Source code for PyNucleus_fem.mesh

# Copyright 2021 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia,           #
# LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, the           #
# U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.                        #
# If you want to use this code, please refer to the README.rst and LICENSE files. #

from __future__ import division
import mpi4py.rc
mpi4py.rc.initialize = False
from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy as np
from PyNucleus_base.factory import factory
from PyNucleus_base.myTypes import INDEX, REAL, BOOL, TAG
from PyNucleus_base.linear_operators import sparseGraph
from PyNucleus_base import uninitialized, uninitialized_like
from . meshCy import (meshBase,
from . meshPartitioning import (metisMeshPartitioner,
import logging

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# PHYSICAL is the physical boundary of the entire domain
# INTERIOR_NONOVERLAPPING are the interior boundaries of
# non-overlapping subdomains
# INTERIOR is the interior boundary of overlapping subdomains
# don't use any boundary
NO_BOUNDARY = np.iinfo(TAG).min

# Types of boundary conditions
NORM = 4

boundaryConditions = {DIRICHLET: 'Dirichlet',
                      NEUMANN: 'Neumann',
                      HOMOGENEOUS_DIRICHLET: 'homogeneous Dirichlet',
                      HOMOGENEOUS_NEUMANN: 'homogeneous Neumann'}

[docs] class meshFactory(factory):
[docs] def __init__(self): super(meshFactory, self).__init__() self.dims = {} self.manifold_dims = {}
[docs] def register(self, name, classType, dim, params={}, aliases=[], manifold_dim=None): super(meshFactory, self).register(name, classType, params, aliases) name = self.getCanonicalName(name) self.dims[name] = dim if manifold_dim is None: manifold_dim = dim self.manifold_dims[name] = manifold_dim
[docs] def build(self, name, noRef=0, hTarget=None, surface=False, **kwargs): if isinstance(name, meshNd): return name mesh = super(meshFactory, self).build(name, **kwargs) if surface: mesh = mesh.get_surface_mesh() mesh.removeUnusedVertices() from . import P1_DoFMap dmTest = P1_DoFMap(mesh, PHYSICAL) while dmTest.num_dofs == 0: mesh = mesh.refine() dmTest = P1_DoFMap(mesh, PHYSICAL) if hTarget is None: for _ in range(noRef): mesh = mesh.refine() else: assert hTarget > 0 while mesh.h > hTarget: mesh = mesh.refine() return mesh
[docs] def getDim(self, name): name = self.getCanonicalName(name) if name in self.aliases: name = self.aliases[name][1] return self.dims[name]
[docs] def getManifoldDim(self, name): name = self.getCanonicalName(name) if name in self.aliases: name = self.aliases[name][1] return self.manifold_dims[name]
[docs] def pacman(h=0.1, **kwargs): from . meshConstruction import (circularSegment, line) theta = np.pi/5 center = np.array([0., 0.]) bottom = np.array([1., 0.]) top = np.array([np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)]) numPointsPerUnitLength = int(np.ceil(1/h)) domain = (circularSegment(center, 1., theta, 2*np.pi, numPointsPerUnitLength) + line(bottom, center) + line(center, top)) mesh = domain.mesh(max_volume=h**2, min_angle=30, **kwargs) return mesh
[docs] def uniformSquare(N=2, M=None, ax=0, ay=0, bx=1, by=1, crossed=False, preserveLinesHorizontal=[], preserveLinesVertical=[], xVals=None, yVals=None): if xVals is None: assert N is not None assert N >= 2 xVals = np.linspace(ax, bx, N) else: N = xVals.shape[0] if yVals is None: if M is None: M = max(int(np.around((by-ay)/(bx-ax)))*N, 2) assert M >= 2 yVals = np.linspace(ay, by, M) else: M = yVals.shape[0] x, y = np.meshgrid(xVals, yVals) for yVal in preserveLinesHorizontal: assert (yVals-yVal).min() < 1e-10 for xVal in preserveLinesVertical: assert (xVals-xVal).min() < 1e-10 vertices = [np.array([xx, yy]) for xx, yy in zip(x.flatten(), y.flatten())] cells = [] if not crossed: for i in range(M-1): for j in range(N-1): # bottom right element el = (i*N+j, i*N+j+1, (i+1)*N+j+1) cells.append(el) # top left element el = (i*N+j, (i+1)*N+j+1, (i+1)*N+j) cells.append(el) else: for i in range(M-1): for j in range(N-1): if i % 2 == 0: if j % 2 == 0: # bottom right element el = (i*N+j, i*N+j+1, (i+1)*N+j+1) cells.append(el) # top left element el = (i*N+j, (i+1)*N+j+1, (i+1)*N+j) else: # bottom left element el = (i*N+j, i*N+j+1, (i+1)*N+j) cells.append(el) # top right element el = (i*N+j+1, (i+1)*N+j+1, (i+1)*N+j) else: if j % 2 == 1: # bottom right element el = (i*N+j, i*N+j+1, (i+1)*N+j+1) cells.append(el) # top left element el = (i*N+j, (i+1)*N+j+1, (i+1)*N+j) else: # bottom left element el = (i*N+j, i*N+j+1, (i+1)*N+j) cells.append(el) # top right element el = (i*N+j+1, (i+1)*N+j+1, (i+1)*N+j) cells.append(el) return mesh2d(np.array(vertices, dtype=REAL), np.array(cells, dtype=INDEX))
[docs] def simpleSquare(): return uniformSquare(2)
[docs] def crossSquare(): return uniformSquare(3, crossed=True)
[docs] def gradedSquare(factor=0.6): from . meshCy import gradedHypercubeTransformer mesh = mesh2d(np.array([[0., 0.], [1., 0.], [0., 1.], [1., 1.]], dtype=REAL), np.array([[0, 1, 3], [3, 2, 0]], dtype=INDEX)) mesh.setMeshTransformation(gradedHypercubeTransformer(factor)) mesh = mesh.refine() return mesh
[docs] def simpleInterval(a=0., b=1., numCells=1): vertices = np.zeros((numCells+1, 1), dtype=REAL) cells = np.zeros((numCells, 2), dtype=INDEX) for i in range(numCells): vertices[i, 0] = a+(b-a)*(i/numCells) cells[i, 0] = i cells[i, 1] = i+1 vertices[-1, 0] = b return mesh1d(vertices, cells)
[docs] def disconnectedInterval(sep=0.1): vertices = np.array([(0, ), (0.5-sep/2, ), (0.5+sep/2, ), (1., )], dtype=REAL) cells = np.array([(0, 1), (2, 3)], dtype=INDEX) return mesh1d(vertices, cells)
[docs] def getNodes(a, b, horizon, h, strictInteraction=True): diam = b-a k = INDEX(diam/h) if k*h < diam: k += 1 nodes = np.linspace(a, b, k+1, dtype=REAL) hInterior = nodes[1]-nodes[0] k = INDEX(horizon/hInterior) if k*hInterior < horizon-1e-8: k += 1 if not strictInteraction: horizon = k*hInterior nodes = np.hstack((np.linspace(a-horizon, a, k+1, dtype=REAL)[:-1], nodes, np.linspace(b, b+horizon, k+1, dtype=REAL)[1:])) return nodes
[docs] def intervalWithInteraction(a, b, horizon, h=None, strictInteraction=True): if h is None: h = horizon nodes = getNodes(a, b, horizon, h, strictInteraction) vertices = nodes[:, np.newaxis] num_vertices = vertices.shape[0] cells = uninitialized((num_vertices-1, 2), dtype=INDEX) cells[:, 0] = np.arange(0, num_vertices-1, dtype=INDEX) cells[:, 1] = np.arange(1, num_vertices, dtype=INDEX) return mesh1d(vertices, cells)
[docs] def doubleIntervalWithInteractions(a=0., b=1., c=2., horizon1=0.1, horizon2=0.2, h=None): def getNumCells(left, right): eps = 1e-8 return int(np.ceil((right-left-eps)/h)) assert horizon2 >= horizon1 assert horizon1 >= 0 if h is None: if horizon1 > 0: h = horizon1 elif horizon2 > 0: h = horizon2 else: h = 0.5 else: if horizon1 > 0: h = min([h, horizon1, horizon2]) elif horizon2 > 0: h = min([h, horizon2]) nodes = [] if horizon1 > 0: nodes.append(a-horizon1) nodes.append(a) if horizon2 > 0: nodes.append(b-horizon2) if horizon1 != horizon2: nodes.append(b-horizon1) nodes.append(b) if horizon2 > 0: if horizon1 != horizon2: nodes.append(b+horizon1) nodes.append(b+horizon2) nodes.append(c) if horizon2 > 0: nodes.append(c+horizon2) vertices = [] i = 0 k = getNumCells(nodes[i], nodes[i+1]) vertices.append(np.linspace(nodes[i], nodes[i+1], k+1)) for i in range(1, len(nodes)-1): k = getNumCells(nodes[i], nodes[i+1]) vertices.append(np.linspace(nodes[i], nodes[i+1], k+1)[1:]) vertices = np.hstack(vertices) vertices = vertices[:, np.newaxis] num_vertices = vertices.shape[0] cells = uninitialized((num_vertices-1, 2), dtype=INDEX) cells[:, 0] = np.arange(0, num_vertices-1, dtype=INDEX) cells[:, 1] = np.arange(1, num_vertices, dtype=INDEX) return mesh1d(vertices, cells)
[docs] def squareWithInteractions(ax, ay, bx, by, horizon, h=None, uniform=False, strictInteraction=True, innerRadius=-1, preserveLinesHorizontal=[], preserveLinesVertical=[], **kwargs): if h is None: h = horizon-1e-8 if innerRadius > 0: uniform = False if not uniform: from . meshConstruction import (circularSegment, line, polygon, transformationRestriction) if h is None: h = horizon bottomLeft = np.array([ax, ay]) bottomRight = np.array([bx, ay]) topRight = np.array([bx, by]) topLeft = np.array([ax, by]) horizontalOffset = np.array([horizon, 0.]) verticalOffset = np.array([0., horizon]) center = np.array([(ax+bx)/2, (ay+by)/2]) numPointsPerUnitLength = int(np.ceil(1/h)) assert len(preserveLinesVertical) == 0 or len(preserveLinesHorizontal) == 0 lineHorizontal = polygon([(0., 0.)] + [(p-ax, 0.) for p in preserveLinesVertical] + [(bx-ax, 0.)], doClose=False) lineVertical = polygon([(0., 0.)] + [(0., p-ay) for p in preserveLinesHorizontal] + [(0., by-ay)], doClose=False) d1 = (circularSegment(bottomLeft, horizon, np.pi, 1.5*np.pi, numPointsPerUnitLength) + line(bottomLeft, bottomLeft-horizontalOffset) + line(bottomLeft, bottomLeft-verticalOffset) + (lineHorizontal+bottomLeft) + (lineHorizontal+(bottomLeft-verticalOffset))) d2 = (circularSegment(bottomRight, horizon, 1.5*np.pi, 2.*np.pi, numPointsPerUnitLength) + line(bottomRight, bottomRight+horizontalOffset) + line(bottomRight, bottomRight-verticalOffset) + (lineVertical+(bottomRight+horizontalOffset)) + (lineVertical+bottomRight)) d3 = (circularSegment(topRight, horizon, 0, 0.5*np.pi, numPointsPerUnitLength) + line(topRight, topRight+horizontalOffset) + line(topRight, topRight+verticalOffset) + (lineHorizontal+topLeft) + (lineHorizontal+(topLeft+verticalOffset))) d4 = (circularSegment(topLeft, horizon, 0.5*np.pi, np.pi, numPointsPerUnitLength) + line(topLeft, topLeft-horizontalOffset) + line(topLeft, topLeft+verticalOffset) + (lineVertical+bottomLeft) + (lineVertical+(bottomLeft-horizontalOffset))) frame = d1 + d2 + d3 + d4 frame.holes.append(center) if innerRadius > 0: frame += transformationRestriction(circularSegment(center, innerRadius, 0, 2*np.pi, numPointsPerUnitLength), center-(innerRadius, innerRadius), center+(innerRadius, innerRadius)) mesh = frame.mesh(max_volume=h**2, min_angle=30, **kwargs) else: mesh = frame.mesh(max_volume=0.5*h**2, min_angle=20, **kwargs) eps = 1e-10 idx1 = np.logical_and(np.absolute(mesh.vertices_as_array[:, 0]-ax) < eps, np.logical_and(mesh.vertices_as_array[:, 1] >= ay-eps, mesh.vertices_as_array[:, 1] <= by+eps)) idx2 = np.logical_and(np.absolute(mesh.vertices_as_array[:, 0]-bx) < eps, np.logical_and(mesh.vertices_as_array[:, 1] >= ay-eps, mesh.vertices_as_array[:, 1] <= by+eps)) yVals1 = np.sort(mesh.vertices_as_array[idx1, 1]) yVals2 = np.sort(mesh.vertices_as_array[idx2, 1]) assert yVals1.shape[0] == yVals2.shape[0], (yVals1, yVals2) assert np.allclose(yVals1, yVals2), (yVals1, yVals2) idx3 = np.logical_and(np.absolute(mesh.vertices_as_array[:, 1]-ay) < eps, np.logical_and(mesh.vertices_as_array[:, 0] >= ax-eps, mesh.vertices_as_array[:, 0] <= bx+eps)) idx4 = np.logical_and(np.absolute(mesh.vertices_as_array[:, 1]-by) < eps, np.logical_and(mesh.vertices_as_array[:, 0] >= ax-eps, mesh.vertices_as_array[:, 0] <= bx+eps)) xVals3 = np.sort(mesh.vertices_as_array[idx3, 0]) xVals4 = np.sort(mesh.vertices_as_array[idx4, 0]) assert xVals3.shape[0] == xVals4.shape[0], (xVals3, xVals4) assert np.allclose(xVals3, xVals4), (xVals3, xVals4) mesh2 = uniformSquare(ax=ax, ay=ay, bx=bx, by=by, xVals=xVals3, yVals=yVals1) mesh = snapMeshes(mesh, mesh2) location = uninitialized((mesh.num_vertices), dtype=INDEX) eps = 1e-9 for x in preserveLinesVertical: for vertexNo in range(mesh.num_vertices): if mesh.vertices[vertexNo, 0] < x-eps: location[vertexNo] = 0 elif mesh.vertices[vertexNo, 0] > x+eps: location[vertexNo] = 2 else: location[vertexNo] = 1 for cellNo in range(mesh.num_cells): cellLoc = set() for vertexNo in range(mesh.dim+1): cellLoc.add(location[mesh.cells[cellNo, vertexNo]]) assert max(cellLoc)-min(cellLoc) <= 1, (mesh.vertices_as_array[mesh.cells_as_array[cellNo, :], :], cellLoc) for y in preserveLinesHorizontal: for vertexNo in range(mesh.num_vertices): if mesh.vertices[vertexNo, 1] < y-eps: location[vertexNo] = 0 elif mesh.vertices[vertexNo, 1] > y+eps: location[vertexNo] = 2 else: location[vertexNo] = 1 for cellNo in range(mesh.num_cells): cellLoc = set() for vertexNo in range(mesh.dim+1): cellLoc.add(location[mesh.cells[cellNo, vertexNo]]) assert max(cellLoc)-min(cellLoc) <= 1, mesh.vertices_as_array[mesh.cells_as_array[cellNo, :], :] else: x = getNodes(ax, bx, horizon, h, strictInteraction) y = getNodes(ay, by, horizon, h, strictInteraction) M = x.shape[0] N = y.shape[0] vertices = [] for i in range(M): for j in range(N): vertices.append((x[i], y[j])) cells = [] for i in range(M-1): for j in range(N-1): # bottom right element el = (i*N+j, i*N+j+1, (i+1)*N+j+1) cells.append(el) # top left element el = (i*N+j, (i+1)*N+j+1, (i+1)*N+j) cells.append(el) mesh = mesh2d(np.array(vertices, dtype=REAL), np.array(cells, dtype=INDEX)) return mesh
