)
self.analyticSolution = solFractional(sValue, dim, radius)
elif problem == 'sin':
self.problemDescription = "Sin function forcing, homogeneous Dirichlet volume condition"
self.rhs = Lambda(lambda x: np.sin(np.pi*x[0]))
elif problem == 'cos':
self.problemDescription = "Cos function forcing, homogeneous Dirichlet volume condition"
self.rhs = Lambda(lambda x: np.cos(np.pi*x[0]/2.))
elif problem == 'plateau':
self.problemDescription = "Sign function forcing, homogeneous Dirichlet volume condition"
self.rhs = Lambda(np.sign)
# def e(n):
# return (2*n+s+3/2)/2**(2*s)/np.pi / binom(n+s+1, n-1/2)**2/Gamma(s+5/2)**2
# k = 10
# exactHsSquared = sum([e(n) for n in range(1000000)])
self.exactHsSquared = 2**(1-2*s) / (2*s+1) / Gamma(s+1)**2
elif isinstance(problem, int):
self.problemDescription = "Family of forcings with known solutions, homogeneous Dirichlet volume condition"
self.rhs = rhsFractional1D(s, problem)
self.exactHsSquared = 2**(2*s)/(2*problem+s+0.5) * Gamma(1+s)**2 * binom(s+problem, problem)**2
self.analyticSolution = solFractional1D(s, problem)
elif problem == 'zeroFlux':
self.problemDescription = "Linear solution, homogeneous Neumann volume condition"
boundaryCondition = HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN
if kernel.variable:
assert isinstance(s, (variableConstFractionalOrder, smoothedLeftRightFractionalOrder))
def fun(x):
kernel.evalParams_py(x, x)
sVal = kernel.sValue
fac = 2*kernel.scalingValue
return fac/(2*sVal-1) * ((1-x[0])**(1-2*sVal) - (1+x[0])**(1-2*sVal))
sVal = s.value
fac = 2*kernel.scalingValue
assert sVal != 0.5
def fun(x):
return fac/(2*sVal-1) * ((1-x[0])**(1-2*sVal) - (1+x[0])**(1-2*sVal))
self.rhs = functionFactory('Lambda', fun)
self.analyticSolution = functionFactory('x0')
L2_ex = np.sqrt(2/3)
elif problem == 'knownSolution':
self.problemDescription = "Known analytic solution for variable fractional order, homogeneous Dirichlet volume condition"
from scipy.special import hyp2f1
assert isinstance(s, (constFractionalOrder, variableConstFractionalOrder,
constantNonSymFractionalOrder, singleVariableUnsymmetricFractionalOrder)), s
beta = 0.7
def fun(x):
kernel.evalParams_py(x, x)
sVal = kernel.sValue
return 2**(2*sVal) * Gamma(sVal+0.5)*Gamma(beta+1.)/np.sqrt(np.pi)/Gamma(beta+1.-sVal) * hyp2f1(sVal+0.5, -beta+sVal, 0.5, x[0]**2)
self.rhs = functionFactory('Lambda', fun)
self.analyticSolution = functionFactory('Lambda', lambda x: (1.-x[0]**2)**beta)
L2_ex = np.sqrt(np.sqrt(np.pi) * Gamma(1+2*beta)/Gamma(3/2+2*beta) * radius**2)
elif problem == 'Greens':
self.problemDescription = "Narrow indicator function forcing, homogeneous Neumann volume condition"
boundaryCondition = HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN
self.rhs = functionFactory('squareIndicator', np.array([-0.1]), np.array([0.1]))
raise NotImplementedError(problem)
elif domain == 'disconnectedInterval':
if problem == 'constant':
self.problemDescription = "Constant forcing, homogeneous Dirichlet volume condition"
self.rhs = Lambda(lambda x: 1. if x[0] > 0.5 else 0.)
raise NotImplementedError(problem)
elif domain in ('disc', 'gradedDisc'):
radius = 1.
if problem == 'constant':
self.problemDescription = "Constant forcing, homogeneous Dirichlet volume condition"
self.rhs = constant(1.)
if isinstance(s, (constFractionalOrder, variableConstFractionalOrder, constantNonSymFractionalOrder)):
C = 2.**(-2.*s.value)*Gamma(dim/2.)/Gamma((dim+2.*s.value)/2.)/Gamma(1.+s.value)
self.exactHsSquared = C * np.pi*radius**(2-2*s.value)/(s.value+1)
L2_ex = np.sqrt(C**2 * np.pi/(1+2*s.value)*radius**2)
self.analyticSolution = solFractional(s.value, dim, radius)
elif problem == 'notPeriodic':
self.problemDescription = "Family of forcings with known solutions, homogeneous Dirichlet volume condition"
n = 2
freq = 2
self.exactHsSquared = 2**(2*s-1)/(2*n+s+freq+1) * Gamma(1+s+n)**2/Gamma(1+n)**2 * (np.pi+np.sin(4*np.pi*freq)/(4*freq))
n = 1
freq = 5
self.exactHsSquared += 2**(2*s-1)/(2*n+s+freq+1) * Gamma(1+s+n)**2/Gamma(1+n)**2 * (np.pi+np.sin(4*np.pi*freq)/(4*freq))
self.rhs = rhsFractional2D_nonPeriodic(s)
elif problem == 'plateau':
self.problemDescription = "Sign function forcing, homogeneous Dirichlet volume condition"
self.rhs = Lambda(lambda x: x[0] > 0)
from mpmath import meijerg
self.exactHsSquared = np.pi/4*2**(-2*s) / (s+1) / Gamma(1+s)**2
self.exactHsSquared -= 2**(-2*s)/np.pi * meijerg([[1., 1.+s/2], [5/2+s, 5/2+s]],
[[2., 1/2, 1/2], [2.+s/2]],
-1., series=2)
self.exactHsSquared = float(self.exactHsSquared)
except ImportError:
self.exactHsSquared = np.pi/4*2**(-2*s) / (s+1) / Gamma(1+s)**2
for k in range(100000):
self.exactHsSquared += 2**(-2*s) / Gamma(s+3)**2 / (2*np.pi) * (2*k+s+2) * (k+1) / binom(k+s+1.5, s+2)**2
elif isinstance(problem, tuple):
self.problemDescription = "Family of forcings with known solutions, homogeneous Dirichlet volume condition"
n, freq = problem
self.exactHsSquared = 2**(2*s-1)/(2*n+s+freq+1) * Gamma(1+s+n)**2/Gamma(1+n)**2 * (np.pi+np.sin(4*np.pi*freq)/(4*freq))
self.rhs = rhsFractional2D(s, n=n, l=freq)
elif problem == 'sin':
self.problemDescription = "Radial sin function forcing, homogeneous Dirichlet volume condition"
self.rhs = Lambda(lambda x: np.sin(np.pi*(x[0]**2+x[1]**2)))
elif problem == 'knownSolution':
self.problemDescription = "Known analytic solution for variable fractional order, homogeneous Dirichlet volume condition"
from scipy.special import hyp2f1
assert isinstance(s, (constFractionalOrder, variableConstFractionalOrder,
constantNonSymFractionalOrder, singleVariableUnsymmetricFractionalOrder)), s
beta = 0.7
def fun(x):
kernel.evalParams_py(x, x)
sVal = kernel.sValue
return 2**(2*sVal) * Gamma(sVal+1.0)*Gamma(beta+1.)/Gamma(beta+1.-sVal) * hyp2f1(sVal+1.0, -beta+sVal, 1.0, np.linalg.norm(x)**2)
self.rhs = functionFactory('Lambda', fun)
self.analyticSolution = functionFactory('Lambda', lambda x: max(1.-np.linalg.norm(x)**2, 0.)**beta)
L2_ex = np.sqrt(np.pi/(1+2*beta)*radius**2)
raise NotImplementedError(problem)
elif domain == 'square':
if problem == 'constant':
self.problemDescription = "Constant forcing, homogeneous Dirichlet volume condition"
self.rhs = constant(1.)
elif problem == 'sin':
self.problemDescription = "Tensor sin function forcing, homogeneous Dirichlet volume condition"
self.rhs = Lambda(lambda x: np.sin(np.pi*x[0])*np.sin(np.pi*x[1]))
elif problem == 'source':
self.rhs = (functionFactory.build('radialIndicator', radius=0.3, center=np.array([0.2, 0.6], dtype=REAL)) -
functionFactory.build('radialIndicator', radius=0.3, center=np.array([-0.2, -0.6], dtype=REAL)))
raise NotImplementedError(problem)
elif domain == 'Lshape':
if problem == 'constant':
self.problemDescription = "Constant forcing, homogeneous Dirichlet volume condition"
self.rhs = constant(1.)
elif problem == 'sin':
self.problemDescription = "Tensor sin function forcing, homogeneous Dirichlet volume condition"
self.rhs = Lambda(lambda x: np.sin(np.pi*x[0])*np.sin(np.pi*x[1]))
raise NotImplementedError(problem)
elif domain == 'cutoutCircle':
if problem == 'constant':
self.problemDescription = "Constant forcing, homogeneous Dirichlet volume condition"
self.rhs = constant(1.)
elif problem == 'sin':
self.problemDescription = "Radial sin function forcing, homogeneous Dirichlet volume condition"
self.rhs = Lambda(lambda x: np.sin(np.pi*(x[0]**2+x[1]**2)))
raise NotImplementedError(problem)
elif domain == 'ball':
radius = 1.
if problem == 'constant':
self.problemDescription = "Constant forcing, homogeneous Dirichlet volume condition"
self.rhs = constant(1.)
if isinstance(s, (constFractionalOrder, variableConstFractionalOrder, constantNonSymFractionalOrder)):
C = 2.**(-2.*s.value)*Gamma(dim/2.)/Gamma((dim+2.*s.value)/2.)/Gamma(1.+s.value)
self.exactHsSquared = C * np.pi*radius**(2-2*s.value)/(s.value+1)
L2_ex = np.sqrt(C**2 * np.pi/(1+2*s.value)*radius**2)
self.analyticSolution = solFractional(s.value, dim, radius)
raise NotImplementedError(problem)
raise NotImplementedError(domain)
mesh_domain = domain
meshParams = {'kernel': kernel}
self.boundaryCondition = meshParams['boundaryCondition'] = boundaryCondition
meshParams['useMulti'] = self.useMulti
self.mesh_domain = mesh_domain
self.mesh_params = meshParams
nI = nonlocalMeshFactory.build(mesh_domain, skipMesh=True, **meshParams)
self.tag = nI['tag']
self.domainIndicator = nI['domain']
self.interactionIndicator = nI['interaction']+nI['boundary']
if boundaryCondition in (NEUMANN, HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN):
self.fluxIndicator = self.interactionIndicator
self.fluxIndicator = functionFactory('constant', 0.)
