SDynPy Showcase

This document will demonstrate the Structural Dynamics capabilities in SDynPy, from the basics such as computing mode shapes, to complex analyses such as substructuring.


In order to use SDynPy, we will need to import it into our Python script. We will alias sdynpy as sdpy to make it somewhat shorter to type.

We will also import numpy and matplotlib for numerics and 2D plotting, respectively.

import sdynpy as sdpy           # For Structural Dynamics
import numpy as np              # For Numerics
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # For 2D Plotting

Creating a Simple Beam Model

In structural dynamics, beams are the classic academic structure, so we will start with one here. We will create a beam using the sdpy.System.beam class method, which returns a System object as well as a Geometry object representing the beam. The beam will be 20 cm x 1 cm x 0.5 cm and made out of steel.

system,geometry = sdpy.System.beam(
    length = 0.2, # Meters
    width = 0.01, # Meters
    height = 0.005, # Meters
    num_nodes = 21,

Geometry in SDynPy

We will first explore the geometry object that was created by the previous method. Typing geometry into the Python console after running the previous method will print a representation of the geometry object.

In [1]: geometry
   Index,     ID,        X,        Y,        Z, DefCS, DisCS
    (0,),      1,    0.000,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
    (1,),      2,    0.010,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
    (2,),      3,    0.020,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
    (3,),      4,    0.030,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
    (4,),      5,    0.040,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
    (5,),      6,    0.050,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
    (6,),      7,    0.060,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
    (7,),      8,    0.070,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
    (8,),      9,    0.080,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
    (9,),     10,    0.090,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
   (10,),     11,    0.100,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
   (11,),     12,    0.110,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
   (12,),     13,    0.120,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
   (13,),     14,    0.130,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
   (14,),     15,    0.140,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
   (15,),     16,    0.150,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
   (16,),     17,    0.160,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
   (17,),     18,    0.170,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
   (18,),     19,    0.180,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
   (19,),     20,    0.190,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
   (20,),     21,    0.200,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1

   Index,     ID,                 Name, Color,       Type
    (0,),      1,                     ,     1,  Cartesian

   Index,     ID,          Description, Color, # Nodes
    (0,),      1,                     ,     1,      21

   Index,     ID, Type, Color, # Nodes
----------- Empty -------------

Here we see there are four “sections” of a geometry object. These are

  1. Nodes – define the positions of points in space as well as assigning coordinate systems to those points in space

  2. Coordinate Systems – define various coordinate systems in the model, which could be used for defining node positions or defining the displacement directions of nodes

  3. Tracelines – define 1D connections between nodes that are used to aid in visualizing the geometry

  4. Elements – define 2D or 3D connections between nodes that are used to aid in visualizing the geometry.

The present geometry has 21 nodes, 1 coordinate system, 1 traceline containing 21 nodes, and no elements. We can access the different sections of the geometry by accessing the node, coordinate_system, traceline, or element attributes of the object, for example:

In [2]: geometry.node
   Index,     ID,        X,        Y,        Z, DefCS, DisCS
    (0,),      1,    0.000,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
    (1,),      2,    0.010,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
    (2,),      3,    0.020,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
    (3,),      4,    0.030,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
    (4,),      5,    0.040,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
    (5,),      6,    0.050,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
    (6,),      7,    0.060,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
    (7,),      8,    0.070,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
    (8,),      9,    0.080,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
    (9,),     10,    0.090,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
   (10,),     11,    0.100,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
   (11,),     12,    0.110,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
   (12,),     13,    0.120,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
   (13,),     14,    0.130,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
   (14,),     15,    0.140,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
   (15,),     16,    0.150,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
   (16,),     17,    0.160,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
   (17,),     18,    0.170,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
   (18,),     19,    0.180,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
   (19,),     20,    0.190,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1
   (20,),     21,    0.200,    0.000,    0.000,     1,     1


We will start by exploring the nodes of the geometry, which are stored as a NodeArray object revealed by geometry.node. The NodeArray class is a subclass of SdynpyArray, which is itself a subclass of NumPy’s ndarray. All subclasses of SdynpyArray can therefore take advantage of NumPy functions such as intersect1d, unique, or concatenate and also handle indexing and broadcasting identically to the NumPy ndarray.

Subclasses of SdynpyArray store their data internally as a structured array variant of the ndarray. This allows multiple data fields to be stored within each entry of the array. For example, the above has 21 nodes, and each node has an identification number, a position in space, and other information defined information defined. However, as an alternative to accessing the field data using the syntax array['fieldname'], SdynpyArray allows accessing the fields as if they were attributes using the syntax array.fieldname. Many integrated development environments will not recognize these added attributes so all SdynpyArray subclasses have a fields attribute that lists the fields stored in the array that can be accessed.

Returning to the geometry.node, we can identify the fields in the object using the command

In [3]: geometry.node.fields
Out[3]: ('id', 'coordinate', 'color', 'def_cs', 'disp_cs')

Here we see the five fields of the NodeArray object. We can obtain even more information about the shape and type of each of these fields using the dtype attribute, which is inherited from NumPy’s ndarray.

In [4]: geometry.node.dtype
Out[4]: dtype([('id', '<u8'), ('coordinate', '<f8', (3,)),
               ('color', '<u2'), ('def_cs', '<u8'), ('disp_cs', '<u8')])

Here we see that the array, which contains the node ID number, is a 8-byte (64-bit) unsigned integer. The geometry.node.disp_cs and geometry.node.def_cs arrays, which contain references to the coordinate system in which the node is defined and in which the node displaces, respectively, are also this data type. The geometry.node.color array, while still an unsigned integer, is only 2 bytes, or 16 bits. Finally, the geometry.node.coordinate, which contains the 3D position of the node as defined in the geometry.node.def_cs coordinate system, consists of 8-byte (64-bit) floating-point data, and also has a shape of (3,), which signifies there are three values of the coordinate for each entry in the geometry.node array. These extra dimensions of the field arrays are appended at the end of dimension of the SdynpyArray subclass. For example, if we compare the shape of the geometry.node array to the geometry.node.coordinate array, we will see that the shapes are identical except for the appending of the length-3 extra dimension on the latter array. Here the shape attribute is also an attribute inherited from NumPy’s ndarray.

In [5]: geometry.node.shape
Out[5]: (21,)

In [6]: geometry.node.coordinate.shape
Out[6]: (21, 3)

We see that the shape of our geometry.node array is 21, meaning the geometry we are examining has that many nodes. We then see that the shape of our geometry.node.coordinate array is 21 x 3, showing that there are three coordinate values for each of the 21 nodes.

Coordinate Systems

Coordinate systems in the Geometry object are stored in a CoordinateSystemArray object that can be accessed by geometry.coordinate_system. We will again explore the fields of the CoordinateSystemArray using the dtype.

In [7]: geometry.coordinate_system.dtype
Out[7]: dtype([('id', '<u8'), ('name', '<U40'), ('color', '<u2'),
               ('cs_type', '<u2'), ('matrix', '<f8', (4, 3))])

We now see some new types of fields. We still have id and color, which are consistent with the NodeArray object we previously explored. We now have another integer field cs_type which stores the type of coordinate system (0 - cartesian, 1 - cylindrical, 2 - spherical) in a 16-bit unsigned integer field. We also have a name field, which stores a name of the coordinate system in a string of less than 40 characters. Finally, there is the coordinate system’s transformation matrix, stored in the matrix field, which is stored in a 4 x 3 array of 64-bit floating point numbers. Again, recall the shape of the fields are appended to the shape of the base object, so comparing the shape of the CoordinateSystemArray to the shape of its matrix field, we will see that the latter has 2 extra dimensions of length 4 and 3.

In [8]: geometry.coordinate_system.shape
Out[8]: (1,)

In [9]: geometry.coordinate_system.matrix.shape
Out[9]: (1, 4, 3)

In SDynPy, the upper 3 rows of the CoordinateSystemArray's matrix field represent a rotation matrix, whereas the last row represents a translation vector. The translation vector specifies the origin of the coordinate system, and the rows of the rotation matrix represent the local coordinate system directions.


Elements in the Geometry are stored in an ElementArray object, which can be accessed using the geometry.element attribute. The fields of this object are

In [10]: geometry.element.dtype
Out[10]: dtype([('id', '<u8'), ('type', 'u1'), ('color', '<u2'),
                ('connectivity', 'O')])

Like NodeArray and CoordinateSystemArray objects, the ElementArray object also has id and color fields. Each element also has a type field, which is an 8-bit unsigned integer representing the element type as defined by the universal file format dataset 2412. Finally, the element connectivity field is stored as an object array, where each entry in the element array is a NumPy ndarray with length equal to the number of nodes in the element. This construction is necessary as each element might have a different number of nodes, so a single array of fixed size is not possible.

The current geometry has no elements associated with it, so if we compute its shape, we will find that it has length zero.

In [11]: geometry.element.shape
Out[11]: (0,)


The final visualization tool in the Geometry object is the TracelineArray, which represents a line connecting nodes in the geometry. The fields of the TracelineArray object are

In [12]: geometry.traceline.dtype
Out[12]: dtype([('id', '<u8'), ('color', '<u2'), ('description', '<U40'),
                ('connectivity', 'O')])

Similarly to the other geometry objects, TracelineArray objects have id and color, and like the ElementArray object, it has a connectivity array that specifies the node IDs to connect with a line. The description field stores a name or description of each item in the TracelineArray as a string with less than 40 characters.

The present geometry has single traceline that connects all of the nodes in the model. Note that due to how object arrays are used in NumPy, investigating the shape of the connectivity field will not immediately tell the user how many nodes are in each connectivity array, but will rather just return the shape of the TracelineArray itself (note the dtype definition previously, where the connectivity field has no additional shape associated with it). However, if we actually index into a single connectivity array, we can then see how big it is.

In [13]: geometry.traceline.connectivity.shape
Out[13]: (1,)

In [14]: geometry.traceline.connectivity[0].shape
Out[14]: (21,)

The entries in the connectivity array will determine how the nodes are connected. We see here that the traceline connects each node together from 1 to 21. Note that a 0 entry in a traceline array is equivalent to a line break; the line will stop at the previous node and resume at the next node, leaving a gap. Discontinuous lines may also be constructed using multiple tracelines.

In [15]: geometry.traceline.connectivity[0]
array([ 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
       18, 19, 20, 21])

Plotting Geometry

While it can be illustrative to examine the underlying data in a Geometry object, the more intuitive view is gained by plotting the Geometry object. SDynPy can produce a 3D interactive representation of the Geometry object by calling its plot method.

beam geometry

Geometry of the Beam

Systems in SDynPy

The System object is designed to store the mass, stiffness, and damping matrices associated with a dynamic system. These are stored in the mass, stiffness, and damping attributes of the System object.

Typing system into the into the Python console will report the number of the degrees of freedom in the system.