[docs] def doubleSquareWithInteractions(ax=0., ay=0., bx=1., by=1., cx=2., cy=1., horizon1=0.1, horizon2=0.2, h=None, returnSketch=False, **kwargs): from . meshConstruction import (circularSegment, line, polygon, transformationRestriction) assert horizon2 >= horizon1 assert horizon1 >= 0 if h is None: if horizon1 > 0: h = horizon1 elif horizon2 > 0: h = horizon2 else: h = 0.5 else: if horizon1 > 0: h = min([h, horizon1, horizon2]) elif horizon2 > 0: h = min([h, horizon2]) bottomLeft = np.array([ax, ay]) bottomMid = np.array([bx, ay]) bottomRight = np.array([cx, ay]) topLeft = np.array([ax, by]) topMid = np.array([bx, by]) topRight = np.array([cx, by]) centerLeft = np.array([(ax+bx)/2, (ay+by)/2]) centerRight = np.array([(bx+cx)/2, (ay+cy)/2]) for k in range(10): numPointsPerUnitLength = int(np.ceil(1/(h*0.8**(k/2)))) if horizon2 > 0: magicAngle = 0.5*np.pi-np.arcsin(horizon1/horizon2) magicLen = horizon2*np.cos(0.5*np.pi-magicAngle) # the four/six inner squares inner = polygon([bottomLeft, bottomMid-(horizon2, 0), topMid-(horizon2, 0), topLeft], num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) if horizon1 < horizon2: inner += polygon([bottomMid-(horizon2, 0), bottomMid-(horizon1, 0), topMid-(horizon1, 0), topMid-(horizon2, 0)], doClose=False, num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) inner += polygon([bottomMid-(horizon1, 0), bottomMid, topMid, topMid-(horizon1, 0)], doClose=False, num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) inner += polygon([bottomMid, bottomMid+(horizon1, 0), topMid+(horizon1, 0), topMid], doClose=False, num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) inner += polygon([bottomMid+(horizon1, 0), bottomMid+(horizon2, 0), topMid+(horizon2, 0), topMid+(horizon1, 0)], doClose=False, num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) else: inner += polygon([bottomMid-(horizon2, 0), bottomMid, topMid, topMid-(horizon2, 0)], doClose=False, num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) inner += polygon([bottomMid, bottomMid+(horizon2, 0), topMid+(horizon2, 0), topMid], doClose=False, num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) inner += polygon([bottomMid+(horizon2, 0), bottomRight, topRight, topMid+(horizon2, 0)], doClose=False, num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) else: inner = polygon([bottomLeft, bottomMid, topMid, topLeft], num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) inner += polygon([bottomMid, bottomRight, topRight, topMid], doClose=False, num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) mesh = inner.mesh(h=h*0.8**(k/2), **kwargs) frame = inner if horizon2 > 0: # interaction domain for right domain d1 = (line(bottomMid, bottomRight)+(0, -horizon2) + circularSegment(bottomRight, horizon2, 1.5*np.pi, 2*np.pi, numPointsPerUnitLength)) d2 = (line(bottomRight, topRight)+(horizon2, 0) + circularSegment(topRight, horizon2, 0, 0.5*np.pi, numPointsPerUnitLength)) d3 = ((line(topRight, topMid)+(0, horizon2)) + transformationRestriction(circularSegment(topMid, horizon2, 0.5*np.pi, 0.5*np.pi+magicAngle, numPointsPerUnitLength), topMid+(-horizon2, horizon1+1e-9), topMid+(0, horizon2)) + transformationRestriction(circularSegment(topMid, horizon2, 0.5*np.pi + magicAngle, np.pi, numPointsPerUnitLength), topMid+(-horizon2, 0), topMid+(-magicLen-1e-9, horizon1))) d4 = (transformationRestriction(circularSegment(bottomMid, horizon2, np.pi, np.pi + (0.5*np.pi-magicAngle), numPointsPerUnitLength), bottomMid+(-horizon2, -horizon1+1e-9), bottomMid+(-magicLen, 0)) + transformationRestriction(circularSegment(bottomMid, horizon2, np.pi + (0.5*np.pi-magicAngle), 1.5*np.pi, numPointsPerUnitLength), bottomMid+(-horizon2, -horizon2), bottomMid+(0, -horizon1-1e-9))) outer = d1+d2+d3+d4 # two right corners c6 = line(bottomRight, bottomRight-(0, horizon2)) + line(bottomRight, bottomRight+(horizon2, 0)) c6 = c6 + (c6*(centerRight, 0.5*np.pi)) outer += c6 # the two mid corners c7 = line(topMid+(0, horizon2), topMid+(0, horizon1)) + line(topMid+(0, horizon1), topMid) c8 = line(bottomMid, bottomMid-(0, horizon1)) + line(bottomMid-(0, horizon1), bottomMid-(0, horizon2)) outer += c7+c8 if horizon1 > 0: # interaction domain for left domain e1 = circularSegment(topMid, horizon1, 0, 0.5*np.pi, num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) e2 = (line(topMid, topMid-(magicLen, 0)) + (0, horizon1)) + (line(topMid-(magicLen, 0), topLeft) + (0, horizon1)) e3 = circularSegment(topLeft, horizon1, 0.5*np.pi, np.pi, num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) e4 = line(topLeft, bottomLeft)+(-horizon1, 0) e5 = circularSegment(bottomLeft, horizon1, np.pi, 1.5*np.pi, num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) e6 = (line(bottomLeft, bottomMid-(magicLen, 0))+(0, -horizon1)) + (line(bottomMid-(magicLen, 0), bottomMid)+(0, -horizon1)) e7 = circularSegment(bottomMid, horizon1, 1.5*np.pi, 2*np.pi, num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) outer += e1+e2+e3+e4+e5+e6+e7 # preserve right angles near corners if horizon1 > 0: # two left corners c5 = line(topLeft, topLeft+(0, horizon1))+line(topLeft, topLeft-(horizon1, 0)) c5 = c5 + (c5*(centerLeft, 0.5*np.pi)) outer += c5 frame = inner+outer mesh = frame.mesh(h=h*0.8**(k/2), **kwargs) if mesh.h <= h: if returnSketch: return mesh, frame else: return mesh if returnSketch: return mesh, frame else: return mesh
[docs] def doubleSquareWithInteractionsCorners(ax=0., ay=0., bx=1., by=1., cx=2., cy=1., horizon1=0.1, horizon2=0.2, h=None, returnSketch=False, **kwargs): from PyNucleus_fem.meshConstruction import (line, polygon) assert horizon2 >= horizon1 assert horizon1 >= 0 if h is None: if horizon1 > 0: h = horizon1 elif horizon2 > 0: h = horizon2 else: h = 0.5 else: if horizon1 > 0: h = min([h, horizon1, horizon2]) elif horizon2 > 0: h = min([h, horizon2]) bottomLeft = np.array([ax, ay]) bottomMid = np.array([bx, ay]) bottomRight = np.array([cx, ay]) topLeft = np.array([ax, by]) topMid = np.array([bx, by]) topRight = np.array([cx, by]) centerLeft = np.array([(ax+bx)/2, (ay+by)/2]) centerRight = np.array([(bx+cx)/2, (ay+cy)/2]) for k in range(10): numPointsPerUnitLength = int(np.ceil(1/(h*0.8**(k/2)))) if horizon2 > 0: # the four/six inner squares inner = polygon([bottomLeft, bottomMid-(horizon2, 0), topMid-(horizon2, 0), topLeft], num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) if horizon1 < horizon2: inner += polygon([bottomMid-(horizon2, 0), bottomMid-(horizon1, 0), topMid-(horizon1, 0), topMid-(horizon2, 0)], doClose=False, num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) inner += polygon([bottomMid-(horizon1, 0), bottomMid, topMid, topMid-(horizon1, 0)], doClose=False, num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) inner += polygon([bottomMid, bottomMid+(horizon1, 0), topMid+(horizon1, 0), topMid], doClose=False, num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) inner += polygon([bottomMid+(horizon1, 0), bottomMid+(horizon2, 0), topMid+(horizon2, 0), topMid+(horizon1, 0)], doClose=False, num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) else: inner += polygon([bottomMid-(horizon2, 0), bottomMid, topMid, topMid-(horizon2, 0)], doClose=False, num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) inner += polygon([bottomMid, bottomMid+(horizon2, 0), topMid+(horizon2, 0), topMid], doClose=False, num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) inner += polygon([bottomMid+(horizon2, 0), bottomRight, topRight, topMid+(horizon2, 0)], doClose=False, num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) else: inner = polygon([bottomLeft, bottomMid, topMid, topLeft], num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) inner += polygon([bottomMid, bottomRight, topRight, topMid], doClose=False, num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerUnitLength) mesh = inner.mesh(h=h*0.8**(k/2), **kwargs) frame = inner if horizon2 > 0: # interaction domain for right domain outer = polygon([np.array([bx-horizon2, ay]), np.array([bx-horizon2, ay-horizon1]), np.array([bx-horizon2, ay-horizon2]), np.array([cx, ay-horizon2]), np.array([cx+horizon2, ay-horizon2]), np.array([cx+horizon2, ay]), np.array([cx+horizon2, cy]), np.array([cx+horizon2, cy+horizon2]), np.array([cx, cy+horizon2]), np.array([bx-horizon2, by+horizon2]), np.array([bx-horizon2, by+horizon1]), np.array([bx-horizon2, by])], doClose=False) # two right corners c6 = line(bottomRight, bottomRight-(0, horizon2)) + line(bottomRight, bottomRight+(horizon2, 0)) c6 = c6 + (c6*(centerRight, 0.5*np.pi)) outer += c6 if horizon1 > 0: # interaction domain for left domain outer += polygon([np.array([bx+horizon1, by+horizon1]), np.array([bx-horizon2, by+horizon1]), np.array([ax, by+horizon1]), np.array([ax-horizon1, by+horizon1]), np.array([ax-horizon1, by]), np.array([ax-horizon1, ay]), np.array([ax-horizon1, ay-horizon1]), np.array([ax, ay-horizon1]), np.array([bx-horizon2, ay-horizon1]), np.array([bx+horizon1, ay-horizon1])]) # preserve right angles near corners if horizon1 > 0: # two left corners c5 = line(topLeft, topLeft+(0, horizon1))+line(topLeft, topLeft-(horizon1, 0)) c5 = c5 + (c5*(centerLeft, 0.5*np.pi)) outer += c5 frame = inner+outer mesh = frame.mesh(h=h*0.8**(k/2), **kwargs) if mesh.h <= h: if returnSketch: return mesh, frame else: return mesh if returnSketch: return mesh, frame else: return mesh
[docs] def discWithInteraction(radius, horizon, h=0.25, max_volume=None, projectNodeToOrigin=True): if max_volume is None: max_volume = h**2 n = int(np.around(2*np.pi*radius/h)) if horizon > 0: outerRadius = radius + horizon if h > horizon: LOGGER.warn("h = {} > horizon = {}. Using h=horizon instead.".format(h, horizon)) h = horizon return circleWithInnerRadius(n, radius=outerRadius, innerRadius=radius, max_volume=max_volume) else: return uniform_disc(radius=radius)
[docs] def gradedDiscWithInteraction(radius, horizon, mu=2., h=0.25, max_volume=None, projectNodeToOrigin=True): if max_volume is None: max_volume = h**2 n = int(np.around(2*np.pi*radius/h)) if horizon > 0: raise NotImplementedError() else: return graded_circle(n, mu=mu, radius=radius, max_volume=max_volume)
[docs] def discWithIslands(horizon=0., radius=1., islandOffCenter=0.35, islandDiam=0.5): from . meshConstruction import circle, rectangle numPointsPerLength = 4 assert islandOffCenter > islandDiam/2 assert np.sqrt(2)*(islandOffCenter+islandDiam/2) < radius assert horizon >= 0. c = circle((0, 0), radius, num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerLength) if horizon > 0: c += circle((0, 0), radius+horizon, num_points_per_unit_len=numPointsPerLength) island = rectangle((-islandDiam/2, -islandDiam/2), (islandDiam/2, islandDiam/2)) c += (island+(islandOffCenter, islandOffCenter)) c += (island+(-islandOffCenter, islandOffCenter)) c += (island+(islandOffCenter, -islandOffCenter)) c += (island+(-islandOffCenter, -islandOffCenter)) mesh = c.mesh(min_angle=30) return mesh
[docs] def simpleBox(): vertices = np.array([(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 1)], dtype=REAL) cells = np.array([(0, 1, 6, 5), (0, 1, 2, 6), (0, 4, 5, 6), (0, 4, 6, 7), (0, 2, 3, 6), (0, 3, 7, 6)], dtype=INDEX) return mesh3d(vertices, cells)
[docs] def box(ax=0., ay=0., az=0., bx=1., by=1., bz=1., Nx=2, Ny=2, Nz=2): x = np.linspace(ax, bx, Nx) y = np.linspace(ay, by, Ny) z = np.linspace(az, bz, Nz) vertices = [] for kz in range(Nz): for ky in range(Ny): for kx in range(Nx): vertices.append(np.array([x[kx], y[ky], z[kz]])) def getVertexNo(kx, ky, kz): return Ny*Nx*kz + Nx*ky + kx def boxCells(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h): return [(a, b, g, f), (a, b, c, g), (a, e, f, g), (a, e, g, h), (a, c, d, g), (a, d, h, g)] cells = [] for kz in range(Nz-1): for ky in range(Ny-1): for kx in range(Nx-1): a = getVertexNo(kx, ky, kz) b = getVertexNo(kx+1, ky, kz) c = getVertexNo(kx+1, ky+1, kz) d = getVertexNo(kx, ky+1, kz) e = getVertexNo(kx, ky, kz+1) f = getVertexNo(kx+1, ky, kz+1) g = getVertexNo(kx+1, ky+1, kz+1) h = getVertexNo(kx, ky+1, kz+1) cells += boxCells(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) return mesh3d(np.array(vertices, dtype=REAL), np.array(cells, dtype=INDEX))
[docs] def boxWithInteractions(horizon, ax=0., ay=0., az=0., bx=1., by=1., bz=1., Nx=2, Ny=2, Nz=2): Nx2 = max(int(np.ceil((bx-ax+2*horizon)/horizon))+1, int(np.ceil((bx-ax+2*horizon)/(bx-ax)*Nx))) Ny2 = max(int(np.ceil((by-ay+2*horizon)/horizon))+1, int(np.ceil((by-ay+2*horizon)/(by-ay)*Nx))) Nz2 = max(int(np.ceil((bz-az+2*horizon)/horizon))+1, int(np.ceil((bz-az+2*horizon)/(bz-az)*Nx))) return box(ax-horizon, ay-horizon, az-horizon, bx+horizon, by+horizon, bz+horizon, Nx2, Ny2, Nz2)
[docs] def gradedBox(factor=0.6): from . meshCy import gradedHypercubeTransformer mesh = simpleBox() mesh.setMeshTransformation(gradedHypercubeTransformer(factor)) mesh = mesh.refine() return mesh
[docs] def standardSimplex(d): vertices = np.zeros((d+1, d), dtype=REAL) cells = np.zeros((1, d+1), dtype=INDEX) for i in range(d): vertices[i+1, i] = 1. cells[0, i+1] = i+1 if d == 1: return mesh1d(vertices, cells) elif d == 2: return mesh2d(vertices, cells) elif d == 3: return mesh3d(vertices, cells) else: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def standardSimplex2D(): return standardSimplex(2)
[docs] def standardSimplex3D(): return standardSimplex(3)
[docs] def simpleFicheraCube(): vertices = np.array([(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 1), # (2, 0, 0), (2, 1, 0), (2, 0, 1), (2, 1, 1), # (0, 0, 2), (1, 0, 2), (1, 1, 2), (0, 1, 2), # (0, 2, 0), (1, 2, 0), (2, 2, 0), (2, 2, 1), (1, 2, 1), (0, 2, 1), (2, 2, 2), (1, 2, 2), (0, 2, 2), (2, 1, 2)], dtype=REAL) def boxCells(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h): return np.array([(a, b, g, f), (a, b, c, g), (a, e, f, g), (a, e, g, h), (a, c, d, g), (a, d, h, g)], dtype=INDEX) cells = np.vstack((boxCells(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), boxCells(1, 8, 9, 2, 5, 10, 11, 6), boxCells(4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15), boxCells(3, 2, 17, 16, 7, 6, 20, 21), boxCells(2, 9, 18, 17, 6, 11, 19, 20), boxCells(7, 6, 20, 21, 15, 14, 23, 24), boxCells(6, 11, 19, 20, 14, 25, 22, 23))) return mesh3d(vertices, cells)
[docs] def simpleLshape(): vertices = np.array([(0, 0), # 0 (1, 0), # 1 (2, 0), # 2 (2, 1), # 3 (1, 1), # 4 (0, 1), # 5 (0, 2), # 6 (1, 2)], dtype=REAL) # 7 cells = np.array([(0, 1, 4), (0, 4, 5), (1, 2, 3), (1, 3, 4), (5, 4, 7), (5, 7, 6)], dtype=INDEX) return mesh2d(vertices, cells)
[docs] def disconnectedDomain(sep=0.1): vertices = np.array([(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 0.5-sep/2), (0, 0.5-sep/2), (0, 0.5+sep/2), (1, 0.5+sep/2), (1, 1), (0, 1)], dtype=REAL) cells = np.array([(0, 1, 2), (0, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (4, 6, 7)], dtype=INDEX) return mesh2d(vertices, cells)
[docs] def Lshape(d): from mshr import Rectangle, generate_mesh from dolfin import Point domain = (Rectangle(Point(0, 0), Point(2, 2)) - Rectangle(Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2))) mesh = generate_mesh(domain, d) vertices = [x for x in mesh.coordinates()] cells = mesh.cells() return mesh2d(vertices, cells)
[docs] def uniform_disc(radius=1., **kwargs): points = [(0., 0.)] cells = [] n = 6 for i in range(n): points.append((radius*np.cos(i*2*np.pi/n), radius*np.sin(i*2*np.pi/n))) for i in range(1, len(points)-1): cells.append((0, i, i+1)) cells.append((0, len(points)-1, 1)) mesh = mesh2d(np.array(points, dtype=REAL), np.array(cells, dtype=INDEX)) from . meshCy import radialMeshTransformer mesh.setMeshTransformation(radialMeshTransformer()) return mesh
[docs] def circle(n, radius=1., returnFacets=False, projectNodeToOrigin=True, **kwargs): from meshpy.triangle import MeshInfo, build mesh_info = MeshInfo() if 'min_angle' not in kwargs: kwargs['min_angle'] = 30 points = [] facets = [] for i in range(n): points.append((radius*np.cos(i*2*np.pi/n), radius*np.sin(i*2*np.pi/n))) for i in range(1, n): facets.append((i-1, i)) facets.append((n-1, 0)) mesh_info.set_points(points) mesh_info.set_facets(facets) mesh_meshpy = build(mesh_info, **kwargs) mesh = mesh2d(np.array(mesh_meshpy.points, dtype=REAL), np.array(mesh_meshpy.elements, dtype=INDEX)) if projectNodeToOrigin: # Make sure that one node is on the origin. # Otherwise the radialMeshTransformation does weird stuff k = np.linalg.norm(mesh.vertices_as_array, axis=1).argmin() mesh.vertices[k, :] = 0. mesh.resetMeshInfo() assert < 10., (mesh, mesh.hmin, mesh.h, from . meshCy import radialMeshTransformer mesh.setMeshTransformation(radialMeshTransformer()) if returnFacets: return mesh, np.array(points), np.array(facets) else: return mesh
