Compadre  1.6.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Compadre: COMpatible PArticle Discretization and REmap Toolkit
4 //
5 // Copyright 2018 NTESS and the Compadre contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
10 #define _COMPADRE_GMLS_HPP_
12 #include "Compadre_Config.h"
13 #include "Compadre_Typedefs.hpp"
15 #include "Compadre_Misc.hpp"
16 #include "Compadre_Operators.hpp"
19 #include "Compadre_Quadrature.hpp"
20 #include "Compadre_SolutionSet.hpp"
27 namespace Compadre {
29 class Evaluator;
30 struct GMLSBasisData;
31 struct GMLSSolutionData;
33 //! Generalized Moving Least Squares (GMLS)
34 /*!
35 * This class sets up a batch of GMLS problems from a given set of neighbor lists, target sites, and source sites.
36 * GMLS requires a target functional, reconstruction space, and sampling functional to be specified.
37 * For a given choice of reconstruction space and sampling functional, multiple targets can be generated with very little
38 * additional computation, which is why this class allows for multiple target functionals to be specified.
39 */
40 class GMLS {
42 friend class Evaluator;
44 public:
47  Kokkos::View<double**, layout_right>,
53  typedef Kokkos::View<double**, layout_right> coordinates_type;
55 private:
57  // matrices that may be needed for matrix factorization on the device
58  // supports batched matrix factorization dispatch
60  //! contains weights for all problems
61  Kokkos::View<double*> _w;
63  //! P*sqrt(w) matrix for all problems
64  Kokkos::View<double*> _P;
66  //! sqrt(w)*Identity matrix for all problems, later holds polynomial coefficients for all problems
67  Kokkos::View<double*> _RHS;
69  //! stores evaluations of targets applied to basis
70  Kokkos::View<double*> _Z;
72  //! Rank 3 tensor for high order approximation of tangent vectors for all problems. First rank is
73  //! for the target index, the second is for the local direction to the manifolds 0..(_dimensions-1)
74  //! are tangent, _dimensions is the normal, and the third is for the spatial dimension (_dimensions)
75  Kokkos::View<double*> _T;
77  //! Rank 2 tensor for high order approximation of tangent vectors for all problems. First rank is
78  //! for the target index, the second is for the spatial dimension (_dimensions)
79  Kokkos::View<double*> _ref_N;
81  //! tangent vectors information (host)
82  Kokkos::View<double*>::HostMirror _host_T;
84  //! reference outward normal vectors information (host)
85  Kokkos::View<double*>::HostMirror _host_ref_N;
87  //! metric tensor inverse for all problems
88  Kokkos::View<double*> _manifold_metric_tensor_inverse;
90  //! curvature polynomial coefficients for all problems
91  Kokkos::View<double*> _manifold_curvature_coefficients;
93  //! _dimension-1 gradient values for curvature for all problems
94  Kokkos::View<double*> _manifold_curvature_gradient;
96  //! Extra data available to basis functions (optional)
97  Kokkos::View<double**, layout_right> _source_extra_data;
99  //! Extra data available to target operations (optional)
100  Kokkos::View<double**, layout_right> _target_extra_data;
102  //! connections between points and neighbors
105  //! h supports determined through neighbor search (device)
106  Kokkos::View<double*> _epsilons;
108  //! generated weights for nontraditional samples required to transform data into expected sampling
109  //! functional form (device).
110  Kokkos::View<double*****, layout_right> _prestencil_weights;
112  //! generated weights for nontraditional samples required to transform data into expected sampling
113  //! functional form (host)
114  Kokkos::View<const double*****, layout_right>::HostMirror _host_prestencil_weights;
116  //! (OPTIONAL) connections between additional points and neighbors
119  //! Solution Set (contains all alpha values from solution and alpha layout methods)
120  // _h_ss is private so that getSolutionSetHost() must be called
121  // which ensures that the copy of the solution to device is necessary
125  //! order of basis for polynomial reconstruction
128  //! order of basis for curvature reconstruction
131  //! dimension of basis for polynomial reconstruction
132  int _NP;
134  //! spatial dimension of the points, set at class instantiation only
137  //! dimension of the problem, set at class instantiation only. For manifolds, generally _global_dimensions-1
140  //! dimension of the problem, set at class instantiation only
143  //! reconstruction space for GMLS problems, set at GMLS class instantiation
146  //! actual rank of reconstruction basis
149  //! solver type for GMLS problem - can be QR, SVD or LU
152  //! problem type for GMLS problem, can also be set to STANDARD for normal or MANIFOLD for manifold problems <br>
153  //! <b>NOTE: can only be set at object instantiation</b>
156  //! constraint type for GMLS problem
159  //! polynomial sampling functional used to construct P matrix, set at GMLS class instantiation <br>
160  //! <b>NOTE: can only be set at object instantiation</b>
163  //! generally the same as _polynomial_sampling_functional, but can differ if specified at
164  // can only be set at object instantiation
165  //! GMLS class instantiation
168  //! vector containing target functionals to be applied for curvature
169  Kokkos::View<TargetOperation*> _curvature_support_operations;
171  //! vector containing target functionals to be applied for reconstruction problem (device)
172  Kokkos::View<TargetOperation*> _operations;
174  //! vector containing target functionals to be applied for reconstruction problem (host)
175  Kokkos::View<TargetOperation*>::HostMirror _host_operations;
177  //! weighting kernel type for GMLS
180  //! weighting kernel type for curvature problem
183  //! first parameter to be used for weighting kernel
186  //! second parameter to be used for weighting kernel
189  //! first parameter to be used for weighting kernel for curvature
192  //! second parameter to be used for weighting kernel for curvature
195  //! dimension of the reconstructed function
196  //! e.g. reconstruction of vector on a 2D manifold in 3D would have _basis_multiplier of 2
199  //! actual dimension of the sampling functional
200  //! e.g. reconstruction of vector on a 2D manifold in 3D would have _basis_multiplier of 2
201  //! e.g. in 3D, a scalar will be 1, a vector will be 3, and a vector of reused scalars will be 1
204  //! effective dimension of the data sampling functional
205  //! e.g. in 3D, a scalar will be 1, a vector will be 3, and a vector of reused scalars will be 3
208  //! whether or not the orthonormal tangent directions were provided by the user. If they are not,
209  //! then for the case of calculations on manifolds, a GMLS approximation of the tangent space will
210  //! be made and stored for use.
