- class System(coordinate: CoordinateArray, mass, stiffness, damping=None, transformation=None)[source]
Matrix Equations representing a Structural Dynamics System
- __init__(coordinate: CoordinateArray, mass, stiffness, damping=None, transformation=None)[source]
Create a system representation including mass, stiffness, damping, and transformation matrices.
- Parameters
coordinate (CoordinateArray) – Physical degrees of freedom in the system.
mass (np.ndarray) – 2D array consisting of the mass matrix of the system
stiffness (np.ndarray) – 2D array consisting of the stiffness matrix of the system
damping (np.ndarray, optional) – 2D array consisting of the damping matrix of the system. If not specified, the damping will be zero.
transformation (np.ndarray, optional) – A transformation between internal “state” degrees of freedom and the physical degrees of freedom defined in coordinate. The default transformation is the identity matrix.
- Raises
ValueError – If inputs are improperly sized
- Return type
(coordinate, mass, stiffness[, ...])Create a system representation including mass, stiffness, damping, and transformation matrices.
(damping_ratios)Assigns a damping matrix to the system that results in equivalent modal damping
(length, width, height, num_nodes[, E, ...])Create a beam mass and stiffness matrix
(systems[, coordinate_node_offset])Combine multiple systems together
(constraint_matrix[, rcond])Apply a constraint matrix to the system
()Returns a copy of the system object
([num_modes, ...])Computes the eigensolution of the system
(frequencies[, responses, ...])Computes frequency response functions at the specified frequency lines.
(superelement_nc4[, ...])Creates a system from a superelement from Sierra/SD
(coordinates[, ...])Gets the indices in the transformation matrix corresponding coordinates
(filename)Load a system from a file
(reduction_transformation)Apply the specified reduction to the model
(...[, return_shape_matrix])Computes a craig-bampton substructure model for the system
(coordinates, frequency)Perform Dynamic condensation
(coordinates)Perform Guyan reduction on the system
(filename)Saves the system to a file
(mass_fraction, ...)Sets the damping matrix to a proportion of the mass and stiffness matrices.
(bandwidth, frame_length, ...)spy
([subplots_kwargs, spy_kwargs])Plot the structure of the system's matrices
(dof_pairs[, ...])Constrain the system by connecting the specified degree of freedom pairs
(systems, geometries)Applies constraints to systems by constraining colocated nodes together
(constraint_shapes, ...)Constrain the system using a set of shapes in a least-squares sense.
(forces[, dt, responses, ...])Integrate a system to produce responses to an excitation
([output_displacement, ...])Compute the state space representation of the system
(coordinates)Return the transformation matrix at the specified coordinates
Get or set the damping matrix of the system
Get or set the stffness matrix of the system
Get or set the mass matrix of the system
Get or set the degrees of freedom in the system
Get or set the damping matrix of the system
Get or set the mass matrix of the system
Get the number of internal degrees of freedom of the system
Get the number of physical degrees of freedom of the system
Get or set the stffness matrix of the system
Get or set the transformation matrix
- property C
Get or set the damping matrix of the system
- property K
Get or set the stffness matrix of the system
- property M
Get or set the mass matrix of the system
- assign_modal_damping(damping_ratios)[source]
Assigns a damping matrix to the system that results in equivalent modal damping
- Parameters
damping_ratios (ndarray) – An array of damping values to assign to the system
- Return type
- classmethod beam(length, width, height, num_nodes, E=None, rho=None, nu=None, material=None)[source]
Create a beam mass and stiffness matrix
- Parameters
length (float) – Lenghth of the beam
width (float) – Width of the beam
height (float) – Height of the beam
num_nodes (int) – Number of nodes in the beam.
E (float, optional) – Young’s modulus of the beam. If not specified, a material must be specified instead
rho (float, optional) – Density of the beam. If not specified, a material must be specified instead
nu (float, optional) – Poisson’s ratio of the beam. If not specified, a material must be specified instead
material (str, optional) – A specific material can be specified instead of E, rho, and nu. Should be a string ‘steel’ or ‘aluminum’. If not specified, then options E, rho, and nu must be specified instead.
- Raises
ValueError – If improper materials are defined.
- Returns
system (System) – A system object consisting of the beam mass and stiffness matrices.
geometry (Geometry) – A Geometry consisting of the beam geometry.