[docs] def circleWithInnerRadius(n, radius=2., innerRadius=1., returnFacets=False, **kwargs): from meshpy.triangle import MeshInfo, build mesh_info = MeshInfo() if 'min_angle' not in kwargs: kwargs['min_angle'] = 30 points = [] facets = [] for i in range(n): points.append((radius*np.cos(i*2*np.pi/n), radius*np.sin(i*2*np.pi/n))) for i in range(1, n): facets.append((i-1, i)) facets.append((n-1, 0)) nInner = int(round(n*innerRadius/radius)) for i in range(nInner): points.append((innerRadius*np.cos(i*2*np.pi/nInner), innerRadius*np.sin(i*2*np.pi/nInner))) for i in range(1, nInner): facets.append((n+i-1, n+i)) facets.append((n-1+nInner, n)) mesh_info.set_points(points) mesh_info.set_facets(facets) mesh_meshpy = build(mesh_info, **kwargs) mesh = mesh2d(np.array(mesh_meshpy.points, dtype=REAL), np.array(mesh_meshpy.elements, dtype=INDEX)) # Make sure that one node is on the origin. # Otherwise the radialMeshTransformation does weird stuff k = np.linalg.norm(mesh.vertices_as_array, axis=1).argmin() mesh.vertices[k, :] = 0. mesh.resetMeshInfo() assert < 10. from . meshCy import radialMeshTransformer mesh.setMeshTransformation(radialMeshTransformer()) if returnFacets: return mesh, np.array(points), np.array(facets) else: return mesh
[docs] def squareWithCircularCutout(ax=-3., ay=-3., bx=3., by=3., radius=1., num_points_per_unit_len=2): from . meshConstruction import polygon, circle square = polygon([(ax, ay), (bx, ay), (bx, by), (ax, by)]) frame = square+circle((0, 0), radius, num_points_per_unit_len=num_points_per_unit_len) frame.holes.append((0, 0)) return frame.mesh()
[docs] def boxWithBallCutout(ax=-3., ay=-3., az=-3., bx=3., by=3., bz=3., radius=1., points=4, radial_subdiv=None, **kwargs): from meshpy.tet import MeshInfo, build # Options from meshpy.geometry import generate_surface_of_revolution, EXT_OPEN, GeometryBuilder, make_box if radial_subdiv is None: radial_subdiv = 2*points+2 dphi = np.pi/points def truncate(r): if abs(r) < 1e-10: return 0 else: return r rz = [(truncate(radius*np.sin(i*dphi)), radius*np.cos(i*dphi)) for i in range(points+1)] geob = GeometryBuilder() geob.add_geometry(*generate_surface_of_revolution(rz, closure=EXT_OPEN, radial_subdiv=radial_subdiv)) points, facets, _, facet_markers = make_box((ax, ay, az), (bx, by, bz)) geob.add_geometry(points, facets, facet_markers=facet_markers) mesh_info = MeshInfo() geob.set(mesh_info) mesh_info.set_holes([(0., 0., 0.)]) mesh_meshpy = build(mesh_info, **kwargs) # , options=Options(switches='pq1.2/10') mesh = mesh3d(np.array(mesh_meshpy.points, dtype=REAL), np.array(mesh_meshpy.elements, dtype=INDEX)) from PyNucleus_fem.meshCy import radialMeshTransformer mesh.setMeshTransformation(radialMeshTransformer(radius)) return mesh
[docs] def gradedIntervals(intervals, h): intervals = list(sorted(intervals, key=lambda int: int[0])) Ms = np.zeros((2*len(intervals)), dtype=INDEX) for intNo, interval in enumerate(intervals): mu1 = interval[2] mu2 = interval[3] if mu1 is None: if mu2 is None: raise NotImplementedError() else: radius = interval[1]-interval[0] Ms[2*intNo] = 0 Ms[2*intNo+1] = max(int(np.ceil(1/(1-(1-h/radius)**(1/mu2)))), 1) else: if mu2 is None: radius = interval[1]-interval[0] Ms[2*intNo] = max(int(np.ceil(1/(1-(1-h/radius)**(1/mu1)))), 1) Ms[2*intNo+1] = 0 else: radius = interval[1]-interval[0] Ms[2*intNo] = max(int(np.ceil(1/(1-(1-h/radius)**(1/mu1)))), 1) Ms[2*intNo+1] = max(int(np.ceil(1/(1-(1-h/radius)**(1/mu2)))), 1) points = np.zeros((Ms.sum()+1, 1), dtype=REAL) for intNo, interval in enumerate(intervals): mu1 = interval[2] mu2 = interval[3] M1 = Ms[2*intNo] M2 = Ms[2*intNo+1] if M1 > 0 and M2 > 0: radius = 0.5*(interval[1]-interval[0]) center = 0.5*(interval[0]+interval[1]) else: radius = interval[1]-interval[0] if M1 == 0: center = interval[0] else: center = interval[1] indexCenter = Ms[:2*intNo+1].sum() points[indexCenter, 0] = center M = Ms[2*intNo] for j in range(1, M+1): points[indexCenter-j, 0] = center - radius*(1 - (1-j/M)**mu1) M = Ms[2*intNo+1] for j in range(1, M+1): points[indexCenter+j, 0] = center + radius*(1 - (1-j/M)**mu2) cells = np.empty((Ms.sum(), 2), dtype=INDEX) cells[:, 0] = np.arange(0, Ms.sum(), dtype=INDEX) cells[:, 1] = np.arange(1, Ms.sum()+1, dtype=INDEX) mesh = mesh1d(points, cells) from . meshCy import multiIntervalMeshTransformer mesh.setMeshTransformation(multiIntervalMeshTransformer(intervals)) return mesh
[docs] def graded_interval(h, mu=2., mu2=None, a=-1., b=1.): if mu2 is None: mu2 = mu intervals = [(a, b, mu, mu2)] return gradedIntervals(intervals, h)
[docs] def double_graded_interval(h, mu_ll=2., mu_rr=2., mu_lr=None, mu_rl=None, a=-1., b=1.): if mu_lr is None: mu_lr = mu_ll if mu_rl is None: mu_rl = mu_rr intervals = [(a, 0., mu_ll, mu_lr), (0., b, mu_rl, mu_rr)] return gradedIntervals(intervals, h)
[docs] def double_graded_interval_with_interaction(horizon, h=None, mu_ll=2., mu_rr=2., mu_lr=None, mu_rl=None, a=-1., b=1.): if h is None: h = horizon/2 else: h = min(horizon/2, h) if mu_lr is None: mu_lr = mu_ll if mu_rl is None: mu_rl = mu_rr intervals = [(a-horizon, a, None, mu_ll), (a, 0., mu_ll, mu_lr), (0., b, mu_rl, mu_rr), (b, b+horizon, mu_rr, None)] return gradedIntervals(intervals, h)
[docs] def graded_circle(M, mu=2., radius=1., returnFacets=False, **kwargs): from meshpy.triangle import MeshInfo, build mesh_info = MeshInfo() points = [] facets = [] points.append((0, 0)) rold = 0 for j in range(1, M+1): rj = radius*(1 - (1-j/M)**mu) hj = rj-rold n = int(np.floor(2*np.pi*rj/hj)) for i in range(n): points.append((rj*np.cos(i*2*np.pi/n), rj*np.sin(i*2*np.pi/n))) rold = rj for i in range(len(points)-n+1, len(points)): facets.append((i-1, i)) facets.append((len(points)-1, len(points)-n)) mesh_info.set_points(points) mesh_info.set_facets(facets) mesh_meshpy = build(mesh_info, **kwargs) mesh = mesh2d(np.array(mesh_meshpy.points, dtype=REAL), np.array(mesh_meshpy.elements, dtype=INDEX)) if returnFacets: return mesh, np.array(points), np.array(facets) else: return mesh
[docs] def double_graded_circle(M, muInterior=2., muExterior=2., rInterior=1., rExterior=2., returnFacets=False, **kwargs): from meshpy.triangle import MeshInfo, build mesh_info = MeshInfo() points = [] facets = [] points.append((0, 0)) rold = 0 for j in range(1, M+1): rj = rInterior*(1 - (1-j/M)**muInterior) # print(rj) hj = rj-rold n = int(np.floor(2*np.pi*rj/hj)) for i in range(n): points.append((rj*np.cos(i*2*np.pi/n), rj*np.sin(i*2*np.pi/n))) rold = rj for i in range(len(points)-n+1, len(points)): facets.append((i-1, i)) facets.append((len(points)-1, len(points)-n)) # rold = rInterior # M = int(((rExterior-rInterior)/rInterior)*M) for j in range(1, M+1): rj = rInterior + (rExterior-rInterior)*(j/M)**muExterior # print(rj) hj = rj-rold n = int(np.floor(2*np.pi*rj/hj)) for i in range(n): points.append((rj*np.cos(i*2*np.pi/n), rj*np.sin(i*2*np.pi/n))) rold = rj for i in range(len(points)-n+1, len(points)): facets.append((i-1, i)) facets.append((len(points)-1, len(points)-n)) mesh_info.set_points(points) mesh_info.set_facets(facets) mesh_meshpy = build(mesh_info, **kwargs) mesh = mesh2d(np.array(mesh_meshpy.points, dtype=REAL), np.array(mesh_meshpy.elements, dtype=INDEX)) if returnFacets: return mesh, np.array(points), np.array(facets) else: return mesh
[docs] def cutoutCircle(n, radius=1., cutoutAngle=np.pi/2., returnFacets=False, minAngle=30, **kwargs): from meshpy.triangle import MeshInfo, build mesh_info = MeshInfo() n = n-1 points = [(0., 0.)] facets = [] for i in range(n+1): points.append((radius*np.cos(i*(2*np.pi-cutoutAngle)/n), radius*np.sin(i*(2*np.pi-cutoutAngle)/n))) for i in range(1, n+2): facets.append((i-1, i)) facets.append((n+1, 0)) mesh_info.set_points(points) mesh_info.set_facets(facets) mesh_meshpy = build(mesh_info, min_angle=minAngle, **kwargs) mesh = mesh2d(np.array(mesh_meshpy.points, dtype=REAL), np.array(mesh_meshpy.elements, dtype=INDEX)) if returnFacets: return mesh, np.array(points), np.array(facets) else: return mesh
[docs] def twinDisc(n, radius=1., sep=0.1, **kwargs): from . meshConstruction import circle return (circle((sep/2+radius, 0), radius, num_points=n+1) + circle((-sep/2-radius, 0), radius, num_points=n+1)).mesh()
[docs] def dumbbell(n=8, radius=1., barAngle=np.pi/4, barLength=3, returnFacets=False, minAngle=30, **kwargs): from meshpy.triangle import MeshInfo, build mesh_info = MeshInfo() points = [] facets = [] for i in range(n): points.append((-barLength/2 + radius*np.cos(barAngle/2+i*(2*np.pi-barAngle)/(n-1)), radius*np.sin(barAngle/2+i*(2*np.pi-barAngle)/(n-1)))) for i in range(n): points.append((barLength/2 + radius*np.cos(np.pi+barAngle/2+i*(2*np.pi-barAngle)/(n-1)), radius*np.sin(np.pi+barAngle/2+i*(2*np.pi-barAngle)/(n-1)))) for i in range(1, 2*n): facets.append((i-1, i)) facets.append((2*n-1, 0)) mesh_info.set_points(points) mesh_info.set_facets(facets) mesh_meshpy = build(mesh_info, min_angle=minAngle, **kwargs) mesh = mesh2d(np.array(mesh_meshpy.points, dtype=REAL), np.array(mesh_meshpy.elements, dtype=INDEX)) if returnFacets: return mesh, np.array(points), np.array(facets) else: return mesh
[docs] def wrench(n=8, radius=0.17, radius2=0.3, barLength=2, returnFacets=False, minAngle=30, **kwargs): from meshpy.triangle import MeshInfo, build mesh_info = MeshInfo() points = [] facets = [] n = 2 for i in range(n+1): points.append((barLength + radius*np.cos(i*(np.pi/2)/n), radius*np.sin(i*(np.pi/2)/n))) n = 3 for i in range(n+1): points.append((-radius2 + radius2*np.cos(i*np.pi/n), radius+radius2*np.sin(i*np.pi/n))) r = np.sqrt((1.5*radius2)**2 + radius**2) th = np.arctan2(radius, 1.5*radius2) n = 1 for i in range(n+1): points.append((-2.5*radius2+r*np.cos(th-th*i/n), r*np.sin(th-th*i/n))) for p in reversed(points[1:-1]): q = p[0], -p[1] points.append(q) for i in range(1, len(points)): facets.append((i-1, i)) facets.append((len(points)-1, 0)) mesh_info.set_points(points) mesh_info.set_facets(facets) mesh_meshpy = build(mesh_info, min_angle=minAngle, **kwargs) mesh = mesh2d(np.array(mesh_meshpy.points, dtype=REAL), np.array(mesh_meshpy.elements, dtype=INDEX)) if returnFacets: return mesh, np.array(points), np.array(facets) else: return mesh
[docs] def rectangle(nx, ny, bx=1., by=1., ax=0., ay=0., **kwargs): from . meshConstruction import rectangle frame = rectangle((ax, ay), (bx, by), num_points=[nx+1, ny+1, nx+1, ny+1]) mesh = frame.mesh(**kwargs) return mesh
[docs] def Hshape(a=1., b=1., c=0.3, h=0.2, returnFacets=False): from meshpy.triangle import MeshInfo, build mesh_info = MeshInfo() points = [(0., 0.), (a, 0.), (a, b), (a+c, b), (a+c, 0.), (a+c+a, 0.), (a+c+a, b+b+h), (a+c, b+b+h), (a+c, b+h), (a, b+h), (a, b+b+h), (0, b+b+h)] facets = [] for i in range(1, len(points)): facets.append((i-1, i)) facets.append((len(points)-1, 0)) mesh_info.set_points(points) mesh_info.set_facets(facets) mesh_meshpy = build(mesh_info, min_angle=30) mesh = mesh2d(np.array(mesh_meshpy.points, dtype=REAL), np.array(mesh_meshpy.elements, dtype=INDEX)) if returnFacets: return mesh, np.array(points), np.array(facets) else: return mesh
[docs] def ball2(radius=1.): from meshpy.tet import MeshInfo, build mesh_info = MeshInfo() points = [(radius, 0, 0), (0, radius, 0), (-radius, 0, 0), (0, -radius, 0), (0, 0, radius), (0, 0, -radius)] facets = [(0, 1, 4), (1, 2, 4), (2, 3, 4), (3, 0, 4), (1, 0, 5), (2, 1, 5), (3, 2, 5), (0, 3, 5)] mesh_info.set_points(points) mesh_info.set_facets(facets) mesh_meshpy = build(mesh_info) mesh = mesh3d(np.array(mesh_meshpy.points, dtype=REAL), np.array(mesh_meshpy.elements, dtype=INDEX)) from . meshCy import radialMeshTransformer mesh.setMeshTransformation(radialMeshTransformer()) return mesh
[docs] def ball(radius=1., points=4, radial_subdiv=None, **kwargs): """ Build mesh for 3D ball as surface of revolution. points determines the number of points on the curve. radial_subdiv determines the number of steps in the rotation. """ from meshpy.tet import MeshInfo, build # Options from meshpy.geometry import generate_surface_of_revolution, EXT_OPEN, GeometryBuilder # from meshpy.geometry import make_ball if radial_subdiv is None: radial_subdiv = 2*points+2 dphi = np.pi/points def truncate(r): if abs(r) < 1e-10: return 0 else: return r rz = [(truncate(radius*np.sin(i*dphi)), radius*np.cos(i*dphi)) for i in range(points+1)] geob = GeometryBuilder() geob.add_geometry(*generate_surface_of_revolution(rz, closure=EXT_OPEN, radial_subdiv=radial_subdiv)) # geob.add_geometry(*make_ball(radius, radial_subdiv)) mesh_info = MeshInfo() geob.set(mesh_info) mesh_meshpy = build(mesh_info, **kwargs) # , options=Options(switches='pq1.2/10') mesh = mesh3d(np.array(mesh_meshpy.points, dtype=REAL), np.array(mesh_meshpy.elements, dtype=INDEX)) from . meshCy import radialMeshTransformer mesh.setMeshTransformation(radialMeshTransformer()) return mesh
[docs] def ballNd(dim, radius, h): if dim == 1: mesh = simpleInterval(-radius, radius) while mesh.h > h: mesh, lookup = mesh.refine(returnLookup=True) radialMeshTransformation(mesh, lookup) return mesh elif dim == 2: return circle(int(np.ceil(2*np.pi*radius/h)), radius, max_volume=0.5*h**2) elif dim == 3: mesh = ball(radius) while mesh.h > h: mesh, lookup = mesh.refine(returnLookup=True) radialMeshTransformation(mesh, lookup) return mesh else: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def gradeMesh(mesh, grading): vertices = mesh.vertices_as_array norms = np.linalg.norm(vertices, axis=1) for i in range(vertices.shape[0]): n = norms[i] if n > 0: vertices[i, :] *= grading(n)/n mesh.resetMeshInfo()
[docs] def gradeUniformBall(mesh, muInterior=2., muExterior=2., rInterior=1., rExterior=None, rExteriorInitial=None): if rExteriorInitial is None: rExteriorInitial = np.linalg.norm(mesh.vertices, axis=1).max() assert rInterior < rExteriorInitial if rExterior is None: rExterior = rExteriorInitial def grading(r): if r <= rInterior: return rInterior*(1-(1-r/rInterior)**muInterior) else: return rInterior + (rExterior-rInterior)*((r-rInterior)/(rExteriorInitial-rInterior))**muExterior gradeMesh(mesh, grading)
[docs] def sphere1(numCells=10, radius=1.): vertices = np.zeros((numCells, 2), dtype=REAL) cells = np.zeros((numCells, 2), dtype=INDEX) for i in range(numCells): theta = 2*np.pi*i/numCells vertices[i, 0] = radius*np.cos(theta) vertices[i, 1] = radius*np.sin(theta) cells[i, 0] = i cells[i, 1] = (i+1) % numCells mesh = mesh1d(vertices, cells) from . meshCy import radialMeshTransformer mesh.setMeshTransformation(radialMeshTransformer()) return mesh
