Source code for pyapprox.benchmarks.benchmarks

from functools import partial

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from scipy.optimize import OptimizeResult

from pyapprox.benchmarks.sensitivity_benchmarks import (
    get_sobol_g_function_statistics, get_ishigami_funciton_statistics,
    oakley_function, oakley_function_statistics, sobol_g_function,
    ishigami_function, ishigami_function_jacobian, ishigami_function_hessian)
from pyapprox.benchmarks.surrogate_benchmarks import (
    rosenbrock_function_jacobian, rosenbrock_function_hessian_prod,
    rosenbrock_function_mean, cantilever_beam_constraints_jacobian,
    cantilever_beam_constraints, cantilever_beam_objective,
    cantilever_beam_objective_grad, define_beam_random_variables,
    define_piston_random_variables, piston_function,
    define_wing_weight_random_variables, wing_weight_function,
    wing_weight_gradient, define_chemical_reaction_random_variables,
    ChemicalReactionModel, define_random_oscillator_random_variables,
    RandomOscillator, piston_function_gradient, CoupledSprings,
    define_coupled_springs_random_variables, HastingsEcology,
from pyapprox.benchmarks.genz import GenzFunction
from pyapprox.benchmarks.multifidelity_benchmarks import (
    PolynomialModelEnsemble, TunableModelEnsemble, ShortColumnModelEnsemble,
from pyapprox.variables.joint import IndependentMarginalsVariable
from pyapprox.interface.wrappers import (
    TimerModel, PoolModel, WorkTrackingModel)
from pyapprox.benchmarks.pde_benchmarks import (

[docs]class Benchmark(OptimizeResult): """ Contains functions and results needed to implement known benchmarks. A benchmark can be created with any attribute. Only fun and variable are required. Below are these two required attributes and other optional attributes used in different PyApprox Benchmarks Attributes ---------- fun : callable The function being analyzed variable : :py:class:`~pyapprox.variables.JointVariable` Class containing information about each of the nvars inputs to fun jac : callable The jacobian of fun. (optional) hess : callable The Hessian of fun. (optional) hessp : callable Function implementing the hessian of fun multiplied by a vector. (optional) mean: np.ndarray (nvars) The mean of the function with respect to the PDF of var variance: np.ndarray (nvars) The variance of the function with respect to the PDF of var main_effects : np.ndarray (nvars) The variance based main effect sensitivity indices total_effects : np.ndarray (nvars) The variance based total effect sensitivity indices sobol_indices : np.ndarray The variance based Sobol sensitivity indices Notes ----- Use the `keys()` method to see a list of the available attributes for a specific benchmark """ def __repr__(self): return "Benchmark("+", ".join( [str(key) for key, item in self.items()]) + ")"
[docs]def setup_sobol_g_function(nvars): r""" Setup the Sobol-G function benchmark .. math:: f(z) = \prod_{i=1}^d\frac{\lvert 4z_i-2\rvert+a_i}{1+a_i}, \quad a_i=\frac{i-2}{2} using >>> from pyapprox.benchmarks.benchmarks import setup_benchmark >>> benchmark=setup_benchmark('sobol_g',nvars=2) >>> print(benchmark.keys()) dict_keys(['fun', 'mean', 'variance', 'main_effects', 'total_effects', 'variable']) Parameters ---------- nvars : integer The number of variables of the Sobol-G function Returns ------- benchmark : :py:class:`~pyapprox.benchmarks.Benchmark` Object containing the benchmark attributes fun : callable The function being analyzed variable : :py:class:`~pyapprox.variables.JointVariable` Class containing information about each of the nvars inputs to fun mean: np.ndarray (nvars) The mean of the function with respect to the PDF of var variance: np.ndarray (nvars) The variance of the function with respect to the PDF of var main_effects : np.ndarray (nvars) The variance based main effect sensitivity indices total_effects : np.ndarray (nvars) The variance based total effect sensitivity indices References ---------- .. [Saltelli1995] `Saltelli, A., & Sobol, I. M. About the use of rank transformation in sensitivity analysis of model output. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 50(3), 225-239, 1995. <>`_ """ univariate_variables = [stats.uniform(0, 1)]*nvars variable = IndependentMarginalsVariable(univariate_variables) a_param = (np.arange(1, nvars+1)-2)/2 mean, variance, main_effects, total_effects = \ get_sobol_g_function_statistics(a_param) return Benchmark({'fun': partial(sobol_g_function, a_param), 'mean': mean, 'variance': variance, 'main_effects': main_effects, 'total_effects': total_effects, 'variable': variable})
