Tests Documentation
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Unit Tests
test_api docu
- class helpr.tests.unit_tests.test_api.APITestCase(methodName='runTest')
Class for unit tests of api module
- assert_is_file(path)
function to assert if file exists
- rm_tree(path)
function to remove results save folder after unit test
- setUp()
function to specify common inputs to api module
- tearDown()
teardown function
- test_api_bounding_sensitivity_study()
unit test for specifying a bound value sensitivity study in api
- test_api_lhs_sensitivity_study()
unit test for specifying a bound value sensitivity study in api
- test_api_nominal_evaluations()
unit test for ensuring nominal probabilistic results match deterministic results
- test_api_scalar_inputs()
unit test for passing scaling inputs (deterministic evaluation) to api
- test_api_uncertain_inputs()
unit test for passing uncertain inputs to api
- test_bad_study_type_specification()
unit test for specifying a bound value sensitivity study in api
- test_create_failure_assessment_diagram()
unit test for creating failure assessment diagram
- test_create_input_parameter_plots()
unit test for creating input parameter plots
- test_create_probabilistic_plots()
unit test for creating probabilistic plots
- test_generating_intermediate_variables()
unit test for generating intermediate variables (derived from input variables)
- test_incorrect_parameter_name()
unit test for warning of incorrect parameter name
- test_inspection_mitigation_results()
unit test for applying inspection mitigation function to crack evolution results
- test_print_intermediate_variables()
unit test for printing nominal intermediate variables
- test_reload_random_seed()
unit test to check ability to use previous random seed
- test_save_deterministic_results()
unit test to check deterministic result saving capability
- test_save_probabilistic_results()
unit test to check probabilistic result saving capability
- test_specifying_random_seed()
unit test to check ability to specify random seed
test_crack_growth docu
- class helpr.tests.unit_tests.test_crack_growth.CrackGrowthTestCase(methodName='runTest')
Class for units tests of crack growth module
- setUp()
function to specify common inputs to crack growth module
- tearDown()
teardown function
- test_0pct_h2()
unit test for having no hydrogen in crack growth calculations
- test_100pct_h2()
unit test that crack growth following ASME curve
- test_bad_crack_growth_model_specifications()
unit test for passing invalid crack growth rate model
- test_default()
unit test of default behavior of crack growth module
- test_design_curve_function()
unit test to check that design curve calculation function performs as expected
- test_input_types()
unit test for passing lists of inputs to crack growth module
- test_invalid_fugacity_correction_case()
unit test of passing invalid input to fugacity correction
- test_specify_paris_law_crack_growth()
unit test of specifying inputs for a paris law crack growth model
test_crack_initiation docu
- class helpr.tests.unit_tests.test_crack_initiation.CrackInitiationTestCase(methodName='runTest')
Class for units test of crack initiation module
- setUp()
function for specifying common inputs to crack initiation module
- tearDown()
teardown function
- test_array_inputs()
unit test of passing input arrays to crack initiation module
- test_bad_surface_specification()
unit test of check that bad specifications of defect surface are caught
- test_default()
unit test of default functionality of crack initiation module
test_cycle_evolution docu
- class helpr.tests.unit_tests.test_cycle_evolution.CycleEvolutionTestCase(methodName='runTest')
class for unit tests of cycle evolution module
- setUp()
function to specify common cycle evolution inputs
- tearDown()
teardown function
- test_array_input()
test array input for cycle evolution class
- test_bad_delta_c_rule_specification()
test to check that improper delta_c_rule specifications fail
- test_bad_delta_c_rule_specification_list()
test to check that improper delta_c_rule specifications fail with list inputs
- test_calc_life_assessment_w_cycle_step()
test to confirm the life assessment behaves properly when a cycle step is provided
- test_calc_life_assessment_w_max()
test to confirm the life assessment behaves properly when a max number of cycles is provided
- test_calc_life_assessment_w_max_overridden()
test to confirm the life assessment behaves properly when a max number of cycles is provided but a/t > 0.8 is reached before that number of cycles
- test_default()
test default functionality of cycle evolution class
- test_fixed_c()
test to check crack length remains unchanged when specified even if the cycling still works properly
- test_independent_c()
test to check crack length independently propagates when specified
- test_independent_c_list()
test to check crack length independently propagates when specified with list inputs
- test_proportional_c()
test to check crack length ratio to a remains unchanged when specified even if the cycling still works properly
- test_proportional_c_list()
test to check crack length ratio to a remains unchanged when specified even if the cycling still works properly with list inputs
test_environment docu
- class helpr.tests.unit_tests.test_environment.EnvironmentTestCase(methodName='runTest')
Class for unit tests of environment module
- setUp()
function to specify common inputs to environment module
- tearDown()
teardown function
- test_array_input()
unit test of passing array of pressure values to environment module
- test_fugacity_ratio()
unit test of fugacity ratio calculation
- test_h2_volume_fraction()
unit test of changing h2 mvolume fraction in environment
- test_r_ratio()
unit test of r ratio calculation
test_fracture docu
- class helpr.tests.unit_tests.test_fracture.FractureTestCase(methodName='runTest')
class for fracture module unit tests
- setUp()
function for specifying common fracture module inputs
- tearDown()
teardown function
- test_assessment_primaryOnly()
unit test of failure assessment with only primary stress.