In [16]: system
Out[16]: System with 126 DoFs (126 internal DoFs)

We can plot the system matrices to see the element connectivity. Each matrix should have numbers of rows and columns equal to the reported number of internal degrees of freedom, which will be 126 for this

# Create the figure and axes
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,3,sharex=True,sharey=True,num='System Matrices',
# Plot the matrices
mimg = ax[0].imshow(system.mass)
dimg = ax[1].imshow(system.damping)
simg = ax[2].imshow(system.stiffness)
# Add colorbar
# Label each plot
# Set to tight layout
System matrices

Mass, Stiffness, and Damping matrices for the system object.

Note that due to the system deriving from a finite element model, the damping is zero.

In addition to the mass, stiffness, and damping matrices, SDynPy System objects also track transformations between internal state degrees of freedom, as well as which degrees of freedom are associated with rows and columns of the matrices.

For the current system object, the transformation, accessed using the system.transformation attribute, is the identity matrix. This is because the system matrices are already represented in physical coordinates.

# Create the figure and axes
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,sharex=True,sharey=True,num='System Transformation',
# Plot the matrices
timg = ax.imshow(system.transformation)
# Add colorbar
# Label each plot
# Set to tight layout
System matrices

Transformation matrix for the system object.

The degrees of freedom corresponding to the rows and columns of the system matrices can be accessed using the system.coordinate attribute. This provides a CoordinateArray object containing the degrees of freedom (node and local direction).

In [17]: system.coordinate
array(['1X+', '1Y+', '1Z+', '1RX+', '1RY+', '1RZ+', '2X+', '2Y+', '2Z+',
       '2RX+', '2RY+', '2RZ+', '3X+', '3Y+', '3Z+', '3RX+', '3RY+',
       '3RZ+', '4X+', '4Y+', '4Z+', '4RX+', '4RY+', '4RZ+', '5X+', '5Y+',
       '5Z+', '5RX+', '5RY+', '5RZ+', '6X+', '6Y+', '6Z+', '6RX+', '6RY+',
       '6RZ+', '7X+', '7Y+', '7Z+', '7RX+', '7RY+', '7RZ+', '8X+', '8Y+',
       '8Z+', '8RX+', '8RY+', '8RZ+', '9X+', '9Y+', '9Z+', '9RX+', '9RY+',
       '9RZ+', '10X+', '10Y+', '10Z+', '10RX+', '10RY+', '10RZ+', '11X+',
       '11Y+', '11Z+', '11RX+', '11RY+', '11RZ+', '12X+', '12Y+', '12Z+',
       '12RX+', '12RY+', '12RZ+', '13X+', '13Y+', '13Z+', '13RX+',
       '13RY+', '13RZ+', '14X+', '14Y+', '14Z+', '14RX+', '14RY+',
       '14RZ+', '15X+', '15Y+', '15Z+', '15RX+', '15RY+', '15RZ+', '16X+',
       '16Y+', '16Z+', '16RX+', '16RY+', '16RZ+', '17X+', '17Y+', '17Z+',
       '17RX+', '17RY+', '17RZ+', '18X+', '18Y+', '18Z+', '18RX+',
       '18RY+', '18RZ+', '19X+', '19Y+', '19Z+', '19RX+', '19RY+',
       '19RZ+', '20X+', '20Y+', '20Z+', '20RX+', '20RY+', '20RZ+', '21X+',
       '21Y+', '21Z+', '21RX+', '21RY+', '21RZ+'], dtype='<U5'))


Here again is a good place to explore what makes up a CoordinateArray object. We can examine the data type of the CoordinateArray to see that it contains fields for a 64-bit unsigned integer as the node field and an 8-bit signed integer for the direction field.

In [18]: system.coordinate.dtype
Out[18]: dtype([('node', '<u8'), ('direction', 'i1')])

CoordinateArray objects store the direction as an integer with encoding:


Integer Encoding



























Note that the directions with R are rotations about the respective axis.

When we want to examine CoordinateArray objects, the integer directions are typically transformed into the more readable direction strings shown in the first column of the above table. For example, if we type a CoordinateArray object into the console, the representation of the object displays the string array version of the coordinates, as shown above.

From the above, we can see that the System we just created contains a degree of freedom for each of the positive X, Y, Z translations and each of the positive X, Y, Z rotations each node.

Many SDynPy objects allow indexing with a CoordinateArray object to automatically handle the bookkeeping aspect of selecting the right data for each coordinate.

Plotting Coordinates

At this point, we would like to plot our coordinates on top of our geometry. For this we use the plot_coordinate method of the Geometry object.


Note that due to the density of the mesh, we had to make the arrow_scale smaller than the default, otherwise the arrows would overlap.

beam coordinates

Coordinates defined on the beam.

If we zoom into the coordinate systems on the figure, we see more clearly that there are rotations and translations defined at each node.

beam coordinates zoomed

Zoom of coordinates defined on the beam.

Computing Modes of the System

With mass, stiffness, and damping matrices, there are several types of structural dynamics analyses that could be performed. One popular analysis that is performed in structural dynamics is modal analysis. In this type of analysis, we will compute the Generalized Eigensolution of the mass and stiffness matrices. While we could extract these matrices from the System object and perform the eigensolution using a linear algebra package such as that in SciPy, we can instead use the System.eigensolution method to compute the modes and handle all of the bookkeeping. This method accepts arguments to determine which modes to compute. For example, we can easily compute all modes below a certain frequency (say 4000 Hz).

shapes = system.eigensolution(maximum_frequency=4000)

This produces a ShapeArray object, which is used by SDynPy to represent mode shapes and deflection shapes.

We can type the variable name shapes into the Python console to see more information about the mode shapes.

In [19]: shapes
   Index,  Frequency,    Damping,     # DoFs
    (0,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (1,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (2,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (3,),     0.0153,    0.0000%,        126
    (4,),     0.0153,    0.0000%,        126
    (5,),     0.0153,    0.0000%,        126
    (6,),   648.5603,    0.0000%,        126
    (7,),  1297.1207,    0.0000%,        126
    (8,),  1787.8068,    0.0000%,        126
    (9,),  3504.9762,    0.0000%,        126
   (10,),  3575.6135,    0.0000%,        126

Here we see there were 11 modes below 4000 Hz. 6 of the modes are rigid body modes, with natural frequency of approximately 0 Hz. 5 of the modes are elastic modes. Each of the modes has 0% damping (due to the damping matrix being equal to the zero matrix), and each mode has 126 degrees of freedom.


At this point, it is useful to explore briefly the ShapeArray object in the Python console. The data type of the object is:

In [20]: shapes.dtype
Out[20]: dtype([('frequency', '<f8'),
                ('damping', '<f8'),
                ('coordinate', [('node', '<u8'),
                                ('direction', 'i1')], (126,)),
                ('shape_matrix', '<f8', (126,)),
                ('modal_mass', '<f8'),
                ('comment1', '<U80'),
                ('comment2', '<U80'),
                ('comment3', '<U80'),
                ('comment4', '<U80'),
                ('comment5', '<U80')])

The data type of ShapeArray objects can change depending on what type of shape and how many degrees of freedom are in the shape. frequency and damping fields are stored as 64-bit floating point numbers with one value per entry in the ShapeArray. modal_mass is also stored in the present ShapeArray, but if the shape is complex, then the modal mass might also be complex. The shape_matrix field holds the underlying shape data. It has one entry for every degree of freedom in the shape, and is represented by a floating point number for normal modes or a complex number for complex modes. Similarly, the coordinate field identifies which degree of freedom belongs to which entry in the shape_matrix field. The coordinate field stores data as CoordinateArray objects, and thus has the same data type as CoordinateArray. Finally, there are five fields available for comments, which store string data up to 80 characters which can be used to store any data the user feels is relevant to the analysis.

One thing to note is that the shape_matrix field, due to the dimension of the field being appended at the end of the array, will be transposed from the typical representation of a mode shape matrix (degrees of freedom as rows and mode indices as columns). The shape_matrix field will instead have the shape of the ShapeArray object itself as its first dimensions, and then the size of the coordinate field as its last dimension.

In [21]: shapes.shape
Out[21]: (11,)

In [22]: shapes.shape_matrix.shape
Out[22]: (11, 126)

To access the mode shape matrix in a more familiar format, users can instead access the modeshape attribute of the ShapeArray object. This will be identical data to the shape_matrix field, except it will have the last two dimensions of the array transposed. For a 1D array of shapes, this will produce a modeshape matrix with degrees of freedom indices as the rows of the matrix and mode indices as the columns of the matrix.

In [23]: shapes.modeshape.shape
Out[23]: (126, 11)

Plotting Shapes

While it may be useful to access the raw mode shape data in matrix form, the most intutive view of the shapes is often obtained when the shapes are plotted on the geometry. This is easily done in SDynPy by using the plot_shape method of the Geometry object, and passing the ShapeArray object as the argument.


This will bring up the shape plotter window, shown below.

shape plotter window

Shape Plotter window that appears when modes are plotted on the geometry.

The Shape Plotter window is an interactive, animated 3D plot that allows users to visualize the mode shapes of the system. We will briefly highlight some of the key features of this tool.

The File menu contains tools for saving images from the window. The Take Screenshot action allows saving an image of the current window. The Save Animation action will save an animated GIF of the shape from the current view.

The View menu contains tools for adjusting the view of the window, as well as plotting utility widgets. The Camera Toggle Parallel Projection action will switch between perspective and parallel camera projections. A small coordinate axis triad can be plotted by displaying the Orientation Marker, and labelled axes can be plotted by selecting Bounds Axes.

The Shape menu contains tools for adjusting how the shapes are presented. The shape complexity can be adjusted, as well as the shape scaling and animation speed. The text showing the mode number, frequency, damping, and any comments can also be shown or hidden.

The toolbars in the widget offer features as well. The camera can be set to several default views along the principal axes. Camera views can be saved and recalled as well. The mode that is being shown can be changed by clicking the << and >> buttons. The animation can be started or stopped by pressing the Play and Stop Buttons.

mode shape animation

Mode shape of the beam animated on the geometry.

Assigning to SDynpy Array Fields and Array Views versus Copies

Often, one may wish to assign values to specific fields of the SDynPy objects. For example, the first six modes of the structure should be rigid body modes; however, the eigensolution has left three of the first six natural frequencies with small positive values. Let’s set these values to zero. SDynPy arrays, as well as the fields of the arrays, inherit all properties of NumPy’s ndarray object, and can therefore be indexed identically. We can use this indexing either to get specific portions of the array or to assign values to certain portions of the array. For example, if we want to assign the first six natural frequencies to zero, we can use the command:

shapes.frequency[:6] = 0

We can then check that the values are indeed set to zero.