self.zeroExterior = nI['zeroExterior']
self.dirichletData = None
self.fluxData = None
self.rhsData = self.rhs
if L2_ex is not None:
self.exactL2Squared = L2_ex**2
self.exactL2Squared = None
@generates(['eta', 'target_order'])
def getApproximationParams(self, dim, domain, kernel, element):
s = kernel.s
elementOrder = str2DoFMapOrder(element)
if domain in ('gradedInterval', ):
self.target_order = (1+elementOrder)/dim
elif dim == 1:
self.target_order = (1+elementOrder-s.min)/dim
self.target_order = 1/dim
# Picking bigger, say eta = 7, potentially speeds up assembly.
# Not clear about impact on error.
if dim == 1:
self.eta = 1
self.eta = 3.
def buildMesh(self, mesh_domain, mesh_params):
self.mesh, _ = nonlocalMeshFactory.build(mesh_domain, **mesh_params)
def constructAuxiliarySpace(self, dim, domain, domainParams, kernelType, horizon, targetDoFsAux):
# This is not the actual kernel that we use.
# We just need something to get a mesh to support the fractional order.
kType = getKernelEnum(kernelType)
if kType == FRACTIONAL:
sFun = fractionalOrderFactory('const', 0.75)
kernel = getKernel(dim=dim, kernel=kType, s=sFun, horizon=horizon)
kernel = getKernel(dim=dim, kernel=kType, horizon=horizon)
if domain in ('disc', 'gradedDisc'):
domain = 'square'
radius = domainParams.get('radius', 1.)
domainParams = {'ax': -radius, 'ay': -radius, 'bx': radius, 'by': radius, }
mesh, _ = nonlocalMeshFactory(domain, kernel=kernel, boundaryCondition=HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET, **domainParams)
while mesh.num_vertices < targetDoFsAux:
mesh = mesh.refine()
self.dmAux = dofmapFactory('P1', mesh, NO_BOUNDARY)
class nonlocalPoissonProblem(nonlocalBaseProblem):
def setDriverArgs(self):
self.setDriverFlag('domain', 'interval', acceptedValues=['gradedInterval', 'square', 'disc', 'gradedDisc', 'discWithIslands'], help='spatial domain')
self.addParametrizedArg('indicator', [float, float])
self.addParametrizedArg('polynomial', [int])
self.addParametrizedArg('linear1d', [float])
self.addParametrizedArg('quadratic1d', [float, float])
self.addParametrizedArg('linear2d', [float, float])
self.addParametrizedArg('quadratic2d', [float, float, float])
self.setDriverFlag('problem', 'poly-Dirichlet',
argInterpreter=self.argInterpreter(['indicator', 'polynomial', 'linear1d', 'quadratic1d', 'linear2d', 'quadratic2d'],
'poly-Neumann', 'zeroFlux', 'source', 'constant', 'gaussian', 'exponential',
'exact-sin-Dirichlet', 'exact-sin-Neumann', 'sin-Dirichlet', 'discontinuous']),
help="select a problem to solve")
self.setDriverFlag('hTarget', argInterpreter=float, help="mesh size of initial mesh")
self.setDriverFlag('noRef', argInterpreter=int, help="number of uniform mesh refinements applied to initial mesh")
self.setDriverFlag('element', acceptedValues=['P1', 'P0', 'P2'], help="finite element space")
self.setDriverFlag('target_order', -1., help="choose quadrature rule to allow convergence of order h^{target_order}")
def processCmdline(self, params):
noRef = params['noRef']
if noRef is None or noRef < 0:
domain = params['domain']
if domain in ('interval', 'gradedInterval'):
noRef = 8
elif domain == 'square':
noRef = 2
elif domain in ('disc', 'gradedDisc'):
noRef = 4
elif domain == 'discWithIslands':
noRef = 4
raise NotImplementedError(domain)
params['noRef'] = noRef
@generates(['mesh_domain', 'mesh_params',
'tag', 'zeroExterior', 'boundaryCondition',
'domainIndicator', 'fluxIndicator', 'interactionIndicator',
'rhs', 'rhsData', 'dirichletData', 'fluxData',
'analyticSolution', 'exactL2Squared', 'exactHsSquared',
def processProblem(self, kernel, domain, problem, normalized):
if kernel is not None:
kType = kernel.kernelType
phiFun = kernel.phi
interactionFun = kernel.interaction
kType = None
phiFun = None
interactionFun = None
if kType == FRACTIONAL:
sFun = kernel.s
sFun = None
self.analyticSolution = None
self.exactL2Squared = None
self.exactHsSquared = None
self.problemDescription = ""
if problem in ('poly-Neumann', 'exact-sin-Neumann', 'zeroFlux'):
self.boundaryCondition = NEUMANN
elif self.parametrizedArg('indicator').match(problem):
self.boundaryCondition = HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET
elif problem in ('source', 'constant', 'gaussian', 'exponential'):
self.boundaryCondition = HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET
self.boundaryCondition = DIRICHLET
mesh_params = {'kernel': kernel, 'boundaryCondition': self.boundaryCondition}
if domain in ('interval', 'gradedInterval'):
mesh_domain = domain
nI = nonlocalMeshFactory.build(mesh_domain, **mesh_params, skipMesh=True)
self.tag = nI['tag']
self.zeroExterior = nI['zeroExterior']
self.domainInteriorIndicator = domainIndicator = nI['domain']
self.boundaryIndicator = boundaryIndicator = nI['boundary']
self.interactionInteriorIndicator = interactionIndicator = nI['interaction']
if problem == 'poly-Dirichlet':
self.domainIndicator = domainIndicator
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
self.interactionIndicator = interactionIndicator+boundaryIndicator
self.rhsData = constant(2)
self.fluxData = constant(0)
self.dirichletData = Lambda(lambda x: 1-x[0]**2)
if ((kType == FRACTIONAL and isinstance(sFun, constFractionalOrder)) or
kType in (INDICATOR, PERIDYNAMIC, GAUSSIAN, EXPONENTIAL)) and phiFun is None and normalized:
self.analyticSolution = Lambda(lambda x: 1-x[0]**2)
elif self.parametrizedArg('polynomial').match(problem):
self.domainIndicator = domainIndicator
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
self.interactionIndicator = interactionIndicator+boundaryIndicator
self.fluxData = constant(0)
polyOrder = self.parametrizedArg('polynomial').interpret(problem)[0]
knownSolution = (((kType == FRACTIONAL and isinstance(sFun, (constFractionalOrder, variableConstFractionalOrder,
singleVariableUnsymmetricFractionalOrder))) or
phiFun is None and
normalized and
0 <= polyOrder <= 3)
if polyOrder == 0:
self.rhsData = functionFactory('constant', 0.)
self.dirichletData = functionFactory('constant', 1.)
if knownSolution:
self.analyticSolution = self.dirichletData
elif polyOrder == 1:
self.rhsData = functionFactory('constant', 0.)
self.dirichletData = functionFactory('x0')
if knownSolution:
self.analyticSolution = self.dirichletData
elif polyOrder == 2:
self.rhsData = functionFactory('constant', -2)
self.dirichletData = functionFactory('x0**2')
if knownSolution:
self.analyticSolution = self.dirichletData
elif polyOrder == 3:
self.rhsData = -6*functionFactory('x0')
self.dirichletData = functionFactory('x0**3')
if knownSolution:
self.analyticSolution = self.dirichletData
self.rhsData = functionFactory('Lambda', lambda x: -polyOrder*(polyOrder-1)*x[0]**(polyOrder-2))
self.dirichletData = functionFactory('Lambda', lambda x: x[0]**polyOrder)
if knownSolution:
self.analyticSolution = self.dirichletData
elif (self.parametrizedArg('linear1d').match(problem) or
self.domainIndicator = domainIndicator
# u(x) = x \dot (Bx) + c \dot x + d
if self.parametrizedArg('linear1d').match(problem):
self.problemDescription = "rhs giving rise to quadratic solution"
B = np.zeros((1, 1), dtype=REAL)
c = np.zeros((1), dtype=REAL)
c[0] = self.parametrizedArg('linear1d').interpret(problem)[0]
d = 0.
elif self.parametrizedArg('quadratic1d').match(problem):
self.problemDescription = "rhs giving rise to quadratic solution"
B = np.zeros((1, 1), dtype=REAL)
B[0, 0] = self.parametrizedArg('quadratic1d').interpret(problem)[0]
c = np.zeros((1), dtype=REAL)
d = 0.
if isinstance(kernel.horizon, sqrtAffineFunction):
# \delta = \sqrt{2 a \cdot x + b}
# \tilde{\delta} = \sqrt{2 a \cdot x + b + a \cdot a}
a = 0.5*np.array(kernel.horizon.w)
b = kernel.horizon.c
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
C = 2.*kernel.scalingValue
trB = B[0, 0]
def delta_x_squared(x):
return 2*np.vdot(a, x) + b
def delta_tilde_x_squared(x):
return 2*np.vdot(a, x) + b + np.vdot(a, a)
if isinstance(kernel.interaction, ball2_retriangulation):
self.rhsData = -C*2. * functionFactory('Lambda',
lambda x: trB/3. * (delta_x_squared(x)**(3/2) + delta_tilde_x_squared(x)**(3/2))
+ np.vdot(c+2*B@x+B@a, a) * delta_tilde_x_squared(x)**(1/2))
elif isinstance(kernel.interaction, ball2_dilation_retriangulation):
self.rhsData = -C * functionFactory('Lambda',
lambda x: trB/3. * (delta_x_squared(x)**(3/2) + (delta_tilde_x_squared(x)**(1/2)-a[0])**3)
+ 0.5*c[0] * (delta_x_squared(x) - (delta_tilde_x_squared(x)**(1/2)-a[0])**2)
+ d * (delta_x_squared(x)**(1/2) + (delta_tilde_x_squared(x)**(1/2)-a[0])))
raise NotImplementedError()
self.fluxData = constant(0)
self.dirichletData = functionFactory('Lambda', lambda x: np.vdot(x, B@x) + np.vdot(c, x) + d)
if (kType == INDICATOR) and (phiFun is None) and (not normalized) and isinstance(interactionFun, ball2_retriangulation):
self.analyticSolution = self.dirichletData
raise NotImplementedError()
elif problem == 'exact-sin-Dirichlet':
assert ((kType == INDICATOR) or (kType == FRACTIONAL)) and phiFun is None and normalized
self.domainIndicator = domainIndicator
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
self.interactionIndicator = interactionIndicator+boundaryIndicator
horizonValue = kernel.horizonValue
scalingValue = kernel.scalingValue
sin = functionFactory('sin1d')
if kType == INDICATOR:
self.rhsData = -2.*scalingValue * 2*(np.sin(np.pi*horizonValue)/np.pi-horizonValue) * sin
elif kType == FRACTIONAL:
from scipy.integrate import quad
assert isinstance(sFun, constFractionalOrder)
sBase = sFun.value
from scipy.special import gamma
def Phi(delta):
if delta > 0:
fac = delta**(-2*sBase)
integral = 0.
for k in range(1, 100):
integral += fac * (-1)**(k+1) * (np.pi*delta)**(2*k) / (2*k-2*sBase) / gamma(2*k+1)
return integral
return 0.
