Physics Documentation
api docu
- class helpr.physics.api.CrackEvolutionAnalysis(outer_diameter, wall_thickness, flaw_depth, max_pressure, min_pressure, temperature, volume_fraction_h2, yield_strength, fracture_resistance, flaw_length, crack_growth_model=None, delta_c_rule=None, stress_intensity_method=None, surface=None, aleatory_samples=0, epistemic_samples=0, sample_type='deterministic', random_seed=None, max_cycles=None, cycle_step=None)
Class to hold API capability for carrying out pipeline fracture and fatigue analyses.
- crack_growth_model
- max_cycles
- cycle_step
- nominal_input_parameter_values
- sampling_input_parameter_values
- number_of_aleatory_samples
- number_of_epistemic_samples
- sample_type
- uncertain_parameters
- random_seed
- nominal_load_cycling
Results from crack growth analysis for a deterministic (single) pipe instance.
- Type:
- nominal_life_criteria
Life criteria results for a deterministic (single) pipe instance.
- Type:
- nominal_stress_state
Deterministic stress state specification.
- Type:
- load_cycling
Results from crack growth analysis for all samples in a probabilistic study.
- Type:
- life_criteria
Life criteria results for all samples in a probabilistic study.
- Type:
- stress_state
Probabilistic stress state specification.
- Type:
- ex_rates_plot
Filepath to generated rate plot.
- Type:
str or None
- crack_growth_plot
Filepath to generated crack growth plot.
- Type:
str or None
- apply_inspection_mitigation(probability_of_detection, detection_resolution, inspection_frequency, criteria)
Run inspection and mitigation analysis on crack evolution results.
- Parameters:
probability_of_detection (float) – Probability of a crack being detected at each inspection.
detection_resolution (float) – Crack depth that is detectable by inspection. For example, a value of 0.3 indicates any crack larger than 30% of wall thickness is detectable.
inspection_frequency (int) – Number of cycles between each inspection. For example, a 4-year inspection interval would have a frequency of 4 * 365 cycles.
criteria (str) – Failure criteria to select from life criteria results.
- Returns:
mitigated – List of bool values for each sample indicating whether or not the failure was mitigated.
- Return type:
- assemble_failure_assessment_diagram(save_fig=False)
Creates failure assessment diagram.
- Parameters:
save_fig (bool, optional) – Flag for saving the diagram to a png file.
- static capitalize_rules(value: str, name: list)
Enforces capitalization rules for multi-word strings.
- static check_for_units(value: str)
Checks for brackets in strings to indicate unit values.
- check_parameter_names()
Function to ensure parameter object names match assigned parameter.
- clean_results_names()
Cleans up variable names for saving to csv.
- collect_intermediate_variables(analysis_modules, nominal=False)
Extracts intermediate variable values from analysis for pre and post processing steps
- execute_crack_growth_analysis(analysis_modules)
Starts the process running crack growth analysis.
- gather_single_crack_cycle_evolution(single_pipe_index=None)
Gets results for a single pipe crack growth analysis from an ensemble analysis.
- Parameters:
single_pipe_index (int, optional) – Index of requested pipe. Defaults to None.
- Returns:
DataFrame of single pipe analysis results.
- Return type:
- gen_random_seed(random_seed)
Sets random seed for recreating.
- generate_input_parameter_plots(save_figs=False)
Creates plots of the samples of the input parameters.
- generate_probabilistic_results_plots(plotted_variable)
Creates ensemble of plots for probabilistic analysis results.
- Parameters:
plotted_variable (str) – Pipe life criteria to plot.
- get_design_curve_plot()
Returns plot ready for GUI display.
- get_random_seed()
Returns the random seed value.
- perform_deterministic_study()
Performs a deterministic analysis. Calculates crack growth evolution and then failure assessment
- perform_probabilistic_study()
Performs a probabilistic analysis. Calculates crack growth evolution and then failure assessment
- perform_study()
Starts crack evolution analysis study.
- postprocess_single_crack_results(single_pipe_index=None, save_figs=False)
Postprocesses a single pipe’s results from an ensemble analysis. If no pipe index is specified, nominal results are shown.
- Parameters:
single_pipe_index (int, optional) – Index of requested pipe. Defaults to None.
save_figs (bool, optional) – Flag that enables saving plots to png files. Defaults to False.
