
Defines the NDDataArray, which defines function data such as time histories.

This module also defines several subclasses of NDDataArray, which contain function-type-specific capabilities. Several Enumerations are also defined that connect data fields from the universal file format to the NDDataArray subclasses.

Copyright 2022 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.


data_array(data_type, abscissa, ordinate, ...)

Helper function to create a data array object.

decayed_sine_table(frequency, amplitude, ...)

Helper function to create a DecayedSineTable object.

frf_from_time_data(reference_data, response_data)

Computes a transfer function from reference and response time histories

from_imat_struct(imat_fn_struct[, squeeze])

Constructs a NDDataArray from an imat_fn class saved to a Matlab structure

from_uff(unv_data_dict[, squeeze])

Create a data array from a unv dictionary from read_unv

from_unv(unv_data_dict[, squeeze])

Create a data array from a unv dictionary from read_unv

join(data_arrays[, increment_abscissa])

Joins several data arrays together by concatenating their ordinates


Load in the specified file into a SDynPy array object




CPSDPlot(data[, compare_data])

CoherenceArray(shape, nelements[, buffer, ...])

Data array used to store coherence data


Enumeration containing the various ways to plot complex data

CorrelationArray(shape, nelements, ...[, ...])

Data array used to store correlation data

DecayedSineTable(shape, num_elements[, ...])

Structure for storing sum-of-decayed-sines information


Enumeration containing types of functions found in universal files

GUIPlot(*data_to_plot, **labeled_data_to_plot)

An iteractive plot window allowing users to visualize data

ImpulseResponseFunctionArray(shape, nelements)

Data array used to store impulse response functions

MPLCanvas([parent, width, height, dpi])

MPLMultiCanvas([parent, width, height, dpi, ...])

ModeIndicatorFunctionArray(shape, nelements)

Mode indicator function (CMIF, NMIF, or NMIF)

MultipleCoherenceArray(shape, nelements[, ...])

Data array used to store coherence data

NDDataArray(shape, nelements, data_dimension)

Generic N-Dimensional data structure

PowerSpectralDensityArray(shape, nelements)

Data array used to store power spectral density arrays

PowerSpectrumArray(shape, nelements[, ...])

Data array used to store power spectra arrays

ShockResponseSpectrumArray(shape, nelements)


Enumeration containing the types of data in universal files

SpectrumArray(shape, nelements[, buffer, ...])

Data array used to store linear spectra (for example scaled FFT results)

TimeHistoryArray(shape, nelements[, buffer, ...])

Data array used to store time history data

TransferFunctionArray(shape, nelements[, ...])

Data array used to store transfer functions (for example FRFs)

TransmissibilityArray(shape, nelements[, ...])

Data array used to store transmissibility data


Enumeration containing the quantity type (Rotation or Translation)