In [24]: shapes
   Index,  Frequency,    Damping,     # DoFs
    (0,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (1,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (2,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (3,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (4,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (5,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (6,),   648.5603,    0.0000%,        126
    (7,),  1297.1207,    0.0000%,        126
    (8,),  1787.8068,    0.0000%,        126
    (9,),  3504.9762,    0.0000%,        126
   (10,),  3575.6135,    0.0000%,        126

Note that when utilizing NumPy ndarray objects, one should always be aware what type of object is returned from an indexing or slicing operation. NumPy can either return a copy of the original array or a view into the original array. A copy is a completely new array that contains equivalent data to the original array, but has no connection back to it. Changing a value in a copy of an array will not modify that same value in the original array. A view is simply a window into the original array, meaning it shares the same memory as the original array. Changing a value in a view of an array will also modify the data in the original array. Views are useful in that they do not duplicate memory, so when working with large arrays, using views is much more efficient than using copies. However, if a user assumes that they are working with a copy of an array but are actually working with a view of an array, there may be unintended side-effects when the value of the original array is unintentionally modified. For a full treatment of indexing in NumPy, users are directed to the documentation on indexing for NumPy ndarrays. The present documentation will simply show some examples of when different types of indexing are used, and what the ramifications could be if users are not careful.

Indexing using a Single Integer Index

The simplest indexing approach for NumPy objects is to index with a single integer. This will generally return a view of the object. For example, we can access the first shape in the ShapeArray object with the syntax

In [25]: first_shape = shapes[0]

If we then set the frequency of first_shape equal to some value, we will see that our original shape matrix also has that value assigned as the first frequency.

In [26]: first_shape.frequency = 10

In [27]: shapes
   Index,  Frequency,    Damping,     # DoFs
    (0,),    10.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (1,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (2,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (3,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (4,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (5,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (6,),   648.5603,    0.0000%,        126
    (7,),  1297.1207,    0.0000%,        126
    (8,),  1787.8068,    0.0000%,        126
    (9,),  3504.9762,    0.0000%,        126
   (10,),  3575.6135,    0.0000%,        126

Here we see that we assigned a variable when we modified first_shape’s frequency to 10, the first frequency of shapes also became 10, because they point to the same position in memory.

Indexing using a Slice

A second common method of indexing an array is using a slice. Slices can be defined with a start index, a stop index, and a step size. For example, a slice 0:10:2 would return indices from zero up to just before 10, and only return every second index, which would be 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8.

For example:

In [29]: indexed_shapes = shapes[:6:2]

In [30]: indexed_shapes.frequency = 2

In [31]: shapes
   Index,  Frequency,    Damping,     # DoFs
    (0,),     2.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (1,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (2,),     2.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (3,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (4,),     2.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (5,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (6,),   648.5603,    0.0000%,        126
    (7,),  1297.1207,    0.0000%,        126
    (8,),  1787.8068,    0.0000%,        126
    (9,),  3504.9762,    0.0000%,        126
   (10,),  3575.6135,    0.0000%,        126

We can see that the 0, 2, and 4 indices were set to have frequencies of 2, which corresponds to the original slice.

Note we could also do the indexing directly on the frequency field. For example:

In [32]: indexed_frequencies = shapes.frequency[:6:2]

In [33]: indexed_frequencies[:] = 3

In [34]: shapes
   Index,  Frequency,    Damping,     # DoFs
    (0,),     3.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (1,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (2,),     3.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (3,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (4,),     3.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (5,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (6,),   648.5603,    0.0000%,        126
    (7,),  1297.1207,    0.0000%,        126
    (8,),  1787.8068,    0.0000%,        126
    (9,),  3504.9762,    0.0000%,        126
   (10,),  3575.6135,    0.0000%,        126

Note the syntax indexed_frequencies[:] = 3. Had we simply typed indexed_frequencies = 3, this would have not overwritten the original frequencies as this latter syntax is simply a redefinition of the variable indexed_frequencies to a different value rather than a reassignment of the values in indexed_frequencies to a different value. The former syntax reassigns values at the indexed_frequencies memory location, and the latter assigns indexed_frequencies to a different memory location, which breaks the connection to the original memory location, so indexed_frequencies is no longer a view into shapes. For example:

In [35]: indexed_frequencies = 6

In [36]: shapes
   Index,  Frequency,    Damping,     # DoFs
    (0,),     3.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (1,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (2,),     3.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (3,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (4,),     3.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (5,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (6,),   648.5603,    0.0000%,        126
    (7,),  1297.1207,    0.0000%,        126
    (8,),  1787.8068,    0.0000%,        126
    (9,),  3504.9762,    0.0000%,        126
   (10,),  3575.6135,    0.0000%,        126

In the previous example the values of the 0, 2, and 4 frequency indices were not modified from three to six.

Indexing with Logical Arrays

NumPy ndarrays can also be indexed with logical (or boolean) arrays. These are arrays full of True and False values. These are often returned due to comparison operations. For example, if we want all of the frequencies less than ten hertz, we can perform the operation:

In [37]: logical_array = shapes.frequency < 10

In [38]: logical_array
array([ True,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True, False, False, False,
       False, False])

This last set of commands has produced a logical array where the first six indices are True and the last five are False. If we index the shapes object with this, we will return only the shapes where the logical array is True.

In [39]: rigid_shapes = shapes[logical_array]

In [40]: rigid_shapes
   Index,  Frequency,    Damping,     # DoFs
    (0,),     3.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (1,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (2,),     3.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (3,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (4,),     3.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (5,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126

However, unlike the last indexing types, this type of indexing will generally return a copy of the array, rather than a view into the array. For example, if we redefine values of the frequency field in rigid_shapes, it will not update the frequency in the original shapes variable.

In [41]: rigid_shapes.frequency = 0

In [42]: rigid_shapes
   Index,  Frequency,    Damping,     # DoFs
    (0,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (1,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (2,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (3,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (4,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (5,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126

In [43]: shapes
   Index,  Frequency,    Damping,     # DoFs
    (0,),     3.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (1,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (2,),     3.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (3,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (4,),     3.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (5,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (6,),   648.5603,    0.0000%,        126
    (7,),  1297.1207,    0.0000%,        126
    (8,),  1787.8068,    0.0000%,        126
    (9,),  3504.9762,    0.0000%,        126
   (10,),  3575.6135,    0.0000%,        126

Here we see that there is no memory link between rigid_shapes and shapes because they have different values of their frequency field. Note that if we wish to perform assignments using logical indexing, we need to make sure that the indexing is performed as the last operation. For example, consider the following code.

In [44]: shapes[logical_array].frequency = 0

In [45]: shapes
   Index,  Frequency,    Damping,     # DoFs
    (0,),     3.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (1,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (2,),     3.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (3,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (4,),     3.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (5,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (6,),   648.5603,    0.0000%,        126
    (7,),  1297.1207,    0.0000%,        126
    (8,),  1787.8068,    0.0000%,        126
    (9,),  3504.9762,    0.0000%,        126
   (10,),  3575.6135,    0.0000%,        126

Looking at the first command naively, it would seem that we would take the shapes specified by logical_array (i.e. the first six modes) and assign their frequencies to 0. However, if we look at the contents of shapes immediately afterwards, we can see that no such assignment has taken place. Instead, the first six modes have their original values of alternating three and zero. If we think a bit harder and remember that we make a copy of the array when we index with a logical array, we will realize that we have created a copy of the first six modes of the shapes array, and assigned the frequencies of that copy to zero. However, since that copy was never assigned to any variable, it is immediately discarded by the Python interpreter as unused. The original shapes array remains unmodified. To achieve the desired result, we should instead make sure the indexing occurs last.

In [46]: shapes.frequency[logical_array] = 0

In [47]: shapes
   Index,  Frequency,    Damping,     # DoFs
    (0,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (1,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (2,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (3,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (4,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (5,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (6,),   648.5603,    0.0000%,        126
    (7,),  1297.1207,    0.0000%,        126
    (8,),  1787.8068,    0.0000%,        126
    (9,),  3504.9762,    0.0000%,        126
   (10,),  3575.6135,    0.0000%,        126

In this latter case, we have accessed the frequency field of the original shapes array, rather than a copy of the frequency field, therefore when we assign to those values, the original shapes array is modified.

Indexing with Integer Arrays

The final indexing approach discussed here is indexing with integer arrays. This is useful when specific indices are desired, but one does not want to set up the entire logical array. For example, to get the first six modes, we could construct an integer array:

In [48]: integer_array = [0,1,2,3,4,5]

In [49]: rigid_shapes = shapes[integer_array]

In [50]: rigid_shapes
   Index,  Frequency,    Damping,     # DoFs
    (0,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (1,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (2,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (3,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (4,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (5,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126

We can see that we were able to access the first six modes of shapes this way.

In [51]: rigid_shapes.frequency = 10

In [52]: shapes
   Index,  Frequency,    Damping,     # DoFs
    (0,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (1,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (2,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (3,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (4,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (5,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (6,),   648.5603,    0.0000%,        126
    (7,),  1297.1207,    0.0000%,        126
    (8,),  1787.8068,    0.0000%,        126
    (9,),  3504.9762,    0.0000%,        126
   (10,),  3575.6135,    0.0000%,        126

We can see that the changes to rigid_shapes were not propogated back to shapes, because it is only a copy of the original array.

As a general rule of thumb, indexing using a single integer or slice produces a view into the original array, but indexing with a logical or index array produces a copy. If the reader still does not understand these concepts, they are encouraged to read and understand the NumPy documentation on indexing, otherwise misapplying these nuanced concepts can introduce bugs into analyses performed using SDynPy.

Computing a Modal System

Given that our ShapeArray object came from a beam finite element model without any damping defined, it might be useful to assign damping to the shapes to more realistically simulate a real beam. We will assign a small amount of damping to all modes.

shapes.damping = 0.005

Now, if we investigate the shapes variable in the console, we will see that the damping is no longer zero.

In [53]: shapes
   Index,  Frequency,    Damping,     # DoFs
    (0,),     0.0000,    0.5000%,        126
    (1,),     0.0000,    0.5000%,        126
    (2,),     0.0000,    0.5000%,        126
    (3,),     0.0000,    0.5000%,        126
    (4,),     0.0000,    0.5000%,        126
    (5,),     0.0000,    0.5000%,        126
    (6,),   648.5603,    0.5000%,        126
    (7,),  1297.1207,    0.5000%,        126
    (8,),  1787.8068,    0.5000%,        126
    (9,),  3504.9762,    0.5000%,        126
   (10,),  3575.6135,    0.5000%,        126

If we wanted to perform simulations with this new model that has damping incorporated, we can easily transform the ShapeArray object into a System object by using the system method of the ShapeArray class.

modal_system = shapes.system()

This will construct a System object, but unlike our original system variable, this modal_system will be a reduced system. Instead of the internal system states being equivalent to physical degrees of freedom, the internal system states are now modal degrees of freedom.