Phi_delta = Phi(horizonValue)
self.rhsData = 4 * scalingValue * Phi_delta * sin
self.fluxData = constant(0)
self.dirichletData = sin
self.analyticSolution = sin
elif problem == 'exact-sin-Neumann':
assert (kType == FRACTIONAL) and phiFun is None and normalized
self.domainIndicator = domainIndicator
self.fluxIndicator = boundaryIndicator+interactionIndicator
self.interactionIndicator = constant(0.)
horizonValue = self.kernel.horizonValue
scalingValue = self.kernel.scalingValue
sin = functionFactory('sin1d')
cos = functionFactory('cos1d')
if kType == FRACTIONAL:
from scipy.integrate import quad
assert isinstance(sFun, constFractionalOrder)
sBase = sFun.value
from scipy.special import gamma
def Phi(delta):
if delta > 0:
fac = delta**(-2*sBase)
integral = 0.
for k in range(1, 100):
integral += fac * (-1)**(k+1) * (np.pi*delta)**(2*k) / (2*k-2*sBase) / gamma(2*k+1)
return integral
return 0.
Psi = lambda delta_min, delta_max: quad(lambda y: np.sin(np.pi*y)/y**(1+2*sBase), delta_min, delta_max)[0]
Phi_delta = Phi(horizonValue)
self.rhsData = 4 * scalingValue * Phi_delta * sin
def fluxFun(x):
dist = 1+horizonValue-abs(x[0])
assert dist >= 0
if x[0] > 0:
return 2 * scalingValue * ((Phi_delta + Phi(dist)) * sin(x) + (Psi(dist, horizonValue)) * cos(x))
return 2 * scalingValue * ((Phi_delta + Phi(dist)) * sin(x) - (Psi(dist, horizonValue)) * cos(x))
self.fluxData = Lambda(fluxFun)
self.dirichletData = sin
self.analyticSolution = sin
elif problem == 'sin-Dirichlet':
# forcing with known local solution
self.domainIndicator = domainIndicator
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
self.interactionIndicator = interactionIndicator+boundaryIndicator
sin = functionFactory('sin1d')
self.rhsData = np.pi**2 * sin
self.fluxData = constant(0)
self.dirichletData = sin
if kType is None:
self.analyticSolution = sin
self.analyticSolution = None
elif problem == 'poly-Neumann':
if kType == FRACTIONAL:
assert sFun.max <= 0.5, "RHS is singular, need a special quadrature rule"
self.domainIndicator = domainIndicator
self.fluxIndicator = boundaryIndicator+interactionIndicator
self.interactionIndicator = constant(0.)
horizonBase = self.kernel.horizon.value
if kType == FRACTIONAL:
sBase = sFun.value
def fluxFun(x):
# dist = 1+horizonBase-abs(x[0])
# assert dist >= 0
# return (1+(dist/horizonBase)**(2-2*sBase) - 2*abs(x[0]) * (2-2*sBase)/(1-2*sBase)/horizonBase * (1-(dist/horizonBase)**(1-2*sBase)))
dist = 1+horizonBase-abs(x[0])
assert dist >= 0
return 2*self.kernel.scalingValue * ((2*abs(x[0])/(1-2*sBase)) * (dist**(1-2*sBase)-horizonBase**(1-2*sBase)) +
1/(2-2*sBase) * (dist**(2-2*sBase)+horizonBase**(2-2*sBase)))
elif kType == PERIDYNAMIC:
def fluxFun(x):
dist = 1+horizonBase-abs(x[0])
assert dist >= 0
return 2*self.kernel.scalingValue * (2*abs(x[0]) * (1-abs(x[0])) + 0.5 * (dist**2+horizonBase**2))
elif kType == INDICATOR:
def fluxFun(x):
dist = 1+horizonBase-abs(x[0])
assert dist >= 0
return 2*self.kernel.scalingValue * (abs(x[0]) * (dist**2-horizonBase**2) + 1./3. * (dist**3+horizonBase**3))
self.rhsData = constant(2)
self.fluxData = Lambda(fluxFun)
self.dirichletData = Lambda(lambda x: 1-x[0]**2)
if ((kType == FRACTIONAL and isinstance(sFun, constFractionalOrder)) or kType != FRACTIONAL) and normalized:
self.analyticSolution = Lambda(lambda x: 1-x[0]**2)
elif problem == 'zeroFlux':
self.domainIndicator = domainIndicator
self.fluxIndicator = Lambda(lambda x: 1. if (x[0] > 1) else 0.)
self.interactionIndicator = interactionIndicator+boundaryIndicator
self.rhsData = constant(2)
self.fluxData = constant(0)
self.dirichletData = Lambda(lambda x: 1-x[0]**2)
elif self.parametrizedArg('indicator').match(problem):
self.domainIndicator = domainIndicator
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
self.interactionIndicator = interactionIndicator+boundaryIndicator
# self.fluxIndicator = squareIndicator(np.array([1.], dtype=REAL),
# np.array([1.+horizon-1e-9], dtype=REAL))
center, width = self.parametrizedArg('indicator').interpret(problem)
self.rhsData = squareIndicator(np.array([center-width/2], dtype=REAL),
np.array([center+width/2], dtype=REAL))
self.fluxData = constant(0)
self.dirichletData = constant(0.)
elif problem == 'constant':
self.domainIndicator = domainIndicator
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
self.interactionIndicator = interactionIndicator+boundaryIndicator
self.rhsData = constant(1.)
self.fluxData = constant(0)
self.dirichletData = constant(0.)
if (kType == FRACTIONAL) and (isinstance(self.kernel.s, constFractionalOrder) or
isinstance(self.kernel.s, variableConstFractionalOrder)) and not self.kernel.finiteHorizon:
self.analyticSolution = functionFactory('solFractional', dim=1, s=self.kernel.s.value)
elif problem == 'gaussian':
if kType == GAUSSIAN and not self.kernel.finiteHorizon:
gaussian_variance = self.kernel.getKernelParam('variance')
gaussian_variance = 1.0
self.domainIndicator = domainIndicator
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
self.interactionIndicator = interactionIndicator+boundaryIndicator
self.rhsData = functionFactory('Lambda', lambda x:
self.fluxData = constant(0)
self.dirichletData = constant(0.)
if (kType == GAUSSIAN) and not self.kernel.finiteHorizon:
# not quite correct:
# The Dirichlet data should really be np.exp(-0.5*x[0]**2/gaussian_variance),
# but this will do as long as the variance is small enough.
self.analyticSolution = functionFactory('Lambda', lambda x: np.exp(-0.5*x[0]**2/gaussian_variance))
elif problem == 'exponential':
if kType == EXPONENTIAL and not self.kernel.finiteHorizon:
exponentialRate = self.kernel.getKernelParam('exponentialRate')
exponentialRate = 1.0
self.domainIndicator = domainIndicator
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
self.interactionIndicator = interactionIndicator+boundaryIndicator
self.rhsData = functionFactory('Lambda', lambda x: np.exp(-exponentialRate*abs(x[0])) * (1/exponentialRate-abs(x[0])) * kernel.scalingValue * 2.0)
self.fluxData = constant(0)
self.dirichletData = constant(0.)
if (kType == EXPONENTIAL) and not self.kernel.finiteHorizon:
# not quite correct:
# The Dirichlet data should really be np.exp(-exponentialRate*abs(x[0])),
# but this will do as long as the exponentialRate is small enough.
self.analyticSolution = functionFactory('Lambda', lambda x: np.exp(-exponentialRate*abs(x[0])))
elif problem == 'discontinuous':
self.domainIndicator = domainIndicator
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
self.interactionIndicator = interactionIndicator+boundaryIndicator
jumpPoint = 0.2
horizonBase = self.kernel.horizon.value
def f1lam(x):
v = x[0]-(jumpPoint-0.5)
if v < 0.5-horizonBase:
return 0.
elif v < 0.5:
return -(2/horizonBase**2) * (0.5*horizonBase**2-horizonBase+3/8 +
(2*horizonBase-3/2-np.log(horizonBase))*v +
(3/2+np.log(horizonBase))*v**2 - (v**2-v)*np.log(0.5-v))
elif v < 0.5+horizonBase:
return -(2/horizonBase**2) * (0.5*horizonBase**2-horizonBase-3/8 +
(2*horizonBase+3/2+np.log(horizonBase))*v -
(3/2+np.log(horizonBase))*v**2 + (v**2-v)*np.log(v-0.5))
return -2.
self.rhsData = functionFactory('Lambda', f1lam)
self.fluxData = constant(0)
self.dirichletData = functionFactory('Lambda', lambda x: x[0]+(0.5-jumpPoint) if x[0]+(0.5-jumpPoint) < 0.5 else (x[0]+(0.5-jumpPoint))**2)
if kType == PERIDYNAMIC:
self.analyticSolution = self.dirichletData
raise NotImplementedError(problem)
elif domain == 'square':
mesh_domain = domain
# mesh_params['uniform'] = True
if isinstance(sFun, layersFractionalOrder):
t = np.array(sFun.layerBoundaries)[1:-1]
mesh_params['preserveLinesHorizontal'] = t.tolist()
elif isinstance(sFun, leftRightFractionalOrder) or isinstance(phiFun, leftRightTwoPoint):
mesh_params['preserveLinesVertical'] = [0.]