213  //! whether or not the reference outward normal directions were provided by the user.
216  //! whether or not to use reference outward normal directions to orient the surface in a manifold problem.
219  //! whether entire calculation was computed at once
220  //! the alternative is that it was broken up over many smaller groups, in which case
221  //! this is false, and so the _RHS matrix can not be stored or requested
224  //! whether polynomial coefficients were requested to be stored (in a state not yet applied to data)
227  //! initial index for current batch
230  //! determines scratch level spaces and is used to call kernels
233  //! order of exact polynomial integration for quadrature rule
236  //! dimension of quadrature rule
239  //! quadrature rule type
240  std::string _quadrature_type;
242  //! manages and calculates quadrature
245 private:
247 /** @name Private Modifiers
248  * Private function because information lives on the device
249  */
250 ///@{
252  //! (OPTIONAL)
253  //! Sets additional points for evaluation of target operation on polynomial reconstruction.
254  //! If this is never called, then the target sites are the only locations where the target
255  //! operations will be evaluated and applied to polynomial reconstructions.
256  template <typename view_type>
257  void setAuxiliaryEvaluationCoordinates(view_type evaluation_coordinates) {
258  // allocate memory on device
259  auto additional_evaluation_coordinates = coordinates_type("device additional evaluation coordinates",
260  evaluation_coordinates.extent(0), evaluation_coordinates.extent(1));
262  typedef typename view_type::memory_space input_array_memory_space;
263  if (std::is_same<input_array_memory_space, device_memory_space>::value) {
264  // check if on the device, then copy directly
265  // if it is, then it doesn't match the internal layout we use
266  // then copy to the host mirror
267  // switches potential layout mismatches
268  Kokkos::deep_copy(additional_evaluation_coordinates, evaluation_coordinates);
269  } else {
270  // if is on the host, copy to the host mirror
271  // then copy to the device
272  // switches potential layout mismatches
273  auto host_additional_evaluation_coordinates = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(additional_evaluation_coordinates);
274  Kokkos::deep_copy(host_additional_evaluation_coordinates, evaluation_coordinates);
275  // switches memory spaces
276  Kokkos::deep_copy(additional_evaluation_coordinates, host_additional_evaluation_coordinates);
277  }
278  this->resetCoefficientData();
279  _additional_pc.setSourceCoordinates(additional_evaluation_coordinates);
280  }
282  //! (OPTIONAL)
283  //! Sets additional points for evaluation of target operation on polynomial reconstruction.
284  //! If this is never called, then the target sites are the only locations where the target
285  //! operations will be evaluated and applied to polynomial reconstructions. (device)
286  template <typename view_type>
288  this->resetCoefficientData();
289  _additional_pc.setSourceCoordinates(evaluation_coordinates);
290  }
292  //! (OPTIONAL)
293  //! Sets the additional target evaluation indices list information from compressed row format (if same view_type)
294  template <typename view_type>
295  typename std::enable_if<view_type::rank==1&&std::is_same<neighbor_lists_type::internal_view_type,view_type>::value==1, void>::type
296  setAuxiliaryEvaluationIndicesLists(view_type additional_evaluation_indices, view_type number_of_neighbors_list) {
298  auto additional_nla = NeighborLists<view_type>(additional_evaluation_indices, number_of_neighbors_list);
299  this->resetCoefficientData();
300  _additional_pc.setNeighborLists(additional_nla);
302  }
304  //! (OPTIONAL)
305  //! Sets the additional target evaluation indices list information from compressed row format (if different view_type)
306  template <typename view_type>
307  typename std::enable_if<view_type::rank==1&&std::is_same<neighbor_lists_type::internal_view_type,view_type>::value==0, void>::type
308  setAuxiliaryEvaluationIndicesLists(view_type additional_evaluation_indices, view_type number_of_neighbors_list) {
310  typedef neighbor_lists_type::internal_view_type gmls_view_type;
311  gmls_view_type d_additional_evaluation_indices("compressed row additional evaluation indices lists data", additional_evaluation_indices.extent(0));
312  gmls_view_type d_number_of_neighbors_list("number of additional evaluation indices", number_of_neighbors_list.extent(0));
313  Kokkos::deep_copy(d_additional_evaluation_indices, additional_evaluation_indices);
314  Kokkos::deep_copy(d_number_of_neighbors_list, number_of_neighbors_list);
315  Kokkos::fence();
316  auto additional_nla = NeighborLists<gmls_view_type>(d_additional_evaluation_indices, d_number_of_neighbors_list);
317  this->resetCoefficientData();
318  _additional_pc.setNeighborLists(additional_nla);
320  }
322  //! (OPTIONAL)
323  //! Sets the additional target evaluation indices list information. Should be # targets x maximum number of indices
324  //! evaluation indices for any target + 1. first entry in every row should be the number of indices for the corresponding target.