- print_nominal_intermediate_variables()
Prints nominal values of intermediate variables
- save_deterministic_results(folder_name)
Saves deterministic results to a csv file. CSV file has nominal input parameters specified first, then subset of cycle evolution results
- Parameters:
folder_name (str) – Folder to store csv into
- save_parameter_characterizations(folder_name)
Saves deterministic or probabilistic parameter characterizations used in analysis to a csv file.
- Parameters:
folder_name (str) – Folder to store csv into.
- save_probabilistic_results(folder_name)
Saves probabilistic results to a csv file.
- Parameters:
folder_name (str) – Folder to store csv into.
- save_results(folder_name=None, output_dir=None)
Saves crack evolution simulation results.
- Parameters:
folder_name (str, optional) – Folder name to store results into. Defaults to ‘Results/’.
output_dir (str, optional) – Directory path for creating the results folder. Defaults to current working directory.
- set_random_state()
Sets up the random state.
- setup_crack_growth_analysis(parameter_value_dict, sample_size)
Creates the underlying modules for the crack growth analysis.
- setup_deterministic_study()
Setup modules for deterministic analysis.
- setup_probabilistic_study()
Setup modules for probabilistic analysis.
- setup_study()
Setup crack evolution analysis modules.
- static specify_study(input_parameters, aleatory_samples, epistemic_samples, sample_type, random_state)
Builds up study framework in terms of study type, sample size distribution type, and uncertainty classification.
crack_growth docu
- class helpr.physics.crack_growth.CrackGrowth(environment, growth_model_specification, sample_size=1)
Definition for crack growth physics model.
- environment_specification
- model_arguments
- sample_size
- delta_k
- delta_a
- delta_n
- calc_air_curve_da(c=6.89E-12, m=3)
Calculates delta a (change in crack size) from air curve.
- calc_air_curve_dn(c=6.89E-12, m=3)
Calculates delta n (change in # of cycles) from air curve.
- calc_change_in_crack_size(delta_n, delta_k)
Calculates the change in crack size given delta_k.
- calc_code_case_2938_da_higher_k(parameter=1.5E-11, m=3.66, multiplier=2)
Calculates delta a (change in crack size) for higher k values following code case 2938 (stress driven).
- calc_code_case_2938_da_lower_k(parameter=3.5E-14, m=6.5, multiplier=0.4286)
Calculates delta a (change in crack size) for lower k values following code case 2938 (hydrogen driven).
- calc_code_case_2938_dn_higher_k(parameter=1.5E-11, m=3.66, multiplier=2)
Calculates delta n (change in # of cycles) for higher k values following code case 2938 (stress driven).
- calc_code_case_2938_dn_lower_k(parameter=3.5E-14, m=6.5, multiplier=0.4286)
Calculates delta n (change in # of cycles) for lower k values following code case 2938 (hydrogen driven).
- calc_da_code_case_2938()
Uses code case 2938 to calculate delta A.
- calc_da_paris_law(c, m)
Calculates delta a (change in crack size) from general paris law form.
- calc_delta_n(delta_a, delta_k)
“Calculates delta N (change in number of cycles).
- calc_dn_code_case_2938()
Uses code case 2938 to calculate delta N.
- calc_dn_paris_law(c, m)
Calculates delta n (change in # of cycles) from general paris law form.
- calc_fugacity_correction(p, multiplier, case)
Calculates hydrogen fugacity correction for delta n (change in # of cycles).
- get_single_crack_growth_model(sample_index)
Creates a crack growth object for a single instance from ensemble.
- Parameters:
single_pipe_index (int) – Index of requested pipe instance.
- helpr.physics.crack_growth.get_design_curve(specified_r, specified_fugacity, crack_growth_model=None, samples=99)
Extracts ASME design curves from model.
- Parameters:
specified_r (float) – R value.
specified_fugacity (float) – Fugacity coefficient.
crack_growth_model (CrackGrowth, optional) – Specified crack growth model, defaults to code case 2938.
samples (int, optional) – Number of samples.
- Returns:
delta_k (list) – List of delta K values.
da_dn (list) – List of delta A / delta N values.
crack_initiation docu
- class helpr.physics.crack_initiation.DefectSpecification(flaw_depth, flaw_length, surface='inside', sample_size=1, location_factor=1)
Definition of crack initiation physics.
- flaw_depth
- flaw_length
- surface
- location_factor
- get_single_defect(sample_index)
Returns single defect instance from ensemble defect object.
