
An emulation capability for Industrial Control Systems

View the Project on GitHub sandialabs/sceptre-docs

  • Cluster Configuration
  • Networking
  • Adding/Removing a Compute Node
  • minimega
  • Workflow
  • State of Health
  • The SCEPTRE User App
  • SCEPTRE Field Device User Guide
  • bennu
  • Modifying an VM Images (.qc2)
  • Hardware-in-the-Loop
  • Acronyms
  • Quick Start Guide
  • SCEPTRE Field Device User Guide

    Connecting to Brash Shell

    On the “system tools” section of the engineer-workstation desktop,

    double-click on “putty.exe”.

    Once PuTTY is open, double click on the field device you would like to connect to. Ensure that you are connecting via telnet with port 1337.

    Once you’re connected to the field device, login to the brash shell with the following credentials:

    Username: sceptre

    Password: sceptre

    Shell Commands

    help: Displays all supported commands with respective descriptions.

    arpShow: Displays the system ARP table entries.

    clear: Clears the terminal screen.

    configShow: Displays the configuration file using the text editor vi in the terminal

    exit: Exits the shell and returns the user to the Brash login prompt.

    FieldDeviceRestart: Stops and restarts the field device daemon and displays the PID before and after restarting.

    fieldDeviceStart: Initializes the RTU field device daemon and gives it a PID. If the field device daemon is not running, PID will be 0 as in the first image. The second image is the message if the field device is already running and cannot be started.

    FieldDeviceStop: Stops the RTU field device daemon and displays its PID.

    ifShow: Displays system network interfaces.

    inetstatShow: Displays all active IP socket connections.

    logShow: Displays the log for the current field device and the firmware version.

    passwd: Change user password.

    routeShow: Displays all IP routes.

    su: Switch to brash root account. (Password: admin)

    time: Displays the system time.

    updateConfig: Updates the field device configuration with a file uploaded over FTP. In order to perform this action, must first be root. If the user is not root, the following error message will be displayed

    Connecting as Administrator

    Note: This method is only accessible from the MGMT network (

    On the “system tools” section of the engineer-workstation desktop, double-click on “putty.exe”.

    Once PuTTY is open, double click on the field device you would like to connect to. Ensure that you are connecting via ssh with port 22 using MGMT network IP addresses.

    Once you’re connected to the field device, login with the following credentials:

    Username: root

    Password: SiaSd3te