If we type the modal_system variable into the console, we see that while it still has 126 degrees of freedom, it only contains 11 internal degrees of freedom.

In [53]: modal_system
Out[53]: System with 126 DoFs (11 internal DoFs)

We can plot the system matrices.

# Plot the modal system matrices
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,4,num='Modal System Matrices',figsize=(12,3))
# Transformation
timg = ax[0].imshow(modal_system.transformation)
ax[0].set_ylabel('Physical DoF')
ax[0].set_xlabel('Modal DoF')
# Mass
mimg = ax[1].imshow(modal_system.mass)
ax[1].set_ylabel('Modal DoF')
ax[1].set_xlabel('Modal DoF')
# Damping
dimg = ax[2].imshow(modal_system.damping)
ax[2].set_ylabel('Modal DoF')
ax[2].set_xlabel('Modal DoF')
# Stiffness
simg = ax[3].imshow(modal_system.stiffness)
ax[3].set_ylabel('Modal DoF')
ax[3].set_xlabel('Modal DoF')
Modal system matrices

Transformation, Mass, Damping and System matrices for the modal_system object.

We can see that the mass, stiffness, and damping matrices of modal_system are now the modal mass, modal stiffness, and modal damping matrices. SDynPy also tracks the transformation between internal degrees of freedom and physical degrees of freedom, which in this case is the mode shape matrix \(\mathbf{\Phi}\), which transforms modal degrees of freedom \(\mathbf{q}\) to physical degrees of freedom \(\mathbf{x}\) by the well-known modal transformation

\[\mathbf{x} = \mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf{q}\]

We can see that the coordinates of the original system and modal_system are identical, meaning the same physical degrees of freedom exist in each.

In [54]: np.all(system.coordinate == modal_system.coordinate)
Out[54]: True

Because SDynPy tracks the transformation between internal and physical degrees of freedom and applies it when necessary, the reduced modal_system can be utilized identically to the original system consisting of physical degrees of freedom. For example, we can compute the eigensolution of modal_system and find that it produces the exact same modes as the original shapes. The transformation is automatically applied to the mode shape matrix to produce shapes at the physical degrees of freedom.

In [55]: modal_system.eigensolution()
   Index,  Frequency,    Damping,     # DoFs
    (0,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (1,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (2,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (3,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (4,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (5,),     0.0000,    0.0000%,        126
    (6,),   648.5603,    0.5000%,        126
    (7,),  1297.1207,    0.5000%,        126
    (8,),  1787.8068,    0.5000%,        126
    (9,),  3504.9762,    0.5000%,        126
   (10,),  3575.6135,    0.5000%,        126

The modal system is useful because it can give approximately the same results as the physical system (at least over the bandwidth of interest) with significantly less computational cost. Rather than performing computations on a coupled, 126-degree-of-freedom system, we can instead perform computations on an uncoupled, 11-degree-of-freedom system, and then apply a simple transformation to convert the results back to physical degrees of freedom.

Data in SDynPy

Data in SDynPy is stored as subclasses of the NDDataArray object, which represents all types of data in SDynPy (time histories, frequency response functions, power spectral density arrays, etc.). Functionality for specific data types are stored in their respective subclasses. For example, time history signals are stored in TimeHistoryArray objects and frequency response functions are stored in TransferFunctionArray objects.

In general, to create a NDDataArray object, users will utilize the data_array function. This function accepts a type specifier defined by the FunctionTypes enumeration. It will also accept the abscissa (independent variable, e.g., frequency or time), the ordinate (dependent variable, e.g., acceleration or force), the coordinate (degree of freedom information for the signal), as well as up to five comments. For example, we can construct a set of sine waves with different amplitudes

times = np.arange(100)/100
amplitudes = np.array([1,2])
signal = amplitudes[:,np.newaxis]*np.sin(2*np.pi*5*times)
coordinates = sdpy.coordinate_array(

time_history = sdpy.data_array(
    data_type =,
    abscissa = times,
    ordinate = signal,
    coordinate = coordinates)

There are numerous function types defined in SDynPy. Referencing the module will show the different subclasses available.

Let’s take this time to explore of the NDDataArray class before moving on. First, let’s examine the fields available by looking at the object’s dtype.

In [56]: time_history.dtype
Out[56]: dtype([('abscissa', '<f8', (100,)),
                ('ordinate', '<f8', (100,)),
                ('comment1', '<U80'),
                ('comment2', '<U80'),
                ('comment3', '<U80'),
                ('comment4', '<U80'),
                ('comment5', '<U80'),
                ('coordinate', [('node', '<u8'),
                                ('direction', 'i1')], (1,))])

The abscissa field consists of the independent variable, which in the case of this time history, is the time value at each step. Different function types will have different abscissa data types. For example, a spectral quantity may have frequency lines as its abscissa. The ordinate field consists of the dependant variable. For a time history, this is a real quantity, but for a frequency-domain function such as a frequency response function, this may be a complex value. Both abscissa and ordinate have a shape of (100,), which is the length of the time signal. Like the ShapeArray, there are five fields available for comments, which store string data up to 80 characters which can be used to store any data the user feels is relevant to the analysis. Finally, the coordinate field stores degree of freedom data as CoordinateArray objects, and thus has the same data type as CoordinateArray. Different function types will have different shaped coordinate fields. For example, a time history only has one degree of freedom associated with each signal, so its shape is (1,). Note, however that this makes the coordinate field for the entire array (2,1), which is why the new axis needed to be added to the coordinates coordinates variable in the previous code block.

In [57]: time_history.shape
Out[57]: (2,)

In [58]: time_history.coordinate.shape
Out[58]: (2, 1)

Other types of functions may have differently-shaped coordinate fields. For example, a frequency response function will generally have a response coordinate and a reference coordinate for each entry in the matrix, so it will have a coordinate field of shape (2,).

There are many ways to visualize data in SDynPy, but the simplest is generally to call the plot method of the NDDataArray object.


This will produce a plot window with the signals displayed in it. This is more useful for smaller datasets. The plots produced by this method can get quite busy if many signals are plotted.

example time history

Time history displayed using its plot method.

Integrating Equations of Motion to Produce Time Data

While NDDataArray objects can be created manually, many functions and methods in SDynPy will return various data. One common operation is to integrate the equations of motion of a system to create a simulated time response to an imposed excitation or an imposed initial condition. The time_integrate method of the System class can be used to integrate the dynamic system to produce time responses. We will demonstrate this analysis in this section.

Generating an Excitation Signal

When setting up the time integration, we must consider the excitation that will be applied to the System, as well as the initial conditions. For this case, we will consider the system starting at rest. We will excite the structure with a pair of perpendicular random vibration signals at the beam tip. We can easily create these signals using SDynPy’s sdpy.generator sub-module. This contains functions to produce common signals used in structural dynamics such as sine, chirp, pseudorandom, random, burst_random, and pulse.

We will look at the random function to generate the input signals for this analysis. We will set up some initial signal processing parameters prior to generating the signal.

# Set up sampling parameters
signal_bandwidth = 4000 # Hz
sample_rate = signal_bandwidth*2
dt = 1/sample_rate
samples_per_frame = 2000
num_frames = 30
total_samples = samples_per_frame*num_frames
rms_level = 1.0
num_signals = 2

# Generate the signals
signals = sdpy.generator.random((num_signals,),total_samples,rms_level,dt)

# Plot the signals
fig,ax = plt.subplots(num_signals,1,num='Random Signals',
ax[0].set_ylabel('Signal 1 (N)')
ax[1].set_ylabel('Signal 2 (N)')
ax[1].set_xlabel('Time (s)')
random signal

Random signal used to excite the structure

Performing the Time Integration

We can then apply the signal to the structure using the time_integrate method of the System class. We need to chose which degrees of freedom to plot on the structure. Recall we can plot degrees of freedom using the plot_coordinate method of the Geometry object. By not specifying a set of coordinates to plot, it will simply plot all translational coordinates. Additionally, we can pass the optional keyword argument label_dofs = True to tell the plotter to label the degrees of freedom in the plot.

beam with labelled coordinates

Beam geometry with coordinate labels plotted

We will place the excitation forces at the tip of the beam in the two transverse directions. This corresponds to degrees of freedom 21Y+ and 21Z+. We can define a new coordinate array using the sdpy.coordinate_array function. This function can define new CoordinateArray objects in multiple ways. In this case, we will provide it the string_array keyword argument, and pass the coordinates that we desire in as strings. Alternatively, they could also be passed in as separate nodes and directions, which is useful for longer coordinate arrays.

excitation_dofs = sdpy.coordinate_array(
    string_array = ['21Y+','21Z+'])

excitation degrees of freedom

Excitation degrees of freedom plotted on the beam geometry

We might also specify the degrees of freedom at which we would like responses. One could argue that it is quite difficult to measure rotations of a structure, so we could construct our simulation such that it only returns the translational degrees of freedom. We can easily get a list of all translational degrees of freedom using the sdpy.coordinate.from_nodelist function, which accepts a list of nodes and returns translational degrees of freedom (by default, though can be modified) at each node in the list. We can generate this list of node identification numbers from our geometry object.

response_dofs = sdpy.coordinate.from_nodelist(
response degrees of freedom

Response degrees of freedom plotted on the beam geometry

We can then integrate equations of motion for the system using the time_integrate method of the System.

responses,forces = modal_system.time_integrate(
    signals, dt, responses = response_dofs, references=excitation_dofs,
    displacement_derivative = 2,
    integration_oversample = 10)

In addition to variables previously defined, we have also defined keyword arguments displacement_derivative = 2 and integration_oversample = 10. The displacement_derivative keyword specifies what data type to return. Specifying a two for this value will return an acceleration quantity, which is the second derivative of displacement. Specifying zero or one for this value will result in displacement or velocity being returned, respectively.

The integration_oversample keyword determines the degree of oversampling that occurs in the integration. The defined forces used a sample rate of 8000 Hz, so an oversample value of 10 will result in an integration time step of 80000 steps per second of integration time. One must be wary of using this keyword argument, as it relies on zero-padding the Fourier Transform of the signal, which is not an appropriate approach to oversample certain functions. For example, if the excitation is a ramp, this zero-padding will produce strange end effects. If such a signal is used as the excitation, it is recommended to simply generate the signal such that it is already oversampled, and not use the integration_oversample argument of this function. Note also that the scipy.signal.lsim function is used to perform the integration, so a factor of 10x is generally sufficient for integration accuracy due to the linear system assumption.

Let’s investigate the output of the time_integrate method. Two outputs were produced, responses and forces. These are the responses to the input signal, as well as the input signal itself, both transformed into SDynPy TimeHistoryArray objects.