- classmethod concatenate(systems, coordinate_node_offset=0)[source]
Combine multiple systems together
- Parameters
systems (iterable of System objects) – Iterable of Systems that will be concatenated. Matrices will be assembled in block diagonal format
coordinate_node_offset (int, optional) – Offset applied to the coordinates so the nodes do not overlap. The default is 0.
- Returns
A system consisting of the combintation of the provided systems.
- Return type
- constrain(constraint_matrix, rcond=None)[source]
Apply a constraint matrix to the system
- Parameters
constraint_matrix (np.ndarray) – A matrix of constraints to apply to the structure (B matrix in substructuring literature)
rcond (float, optional) – Condition tolerance for computing the nullspace. The default is None.
- Returns
Constrained system.
- Return type
- property coordinate
Get or set the degrees of freedom in the system
- property damping
Get or set the damping matrix of the system
- eigensolution(num_modes=None, maximum_frequency=None, complex_modes=False, return_shape=True)[source]
Computes the eigensolution of the system
- Parameters
num_modes (int, optional) – The number of modes of the system to compute. The default is to compute all the modes.
maximum_frequency (float, optional) – The maximum frequency to which modes will be computed. The default is to compute all the modes.
complex_modes (bool, optional) – Whether or not complex modes are computed. The default is False.
return_shape (bool, optional) – Specifies whether or not to return a ShapeArray (True) or a reduced System (False). The default is True.
- Raises
NotImplementedError – Raised if complex modes are specified.
- Returns
If return_shape is True, the a ShapeArray will be returned. If return_shape is False, a reduced system will be returned.
- Return type
System or ShapeArray
- frequency_response(frequencies, responses=None, references=None, displacement_derivative=0)[source]
Computes frequency response functions at the specified frequency lines.
- Parameters
frequencies (ndarray) – A 1D array of frequencies.
responses (CoordinateArray, optional) – A set of coordinates to compute responses. The default is to create responses at all coordinates.
references (CoordinateArray, optional) – A set of coordinates to use as inputs. The default is to use all coordinates as inputs.
displacement_derivative (int, optional) – The number of derivatives to apply to the response. The default is 0, which corresponds to displacement. 1 would be the first derivative, velocity, and 2 would be the second derivative, acceleration.
- Returns
frf – A TransferFunctionArray containing the frequency response function for the system at the specified input and output degrees of freedom.
- Return type
- classmethod from_exodus_superelement(superelement_nc4, transformation_exodus_file=None, x_disp='DispX', y_disp='DispY', z_disp='DispZ', x_rot=None, y_rot=None, z_rot=None, reduce_to_external_surfaces=False)[source]
Creates a system from a superelement from Sierra/SD
- Parameters
superelement_nc4 (netCDF4.Dataset or string) – Dataset from which the superelement data will be loaded
transformation_exodus_file (Exodus, ExodusInMemory, or str, optional) – Exodus data containing the transformation between the reduced superelement state and the physical space. If not specified, no transformation will be created.
x_disp (str, optional) – Variable name to read for x-displacements in the transformation Exodus file. The default is ‘DispX’.
y_disp (str, optional) – Variable name to read for y-displacements in the transformation Exodus file. The default is ‘DispY’.
z_disp (str, optional) – Variable name to read for z-displacements in the transformation Exodus file. The default is ‘DispZ’.
x_rot (str, optional) – Variable name to read for x-rotations in the transformation Exodus file. The default is to not read rotations.
y_rot (str, optional) – Variable name to read for y-rotations in the transformation Exodus file. The default is to not read rotations.
z_rot (str, optional) – Variable name to read for z-rotations in the transformation Exodus file. The default is to not read rotations.
reduce_to_external_surfaces (bool, optional) – If True, exodus results will be reduced to external surfaces
- Raises
ValueError – raised if bad data types are passed to the arguments.
- Returns
system (System) – System containing the superelement representation
geometry (Geometry) – Geometry that can be used to plot the system
boundary_dofs (CoordinateArray) – Degrees of freedom that can be used to constrain the test article.
- get_indices_by_coordinate(coordinates, ignore_sign=False)[source]
Gets the indices in the transformation matrix corresponding coordinates
- Parameters
coordinates (CoordinateArray) – Coordinates to extract transformation indices
ignore_sign (bool, optional) – Specify whether or not to ignore signs on the coordinates. If True, then ‘101X+’ would match ‘101X+’ or ‘101X-’. The default is False.