[docs]def setup_ishigami_function(a, b): r""" Setup the Ishigami function benchmark .. math:: f(z) = \sin(z_1)+a\sin^2(z_2) + bz_3^4\sin(z_0) using >>> from pyapprox.benchmarks.benchmarks import setup_benchmark >>> benchmark=setup_benchmark('ishigami',a=7,b=0.1) >>> print(benchmark.keys()) dict_keys(['fun', 'jac', 'hess', 'variable', 'mean', 'variance', 'main_effects', 'total_effects', 'sobol_indices']) Parameters ---------- a : float The hyper-parameter a b : float The hyper-parameter b Returns ------- benchmark : :py:class:`~pyapprox.benchmarks.Benchmark` Object containing the benchmark attributes fun : callable The function being analyzed variable : :py:class:`~pyapprox.variables.JointVariable` Class containing information about each of the nvars inputs to fun jac : callable The jacobian of fun. (optional) hess : callable The Hessian of fun. (optional) hessp : callable Function implementing the hessian of fun multiplied by a vector. (optional) mean: np.ndarray (nvars) The mean of the function with respect to the PDF of var variance: np.ndarray (nvars) The variance of the function with respect to the PDF of var main_effects : np.ndarray (nvars) The variance based main effect sensitivity indices total_effects : np.ndarray (nvars) The variance based total effect sensitivity indices sobol_indices : np.ndarray (nsobol_indices) The variance based Sobol sensitivity indices sobol_interaction_indices : np.ndarray(nsobol_indices) The indices of the acitive variable dimensions involved in each sobol index References ---------- .. [Ishigami1990] `T. Ishigami and T. Homma, "An importance quantification technique in uncertainty analysis for computer models," [1990] Proceedings. First International Symposium on Uncertainty Modeling and Analysis, College Park, MD, USA, 1990, pp. 398-403 <>`_ """ univariate_variables = [stats.uniform(-np.pi, 2*np.pi)]*3 variable = IndependentMarginalsVariable(univariate_variables) mean, variance, main_effects, total_effects, sobol_indices, \ sobol_interaction_indices = get_ishigami_funciton_statistics(a, b) return Benchmark( {'fun': partial(ishigami_function, a=a, b=b), 'jac': partial(ishigami_function_jacobian, a=a, b=b), 'hess': partial(ishigami_function_hessian, a=a, b=b), 'variable': variable, 'mean': mean, 'variance': variance, 'main_effects': main_effects, 'total_effects': total_effects, 'sobol_indices': sobol_indices, 'sobol_interaction_indices': sobol_interaction_indices})
[docs]def setup_oakley_function(): r""" Setup the Oakely function benchmark .. math:: f(z) = a_1^Tz + a_2^T\sin(z) + a_3^T\cos(z) + z^TMz where :math:`z` consists of 15 I.I.D. standard Normal variables and the data :math:`a_1,a_2,a_3` and :math:`~M` are defined in the function :py:func:`~pyapprox.benchmarks.sensitivity_benchmarks.get_oakley_function_data`. >>> from pyapprox.benchmarks.benchmarks import setup_benchmark >>> benchmark=setup_benchmark('oakley') >>> print(benchmark.keys()) dict_keys(['fun', 'variable', 'mean', 'variance', 'main_effects']) Returns ------- benchmark : :py:class:`~pyapprox.benchmarks.Benchmark` Object containing the benchmark attributes fun : callable The function being analyzed variable : :py:class:`~pyapprox.variables.JointVariable` Class containing information about each of the nvars inputs to fun mean: np.ndarray (nvars) The mean of the function with respect to the PDF of var variance: np.ndarray (nvars) The variance of the function with respect to the PDF of var main_effects : np.ndarray (nvars) The variance based main effect sensitivity indices References ---------- .. [OakelyOJRSB2004] `Oakley, J.E. and O'Hagan, A. (2004), Probabilistic sensitivity analysis of complex models: a Bayesian approach. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 66: 751-769. <>`_ """ univariate_variables = [stats.norm()]*15 variable = IndependentMarginalsVariable(univariate_variables) mean, variance, main_effects = oakley_function_statistics() return Benchmark( {'fun': oakley_function, 'variable': variable, 'mean': mean, 'variance': variance, 'main_effects': main_effects})
[docs]def setup_rosenbrock_function(nvars): r""" Setup the Rosenbrock function benchmark .. math:: f(z) = \sum_{i=1}^{d/2}\left[100(z_{2i-1}^{2}-z_{2i})^{2}+(z_{2i-1}-1)^{2}\right] This benchmark can also be used to test Bayesian inference methods. Specifically this benchmarks returns the log likelihood .. math:: l(z) = -f(z) which can be used to compute the posterior distribution .. math:: \pi_{\text{post}}(\rv)=\frac{\pi(\V{y}|\rv)\pi(\rv)}{\int_{\rvdom} \pi(\V{y}|\rv)\pi(\rv)d\rv} where the prior is the tensor product of :math:`d` independent and identically distributed uniform variables on :math:`[-2,2]`, i.e. :math:`\pi(\rv)=\frac{1}{4^d}`, and the likelihood is given by .. math:: \pi(\V{y}|\rv)=\exp\left(l(\rv)\right) Parameters ---------- nvars : integer The number of variables of the Rosenbrock function Returns ------- benchmark : :py:class:`~pyapprox.benchmarks.Benchmark` Object containing the benchmark attributes documented below fun : callable The rosenbrock function with signature ``fun(z) -> np.ndarray`` where ``z`` is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars,nsamples) and the output is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nsamples,1) jac : callable The jacobian of ``fun`` with signature ``jac(z) -> np.ndarray`` where ``z`` is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars,nsamples) and the output is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars,1) hessp : callable Hessian of ``fun`` times an arbitrary vector p with signature ``hessp(z, p) -> ndarray shape (nvars,1)`` where ``z`` is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars,nsamples) and p is an arbitraty vector with shape (nvars,1) variable : :py:class:`~pyapprox.variables.IndependentMarginalsVariable` Object containing information of the joint density of the inputs z which is the tensor product of independent and identically distributed uniform variables on :math:`[-2,2]`. mean : float The mean of the rosenbrock function with respect to the pdf of variable. loglike : callable The log likelihood of the Bayesian inference problem for inferring z given the uniform prior specified by variable and the negative log likelihood given by the Rosenbrock function. loglike has the signature ``loglike(z) -> np.ndarray`` where ``z`` is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars,nsamples) and the output is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nsamples,1) loglike_grad : callable The gradient of the ``loglike`` with the signature ``loglike_grad(z) -> np.ndarray`` where ``z`` is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars,nsamples) and the output is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nsamples,1) References ---------- .. [DixonSzego1990] `Dixon, L. C. W.; Mills, D. J. "Effect of Rounding Errors on the Variable Metric Method". Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 80: 175–179. 1994 <>`_ Examples -------- >>> from pyapprox.benchmarks.benchmarks import setup_benchmark >>> benchmark=setup_benchmark('rosenbrock',nvars=2) >>> print(benchmark.keys()) dict_keys(['fun', 'jac', 'hessp', 'variable', 'mean', 'loglike', 'loglike_grad']) """ univariate_variables = [stats.uniform(-2, 4)]*nvars variable = IndependentMarginalsVariable(univariate_variables) benchmark = Benchmark( {'fun': rosenbrock_function, 'jac': rosenbrock_function_jacobian, 'hessp': rosenbrock_function_hessian_prod, 'variable': variable, 'mean': rosenbrock_function_mean(nvars)}) benchmark.update({'loglike': lambda x: -benchmark['fun'](x), 'loglike_grad': lambda x: -benchmark['jac'](x)}) return benchmark
[docs]def setup_genz_function(nvars, test_name, coeff_type=None, w=0.25, c_factor=1, coeff=None): r""" Setup one of the six Genz integration benchmarks :math:`f_d(x):\mathbb{R}^D\to\mathbb{R}`, where :math:`x=[x_1,\ldots,x_D]^\top`. The number of inputs :math:`D` and the anisotropy (relative importance of each variable and interactions) of the functions can be adjusted. The definition of each function is in the Notes section. For example, the two-dimensional oscillatory Genz problem can be defined using >>> from pyapprox.benchmarks.benchmarks import setup_benchmark >>> benchmark=setup_benchmark('genz',nvars=2,test_name='oscillatory') >>> print(benchmark.keys()) dict_keys(['fun', 'mean', 'variable']) Parameters ---------- nvars : integer The number of variables of the Genz function test_name : string The test_name of the specific Genz function. See notes for options the string needed is given in brackets e.g. ('oscillatory'). Choose from ["oscillatory", "product_peak", "corner_peak", "c0continuous", "discontinuous"] coef_type : string Choose from ["no_decay", "quadratic_decay", "quartic_decay", "exponential_decay". "squared_exponential_decay"] w : float 0<=w<=1 Set :math:`w_d=w, d=1,\ldots,D`. c_factor : float `c_factor>0` Scale the integrand. coeff : tuple (ndarray (nvars, 1), ndarray (nvars, 1)) The coefficients :math:`c_d` and :math:`w_d` If provided it will overwite the coefficients defined by `coeff_type`, `w` and `c_factor` Returns ------- benchmark : :py:class:`pyapprox.benchmarks.Benchmark` Object containing the benchmark attributes fun : callable The function being analyzed variable : :py:class:`~pyapprox.variables.JointVariable` Class containing information about each of the nvars inputs to fun mean: np.ndarray (nvars) The mean of the function with respect to the PDF of var References ---------- .. [Genz1984] `Genz, A. Testing multidimensional integration routines. In Proc. of international conference on Tools, methods and languages for scientific and engineering computation (pp. 81-94), 1984 <>`_ Notes ----- The six Genz test function are: Oscillatory ('oscillatory') .. math:: f(z) = \cos\left(2\pi w_1 + \sum_{d=1}^D c_dz_d\right) Product Peak ('product_peak') .. math:: f(z) = \prod_{d=1}^D \left(c_d^{-2}+(z_d-w_d)^2\right)^{-1} Corner Peak ('corner_peak') .. math:: f(z)=\left( 1+\sum_{d=1}^D c_dz_d\right)^{-(D+1)} Gaussian Peak ('gaussian') .. math:: f(z) = \exp\left( -\sum_{d=1}^D c_d^2(z_d-w_d)^2\right) C0 Continuous ('c0continuous') .. math:: f(z) = \exp\left( -\sum_{d=1}^D c_d\lvert z_d-w_d\rvert\right) Discontinuous ('discontinuous') .. math:: f(z) = \begin{cases}0 & z_1>w_1 \;\mathrm{or}\; z_2>w_2\\\exp\left(\sum_{d=1}^D c_d z_d\right) & \mathrm{otherwise}\end{cases} Increasing :math:`\lVert c \rVert` will in general make the integrands more difficult. The :math:`0\le w_d \le 1` parameters do not affect the difficulty of the integration problem. We set :math:`w_1=w_2=\ldots=W_D`. The coefficient types implement different decay rates for :math:`c_d`. This allows testing of methods that can identify and exploit anisotropy. They are as follows: No decay (none) .. math:: \hat{c}_d=\frac{d+0.5}{D} Quadratic decay (qudratic) .. math:: \hat{c}_d = \frac{1}{(D + 1)^2} Quartic decay (quartic) .. math:: \hat{c}_d = \frac{1}{(D + 1)^4} Exponential decay (exp) .. math:: \hat{c}_d=\exp\left(\log(c_\mathrm{min})\frac{d+1}{D}\right) Squared-exponential decay (sqexp) .. math:: \hat{c}_d=10^{\left(\log_{10}(c_\mathrm{min})\frac{(d+1)^2}{D}\right)} Here :math:`c_\mathrm{min}` is argument that sets the minimum value of :math:`c_D`. Once the formula are used the coefficients are normalized such that .. math:: c_d = c_\text{factor}\frac{\hat{c}_d}{\sum_{d=1}^D \hat{c}_d}. """ genz = GenzFunction() univariate_variables = [stats.uniform(0, 1)]*nvars variable = IndependentMarginalsVariable(univariate_variables) if coeff_type is None: coeff_type = 'none' genz.set_coefficients(nvars, c_factor, coeff_type, w) if coeff is not None: genz._c, genz._w = np.asarray(coeff[0]), np.asarray(coeff[1]) if genz._c.ndim == 1: genz._c = genz._c[:, None] if genz._w.ndim == 1: genz._w = genz._w[:, None] assert genz._c.ndim == 2 and genz._w.ndim == 2 attributes = {'fun': partial(genz, test_name), 'mean': genz.integrate(test_name), 'variable': variable} return Benchmark(attributes)
def setup_cantilever_beam_benchmark(): variable, design_variable = define_beam_random_variables() attributes = {'fun': cantilever_beam_objective, 'jac': cantilever_beam_objective_grad, 'constraint_fun': cantilever_beam_constraints, 'constraint_jac': cantilever_beam_constraints_jacobian, 'variable': variable, 'design_variable': design_variable, 'design_var_indices': np.array([4, 5])} return Benchmark(attributes)
[docs]def setup_piston_benchmark(): r""" Returns ------- benchmark : :py:class:`~pyapprox.benchmarks.Benchmark` Object containing the benchmark attributes documented below fun : callable The piston model with signature ``fun(z) -> np.ndarray`` where ``z`` is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars,nsamples) and the output is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nsamples,1) variable : :py:class:`~pyapprox.variables.IndependentMarginalsVariable` Object containing information of the joint density of the inputs z which is the tensor product of independent and identically distributed uniform variables`. References ---------- .. [Moon2010] `Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments for Screening Input Variables (Doctoral dissertation, Ohio State University) <>`_ """ variable = define_piston_random_variables() attributes = {'fun': piston_function, "jac": piston_function_gradient, 'variable': variable} return Benchmark(attributes)
[docs]def setup_wing_weight_benchmark(): r""" Setup the wing weight model benchmark. The model is given by .. math:: f(x) = 0.036\; S_w^{0.758}W_{fw}^{0.0035}\left(\frac{A}{\cos^2(\Lambda)}\right)^{0.6}q^{0.006}\lambda^{0.04}\left(\frac{100t_c}{\cos(\Lambda)}\right)^{-0.3}(N_zW_{dg})^{0.49}+S_wW_p, Returns ------- benchmark : :py:class:`~pyapprox.benchmarks.Benchmark` Object containing the benchmark attributes documented below fun : callable The wing weight model with signature ``fun(z) -> np.ndarray`` where ``z`` is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars,nsamples) and the output is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nsamples,1) jac : callable The jacobian of ``fun`` with signature ``jac(z) -> np.ndarray`` where ``z`` is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars,nsamples) and the output is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars,1) variable : :py:class:`~pyapprox.variables.IndependentMarginalsVariable` Object containing information of the joint density of the inputs z which is the tensor product of independent and identically distributed uniform variables`. References ---------- .. [Moon2012] `Moon, H., Dean, A. M., & Santner, T. J. (2012). Two-stage sensitivity-based group screening in computer experiments. Technometrics, 54(4), 376-387. <>`_ """ variable = define_wing_weight_random_variables() attributes = {'fun': wing_weight_function, 'variable': variable, 'jac': wing_weight_gradient} return Benchmark(attributes)