325  template <typename view_type>
326  typename std::enable_if<view_type::rank==2, void>::type setAuxiliaryEvaluationIndicesLists(view_type additional_evaluation_indices) {
328  auto additional_nla = Convert2DToCompressedRowNeighborLists<decltype(additional_evaluation_indices), Kokkos::View<int*> >(additional_evaluation_indices);
329  this->resetCoefficientData();
330  _additional_pc.setNeighborLists(additional_nla);
332  }
334 ///@}
337 /** @name Private Utility
338  *
339  */
340 ///@{
342  //! Parses a string to determine solver type
343  static DenseSolverType parseSolverType(const std::string& dense_solver_type) {
344  std::string solver_type_to_lower = dense_solver_type;
345  transform(solver_type_to_lower.begin(), solver_type_to_lower.end(), solver_type_to_lower.begin(), ::tolower);
346  if (solver_type_to_lower == "lu") {
347  return DenseSolverType::LU;
348  } else {
349  return DenseSolverType::QR;
350  }
351  }
353  //! Parses a string to determine problem type
354  static ProblemType parseProblemType(const std::string& problem_type) {
355  std::string problem_type_to_lower = problem_type;
356  transform(problem_type_to_lower.begin(), problem_type_to_lower.end(), problem_type_to_lower.begin(), ::tolower);
357  if (problem_type_to_lower == "standard") {
358  return ProblemType::STANDARD;
359  } else if (problem_type_to_lower == "manifold") {
360  return ProblemType::MANIFOLD;
361  } else {
362  return ProblemType::STANDARD;
363  }
364  }
366  //! Parses a string to determine constraint type
367  static ConstraintType parseConstraintType(const std::string& constraint_type) {
368  std::string constraint_type_to_lower = constraint_type;
369  transform(constraint_type_to_lower.begin(), constraint_type_to_lower.end(), constraint_type_to_lower.begin(), ::tolower);
370  if (constraint_type_to_lower == "none") {
372  } else if (constraint_type_to_lower == "neumann_grad_scalar") {
374  } else {
376  }
377  }
379 ///@}
381 public:
383 /** @name Instantiation / Destruction
384  *
385  */
386 ///@{
388  //! Maximal constructor, not intended for users
389  GMLS(ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space,
390  const SamplingFunctional polynomial_sampling_strategy,
391  const SamplingFunctional data_sampling_strategy,
392  const int poly_order,
393  const int dimensions,
394  const DenseSolverType dense_solver_type,
395  const ProblemType problem_type,
396  const ConstraintType constraint_type,
397  const int manifold_curvature_poly_order) :
398  _poly_order(poly_order),
399  _curvature_poly_order(manifold_curvature_poly_order),
400  _dimensions(dimensions),
401  _reconstruction_space(reconstruction_space),
402  _dense_solver_type(dense_solver_type),
403  _problem_type(problem_type),
404  _constraint_type(constraint_type),
406  && (polynomial_sampling_strategy == VectorPointSample)) ? ManifoldVectorPointSample : polynomial_sampling_strategy),
408  && (data_sampling_strategy == VectorPointSample)) ? ManifoldVectorPointSample : data_sampling_strategy)
409  {
411  compadre_assert_release(poly_order<11 && "Unsupported polynomial order (>=11).");
412  compadre_assert_release(manifold_curvature_poly_order<11 && "Unsupported curvature polynomial order (>=11).");
413  _NP = this->getNP(_poly_order, dimensions, _reconstruction_space);
414  Kokkos::fence();
416  // register curvature operations for manifold problems
418  _curvature_support_operations = Kokkos::View<TargetOperation*>
419  ("operations needed for manifold gradient reconstruction", 1);
420  auto curvature_support_operations_mirror =
421  Kokkos::create_mirror_view(_curvature_support_operations);
422  curvature_support_operations_mirror(0) =
424  Kokkos::deep_copy(_curvature_support_operations, curvature_support_operations_mirror);
425  }
427  // various initializations
431  _weighting_p = 2;
432  _weighting_n = 1;
438  _basis_multiplier = 1;
445  _store_PTWP_inv_PTW = false;
449  _global_dimensions = dimensions;
451  _local_dimensions = dimensions-1;
452  } else {
453  _local_dimensions = dimensions;
454  }
461  _dimensions,
463  _problem_type);
465  }
467  //! Maximal constructor, but with string arguments
468  GMLS(ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space,
469  const SamplingFunctional polynomial_sampling_strategy,
470  const SamplingFunctional data_sampling_strategy,
471  const int poly_order,
472  const int dimensions = 3,
473  const std::string dense_solver_type = std::string("QR"),
474  const std::string problem_type = std::string("STANDARD"),
475  const std::string constraint_type = std::string("NO_CONSTRAINT"),
476  const int manifold_curvature_poly_order = 2)
477  : GMLS(reconstruction_space, polynomial_sampling_strategy, data_sampling_strategy, poly_order, dimensions, parseSolverType(dense_solver_type), parseProblemType(problem_type), parseConstraintType(constraint_type), manifold_curvature_poly_order) {}
479  //! Constructor for the case when the data sampling functional does not match the polynomial
480  //! sampling functional. Only case anticipated is staggered Laplacian.