In [59]: responses
Out[59]: TimeHistoryArray with shape 63 and 60000 elements per function

In [60]: forces
Out[60]: TimeHistoryArray with shape 2 and 60000 elements per function

Here we see that there are 63 response signals, and 2 force signals. Here is an example where using the basic plot method of the TimeHistoryArray object may be unsatisfactory, as too many lines will be plotted on the figure. Instead we will use the interactive 2D plotter GUIPlot, which will allow us to interactively chose which signals to show.

In [61]: sdpy.GUIPlot(responses)
Out[61]: <sdynpy.core.sdynpy_data.GUIPlot at 0xXXXXXXXXXXX>
interactive plot of response

GUIPlot allows users to select which functions to plot.

Another approach to visualizing the response of the system is to plot it. Plotting displacements is perhaps more meaningful than plotting accelerations, which we have computed here. Nonetheless, it is valuable to show how this can be done in SDynPy. The plot_transient method of the Geometry object can be used to show the time responses as displacements on the geometry.

In [62]: geometry.plot_transient(responses,displacement_scale=0.003)
Out[62]: <sdynpy.core.sdynpy_geometry.TransientPlotter at 0xXXXXXXXXXXX>
transient plotter

TransientPlotter showing the acceleration shape at each time step in the analysis

The transient plotter is similar to the mode shape plotter shown previously, except instead of animating a single shape vibrating back and forth, it animates a series of shapes one after another. The user can adjust the current timestep using the |<, <, >, or >| buttons, or by sliding the cursor across the time history representation at the bottom of the window. The animation can be started by clicking one of the < Play or Play > buttons, which will plan the animation in reverse or forward, respectively. The animation can be stopped by clicking the Stop button. The Shape menu has options for scaling the displacement level and animation speed, as well as setting the animation to loop.

Computing Frequency Response Functions

SDynPy offers several approaches to compute frequency response functions. These can be computed directly from a System object using its frequency_response method, in which the dynamic stiffness matrix will be inverted and transformations applied. Frequency response functions can also be computed from ShapeArray objects using its compute_frf method. Finally, frequency response functions can be computed from TimeHistoryArray using the sdpy.TransferFunctionArray.from_time_data function, or alternatively the SignalProcessingGUI.

Code-based Frequency Response Function Computations

Let’s set up some initial parameters to use to compute frequency response functions.

df = 1/(dt*samples_per_frame)
frequency_lines = df*(np.arange(samples_per_frame)+1)

Then we can compute the frequency response functions with the approaches described above. First we will consider the code-based approaches.

# From the original undamped system
frfs_system = system.frequency_response(frequency_lines,
# From the reduced system with damping added
frfs_modal_system = modal_system.frequency_response(
# From the eigensolution
frfs_shapes = shapes.compute_frf(frequency_lines,
# From time data
frfs_time = sdpy.TransferFunctionArray.from_time_data(
    forces, responses, samples_per_frame,
    overlap = 0.5, window = 'hann')

Before we go too much further, let’s explore the sdpy.TransferFunctionArray object returned by these analyses. First, by typing the variable name into the console, we can see the shape of the sdpy.TransferFunctionArray as well as how many elements (frequency lines) are in each function.

In [63]: frfs_system
Out[63]: TransferFunctionArray with shape 63 x 2 and 1000 elements per function

We can also examine the dtype of the sdpy.TransferFunctionArray, in particular comparing it to that of the TimeHistoryArray

In [64]: responses.dtype
Out[64]: dtype([('abscissa', '<f8', (60000,)),
                ('ordinate', '<f8', (60000,)),
                ('comment1', '<U80'),
                ('comment2', '<U80'),
                ('comment3', '<U80'),
                ('comment4', '<U80'),
                ('comment5', '<U80'),
                ('coordinate', [('node', '<u8'),
                                ('direction', 'i1')], (1,))])

In [65]: frfs_system.dtype
Out[65]: dtype([('abscissa', '<f8', (1000,)),
                ('ordinate', '<c16', (1000,)),
                ('comment1', '<U80'),
                ('comment2', '<U80'),
                ('comment3', '<U80'),
                ('comment4', '<U80'),
                ('comment5', '<U80'),
                ('coordinate', [('node', '<u8'),
                                ('direction', 'i1')], (2,))])

Because both the sdpy.TransferFunctionArray frfs_system and the TimeHistoryArray responses are subclasses of the base NDDataArray class, which represents all data in SDynPy, they will have the same fields. However, the shapes and data types of the fields are different. We see that the ordinate field of the TimeHistoryArray object is a floating point number f8, whereas the ordinate field of the sdpy.TransferFunctionArray object is a complex number c16, because in general, frequency response functions are complex. Additionally, we see that the the coordinate field now no longer has shape (1,), but now has shape (2,). This is because there are two degrees of freedom associated with each entry in the frequency response function matrix, a response coordinate and a reference coordinate.

In each of the frequency response functions we have computed, there are 63 responses and 2 forces, meaning a total of 126 frequency response functions have been generated. Rather than comparing all of these functions, we will just compare the drive point frequency response functions. This can be easily selected by identifying the functions where the response coordinate is equal to the reference coordinate (allowing for a difference in sign to occur between the two).

drive_frfs_system = frfs_system[

drive_frfs_modal_system = frfs_modal_system[

drive_frfs_shapes = frfs_shapes[

drive_frfs_time = frfs_time[

We can then plot the drive point frequency response functions on the same plots to compare them.

drive point frequency response

Frequency response functions computed from different approaches.

It may aid understanding to zoom in on a specific peak of the frequency response function to understand the subtle differences between the approaches.

drive point frequency response closeup

Zoom of frequency response functions computed from different approaches.

The most obvious difference between the four plots is in the System plot. This original system, derived from a finite element model, had no damping associated with it. Therefore the peak is very sharp (indeed, infinitely sharp if we had plotted with infinite frequency resolution) compared to the other three where we had added 0.5% modal damping. The Modal System and Shape derived frequency response functions are nominally identical due to them being constructed from nominally identical data. Finally, the Time curve is slightly more blunt than the Shape or Modal System curves due to the artificial damping added to the system from the Hann window applied during the frequency response function computation.

If users would like to compare all frequency response functions rather than just the drive points, the GUIPlot is again helpful. Two data sets can be passed simultaneously into the class to allow for comparisons of large datasets to be performed interactively. SDynPy by default plots frequency response functions as log magnitude and phase. However, the complex plotting and logarithmic scaling of the axes can be modified in the Plot menu.

frequency response functions in GUIPlot

Frequency response functions compared in GUIPlot.

Mode Indicator Functions

Another way to perform data reduction from a large number of frequency response functions to an overall view of the system is to compute mode indicator functions. Most popular are the Complex Mode Indicator Function (CMIF), the Normal Mode Indicator Function (NMIF), and the Multi-Mode Indicator Function (MMIF). One may also hear of the QMIF, which is a variant of the CMIF that is computed using only the imaginary part of the frequency response function (or real part when considering velocity/force frequency response functions).

SDynPy can compute the mode indicator functions using the compute_cmif, compute_nmif, and compute_mmif methods of the sdpy.TransferFunctionArray object. See their respective documentation for additional arguments that can be passed to these functions.

ax = frfs_shapes.compute_cmif().plot()
ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ax = frfs_shapes.compute_nmif().plot()
ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ax = frfs_shapes.compute_mmif().plot()
ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
complex mode indicator function

Complex mode indicator function for the beam frequency response functions

normal mode indicator function

Normal mode indicator function for the beam frequency response functions

multi-mode indicator function

Multi-mode indicator function for the beam frequency response functions

Graphical Frequency Response Function Computation

While code-based frequency response function computations are nice in that they can be automated very easily, some users may prefer a more graphical approach. The SignalProcessingGUI provides a way to do this. We pass it all of our time histories (references and responses) and then a window appears which provides various signal processing parameters that can be selected.

# Concatenate all time signals into one array
all_time_data = np.concatenate((forces,responses))
# Pass the entire set of time histories into the SignalProcessingGUI
spgui = sdpy.SignalProcessingGUI(all_time_data)
# Assign the geometry to the GUI so we don't have to load it from disk
spgui.geometry = geometry
initial SignalProcessingGUI

SignalProcessingGUI that initially appears for our test case.

Let’s first explore the SignalProcessingGUI Window. On the top left is a set of Information about the signals that are loaded. We see there are 65 signals total, of which 0 are references and 65 are responses (we will fix this shortly). There are 60000 samples for a duration of 7.5 seconds, and the sample rate is 8000 Hz.

Below the information we have the Data Range. This allows us to select a range over which the computation will be performed. This is useful for targetting portions of an environment, or for discarding portions of data that are not yet at steady state.

Below that are the Averaging and Triggering settings. This allows users to specify when the frames occur in the signal, either by setting them up every so many samples, or detecting some kind of trigger signal to use to locate the measurement frames.

Below that are the Sampling options, where the frame length is specified.

Finally, the last options are for Windowing. Certain windows may have extra parameters that will appear in this box, for example, the decay of an exponential window.

In the center of the window, we see two plots that are currently empty except for some green boxes. These green boxes represent the measurement frames in the signal. Currently no signals are plotted, because we have not selected any signals from the lists on the right side of the window. There are currently no signals listed in the References list; all are currently in the Responses list. Signals can be moved from reference to response and vice versa by double-clicking the signal name in the list on the right side. Note also that when a signal is selected, it will be shown in the respective plot.

Finally, on the bottom right corner of the window, we have signal processing computations that can be performed. The check boxes denote which functions to compute when the Compute button is pressed. Once a function is computed, it can be plotted or saved to a file.

There are also menus at the top of the window that contain additional functionality. The File menu allows data to be loaded directly from the disk. The Visualize menu allows the data to be sent to the transient or deflection shape plotters once a geometry is loaded (or assigned via code as we have done). The Analyze menu allows data to be sent to curve fitting software, though these are currently disabled until frequency response functions have been computed.

To start with, we will send our forces, which are the first two signals in the responses list to the references list by double-clicking them. We should now see those signal as a reference in the top list and plotted in the top plot. Let’s also select the drive point responses in the bottom list (only single click, not double click) so they are plotted in the bottom plot.

references selected in SignalProcessingGUI

SignalProcessingGUI with reference signals moved to the References window by double-clicking them.

After this step, we should see that the References box in the Information section shows 2 and the Responses box shows 63.

The next thing we will check is our sampling. We set up our signals to provide 2 Hz frequency spacing, so we can set that in the Frequency Spacing box in the Sampling section of the window. Note that this will automatically adjust all other properties that are determined by the frequency spacing. For example, the Frame Time has adjusted automatically to 0.5 seconds. You will also see that the displayed frames on the plots have changed lengths, being now half the size they were before.

sampling set in SignalProcessingGUI

SignalProcessingGUI with sampling set to 2 Hz frequency spacing.