def setup_chemical_reaction_benchmark(): """ Setup the chemical reaction model benchmark Model of species absorbing onto a surface out of gas phase u = y[0] = monomer species v = y[1] = dimer species w = y[2] = inert species Returns ------- benchmark : :py:class:`~pyapprox.benchmarks.Benchmark` Object containing the benchmark attributes documented below fun : callable The piston model with signature ``fun(z) -> np.ndarray`` where ``z`` is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars,nsamples) and the output is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nsamples,1) variable : :py:class:`~pyapprox.variables.IndependentMarginalsVariable` Object containing information of the joint density of the inputs z which is the tensor product of independent and identically distributed uniform variables`. References ---------- Vigil et al., Phys. Rev. E., 1996; Makeev et al., J. Chem. Phys., 2002 Bert Debuschere used this example 2014 talk """ variable = define_chemical_reaction_random_variables() model = ChemicalReactionModel() attributes = {'fun': model, 'variable': variable} return Benchmark(attributes) def setup_random_oscillator_benchmark(): variable = define_random_oscillator_random_variables() model = RandomOscillator() attributes = {'fun': model, 'variable': variable} return Benchmark(attributes) def setup_coupled_springs_benchmark(): variable = define_coupled_springs_random_variables() model = CoupledSprings() attributes = {'fun': model, 'variable': variable} return Benchmark(attributes) def setup_hastings_ecology_benchmark(qoi_functional=None, time=None): variable = define_nondim_hastings_ecology_random_variables() model = HastingsEcology(qoi_functional, True, time) attributes = {'fun': model, 'variable': variable} return Benchmark(attributes) def _extract_acv_benchmark_dict(model): return {'fun': model, 'variable': model.variable, "mean": model.get_means(), "covariance": model.get_covariance_matrix(), "funs": model.funs, "nqoi": model.nqoi}
[docs]def setup_polynomial_ensemble(nmodels=5): r""" Return an ensemble of 5 univariate models of the form .. math:: f_\alpha(\rv)=\rv^{5-\alpha}, \quad \alpha=0,\ldots,4 where :math:`z\sim\mathcal{U}[0, 1]` Returns ------- benchmark : :py:class:`~pyapprox.benchmarks.Benchmark` Object containing the benchmark attributes fun : callable The function being analyzed variable : :py:class:`~pyapprox.variables.JointVariable` Class containing information about each of the nvars inputs to fun means : np.ndarray (nmodels) The mean of each model fidelity covariance : np.ndarray (nmodels) The covariance between the outputs of each model fidelity References ---------- .. [GGEJJCP2020] `A generalized approximate control variate framework for multifidelity uncertainty quantification, Journal of Computational Physics, 408:109257, 2020. <>`_ """ model = PolynomialModelEnsemble(nmodels) return Benchmark(_extract_acv_benchmark_dict(model))
def setup_tunable_model_ensemble(theta1=np.pi/2*0.95, shifts=None): model = TunableModelEnsemble(theta1, shifts) return Benchmark(_extract_acv_benchmark_dict(model)) def setup_short_column_ensemble(nmodels=5): model = ShortColumnModelEnsemble(nmodels) return Benchmark(_extract_acv_benchmark_dict(model)) def setup_multioutput_model_ensemble(): model = MultioutputModelEnsemble() return Benchmark(_extract_acv_benchmark_dict(model)) def setup_parameterized_nonlinear_model(): model = ParameterizedNonlinearModel() model.qoi = np.array([1]) marginals = [stats.uniform(lb, ub-lb) for lb, ub in zip(model.ranges[::2], model.ranges[1::2])] variable = IndependentMarginalsVariable(marginals) return Benchmark( {'fun': model, 'variable': variable})
[docs]def setup_multi_index_advection_diffusion_benchmark( kle_nvars=2, kle_length_scale=0.5, kle_stdev=1, max_eval_concurrency=1, time_scenario=None, functional=None, config_values=None, source_loc=[0.25, 0.75], source_scale=0.1, source_amp=100.0, vel_vec=[1., 0.], kle_mean_field=0): r""" This benchmark is used to test methods for forward propagation of uncertainty. The forward simulation model is the transient advection-diffusion model .. math:: \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}(x,t,\rv) = \nabla\cdot\left[k(x,\rv) \nabla u(x,t,\rv)\right] -\nabla \cdot (v u(x,t,\rv))+g(x,t) &(x,t,\rv)\in D\times [0,1]\times\rvdom\\ \mathcal{B}(x,t,\rv)=0 &(x,t,\rv)\in \partial D\times[0,1]\times\rvdom\\ u(x,t,\rv)=u_0(x,\rv) & (x,t,\rv)\in D\times\{t=0\}\times\rvdom where .. math:: g(x,t)=\frac{100}{2\pi 0.1^2}\exp\left(-\frac{\lvert x-[0.25,0.75]^\top\rvert^2}{2\cdot 0.1^2}\right)-\frac{s_\mathrm{sink}}{2\pi h_\mathrm{sink}^2}\exp\left(-\frac{\lvert x-x_\mathrm{sink}\rvert^2}{2h_\mathrm{sink}^2}\right) and :math:`B(x,t,z)` enforces Robin boundary conditions, i.e. .. math:: K(x,\rv)\nabla