nI = nonlocalMeshFactory.build(mesh_domain, skipMesh=True, **mesh_params)
self.tag = nI['tag']
self.zeroExterior = nI['zeroExterior']
self.domainInteriorIndicator = domainIndicator = nI['domain']
self.boundaryIndicator = boundaryIndicator = nI['boundary']
self.interactionInteriorIndicator = interactionIndicator = nI['interaction']
self.domainIndicator = domainIndicator
self.interactionIndicator = interactionIndicator+boundaryIndicator
if problem == 'poly-Dirichlet' and isinstance(interactionFun, (ball2_retriangulation, ball2_barycenter)):
self.problemDescription = "constant rhs with zero Dirichlet condition"
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
self.rhsData = constant(2)
self.fluxData = constant(0)
self.dirichletData = Lambda(lambda x: 1-x[0]**2)
if (((kType == FRACTIONAL and isinstance(sFun, constFractionalOrder)) or
phiFun is None and
self.analyticSolution = Lambda(lambda x: 1-x[0]**2)
elif (self.parametrizedArg('linear2d').match(problem) or
# u(x) = x \dot (Bx) + c \dot x + d
if self.parametrizedArg('linear2d').match(problem):
self.problemDescription = "rhs giving rise to quadratic solution"
B = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=REAL)
c = np.zeros((2), dtype=REAL)
c[0], c[1] = self.parametrizedArg('linear2d').interpret(problem)
d = 0.
elif self.parametrizedArg('quadratic2d').match(problem):
self.problemDescription = "rhs giving rise to quadratic solution"
B = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=REAL)
B[0, 0], B[0, 1], B[1, 1] = self.parametrizedArg('quadratic2d').interpret(problem)
B[1, 0] = B[0, 1]
c = np.zeros((2), dtype=REAL)
d = 0.
if isinstance(interactionFun, (ellipse_barycenter, ellipse_retriangulation)):
if isinstance(self.kernel.interaction.a, constant) and isinstance(self.kernel.interaction.b, constant) and isinstance(self.kernel.interaction.theta, constant):
horizon = self.kernel.horizonValue
C = 2.*kernel.scalingValue
theta = self.kernel.interaction.theta.value
a = self.kernel.interaction.a.value
b = self.kernel.interaction.b.value
rotation = np.array([[np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)],
[-np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]], dtype=REAL)
A_inv_half = rotation @ np.array([[a*horizon, 0.], [0., b*horizon]], dtype=REAL) @ rotation.T
B2 = A_inv_half @ B @ A_inv_half
tr_A_inv_half_B_A_inv_half = B2[0, 0]+B2[1, 1]
det_A_inv = abs(np.linalg.det(A_inv_half))
self.rhsData = functionFactory('constant', -C*np.pi*0.25 * tr_A_inv_half_B_A_inv_half * det_A_inv)
def fun(x):
horizon = self.kernel.horizonValue
C = 2.*kernel.scalingValue
theta = self.kernel.interaction.theta(x)
a = self.kernel.interaction.a(x)
b = self.kernel.interaction.b(x)
rotation = np.array([[np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)],
[-np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]], dtype=REAL)
A_inv_half = rotation @ np.array([[a*horizon, 0.], [0., b*horizon]], dtype=REAL) @ rotation.T
B2 = A_inv_half @ B @ A_inv_half
tr_A_inv_half_B_A_inv_half = B2[0, 0]+B2[1, 1]
det_A_inv = abs(np.linalg.det(A_inv_half))
return -C*np.pi*0.25 * tr_A_inv_half_B_A_inv_half * det_A_inv
self.rhsData = functionFactory('Lambda', fun)
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
self.fluxData = constant(0)
self.dirichletData = functionFactory('Lambda', lambda x: np.vdot(x, B@x) + np.vdot(c, x) + d)
if (phiFun is None and normalized):
self.analyticSolution = self.dirichletData
elif isinstance(kernel.horizon, sqrtAffineFunction):
# \delta = \sqrt{2 a \cdot x + b}
# \tilde{\delta} = \sqrt{2 a \cdot x + b + a \cdot a}
a = 0.5*np.array(kernel.horizon.w)
b = kernel.horizon.c
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
C = 2.*kernel.scalingValue
trB = B[0, 0] + B[1, 1]
def delta_x_squared(x):
return 2*np.vdot(a, x) + b
def delta_tilde_x_squared(x):
return 2*np.vdot(a, x) + b + np.vdot(a, a)
self.rhsData = -C*np.pi * functionFactory('Lambda',
lambda x: 0.25*trB * (delta_x_squared(x)**2 + delta_tilde_x_squared(x)**2)
+ np.vdot(c+2*B@x+B@a, a) * delta_tilde_x_squared(x))
self.fluxData = constant(0)
self.dirichletData = functionFactory('Lambda', lambda x: np.vdot(x, B@x) + np.vdot(c, x) + d)
if (kType == INDICATOR) and (phiFun is None) and (not normalized) and isinstance(interactionFun, ball2_retriangulation):
self.analyticSolution = self.dirichletData
raise NotImplementedError()
elif self.parametrizedArg('polynomial').match(problem):
self.domainIndicator = domainIndicator
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
self.interactionIndicator = interactionIndicator+boundaryIndicator
self.fluxData = constant(0)
polyOrder = self.parametrizedArg('polynomial').interpret(problem)[0]
knownSolution = (((kType == FRACTIONAL and isinstance(sFun, (constFractionalOrder, variableConstFractionalOrder,
singleVariableUnsymmetricFractionalOrder))) or
phiFun is None and
normalized and
0 <= polyOrder <= 3)
if polyOrder == 0:
self.rhsData = functionFactory('constant', 0.)
self.dirichletData = functionFactory('constant', 1.)
if knownSolution:
self.analyticSolution = self.dirichletData
elif polyOrder == 1:
self.rhsData = functionFactory('constant', 0.)
self.dirichletData = functionFactory('x0')
if knownSolution:
self.analyticSolution = self.dirichletData
elif polyOrder == 2:
self.rhsData = functionFactory('constant', -2)
self.dirichletData = functionFactory('x0**2')
if knownSolution:
self.analyticSolution = self.dirichletData
elif polyOrder == 3:
self.rhsData = -6*functionFactory('x0')
self.dirichletData = functionFactory('x0**3')
if knownSolution:
self.analyticSolution = self.dirichletData
self.rhsData = functionFactory('Lambda', lambda x: -polyOrder*(polyOrder-1)*x[0]**(polyOrder-2))
self.dirichletData = functionFactory('Lambda', lambda x: x[0]**polyOrder)
if knownSolution:
self.analyticSolution = self.dirichletData
elif problem == 'poly-Neumann':
self.fluxIndicator = Lambda(lambda x: 1. if (x[0] > 1) else 0.)
raise NotImplementedError(problem)
elif problem == 'sin-Dirichlet':
# forcing with known local solution
self.domainIndicator = domainIndicator
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
self.interactionIndicator = interactionIndicator+boundaryIndicator
sin = functionFactory('sin2d')
self.rhsData = 2.0*np.pi**2 * sin
self.fluxData = constant(0)
self.dirichletData = sin
if kType is None:
self.analyticSolution = sin
self.analyticSolution = None
elif problem == 'source':
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
self.rhsData = (functionFactory.build('radialIndicator', radius=0.3, center=np.array([0.2, 0.6], dtype=REAL)) -
functionFactory.build('radialIndicator', radius=0.3, center=np.array([-0.2, -0.6], dtype=REAL)))
self.fluxData = constant(0)
self.dirichletData = constant(0)
elif problem == 'constant':
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
self.rhsData = constant(1.)
self.fluxData = constant(0)
self.dirichletData = constant(0)
raise NotImplementedError(problem)
elif domain in ('disc', 'gradedDisc'):
mesh_domain = domain
nI = nonlocalMeshFactory.build(mesh_domain, skipMesh=True, **mesh_params)
self.tag = nI['tag']
self.zeroExterior = nI['zeroExterior']
self.domainInteriorIndicator = domainIndicator = nI['domain']
self.boundaryIndicator = boundaryIndicator = nI['boundary']
self.interactionInteriorIndicator = interactionIndicator = nI['interaction']
self.domainIndicator = domainIndicator+boundaryIndicator
self.interactionIndicator = interactionIndicator
if problem == 'poly-Dirichlet':
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
self.rhsData = constant(2)
self.fluxData = constant(0)
self.dirichletData = Lambda(lambda x: 1-x[0]**2)
if isinstance(sFun, constFractionalOrder) and isinstance(phiFun, constantTwoPoint) and normalized:
self.analyticSolution = Lambda(lambda x: 1-x[0]**2)
elif problem == 'poly-Neumann':
self.fluxIndicator = Lambda(lambda x: 1. if (x[0] > 1) else 0.)
raise NotImplementedError(problem)
elif problem == 'source':
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
self.rhsData = (functionFactory.build('radialIndicator', radius=0.3, center=np.array([0.2, 0.6], dtype=REAL)) -
functionFactory.build('radialIndicator', radius=0.3, center=np.array([-0.2, -0.6], dtype=REAL)))
self.fluxData = constant(0)
self.dirichletData = constant(0)
elif problem == 'constant':
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
self.rhsData = constant(1.)
self.fluxData = constant(0)
self.dirichletData = constant(0)
if (kType == FRACTIONAL) and (isinstance(self.kernel.s, constFractionalOrder) or
isinstance(self.kernel.s, variableConstFractionalOrder)):
self.analyticSolution = functionFactory('solFractional', dim=2, s=self.kernel.s.value)
raise NotImplementedError(problem)
elif domain == 'discWithIslands':
mesh_domain = domain
nI = nonlocalMeshFactory.build(mesh_domain, skipMesh=True, **mesh_params)
self.tag = nI['tag']
self.zeroExterior = nI['zeroExterior']
self.domainInteriorIndicator = domainIndicator = nI['domain']
self.boundaryIndicator = boundaryIndicator = nI['boundary']
self.interactionInteriorIndicator = interactionIndicator = nI['interaction']
self.domainIndicator = domainIndicator+boundaryIndicator
self.interactionIndicator = interactionIndicator
if problem == 'poly-Dirichlet':
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
self.rhsData = constant(2)
self.fluxData = constant(0)
self.dirichletData = Lambda(lambda x: 1-x[0]**2)
if isinstance(sFun, constFractionalOrder) and isinstance(phiFun, constantTwoPoint) and normalized:
self.analyticSolution = Lambda(lambda x: 1-x[0]**2)
elif problem == 'poly-Neumann':
self.fluxIndicator = Lambda(lambda x: 1. if (x[0] > 1) else 0.)
raise NotImplementedError(problem)
elif problem == 'source':
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
self.rhsData = (functionFactory.build('radialIndicator', radius=0.3, center=np.array([0.2, 0.6], dtype=REAL)) -
functionFactory.build('radialIndicator', radius=0.3, center=np.array([-0.2, -0.6], dtype=REAL)))
self.fluxData = constant(0)
self.dirichletData = constant(0)
elif problem == 'constant':
self.fluxIndicator = constant(0)
self.rhsData = constant(1.)