[docs] def sphere(dim, radius=1., h=0.5): import gmsh from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory import os with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp: filename = os.path.join(tmp, 'mesh.mesh.msh') gmsh.initialize() gmsh.model.add("sphere") if dim == 1: gmsh.model.occ.addCircle(0., 0., 0., radius) elif dim == 2: gmsh.model.occ.addSphere(0., 0., 0., radius) gmsh.model.occ.synchronize() gmsh.option.setNumber("Mesh.MeshSizeMax", h) gmsh.model.mesh.generate(dim) gmsh.write(filename) gmsh.finalize() mesh = meshNd.readMesh(filename) from . meshCy import radialMeshTransformer mesh.setMeshTransformation(radialMeshTransformer()) return mesh
[docs] class meshNd(meshBase):
[docs] def __init__(self, vertices, cells): super(meshNd, self).__init__(vertices, cells)
def __getstate__(self): if hasattr(self, '_boundaryVertices'): boundaryVertices = self.boundaryVertices boundaryVertexTags = self.boundaryVertexTags else: boundaryVertices = None boundaryVertexTags = None if hasattr(self, '_boundaryEdges'): boundaryEdges = self.boundaryEdges boundaryEdgeTags = self.boundaryEdgeTags else: boundaryEdges = None boundaryEdgeTags = None if hasattr(self, '_boundaryFaces'): boundaryFaces = self.boundaryFaces boundaryFaceTags = self.boundaryFaceTags else: boundaryFaces = None boundaryFaceTags = None return (super(meshNd, self).__getstate__(), boundaryVertices, boundaryVertexTags, boundaryEdges, boundaryEdgeTags, boundaryFaces, boundaryFaceTags) def __setstate__(self, state): super(meshNd, self).__setstate__(state[0]) if state[1] is not None: self._boundaryVertices = state[1] self._boundaryVertexTags = state[2] if state[3] is not None: self._boundaryEdges = state[3] self._boundaryEdgeTags = state[4] if state[5] is not None: self._boundaryFaces = state[5] self._boundaryFaceTags = state[6]
[docs] def get_boundary_vertices(self): if not hasattr(self, '_boundaryVertices'): if self.manifold_dim >= 2: self._boundaryVertices = boundaryVerticesFromBoundaryEdges(self.boundaryEdges) else: self._boundaryVertices = boundaryVertices(self.cells) return self._boundaryVertices else: return self._boundaryVertices
[docs] def set_boundary_vertices(self, value): self._boundaryVertices = value
boundaryVertices = property(fget=get_boundary_vertices, fset=set_boundary_vertices)
[docs] def get_boundary_edges(self): if not hasattr(self, '_boundaryEdges'): if self.manifold_dim == 1: self._boundaryEdges = uninitialized((0, 2), dtype=INDEX) elif self.manifold_dim == 2: self._boundaryEdges = boundaryEdges(self.cells) elif self.manifold_dim == 3: self._boundaryEdges = boundaryEdgesFromBoundaryFaces(self.boundaryFaces) return self._boundaryEdges else: return self._boundaryEdges
[docs] def set_boundary_edges(self, value): assert value.shape[1] == 2 assert value.dtype == INDEX self._boundaryEdges = value
boundaryEdges = property(fget=get_boundary_edges, fset=set_boundary_edges)
[docs] def get_boundary_faces(self): if not hasattr(self, '_boundaryFaces'): if self.manifold_dim <= 2: self._boundaryFaces = uninitialized((0, 3), dtype=INDEX) elif self.manifold_dim == 3: self._boundaryFaces = boundaryFacesWithOrientation(self.vertices, self.cells) return self._boundaryFaces else: return self._boundaryFaces
[docs] def set_boundary_faces(self, value): assert value.shape[1] == 3 self._boundaryFaces = value
boundaryFaces = property(fget=get_boundary_faces, fset=set_boundary_faces)
[docs] def get_boundary_cells(self): if not hasattr(self, '_boundaryCells'): if self.manifold_dim == 2: self._boundaryEdges, self._boundaryCells = boundaryEdges(self.cells, returnBoundaryCells=True) else: raise NotImplementedError() return self._boundaryCells
[docs] def set_boundary_cells(self, value): assert value.ndim == 1 self._boundaryCells = value
boundaryCells = property(fget=get_boundary_cells, fset=set_boundary_cells)
[docs] def get_interiorVertices(self): if not hasattr(self, '_interiorVertices'): temp = np.ones(self.vertices.shape[0], dtype=np.bool) temp[self.boundaryVertices] = 0 self._interiorVertices = temp.nonzero()[0] return self._interiorVertices else: return self._interiorVertices
[docs] def getInteriorVerticesByTag(self, tag=None): if not isinstance(tag, list) and tag == NO_BOUNDARY: return np.arange(self.num_vertices, dtype=INDEX) else: bv = self.getBoundaryVerticesByTag(tag) idx = np.ones(self.num_vertices, dtype=np.bool) idx[bv] = False return np.nonzero(idx)[0].astype(INDEX)
[docs] def get_diam(self): from numpy.linalg import norm vertices = self.vertices_as_array return norm(vertices.max(axis=0)-vertices.min(axis=0), 2)
interiorVertices = property(fget=get_interiorVertices) diam = property(fget=get_diam)
[docs] def copy(self): newMesh = super(meshNd, self).copy() if hasattr(self, '_boundaryVertices'): newMesh._boundaryVertices = self._boundaryVertices.copy() if hasattr(self, '_boundaryVertexTags'): newMesh._boundaryVertexTags = self._boundaryVertexTags.copy() if hasattr(self, '_boundaryEdges'): newMesh._boundaryEdges = self._boundaryEdges.copy() if hasattr(self, '_boundaryEdgeTags'): newMesh._boundaryEdgeTags = self._boundaryEdgeTags.copy() if hasattr(self, '_boundaryFaces'): newMesh._boundaryFaces = self._boundaryFaces.copy() if hasattr(self, '_boundaryFaceTags'): newMesh._boundaryFaceTags = self._boundaryFaceTags.copy() return newMesh
def __repr__(self): return ('{} with {:,} vertices ' + 'and {:,} cells').format(self.__class__.__name__, self.num_vertices, self.num_cells)
[docs] def get_boundary_vertex_tags(self): if not hasattr(self, '_boundaryVertexTags'): self._boundaryVertexTags = PHYSICAL*np.zeros((self.boundaryVertices.shape[0]), dtype=TAG) return self._boundaryVertexTags
[docs] def set_boundary_vertex_tags(self, value): assert value.shape[0] == self.boundaryVertices.shape[0] assert value.dtype == TAG self._boundaryVertexTags = value
boundaryVertexTags = property(fset=set_boundary_vertex_tags, fget=get_boundary_vertex_tags)
[docs] def tagBoundaryVertices(self, tagFunc): boundaryVertexTags = uninitialized((self.boundaryVertices.shape[0]), dtype=TAG) for i, j in enumerate(self.boundaryVertices): v = self.vertices[j, :] boundaryVertexTags[i] = tagFunc(v) self.boundaryVertexTags = boundaryVertexTags
[docs] def replaceBoundaryVertexTags(self, tagFunc, tagsToReplace=set()): boundaryVertexTags = uninitialized((self.boundaryVertices.shape[0]), dtype=TAG) for i, j in enumerate(self.boundaryVertices): if self.boundaryVertexTags[i] in tagsToReplace: v = self.vertices[j, :] boundaryVertexTags[i] = tagFunc(v) else: boundaryVertexTags[i] = self.boundaryVertexTags[i] self.boundaryVertexTags = boundaryVertexTags
[docs] def getBoundaryVerticesByTag(self, tag=None, sorted=False): if tag is None: bv = self.boundaryVertices elif isinstance(tag, list) and tag[0] is None: bv = self.boundaryVertices elif isinstance(tag, list): idx = (self.boundaryVertexTags == tag[0]) for t in tag[1:]: idx = np.logical_or(idx, (self.boundaryVertexTags == t)) bv = self.boundaryVertices[idx] else: bv = self.boundaryVertices[self.boundaryVertexTags == tag] if sorted: bv.sort() return bv
[docs] def get_boundary_edge_tags(self): if not hasattr(self, '_boundaryEdgeTags'): self._boundaryEdgeTags = PHYSICAL*np.ones(self.boundaryEdges.shape[0], dtype=TAG) return self._boundaryEdgeTags
[docs] def set_boundary_edge_tags(self, value): assert value.shape[0] == self.boundaryEdges.shape[0] self._boundaryEdgeTags = value
boundaryEdgeTags = property(fset=set_boundary_edge_tags, fget=get_boundary_edge_tags)
[docs] def tagBoundaryEdges(self, tagFunc): boundaryEdgeTags = uninitialized(self.boundaryEdges.shape[0], dtype=TAG) for i in range(self.boundaryEdges.shape[0]): e = self.boundaryEdges[i, :] v0 = self.vertices[e[0]] v1 = self.vertices[e[1]] boundaryEdgeTags[i] = tagFunc(v0, v1) self.boundaryEdgeTags = boundaryEdgeTags
[docs] def replaceBoundaryEdgeTags(self, tagFunc, tagsToReplace=set()): boundaryEdgeTags = uninitialized((self.boundaryEdges.shape[0]), dtype=TAG) for i in range(self.boundaryEdges.shape[0]): if self.boundaryEdgeTags[i] in tagsToReplace: e = self.boundaryEdges[i, :] v0 = self.vertices[e[0]] v1 = self.vertices[e[1]] boundaryEdgeTags[i] = tagFunc(v0, v1) else: boundaryEdgeTags[i] = self.boundaryEdgeTags[i] self.boundaryEdgeTags = boundaryEdgeTags
[docs] def getBoundaryEdgesByTag(self, tag=None, returnBoundaryCells=False): if tag is None: if not returnBoundaryCells: return self.boundaryEdges else: assert self.dim == 2 return self.boundaryEdges, self.boundaryCells else: if not type(tag) is list: tag = [tag] idx = (self.boundaryEdgeTags == tag[0]) for t in tag[1:]: idx = np.logical_or(idx, (self.boundaryEdgeTags == t)) if not returnBoundaryCells: return self.boundaryEdges[idx, :] else: return self.boundaryEdges[idx, :], self.boundaryCells[idx]
[docs] def get_boundary_face_tags(self): if not hasattr(self, '_boundaryFaceTags'): self._boundaryFaceTags = PHYSICAL*np.ones(self.boundaryFaces.shape[0], dtype=TAG) return self._boundaryFaceTags
[docs] def set_boundary_face_tags(self, value): assert value.shape[0] == self.boundaryFaces.shape[0] self._boundaryFaceTags = value
boundaryFaceTags = property(fset=set_boundary_face_tags, fget=get_boundary_face_tags)
[docs] def tagBoundaryFaces(self, tagFunc): boundaryFaceTags = uninitialized(self.boundaryFaces.shape[0], dtype=TAG) for i in range(self.boundaryFaces.shape[0]): f = self.boundaryFaces[i, :] v0 = self.vertices[f[0]] v1 = self.vertices[f[1]] v2 = self.vertices[f[2]] boundaryFaceTags[i] = tagFunc(v0, v1, v2) self.boundaryFaceTags = boundaryFaceTags
[docs] def getBoundaryFacesByTag(self, tag=None): if tag is None: return self.boundaryFaces elif type(tag) is list: idx = (self.boundaryFaceTags == tag[0]) for t in tag[1:]: idx = np.logical_or(idx, (self.boundaryFaceTags == t)) return self.boundaryFaces[idx] else: return self.boundaryFaces[self.boundaryFaceTags == tag]
[docs] def HDF5write(self, node): COMPRESSION = 'gzip' node.create_dataset('vertices', data=self.vertices, compression=COMPRESSION) node.create_dataset('cells', data=self.cells, compression=COMPRESSION) if hasattr(self, '_boundaryVertices'): node.create_dataset('boundaryVertices', data=self.boundaryVertices, compression=COMPRESSION) if hasattr(self, '_boundaryVertexTags'): node.create_dataset('boundaryVertexTags', data=self.boundaryVertexTags, compression=COMPRESSION) if hasattr(self, '_boundaryEdges'): node.create_dataset('boundaryEdges', data=self.boundaryEdges, compression=COMPRESSION) if hasattr(self, '_boundaryEdgeTags'): node.create_dataset('boundaryEdgeTags', data=self.boundaryEdgeTags, compression=COMPRESSION) if hasattr(self, '_boundaryFaces'): node.create_dataset('boundaryFaces', data=self.boundaryFaces, compression=COMPRESSION) if hasattr(self, '_boundaryFaceTags'): node.create_dataset('boundaryFaceTags', data=self.boundaryFaceTags, compression=COMPRESSION) node.attrs['dim'] = self.dim
[docs] @staticmethod def HDF5read(node): dim = node.attrs['dim'] vertices = np.array(node['vertices'], dtype=REAL) cells = np.array(node['cells'], dtype=INDEX) if dim == 1: mesh = mesh1d(vertices, cells) elif dim == 2: mesh = mesh2d(vertices, cells) elif dim == 3: mesh = mesh3d(vertices, cells) if 'boundaryVertices' in node: mesh.boundaryVertices = np.array(node['boundaryVertices'], dtype=INDEX) if 'boundaryVertexTags' in node: mesh.boundaryVertexTags = np.array(node['boundaryVertexTags'], dtype=TAG) if 'boundaryEdges' in node: mesh.boundaryEdges = np.array(node['boundaryEdges'], dtype=INDEX) if 'boundaryEdgeTags' in node: mesh.boundaryEdgeTags = np.array(node['boundaryEdgeTags'], dtype=TAG) if 'boundaryFaces' in node: mesh.boundaryFaces = np.array(node['boundaryFaces'], dtype=INDEX) if 'boundaryFaceTags' in node: mesh.boundaryFaceTags = np.array(node['boundaryFaceTags'], dtype=TAG) return mesh
[docs] def exportVTK(self, filename, cell_data=None): import meshio if self.manifold_dim == 1: cell_type = 'line' elif self.manifold_dim == 2: cell_type = 'triangle' elif self.manifold_dim == 3: cell_type = 'tetra' else: raise NotImplementedError() vertices = np.zeros((self.num_vertices, 3), dtype=REAL) vertices[:, 3-self.dim:] = self.vertices_as_array meshio.write(filename, meshio.Mesh(vertices, {cell_type: self.cells_as_array}, cell_data=cell_data), file_format='vtk')
[docs] def exportSolutionVTK(self, x, filename, labels='solution', cell_data={}): import meshio from . DoFMaps import Product_DoFMap, P0_DoFMap if not isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): x = [x] labels = [labels] else: assert len(x) == len(labels) point_data = {} for xx, label in zip(x, labels): if isinstance(, P0_DoFMap): cell_data[label] = [xx.toarray()] else: sol = xx.linearPart() if isinstance(, Product_DoFMap): v2d = -np.ones((self.num_vertices, 1), dtype=INDEX) sol2 = np.zeros((self.num_vertices,, dtype=REAL) for component in range( R, _ = for i in range(self.num_vertices): dof = v2d[i, 0] if dof >= 0: sol2[i, component] = (R*sol)[dof] point_data[label] = sol2 else: v2d = -np.ones((self.num_vertices, 1), dtype=INDEX) sol2 = np.zeros((self.num_vertices), dtype=REAL) for i in range(self.num_vertices): dof = v2d[i, 0] if dof >= 0: sol2[i] = sol[dof] point_data[label] = np.array(sol2) if self.manifold_dim == 1: cell_type = 'line' elif self.manifold_dim == 2: cell_type = 'triangle' elif self.manifold_dim == 3: cell_type = 'tetra' else: raise NotImplementedError() vertices = np.zeros((self.num_vertices, 3), dtype=REAL) vertices[:, 3-self.dim:] = self.vertices_as_array meshio.write(filename, meshio.Mesh(vertices, {cell_type: self.cells_as_array}, point_data=point_data, cell_data=cell_data), file_format='vtk')
[docs] @staticmethod def readMesh(filename, file_format=None): import meshio mesh =, file_format) vertices = mesh.points.astype(REAL) dim = vertices.shape[1] assert len(mesh.cells) cell_type = mesh.cells[-1].type for k in range(dim-1, -1, -1): if np.unique(vertices[:, k]).shape[0] > 1: dim = k+1 break vertices = np.ascontiguousarray(vertices[:, :dim]) if cell_type == 'line': meshType = mesh1d elif cell_type == 'triangle': meshType = mesh2d elif cell_type == 'tetra': meshType = mesh3d else: raise NotImplementedError(cell_type) cells = mesh.cells[-1].data.astype(INDEX) return meshType(vertices, cells)