481  GMLS(const int poly_order,
482  const int dimensions = 3,
483  const std::string dense_solver_type = std::string("QR"),
484  const std::string problem_type = std::string("STANDARD"),
485  const std::string constraint_type = std::string("NO_CONSTRAINT"),
486  const int manifold_curvature_poly_order = 2)
487  : GMLS(ReconstructionSpace::VectorOfScalarClonesTaylorPolynomial, VectorPointSample, VectorPointSample, poly_order, dimensions, dense_solver_type, problem_type, constraint_type, manifold_curvature_poly_order) {}
489  //! Constructor for the case when nonstandard sampling functionals or reconstruction spaces
490  //! are to be used. Reconstruction space and sampling strategy can only be set at instantiation.
491  GMLS(ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space,
492  SamplingFunctional dual_sampling_strategy,
493  const int poly_order,
494  const int dimensions = 3,
495  const std::string dense_solver_type = std::string("QR"),
496  const std::string problem_type = std::string("STANDARD"),
497  const std::string constraint_type = std::string("NO_CONSTRAINT"),
498  const int manifold_curvature_poly_order = 2)
499  : GMLS(reconstruction_space, dual_sampling_strategy, dual_sampling_strategy, poly_order, dimensions, dense_solver_type, problem_type, constraint_type, manifold_curvature_poly_order) {}
501 ///@}
503 /** @name Public Utility
504  *
505  */
506 ///@{
508  //! Returns size of the basis for a given polynomial order and dimension
509  //! General to dimension 1..3 and polynomial order m
510  //! The divfree options will return the divergence-free basis if true
512  static int getNP(const int m, const int dimension = 3, const ReconstructionSpace r_space = ReconstructionSpace::ScalarTaylorPolynomial) {
514  return DivergenceFreePolynomialBasis::getSize(m, dimension);
515  } else if (r_space == ReconstructionSpace::BernsteinPolynomial) {
516  return BernsteinPolynomialBasis::getSize(m, dimension);
517  } else {
518  return ScalarTaylorPolynomialBasis::getSize(m, dimension);
519  }
520  }
522  //! Returns number of neighbors needed for unisolvency for a given basis order and dimension
524  static int getNN(const int m, const int dimension = 3, const ReconstructionSpace r_space = ReconstructionSpace::ScalarTaylorPolynomial) {
525  // may need div-free argument in the future
526  const int np = getNP(m, dimension, r_space);
527  int nn = np;
528  switch (dimension) {
529  case 3:
530  nn = np * (1.7 + m*0.1);
531  break;
532  case 2:
533  nn = np * (1.4 + m*0.03);
534  break;
535  case 1:
536  nn = np * 1.1;
537  }
538  return nn;
539  }
541  /*! \brief Evaluates the weighting kernel
542  \param r [in] - Euclidean distance of relative vector. Euclidean distance of (target - neighbor) in some basis.
543  \param h [in] - window size. Kernel is guaranteed to take on a value of zero if it exceeds h.
544  \param weighting_type [in] - weighting type to be evaluated as the kernel. e,g. power, Gaussian, etc..
545  \param p [in] - parameter to be given to the kernel (see Wab definition for context).
546  \param n [in] - parameter to be given to the kernel (see Wab definition for context).