u(x,t,\rv)\cdot n -0.1 u(x,t,\rv)= 0 \quad\mathrm{on} \quad\partial D As with the :py:func:`pyapprox.benchmarks.setup_advection_diffusion_kle_inversion_benchmark` we parameterize the uncertain diffusivity with a Karhunen Loeve Expansion (KLE) .. math:: k(x, \rv)=\exp\left(k_0+\sum_{d=1}^D \sqrt{\lambda_d}\psi_d(x)\rv_d\right). If no initial condition is provided by the user then the governing equations in :py:func:`pyapprox.benchmarks.setup_advection_diffusion_kle_inversion_benchmark` is used to create an initial condition, where the forcing is set to be the first term of :math:`g` here. I.e. the steady state solution before the second term of :math:`g` is used to remove the concentration :math:`u` from the domain. The quantity of interest :math:`f(z)` is the integral of the final solution in the subdomain :math:`S=[0.75, 1]\times[0, 0.25]`, i.e. .. math:: f(z)=\int_S u(x,T,z) dx This model can be evaluated using different numerical discreizations that control the two spatial mesh resolutions and the timestep. The model is evaluated by specifying the random variables and the three numerical (configuration) variables. If not time_scenario is provided. The QoI from the steady state solution is returned. This benchmark can be modified by changing the default keyword arguments if necessary. Parameters ---------- nvars : integer The number of variables of the KLE kle_length_scale : float The correlation length :math:`L_c` of the covariance kernel kle_sigma : float The standard deviation of the KLE kernel max_eval_concurrency : integer The maximum number of simulations that can be run in parallel. Should be no more than the maximum number of cores on the computer being used time_scenario : dict Options defining the transient simulation. If None a steady state problem will be solved If True the default time scenario will be used which corresponds to specifying the dictionary .. code-block:: python time_scenario = { "final_time": 0.2, "butcher_tableau": "im_crank2", "deltat": 0.1, # default will be overwritten "init_sol_fun": None, "sink": None } Respectively, the entries of sink are :math:`s_\mathrm{sink}, h_\mathrm{sink}, x_\mathrm{sink}`, e.g. [50, 0.1, [0.75, 0.75]]. If None then the sink will be turned off. init_sol is a callable function with signature ``init_sol_fun(x) -> np.ndarray (nx, 1)`` where ``x`` is np.ndarray (nphys_vars, nx) are physical coordinates in the mesh. ``butcher_tableau`` specifies the time-stepping scheme which can be either ``im_beuler1`` or ``im_crank2``. ``final_time`` specifies :math:`T`. functional : callable Function used to compute the Quantities of interest with signature ``functional(sol, z) -> float`` Here ``sol: torch.tensor (ndof)`` is the solution at the mesh points and ``z -> np.ndarray(nkle_vars, 1)`` is the value of the KLE coefficients that produced ``sol``. If None the subdomain intergral of sol at the final time will be used as defined above. config_values : list (np.ndarray) List with three entries (two if time_scenario=None) The first two are the values of the degrees that can be used to construct the collocation mesh in each physical direction. The third is an array of the timestep sizes that can be used to integrate the PDE in time. source_loc : np.ndarray (2) The center of the source source_amp : float The source strength :math:`s` source_scale : float The source width :math:`h` vel_vec: iterable (2) default [1., 0.] The spatially independent velocity field :math:`v` kle_mean_field : float (default 0) The spatially independent mean :math:`k_0` of the KLE field in log space Returns ------- benchmark : :py:class:`~pyapprox.benchmarks.benchmarks.Benchmark` Object containing the benchmark attributes documented below fun : callable The quantity of interest :math:`f(w)` with signature ``fun(w) -> np.ndarray`` where ``w`` is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars+3,nsamples) and the output is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nsamples,1). The first ``nvars`` rows of ``w`` are realizations of the random variables. The last 3 rows are configuration variables specifying the numerical discretization of the PDE model. See config_values documentation above. This is useful for testing multi-index multi-fidelity methods. variable : :py:class:`~pyapprox.variables.joint.IndependentMarginalsVariable` Object containing information of the joint density of the inputs z which is the tensor product of independent and identically distributed Gaussian variables :math:`\mathcal{N}(0,1)`. get_num_degrees_of_freedom : callable Function that returns the number of mesh points multiplied by the number of timesteps, with signature ``get_num_degrees_of_freedom(v) -> int`` where ``v->np.ndarray(3)`` are the thre configuration values specifiying the numerical discretization config_var_trans : :py:class:`~pyapprox.variables.transforms.ConfigureVariableTransformation` A transform that maps the configuration values to and from a canonical space. model_ensemble : :py:class:`~pyapprox.interface.wrappers.ModelEnsemble` Function return the quantities of interest with the signature ``fun(w) -> np.ndarray`` where ``w`` is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars+1, nsamples) and the output is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nsamples, 1). The first ``nvars`` rows of ``w`` are realizations of the random variables. The last row is a model ID specifying a different numerical discretization. This is useful for testing multi-fidelity approximate control variate Monte Carlo estimators. Examples -------- >>> from pyapprox_dev.benchmarks.benchmarks import setup_benchmark >>> benchmark = setup_benchmark('multi_index_advection_diffusion', nvars=2) >>> print(benchmark.keys()) dict_keys(['fun', 'variable']) """ base_model, variable, config_var_trans, model_ensemble = ( _setup_multi_index_advection_diffusion_benchmark( kle_length_scale, kle_stdev, kle_nvars, time_scenario=time_scenario, functional=functional, config_values=config_values, source_loc=source_loc, source_scale=source_scale, source_amp=source_amp, vel_vec=vel_vec, kle_mean_field=kle_mean_field)) timer_model = TimerModel(base_model, base_model) pool_model = PoolModel( timer_model, max_eval_concurrency, base_model=base_model) # enforce_timer_model must be False because pool is wrapping TimerModel model = WorkTrackingModel(pool_model, base_model, base_model._nconfig_vars, enforce_timer_model=False) model0 = base_model._model_ensemble.functions[0] attributes = { 'fun': model, 'variable': variable, "get_num_degrees_of_freedom": model0.get_num_degrees_of_freedom_cost, "config_var_trans": config_var_trans, 'model_ensemble': model_ensemble, "funs": model_ensemble.functions} return Benchmark(attributes)
[docs]def setup_advection_diffusion_kle_inversion_benchmark( source_loc=[0.25, 0.75], source_amp=100, source_width=0.1, kle_length_scale=0.5, kle_stdev=1, kle_nvars=2, true_sample=None, orders=[20, 20], noise_stdev=0.4, nobs=2, max_eval_concurrency=1, obs_indices=None): r""" A benchmark for testing maximum likelihood estimation and Bayesian inference algorithms that involves learning the uncertain parameters :math:`\rv` from synthteically generated observational data using the model .. math:: \nabla u(x,t,\rv)-\nabla\cdot\left[k(x,\rv) \nabla u(x,t,\rv)\right] &=g(x,t) \qquad (x,t,\rv)\in D\times [0,1]\times\rvdom\\ \mathcal{B}(x,t,\rv)&=0 \qquad\qquad (x,t,\rv)\in \partial D\times[0,1]\times\rvdom\\ u(x,t,\rv)&=u_0(x,\rv) \qquad (x,t,\rv)\in D\times\{t=0\}\times\rvdom Following [MNRJCP2006]_, [LMSISC2014]_ we set .. math:: g(x,t)=\frac{s_\mathrm{src}}{2\pi h_\mathrm{src}^2}\exp\left(-\frac{\lvert x-x_\mathrm{src}\rvert^2}{2h_\mathrm{src}^2}\right) the initial condition as :math:`u(x,z)=0`, :math:`B(x,t,z)` to be zero Dirichlet boundary conditions, i.e. .. math:: u(x) = 0 \quad\mathrm{on} \quad\partial D and we model the diffusivity as a Karhunen Loeve Expansion (KLE) .. math:: k(x, \rv)=\exp\left(\sum_{d=1}^D \sqrt{\lambda_d}\psi_d(x)\rv_d\right). The observations are noisy observations :math:`u(x_l)` at :math:`L` locations :math:`\{x_l\}_{l=1}^L` with additive independent Gaussian noise with mean zero and variance :math:`\sigma^2`. These observations can be used to define the posterior distribution .. math:: \pi_{\text{post}}(\rv)=\frac{\pi(\V{y}|\rv)\pi(\rv)}{\int_{\rvdom} \pi(\V{y}|\rv)\pi(\rv)d\rv} where the prior is the tensor product of independent and identically distributed Gaussian with zero mean and unit variance In this scenario the likelihood is given by .. math:: \pi(\V{y}|\rv)=\frac{1}{(2\pi)^{d/2}\sigma}\exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}\frac{(y-f(\rv))^T(y-f(\rv))}{\sigma^2}\right) which can be used for Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters :math:`\rv`. Parameters ---------- source_loc : np.ndarray (2) The center of the source source_amp : float The source strength :math:`s` source_width : float The source width :math:`h` kle_length_scale : float The length scale of the KLE kle_stdev : float The standard deviation of the KLE covariance kernel kle_nvars : integer The number of KLE modes true_sample : np.ndarray (2) The true location of the source used to generate the observations used in the likelihood function orders : np.ndarray (2) The degrees of the collocation polynomials in each mesh dimension nobs : integer The number of observations :math:`L` obs_indices : np.ndarray (nobs) The indices of the collocation mesh at which observations are collected. If not specified the indices will be chosen randomly ensuring that no indices associated with boundary segments are selected. noise_stdev : float The standard deviation :math:`\sigma` of the observational noise