Note that since we have started from zero velocity and displacement, there may be some start-up transients in the signal. If we zoom in the the start of the Responses plot, we can see that it takes approximately 0.01 seconds to get to a steady-state level. We can therefore set the Start Time in the Data Range section of the window to 0.02 seconds, just to be sure we’re at steady state. We could also perform this operation by dragging the left side of the blue region in the plot to the position that we desire. After performing this operation, we should see that all the green boxes have slide to the right, starting at the position specified by the Start Time. We also see that we have lost a measurement frame that no longer fits at the end of the signal; can be seen in the Frames box in the Averaging and Triggering section, which has changed from 15 to 14.

setting start time in SignalProcessingGUI

SignalProcessingGUI with the start time set correctly.

We will then adjust the overlap between measurement frames. We will set the Overlap box in the Averaging and Triggering section of the window to 50.00%. We can see that the green boxes are now overlapping. This overlap can be easier to see if you hover the mouse over one of the boxes, which will cause it to highlight.

setting overlap in SignalProcessingGUI

SignalProcessingGUI with the overlap set to 50% and a single measurement frame highlighted.

The last setting we will set is the Window in the Windowing section of the window. We will specify a Hann window (known as a Hanning window in some vibration literature).

setting window in SignalProcessingGUI

SignalProcessingGUI with the window set to Hann.

Finally we can compute the frequency response functinos. We ensure that the check box next to FRF is selected in the Compute section of the window. Additionally, we will compute the coherence by checking the Coherence checkbox. We can then press the Compute button. When the computations are finished, the buttons under the computed functions will be enabled, and we can plot them.

SignalProcessingGUI with functions computed

SignalProcessingGUI with the functions computed.

Clicking the Plot FRF or Plot Coherence buttons will cause those plots to appear in a GUIPlot window.

computed functions SignalProcessingGUI

Drive point frequency response function and multiple coherence computed by SignalProcessingGUI

Data can be saved from the SignalProcessingGUI window by clicking the Save FRF... button, and can be re-loaded into SDynPy using the function. In this case, we have saved the file into the current working directory as frfs_signalprocessinggui.npz so we can load it using

frfs_spgui ='frfs_signalprocessinggui.npz')

Plotting Deflection Shapes

While we could pass these shapes into the modal fitters in SDynPy, the lower-effort solution could be to simply examine the deflection shapes to pick out approximate frequencies and deflection shapes of the structure. We can easily plot deflection shapes using the plot_deflection_shape method of the Geometry class. This method accepts a set of spectral data, such as frequency response functions. However, because the DeflectionShapePlotter will attempt to map responses onto the geometry, we will not be able to plot multiple references simultaneously, as this will result in frequency response functions with identical response coordinates. Because our frequency response function arrays are already shaped as (num_response,num_reference), we can simply index into the last dimension of the array to select single-reference frequency response functions.

In [66]: geometry.plot_deflection_shape(frfs_spgui[:,0])
Out[66]: <sdynpy.core.sdynpy_geometry.DeflectionShapePlotter at 0xXXXXXXXXXXX>

In [67]: geometry.plot_deflection_shape(frfs_spgui[:,1])
Out[67]: <sdynpy.core.sdynpy_geometry.DeflectionShapePlotter at 0xXXXXXXXXXXX>
deflection shapes from reference 1

DeflectionShapePlotter interactive deflection shape viewer from reference 1

deflection shapes from reference 2

DeflectionShapePlotter interactive deflection shape viewer from reference 2

These windows are similar to those of the transient plotter in that the cursor at the bottom of the window can be used to select the frequency at which the deflection shape is animated. The << and >> buttons step left or right by a single frequency line. The Play and Stop buttons start and stop the animation, respectively. Complex display, shape scaling, and animation speed can be adjusted in the Shape menu.

Note that you can directly send your frequency response functions to the DeflectionShapePlotter through the Visualize menu of the SignalProcessingGUI

Fitting Modes to Frequency Response Functions

Particularly when performing experimental modal analysis, we will generally wish to fit modes to the frequency response functions. Let’s look at some of the tools available to fit modes to frequency response functions in SDynPy.


PolyPy is a polynomial-based curve fitter, and analysis typically occurs in two parts. In the first part, users specify frequency bands of interest as well as the different polynomial orders to solve. PolyPy will then solve the polynomial at those orders and produce a stability diagram, which can help identify real modes from computation modes. In the second part, users will pick modes from the stability diagram to use in the final mode set. PolyPy will reconstruct frequency response functions from that set of modes, which can be compared against the original frequency response functions to judge adequacy of fit.

PolyPy is an implementation of PolyMax [2]. It is the most mature curve fitter in SDynPy. It can be run either via code or via graphical user interface. We will focus on the graphical user interface version of the code here, which is accessed via the PolyPy_GUI class. The class initializer accepts the frequency response functions as an input. Again we can assign geometry to the fitter for shape plotting so we don’t have to load it from disk.

polypy = sdpy.PolyPy_GUI(frfs_spgui)

Alternatively, PolyPy_GUI can be run from the Analyze menu of the SignalProcessingGUI window to stay in graphical user interfaces. Any geometry loaded into SignalProcessingGUI will automatically be sent to the PolyPy_GUI.

The initial PolyPy_GUI window is shown below.

polypy initial window

Initial window of the PolyPy_GUI

We can see that the window is separated into two tabs, corresponding to the two main parts of the PolyPy workflow. The first tab is Stabilization Setup, which allows the user to select the parameters of the stability calculation. The second tab is Select Poles where the final mode set is selected.

Starting with the Stabilization Setup tab, we see that there is a main plot in the Data Diagram section of the of the window. This shows the mode indicator function indicated by the selection in the Data View section of the window; currently, the Complex Mode Indicator Function is shown.

The polynomial orders that will be computed in the stability diagram are specified in the Poly Order section of the window. Users can specify the range of polynomial orders to compute, as well as the step size. The current values of 10, 30 and 2 will result in computation of polynomial orders 10, 12, 14, … , 26, 28, and 30. The Data Type portion of the window allows specification of the type of frequency response function that is being analyzed. In our case, our frequency response function is an Acceleration over Force frequency response function, so we can leave the default Acceleration selection.

Below the main plot in the Data Diagram portion of the window, the Frequency Range can be specified. The PolyPy_GUI implementation in SDynPy allows analyzing multiple frequency ranges separately and then combining the final selected modes into a single set. We will demonstrate this capability here.

We will set the frequency range of the analysis to initially target the first three modes of the system. We can do this by adjusting the values of the Frequency Range boxes, or by dragging the edges of the blue region of the plot.

selecting the first analysis region

Selecting the first analysis region in PolyPy_GUI

We can then click the Compute Stabilization button to tell PolyPy to compute the stabilization diagram for these parameters. Progress for these computations is shown in the console window. After the computations are performed, the PolyPy_GUI will automatically proceed to the Select Poles tab.

initial stability diagram for the first analysis region

Initial stability diagram for the first analysis region in PolyPy_GUI

Prominent in this tab is the stabilization diagram, shown in the Stabilization Diagram portion of the window. The stabilization diagram consists of a mode indicator function (similarly chosen by selecting an entry in the Stabilization View portion of the window) overlaid with various markers that represent poles of the system (frequency and damping ratio). The color and shape of the poles determine how stable the pole is. Stability is computed by how much or little the pole changes as different polynomial orders are computed. A real mode will tend to remain unchanged if different order polynomials are solved. Computational poles, on the other hand, will tend to vary as different orders are solved. In PolyPy, a red X signifies an instable pole, a blue triangle signifies that the frequency has stabilized, a blue square signifies that the frequency and damping have stabilized, and a green circle signifies that the frequency, damping, and participation factor of the mode has stabilized. Generally, we should only select green circles in the stabilization diagram, preferably at an order where the symbol has been green for a few orders.

In the PolyPy_GUI, poles are selected by clicking on the markers on the stabilization diagram. When hovering the mouse over a marker, PolyPy_GUI will report the frequency and damping of that pole in the bottom left corner of the plot window. When selected, the marker will turn a solid color, and the pole will be reported in the table in the Poles section of the window.

If for whatever reason the stabilization diagram is not useful (perhaps the wrong polynomial orders were specified) users can click on the Discard button, which will delete the current stabilization diagram. The user can then proceed to the initial tab and select new parameters and recompute the stabilization diagram.

As modes are selected, the PolyPy_GUI will attempt to resynthesize frequency response functions from the selected shapes. Options for performing this resynthesis are at the bottom of the window. The Frequency Line Weighting specifies how the frequency lines are weighted when computing mode shapes. If Magnitude is selected, larger magnitude frequency lines are weighted more heavily in the computation. If Uniform is selected, all frequency lines are considered equally. Users can also specify which frequency lines are used in the computation by adjusting the Frequency Lines at Resonance and Frequency Lines for Residuals parameters. The former specifies how many frequency lines around each pole are used for computing mode shapes. This can be useful for analysis with relatively high noise floors, where the noise in the valleys between the peaks could contaiminate the estimation of the mode shape. The latter specifies how many frequency lines at the beginning and end of the frequency range get included in the mode shape computation when residuals are computed. If all frequency lines are desired, users can simply check the Use all Frequency Lines checkbox.

Users can switch between real and complex modes by unchecking or checking the Complex Modes checkbox. If the Auto-Resynthesize checkbox is checked, PolyPy_GUI will resynthesize frequency response functions after each mode is selected. This can be useful for smaller systems to see the immediate effect of adding a specific mode; however, this can slow the analysis down for larger datasets where it can take a non-negligable amount of time to resynthesize shapes. If the Auto-Resynthesize checkbox is not checked,frequency response functions can be manually resynthesized by clicking the Resynthesize button. Finally, the use of residuals in mode shape computation can be selected by clicking the Residuals checkbox.

To see the resynthesized frequency response functions compared to the original ones, users can click on the buttons in the Resynthesis portion of the window. This will plot the frequency response functions or mode indicator functions in a separate window. These plots will be updated automatically each time frequency response functions are resynthesized.

To start our analysis, let’s click the CMIF button to bring up a the resynthesized complex mode indicator Function plot. Initially, just one set of data will be plotted as we currently do not have any modes selected on the stability diagram. Ensure both singular values of the CMIF are selected in the GUIPlot window. Let’s click the Use all Frequency Lines checkbox as well, and deselect the Complex Modes checkbox.

Now we will start selecting markers in the stabilization diagram. Users should note that the resynthesized CMIF should be updated as additional modes are selected. Ensure that green circle markers are selected for each of the three main peaks in the CMIF. We will not select one of the green circles around 2340 Hz, as there is no peak in the CMIF to indicate a real mode at that frequency.

stability diagram for the first analysis region with selected poles

Stability diagram for the first analysis region with three modes selected PolyPy_GUI

cmif resynthesis for the first region

Resynthesis of the CMIF using the fit modes and residuals from the first frequency region compared to CMIF computed from the original frequency response functions.