547  */
549  static double Wab(const double r, const double h, const WeightingFunctionType& weighting_type, const int p, const int n) {
550  if (weighting_type == WeightingFunctionType::Power) {
551  // compactly supported on [0,h]
552  // (1 - |r/h|^n)^p
553  // p=0,n=1 -> Uniform, boxcar
554  // p=1,n=1 -> triangular
555  // p=1,n=2 -> Epanechnikov, parabolic
556  // p=2,n=2 -> Quartic, biweight
557  // p=3,n=2 -> Triweight
558  // p=3,n=3 -> Tricube
559  double abs_r_over_h_to_n = std::abs(r/h);
560  if (n>1) abs_r_over_h_to_n = std::pow(abs_r_over_h_to_n, n);
561  return std::pow(1.0-abs_r_over_h_to_n, p) * double(1.0-abs_r_over_h_to_n>0.0);
562  } else if (weighting_type == WeightingFunctionType::CubicSpline) {
563  // compactly supported on [0,h]
564  // invariant to p and n
565  double x = std::abs(r/h);
566  return ((1-x)+x*(1-x)*(1-2*x)) * double(x<=1.0);
567  } else if (weighting_type == WeightingFunctionType::CardinalCubicBSpline) {
568  // compactly supported on [0,h]
569  // invariant to p and n
570  // Calculate the value using a cardinal cubic b-spline kernel (often just called cubic b spline)
571  double x = std::abs(r/h);
572  if (x < 0.5) return 1.0 + 6.0 * x * x * (-1.0 + x);
573  if (x < 1.0) return 2.0 * (1.0 + x * (-3.0 + 3.0 * x - 1.0 * x * x));
574  return 0.0;
575  } else if (weighting_type == WeightingFunctionType::Cosine) {
576  // compactly supported on [0,h]
577  double pi = 3.14159265358979323846;
578  double abs_r_over_h_to_n = std::abs(r/h);
579  return std::cos(0.5*pi*r/h) * double(1.0-abs_r_over_h_to_n>0.0);
580  } else if (weighting_type == WeightingFunctionType::Gaussian) {
581  // NOT compactly supported on [0,h], but approximately 0 at h with >> p
582  // invariant to n, p is number of standard deviations at distance h
583  // 2.5066282746310002416124 = sqrt(2*pi)
584  double h_over_p = h/p;
585  double abs_r_over_h_to_n = std::abs(r/h);
586  return double(1.0-abs_r_over_h_to_n>0.0)/( h_over_p * 2.5066282746310002416124 ) * std::exp(-.5*r*r/(h_over_p*h_over_p));
587  } else if (weighting_type == WeightingFunctionType::Sigmoid) {
588  // NOT compactly supported on [0,h], but approximately 0 at h with >> p
589  // n=0 is sigmoid, n==2 is logistic, with larger p making Wab decay more quickly
590  double abs_r_over_h_to_n = std::abs(r/h);
591  return double(1.0-abs_r_over_h_to_n>0.0) / (std::exp(p*r) + std::exp(-p*r) + n);
592  } else { // unsupported type
593  compadre_kernel_assert_release(false && "Invalid WeightingFunctionType selected.");
594  return 0;
595  }
596  }
599 ///@}
601 /** @name Accessors
602  * Retrieve member variables through public member functions
603  */
604 ///@{
607  //! Returns (size of the basis used in instance's polynomial reconstruction) x (data input dimension)
609  host_managed_local_index_type sizes("sizes", 2);
610  sizes(0) = _basis_multiplier*_NP;
612  return sizes;
613  }
615  //! Returns size of the basis used in instance's polynomial reconstruction
617  auto sizes = this->getPolynomialCoefficientsDomainRangeSize();
618  return sizes(0);
619  }
621  //! Returns 2D array size in memory on which coefficients are stored
623  auto M_by_N = this->getPolynomialCoefficientsDomainRangeSize();
624  compadre_assert_release(_entire_batch_computed_at_once
625  && "Entire batch not computed at once, so getFullPolynomialCoefficientsBasis() can not be called.");
627  && "generateAlphas() called with keep_coefficients set to false.");
628  host_managed_local_index_type sizes("sizes", 2);
630  getRHSDims(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, M_by_N[1], M_by_N[0], sizes(0), sizes(1));
631  } else {
632  getPDims(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, M_by_N[1], M_by_N[0], sizes(1), sizes(0));
633  }
634  return sizes;
635  }
637  //! Dimension of the GMLS problem, set only at class instantiation
638  int getDimensions() const { return _dimensions; }
640  //! Dimension of the GMLS problem's point data (spatial description of points in ambient space), set only at class instantiation
641  int getGlobalDimensions() const { return _global_dimensions; }
643  //! Local dimension of the GMLS problem (less than global dimension if on a manifold), set only at class instantiation
644  int getLocalDimensions() const { return _local_dimensions; }
646  //! Get dense solver type
649  //! Get problem type
652  //! Get constraint type
655  //! Get basis order used for reconstruction
656  int getPolynomialOrder() const { return _poly_order; }
658  //! Get basis order used for curvature reconstruction
661  //! Type for weighting kernel for GMLS problem
664  //! Type for weighting kernel for curvature
667  //! Get parameter for weighting kernel for GMLS problem
668  int getWeightingParameter(const int index = 0) const {
669  if (index==1) {
670  return _weighting_n;
671  } else {
672  return _weighting_p;
673  }
674  }
676  //! Get parameter for weighting kernel for curvature
677  int getManifoldWeightingParameter(const int index = 0) const {
678  if (index==1) {
679  return _curvature_weighting_n;
680  } else {
681  return _curvature_weighting_p;
682  }
683  }
685  //! Number of quadrature points
688  //! Order of quadrature points
691  //! Dimensions of quadrature points
694  //! Type of quadrature points
695  std::string getQuadratureType() const { return _quadrature_type; }
697  //! Get neighbor list accessor
699  return const_cast<neighbor_lists_type*>(&_pc._nla);
700  }
702  //! Get a view (device) of all point connection info
703  decltype(_pc)* getPointConnections() { return &_pc; }
705  //! (OPTIONAL) Get additional evaluation sites neighbor list-like accessor
707  return const_cast<neighbor_lists_type*>(&_additional_pc._nla);
708  }
710  //! (OPTIONAL) Get a view (device) of all additional evaluation point connection info
713  //! Get a view (device) of all window sizes
714  decltype(_epsilons)* getWindowSizes() { return &_epsilons; }
716  //! Get a view (device) of all tangent direction bundles.