[docs] def getPartitions(self, numPartitions, partitioner='metis', partitionerParams={}): # partition mesh cells if partitioner == 'regular': mP = regularMeshPartitioner(self) defaultParams = {'partitionedDimensions': self.dim} if 'regular' in partitionerParams: defaultParams.update(partitionerParams['regular']) part, actualNumPartitions = mP.partitionCells(numPartitions, partitionedDimensions=defaultParams['partitionedDimensions']) elif partitioner == 'metis': mP = metisMeshPartitioner(self) defaultParams = {'partition_weights': None} if 'metis' in partitionerParams: defaultParams.update(partitionerParams['metis']) part, actualNumPartitions = mP.partitionCells(numPartitions, partition_weights=defaultParams['partition_weights']) else: raise NotImplementedError() if not actualNumPartitions == numPartitions: raise PartitionerException('Partitioner returned {} partitions instead of {}.'.format(actualNumPartitions, numPartitions)) return part
[docs] def getCuthillMckeeVertexOrder(self): from PyNucleus_base.linear_operators import sparseGraph from PyNucleus_base.sparseGraph import cuthill_mckee from . import P1_DoFMap dm = P1_DoFMap(self, -10) A = dm.buildSparsityPattern(self.cells) graph = sparseGraph(A.indices, A.indptr, A.shape[0], A.shape[1]) idx = uninitialized((dm.num_dofs), dtype=INDEX) cuthill_mckee(graph, idx) return idx
[docs] def global_h(self, comm): h = self.h if comm is None: return h else: return comm.allreduce(h, op=MPI.MAX)
[docs] def global_hmin(self, comm): hmin = self.hmin if comm is None: return hmin else: return comm.allreduce(hmin, op=MPI.MIN)
[docs] def global_volume(self, comm): vol = self.volume if comm is None: return vol else: return comm.allreduce(vol, op=MPI.SUM)
[docs] def global_diam(self, comm): if comm is None: return self.diam() from numpy.linalg import norm m = self.vertices.min(axis=0) M = self.vertices.max(axis=0) comm.Allreduce(m, MPI.IN_PLACE, op=MPI.MIN) comm.Allreduce(M, MPI.IN_PLACE, op=MPI.MAX) return norm(M-m, 2)
[docs] def get_surface(self): if self.dim == 1: return 1.0 else: return self.get_surface_mesh().volume
surface = property(fget=get_surface)
[docs] def get_surface_mesh(self, tag=None): if self.manifold_dim == 1: bv = self.getBoundaryVerticesByTag(tag) cells = uninitialized((len(bv), 1), dtype=INDEX) cells[:, 0] = bv surface = mesh0d(self.vertices, cells) elif self.manifold_dim == 2: surface = mesh1d(self.vertices, self.getBoundaryEdgesByTag(tag)) elif self.manifold_dim == 3: surface = mesh2d(self.vertices, self.getBoundaryFacesByTag(tag)) else: raise NotImplementedError() surface.setMeshTransformation(self.transformer) return surface
[docs] def reorderVertices(self, idx): invidx = uninitialized_like(idx) invidx[idx] = np.arange(self.num_vertices, dtype=INDEX) self.vertices = self.vertices_as_array[idx, :] if hasattr(self, '_boundaryVertices'): self._boundaryVertices = invidx[self._boundaryVertices].astype(INDEX) if hasattr(self, '_boundaryEdges'): self._boundaryEdges = invidx[self._boundaryEdges].astype(INDEX) if hasattr(self, '_boundaryFaces'): self._boundaryEdges = invidx[self._boundaryEdges].astype(INDEX) self.cells = invidx[self.cells_as_array[:, :]].astype(INDEX)
[docs] class mesh0d(meshNd): pass
[docs] class mesh1d(meshNd):
[docs] def plot(self, vertices=True, boundary=None, info=False): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt X = np.array([v[0] for v in self.vertices]) if self.vertices.shape[1] == 1: Y = np.zeros_like(X) lenX = X.max()-X.min() plt.xlim([X.min()-lenX*0.1, X.max()+lenX*0.1]) plt.plot(X, Y, 'o-' if vertices else '-', zorder=1) else: v = self.vertices_as_array c = self.cells_as_array plt.plot([v[c[:, 0], 0], v[c[:, 1], 0]], [v[c[:, 0], 1], v[c[:, 1], 1]], c='k') if vertices: plt.scatter(self.vertices_as_array[:, 0], self.vertices_as_array[:, 1]) lenX = v[:, 0].max()-v[:, 0].min() plt.xlim([v[:, 0].min()-lenX*0.1, v[:, 0].max()+lenX*0.1]) lenY = v[:, 1].max()-v[:, 1].min() plt.ylim([v[:, 1].min()-lenY*0.1, v[:, 1].max()+lenY*0.1]) plt.axis('equal') if info: tags = set(self.boundaryEdgeTags) tags = tags.union(self.boundaryVertexTags) cm = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow') num_colors = len(tags) colors = {tag: cm(i/num_colors) for i, tag in enumerate(tags)} for i, c in enumerate(self.cells): midpoint = (self.vertices_as_array[c[0], :] + self.vertices_as_array[c[1], :])/2 if midpoint.shape[0] == 1: plt.text(midpoint[0], 0, str(i), style='italic') else: plt.text(midpoint[0], midpoint[1], str(i), style='italic') for i, v in enumerate(self.vertices_as_array): if v.shape[0] == 1: plt.text(v, 0, i) else: plt.text(v[0], v[1], i) for vno, tag in zip(self.boundaryVertices, self.boundaryVertexTags): v = self.vertices_as_array[vno, :] if v.shape[0] == 1: plt.text(v[0], 0, tag, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', color=colors[tag]) else: plt.text(v[0], v[1], tag, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', color=colors[tag]) for i, (e, tag) in enumerate(zip(self.boundaryEdges, self.boundaryEdgeTags)): v = (self.vertices_as_array[e[0], :]+self.vertices_as_array[e[1], :])/2 if v.shape[0] == 1: plt.text(v[0], 0, tag, color=colors[tag]) else: plt.text(v[0], v[1], tag, color=colors[tag])
[docs] def plotPrepocess(self, x, DoFMap): from . DoFMaps import P0_DoFMap if not isinstance(DoFMap, P0_DoFMap): positions = uninitialized((DoFMap.num_dofs+DoFMap.num_boundary_dofs, self.dim), dtype=REAL) dof2pos = np.full((DoFMap.num_boundary_dofs), dtype=INDEX, fill_value=-1) bDoF = DoFMap.num_dofs simplex = uninitialized((self.manifold_dim+1, self.dim), dtype=REAL) for cellNo in range(self.num_cells): self.getSimplex_py(cellNo, simplex) for i in range(DoFMap.dofs_per_element): dof = DoFMap.cell2dof_py(cellNo, i) pos =[i, :], simplex) if dof >= 0: positions[dof, :] = pos else: p = dof2pos[-dof-1] if p == -1: p = dof2pos[-dof-1] = bDoF bDoF += 1 positions[p, :] = pos if x.ndim == 1: xx = np.zeros((DoFMap.num_dofs+DoFMap.num_boundary_dofs), dtype=REAL) xx[:DoFMap.num_dofs] = x else: xx = np.zeros((x.shape[0], self.num_vertices), dtype=REAL) xx[:, :DoFMap.num_dofs] = x else: positions = uninitialized((2*(DoFMap.num_dofs+DoFMap.num_boundary_dofs), self.dim), dtype=REAL) dof2pos = np.full((DoFMap.num_boundary_dofs), dtype=INDEX, fill_value=-1) bDoF = DoFMap.num_dofs simplex = uninitialized((self.manifold_dim+1, self.dim), dtype=REAL) for cellNo in range(self.num_cells): self.getSimplex_py(cellNo, simplex) for i in range(DoFMap.dofs_per_element): dof = DoFMap.cell2dof_py(cellNo, i) if dof >= 0: positions[2*dof, :] = min(simplex[0, :], simplex[1, :])+1e-9 positions[2*dof+1, :] = max(simplex[0, :], simplex[1, :])-1e-9 else: p = dof2pos[-dof-1] if p == -1: p = dof2pos[-dof-1] = bDoF bDoF += 1 positions[2*p, :] = min(simplex[0, :], simplex[1, :])+1e-9 positions[2*p+1, :] = max(simplex[0, :], simplex[1, :])-1e-9 if x.ndim == 1: xx = np.zeros((2*(DoFMap.num_dofs+DoFMap.num_boundary_dofs)), dtype=REAL) xx[:2*DoFMap.num_dofs-1:2] = x xx[1:2*DoFMap.num_dofs:2] = x else: xx = np.zeros((x.shape[0], 2*(DoFMap.num_dofs+DoFMap.num_boundary_dofs)), dtype=REAL) xx[:, :2*DoFMap.num_dofs-1:2] = x xx[:, 1:2*DoFMap.num_dofs:2] = x positions = np.concatenate((positions, self.vertices_as_array[:, :])) if x.ndim == 1: shape = (self.num_vertices, ) else: shape = (x.shape[0], self.num_vertices) xx = np.hstack((xx, np.full(shape, fill_value=np.nan, dtype=REAL))) if positions.shape[1] == 1: idx = np.argsort(positions[:, 0]) positions = positions[idx, :] if xx.ndim == 1: xx = xx[idx] else: xx = xx[idx, :] return positions, xx
[docs] def plotFunction(self, x, DoFMap=None, tag=0, flat=False, yvals=None, fig=None, ax=None, update=None, **kwargs): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if fig is None: fig = plt.gcf() if ax is None: ax = fig.gca() if DoFMap: positions, sol = self.plotPrepocess(x, DoFMap) else: if x.shape[0] == self.num_cells: from . DoFMaps import P0_DoFMap dm = P0_DoFMap(self) positions, sol = self.plotPrepocess(x, dm) elif x.shape[0] < self.num_vertices: positions = self.vertices_as_array[:, 0] sol = np.zeros((self.num_vertices)) sol[self.getInteriorVerticesByTag(tag)] = x else: positions = self.vertices_as_array[:, 0] sol = x idx = np.argsort(positions) positions = positions[idx, :] sol = sol[idx] if sol.ndim == 1: if positions.shape[1] == 1: if update is None: return ax.plot(positions, sol, **kwargs)[0] else: update.set_data(positions, sol) else: fig.delaxes(fig.gca()) ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d') if update is None: return ax.plot(positions[:, 0], positions[:, 1], sol, marker='.', **kwargs)[0] else: update.set_data(positions[:, 0], positions[:, 1], sol) else: from matplotlib import cm assert yvals is not None X, Y = np.meshgrid(positions, yvals) if flat: ax.pcolor(X, Y, sol, cmap=cm.jet, **kwargs) else: fig = plt.gcf() fig.delaxes(fig.gca()) ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d') ax.plot_surface(X, Y, sol, cmap=cm.jet, **kwargs)
[docs] def plotDoFMap(self, DoFMap, printDoFIndices=True): "Plot the DoF numbers on the mesh." import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import rc_context self.plot() pos = DoFMap.getDoFCoordinates() if printDoFIndices: with rc_context({'text.usetex': False}): for dof in range(DoFMap.num_dofs): plt.text(pos[dof, 0], 0, str(dof)) else: plt.scatter(pos[:, 0], np.zeros((pos.shape[0])), marker='x', s=60)
[docs] def plotMeshOverlap(self, overlap): "Plot a single mesh overlap." from . meshOverlaps import meshOverlap assert isinstance(overlap, meshOverlap) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # self.plot(boundary=True) self.plot(boundary=False) for i in range(overlap.num_vertices): v = self.cells[overlap.vertices[i, 0], overlap.vertices[i, 1]] plt.text(self.vertices[v, 0], self.vertices[v, 1], str(i)) for i in range(overlap.num_cells): cellNo = overlap.cells[i] simplex = self.vertices[self.cells[cellNo, :], :] XY = simplex.mean(axis=0) plt.text(XY[0], 0, str(i))
[docs] def plotOverlapManager(self, overlap): "Plot all mesh overlaps in an overlap manager." from . meshOverlaps import overlapManager assert isinstance(overlap, overlapManager) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt self.plot() x = np.zeros((self.num_cells), dtype=REAL) for subdomain in overlap.overlaps: for cellNo in overlap.overlaps[subdomain].cells: x[cellNo] += 1 for cellNo in range(self.num_cells): plt.text(self.vertices[self.cells[cellNo, :], 0].mean(), 0, str(x[cellNo])) plt.axis('equal')
[docs] def plotAlgebraicOverlap(self, DoFMap, overlap): "Plot a single algebraic overlap." from . algebraicOverlaps import algebraicOverlap assert isinstance(overlap, algebraicOverlap) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt self.plot(boundary=True) dofDict = {} for i, dof in enumerate(overlap.shared_dofs): dofDict[dof] = i for cellNo in range(self.num_cells): simplex = self.vertices[self.cells[cellNo, :], :] for i in range(DoFMap.dofs_per_element): dof = DoFMap.cell2dof_py(cellNo, i) try: pos =[i, :], simplex) plt.text(pos[0], 0, str(dofDict[dof])) except: pass
[docs] def plotAlgebraicOverlapManager(self, DoFMap, overlap): from . algebraicOverlaps import algebraicOverlapManager assert isinstance(overlap, algebraicOverlapManager) self.plot(boundary=True) x = np.zeros((DoFMap.num_dofs), dtype=REAL) for subdomainNo in overlap.overlaps: for i, dof in enumerate(overlap.overlaps[subdomainNo].shared_dofs): x[dof] += 1 self.plotFunctionDoFMap(DoFMap, x)
[docs] def plotFunctionDoFMap(self, DoFMap, x): "Display function values for every DoF." import matplotlib.pyplot as plt self.plot() for cellNo in range(self.num_cells): simplex = self.vertices[self.cells[cellNo, :], :] for i in range(DoFMap.dofs_per_element): dof = DoFMap.cell2dof_py(cellNo, i) if dof >= 0: pos =[i, :], simplex) plt.text(pos[0], 0, '{:.2}'.format(x[dof]))
[docs] def sortVertices(self): idx = np.argsort(self.vertices_as_array, axis=0).ravel() self.reorderVertices(idx)
[docs] class mesh2d(meshNd): """ 2D mesh Attributes: vertices cells boundaryVertices boundaryEdges boundaryVertexTags boundaryEdgeTags """
[docs] def getInteriorMap(self, tag): """ Returns a map from the vertex numbers of the mesh to the interior vertices. """ bdofs = self.getBoundaryVerticesByTag(tag) mapping = -1*np.ones((self.num_vertices), dtype=INDEX) iV = np.ones(self.num_vertices, dtype=np.bool) iV[bdofs] = 0 iV = iV.nonzero()[0] mapping[iV] = np.arange(len(iV), dtype=INDEX) return mapping
[docs] def plot(self, boundary=None, info=False, padding=0.1, fill=False, **kwargs): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import rcParams vertices = self.vertices_as_array X, Y = vertices[:, 0], vertices[:, 1] triangles = self.cells_as_array lenX = X.max()-X.min() lenY = Y.max()-Y.min() plt.axis('equal') plt.xlim([X.min()-lenX*padding, X.max()+lenX*padding]) plt.ylim([Y.min()-lenY*padding, Y.max()+lenY*padding]) if fill: plt.tripcolor(X, Y, triangles, np.ones(triangles.shape[0]), 'k-', zorder=1, alpha=0.3 if boundary else 1., **kwargs) else: if 'alpha' not in kwargs: kwargs['alpha'] = 0.3 if boundary else 1. plt.triplot(X, Y, triangles, 'k-', zorder=1, **kwargs) if boundary: tags = set(self.boundaryEdgeTags) tags = tags.union(self.boundaryVertexTags) cm = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow') num_colors = len(tags) colors = {tag: cm(i/(num_colors)) for i, tag in enumerate(sorted(tags))} vertices = self.vertices_as_array for bv, tag in zip(self.boundaryVertices, self.boundaryVertexTags): XY = vertices[bv, :] plt.plot([XY[0]], [XY[1]], '-o', linewidth=0*rcParams["lines.linewidth"], markersize=10, color=colors[tag], zorder=3) for be, tag in zip(self.boundaryEdges, self.boundaryEdgeTags): XY = vertices[be, :] plt.plot(XY[:, 0], XY[:, 1], 'k-', linewidth=3*rcParams["lines.linewidth"], color=colors[tag], zorder=2) if info: tags = set(self.boundaryEdgeTags) tags = tags.union(self.boundaryVertexTags) cm = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow') num_colors = len(tags) colors = {tag: cm(i/num_colors) for i, tag in enumerate(tags)} vertices = self.vertices_as_array for i, c in enumerate(self.cells): midpoint = (vertices[c[0]] + vertices[c[1]] + vertices[c[2]])/3 plt.text(midpoint[0], midpoint[1], str(i), style='italic') for i, v in enumerate(vertices): plt.text(v[0], v[1], i) for vno, tag in zip(self.boundaryVertices, self.boundaryVertexTags): v = self.vertices[vno, :] plt.text(v[0], v[1], tag, horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', color=colors[tag]) for i, (e, tag) in enumerate(zip(self.boundaryEdges, self.boundaryEdgeTags)): v = (vertices[e[0]]+vertices[e[1]])/2 plt.text(v[0], v[1], tag, color=colors[tag])