- Raises
ValueError – Raised if duplicate coordinates or coordinates not in the system are requested
- Returns
Array of indices.
- Return type
- classmethod load(filename)[source]
Load a system from a file
- Parameters
filename (str) – Name of the file from which the system will be loaded.
- Returns
A system consisting of the mass, stiffness, damping, and transformation in the file
- Return type
- property mass
Get or set the mass matrix of the system
- property ndof
Get the number of internal degrees of freedom of the system
- property ndof_transformed
Get the number of physical degrees of freedom of the system
- reduce(reduction_transformation)[source]
Apply the specified reduction to the model
- Parameters
reduction_transformation (np.ndarray) – Matrix to use in the reduction
- Returns
Reduced system.
- Return type
- reduce_craig_bampton(connection_degrees_of_freedom: CoordinateArray, num_fixed_base_modes: int, return_shape_matrix: bool = False)[source]
Computes a craig-bampton substructure model for the system
- Parameters
connection_degrees_of_freedom (CoordinateArray) – Degrees of freedom to keep at the interface.
num_fixed_base_modes (int) – Number of fixed-base modes to use in the reduction
return_shape_matrix (bool, optional) – If true, return a set of shapes that represents the transformation in addition to the reduced system. The default is False.
- Raises
ValueError – Raised if coordinate arrays are specified when there is already a transformation.
- Returns
System – Reduced system in craig-bampton form
ShapeArray – Shapes representing the craig-bampton transformation
- reduce_dynamic(coordinates, frequency)[source]
Perform Dynamic condensation
- Parameters
coordinates (CoordinateArray) – A list of coordinates to keep in the reduced system.
frequency (float) – The frequency to preserve in the dynamic reduction.
- Raises
ValueError – Raised if the transformation is not identity matrix.
- Returns
Reduced system.
- Return type
- reduce_guyan(coordinates)[source]
Perform Guyan reduction on the system
- Parameters
coordinates (CoordinateArray) – A list of coordinates to keep in the reduced system.
- Raises
ValueError – Raised the transformation matrix is not identity matrix.
- Returns
Reduced system.
- Return type
- save(filename)[source]
Saves the system to a file
- Parameters
filename (str) – Name of the file in which the system will be saved.
- Return type
- set_proportional_damping(mass_fraction, stiffness_fraction)[source]
Sets the damping matrix to a proportion of the mass and stiffness matrices.
The damping matrix will be set to mass_fraction*self.mass + stiffness_fraction*self.stiffness
- Parameters
mass_fraction (float) – Fraction of the mass matrix
stiffness_fraction (TYPE) – Fraction of the stiffness matrix
- Return type
- simulate_test(bandwidth, frame_length, num_averages, excitation, references, responses=None, excitation_level=1.0, excitation_noise_level=0.0, response_noise_level=0.0, steady_state_time=0.0, excitation_min_frequency=None, excitation_max_frequency=None, signal_fraction=0.5, extra_time_between_frames=0.0, integration_oversample=10, displacement_derivative=2, antialias_filter_cutoff_factor=3, antialias_filter_order=4, **generator_kwargs)[source]
- spy(subplots_kwargs={'figsize': (10, 3)}, spy_kwargs={})[source]
Plot the structure of the system’s matrices
- Parameters
subplots_kwargs (dict, optional) – Default arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot’s subplots function. The default is {‘figsize’:(10,3)}.
spy_kwargs (dict, optional) – Default arguments passed to matplotlib.pyplot’s ‘spy’ function. The default is {}.
- Returns
ax – Axes on which the subplots are defined.
- Return type
- property stiffness
Get or set the stffness matrix of the system
- substructure_by_coordinate(dof_pairs, rcond=None, return_constrained_system=True)[source]
Constrain the system by connecting the specified degree of freedom pairs
- Parameters
dof_pairs (iterable of CoordinateArray) – Pairs of coordinates to be connected. None can be passed instead of a second degree of freedom to constrain to ground
rcond (float, optional) – Condition threshold to use for the nullspace calculation on the constraint matrix. The default is None.
return_constrained_system (bool, optional) – If true, apply the constraint matrix and return the constrained system, otherwise simply return the constraint matrix. The default is True.
- Returns
Returns a System object with the constraints applied if return_constrained_system is True, otherwise just return the constraint matrix.