717  decltype(_T)* getTangentDirections() { return &_T; }
719  //! Get a view (device) of all reference outward normal directions.
720  decltype(_ref_N)* getReferenceNormalDirections() { return &_ref_N; }
722  //! Get component of tangent or normal directions for manifold problems
723  double getTangentBundle(const int target_index, const int direction, const int component) const {
724  // Component index 0.._dimensions-2 will return tangent direction
725  // Component index _dimensions-1 will return the normal direction
726  scratch_matrix_right_type::HostMirror
727  T( + target_index*_dimensions*_dimensions, _dimensions, _dimensions);
728  return T(direction, component);
729  }
731  //! Get component of tangent or normal directions for manifold problems
732  double getReferenceNormalDirection(const int target_index, const int component) const {
734  "getRefenceNormalDirection called, but reference outwrad normal directions were never provided.");
735  scratch_vector_type::HostMirror
736  ref_N( + target_index*_dimensions, _dimensions);
737  return ref_N(component);
738  }
740  //! Get a view (device) of all rank 2 preprocessing tensors
741  //! This is a rank 5 tensor that is able to provide data transformation
742  //! into a form that GMLS is able to operate on. The ranks are as follows:
743  //!
744  //! 1 - Either size 2 if it operates on the target site and neighbor site (staggered schemes)
745  //! or 1 if it operates only on the neighbor sites (almost every scheme)
746  //!
747  //! 2 - If the data transform varies with each target site (but could be the same for each neighbor of that target site), then this is the number of target sites
748  //!
749  //! 3 - If the data transform varies with each neighbor of each target site, then this is the number of neighbors for each respective target (max number of neighbors for all target sites is its uniform size)
750  //!
751  //! 4 - Data transform resulting in rank 1 data for the GMLS operator will have size _local_dimensions, otherwise 1
752  //!
753  //! 5 - Data transform taking in rank 1 data will have size _global_dimensions, otherwise 1
755  return _prestencil_weights;
756  }
758  //! Get a view (device) of all polynomial coefficients basis
761  && "Entire batch not computed at once, so getFullPolynomialCoefficientsBasis() can not be called.");
763  && "generateAlphas() called with keep_coefficients set to false.");
765  return _RHS;
766  } else {
767  return _P;
768  }
769  }
771  //! Get the polynomial sampling functional specified at instantiation
774  //! Get the data sampling functional specified at instantiation (often the same as the polynomial sampling functional)
777  //! Get the reconstruction space specified at instantiation
780  //! Returns a stencil to transform data from its existing state into the input expected
781  //! for some sampling functionals.
782  double getPreStencilWeight(SamplingFunctional sro, const int target_index, const int neighbor_index, bool for_target, const int output_component = 0, const int input_component = 0) const {
783  // for certain sampling strategies, linear combinations of the neighbor and target value are needed
784  // for the traditional PointSample, this value is 1 for the neighbor and 0 for the target
785  if (sro == PointSample ) {
786  if (for_target) return 0; else return 1;
787  }
789  // these check conditions on the sampling operator and change indexing on target and neighbors
790  // in order to reuse information, such as if the same data transformation is used, regardless
791  // of target site or neighbor site
792  const int target_index_in_weights =
795  target_index : 0;
796  const int neighbor_index_in_weights =
798  neighbor_index : 0;
800  return _host_prestencil_weights((int)for_target, target_index_in_weights, neighbor_index_in_weights,
801  output_component, input_component);
802  }
804  //! Get solution set on host
805  decltype(_h_ss)* getSolutionSetHost(bool alpha_validity_check=true) {
807  // solution solved for on device, but now solution
808  // requested on the host
810  }
811  compadre_assert_release((!alpha_validity_check || _h_ss._contains_valid_alphas) &&
812  "getSolutionSetHost() called with invalid alpha values.");
813  return &_h_ss;
814  }
816  //! Get solution set on device
817  decltype(_d_ss)* getSolutionSetDevice(bool alpha_validity_check=true) {
818  compadre_assert_release((!alpha_validity_check || _d_ss._contains_valid_alphas) &&
819  "getSolutionSetDevice() called with invalid alpha values.");
820  return &_d_ss;
821  }
823  //! Check if GMLS solution set contains valid alpha values (has generateAlphas been called)
824  bool containsValidAlphas() const { return this->_d_ss._contains_valid_alphas; }
826  //! Get GMLS solution data
829  //! Get GMLS basis data
830  const GMLSBasisData extractBasisData() const;
832 ///@}
835 /** @name Modifiers
836  * Changed member variables through public member functions
837  */
838 ///@{
841  if (_RHS.extent(0) > 0)
842  _RHS = Kokkos::View<double*>("RHS",0);
845  }
847  //! Sets basic problem data (neighbor lists, source coordinates, and target coordinates)
848  template<typename view_type_1, typename view_type_2, typename view_type_3, typename view_type_4>
850  view_type_1 neighbor_lists,
851  view_type_2 source_coordinates,
852  view_type_3 target_coordinates,
853  view_type_4 epsilons) {