self.fluxData = constant(0)
self.dirichletData = constant(0)
raise NotImplementedError(problem)
raise NotImplementedError(domain)
self.mesh_domain = mesh_domain
self.mesh_params = mesh_params
# should be equal to the forcing term within the domain and equal to
# the flux term in the interaction region
self.rhs = (indicatorFunctor(self.rhsData, self.domainIndicator) +
indicatorFunctor(self.fluxData, self.fluxIndicator))
def getApproximationParams(self, dim, kernel, element, target_order):
element = str2DoFMapOrder(element)
if kernel is not None:
kType = kernel.kernelType
kType = 'local'
if kType == FRACTIONAL:
s = kernel.s
if dim == 1:
if target_order <= 0.:
if s is not None:
target_order = (1+element-s.min)/dim
target_order = 2.
if self.target_order <= 0.:
target_order = 1/dim
if element == 2:
raise NotImplementedError()
self.directlySetWithoutChecks('target_order', target_order)
if target_order <= 0.:
target_order = 2/dim
self.directlySetWithoutChecks('target_order', target_order)
if dim == 1:
self.eta = 1.
self.eta = 3.
def buildMesh(self, mesh_domain, mesh_params, hTarget):
from copy import copy
myMeshParams = copy(mesh_params)
myMeshParams['hTarget'] = hTarget
self.mesh, _ = nonlocalMeshFactory.build(mesh_domain, **myMeshParams)
class transientFractionalProblem(fractionalLaplacianProblem):
def __init__(self, driver, useMulti=False):
super().__init__(driver, useMulti)
def setDriverArgs(self):
self.setDriverFlag('finalTime', 1.0, help='final time')
@generates(['mesh_domain', 'mesh_params',
'tag', 'zeroExterior', 'boundaryCondition',
'domainIndicator', 'fluxIndicator', 'interactionIndicator',
'rhs', 'rhsData', 'dirichletData',
'analyticSolution', 'exactL2Squared', 'exactHsSquared',
def processProblem(self, kernel, dim, domain, domainParams, problem, normalized):
super().processProblem(kernel, dim, domain, domainParams, problem, normalized)
steadyStateRHS = self.rhs
steadyStateRHSdata = self.rhsData
steadyStateDirichletData = self.dirichletData
steadyStateFluxData = self.fluxData
steadyStateAnalyticSolution = self.analyticSolution
steadyStateexactL2Squared = self.exactL2Squared
steadyStateexactHsSquared = self.exactHsSquared
if steadyStateAnalyticSolution is not None:
self.analyticSolution = lambda t: np.cos(t)*steadyStateAnalyticSolution
self.rhs = lambda t: -np.sin(t)*steadyStateAnalyticSolution + np.cos(t)*steadyStateRHS
self.rhsData = lambda t: -np.sin(t)*steadyStateAnalyticSolution + np.cos(t)*steadyStateRHSdata
self.analyticSolution = None
self.rhs = lambda t: np.cos(t)*steadyStateRHS
self.rhsData = lambda t: np.cos(t)*steadyStateRHSdata
if steadyStateexactL2Squared is not None:
self.exactL2Squared = lambda t: np.cos(t)**2 * steadyStateexactL2Squared
self.exactL2Squared = None
if steadyStateexactHsSquared is not None:
self.exactHsSquared = lambda t: np.cos(t)**2 * steadyStateexactHsSquared
self.exactHsSquared = None
if self.analyticSolution is not None:
self.initial = self.analyticSolution(0.)
self.initial = functionFactory('constant', 0.)
if steadyStateDirichletData is not None:
self.dirichletData = lambda t: np.cos(t)*steadyStateDirichletData
if steadyStateFluxData is not None:
self.fluxData = lambda t: np.cos(t)*steadyStateFluxData
def report(self, group):
group.add('finalTime', self.finalTime)
class nonlocalInterfaceProblem(problem):
def setDriverArgs(self):
self.setDriverFlag('domain', acceptedValues=['doubleInterval', 'doubleSquare'])
self.setDriverFlag('problem', acceptedValues=['polynomial-variableSolJump-fluxJump',
self.setDriverFlag('element', acceptedValues=['P1', 'P0'])
self.setDriverFlag('kernel1Type', acceptedValues=['fractional', 'indicator', 'peridynamic'])
self.setDriverFlag('kernel2Type', acceptedValues=['fractional', 'indicator', 'peridynamic'])
self.setDriverFlag('horizon1', 0.1)
self.setDriverFlag('horizon2', 0.2)
self.setDriverFlag('hTarget', 0.05)
self.setDriverFlag('s11', 0.4)
self.setDriverFlag('s12', 0.4)
self.setDriverFlag('s21', 0.7)
self.setDriverFlag('s22', 0.7)
self.setDriverFlag('coeff11', 1.)
self.setDriverFlag('coeff12', 1.)
self.setDriverFlag('coeff21', 1.)
self.setDriverFlag('coeff22', 1.)
def processProblem(self, domain, problem, element, kernel1Type, kernel2Type, horizon1, horizon2,
hTarget, s11, s12, s21, s22, coeff11, coeff12, coeff21, coeff22):
if domain == 'doubleInterval':
dim = 1
a, b, c = 0, 2, 1
elif domain == 'doubleSquare':
dim = 2
ax = 0
ay = 0
bx = 2
by = 1
cx = 1
raise NotImplementedError()
kType1 = getKernelEnum(kernel1Type)
kType2 = getKernelEnum(kernel2Type)
if (s11 == s12) and (s21 == s22):
s1 = constFractionalOrder(s11)
s2 = constFractionalOrder(s22)
elif (s11 == s21) and (s12 == s22):
assert dim == 1
s1 = leftRightFractionalOrder(s11, s22, s11, s11, interface=c)
s2 = leftRightFractionalOrder(s11, s22, s22, s22, interface=c)
raise NotImplementedError()
if (coeff11 == coeff12 == 1.0):
phi1 = None
elif (coeff11 == coeff12):
phi1 = constantTwoPoint(coeff11)
assert dim == 1
phi1 = leftRightTwoPoint(coeff11, coeff12, coeff11, coeff11, interface=c)
if (coeff22 == coeff21 == 1.0):
phi2 = None
elif (coeff22 == coeff21):
phi2 = constantTwoPoint(coeff22)
assert dim == 1
phi2 = leftRightTwoPoint(coeff21, coeff22, coeff22, coeff22, interface=c)
if dim == 1:
phi1 = interfaceTwoPoint(horizon1, horizon2, True, interface=c)
phi2 = interfaceTwoPoint(horizon1, horizon2, False, interface=c)
elif dim == 2:
phi1 = interfaceTwoPoint(horizon1, horizon2, True, interface=cx)
phi2 = interfaceTwoPoint(horizon1, horizon2, False, interface=cx)
kernel1 = getKernel(dim=dim, kernel=kType1, s=s1, horizon=constant(horizon1), phi=phi1)
kernel2 = getKernel(dim=dim, kernel=kType2, s=s2, horizon=constant(horizon2), phi=phi2)
self.mult = constant(1/(horizon1+horizon2))
local_L2ex_left = None
local_L2ex_right = None
local_H10ex_left = None
local_H10ex_right = None
if domain == 'doubleInterval':
from PyNucleus_fem.mesh import doubleIntervalWithInteractions
mesh = doubleIntervalWithInteractions(horizon1=horizon1, horizon2=horizon2, h=hTarget)
eps = 1e-9
subdomainIndicator1 = squareIndicator(np.array([a-horizon1+eps], dtype=REAL),
np.array([c+horizon1-eps], dtype=REAL))
subdomainIndicator2 = squareIndicator(np.array([c-horizon2+eps], dtype=REAL),
np.array([b+horizon2-eps], dtype=REAL))
localSubdomainIndicator1 = squareIndicator(np.array([a+eps], dtype=REAL),
np.array([c-eps], dtype=REAL))
localInterfaceIndicator = squareIndicator(np.array([c-eps], dtype=REAL),
np.array([c+eps], dtype=REAL))
localSubdomainIndicator2 = squareIndicator(np.array([c+eps], dtype=REAL),
np.array([b-eps], dtype=REAL))
domainIndicator1 = squareIndicator(np.array([a+eps], dtype=REAL),
np.array([c-horizon2-eps], dtype=REAL))
domainIndicator2 = squareIndicator(np.array([c+horizon1+eps], dtype=REAL),
np.array([b-eps], dtype=REAL))
interfaceIndicator = squareIndicator(np.array([c-horizon2-eps], dtype=REAL),
np.array([c+horizon1+eps], dtype=REAL))
dirichletIndicator1 = constant(1.)-domainIndicator1-interfaceIndicator
dirichletIndicator2 = constant(1.)-domainIndicator2-interfaceIndicator
if problem == 'polynomial-noSolJump-noFluxJump':
assert kType1 == INDICATOR
assert kType2 == INDICATOR
sol_1 = Lambda(lambda x: 1-(1-x[0])**2)
sol_2 = Lambda(lambda x: 1-(1-x[0])**2)
diri_left = sol_1
diri_right = sol_2
forcing_left = constant(2*coeff11)
forcing_right = constant(2*coeff22)
# sol_jump = constant(-1.)
sol_jump = sol_2-sol_1
scaling1 = kernel1.scalingValue
scaling2 = kernel2.scalingValue
def flux_left_lam(x):
dist = 1+horizon1-x[0]
return 2*scaling1 * ((x[0]-1) * (dist**2-horizon1**2) + 1/3 * (horizon1**3 + dist**3))
def flux_right_lam(x):
dist = x[0]-(1-horizon2)
return 2*scaling2 * ((x[0]-1) * (horizon2**2-dist**2) + 1/3 * (horizon2**3 + dist**3))
flux_left = Lambda(flux_left_lam)
flux_right = Lambda(flux_right_lam)
flux_jump = (horizon1+horizon2)*(indicatorFunctor(flux_right, localSubdomainIndicator1) + indicatorFunctor(flux_left, localSubdomainIndicator2))
# flux_jump = constant(0.)
elif problem == 'patch-test':
sol_1 = Lambda(lambda x: x[0])
sol_2 = Lambda(lambda x: x[0])
diri_left = sol_1
diri_right = sol_2
forcing_left = constant(0.)
forcing_right = constant(0.)
sol_jump = sol_2-sol_1
flux_left = constant(0.)
flux_right = constant(0.)
self.mult = constant(1.)
flux_jump = constant(0.)
