
There are several ways to install and run PyNucleus:

  • JupyterHub cloud instance

  • container image

  • Spack installation

  • manual installation

The easiest way to get up and running is probably to run it in the cloud. For a local installation we recommend the container image.

Running in the cloud

PyNucleus can be run directly for free from the browser on a JupyterHub server hosted at

Just click here to launch a notebook server: binder

Pre-built container image

The simplest way to use PyNucleus is to pull a container image from the GitHub Container Registry. This requires an installation of either

For many Linux distributions these can be installed from the package repositories. In what follows we will assume that we are using podman. All commands for Docker should be identical up to the substitution of podman with docker.

For example, on Ubuntu podman and podman-compose can be installed with

sudo apt-get install podman podman-compose

Instructions for other platforms can be found here.

Once podman is installed, we download a copy of compose.yaml and save it to an empty directory.


Please do not copy this file to your home directory and launch the container from there. The container keeps its state in the directory where it is launched from.

In that directory we then run

podman-compose run pynucleus

podman will download a container image for PyNucleus and then launch a shell in the container.


The download of the image will only happen once, but it could be several GB in size.

A simple way to test if things work is to run


This should print some information about the solution of a fractional Laplacian problem and show several plots.

For development using PyNucleus there is the Jupyter notebook interface that is available while the container is running at https://localhost:8889 on the host system.

Spack installation

This installation compiles PyNucleus and all its dependencies from scratch.

In order to install Spack itself, follow the instructions at

Install PyNucleus and all its dependencies with the command

spack install py-pynucleus

To then load PyNucleus

spack load py-pynucleus

The examples can be found in the install directory. In order to get there:

spack cd -i py-pynucleus

Manual installation

In order to install PyNucleus, you will need

  • Python 3,

  • MPI,

  • METIS,

  • ParMETIS,

  • SuiteSparse,

  • make.

On Debian, Ubuntu etc, the required dependencies can be installed with

sudo apt-get install python3 mpi-default-bin mpi-default-dev libmetis-dev libparmetis-dev libsuitesparse-dev

On MacOS the required dependencies can be installed with Homebrew ( via

brew install python open-mpi
brew tap brewsci/num
brew install brewsci-metis brewsci-parmetis brewsci-suite-sparse

After cloning the source code from, PyNucleus is installed via


The compilation of PyNucleus can be configured by modifying the file config.yaml in the root folder. This allows for example to set paths for libraries that are installed in non-standard directories. The defaults are as follows:

# MPI wrapper that should be used for C ('detect' -> attempt to auto detect an option)
compiler_c: detect

# MPI wrapper that should be used for C++ ('detect' -> attempt to auto detect an option)
compiler_c++: detect

# Set arch for sizes of data types ('detect' -> attempt to auto detect)
arch: detect

# Type of MPI implementation. ('openmpi' or 'generic'. 'generic' should work for other MPI implementations.)
mpi: openmpi

# flags that are passed to the compiler
- -O3
- -pipe
- -Wno-cpp

# Additional includes for compilation
includeDirs: []

# flags that are passed to the linker
- -O3
- -pipe

# Directives set for Cythonization
  binding: true
  embedsignature: true
  language_level: '2'

# Enables profiling of Cython code
setupProfiling: false

# Create annotated htmls for Cython code
annotate: false

# parallelism used for the build
threads: 1

# Use CCache if available
use_ccache: true

If you want to easily modify the source code without re-installing the package every time, and editable install is available as

make dev

PyNucleus depends on other Python packages that will be installed automatically:

  • NumPy

  • SciPy

  • Matplotlib

  • Cython

  • mpi4py

  • tabulate

  • PyYAML

  • H5py

  • modepy

  • meshpy

  • scikit-sparse