
An emulation capability for Industrial Control Systems

View the Project on GitHub sandialabs/sceptre-docs

  • Cluster Configuration
  • Networking
  • Adding/Removing a Compute Node
  • minimega
  • Workflow
  • State of Health
  • The SCEPTRE User App
  • SCEPTRE Field Device User Guide
  • bennu
  • Modifying an VM Images (.qc2)
  • Hardware-in-the-Loop
  • Acronyms
  • Quick Start Guide
  • bennu

    Bennu and Pybennu are both installed on the bennu.qc2 image that is used for most virtual RTUs in SCEPTRE.

    Both of these programs have some useful command line executables that can be used in SCEPTRE experiments to troubleshoot or force changes in the experiment.

    Bennu CLI

    Pybennu CLI