
Emulation capability for Industrial Control Systems

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  • Cluster Configuration
  • Networking
  • Adding/Removing a Compute Node
  • minimega
  • Workflow
  • State of Health
  • The SCEPTRE User App
  • SCEPTRE Field Device User Guide
  • bennu
  • Modifying an VM Images (.qc2)
  • Hardware-in-the-Loop
  • Acronyms
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Acronyms

    AMS Adaptive Multichannel Source
    CLI Command-Line Interface
    COTS Commercial Off the Shelf
    CSV Comma-Separated Value
    DPT Differential Pressure Transmitter
    ELK Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana
    FEP Front End Processor
    GOOSE Generic Object Oriented Substation Event
    GPS Global Positioning System
    GUI Graphical User Interface
    HIL Hardware-in-the-loop
    HMI Human Machine Interface
    HTTP HyperText Transport Protocol
    ICS Industrial Control System
    IDS Intrusion Detection System
    IED Intelligent Electronic Device
    I/O Input/Output
    IP Internet Protocol
    JSON JavaScript Object Notation
    KVM Kernel-based Virtual Machine
    NIC Network Interface Card
    NTP Network Time Protocol
    OS Operating System
    OPC OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) for Process Control
    OVS Open vSwitch
    PCAP Packet Capture
    QEMU Quick Emulator
    RTU Remote Terminal Unit
    SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
    SCEPTRE SCEPTRE (not an acronym)
    SCP Secure Copy
    SEL Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories
    SoH State of Health
    SSH Secure Shell
    TCP Transmission Control Protocol
    TDN Trunked Data Network
    UDP User Datagram Protocol
    VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
    VM Virtual Machine
    VNC Virtual Network Computing


    Admin Network Network used to link together the headnode and all the computes nodes
    Compute Node A physical server that hosts virtual machines deployed in the environment
    cURL “see URL”, a command line tool for transferring data using various protocols, e.g., HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, etc.
    Environment The running deployed system of virtual machines and network
    Experiment A specific instantiation of a topology that is deployed using phēnix
    Log Forwarding Agent A program that runs on all deployed VMs to gather, collect, and ship logging information associated with SCEPTRE process logs, operating system logs, network connection statistics, and VM performance statistics
    Headnode Command and control computer that runs phēnix and minimega and monitor compute nodes
    Metadata User configuration files included in an experiment topology
    minimega A tool for launching and managing virtual machines. It is the underlying VM mangement software using by SCEPTRE
    openvswitch A multilayer virtual switch designed to enable massive network automation through programmatic extension, while still supporting standard management interfaces and protocols (e.g. NetFlow, sFlow, IPFIX, RSPAN, CLI, LACP, 802.1ag)
    phēnix Orchestration package that creates, deploys, and maintain experiments
    phēnix Application A process or service that runs on the deployed virtual machines
    SCEPTRE Provider Simulation of a real world process that provides process data to SCEPTRE field devices
    SCEPTRE SCEPTRE can’t be defined, it’s a way of life!
    Solver The physical process simulation software that supplies data to the provider interface
    Topology Collection of network definition files including yaml and metadata files
    Trunked Data Network A trunk used to move all the data from the experiment between the various compute nodes in the cluster