- Parameters:
sample_index (int) – Index of requested pipe instance.
- Returns:
Specification for the pipe instance.
- Return type:
cycle_evolution docu
- class helpr.physics.cycle_evolution.CycleEvolution(pipe, stress_state, defect, environment, material, crack_growth_model, delta_c_rule='proportional')
Class for running fatigue evolution analysis.
- pipe_specification
- stress_state
- defect_specification
- environment_specification
- material_specification
- number_of_pipe_instances
- crack_growth
- cycle_dict
Dictionary of pandas Series containing all cycle results.
- Type:
- cycle
Dictionary containing data for the current cycle.
- Type:
- calc_delta_k(k_max)
Calculates delta k value.
- calc_k_max_f_q(phi=np.pi / 2, previous_step_values=False)
Calculates k_max, f, and q values.
- calc_life_assessment(max_cycles=None, cycle_step=None)
Runs a fatigue crack life assessment analysis.
- Parameters:
max_cycles (int or None, optional) – Maximum number of cycles to run the life assessment for before stopping. If None, the assessment will run until instances reach a/t > 0.8. Note that an assessment may stop before reaching max_cycles if all instances reach a/t > 0.8 before that number of cycles. Default is None.
cycle_step (float or None, optional) – Number of cycles to iterate by at each evaluation step. If None, the number of cycles will be dynamically adjusted each iteration based on the crack growth. Default is None.
- Returns:
cycle_dict – Complete dict of results for all samples.
- Return type:
- static change_a_over_t_step_size(current_step_size, change_in_a_over_t)
Calculates a/t step size.
- check_stopping_criteria(max_cycles)
Determines whether to stop life assessment based on current crack conditions and the maximum number of cycles.
- compute_cycle_at()
Computes results for single a/t cycle.
- compute_cycle_n(cycle_step)
Computes results for an explicit number of cycles.
- create_clean_cycle()
Resets the cycle dictionary.
- create_cycle_dict()
Initialize dictionary to store full fatigue crack analysis
- initialize_c()
Initializes value of c based on initial a/c ratio in stress state module
- initialize_cycle_dict()
Sets up initial cycle dictionary.
- selecting_a_over_t_step_size()
Adaptively calculates a/t step size.
- step_through_cycles(max_cycles, cycle_step)
Main loop for stepping through cycles in fatigue crack analysis
- update_a()
Calculates current crack depth (a) value.
- update_a_over_t()
Calculates current a/t value.
- update_c()
Calculates current crack width (c) value.
- update_c_through_delta_k()
Updates cycle values for c, eta, k_max, f, q, and delta k.
- update_cycle_dict()
Inserts single cycle results into overall analysis results.
- update_delta_a()
Calculates current delta a value.
- update_delta_k()
Updates delta k value at current cycle.
- update_delta_n()
Calculates current delta n value.
- update_k_max_f_q()
Updates k_max, f, and q values at current cycle.
- update_total_cycles()
Calculates current cycle count.
environment docu
- class helpr.physics.environment.EnvironmentSpecification(max_pressure, min_pressure, sample_size=1, temperature=293, volume_fraction_h2=1, reference_pressure=106)
Pipe interior environment specification.
- max_pressure
- min_pressure
- temperature
- volume_fraction_h2
- reference_pressure
- fugacity
Fugacity coefficient of blended gas.
- Type:
- reference_fugacity
Fugacity coefficient of pure H2.
- Type:
- fugacity_ratio
(fugacity / reference fugacity) ** 1/2.
- r_ratio
Max pressure / min pressure.
- Type:
- calc_derived_quantities()
Calculates other attributes based on input parameters.
- calc_fugacity(pressure, temperature, volume_fraction_h2)
Calculates fugacity.
- static calc_fugacity_coefficient(pressure, temperature, co_volume=15.84)
Calculates fugacity using Abel-Noble EOS Reference Pressure.
- Parameters:
pressure (float) – Pressure [MPa].
temperature (float) – Temperature [K].
co_volume (float, optional) – CO volume (b), defaults to 15.84 [cm^3/mol].
- Returns:
- Return type:
- calc_fugacity_ratio()
Calculates fugacity ratio.
- calc_r_ratio()
Calculates r ratio.
- get_single_environment(sample_index)
Extracts a single environment instance from an ensemble.
- Parameters:
sample_index (int) – Index of requested pipe instance.