854  this->setNeighborLists<view_type_1>(neighbor_lists);
855  this->setSourceSites<view_type_2>(source_coordinates);
856  this->setTargetSites<view_type_3>(target_coordinates);
857  this->setWindowSizes<view_type_4>(epsilons);
858  }
860  //! Sets basic problem data (neighbor lists data, number of neighbors list, source coordinates, and target coordinates)
861  template<typename view_type_1, typename view_type_2, typename view_type_3, typename view_type_4>
863  view_type_1 cr_neighbor_lists,
864  view_type_1 number_of_neighbors_list,
865  view_type_2 source_coordinates,
866  view_type_3 target_coordinates,
867  view_type_4 epsilons) {
868  this->setNeighborLists<view_type_1>(cr_neighbor_lists, number_of_neighbors_list);
869  this->setSourceSites<view_type_2>(source_coordinates);
870  this->setTargetSites<view_type_3>(target_coordinates);
871  this->setWindowSizes<view_type_4>(epsilons);
872  }
874  //! (OPTIONAL) Sets additional evaluation sites for each target site
875  template<typename view_type_1, typename view_type_2>
877  view_type_1 additional_evaluation_indices,
878  view_type_2 additional_evaluation_coordinates) {
879  this->setAuxiliaryEvaluationIndicesLists<view_type_1>(additional_evaluation_indices);
880  this->setAuxiliaryEvaluationCoordinates<view_type_2>(additional_evaluation_coordinates);
881  }
883  //! (OPTIONAL) Sets additional evaluation sites for each target site
884  template<typename view_type_1, typename view_type_2>
886  view_type_1 cr_additional_evaluation_indices,
887  view_type_1 number_of_additional_evaluation_indices,
888  view_type_2 additional_evaluation_coordinates) {
889  this->setAuxiliaryEvaluationIndicesLists<view_type_1>(cr_additional_evaluation_indices,
890  number_of_additional_evaluation_indices);
891  this->setAuxiliaryEvaluationCoordinates<view_type_2>(additional_evaluation_coordinates);
892  }
894  //! Sets neighbor list information from compressed row neighborhood lists data (if same view_type).
895  template <typename view_type>
896  typename std::enable_if<view_type::rank==1&&std::is_same<neighbor_lists_type::internal_view_type,view_type>::value==1, void>::type
897  setNeighborLists(view_type neighbor_lists, view_type number_of_neighbors_list) {
899  auto nla = NeighborLists<view_type>(neighbor_lists, number_of_neighbors_list);
900  this->resetCoefficientData();
901  _pc.setNeighborLists(nla);
902  }
904  //! Sets neighbor list information from compressed row neighborhood lists data (if different view_type).
905  template <typename view_type>
906  typename std::enable_if<view_type::rank==1&&std::is_same<neighbor_lists_type::internal_view_type,view_type>::value==0, void>::type
907  setNeighborLists(view_type neighbor_lists, view_type number_of_neighbors_list) {
909  typedef neighbor_lists_type::internal_view_type gmls_view_type;
910  gmls_view_type d_neighbor_lists("compressed row neighbor lists data", neighbor_lists.extent(0));
911  gmls_view_type d_number_of_neighbors_list("number of neighbors list", number_of_neighbors_list.extent(0));
912  Kokkos::deep_copy(d_neighbor_lists, neighbor_lists);
913  Kokkos::deep_copy(d_number_of_neighbors_list, number_of_neighbors_list);
914  Kokkos::fence();
915  auto nla = NeighborLists<gmls_view_type>(d_neighbor_lists, d_number_of_neighbors_list);
916  this->resetCoefficientData();
917  _pc.setNeighborLists(nla);
918  }
920  //! Sets neighbor list information. Should be # targets x maximum number of neighbors for any target + 1.
921  //! first entry in ever row should be the number of neighbors for the corresponding target.
922  template <typename view_type>
923  typename std::enable_if<view_type::rank==2, void>::type setNeighborLists(view_type neighbor_lists) {
925  auto nla = Convert2DToCompressedRowNeighborLists<decltype(neighbor_lists), Kokkos::View<int*> >(neighbor_lists);
926  this->resetCoefficientData();
927  _pc.setNeighborLists(nla);
928  }
930  //! Sets source coordinate information. Rows of this 2D-array should correspond to neighbor IDs contained in the entries
931  //! of the neighbor lists 2D array.
932  template<typename view_type>
933  void setSourceSites(view_type source_coordinates) {
935  // allocate memory on device
936  auto sc = coordinates_type("device neighbor coordinates",
937  source_coordinates.extent(0), source_coordinates.extent(1));
939  typedef typename view_type::memory_space input_array_memory_space;
940  if (std::is_same<input_array_memory_space, device_memory_space>::value) {
941  // check if on the device, then copy directly
942  // if it is, then it doesn't match the internal layout we use
943  // then copy to the host mirror
944  // switches potential layout mismatches
945  Kokkos::deep_copy(sc, source_coordinates);
946  } else {
947  // if is on the host, copy to the host mirror
948  // then copy to the device
949  // switches potential layout mismatches
950  auto host_source_coordinates = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(sc);
951  Kokkos::deep_copy(host_source_coordinates, source_coordinates);
952  // switches memory spaces
953  Kokkos::deep_copy(sc, host_source_coordinates);
954  }
955  this->resetCoefficientData();
956  _pc.setSourceCoordinates(sc);
957  }
959  //! Sets source coordinate information. Rows of this 2D-array should correspond to neighbor IDs contained in the entries
960  //! of the neighbor lists 2D array.
