Tests Documentation
test_plotting docu
- class probabilistic.tests.test_plotting.PlottingTestCase(methodName='runTest')
class for unit tests of plotting module
- setUp()
function to specify common plotting inputs
- tearDown()
teardown function
- test_histogram_plotting()
unit test to check the histogram plotting does not error with basic inputs
- test_pdf_plotting()
unit test to check the pdf plotting function does not error with basic inputs
- test_plot_scatter_matrix()
unit test to check the scatter plot creation does not error
test_sampling docu
- class probabilistic.tests.test_sampling.SamplingTestCase(methodName='runTest')
class for unit tests of sampling module
- setUp()
function to specify common sampling inputs
- tearDown()
teardown function
- test_bounding_sensitivity_study()
unit test of sensitivity study
- test_deterministic_parameter_specification()
unit test to check that deterministic variables are placed in sample sheet correctly
- test_distributions_with_same_name()
unit test for error message when two variables are specified with same name
- test_incorrect_uncertainty_type_specified()
unit test of random MC sampling with no epistemic variables specified
- test_lhs_random_seed_specification()
unit test for random seed specification
- test_lhs_sampling_study()
unit test of LHS study
- test_monte_carlo_random_seed_specification()
unit test for random seed specification
- test_no_aleatory_samples_specified()
unit test for error message when aleatory variable specified with no aleatory samples
- test_no_aleatory_variable_specified()
unit test for error message when epistemic samples specified with no aleatory variables
- test_no_aleatory_variables()
unit test of random MC sampling with no aleatoric variables specified
- test_no_epistemic_samples_specified()
unit test for error message when epistemic variable specified with no epistemic samples
- test_no_epistemic_variable_specified()
unit test for error message when epistemic samples specified with no epistemic variables
- test_no_epistemic_variables()
unit test of random MC sampling with no epistemic variables specified
- test_one_at_a_time_sensitivity_study()
unit test of sensitivity study
- test_random_sampling_study()
unit test of random MC sampling study
- test_sensitivity_study()
unit test of sensitivity study
test_uncertainty_definitions docu
- class probabilistic.tests.test_uncertainty_definitions.UncertaintyDefinitionTestCase(methodName='runTest')
class for unit tests of uncertainty definition module
- setUp() None
function to specify common inputs for uncertainty definition module
- tearDown() None
teardown function
- test_distribution_pdf_plotting()
unit test to ensure plotting of parameter distributions does not error
- test_distribution_specification_function()
unit test for distribution specification function
- test_parameter_information_extraction()
unit test of printing out distribution information
- test_sample_uncertainty_definition()
unit test of sampling from uncertainty definitions