[docs] def plotPrepocess(self, x, DoFMap=None, tag=0): from . DoFMaps import P1_DoFMap, P0_DoFMap if DoFMap is not None and hasattr(x, 'dm'): DoFMap = if DoFMap is not None: if isinstance(DoFMap, P0_DoFMap): if DoFMap.num_dofs < self.num_cells: from . DoFMaps import getSubMapRestrictionProlongation dm = P0_DoFMap(self, -10) _, P = getSubMapRestrictionProlongation(dm, DoFMap) y = P*x return self.plotPrepocess(y) else: return self.plotPrepocess(x) elif not isinstance(DoFMap, P1_DoFMap): return self.plotPrepocess(DoFMap.linearPart(x)[0]) elif isinstance(DoFMap, P1_DoFMap): v = self.vertices_as_array sol = DoFMap.getValuesAtVertices(x) if v.shape[1] == 2: X, Y = v[:, 0], v[:, 1] return X, Y, sol elif v.shape[1] == 3: X, Y, Z = v[:, 0], v[:, 1], v[:, 2] return X, Y, Z, sol else: v = self.vertices_as_array X, Y = v[:, 0], v[:, 1] if x.shape[0] == self.num_vertices: sol = x elif x.shape[0] == self.num_cells: sol = x else: sol = np.zeros(self.num_vertices) if DoFMap is not None: tag = DoFMap.tag sol[self.getInteriorVerticesByTag(tag)] = x return X, Y, sol
[docs] def plotFunction(self, x, flat=False, DoFMap=None, tag=0, update=None, contour=False, ax=None, **kwargs): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cm if self.dim == self.manifold_dim: X, Y, sol = self.plotPrepocess(x, DoFMap, tag) elif self.dim == self.manifold_dim+1: X, Y, Z, sol = self.plotPrepocess(x, DoFMap, tag) if flat: plt.axis('equal') if update is None: try: cb = plt.gca().collections[-1].colorbar cb.remove() except: pass update = plt.tripcolor(X, Y, self.cells, sol, cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0, **kwargs) plt.colorbar() if contour: update2 = plt.tricontour(X, Y, self.cells, sol, colors=['k']) update = [update, update2] return update else: if contour: update[0].set_array(sol) for cp in update[1].collections: cp.remove() update[1] = plt.tricontour(X, Y, self.cells, sol, colors=['k']) else: if sol.shape[0] != update.get_array().shape[0]: sol = sol[self.cells_as_array].mean(axis=1) assert sol.shape[0] == update.get_array().shape[0] update.set_array(sol) else: from . DoFMaps import P0_DoFMap if isinstance(DoFMap, P0_DoFMap): assert self.num_cells == sol.shape[0] newVertices = uninitialized(((self.dim+1)*self.num_cells, self.dim), dtype=REAL) newCells = uninitialized((self.num_cells, self.dim+1), dtype=INDEX) newSol = uninitialized(((self.dim+1)*self.num_cells, ), dtype=REAL) k = 0 for cellNo in range(self.num_cells): for vertexNo in range(self.dim+1): vertex = self.cells[cellNo, vertexNo] for j in range(self.dim): newVertices[k, j] = self.vertices[vertex, j] newCells[cellNo, vertexNo] = k newSol[(self.dim+1)*cellNo+vertexNo] = sol[cellNo] k += 1 X, Y = newVertices[:, 0], newVertices[:, 1] sol = newSol cells = newCells else: cells = self.cells if ax is None: fig = plt.gcf() fig.delaxes(fig.gca()) ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d') if self.dim == self.manifold_dim: ax.plot_trisurf(X, Y, cells, sol, cmap=cm.jet, linewidth=0, **kwargs) elif self.dim == self.manifold_dim+1: from . import functionFactory from import ScalarMappable from matplotlib.colors import Normalize col = ax.plot_trisurf(X, Y, Z, triangles=cells, **kwargs) dm0 = P0_DoFMap(self) u0 = dm0.interpolate(functionFactory('lookup', DoFMap.mesh, DoFMap, x)) norm = Normalize() colors = cm.jet(norm(u0.toarray())) col.set_fc(colors) mappable = ScalarMappable(cmap=cm.jet, norm=norm) plt.colorbar(mappable, shrink=0.67, aspect=16.7, ax=ax) return ax
[docs] def plotDoFMap(self, DoFMap, printDoFIndices=True): "Plot the DoF numbers on the mesh." import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import rc_context self.plot(alpha=0.3) pos = DoFMap.getDoFCoordinates() if printDoFIndices: with rc_context({'text.usetex': False}): for dof in range(DoFMap.num_dofs): plt.text(pos[dof, 0], pos[dof, 1], str(dof), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center') else: plt.scatter(pos[:, 0], pos[:, 1])
[docs] def plotFunctionDoFMap(self, DoFMap, x): "Display function values for every DoF." import matplotlib.pyplot as plt self.plot() for cellNo in range(self.num_cells): simplex = self.vertices_as_array[self.cells[cellNo, :], :] for i in range(DoFMap.dofs_per_element): dof = DoFMap.cell2dof_py(cellNo, i) if dof >= 0: pos =[i, :], simplex) plt.text(pos[0], pos[1], '{:.2}'.format(x[dof]))
[docs] def plotInterface(self, interface): "Plot a single mesh interface." import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from . meshOverlaps import meshInterface assert isinstance(interface, meshInterface) self.plot() for i in range(interface.num_edges): cellNo = interface.edges[i, 0] edgeNo = interface.edges[i, 1] order = interface.edges[i, 2] simplex = self.vertices[self.cells[cellNo, :], :] if edgeNo == 0: idx = (0, 1) elif edgeNo == 1: idx = (1, 2) else: idx = (2, 0) if order != 0: idx = (idx[1], idx[0]) XY = simplex[idx, :] plt.plot(XY[:, 0], XY[:, 1], 'k-', linewidth=3, # color=colors[tag], zorder=2) plt.text(XY[:, 0].mean(), XY[:, 1].mean(), str(i))
[docs] def plotMeshOverlap(self, overlap): "Plot a single mesh overlap." from . meshOverlaps import meshOverlap assert isinstance(overlap, meshOverlap) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # self.plot(boundary=True) self.plot(boundary=False) for i in range(overlap.num_vertices): v = self.cells[overlap.vertices[i, 0], overlap.vertices[i, 1]] plt.text(self.vertices[v, 0], self.vertices[v, 1], str(i)) for i in range(overlap.num_cells): cellNo = overlap.cells[i] simplex = self.vertices_as_array[self.cells[cellNo, :], :] XY = simplex.mean(axis=0) plt.text(XY[0], XY[1], str(i)) plt.title('Overlap of subdomain {} with {}'.format(overlap.mySubdomainNo, overlap.otherSubdomainNo))
[docs] def plotOverlapManager(self, overlap): "Plot all mesh overlaps in an overlap manager." from . meshOverlaps import overlapManager assert isinstance(overlap, overlapManager) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt self.plot() x = np.zeros((self.num_cells), dtype=REAL) for subdomain in overlap.overlaps: for cellNo in overlap.overlaps[subdomain].cells: x[cellNo] += subdomain+1 plt.tripcolor(self.vertices[:, 0], self.vertices[:, 1], self.cells, x) plt.axis('equal')
[docs] def plotAlgebraicOverlap(self, DoFMap, overlap): "Plot a single algebraic overlap." from . algebraicOverlaps import algebraicOverlap assert isinstance(overlap, algebraicOverlap) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt self.plot(boundary=True) dofDict = {} for i, dof in enumerate(overlap.shared_dofs): dofDict[dof] = i for cellNo in range(self.num_cells): simplex = self.vertices_as_array[self.cells[cellNo, :], :] for i in range(DoFMap.dofs_per_element): dof = DoFMap.cell2dof_py(cellNo, i) try: pos =[i, :], simplex) plt.text(pos[0], pos[1], str(dofDict[dof])) except: pass
[docs] def plotAlgebraicOverlapManager(self, DoFMap, overlap): from . algebraicOverlaps import algebraicOverlapManager assert isinstance(overlap, algebraicOverlapManager) self.plot(boundary=True) x = np.zeros((DoFMap.num_dofs), dtype=REAL) for subdomainNo in overlap.overlaps: for i, dof in enumerate(overlap.overlaps[subdomainNo].shared_dofs): x[dof] += 1 self.plotFunctionDoFMap(DoFMap, x)
[docs] def plotVertexPartitions(self, numPartitions, partitioner='metis', interior=False, padding=0.1): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if isinstance(partitioner, str): if partitioner == 'metis': partitioner = metisMeshPartitioner(self) elif partitioner == 'regular': partitioner = regularMeshPartitioner(self) else: raise NotImplementedError() part, numPartitions = partitioner.partitionVertices(numPartitions, interior) elif isinstance(partitioner, sparseGraph): part = np.zeros((partitioner.nnz)) for p in range(partitioner.num_rows): for jj in range(partitioner.indptr[p], partitioner.indptr[p+1]): part[partitioner.indices[jj]] = p numPartitions = partitioner.shape[0] else: raise NotImplementedError() self.plot() cm = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow') X, Y = self.vertices[:, 0], self.vertices[:, 1] lenX = X.max()-X.min() lenY = Y.max()-Y.min() plt.axis('equal') plt.xlim([X.min()-lenX*padding, X.max()+lenX*padding]) plt.ylim([Y.min()-lenY*padding, Y.max()+lenY*padding]) if not X.shape[0] == part.shape[0]: part2 = -np.ones((X.shape[0])) part2[self.interiorVertices] = part part = part2 for i in range(numPartitions): plt.tricontourf(X, Y, part == i, levels=[0.7, 1.1], colors=[cm(i/numPartitions)])
[docs] def plotCellPartitions(self, numPartitions, partitioner='metis'): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if isinstance(partitioner, str): if partitioner == 'metis': partitioner = metisMeshPartitioner(self) elif partitioner == 'regular': partitioner = regularMeshPartitioner(self) else: raise NotImplementedError() part, numPartitions = partitioner.partitionCells(numPartitions) plt.tripcolor(self.vertices[:, 0], self.vertices[:, 1], self.cells, part) plt.triplot(self.vertices[:, 0], self.vertices[:, 1], self.cells, '-', zorder=1)
[docs] def plotGraph(self, A, dofmap): from PyNucleus_base.linear_operators import CSR_LinearOperator import matplotlib.pyplot as plt assert isinstance(A, CSR_LinearOperator) for cellNo in range(self.num_cells): simplex = self.vertices[self.cells[cellNo, :], :] coords = dofmap.getNodalCoordinates_py(simplex) dofs = [] for j in range(dofmap.dofs_per_element): dofs.append(dofmap.cell2dof_py(cellNo, j)) for i, dof1 in enumerate(dofs): if dof1 < 0: continue for j, dof2 in enumerate(dofs): if dof2 < 0: continue if A.getEntry_py(dof1, dof2) != 0.: if i == j: plt.plot([coords[i, 0], coords[j, 0]], [coords[i, 1], coords[j, 1]], marker='o', ms=8, c='r', lw=4) else: plt.plot([coords[i, 0], coords[j, 0]], [coords[i, 1], coords[j, 1]], c='g', lw=4)
[docs] def sortVertices(self): idx = np.argsort(self.vertices_as_array.view('d,d'), order=['f1', 'f0'], axis=0).flat[:self.vertices.shape[0]] self.reorderVertices(idx)
[docs] class mesh3d(meshNd): """ 3D mesh Attributes: vertices cells boundaryVertices boundaryEdges boundaryFaces boundaryVertexTags boundaryEdgeTags boundaryFaceTags """
[docs] def plot(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # noqa: F401 from itertools import combinations fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') for i in range(self.cells.shape[0]): for j, k in combinations(range(4), 2): u = self.vertices[self.cells[i, j], :] v = self.vertices[self.cells[i, k], :] ax.plot([u[0], v[0]], [u[1], v[1]], [u[2], v[2]], 'k')
[docs] def plot_surface(self, boundary=False): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # noqa: F401 from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection # from matplotlib import rcParams # from itertools import combinations fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') # for i in range(self.boundaryFaces.shape[0]): # for j, k in combinations(range(3), 2): # u = self.vertices[self.boundaryFaces[i, j], :] # v = self.vertices[self.boundaryFaces[i, k], :] # ax.plot([u[0], v[0]], [u[1], v[1]], [u[2], v[2]], 'k', zorder=-1) tags = set(self.boundaryFaceTags) tags = tags.union(self.boundaryEdgeTags) tags = tags.union(self.boundaryVertexTags) cm = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow') num_colors = len(tags) colors = {tag: cm(i/num_colors) for i, tag in enumerate(tags)} tri = Poly3DCollection([self.vertices_as_array[self.boundaryFaces[i, :], :] for i in range(self.boundaryFaces.shape[0])], facecolors=[colors[t] for t in self.boundaryFaceTags], edgecolors=(0, 0, 0, 1), lw=1) ax.add_collection3d(tri) if boundary: scatterDict = {} for bv, tag in zip(self.boundaryVertices, self.boundaryVertexTags): XY = self.vertices[bv, :] try: scatterDict[tag].append(XY) except KeyError: scatterDict[tag] = [XY] for tag in scatterDict: XY = np.vstack(scatterDict[tag]) print(XY.shape, colors[tag]) plt.scatter(XY[:, 0], XY[:, 1], zs=XY[:, 2], s=100, c=colors[tag], zorder=3, depthshade=False)
# for be, tag in zip(self.boundaryEdges, self.boundaryEdgeTags): # XY = self.vertices[be, :] # plt.plot(XY[:, 0], XY[:, 1], 'k-', zs=XY[:, 2], # linewidth=3*rcParams["lines.linewidth"], # color=colors[tag], # zorder=2)
[docs] def plotVTK(self, boundary=False, opacity=1.0): import vtk from vtk.util.numpy_support import numpy_to_vtk, numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray import matplotlib.pyplot as plt points = vtk.vtkPoints() points.SetData(numpy_to_vtk(self.vertices, deep=1)) cm = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow') tags = set(self.boundaryFaceTags) tags = tags.union(self.boundaryEdgeTags) tags = tags.union(self.boundaryVertexTags) num_colors = len(tags) ccs = {tag: cm(i/num_colors) for i, tag in enumerate(tags)} if boundary: toPlot = [ (self.boundaryFaces, self.boundaryFaceTags), (self.boundaryEdges, self.boundaryEdgeTags), (self.boundaryVertices[:, np.newaxis], self.boundaryVertexTags) ] else: toPlot = [(self.cells, np.zeros((self.num_cells), dtype=TAG))] colors = vtk.vtkUnsignedCharArray() colors.SetName("Colors") colors.SetNumberOfComponents(3) colors.SetNumberOfTuples(sum([cells.shape[0] for cells, _ in toPlot])) myCells = [] myCellTypes = [] numCells = 0 k = 0 for cells, tags in toPlot: if cells.shape[1] == 1: cellType = vtk.VTK_VERTEX elif cells.shape[1] == 2: cellType = vtk.VTK_LINE elif cells.shape[1] == 3: cellType = vtk.VTK_TRIANGLE elif cells.shape[1] == 4: cellType = vtk.VTK_TETRA else: raise NotImplementedError() myCellTypes.append(cellType*np.ones((cells.shape[0]), myCells.append(np.hstack((cells.shape[1]*np.ones((cells.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.int64), cells.astype(np.int64))).ravel()) numCells += cells.shape[0] for i in range(cells.shape[0]): c = ccs[tags[i]] colors.InsertTuple3(k, 255*c[0], 255*c[1], 255*c[2]) k += 1 c3 = np.concatenate(myCells) c2 = numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray(c3, deep=1) c = vtk.vtkCellArray() c.SetCells(numCells, c2) ugrid = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid() cellTypes = np.concatenate(myCellTypes) ugrid.SetCells(cellTypes, c) ugrid.SetPoints(points) ugrid.GetCellData().SetScalars(colors) ugridMapper = vtk.vtkDataSetMapper() ugridMapper.SetInputData(ugrid) ugridActor = vtk.vtkActor() ugridActor.SetMapper(ugridMapper) if not boundary: ugridActor.GetProperty().EdgeVisibilityOn() else: ugridActor.GetProperty().SetLineWidth(10) ugridActor.GetProperty().SetPointSize(30) ugridActor.GetProperty().SetOpacity(opacity) return ugridActor
