Tanana River Site

The Tanana River, situated in central Alaska, is being evaluated as a potential site for harnessing current energy. The nearby town of Nenana, nestled on the inner bank of a river bend, could significantly benefit from local energy generation as opposed to relying on diesel generators. A current energy capture device has undergone testing on-site, and ongoing data collection pertaining to local fish populations and benthic characteristics is expected to provide a robust understanding of the long-term impact of device deployment on the ecosystem. A model was created on an unstructured grid using DFlow-FM to simulate various flow return periods with device arrays. The flow scenarios are examined both under baseline conditions (no devices present) and with devices deployed.

Accessing Demonstration Files

To access the demonstration files relevant to this analysis, please refer to the Accessing Tutorial Files section. This demonstration utilizes the tanana_river and style_files folders as detailed in DEMO Directory Structure. A comprehensive list of files provided is available below in Tanana River Demo Files.

Preparing Demonstration Files

The demonstration files should be prepared as detailed in Prepare Tutorial Files. Please follow the instructions in the Prepare Tutorial Files section before proceeding with the Tanana River demonstration.


Results in this tutorial will utilize the QuickMapServices plugin in QGIS. To install this plugin, see Quick Map Services to setup in your QGIS instance.

List of Files

Tanana River Demo Files
    │   shear_and_velocity_with_receptor.default
    │   shear_with_receptor.default
    │   velocity_with_receptor.default
    │       0_tanana_100_map.nc
    │       0_tanana_10_map.nc
    │       0_tanana_1_map.nc
    │       0_tanana_25_map.nc
    │       0_tanana_50_map.nc
    │       0_tanana_5_map.nc
    │       9_tanana_100_map.nc
    │       9_tanana_10_map.nc
    │       9_tanana_1_map.nc
    │       9_tanana_25_map.nc
    │       9_tanana_50_map.nc
    │       9_tanana_5_map.nc