- Returns:
Specification for the pipe instance.
- Return type:
fracture docu
- class helpr.physics.fracture.FailureAssessment(fracture_resistance, yield_stress)
Class for failure assessment calculations.
- fracture_resistance
- yield_stress
- assess_failure_state(primary_stress_intensity_factor, primary_reference_stress_solution, crack_depth, crack_length, secondary_stress_intensity_factor=None, zeta_file=os.path.join(path, '../data/'))
function to calculate location of failure assessment diagram
- calc_toughness_ratio_api(load_ratio, primary_stress_intensity_factor, crack_depth, crack_length, secondary_stress_intensity_factor, zeta_file)
calculates the toughness ratio to use in a failure assessment diagram using the level 2 assessment from API 579-1.
- helpr.physics.fracture.path = '/home/runner/work/helpr/helpr/src/helpr/physics'
Module to hold fracture assessment diagram (FAD) functionality
inspection_mitigation docu
- class helpr.physics.inspection_mitigation.InspectionMitigation(probability_of_detection, detection_resolution, inspection_frequency)
Inspection Mitigation - Determine when a pipe is inspected for cracks and mitigate cracks identified through inspection.
- probability_of_detection
- detection_resolution
- inspection_frequency
- determine_inspection_indices(cycle_count: DataFrame, number_of_inspections: int, inspection_array: array) DataFrame
Identifies indices corresponding to cycle counts of interest.
- Parameters:
cycle_count (pandas.DataFrame) – DataFrame of cycle count results.
number_of_inspections (int) – Total number of inspections.
inspection_array (numpy.ndarray) – Array of cycle counts at each inspection time.
- Returns:
inspection_indices – Indices for cycle data corresponding to inspection times.
- Return type:
- determine_inspection_schedule(cycle_count: DataFrame) tuple[int, array]
Determines inspection schedule based based on inspection frequency and highest number cycle count in results.
- Parameters:
cycle_count (pandas.DataFrame) – DataFrame of cycle count results.
- Returns:
number_of_inspections (int) – Total number of inspections.
inspection_array (numpy.ndarray) – Array of cycle counts at each inspection time.
- inspect_then_mitigate(load_cycling: dict, failure_criteria: np.array, random_state=npr.default_rng())
Performs inspection and mitigation analysis on crack evolution results.
- Parameters:
load_cycling (dict) – Analysis load cycling results.
failure_criteria (numpy.ndarray) – Analysis failure criteria.
random_state (numpy.random, optional) – Random state, defaults to standard numpy rng.
- Returns:
mitigated (list) – List of bool values for each sample indicating whether or not the failure was mitigated.
mitigation (dict) – Dict of Series describing each sample’s mitigation results.
- helpr.physics.inspection_mitigation.inspect_crack(inspection_indices: Series, crack_size: Series, failure_criteria: float, detection_resolution: float, inspection_array: DataFrame, cycle_count: DataFrame) Series
Determines if inspected crack is detectable.
- helpr.physics.inspection_mitigation.mitigate_crack(detectable: Series, random_state: Generator, probability_of_detection: float) Series
Determines if mitigation of a crack occurs.
material docu
- class helpr.physics.material.MaterialSpecification(yield_strength, fracture_resistance, sample_size=1)
Class defining material specifications for base material and welds.
- fracture_resistance
- yield_strength
- get_single_material(sample_index)
Returns single material specification from ensemble object.
- Parameters:
sample_index (int) – Index of requested pipe instance.
- Returns:
Specification for the pipe instance.
- Return type:
pipe docu
- class helpr.physics.pipe.Pipe(outer_diameter, wall_thickness, sample_size=1)
Class defining physical Pipe properties.
- outer_diameter
- wall_thickness
- pipe_avg_radius
- inner_diameter
- calc_average_radius()
Calculates average pipe radius.
- calc_inner_diameter()
Calculates inner diameter.
- calc_t_over_r()
calculates the ratio of wall thickness to inner radius
stress_state docu
- class helpr.physics.stress_state.GenericStressState(pipe, environment, material, defect, stress_intensity_method=None)
Parent Class for generic Stress State capabilities.
- pipe_specification
- environment_specification
- material_specification
- defect_specification
- stress_intensity_method
- initial_crack_depth
- calc_allowable_stress()
Calculates the pipe’s total allowable stress.
- calc_f()
Calculates the current f values.
- calc_hoop_stress(remaining_thickness)
Calculates hoop stress.