elif problem == 'polynomial-variableSolJump-fluxJump':
sol_1 = Lambda(lambda x: x[0]**2)
sol_2 = Lambda(lambda x: (x[0]-1)**2)
diri_left = sol_1
diri_right = sol_2
forcing_left = constant(-2*coeff11)
forcing_right = constant(-2*coeff22)
# sol_jump = constant(-1.)
sol_jump = sol_2-sol_1
def flux_left_lam(x):
dist = 1+horizon1-x[0]
return -2*kernel1.scalingValue * (x[0] * (dist**2-horizon1**2) + 1/3 * (horizon1**3 + dist**3))
def flux_right_lam(x):
dist = x[0]-1+horizon2
return -2*kernel2.scalingValue * ((x[0]-1) * (horizon2**2-dist**2) + 1/3 * (horizon2**3 + dist**3))
flux_left = Lambda(flux_left_lam)
flux_right = Lambda(flux_right_lam)
flux_jump = (horizon1+horizon2)*(indicatorFunctor(flux_right, localSubdomainIndicator1) + indicatorFunctor(flux_left, localSubdomainIndicator2))
elif problem == 'polynomial-nojump':
sol_1 = Lambda(lambda x: (x[0]-1)**2)
sol_2 = Lambda(lambda x: (x[0]-1)**2)
diri_left = sol_1
diri_right = sol_2
forcing_left = constant(-2*coeff11)
forcing_right = constant(-2*coeff22)
sol_jump = constant(0)
flux_jump = constant(0)
elif problem == 'exact-sin-variableSolJump-fluxJump':
# the nonlocal problem has a know exact solution
assert kType1 in (INDICATOR, FRACTIONAL)
assert kType2 in (INDICATOR, FRACTIONAL)
assert coeff11 == coeff12
assert coeff21 == coeff22
sin = functionFactory('sin1d')
# cos = functionFactory('cos1d')
one = functionFactory('constant', 1)
sol_1 = sin
sol_2 = one - sin
diri_left = sol_1
diri_right = sol_2
sol_jump = sol_2-sol_1
# Get scaling values for interactions within subdomains
scaling1 = kernel1.scalingValue
scaling2 = kernel2.scalingValue
from scipy.integrate import quad
if kType1 == INDICATOR:
forcing_left = -coeff11*(2.*scaling1) * 2*(np.sin(np.pi*horizon1)/np.pi-horizon1) * sin
elif kType1 == FRACTIONAL:
assert isinstance(kernel1.s, constFractionalOrder)
sBase1 = kernel1.s.value
from scipy.special import gamma
def Phi1(delta):
if delta > 0:
fac = delta**(-2*sBase1)
integral = 0.
for k in range(1, 100):
integral += fac * (-1)**(k+1) * (np.pi*delta)**(2*k) / (2*k-2*sBase1) / Gamma(2*k+1)
return integral
return 0.
forcing_left = 4 * scaling1 * Phi1(horizon1) * sin
def flux_left_lam(x):
# assert c < x[0] < c+horizon1
u1x = sol_1(x)
u2x = sol_2(x)
Int = 0.
if x[0]-horizon1 < c-horizon2:
Int += 2. * quad(lambda y: (u1x-sol_1(np.array([y]))) * kernel1(x, np.array([y])), x[0]-horizon1, c-horizon2)[0]
if max(c-horizon2, x[0]-horizon1) < c:
Int += 2. * quad(lambda y: (u1x-sol_1(np.array([y]))) * kernel1(x, np.array([y])), max(c-horizon2, x[0]-horizon1), c)[0]
if max(c-horizon2, x[0]-horizon2) < c:
Int -= 2. * quad(lambda y: (u2x-sol_2(np.array([y]))) * kernel2(x, np.array([y])), max(c-horizon2, x[0]-horizon2), c)[0]
return Int
if kType2 == INDICATOR:
forcing_right = -coeff22*(2.*scaling2) * 2*(np.sin(np.pi*horizon2)/np.pi-horizon2) * (-sin)
elif kType2 == FRACTIONAL:
assert isinstance(kernel2.s, constFractionalOrder)
sBase2 = kernel2.s.value
def Phi2(delta):
if delta > 0:
fac = delta**(-2*sBase2)
integral = 0.
for k in range(1, 100):
integral += fac * (-1)**(k+1) * (np.pi*delta)**(2*k) / (2*k-2*sBase2) / Gamma(2*k+1)
return integral
return 0.
forcing_right = 4 * scaling2 * Phi2(horizon2) * (-sin)
def flux_right_lam(x):
# assert c-horizon2 < x[0] < c
u1x = sol_1(x)
u2x = sol_2(x)
Int = 0.
if c+horizon1 < x[0]+horizon2:
Int += 2. * quad(lambda y: (u2x-sol_2(np.array([y]))) * kernel2(x, np.array([y])), c+horizon1, x[0]+horizon2)[0]
if c < min(c+horizon1, x[0]+horizon2):
Int += 2. * quad(lambda y: (u2x-sol_2(np.array([y]))) * kernel2(x, np.array([y])), c, min(c+horizon1, x[0]+horizon2))[0]
if c < min(c+horizon1, x[0]+horizon1):
Int -= 2. * quad(lambda y: (u1x-sol_1(np.array([y]))) * kernel1(x, np.array([y])), c, min(c+horizon1, x[0]+horizon1))[0]
return Int
flux_left = Lambda(flux_left_lam)
flux_right = Lambda(flux_right_lam)
self.mult = constant(1.)
flux_jump = indicatorFunctor(flux_right, localSubdomainIndicator1) + indicatorFunctor(flux_left, localSubdomainIndicator2)
self.nonlocal_L2ex_left = 0.5
self.nonlocal_L2ex_right = 1.5+4/np.pi
elif problem == 'sin-fixedSolJump-fluxJump':
# the local problem has a know exact solution
sin = functionFactory('sin1d')
one = functionFactory('constant', 1)
sol_1 = sin
sol_2 = one-2*sin
diri_left = sol_1
diri_right = sol_2
forcing_left = coeff11 * np.pi**2 * sin
forcing_right = -2*coeff22 * np.pi**2 * sin
sol_jump = one
flux_jump = constant(-np.pi*coeff11 - 2*np.pi*coeff22)
local_L2ex_left = 0.5
local_L2ex_right = 3.+8/np.pi
local_H10ex_left = np.pi**2 * coeff11 * 0.5
local_H10ex_right = np.pi**2 * coeff22 * (2.0 + 4/np.pi)
elif problem == 'sin-variableSolJump-fluxJump':
# the local problem has a know exact solution
sin = functionFactory('sin1d')
one = functionFactory('constant', 1)
sol_1 = sin
sol_2 = one-2*sin
diri_left = sol_1
diri_right = sol_2
forcing_left = coeff11 * np.pi**2 * sin
forcing_right = -2*coeff22 * np.pi**2 * sin
sol_jump = sol_2-sol_1
flux_jump = constant(-np.pi*coeff11 - 2*np.pi*coeff22)
local_L2ex_left = 0.5
local_L2ex_right = 3.+8/np.pi
local_H10ex_left = np.pi**2 * coeff11 * 0.5
local_H10ex_right = np.pi**2 * coeff22 * (2.0 + 4/np.pi)
elif problem == 'sin-nojump':
sin = functionFactory('sin1d')
sol_1 = sin * (1./coeff11)
sol_2 = sin * (1./coeff22)
diri_left = sol_1
diri_right = sol_2
forcing_left = np.pi**2 * sin
forcing_right = np.pi**2 * sin
sol_jump = constant(0)
flux_jump = constant(0)
raise NotImplementedError(problem)
elif domain == 'doubleSquare':
from PyNucleus_fem.mesh import doubleSquareWithInteractions
mesh = doubleSquareWithInteractions(horizon1=horizon1, horizon2=horizon2, h=hTarget)
eps = 1e-9
subdomainIndicator1 = (squareIndicator(np.array([ax-horizon1-eps, ay-horizon1-eps], dtype=REAL),
np.array([cx+eps, by+horizon1+eps], dtype=REAL)) +
squareIndicator(np.array([cx, ay], dtype=REAL),
np.array([cx+horizon1+eps, by], dtype=REAL)) +
radialIndicator(horizon1+eps, np.array([cx, ay], dtype=REAL)) +
radialIndicator(horizon1+eps, np.array([cx, by], dtype=REAL)))
subdomainIndicator2 = (squareIndicator(np.array([cx-eps, -horizon2-eps], dtype=REAL),
np.array([bx+horizon2+eps, by+horizon2+eps], dtype=REAL)) +
squareIndicator(np.array([cx-horizon2-eps, ay], dtype=REAL),
np.array([cx, by], dtype=REAL)) +
radialIndicator(horizon2+eps, np.array([cx, ay], dtype=REAL)) +
radialIndicator(horizon2+eps, np.array([cx, by], dtype=REAL)))
localSubdomainIndicator1 = squareIndicator(np.array([ax+eps, ay+eps], dtype=REAL),
np.array([cx-eps, by-eps], dtype=REAL))
localInterfaceIndicator = squareIndicator(np.array([cx-eps, ay+eps], dtype=REAL),
np.array([cx+eps, by-eps], dtype=REAL))
localSubdomainIndicator2 = squareIndicator(np.array([cx+eps, ay+eps], dtype=REAL),
np.array([bx-eps, by-eps], dtype=REAL))
domainIndicator1 = squareIndicator(np.array([ax+eps, ay+eps], dtype=REAL),
np.array([cx-horizon2-eps, by-eps], dtype=REAL))
domainIndicator2 = squareIndicator(np.array([cx+horizon1+eps, ay+eps], dtype=REAL),
np.array([bx-eps, by-eps], dtype=REAL))
interfaceIndicator = squareIndicator(np.array([cx-horizon2-eps, ay+eps], dtype=REAL),
np.array([cx+horizon1+eps, by-eps], dtype=REAL))
dirichletIndicator1 = constant(1.)-domainIndicator1-interfaceIndicator
dirichletIndicator2 = constant(1.)-domainIndicator2-interfaceIndicator
def bnds(x1, x2, y1, horizon):
r = horizon**2-(y1-x1)**2
if r > 0:
r = np.sqrt(r)
lim = (max(x2-r, ay), min(x2+r, by))
lim = (x2, x2)
return lim
IJ1 = [lambda y1, x1, x2, horizon: bnds(x1, x2, y1, horizon),
lambda x1, x2, horizon: (cx, cx+horizon1)]
IJ2 = [lambda y1, x1, x2, horizon: bnds(x1, x2, y1, horizon),
lambda x1, x2, horizon: (max(x1-horizon, cx-horizon2), min(x1+horizon, cx))]
OmegaJ2 = [lambda y1, x1, x2, horizon: bnds(x1, x2, y1, horizon),
lambda x1, x2, horizon: (cx+horizon1, cx+horizon2)]
if problem == 'polynomial-noSolJump-noFluxJump':
assert kType1 == INDICATOR
assert kType2 == INDICATOR
sol_1 = Lambda(lambda x: 1-(1-x[0])**2)
sol_2 = Lambda(lambda x: 1-(1-x[0])**2)
diri_left = sol_1
diri_right = sol_2
forcing_left = constant(2*coeff11)
forcing_right = constant(2*coeff22)
sol_jump = sol_2-sol_1
scaling1 = kernel1.scalingValue
scaling2 = kernel2.scalingValue
def flux_left_lam(x):
dist = 1+horizon1-x[0]
return 4*scaling1 * (-2/3*(x[0]-1) * (horizon1**2-dist**2)**(3/2) +
1/8 * (np.sqrt(horizon1**2 - dist**2) * dist * (2*dist**2 - horizon1**2)) +
horizon1**4/8 * (np.arcsin(dist/horizon1)-np.arcsin(-1)))
def flux_right_lam(x):
dist = x[0]-(1-horizon2)
return 4*scaling2 * (-2/3*(x[0]-1) * (-1)*(horizon2**2-dist**2)**(3/2) +
1/8 * (np.sqrt(horizon2**2 - dist**2) * dist * (2*dist**2 - horizon2**2)) +
horizon2**4/8 * (np.arcsin(1)-np.arcsin(-dist/horizon2)))
flux_left = Lambda(flux_left_lam)
flux_right = Lambda(flux_right_lam)
self.mult = constant(1.)
