
There are four modules for assessing different physical parameters:



Shear Stress Module

Analysis of spatial change in bed mobility

Velocity Module

Analysis of spatial change in larval motility

Acoustics Module

Analysis of acoustic propagation and thresholds

Power Module

Analysis of power generated by WEC/CEC array


By default, SEAT is designed to read output from the MHKit friendly tools (i.e., SNL-SWAN, SNL-Delft3D-CEC). The user can also provide inputs from other models, but the user must ensure that the input files are formatted correctly as described in each module.


For the shear, velocity and acoustics module, the output contains both CSV and GeoTIFF file formats. The CSV file contains the calculated values for each cell in the input raster, while the GeoTIFF file contains the calculated values in raster format. The power module only outputs a CSV file.

CSV files

The CSV files contain statistics of area calculations for various layers. If decimal degree coordinates are provided, the values are converted to UTM (meter) coordinates for calculations. The stressor values are binned into 25 bins and associated with the surface area in which that change occurred, the percent of the overall model domain, and number of cells within the stressor is saved to a csv file.

GeoTIFF files

For the GeoTIFF raster files, output layers are interpolated onto structured grids in order to visualize calculated paracoustic, calculated stressor, threshold exceeded receptor, species percent and species density spatially.

File Descriptions

Model Probabilities – Probability of hydrodynamics conditions occurring during a year. Each model run is associated with a probability depending on the likelihood that the hydrodynamic conditions occur.

Risk Layer – classified geoTIFF indicating unique features. Examples include seabed features, ecological zones, marine vegetation, species habitat. This is an optional file to include if the user desires information about impacts to specific areas.

Receptor Layer – numerical value at which a change or response is expected (i.e., a threshold). Examples include auditory effect to marine species, larval transport, and sediment transport.