- calc_initial_crack_depth()
Calculates initial crack depth.
- calc_longitudinal_stress(remaining_thickness)
Calculates longitudinal stress.
- calc_q(current_a_over_c)
Calculates Q variable from Equation (9B.95) in API 579-1.
- calc_remaining_wall_thickness(crack_depth)
Calculates the remaining (non-cracked) pipe wall thickness.
- calc_stress_intensity_factor(crack_depth, crack_length)
Calculates stress intensity factor (k).
- calc_stress_solution(crack_depth)
Calculates stress solution.
- check_initial_stress_criteria()
Checks the initial stress state of the pipe.
- get_single_stress_state(sample_index)
Returns single stress state instance.
- Parameters:
sample_index (int) – Index of requested pipe instance.
- Returns:
Specification for the stress state instance.
- Return type:
- class helpr.physics.stress_state.InternalAxialHoopStress(pipe, environment, material, defect, stress_intensity_method, sample_size=1)
Stress State Class for Internal Axial Hoop Stress Cases.
- calc_G_parameters_finite_length(A, Q, phi)
Calculates influence coefficients for a finite length surface cracks based on equations in API 579-1 Section 9B.5.10.
- calc_k_solution_finite_length_part_through_flaw_api(crack_depth, crack_length, phi=np.pi / 2)
Calculates stress intensity factor for longitudinal direction surface cracks with semi-elliptical shape, internal pressure (KCSCLE1), given in Equation (9B.186) in API 579-1 Section 9B.5.10.
Dimensional limits:
0.0 <= a/t <= 0.8
0.03125 <= a/c <= 2.0
phi <= pi/2; for pi/2 < phi <= pi, K_I(phi) = K_I(pi - phi)
0.0 <= t/inner_radius <= 1.0
- calc_k_solution_finite_length_part_through_internal_flaw(crack_depth, crack_length)
Calculates stress intensity factor for finite length part-through internal flaws.
- calc_k_solution_long_part_through_flaw_api(crack_depth, crack_length)
Calculates stress intensity factor for longitudinal direction surface cracks with infinite length, internal pressure (KCSCLL1), given in Equation (9B.176) in API 579-1 Section 9B.5.4.
Dimensional limits:
0.0 <= a/t <= 0.8
0.0 <= t/inner_radius <= 1.0
- calc_k_solution_long_part_through_internal_flaw(crack_depth, crack_length)
Calculates k solution for long part-through internal flaws.
- calc_ref_stress_api(crack_depth)
Calculates the reference stress as per the API 579-1 methodology included in Annex 9C.5.10, using the net section collapse criteria.
- calc_stress_intensity_factor(crack_depth, crack_length, phi=np.pi / 2)
Calculates the stress intensity factor. For finite length flaws, either the Anderson analytical method (
) or the API 579-1 method (method='api'
) can be used.- Parameters:
crack_depth (float) – Current crack depth (m).
crack_length (float) – Current crack length (m).
phi (float, optional) – Angle to crack tip (rad). Only used for API finite length solution.
- calc_stress_solution(crack_depth)
Calculates stress solution.
- Parameters:
crack_depth (float) – Crack depth (m).
- check_anderson_solution_assumptions()
Checks that the inputs do not violate the Anderson solution dimensional limits
- check_api_solution_assumptions()
Checks that the inputs do not violate the API 579-1 dimensional limits
- interp_table_parameters(table, **table_args)
Interpolates values for the influence coefficients based on provided in API 579-1. The table_args provided should match the dimensions in the provided table.
- load_api_tables()
Loads the data from the necessary lookup tables from API 579-1.
- open_nc_table(nc_file)
Opens a saved NetCDF file of lookup table values from API 579-1.
- class helpr.physics.stress_state.InternalCircumferentialLongitudinalStress(pipe, environment, material, defect, stress_intensity_method=None)
Stress State Class for Internal Circumferential Longitudinal Stress Cases.
- calc_f(q_value, radius_thickness_ratio, xi)
Calculates current f value.
- calc_stress_intensity_factor(crack_depth, crack_length)
Calculates stress intensity factor.
- Parameters:
crack_depth (float) – Current crack depth, a (m).
crack_length (float) – Current crack length, 2c (m)
- calc_stress_solution(crack_depth)
Calculates stress solution.
- Parameters:
crack_depth (float) – Crack depth (m).