[docs] def plotInterfaceVTK(self, interface): import vtk from vtk.util.numpy_support import numpy_to_vtk, numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray from . meshOverlaps import sharedMesh, simplexMapper3D assert isinstance(interface, sharedMesh) points = vtk.vtkPoints() points.SetData(numpy_to_vtk(self.vertices, deep=1)) sM = simplexMapper3D(self) cellsCells = self.cells[interface.cells, :] cellsFaces = uninitialized((interface.num_faces, 3), dtype=INDEX) for i in range(interface.num_faces): cellsFaces[i, :] = sM.getFaceInCell_py(interface.faces[i, 0], interface.faces[i, 1]) cellsEdges = uninitialized((interface.num_edges, 2), dtype=INDEX) for i in range(interface.num_edges): cellsEdges[i, :] = sM.getEdgeInCell_py(interface.edges[i, 0], interface.edges[i, 1]) cellsVertices = uninitialized((interface.num_vertices, 1), dtype=INDEX) for i in range(interface.num_vertices): cellsVertices[i, 0] = sM.getVertexInCell_py(interface.vertices[i, 0], interface.vertices[i, 1]) toPlot = [ cellsCells, cellsFaces, cellsEdges, cellsVertices ] myCells = [] myCellTypes = [] numCells = 0 for cells in toPlot: if cells.shape[1] == 1: cellType = vtk.VTK_VERTEX elif cells.shape[1] == 2: cellType = vtk.VTK_LINE elif cells.shape[1] == 3: cellType = vtk.VTK_TRIANGLE elif cells.shape[1] == 4: cellType = vtk.VTK_TETRA else: raise NotImplementedError() myCellTypes.append(cellType*np.ones((cells.shape[0]), myCells.append(np.hstack((cells.shape[1]*np.ones((cells.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.int64), cells.astype(np.int64))).ravel()) numCells += cells.shape[0] c3 = np.concatenate(myCells) c2 = numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray(c3, deep=1) c = vtk.vtkCellArray() c.SetCells(numCells, c2) ugrid = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid() cellTypes = np.concatenate(myCellTypes) ugrid.SetCells(cellTypes, c) ugrid.SetPoints(points) ugridMapper = vtk.vtkDataSetMapper() ugridMapper.SetInputData(ugrid) ugridActor = vtk.vtkActor() ugridActor.SetMapper(ugridMapper) ugridActor.GetProperty().SetLineWidth(10) ugridActor.GetProperty().SetPointSize(30) return ugridActor
[docs] def checkDoFMap(self, DoFMap): "Plot the DoF numbers on the mesh." recorderdDofs = {} for cellNo in range(self.num_cells): simplex = self.vertices[self.cells[cellNo, :], :] for i in range(DoFMap.dofs_per_element): dof = DoFMap.cell2dof_py(cellNo, i) if dof >= 0: pos =[i, :], simplex) try: posOld = recorderdDofs[dof] assert np.allclose(pos, posOld) except KeyError: recorderdDofs[dof] = pos return recorderdDofs
[docs] def sortVertices(self): idx = np.argsort(self.vertices_as_array.view('d,d,d'), order=['f2', 'f1', 'f0'], axis=0).flat[:self.vertices.shape[0]] self.reorderVertices(idx)
[docs] def stitchSubdomains(subdomains, overlapManagers, returnR=False, ncs=None): """ Stitch subdomains together. Works for 2D. """ vertices = uninitialized((0, subdomains[0].dim), dtype=INDEX) cells = uninitialized((0, subdomains[0].dim+1), dtype=INDEX) globalIndices = [] numPartitions = len(subdomains) # FIX: If we have real overlap (overlapping elements, not vertices), # I'm adding vertices twice for i in range(numPartitions): if ncs: subdomainVertices = subdomains[i].vertices[:ncs[i][0], :] else: subdomainVertices = subdomains[i].vertices subdomainNumVertices = subdomainVertices.shape[0] # form vector bv # if vertex is in previous subdomains, set number of a subdomain, else -1 bv = -1*np.ones(subdomainNumVertices, dtype=INDEX) # loop over all overlaps with subdomains that we already incorporated # for j in range(i-1, -1, -1): for j in range(i): bv[np.array(overlapManagers[i][j].overlap2local, dtype=INDEX)] = j # append all new vertices k = len(vertices) nv = (bv == -1) vertices = np.vstack((vertices, np.compress(nv, subdomainVertices, axis=0))) # find new indices after discarding of the known vertices globalIndicesSubdomain = uninitialized(subdomainNumVertices, dtype=INDEX) globalIndicesSubdomain[nv] = np.arange(k, k+nv.sum()) for j in np.compress(np.logical_not(nv), np.arange(subdomainNumVertices)): otherSubdomain = bv[j] # translate to overlap index in domain i m = overlapManagers[i].translate_local_overlap(otherSubdomain, np.array([j])) # translate to local index in domain otherSubdomain m = overlapManagers[otherSubdomain].translate_overlap_local(i, m) # translate to global index globalIndicesSubdomain[j] = globalIndices[otherSubdomain][m] globalIndices.append(globalIndicesSubdomain) if ncs: subdomainCells = subdomains[i].cells[:ncs[i][1], :] addCell = np.ones(subdomainCells.shape[0], dtype=np.bool) else: subdomainCells = subdomains[i].cells # translate cells to new indices # get subdomain number for every vertex in every cell ww = np.take(bv, subdomainCells.T) # take cell wise min cellMinSubdomain = ww.min(axis=0) # take cell wise max cellMaxSubdomain = ww.max(axis=0) # only take cells that have at least one new vertex, # or that have vertices on different subdomains # FIX: the last condition is not obvious addCell = np.logical_or(cellMinSubdomain == -1, np.logical_and(cellMinSubdomain > -1, cellMinSubdomain < cellMaxSubdomain)) # addCell = cellMinSubdomain == -1 # xx = np.logical_and(cellMinSubdomain > -1, # cellMinSubdomain < cellMaxSubdomain) # print(i, xx.sum()) # print(ww[:, xx]) s = (addCell.sum(), subdomains[0].dim+1) newcells = np.compress(addCell, subdomainCells, axis=0) newcells = globalIndicesSubdomain[newcells.ravel()].reshape(s) cells = np.vstack((cells, newcells)) if subdomains[0].dim == 1: mesh = mesh1d(vertices, cells) elif subdomains[0].dim == 2: mesh = mesh2d(vertices, cells) elif subdomains[0].dim == 3: mesh = mesh3d(vertices, cells) if returnR: return (mesh, globalIndices) else: return mesh
[docs] def stitchOverlappingMeshes(meshes, overlapManagers): dim = meshes[0].dim global_vertices = uninitialized((0, dim), dtype=REAL) global_cells = uninitialized((0, dim+1), dtype=INDEX) global_boundary_vertices = {} global_boundary_edges = {} numPartitions = len(meshes) localCellLookup = {} globalCellLookup = [] for mySubdomainNo in range(numPartitions): translate = -np.ones((meshes[mySubdomainNo].num_vertices), dtype=INDEX) idx = np.ones((meshes[mySubdomainNo].cells.shape[0]), dtype=BOOL) lookup = -np.ones((meshes[mySubdomainNo].num_cells), dtype=INDEX) for otherSubdomainNo in range(mySubdomainNo): if otherSubdomainNo not in overlapManagers[mySubdomainNo].overlaps: continue idx[overlapManagers[mySubdomainNo].overlaps[otherSubdomainNo].cells] = False for k in range(overlapManagers[mySubdomainNo].overlaps[otherSubdomainNo].cells.shape[0]): p = overlapManagers[mySubdomainNo].overlaps[otherSubdomainNo].cells[k] q = overlapManagers[otherSubdomainNo].overlaps[mySubdomainNo].cells[k] translate[meshes[mySubdomainNo].cells_as_array[p, :]] = meshes[otherSubdomainNo].cells_as_array[q, :] lookup[p] = globalCellLookup[otherSubdomainNo][q] # get global vertex indices numVertices = numVerticesNew = global_vertices.shape[0] for k in range(meshes[mySubdomainNo].num_vertices): if translate[k] == -1: translate[k] = numVerticesNew numVerticesNew += 1 # translate vertex indices in cells to global indices for k in range(meshes[mySubdomainNo].num_cells): for m in range(dim+1): meshes[mySubdomainNo].cells[k, m] = translate[meshes[mySubdomainNo].cells[k, m]] global_vertices = np.vstack((global_vertices, meshes[mySubdomainNo].vertices_as_array[translate >= numVertices, :])) num_cells = global_cells.shape[0] global_cells = np.vstack((global_cells, meshes[mySubdomainNo].cells_as_array[idx, :])) for vertexNo in range(meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryVertices.shape[0]): v = translate[meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryVertices[vertexNo]] try: global_boundary_vertices[v].append(meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryVertexTags[vertexNo]) except KeyError: global_boundary_vertices[v] = [meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryVertexTags[vertexNo]] for edgeNo in range(meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryEdges.shape[0]): e = (translate[meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryEdges[edgeNo, 0]], translate[meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryEdges[edgeNo, 1]]) try: global_boundary_edges[e].append(meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryEdgeTags[edgeNo]) except KeyError: global_boundary_edges[e] = [meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryEdgeTags[edgeNo]] for k in range(meshes[mySubdomainNo].num_cells): if idx[k]: localCellLookup[num_cells] = [(mySubdomainNo, k)] lookup[k] = num_cells num_cells += 1 else: localCellLookup[lookup[k]].append((mySubdomainNo, k)) globalCellLookup.append(lookup) if dim == 1: global_mesh = mesh1d(global_vertices, global_cells) elif dim == 2: global_mesh = mesh2d(global_vertices, global_cells) else: raise NotImplementedError() boundaryVertices = uninitialized((len(global_boundary_vertices)), dtype=INDEX) boundaryVertexTags = uninitialized((len(global_boundary_vertices)), dtype=TAG) for vertexNo, vertex in enumerate(global_boundary_vertices): boundaryVertices[vertexNo] = vertex global_boundary_vertices[vertex] = list(set(global_boundary_vertices[vertex])) boundaryVertexTags[vertexNo] = max(global_boundary_vertices[vertex]) global_mesh._boundaryVertices = boundaryVertices global_mesh._boundaryVertexTags = boundaryVertexTags boundaryEdges = uninitialized((len(global_boundary_edges), 2), dtype=INDEX) boundaryEdgeTags = uninitialized((len(global_boundary_edges)), dtype=TAG) for edgeNo, edge in enumerate(global_boundary_edges): boundaryEdges[edgeNo, :] = edge global_boundary_edges[edge] = list(set(global_boundary_edges[edge])) # assert len(global_boundary_edges[edge]) == 1, global_boundary_edges[edge] boundaryEdgeTags[edgeNo] = max(global_boundary_edges[edge]) global_mesh._boundaryEdges = boundaryEdges global_mesh._boundaryEdgeTags = boundaryEdgeTags return global_mesh, localCellLookup
[docs] def stitchNonoverlappingMeshes(meshes, interfaceManagers): global_vertices = uninitialized((0, meshes[0].dim), dtype=REAL) global_cells = uninitialized((0, meshes[0].manifold_dim+1), dtype=INDEX) numPartitions = len(meshes) localCellLookup = {} global_boundary_vertices = {} global_boundary_edges = {} global_boundary_faces = {} for mySubdomainNo in range(numPartitions): translate = -np.ones((meshes[mySubdomainNo].num_vertices), dtype=INDEX) for otherSubdomainNo in range(mySubdomainNo): if otherSubdomainNo not in interfaceManagers[mySubdomainNo].interfaces: continue # idx[interfaceManagers[mySubdomainNo].overlaps[otherSubdomainNo].cells] = False for k in range(interfaceManagers[mySubdomainNo].interfaces[otherSubdomainNo].vertices.shape[0]): cellNo = interfaceManagers[mySubdomainNo].interfaces[otherSubdomainNo].vertices[k, 0] vertexNo = interfaceManagers[mySubdomainNo].interfaces[otherSubdomainNo].vertices[k, 1] p = meshes[mySubdomainNo].cells[cellNo, vertexNo] cellNo = interfaceManagers[otherSubdomainNo].interfaces[mySubdomainNo].vertices[k, 0] vertexNo = interfaceManagers[otherSubdomainNo].interfaces[mySubdomainNo].vertices[k, 1] q = meshes[otherSubdomainNo].cells[cellNo, vertexNo] translate[p] = q if meshes[0].manifold_dim >= 2: for k in range(interfaceManagers[mySubdomainNo].interfaces[otherSubdomainNo].edges.shape[0]): cellNo = interfaceManagers[mySubdomainNo].interfaces[otherSubdomainNo].edges[k, 0] edgeNo = interfaceManagers[mySubdomainNo].interfaces[otherSubdomainNo].edges[k, 1] order = interfaceManagers[mySubdomainNo].interfaces[otherSubdomainNo].edges[k, 2] if edgeNo == 0: vertexNo1, vertexNo2 = 0, 1 elif edgeNo == 1: vertexNo1, vertexNo2 = 1, 2 elif edgeNo == 2: vertexNo1, vertexNo2 = 2, 0 elif edgeNo == 3: vertexNo1, vertexNo2 = 0, 3 elif edgeNo == 4: vertexNo1, vertexNo2 = 1, 3 else: vertexNo1, vertexNo2 = 2, 3 if order == 1: vertexNo1, vertexNo2 = vertexNo2, vertexNo1 p1 = meshes[mySubdomainNo].cells[cellNo, vertexNo1] p2 = meshes[mySubdomainNo].cells[cellNo, vertexNo2] cellNo = interfaceManagers[otherSubdomainNo].interfaces[mySubdomainNo].edges[k, 0] edgeNo = interfaceManagers[otherSubdomainNo].interfaces[mySubdomainNo].edges[k, 1] order = interfaceManagers[otherSubdomainNo].interfaces[mySubdomainNo].edges[k, 2] if edgeNo == 0: vertexNo1, vertexNo2 = 0, 1 elif edgeNo == 1: vertexNo1, vertexNo2 = 1, 2 elif edgeNo == 2: vertexNo1, vertexNo2 = 2, 0 elif edgeNo == 3: vertexNo1, vertexNo2 = 0, 3 elif edgeNo == 4: vertexNo1, vertexNo2 = 1, 3 else: vertexNo1, vertexNo2 = 2, 3 if order == 1: vertexNo1, vertexNo2 = vertexNo2, vertexNo1 q1 = meshes[otherSubdomainNo].cells[cellNo, vertexNo1] q2 = meshes[otherSubdomainNo].cells[cellNo, vertexNo2] translate[p1] = q1 translate[p2] = q2 # missing faces here if meshes[0].manifold_dim >= 3: for k in range(interfaceManagers[mySubdomainNo].interfaces[otherSubdomainNo].faces.shape[0]): cellNo = interfaceManagers[mySubdomainNo].interfaces[otherSubdomainNo].faces[k, 0] faceNo = interfaceManagers[mySubdomainNo].interfaces[otherSubdomainNo].faces[k, 1] order = interfaceManagers[mySubdomainNo].interfaces[otherSubdomainNo].faces[k, 2] if faceNo == 0: vertexNo1, vertexNo2, vertexNo3 = 0, 2, 1 # edgeNo1, edgeNo2, edgeNo3 = 2, 1, 0 elif faceNo == 1: vertexNo1, vertexNo2, vertexNo3 = 0, 1, 3 # edgeNo1, edgeNo2, edgeNo3 = 0, 4, 3 elif faceNo == 2: vertexNo1, vertexNo2, vertexNo3 = 1, 2, 3 # edgeNo1, edgeNo2, edgeNo3 = 1, 5, 4 else: vertexNo1, vertexNo2, vertexNo3 = 2, 0, 3 # edgeNo1, edgeNo2, edgeNo3 = 2, 3, 5 if order == 1: vertexNo1, vertexNo2, vertexNo3 = vertexNo2, vertexNo3, vertexNo1 # edgeNo1, edgeNo2, edgeNo3 = edgeNo2, edgeNo3, edgeNo1 elif order == 2: vertexNo1, vertexNo2, vertexNo3 = vertexNo3, vertexNo1, vertexNo2 # edgeNo1, edgeNo2, edgeNo3 = edgeNo3, edgeNo1, edgeNo2 elif order == -1: vertexNo1, vertexNo2, vertexNo3 = vertexNo2, vertexNo1, vertexNo3 # edgeNo1, edgeNo2, edgeNo3 = edgeNo1, edgeNo3, edgeNo2 elif order == -2: vertexNo1, vertexNo2, vertexNo3 = vertexNo1, vertexNo3, vertexNo2 # edgeNo1, edgeNo2, edgeNo3 = edgeNo3, edgeNo2, edgeNo1 elif order == -3: vertexNo1, vertexNo2, vertexNo3 = vertexNo3, vertexNo2, vertexNo1 # edgeNo1, edgeNo2, edgeNo3 = edgeNo2, edgeNo1, edgeNo3 p1 = meshes[mySubdomainNo].cells[cellNo, vertexNo1] p2 = meshes[mySubdomainNo].cells[cellNo, vertexNo2] p3 = meshes[mySubdomainNo].cells[cellNo, vertexNo3] cellNo = interfaceManagers[otherSubdomainNo].interfaces[mySubdomainNo].faces[k, 0] faceNo = interfaceManagers[otherSubdomainNo].interfaces[mySubdomainNo].faces[k, 1] order = interfaceManagers[otherSubdomainNo].interfaces[mySubdomainNo].faces[k, 2] if faceNo == 0: vertexNo1, vertexNo2, vertexNo3 = 0, 2, 1 # edgeNo1, edgeNo2, edgeNo3 = 2, 1, 0 elif faceNo == 1: vertexNo1, vertexNo2, vertexNo3 = 0, 1, 3 # edgeNo1, edgeNo2, edgeNo3 = 0, 4, 3 elif faceNo == 2: vertexNo1, vertexNo2, vertexNo3 = 1, 2, 3 # edgeNo1, edgeNo2, edgeNo3 = 1, 5, 4 else: vertexNo1, vertexNo2, vertexNo3 = 2, 0, 3 # edgeNo1, edgeNo2, edgeNo3 = 2, 3, 5 if order == 1: vertexNo1, vertexNo2, vertexNo3 = vertexNo2, vertexNo3, vertexNo1 # edgeNo1, edgeNo2, edgeNo3 = edgeNo2, edgeNo3, edgeNo1 elif order == 2: vertexNo1, vertexNo2, vertexNo3 = vertexNo3, vertexNo1, vertexNo2 # edgeNo1, edgeNo2, edgeNo3 = edgeNo3, edgeNo1, edgeNo2 elif order == -1: vertexNo1, vertexNo2, vertexNo3 = vertexNo2, vertexNo1, vertexNo3 # edgeNo1, edgeNo2, edgeNo3 = edgeNo1, edgeNo3, edgeNo2 elif order == -2: vertexNo1, vertexNo2, vertexNo3 = vertexNo1, vertexNo3, vertexNo2 # edgeNo1, edgeNo2, edgeNo3 = edgeNo3, edgeNo2, edgeNo1 elif order == -3: vertexNo1, vertexNo2, vertexNo3 = vertexNo3, vertexNo2, vertexNo1 # edgeNo1, edgeNo2, edgeNo3 = edgeNo2, edgeNo1, edgeNo3 q1 = meshes[otherSubdomainNo].cells[cellNo, vertexNo1] q2 = meshes[otherSubdomainNo].cells[cellNo, vertexNo2] q3 = meshes[otherSubdomainNo].cells[cellNo, vertexNo3] translate[p1] = q1 translate[p2] = q2 translate[p3] = q3 numVertices = numVerticesNew = global_vertices.shape[0] for k in range(meshes[mySubdomainNo].num_vertices): if translate[k] == -1: translate[k] = numVerticesNew numVerticesNew += 1 for k in range(meshes[mySubdomainNo].num_cells): for m in range(meshes[mySubdomainNo].manifold_dim+1): meshes[mySubdomainNo].cells[k, m] = translate[meshes[mySubdomainNo].cells[k, m]] global_vertices = np.vstack((global_vertices, meshes[mySubdomainNo].vertices_as_array[translate >= numVertices, :])) num_cells = global_cells.shape[0] global_cells = np.vstack((global_cells, meshes[mySubdomainNo].cells)) # add boundary vertices to global mesh for boundaryVertexNo in range(meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryVertices.shape[0]): vertexNo = meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryVertices[boundaryVertexNo] v = translate[vertexNo] try: global_boundary_vertices[v].append(meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryVertexTags[boundaryVertexNo]) except KeyError: global_boundary_vertices[v] = [meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryVertexTags[boundaryVertexNo]] # add boundary edges to global mesh for edgeNo in range(meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryEdges.shape[0]): e = (translate[meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryEdges[edgeNo, 0]], translate[meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryEdges[edgeNo, 1]]) try: global_boundary_edges[e].append(meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryEdgeTags[edgeNo]) except KeyError: global_boundary_edges[e] = [meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryEdgeTags[edgeNo]] # add boundary faces to global mesh for faceNo in range(meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryFaces.shape[0]): e = (translate[meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryFaces[faceNo, 0]], translate[meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryFaces[faceNo, 1]], translate[meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryFaces[faceNo, 2]]) try: global_boundary_faces[e].append(meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryFaceTags[faceNo]) except KeyError: global_boundary_faces[e] = [meshes[mySubdomainNo].boundaryFaceTags[faceNo]] for k in range(meshes[mySubdomainNo].num_cells): localCellLookup[num_cells] = [(mySubdomainNo, k)] num_cells += 1 if meshes[0].manifold_dim == 1: global_mesh = mesh1d(global_vertices, global_cells) elif meshes[0].manifold_dim == 2: global_mesh = mesh2d(global_vertices, global_cells) elif meshes[0].manifold_dim == 3: global_mesh = mesh3d(global_vertices, global_cells) boundaryVertices = uninitialized((len(global_boundary_vertices)), dtype=INDEX) boundaryVertexTags = uninitialized((len(global_boundary_vertices)), dtype=TAG) for vertexNo, vertex in enumerate(global_boundary_vertices): boundaryVertices[vertexNo] = vertex global_boundary_vertices[vertex] = list(set(global_boundary_vertices[vertex])) boundaryVertexTags[vertexNo] = max(global_boundary_vertices[vertex]) global_mesh._boundaryVertices = boundaryVertices global_mesh._boundaryVertexTags = boundaryVertexTags if meshes[0].dim >= 2: boundaryEdges = uninitialized((len(global_boundary_edges), 2), dtype=INDEX) boundaryEdgeTags = uninitialized((len(global_boundary_edges)), dtype=TAG) for edgeNo, edge in enumerate(global_boundary_edges): boundaryEdges[edgeNo, :] = edge global_boundary_edges[edge] = list(set(global_boundary_edges[edge])) assert len(global_boundary_edges[edge]) == 1, global_boundary_edges[edge] boundaryEdgeTags[edgeNo] = global_boundary_edges[edge][0] global_mesh._boundaryEdges = boundaryEdges global_mesh._boundaryEdgeTags = boundaryEdgeTags if meshes[0].dim >= 3: boundaryFaces = uninitialized((len(global_boundary_faces), 3), dtype=INDEX) boundaryFaceTags = uninitialized((len(global_boundary_faces)), dtype=TAG) for faceNo, face in enumerate(global_boundary_faces): boundaryFaces[faceNo, :] = face global_boundary_faces[face] = list(set(global_boundary_faces[face])) assert len(global_boundary_faces[face]) == 1, global_boundary_faces[face] boundaryFaceTags[faceNo] = global_boundary_faces[face][0] global_mesh._boundaryFaces = boundaryFaces global_mesh._boundaryFaceTags = boundaryFaceTags return global_mesh, localCellLookup
[docs] def stitchSolutions(global_mesh, DoFMaps, localCellLookup, solutions, tag=0): from . DoFMaps import getAvailableDoFMaps, str2DoFMap for element in getAvailableDoFMaps(): DoFMap = str2DoFMap(element) if isinstance(DoFMaps[0], DoFMap): dm_global = DoFMap(global_mesh, tag=tag) break else: raise NotImplementedError(DoFMaps[0]) x = dm_global.empty(dtype=solutions[0].dtype) for cellNo in range(global_mesh.num_cells): for k in range(dm_global.dofs_per_element): dofGlobal = dm_global.cell2dof_py(cellNo, k) if dofGlobal >= 0: for subdomainNo, localCellNo in localCellLookup[cellNo]: dofLocal = DoFMaps[subdomainNo].cell2dof_py(localCellNo, k) if dofLocal >= 0: x[dofGlobal] = solutions[subdomainNo][dofLocal] return x, dm_global
[docs] def getMappingToGlobalDoFMap(mesh, meshOverlaps, DoFMap, comm=None, collectRank=0, tag=0): meshes = comm.gather(mesh, root=collectRank) overlapManagers = comm.gather(meshOverlaps, root=collectRank) DoFMaps = comm.gather(DoFMap, root=collectRank) if comm.rank == collectRank: from . meshOverlaps import interfaceManager, overlapManager if isinstance(overlapManagers[0], overlapManager): mesh_global, localCellLookup = stitchOverlappingMeshes(meshes, overlapManagers) elif isinstance(overlapManagers[0], interfaceManager): mesh_global, localCellLookup = stitchNonoverlappingMeshes(meshes, overlapManagers) else: raise NotImplementedError() from . DoFMaps import getAvailableDoFMaps, str2DoFMap for element in getAvailableDoFMaps(): DoFMap = str2DoFMap(element) if isinstance(DoFMaps[0], DoFMap): dm_global = DoFMap(mesh_global, tag=tag) break else: raise NotImplementedError() mappings = [uninitialized((dm.num_dofs), dtype=INDEX) for dm in DoFMaps] for cellNo in range(mesh_global.num_cells): for k in range(dm_global.dofs_per_element): dofGlobal = dm_global.cell2dof_py(cellNo, k) if dofGlobal >= 0: for subdomainNo, localCellNo in localCellLookup[cellNo]: dofLocal = DoFMaps[subdomainNo].cell2dof_py(localCellNo, k) if dofLocal >= 0: mappings[subdomainNo][dofLocal] = dofGlobal return mesh_global, dm_global, mappings else: return None, None, None
[docs] def accumulate2global(mesh, meshOverlaps, DoFMap, vec, comm=None, collectRank=0, tag=0): """ Send subdomain meshes and solutions to root node, stitch together meshes and solution. Assumes that solution is already accumulated. """ if comm is not None and comm.size > 1: meshes = comm.gather(mesh, root=collectRank) overlapManagers = comm.gather(meshOverlaps, root=collectRank) if isinstance(vec, list): assert isinstance(DoFMap, list) and len(vec) == len(DoFMap) DoFMaps = [] vecs = [] for i in range(len(DoFMap)): DoFMaps.append(comm.gather(DoFMap[i], root=collectRank)) vecs.append(comm.gather(vec[i], root=collectRank)) else: DoFMaps = [comm.gather(DoFMap, root=collectRank)] vecs = [comm.gather(vec, root=collectRank)] if comm.rank == collectRank: from . meshOverlaps import interfaceManager, overlapManager if isinstance(overlapManagers[0], overlapManager): mesh_global, localCellLookup = stitchOverlappingMeshes(meshes, overlapManagers) elif isinstance(overlapManagers[0], interfaceManager): mesh_global, localCellLookup = stitchNonoverlappingMeshes(meshes, overlapManagers) else: raise NotImplementedError() if vec is not None: global_vecs = [] global_dms = [] for dms, vectors in zip(DoFMaps, vecs): x, dm_global = stitchSolutions(mesh_global, dms, localCellLookup, vectors, tag) global_vecs.append(x) global_dms.append(dm_global) if len(global_vecs) == 1: x = global_vecs[0] dm_global = global_dms[0] else: x = global_vecs dm_global = global_dms else: x, dm_global = None, None return mesh_global, x, dm_global else: return None, None, None else: if isinstance(vec, (list, tuple)) and len(vec) == 1: vec = vec[0] DoFMap = DoFMap[0] return mesh, vec, DoFMap
[docs] def getGlobalPartitioning(mesh, meshOverlaps, comm, collectRank=0): meshes = comm.gather(mesh, root=collectRank) overlapManagers = comm.gather(meshOverlaps, root=collectRank) if comm.rank == collectRank: from . meshOverlaps import interfaceManager, overlapManager if isinstance(overlapManagers[0], overlapManager): mesh_global, localCellLookup = stitchOverlappingMeshes(meshes, overlapManagers) elif isinstance(overlapManagers[0], interfaceManager): mesh_global, localCellLookup = stitchNonoverlappingMeshes(meshes, overlapManagers) else: raise NotImplementedError() return mesh_global, localCellLookup else: return None, None
[docs] def getSubSolution(new_mesh, dm, x, selectedCells): from . DoFMaps import getAvailableDoFMaps, str2DoFMap for element in getAvailableDoFMaps(): DoFMap = str2DoFMap(element) if isinstance(dm, DoFMap): dmSub = DoFMap(new_mesh, tag=-1) break else: raise NotImplementedError() y = np.zeros((dmSub.num_dofs), dtype=REAL) for cellSub, cellGlobal in enumerate(selectedCells): for k in range(dmSub.dofs_per_element): dofSub = dmSub.cell2dof_py(cellSub, k) dofGlobal = dm.cell2dof_py(cellGlobal, k) if dofSub >= 0 and dofGlobal >= 0: y[dofSub] = x[dofGlobal] return dmSub, y
[docs] def getSubMeshSolution(mesh, DoFMap, solution, selectedCells): from . meshCy import getSubmesh new_mesh = getSubmesh(mesh, selectedCells) dmSub, y = getSubSolution(new_mesh, DoFMap, solution, selectedCells) return new_mesh, y, dmSub
[docs] def getRestrictionProlongationSubmesh(mesh, selectedCells, dm, dm_trunc): from PyNucleus_base.linear_operators import CSR_LinearOperator indptr = np.arange(dm_trunc.num_dofs+1, dtype=INDEX) indices = np.zeros((dm_trunc.num_dofs), dtype=INDEX) data = np.ones((dm_trunc.num_dofs), dtype=REAL) for cell_trunc in range(selectedCells.shape[0]): cell = selectedCells[cell_trunc] for i in range(dm.dofs_per_element): dof = dm.cell2dof_py(cell, i) dof_trunc = dm_trunc.cell2dof_py(cell_trunc, i) if dof >= 0 and dof_trunc >= 0: indices[dof_trunc] = dof R = CSR_LinearOperator(indices, indptr, data) R.num_columns = dm.num_dofs P = R.transpose() return R, P
[docs] def plotFunctions(mesh, dm, funs, labels=None, fig=None): from . functions import function if dm.num_dofs > 50000 or mesh.dim >= 3: return if fig is None: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.gcf() if labels is None: labels = ['']*len(funs) else: assert len(funs) == len(labels) for f, l in zip(funs, labels): if isinstance(f, function): f = dm.interpolate(f) mesh.plotFunction(f, DoFMap=dm, label=l) fig.legend()
[docs] class plotManager:
[docs] def __init__(self, mesh, dm, useSubPlots=False, defaults={}, interfaces=None): self.mesh = mesh = dm self.plots = [] self.useSubPlots = useSubPlots if self.mesh.dim == 2: self.useSubPlots = True self.defaults = defaults self.interfaces = interfaces self.comm = interfaces.comm if self.interfaces is not None else None self.prepared = False
[docs] def add(self, x, **kwargs): assert not self.prepared self.plots.append([x, kwargs])
[docs] def preparePlots(self, tag=PHYSICAL): from . functions import function solutions = [] for k in range(len(self.plots)): if isinstance(self.plots[k][0], function): self.plots[k][0] =[k][0]) solutions.append(self.plots[k][0]) (global_mesh, global_solutions, global_dm) = accumulate2global(self.mesh, self.interfaces, []*len(solutions), solutions, comm=self.comm, tag=tag) if self.comm is None or self.comm.rank == 0: self.mesh = global_mesh if isinstance(global_solutions, list): for k in range(len(self.plots)): self.plots[k][0] = global_solutions[k] = global_dm[0] else: self.plots[0][0] = global_solutions = global_dm self.prepared = True
[docs] def plot(self, legendOutside=False): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from . DoFMaps import fe_vector assert self.comm is None or self.comm.rank == 0 if not self.prepared: self.preparePlots() needLegend = False if not self.useSubPlots: for x, k in self.plots: if 'label' in k: needLegend = True if isinstance(x, fe_vector): assert == x.plot(**k) else: self.mesh.plotFunction(x,, **k) if needLegend: if legendOutside: plt.gca().legend(loc='lower left', bbox_to_anchor=(-0.1, 1.2), borderaxespad=0) else: plt.gca().legend() else: numPlots = len(self.plots) plotsPerDirX = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(numPlots))) plotsPerDirY = int(np.ceil(numPlots/plotsPerDirX)) for k in range(len(self.plots)): ax = plt.gcf().add_subplot(plotsPerDirX, plotsPerDirY, k+1) if k >= numPlots: plt.gcf().delaxes(ax) else: kwargs = self.defaults.copy() kwargs.update(self.plots[k][1]) label = kwargs.pop('label', '') vmin = kwargs.pop('vmin', None) vmax = kwargs.pop('vmax', None) x = self.plots[k][0] if isinstance(x, fe_vector): assert == x.plot(**kwargs) else: self.mesh.plotFunction(x,, **kwargs) ax.set_ylim([vmin, vmax]) ax.set_title(label)
[docs] def snapMeshes(mesh1, mesh2): from scipy.spatial import KDTree from PyNucleus_base import uninitialized tree = KDTree(mesh1.vertices) vertexCount = mesh1.num_vertices vertexTranslation = -np.ones((mesh2.num_vertices), dtype=INDEX) eps = 1e-9 vertices2 = mesh2.vertices_as_array verticesToAdd = [] for vertexNo in range(mesh2.num_vertices): neighbors = tree.query_ball_point(vertices2[vertexNo, :], eps) if len(neighbors) == 0: verticesToAdd.append(vertexNo) vertexTranslation[vertexNo] = vertexCount vertexCount += 1 elif len(neighbors) == 1: vertexTranslation[vertexNo] = neighbors[0] else: raise NotImplementedError() vertices = np.vstack((mesh1.vertices_as_array, mesh2.vertices_as_array[verticesToAdd, :])) translatedCells = uninitialized((mesh2.num_cells, mesh2.manifold_dim+1), dtype=INDEX) for cellNo in range(mesh2.num_cells): for vertexNo in range(mesh2.manifold_dim+1): translatedCells[cellNo, vertexNo] = vertexTranslation[mesh2.cells[cellNo, vertexNo]] cells = np.vstack((mesh1.cells_as_array, translatedCells)) mesh = mesh2d(vertices, cells) if mesh1.transformer is None: mesh.setMeshTransformation(mesh2.transformer) elif mesh2.transformer is None: mesh.setMeshTransformation(mesh1.transformer) else: raise NotImplementedError() return mesh