Given that this is a purely synthetic dataset, very good fits to the data should be achievable, as shown in the previous figure up to 2200 Hz. However, we still have the peaks between 3000 and 4000 Hz to fit, so let’s do that now.

Return to the Stabiliziation Setup tab (do not discard the previous stabilization diagram by pressing the Discard button!). We will now set up an analysis targetting the missing modes. We can adjust the blue region from approximately 3000 to 4000 Hz to target these peaks.

selecting the second analysis region

Selecting the second analysis region in PolyPy_GUI

We can then again click the Compute Stabilization button, which will bring us again to the Select Poles tab. Note here that we now have two sub-tabs on this window, each representing a different frequency range that we analyzed. The first region is on the 264.68--2265.38 Hz tab, and the second is on the 2076.95--4000.00 Hz tab. Note the exact values will differ depending on the exact frequency range selected.

We can then continue selecting modes in this frequency range. We will pick the green circles corresponding to the strong peaks in the CMIF. As we pick markers in this frequency range, we should see the modes be combined with the modes from the previous region when the resynthesis is occuring.

stability diagram for the second analysis region with selected poles

Stability diagram for the second analysis region with two modes selected PolyPy_GUI

cmif resynthesis for both regions

Resynthesis of the CMIF using the fit modes and residuals compared to CMIF computed from the original frequency response functions.

Clearly we have achieved very good fits, which is expected due to the synthetic data set.

With modes fit, we can plot the mode shapes by selecting the Plot Shapes button. Note that had we not assigned geometry to the PolyPy_GUI using its set_geometry method, we would need to first load geometry using the Load Geometry button prior to being able to plot shapes. An example mode shape is shown below.

mode shape animation from polypy

Mode shape of the beam computed from PolyPy animated on the geometry.

We will then save the shape files to disk by clicking the Export Shapes... button. We will save the shapes to a file shapes_polypy.npy. If we also wanted to save the resynthesized frequency response functions, we could click the Export Fit Data... button, which saves a much more complete data set to disk.

Synthesize Modes and Correlate (SMAC)

The second curve fitter available in SDynPy is Synthesize Modes and Correlate (SMAC) [1]. SMAC is a modal-filter based curve fitter. While it is not as polished as the PolyPy curve fitter, it can often provide better fits than PolyPy if the data quality is not as good. Simlar to PolyPy, SMAC can be run both via code or via graphical user interface. We will demonstrate the latter here using the SMAC_GUI class. Again, we can assign geometry directly to the SMAC_GUI object so we don’t need to load from disk.

smac = sdpy.SMAC_GUI(frfs_spgui)
smac.geometry = geometry

Similarly to PolyPy, the SMAC_GUI is separated into different tabs representing different portions ofthe workflow.

The first tab, Pseudoinverse is where the pseudoinverse of the frequency response function matrix is performed. At this stage, we need to specify the frequency range we are working over, as well as the data type, and whether or not complex modes will be fit. To keep a similar analysis to that in PolyPy, we will choose Normal Modes rather than Complex Modes. We will set the Frequency Range from 260 to 4000 Hz, and we will keep the Data Type as Acceleration.

pseudoinverse tab in smac

Pseudoinverse tab in SMAC_GUI

When this is set correctly, we can press the Compute Pseudoinverse button to perform the computation and move to the next tab.

The next tab is the Correlation Coefficient tab. SMAC finds modes by comparing what a mode should look like to what the frequency response functions do look like to identify where modes are in the frequency response function. It uses the correlation coefficient to make these comparisons. Where the correlation coefficient approaches 1.0, one can be reasonably certain a mode is present. Where the correlation coefficient is far from 1.0, a mode is not likely present. SMAC generally guesses a large number of frequencies and damping values, finds where the correlation coefficient is high, and then narrows in to converge on a mode. The Correlation Coefficient tab sets up the initial set of guesses that SMAC makes. The frequency resolution of the initial guesses is set via the Frequency Spacing value, and the Lines to use in Correlation Computation value specifies how many frequency lines around each frequency guess get used to compute the correlation coefficient. Also specified is an initial guess for damping. In the present case, we know the damping because we specified it to be 0.5%. In a real situation, we generally would not know this information a priori. Therefore we will leave this page with default values.

correlation coefficient tab in smac

Correlation Coefficient tab in SMAC_GUI

We can then click the Compute Correlation Matrix button to proceed to the Initial Rootlist tab. This tab shows a mode indicator function in the upper plot and the correlation coefficient at each frequency guess in the lower plot. It will attempt to initially automatically select peaks in the correlation coefficient plot higher than the value specified by the Minimum Coefficient box, and populate the Root List on the left side of the window. We can see for this perfect synthetic data set, SMAC_GUI has made very good initial guesses for our modes, even with 1% damping specified when the true damping should be 0.5%. The Root List also reports the current correlation coefficient, which is near 1. If initial guesses at roots were not identified successfully, the user can click on the Correlation Coefficient plot to place additional initial guesses. Also, if erroneous initial guesses were placed, the user can select the row in the Root List table and click the Delete button.

initial rootlist tab in smac

Initial Rootlist tab in SMAC_GUI

Clicking the Confirm Initial Rootlist button proceeds to the Autofit Roots tab. This tab sets up the optimizer that will converge to the frequency and damping that gives the highest correlation coefficient from the initial guesses obtained on the previous tab. Generally the default values work well for this, though users may want to tighten or loosen the convergence tolerances depending on their goals.

autofit roots tab in smac

Autofit Roots tab in SMAC_GUI

Clicking the Autofit Roots button will start the optimizer. Progress is reported in the console window. If a root diverges, SMAC will discard it. Similarly, if a root converges into another root, SMAC will discard one of them to only keep one root. When the optimizer has finished, SMAC_GUI will proceed to the final Shape and Evaluation tab.

shapes and evaluation tab in smac

Shape and Evaluation tab in SMAC_GUI

The Shape and Evaluation tab shows the final root list table, consisting of the frequency and damping values that the optimizer converged on. Modes can be selected or deselected from the final root set by checking or unchecking the checkbox in the Selection column of the table. If additional modes occur in the data that were not captured in the initial root list, they can be added manually by clicking on the Add button. Likewise, if roots are found to be incorrect, they can be selected in the table and deleted by pressing the Delete button. Resynthesis of frequency response functions or mode indicator functions can be performed by checking the boxes in the Synthesis area of the windows. Additional options for using residuals or collapsing complex modes to real modes can also be found there. Clicking the Resynthesize FRFs button will trigger the resynthesis.

Clicking the Resynthesize FRFs button will also bring up a GUIPlot window plotting the selected resynthesis quantities.

resynthesized cmifs from smac

Resynthesis of the CMIF using the fit modes and residuals compared to CMIF computed from the original frequency response functions.

The SMAC_GUI Add button brings up the Add Root dialog box. We will cover this briefly, as its usage can be somewhat unintutive. In essence, the user is acting as the optimizer while SMAC solves for the correlation coefficient over ranges of frequency and damping values.

When the Add Root dialog appears, the initial frequency range is set to the entire frequency range, and the initial damping range is set to the parameters used in the Autofit Root tab. The number of samples across the frequency and damping axes are also taken from the values on this tab, though they can be changed. The top image in the dialog box shows a 2D correlation coefficient plot where lighter colors correspond to a larger correlation coefficient. The goal is to zoom in on the image (tightening frequency and damping tolerances) until we converge on a peak in the correlation coefficient, which should correspond to a mode of our system.

add root dialog

Add Root dialog showing the initial optimization range spanning the entire frequency range.

Normally, we will know approximately the frequency range in which we are targetting a mode, either from a peak in a mode indicator function or a poor frequency response function resynthesis in a given frequency band. While in the present case, SMAC has converged on all modes of the system in the bandwidth, we will pretend that it has missed the fifth mode. From the CMIF, we can see that the fifth mode should be somewhere between 3550 and 3600 Hz, so we can set that as th initial frequency range and click the Recompute Correlation button.

add root dialog after setting an initial frequency range

Add Root dialog after setting an initial frequency range and recomputing the correlation coefficient

There clearly is a peak in this region, given the large swath of white color on the image. We can see in the text on the right side of the window that the maximum correlation in the image is currently 0.998 with a frequency at 3575 Hz and a damping value of 0.487%. However, it can be difficult to identify this position on the image due to the limited contrast available using the linear colormap. If we instead switch the colormap from Linear to Log, we will see a much sharper peak that we can zoom into.

add root dialog after setting an initial frequency range, log scaled

Add Root dialog after setting an initial frequency range and recomputing the correlation coefficient, visualized with logarithmic colormap

Clearly this Log view of the correlation coefficient more accurately pin-points the location of the peak correlation coefficient. In general, the Linear colormap is more useful when performing rough finding of peaks in the data, and the Log colormap is more useful when performing the final “hone in” on the peak.

To converge on the peak, we can simply zoom in on the image and click the Recompute Correlation button. We can do this until we reach our desired convergence tolerance. Note, however, that eventually we will reach numerical precision and the colormap will break down. If this happens, simply zoom out a bit and Recompute Correlation.

add root dialog converged

Add Root dialog after converging on a frequency and damping.

Clicking the Save button on the dialog will then close the dialog and add the mode to the table. We can see that this mode has a slightly higher correlation coefficient than the original mode found by the optimizer, so we could select that row and press the Delete button to ensure that the mode isn’t included twice. Again we can plot the mode shapes by pressing the Plot Shapes button (be sure to click the Resynthesize FRFs button first, which will create the shapes, otherwise a dialog will appear telling you the shapes have not been created yet).

Finally we can write the shapes to disk. We will then save the shape files to disk by clicking the Save Shapes button. We will save the shapes to a file shapes_smac.npy.

Comparing Modes

In many modal analysis workflows we wish to compare shapes to each other. For example, we may wish to compare shapes from a finite element model to those from a test. Or perhaps we may wish to compare two sets of shapes from a model that has varying parameters. SDynPy offers several ways to easily compare modes.

First, let’s load the modal data from the previous modal analyses. We will use the sdpy.shape.load function targetting the file names from the previous analyses. If the files are not in the current working directory, a full path will need to be provided.

shapes_polypy = sdpy.shape.load('shapes_polypy.npy')
shapes_smac = sdpy.shape.load('shapes_smac.npy')

To compare modes, we often need to first figure out which modes in each dataset correspond to one another. Especially if closely spaced modes exist, there may be mode order changes, so we cannot always compare the first mode in the first data set with the first mode of the second. Especially when comparing model to test data, there may be rigid body modes from the model that were not measured in the test. Mode correspondences are often assigned via shape, often using a metric such as the Modal Assurance Criterion (MAC) matrix.

SDynPy can construct a MAC matrix easily using the sdpy.shape.mac function. The matrix can be plotted using the sdpy.matrix_plot function.