- test_assessment_withSecondary()
unit test of failure assessment with primary and secondary/residual stress.
test_inspection_mitigation docu
- class helpr.tests.unit_tests.test_inspection_mitigation.InspectionMitigationTestCase(methodName='runTest')
unit tests for inspection and mitigation module
- setUp()
function for specifying common inspection mitigation module inputs
- tearDown()
” teardown function
- test_crack_inspection()
unit test for crack inspection function
- test_crack_mitigation()
unit test for crack mitigation function
- test_determine_inspection_schedule()
test of determining inspection schedule function
- test_inspection_indices()
test of inspection indices function
test_material docu
- class helpr.tests.unit_tests.test_material.MaterialTestCase(methodName='runTest')
class for unit tests of material module
- setUp()
function for specifying common material module inputs
- tearDown()
teardown function
- test_default()
unit test of default behavior for material module
- test_single_instance()
unit test of accessing single instance of material specification object
test_parameter docu
- class helpr.tests.unit_tests.test_parameter.ParameterTestCase(methodName='runTest')
class for unit test of parameter module
- setUp() None
Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.
- tearDown() None
teardown function
- test_above_bounds()
unit test of specifying parameter value above upper bound
- test_bad_size_specification()
unit test to check that bad size specification does not work
- test_below_bounds()
unit test of specifying parameter value below lower bound
- test_default()
unit tests of default behavior of parameter module
- test_list_above_bounds()
unit test of passing list of inputs with one value above parameter upper bounds
- test_list_below_bounds()
unit test of passing list of inputs with one value below parameter lower bounds
- test_make_array()
unit test of specifying size of parameter object
- test_passed_list()
unit test of passing list of parameter values to parameter module
test_pipe docu
- class helpr.tests.unit_tests.test_pipe.PipeTestCase(methodName='runTest')
class for pipe module unit tests
- setUp()
function to specify common inputs to pipe module
- tearDown()
teardown function
- test_array_input()
unit test of passing array of inputs to pipe module
- test_bad_pipe_size()
unit tests of bad pipe size specification
- test_simple_calcs()
unit test to check simple pipe calculations
test_plots docu
- class helpr.tests.unit_tests.test_plots.PlotsTestCase(methodName='runTest')
class for plotting functions
- setUp()
function to specify common inputs to plot functions
- tearDown()
Hook method for deconstructing the test fixture after testing it.
- test_crack_growth_rate_plot()
test for creation of crack growth rate plot
- test_cycle_life_cdf_ci()
test for creation of life criteria cdf confidence intervals plot
- test_cycle_life_cdfs()
test for creation of life criteria cdfs plot
- test_cycle_life_criteria_scatter_plot_color_by_variable()
test for creation of life criteria scatter plot with changing colors by variable
- test_cycle_life_criteria_scatter_plot_no_color_by_variable()
test for creation of life criteria scatter plot without changing colors by variable
- test_cycle_life_pdf()
test for creation of life criteria pdfs plot
- test_design_curve_plot()
test for creation of design curve plot
- test_failure_assessment_diagram_anderson()
test for creation of failure assessment diagram using the Anderson stress intensity method.
- test_failure_assessment_diagram_api()
test for creation of failure assessment diagram using the API stress intensity method.
- test_inspection_mitigation_plots()
test for creation of inspection mitigation plots
- test_life_assessment_ensemble_plot()
test for creation of life assessment plot for pipe ensemble
- test_pipe_life_assessment_plot()
test for creation of lfe assessment plot for single instance
- test_sensitivity_results_plot()
test for creation of sensitivity plot
test_postprocessing docu
- class helpr.tests.unit_tests.test_postprocessing.PostProcessingTestCase(methodName='runTest')
unit test for postprocessing module
- setUp()
function to specify common postprocessing inputs
- tearDown()
tear down function
- test_calc_pipe_life_criteria_default_a_crit()
test that a(crit)/t defaults to 0.8 if the pipe fracture resistance is never met.
- test_calc_pipe_life_criteria_hydrogen_impact()
test that a(crit) and associated number of cycles match expected values from internal development notebook varying amount of hydrogen
- test_calc_pipe_life_criteria_typical()
test that a(crit) and associated number of cycles match expected values from the examples/demo_deterministic.ipynb notebook
- test_crack_evolution_plotting()
” test for generating crack evolution plot
test_stress_state docu
- class helpr.tests.unit_tests.test_stress_state.InternalAxialHoopStressTestCase(methodName='runTest')
class for unit tests of internal axial hoop stress class
- setUp()
Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.