flux_jump = indicatorFunctor(flux_right, localSubdomainIndicator1) + indicatorFunctor(flux_left, localSubdomainIndicator2)
# flux_jump = constant(0.)
elif problem == 'polynomial':
sol_1 = Lambda(lambda x: x[0]**2)
sol_2 = Lambda(lambda x: (x[0]-1)**2)
diri_left = sol_1
diri_right = sol_2
forcing_left = constant(-2)
forcing_right = constant(-2)
# sol_jump = sol_2-sol_1
sol_jump = constant(-1.)
flux_jump = constant(2)
elif problem == 'sin':
sol_1 = Lambda(lambda x: np.sin(np.pi*x[0]))
sol_2 = Lambda(lambda x: np.sin(np.pi*(x[0]-1)))
diri_left = sol_1
diri_right = sol_2
forcing_left = Lambda(lambda x: np.pi**2*np.sin(np.pi*x[0])*coeff11)
forcing_right = Lambda(lambda x: np.pi**2*np.sin(np.pi*(x[0]-1))*coeff22)
sol_jump = constant(0)
flux_jump = constant(-np.pi*coeff11 - np.pi*coeff22)
elif problem == 'sin1d-fixedSolJump-fluxJump':
# the local problem has a know exact solution
sin = functionFactory('sin1d')
one = functionFactory('constant', 1)
sol_1 = sin
sol_2 = one-2*sin
diri_left = sol_1
diri_right = sol_2
forcing_left = coeff11 * np.pi**2 * sin
forcing_right = -2*coeff22 * np.pi**2 * sin
sol_jump = one
flux_jump = constant(-np.pi*coeff11 - 2*np.pi*coeff22)
local_L2ex_left = 0.5
local_L2ex_right = 3.+8/np.pi
local_H10ex_left = np.pi**2 * coeff11 * 0.5
local_H10ex_right = np.pi**2 * coeff22 * (2.0 + 4/np.pi)
elif problem == 'sin-fixedSolJump-fluxJump':
# the local problem has a know exact solution
sin2d = functionFactory('Lambda', lambda x: np.sin(np.pi*x[0])*np.sin(2*np.pi*x[1]))
sin = functionFactory('sin2d')
one = functionFactory('constant', 1)
sol_1 = 2*one+2*sin2d
sol_2 = one-sin
diri_left = sol_1
diri_right = sol_2
forcing_left = coeff11 * 2*5*np.pi**2 * sin2d
forcing_right = -coeff22 * 2*np.pi**2 * sin
sol_jump = -one
flux_jump = (-2*np.pi*coeff11 * functionFactory('Lambda', lambda x: np.sin(2*np.pi*x[1])) -
np.pi*coeff22 * functionFactory('Lambda', lambda x: np.sin(np.pi*x[1])))
local_L2ex_left = 5.
local_L2ex_right = 1.25 + 8./np.pi**2
local_H10ex_left = np.pi**2 * coeff11 * 5
local_H10ex_right = np.pi**2 * coeff22 * 0.5
elif problem == 'sin-variableSolJump-fluxJump':
# the local problem has a know exact solution
sin2d = functionFactory('Lambda', lambda x: np.sin(np.pi*x[0])*np.sin(2*np.pi*x[1]))
sin = functionFactory('sin2d')
one = functionFactory('constant', 1)
sol_1 = 2*one+2*sin2d
sol_2 = one-sin
diri_left = sol_1
diri_right = sol_2
forcing_left = coeff11 * 2*5*np.pi**2 * sin2d
forcing_right = -coeff22 * 2*np.pi**2 * sin
sol_jump = -sin-one-2*sin2d
flux_jump = (-2*np.pi*coeff11 * functionFactory('Lambda', lambda x: np.sin(2*np.pi*x[1]))
- np.pi*coeff22 * functionFactory('Lambda', lambda x: np.sin(np.pi*x[1])))
local_L2ex_left = 5.
local_L2ex_right = 1.25 + 8./np.pi**2
local_H10ex_left = np.pi**2 * coeff11 * 5
local_H10ex_right = np.pi**2 * coeff22 * 0.5
elif problem == 'exact-sin1d-variableSolJump-fluxJump':
# the nonlocal problem has a know exact solution
assert kType1 in (INDICATOR, FRACTIONAL)
assert kType2 in (INDICATOR, FRACTIONAL)
assert coeff11 == coeff12
assert coeff21 == coeff22
sin = functionFactory('sin1d')
# cos = functionFactory('cos1d')
one = functionFactory('constant', 1)
sol_1 = sin
sol_2 = one - sin
diri_left = sol_1
diri_right = sol_2
sol_jump = sol_2-sol_1
# Get scaling values for interactions within subdomains
kernel1(np.array([0.5*(ax+cx), 0.5]),
np.array([0.6*ax+0.4*cx, 0.5]))
kernel2(np.array([0.5*(bx+cx), 0.5]),
np.array([0.6*bx+0.4*cx, 0.5]))
scaling1 = kernel1.scalingValue
scaling2 = kernel2.scalingValue
from scipy.integrate import quad, nquad
from scipy.special import jv
from . strongForm import getStrongIntegrand
fun1 = getStrongIntegrand(sol_1, kernel1, True)
fun2 = getStrongIntegrand(sol_2, kernel2, True)
epsabs = 1e-4
epsrel = 1e-4
def int2_1(x, y):
r = np.sqrt(horizon1**2-(x[0]-y)**2)
J = 0.
J += min(r, 1.-x[1])
J += min(r, x[1])
return J
def int2_2(x, y):
r = np.sqrt(horizon2**2-(x[0]-y)**2)
J = 0.
J += min(r, 1.-x[1])
J += min(r, x[1])
return J
if kType1 == INDICATOR:
forcing_left = coeff11*(2.*scaling1) * (np.pi*horizon1**2 - 2*horizon1*jv(1., horizon1*np.pi)) * sin
def flux_left_lam(x):
# x \in I^J_1
# assert cx < x[0] < cx+horizon1
u1x = sol_1(x)
u2x = sol_2(x)
Int = 0.
if x[0]-horizon1 < cx-horizon2:
# Omega^J_1
Int += 2. * quad(lambda y: (u1x-sol_1(np.array([y, x[1]]))) * int2_1(x, y) *
kernel1(x, np.array([y, x[1]])), x[0]-horizon1, cx-horizon2)[0]
if max(cx-horizon2, x[0]-horizon1) < cx:
# I^J_2
Int += 2. * quad(lambda y: (u1x-sol_1(np.array([y, x[1]]))) * int2_1(x, y) *
kernel1(x, np.array([y, x[1]])), max(cx-horizon2, x[0]-horizon1), cx)[0]
if max(cx-horizon2, x[0]-horizon2) < cx:
# I^J_2
Int -= 2. * quad(lambda y: (u2x-sol_2(np.array([y, x[1]]))) * int2_2(x, y) *
kernel2(x, np.array([y, x[1]])), max(cx-horizon2, x[0]-horizon2), cx)[0]
return Int
elif kType1 == FRACTIONAL:
assert isinstance(kernel1.s, constFractionalOrder)
sBase1 = kernel1.s.value
fac1 = nquad(lambda rho, theta: (1-np.cos(np.pi*rho*np.cos(theta))) * rho**(-1-2*sBase1),
[(0, horizon1), (0, 2*np.pi)])[0]
forcing_left = 2*scaling1 * fac1 * sin
def flux_left_lam(x):
# x in IJ1
# y in IJ2 \cap B(x, horizon1)
I1, err1 = nquad(fun1, IJ2, (x[0], x[1], horizon1), opts={'epsabs': epsabs, 'epsrel': epsrel})
# y in IJ2 \cap B(x, horizon2)
I2, err2 = nquad(fun2, IJ2, (x[0], x[1], horizon2), opts={'epsabs': epsabs, 'epsrel': epsrel})
return I1-I2
if kType2 == INDICATOR:
forcing_right = coeff22*(2.*scaling2) * (np.pi*horizon2**2 - 2*horizon2*jv(1., horizon2*np.pi)) * (-sin)
def flux_right_lam(x):
# x \in I^J_2
# assert cx-horizon2 < x[0] < cx
u1x = sol_1(x)
u2x = sol_2(x)
Int = 0.