# Compute MACs
mac_polypy = sdpy.shape.mac(shapes,shapes_polypy)
mac_smac = sdpy.shape.mac(shapes,shapes_smac)
# Create a figure
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2,num='MAC Matrices',sharey=True,sharex=True)
# Plot the PolyPy MAC
ax[0].set_ylabel('FEM Shapes')
ax[0].set_xlabel('PolyPy Shapes')
# Plot the SMAC MAC
ax[1].set_xlabel('SMAC Shapes')
mac matrices between fit shapes and fem shapes

MAC between fit shapes and finite element shapes.

The frequency and damping ratios are also often compared. The sdpy.shape.shape_comparison_table function is useful for this. We can pass in two sets of shapes to see the tabulated differences in the parameters. First we will need to extract the shape correspondences.

polypy_correspondences = np.where(mac_polypy > 0.9)
smac_correspondences = np.where(mac_smac > 0.9)

Then we can print the mode tables. We will adjust the formatting of the percent errors to give more decimal places, as the default will only plot one decimal place, resulting in all frequencies having 0.0% error.


This results in printing the following table.

Mode  Freq 1 (Hz)  Freq 2 (Hz)  Freq Error  Damp 1  Damp 2  Damp Error  MAC
   1       648.56       648.71     -0.024%   0.50%   0.51%     -1.064%  100
   2      1297.12      1296.95      0.014%   0.50%   0.50%     -0.307%  100
   3      1787.81      1787.95     -0.008%   0.50%   0.51%     -2.028%  100
   4      3504.98      3505.09     -0.003%   0.50%   0.49%      1.672%  100
   5      3575.61      3576.11     -0.014%   0.50%   0.49%      2.010%  100

The identical analysis is performed for the SMAC dataset.


Which results in

Mode  Freq 1 (Hz)  Freq 2 (Hz)  Freq Error  Damp 1  Damp 2  Damp Error  MAC
   1       648.56       648.65     -0.014%   0.50%   0.55%     -9.198%  100
   2      1297.12      1297.13     -0.001%   0.50%   0.51%     -2.900%  100
   3      1787.81      1787.75      0.003%   0.50%   0.53%     -6.121%  100
   4      3504.98      3504.82      0.005%   0.50%   0.49%      2.564%  100
   5      3575.61      3575.63     -0.001%   0.50%   0.51%     -1.750%  100

We can see that SMAC has perhaps identified frequencies more accurately, but was less accurate on the damping estimates. Note that these are not general rules and likely depend on the parameters selected in each curve fitting tool. Note that both curve fitters have identified the modes very accurately.

While the MAC can give a rough idea of how correlated pairs of shapes are, it does not give an intuitive view of how the shapes are different. For this, we would often like to plot the shapes on top of one another. We can also do this easily in SDynPy with the sdpy.Geometry.overlay_geometries and sdpy.shape.overlay_shapes functions. Note that the sdpy.shape.overlay_shapes function will automatically call the sdpy.Geometry.overlay_geometries functions, so if we are comparing shapes, we only need to call the latter function. We simply give the function a set of geometries and a set of shapes to overlay, and we can additionally specify colors to override so we can identify which is which. Because the fit shapes and finite element shapes share the same geometry, we simply pass it twice.

# Overlay shapes
overlaid_geometry,overlaid_shapes = sdpy.shape.overlay_shapes(
# Plot the overlaid shapes
mode shape comparison animation

Finite element (green) and fit (blue) shapes overlaid.

Adding Another Beam

Let’s make our system more complicated by adding an additional beam. We can demonstrate some of SDynPy’s more advanced features by combining the two structures together. This beam will be half as long as the previous beam and connect at a right angle to the end of the first beam.

system_2,geometry_2 = sdpy.System.beam(
    length = 0.1, # Meters
    width = 0.01, # Meters
    height = 0.005, # Meters
    num_nodes = 11,

We will modify the geometry of this second beam by rotating its coordinate system. We will also change the color of the traceline so it is more distinguishable from the initial beam.

geometry_2.coordinate_system.matrix[0,:3,:3] = np.array([[0,1,0],
geometry_2.traceline.color = 7

If we plot the geometry, we can now see that it is oriented 90 degrees to the original geometry. We can use the sdpy.Geometry.overlay_geometries function to quickly produce a combined geometry which to plot. We will also have the system return a node_id_offset, which we can use to offset the degrees of freedom of our systems so they remain consistent with the geometry. This is needed because the sdpy.Geometry.overlay_geometries function offsets the node numbers so there are no conflicts between the two geometries.

# Overlay geometry and plot
combined_geometry,node_id_offset = sdpy.Geometry.overlay_geometries(
# Plot the combined geometry
second geometry

Geometry of the two-beam system.

Now let’s think about combining the systems. First, let’s add some damping to the systems. We saw previously that we had some issues with the undamped systems not being equivalent to shapes, as well as having potentially infinite displacement. We can add some approximate damping to the system such that when a modal transformation is performed, it will result in modal damping. The System object has an assign_modal_damping method that is useful for doing this.

damped_system = system.copy()
damped_system_2 = system_2.copy()

With damping added, we can concatenate the systems together using the concatenate class method of System. Note that this does not actually attach either structure to the other. It simply puts them in the same System object. If we examine the system matrices, we will see there is no coupling between any degrees of freedom on the first beam to the second beam. Note that the concatenate function accepts the node_id_offset from the sdpy.Geometry.overlay_geometries function.

combined_system = sdpy.System.concatenate((damped_system,damped_system_2),
# Plot the combined system matrices
fig,ax = plt.subplots(2,2,num='Combined System Matrices',figsize=(8,6))
ax = ax.flatten()
# Transformation
timg = ax[0].imshow(combined_system.transformation)
ax[0].set_ylabel('Physical DoF')
ax[0].set_xlabel('Physical DoF')
# Mass
mimg = ax[1].imshow(combined_system.mass)
ax[1].set_ylabel('Physical DoF')
ax[1].set_xlabel('Physical DoF')
# Damping
dimg = ax[2].imshow(combined_system.damping)
ax[2].set_ylabel('Physical DoF')
ax[2].set_xlabel('Physical DoF')
# Stiffness
simg = ax[3].imshow(combined_system.stiffness)
ax[3].set_ylabel('Physical DoF')
ax[3].set_xlabel('Physical DoF')
second geometry

System matrices for the combined two beam system.

We can also verify by computing mode shapes or frequency responses. We can see that each mode shape generally consists of motion of only one structure, meaning the two systems are not connected.

combined_shapes = combined_system.eigensolution()
combined mode beam 1

Combined mode showing motion on just the first beam

combined mode beam 2

Combined mode showing motion on just the second beam

We can also verify with frequency response functions. For example, we can compute a frequency response function between the end of one beam to the end of the other beam and verify that it is identically zero. We can first check to see the degrees of freedom of the beam.

combined geometry degrees of freedom

Degrees of freedom in the combined model

Then we can compute frequency response functions between the two structures and verify they are zero.

combined_frf = combined_system.frequency_response(
In [68]: combined_frf.ordinate
array([[[0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j,
         0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j, 0.+0.j]]])

Note in the coordinate plot that because we have rotated the beams, the degrees of freedom do not necessarily match between the two systems. At the coincident nodes, degree of freedom 101Z+ is not equivalent to 201Z+, but instead it is equivalent 201Y+.

Applying Constraints to the System

In order to make the system behave as one structure instead of two separate structures, we must apply constraints to the system. For example, we have just identified that degrees of freedom 101Z+ and 201Y+ correspond to the same position in space moving the same direction, so we should constrain them to move together. We should apply similar constraints to the other translations and rotations at that location. While SDynPy has the ability to apply constraints directly to degrees of freedom in this way using the substructure_by_coordinate method of the System object, it can also apply constraints automatically based on coincident geometry using the substructure_by_position class method of the System. This latter method will automatically determine which nodes are coincident, as well as handle the different coordinate systems between the two systems.

constrained_system,constrained_geometry = sdpy.system.substructure_by_position(

If we compare our constrained system to the simply combined system, we will see that they have the same number of physical degrees of freedom, but the constrained system has six fewer internal degrees of freedom. These are lost due to the application of six constraints combining the rotational and translational degrees of freedom together. Each constraint removes one way the system can move.

In [69]: combined_system
Out[69]: System with 192 DoFs (192 internal DoFs)

In [70]: constrained_system
Out[70]: System with 192 DoFs (186 internal DoFs)

Now if we compute mode shapes or frequency response functions on this constrained system, we should see the two structures moving together. Additionally, if you apply a force to the first beam, the second beam will begin to move.

constrained_shapes = constrained_system.eigensolution()

constrained_frf = constrained_system.frequency_response(

mode of the constrained system

Constrained mode showing motion on both beams

frf of the constrained system

Frequency response function of the constrained system

For more advanced substructuring examples in SDynPy, see the example on the Transmission Simulator Method.

Frequency-Based Substructuring

In addition to assembling system matrices we can also perform substructuring in the frequency domain. We will need frequency response functions for all connection degrees of freedom, as well as the frequency response functions we wish to compute in the assembled system.

# Get the interface frfs
interface_dofs = sdpy.coordinate_array(

# Get the frfs that we want to compute in the constrained systems
response_dofs = sdpy.coordinate_array(string_array=['121Y+'])
reference_dofs = sdpy.coordinate_array(string_array=['211Z+'])

# Compute unconstrained frequency response functions
combined_frf = combined_system.frequency_response(
    responses = np.concatenate((interface_dofs,response_dofs)),
    references = np.concatenate((interface_dofs,reference_dofs)))

To perform the substructuring, we will have to assemble the degree of freedom pairs that we wish to constrain, similar to what we would have had to have done had we used the substructure_by_coordinate method of the System object instead of the substructure_by_position class method of the System. The TransferFunctionArray class also has a substructure_by_coordinate method that accepts degree of freedom pairs that will be used to apply constraints.

dof_pairs = sdpy.coordinate_array(
    string_array = [['101Z+','201Y+'],

# Perform substructuring
constrained_frf_ss = combined_frf.substructure_by_coordinate(dof_pairs)

We can then compare frequency response functions across between the systems to those computed from the combined system matrices to ensure they give the same result. SDynPy’s book-keeping capabilities are useful here. We can index the frequency response functions with a CoordinateArray object to pull out the desired function. We can get this CoordinateArray directly from the function against which we wish to compare, to ensure we are comparing identical degrees of freedom. The GUIPlot will allow easy comparisons between functions.

# Get the coordinates
compare_coordinates = constrained_frf.coordinate

# Extract the correct functions by indexing with the coordinates
constrained_frf_compare = constrained_frf_ss[compare_coordinates]

# Plot the comparison
frf of the constrained system compared to that constructed by fbs

Frequency response comparison between the coupled system and frequency-based substructuring, showing identical results.

We can see that the results compare identically to the previous case of constraining the system matrices and then computing frequency response functions from the constrained system.