- test_axial_hoop_stress_check()
unit test of check of axial hoop stress exceeding yield strength
- test_axial_hoop_stress_state_specification()
unit test of internal axial hoop stress state specification
- test_calc_G_parameters_finite_length_full_depth()
unit test to check that interpolation of Table 9B12 produces expected G values (hand calc) for single of crack at full depth
- test_calc_G_parameters_finite_length_other_point()
unit test to check that interpolation of Table 9B12 produces expected G values (hand calc) for single of crack at specified point
- test_calc_G_parameters_finite_length_surface()
unit test to check that interpolation of Table 9B12 produces expected G values (hand calc) for single of crack at surface
- test_check_anderson_solution_assumptions_a_over_t_violation()
unit test for function checking for catching violations of a/t <= 0.8 assumption in Anderson method
- test_check_anderson_solution_assumptions_r_i_over_t_violation()
unit test for function checking for catching violation of 5 <= R_i/t <= 20 assumption in Anderson method
- test_check_api_solution_assumptions_a_over_t_violation()
unit test for function checking for catching violations of a/t <= 0.8 assumption in API 579-1 method
- test_get_single_stress_state()
unit test of single stress state function
- test_interp_table_parameters_Table_9B10_matrix_inputs()
unit test to check that interpolation of Table 9B10 produces expected G values (hand calc) for vector of internal cracks
- test_interp_table_parameters_Table_9B10_single_inputs_external()
unit test to check that interpolation of Table 9B10 produces expected G values (hand calc) for single external crack
- test_interp_table_parameters_Table_9B10_single_inputs_internal()
unit test to check that interpolation of Table 9B10 produces expected values (hand calc) for single internal crack
- test_interp_table_parameters_Table_9B12_matrix_inputs()
unit test to check that interpolation of Table 9B12 produces expected A values (hand calc) for vector of cracks
- test_interp_table_parameters_Table_9B12_single_inputs()
unit test to check that interpolation of Table 9B12 produces expected A values (hand calc) for single crack
- test_interp_table_parameters_Table_9B13_matrix_inputs()
unit test to check that interpolation of Table 9B13 produces expected A values (hand calc) for vector of cracks
- test_interp_table_parameters_Table_9B13_single_inputs()
unit test to check that interpolation of Table 9B13 produces expected A values (hand calc) for single crack
- test_interp_table_parameters_vector_lengths_not_matching()
unit test to check that API table interpolation raises an error if input arguments are not 1 or all the same
- test_ref_stress_api()
unit test to check default behavior of API reference stress solution method for typical inputs.
- test_stress_intensity_factor_anderson_external()
unit test to check that axial hoop stress intensity factor calculated with Anderson’s equation produces error message for external crack
- test_stress_intensity_factor_anderson_internal()
unit test to check that axial hoop stress intensity factor calculated with Anderson’s equation produces expected values (hand calc) for internal crack
- test_stress_intensity_factor_api_external()
unit test to check that axial hoop stress intensity factor calculated with API method produces expected value (hand calc) for external crack
- test_stress_intensity_factor_api_internal()
unit test to check that axial hoop stress intensity factor calculated with API method produces expected value (hand calc) for internal crack
- test_stress_intensity_factor_invalid_method()
unit test to check an exception is raised when a method other than Anderson or API is raised
- class helpr.tests.unit_tests.test_stress_state.StressStateTestCase(methodName='runTest')
class for unit tests of stress state module
- setUp()
Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.
- test_circumferential_longitudinal_stress_check()
unit test of check of axial longitudinal stress exceeding yield strength
- test_circumferential_longitudinal_stress_intensity_factor()
unit test of check of axial longitudinal stress exceeding yield strength
- test_circumferential_longitudinal_stress_state_specification()
unit test of longitudinal stress states specification
- test_generic_stress_state_specification()
unit test of generic stress state state specification
Verification Tests
test_verification_crack_growth_rate docu
- class helpr.tests.verification_tests.test_verification_crack_growth_rate.VerificationCrackGrowth(methodName='runTest')
Class for verification tests of crack growth rate calculations
- calculate_crack_evolution_error(truth, simulation_data)
function for calculating % rel. err. between predictions and data
- calculate_error_metrics(truth, simulation_data)
function for calculating error metrics
- setUp()
Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.
- tearDown()
teardown function
- test_dataset_1()
“verification test using dataset 1
- test_dataset_2()
verification test using dataset 2
- test_dataset_3()
verification test using dataset 3
- verification_raw_comparison_plot(verification_data, simulation_data, condition)
function for creating verification comparison plots