if cx+horizon1 < x[0]+horizon2:
# Omega^J_2
Int += 2. * quad(lambda y: (u2x-sol_2(np.array([y, x[1]]))) * int2_2(x, y) *
kernel2(x, np.array([y, x[1]])), cx+horizon1, x[0]+horizon2)[0]
if cx < min(cx+horizon1, x[0]+horizon2):
# I^J_1
Int += 2. * quad(lambda y: (u2x-sol_2(np.array([y, x[1]]))) * int2_2(x, y) *
kernel2(x, np.array([y, x[1]])), cx, min(cx+horizon1, x[0]+horizon2))[0]
if cx < min(cx+horizon1, x[0]+horizon1):
# I^J_1
Int -= 2. * quad(lambda y: (u1x-sol_1(np.array([y, x[1]]))) * int2_1(x, y) *
kernel1(x, np.array([y, x[1]])), cx, min(cx+horizon1, x[0]+horizon1))[0]
return Int
elif kType2 == FRACTIONAL:
assert isinstance(kernel2.s, constFractionalOrder)
sBase2 = kernel2.s.value
from scipy.special import gamma
fac2 = nquad(lambda rho, theta: (1-np.cos(np.pi*rho*np.cos(theta))) * rho**(-1-2*sBase2),
[(0, horizon2), (0, 2*np.pi)])[0]
forcing_right = 2*scaling2 * fac2 * (-sin)
def flux_right_lam(x):
# x in IJ2
# y in IJ1 \cap B(x, horizon2)
I1, err1 = nquad(fun2, IJ1, (x[0], x[1], horizon2), opts={'epsabs': epsabs, 'epsrel': epsrel})
# y in OmegaJ2 \cap B(x, horizon2)
I2, err2 = nquad(fun2, OmegaJ2, (x[0], x[1], horizon2), opts={'epsabs': epsabs, 'epsrel': epsrel})
# y in IJ1 \cap B(x, horizon1)
I3, err3 = nquad(fun1, IJ1, (x[0], x[1], horizon1), opts={'epsabs': epsabs, 'epsrel': epsrel})
return I1+I2-I3
flux_left = Lambda(flux_left_lam)
flux_right = Lambda(flux_right_lam)
self.mult = constant(1.)
flux_jump = indicatorFunctor(flux_right, localSubdomainIndicator1) + indicatorFunctor(flux_left, localSubdomainIndicator2)
self.nonlocal_L2ex_left = 0.5
self.nonlocal_L2ex_right = 1.5+4/np.pi
elif problem == 'exact-sin-variableSolJump-fluxJump':
# the nonlocal problem has a know exact solution
assert kType1 in (INDICATOR, FRACTIONAL)
assert kType2 in (INDICATOR, FRACTIONAL)
assert coeff11 == coeff12
assert coeff21 == coeff22
sin2d = functionFactory('Lambda', lambda x: np.sin(np.pi*x[0])*np.sin(2*np.pi*x[1]))
sin = functionFactory('sin2d')
one = functionFactory('constant', 1)
one = functionFactory('constant', 1)
sol_1 = 2*one+2*sin2d
sol_2 = one-sin
diri_left = sol_1
diri_right = sol_2
sol_jump = sol_2-sol_1
# Get scaling values for interactions within subdomains
kernel1(np.array([0.5*(ax+cx), 0.5]),
np.array([0.6*ax+0.4*cx, 0.5]))
kernel2(np.array([0.5*(bx+cx), 0.5]),
np.array([0.6*bx+0.4*cx, 0.5]))
scaling1 = kernel1.scalingValue
scaling2 = kernel2.scalingValue
def evalRHSFac(alpha, beta, horizon, s, N=100):
from scipy.special import gamma as Gamma, binom
Int = 0.
for k in range(N):
for m in range(N):
if k+m > 0:
Int += ((-1)**(k+m+1) * alpha**(2*k)/Gamma(2*k+1) * beta**(2*m)/Gamma(2*m+1) *
horizon**(2*k+2*m-2*s) / (2*k+2*m-2*s) * 2. / binom(k+m, k-0.5) / (m+0.5))
return Int
if kType1 == INDICATOR:
sBase1 = -1.
elif kType1 == FRACTIONAL:
assert isinstance(kernel1.s, constFractionalOrder)
sBase1 = kernel1.s.value
forcing_left = 2*(2*scaling1*evalRHSFac(np.pi, 2.*np.pi, horizon1, sBase1))*sin2d
if kType2 == INDICATOR:
sBase2 = -1.
elif kType2 == FRACTIONAL:
assert isinstance(kernel2.s, constFractionalOrder)
sBase2 = kernel2.s.value
forcing_right = -(2*scaling2*evalRHSFac(np.pi, np.pi, horizon2, sBase2))*sin
from scipy.integrate import quad, nquad
from . strongForm import getStrongIntegrand
fun1 = getStrongIntegrand(sol_1, kernel1, True)
fun2 = getStrongIntegrand(sol_2, kernel2, True)
epsabs = 1e-4
epsrel = 1e-4
def flux_left_lam(x):
# x in IJ1
# y in IJ2 \cap B(x, horizon1)
I1, err1 = nquad(fun1, IJ2, (x[0], x[1], horizon1), opts={'epsabs': epsabs, 'epsrel': epsrel})
# y in IJ2 \cap B(x, horizon2)
I2, err2 = nquad(fun2, IJ2, (x[0], x[1], horizon2), opts={'epsabs': epsabs, 'epsrel': epsrel})
return I1-I2
def flux_right_lam(x):
# x in IJ2
# y in IJ1 \cap B(x, horizon2)
I1, err1 = nquad(fun2, IJ1, (x[0], x[1], horizon2), opts={'epsabs': epsabs, 'epsrel': epsrel})
# y in OmegaJ2 \cap B(x, horizon2)
I2, err2 = nquad(fun2, OmegaJ2, (x[0], x[1], horizon2), opts={'epsabs': epsabs, 'epsrel': epsrel})
# y in IJ1 \cap B(x, horizon1)
I3, err3 = nquad(fun1, IJ1, (x[0], x[1], horizon1), opts={'epsabs': epsabs, 'epsrel': epsrel})
return I1+I2-I3
flux_left = coeff11*Lambda(flux_left_lam)
flux_right = coeff22*Lambda(flux_right_lam)
self.mult = constant(1.)
flux_jump = indicatorFunctor(flux_right, localSubdomainIndicator1) + indicatorFunctor(flux_left, localSubdomainIndicator2)
self.nonlocal_L2ex_left = 5.
self.nonlocal_L2ex_right = 1.25+8/np.pi**2
raise NotImplementedError(problem)
raise NotImplementedError(domain)
self.kernel1 = kernel1
self.kernel2 = kernel2
self.mesh = mesh
self.subdomainIndicator1 = subdomainIndicator1
self.subdomainIndicator2 = subdomainIndicator2
self.localSubdomainIndicator1 = localSubdomainIndicator1
self.localInterfaceIndicator = localInterfaceIndicator
self.localSubdomainIndicator2 = localSubdomainIndicator2
self.domainIndicator1 = domainIndicator1
self.domainIndicator2 = domainIndicator2
self.interfaceIndicator = interfaceIndicator
self.dirichletIndicator1 = dirichletIndicator1
self.dirichletIndicator2 = dirichletIndicator2
self.sol_1 = sol_1
self.sol_2 = sol_2
self.diri_left = diri_left
self.diri_right = diri_right
self.forcing_left = forcing_left
self.forcing_right = forcing_right
self.sol_jump = sol_jump
self.flux_jump = flux_jump
self.local_L2ex_left = local_L2ex_left
self.local_L2ex_right = local_L2ex_right
self.local_H10ex_left = local_H10ex_left
self.local_H10ex_right = local_H10ex_right
class brusselatorProblem(problem):
Fractional order Brusselator system:
\\partial_t U = -(-\\Delta)^\\alpha U + (B-1)*U + Q^2 V + B/Q * U**2 + 2*Q*U*V + U**2 * V
\\eta**2 * \\partial_t V = -(-\\Delta)^\\beta U - B*U - Q^2 V - B/Q * U**2 - 2*Q*U*V - U**2 * V
with zero flux conditions on U and V.
s = \\beta/\\alpha
\\eta = \\sqrt(D_X**s / D_Y)
Q = A \\eta
def setDriverArgs(self):
self.setDriverFlag('domain', acceptedValues=['disc', 'rectangle', 'twinDisc'], help='computational domain')
self.setDriverFlag('bc', acceptedValues=['Neumann', 'Dirichlet'], help='type of boundary condition')
self.setDriverFlag('noRef', 3, help='number of uniform mesh refinements')
self.setDriverFlag('problem', acceptedValues=['spots', 'stripes'], help='pre-defined problems')
self.setDriverFlag('T', 200., help='final time')
def processProblem(self, domain, bc, noRef, problem, T):
from PyNucleus_fem.femCy import brusselator
if problem == 'spots':
self.alpha = self.beta = 0.75
x = 0.1
# eps = 0.1
self.eta = 0.2
if domain == 'disc':
z1, z2 = 0., 0.
R = 10.
elif domain == 'twinDisc':
z1, z2 = 11., 0.
R = 10.
def initial_U(x):
r2 = (x[0]-z1)**2 + (x[1]-z2)**2
if r2 < R**2:
return (R**2-r2)**2/R**4 * self.eta
return 0.
def initial_V(x):
r2 = (x[0]-z1)**2 + (x[1]-z2)**2
if r2 < R**2:
return (R**2-r2)**2/R**4 / self.eta
return 0.
elif problem == 'stripes':
self.alpha = self.beta = 0.75
x = 1.5
# eps = 1.0
self.eta = 0.2
if domain == 'twinDisc':
def initial_U(x):
if x[0] > 0.:
return np.random.rand() * self.eta
return 0.
def initial_V(x):
if x[0] > 0.:
return np.random.rand() / self.eta
return 0.
def initial_U(x):
return np.random.rand() * self.eta
def initial_V(x):
return np.random.rand() / self.eta
self.initial_U = functionFactory('Lambda', initial_U)
self.initial_V = functionFactory('Lambda', initial_V)
s = self.alpha/self.beta
self.Bcr = (1+x)**2/(1+(1-s)*x)
self.kcr = x**(1/self.alpha)
self.B = self.Bcr + 0.01
self.Q = np.sqrt(s*x**(1+1/s)/(1+(1-s)*x))
self.A = self.Q/self.eta
self.Dx = 1.
self.Dy = 1/self.eta**2
self.dim = nonlocalMeshFactory.getDim(domain)
self.kernelU = kernelFactory('fractional', s=self.alpha, dim=self.dim, horizon=np.inf)
self.kernelV = kernelFactory('fractional', s=self.beta, dim=self.dim, horizon=np.inf)
self.nonlinearity = brusselator(self.B, self.Q)
if bc == 'Neumann':
self.boundaryCondition = HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN
elif bc == 'Dirichlet':
self.boundaryCondition = HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET
if domain == 'disc':
self.mesh, nI = nonlocalMeshFactory('disc',
elif domain == 'square':
self.mesh = nonlocalMeshFactory('rectangle',
ax=-50., ay=-50.,
bx=50., by=50.,
N=5, M=5,
elif domain == 'twinDisc':
self.mesh, nI = nonlocalMeshFactory('twinDisc',
self.zeroExterior = nI['zeroExterior']