- Return type
np.ndarray or System
- classmethod substructure_by_position(systems, geometries, distance_threshold=1e-08, rcond=None)[source]
Applies constraints to systems by constraining colocated nodes together
- Parameters
systems (iterable of System objects) – A set of systems that will be combined and constrained together
geometries (iterable of Geometry objects) – A set of geometries that will be combined together
distance_threshold (float, optional) – The distance between nodes that are considered colocated. The default is 1e-8.
rcond (float, optional) – Condition number to use in the nullspace calculation on the constraint matrix. The default is None.
- Returns
combined_system (System) – System consisting of constraining the input systems together.
combined_geometry (Geometry) – Combined geometry of the new system
- substructure_by_shape(constraint_shapes, connection_dofs_0, connection_dofs_1=None, rcond=None, return_constrained_system=True)[source]
Constrain the system using a set of shapes in a least-squares sense.
- Parameters
constraint_shapes (ShapeArray) – An array of shapes to use as the basis for the constraints
connection_dofs_0 (CoordinateArray) – Array of coordinates to use in the constraints
connection_dofs_1 (CoordinateArray, optional) – Array of coordinates to constrain to the coordinates in connection_dofs_0. If not specified, the connection_dofs_0 degrees of freedom will be constrained to ground.
rcond (float, optional) – Condition threshold on the nullspace calculation. The default is None.
return_constrained_system (bool, optional) – If true, apply the constraint matrix and return the constrained system, otherwise simply return the constraint matrix. The default is True.
- Returns
Returns a System object with the constraints applied if return_constrained_system is True, otherwise just return the constraint matrix.
- Return type
np.ndarray or System
- time_integrate(forces, dt=None, responses=None, references=None, displacement_derivative=2, initial_state=None, integration_oversample=1)[source]
Integrate a system to produce responses to an excitation
- Parameters
forces (np.ndarray or TimeHistoryArray) – The forces applied to the system, which should be a signal with time-step dt. If a TimeHistoryArray is passed, then dt and references will be taken from the TimeHistoryArray, and the arguments will be ignored.
dt (float, optional) – The timestep used for the integration. Must be specified if forces is a ndarray. If forces is a TimeHistoryArray, then this argument is ignored.
responses (CoordinateArray, optional) – Coordinates at which responses are desired. The default is all responses.
references (CoordinateArray, optional) – Coordinates at which responses are input. The default is all references. Must be the same size as the number of rows in the forces array. If forces is a TimeHistoryArray, then this argument is ignored.
displacement_derivative (int, optional) – The derivative of the displacement that the output will be represented as. A derivative of 0 means displacements will be returned, a derivative of 1 will mean velocities will be returned, and a derivative of 2 will mean accelerations will be returned. The default is 2, which returns accelerations.
initial_state (np.ndarray, optional) – The initial conditions of the integration. The default is zero displacement and zero velocity.
integration_oversample (int) – The amount of oversampling that will be applied to the force by zero-padding the fft
- Returns
response_array (TimeHistoryArray) – The responses of the system to the forces applied
reference_array (TimeHistoryArray) – The forces applied to the system as a TimeHistoryArray
- to_state_space(output_displacement=True, output_velocity=True, output_acceleration=True, output_force=True, response_coordinates=None, input_coordinates=None)[source]
Compute the state space representation of the system
- Parameters
output_displacement (bool, optional) – Provide rows in the output and feedforward matrices corresponding to displacement outputs. The default is True.
output_velocity (bool, optional) – Provide rows in the output and feedforward matrices corresponding to velocity outputs. The default is True.
output_acceleration (bool, optional) – Provide rows in the output and feedforward matrices corresponding to acceleration outputs. The default is True.
output_force (bool, optional) – Provide rows in the output and feedforward matrices corresponding to force outputs. The default is True.
- Returns
A_state (np.ndarray) – The state matrix
B_state (np.ndarray) – The input matrix
C_state (np.ndarray) – The output matrix.
D_state (np.ndarray) – The feedforward matrix.
- property transformation
Get or set the transformation matrix
- transformation_matrix_at_coordinates(coordinates)[source]
Return the transformation matrix at the specified coordinates
- Parameters
coordinates (CoordinateArray) – coordinates at which the transformation matrix will be computed.
- Raises
ValueError – Raised if duplicate coordinates are requested, or if coordinates that do not exist in the system are requested.
- Returns
return_value – Portion of the transformation matrix corresponding to the coordinates input to the function.
- Return type