max_eval_concurrency : integer The maximum number of simulations that can be run in parallel. Should be no more than the maximum number of cores on the computer being used Returns ------- benchmark : :py:class:`~pyapprox.benchmarks.Benchmark` Object containing the benchmark attributes documented below negloglike : callable The negative log likelihood :math:`\exp(\pi(\V{y}|\rv))` with signature ``negloglike(z) -> np.ndarray`` where ``z`` is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars, nsamples) and the output is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nsamples, 1). variable : :py:class:`~pyapprox.variables.joint.IndependentMarginalsVariable` Object containing information of the joint density of the inputs z which is the tensor product of independent and identically distributed uniform variables on :math:`[0,1]`. noiseless_obs : np.ndarray (nobs) The solution :math:`u(x_l)` at the :math:`L` locations :math:`\{x_l\}_{l=1}^L` determined by ``obs_indices`` obs : np.ndarray (nobs) The noisy observations :math:`u(x_l)+\epsilon_l` true_sample : np.ndarray (nkle_vars) The KLE coefficients used to generate the noisy observations obs_indices : np.ndarray (nobs) The indices of the collocation mesh at which observations are collected. If not specified the indices will be chosen randomly ensuring that no indices associated with boundary segments are selected. obs_fun : callable The function used to generate the noisless observations with signature ``obs_fun(z) -> np.ndarray`` where ``z`` is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars, nsamples) and the output is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nsamples, nobs). KLE : :py:class:`~pyapprox.pde.karhunen_loeve_expansion.MeshKLE` KLE object containing the attributes needed to evaluate the KLE Examples -------- >>> from pyapprox_dev.benchmarks.benchmarks import setup_benchmark >>> benchmark = setup_benchmark('advection_diffusion_kle_inversion', nvars=2) >>> print(benchmark.keys()) dict_keys(['fun', 'variable']) """ (base_model, variable, true_sample, noiseless_obs, obs, obs_indices, obs_model, kle, mesh) = _setup_inverse_advection_diffusion_benchmark( source_amp, source_width, source_loc, nobs, noise_stdev, kle_length_scale, kle_stdev, kle_nvars, orders, obs_indices) # add wrapper to allow execution times to be captured timer_model = TimerModel(base_model, base_model) pool_model = PoolModel( timer_model, max_eval_concurrency, base_model=base_model) # add wrapper that tracks execution times. model = WorkTrackingModel(pool_model, base_model, enforce_timer_model=False) attributes = {'negloglike': model, 'variable': variable, "noiseless_obs": noiseless_obs, "obs": obs, "true_sample": true_sample, "obs_indices": obs_indices, "obs_fun": obs_model, "KLE": kle, "mesh": mesh} return Benchmark(attributes)
_benchmarks = { 'sobol_g': setup_sobol_g_function, 'ishigami': setup_ishigami_function, 'oakley': setup_oakley_function, 'rosenbrock': setup_rosenbrock_function, 'genz': setup_genz_function, 'cantilever_beam': setup_cantilever_beam_benchmark, 'wing_weight': setup_wing_weight_benchmark, 'piston': setup_piston_benchmark, 'chemical_reaction': setup_chemical_reaction_benchmark, 'random_oscillator': setup_random_oscillator_benchmark, 'coupled_springs': setup_coupled_springs_benchmark, 'hastings_ecology': setup_hastings_ecology_benchmark, 'multi_index_advection_diffusion': setup_multi_index_advection_diffusion_benchmark, 'advection_diffusion_kle_inversion': setup_advection_diffusion_kle_inversion_benchmark, 'polynomial_ensemble': setup_polynomial_ensemble, 'tunable_model_ensemble': setup_tunable_model_ensemble, 'multioutput_model_ensemble': setup_multioutput_model_ensemble, 'short_column_ensemble': setup_short_column_ensemble, "parameterized_nonlinear_model": setup_parameterized_nonlinear_model}
[docs]def setup_benchmark(name, **kwargs): """ Setup a PyApprox benchmark. Parameters ---------- name : string The name of the benchmark kwargs: kwargs optional keyword arguments Returns ------- benchmark : :py:class:`~pyapprox.benchmarks.Benchmark` Object containing the benchmark attributes The benchmark object must contain at least the following two attributes fun : callable A function with signature fun(samples) -> np.ndarray(nsamples, nqoi) where samples : np.ndarray(nvars, nsamples) variable : :py:class:`~pyapprox.variables.JointVariable` Class containing information about each of the nvars inputs to fun """ if name not in _benchmarks: msg = f'Benchmark "{name}" not found.\n Available benchmarks are:\n' for key in _benchmarks.keys(): msg += f"\t{key}\n" raise ValueError(msg) return _benchmarks[name](**kwargs)
[docs]def list_benchmarks(): """ List the names of all available benchmarks Returns ------- names : list A list of the name of each benchmark implemented in PyApprox """ return list(_benchmarks.keys())