961  template<typename view_type>
962  void setSourceSites(coordinates_type source_coordinates) {
963  // allocate memory on device
964  this->resetCoefficientData();
965  _pc.setSourceCoordinates(source_coordinates);
966  }
968  //! Sets target coordinate information. Rows of this 2D-array should correspond to rows of the neighbor lists.
969  template<typename view_type>
970  void setTargetSites(view_type target_coordinates) {
971  // allocate memory on device
972  auto tc = coordinates_type("device target coordinates",
973  target_coordinates.extent(0), target_coordinates.extent(1));
975  typedef typename view_type::memory_space input_array_memory_space;
976  if (std::is_same<input_array_memory_space, device_memory_space>::value) {
977  // check if on the device, then copy directly
978  // if it is, then it doesn't match the internal layout we use
979  // then copy to the host mirror
980  // switches potential layout mismatches
981  Kokkos::deep_copy(tc, target_coordinates);
982  } else {
983  // if is on the host, copy to the host mirror
984  // then copy to the device
985  // switches potential layout mismatches
986  auto host_target_coordinates = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(tc);
987  Kokkos::deep_copy(host_target_coordinates, target_coordinates);
988  // switches memory spaces
989  Kokkos::deep_copy(tc, host_target_coordinates);
990  }
991  if (this->getAdditionalEvaluationIndices()->getNumberOfTargets() != target_coordinates.extent_int(0)) {
993  Kokkos::View<int*>(),
994  Kokkos::View<int*>("number of additional evaluation indices",
995  target_coordinates.extent(0))
996  );
997  }
998  this->resetCoefficientData();
999  _pc.setTargetCoordinates(tc);
1000  if (_additional_pc._target_coordinates.extent(0) != _pc._target_coordinates.extent(0)) {
1002  }
1003  }
1005  //! Sets target coordinate information. Rows of this 2D-array should correspond to rows of the neighbor lists.
1006  template<typename view_type>
1007  void setTargetSites(coordinates_type target_coordinates) {
1008  if (this->getAdditionalEvaluationIndices()->getNumberOfTargets() != target_coordinates.extent(0)) {
1010  Kokkos::View<int*>(),
1011  Kokkos::View<int*>("number of additional evaluation indices",
1012  target_coordinates.extent(0))
1013  );
1014  }
1015  this->resetCoefficientData();
1016  _pc.setTargetCoordinates(target_coordinates);
1017  if (_additional_pc._target_coordinates.extent(0) != _pc._target_coordinates.extent(0)) {
1018  _additional_pc.setTargetCoordinates(target_coordinates);
1019  }
1020  }
1022  //! Sets window sizes, also called the support of the kernel
1023  template<typename view_type>
1024  void setWindowSizes(view_type epsilons) {
1026  // allocate memory on device
1027  _epsilons = decltype(_epsilons)("device epsilons", epsilons.extent(0));
1029  // copy data from host to device
1030  Kokkos::deep_copy(_epsilons, epsilons);
1031  this->resetCoefficientData();
1032  }
1034  //! Sets window sizes, also called the support of the kernel (device)
1035  template<typename view_type>
1036  void setWindowSizes(decltype(_epsilons) epsilons) {
1037  // allocate memory on device
1038  _epsilons = epsilons;
1039  this->resetCoefficientData();
1040  }
1042  //! (OPTIONAL)
1043  //! Sets orthonormal tangent directions for reconstruction on a manifold. The first rank of this 2D array
1044  //! corresponds to the target indices, i.e., rows of the neighbor lists 2D array. The second rank is the
1045  //! ordinal of the tangent direction (spatial dimensions-1 are tangent, last one is normal), and the third
1046  //! rank is indices into the spatial dimension.
1047  template<typename view_type>
1048  void setTangentBundle(view_type tangent_directions) {
1049  // accept input from user as a rank 3 tensor
1050  // but convert data to a rank 2 tensor with the last rank of dimension = _dimensions x _dimensions
1051  // this allows for nonstrided views on the device later
1053  // allocate memory on device
1054  compadre_assert_release( tangent_directions.size() % (_dimensions*_dimensions) == 0 &&
1055  "tangent_directions must have cardinality #number of targets * #dimensions * #dimensions");
1056  auto num_targets = tangent_directions.size() / (_dimensions*_dimensions);
1057  _T = decltype(_T)("device tangent directions", num_targets*_dimensions*_dimensions);
1059  compadre_assert_release( (std::is_same<decltype(_T)::memory_space, typename view_type::memory_space>::value) &&
1060  "Memory space does not match between _T and tangent_directions");
1062  auto this_dimensions = _dimensions;
1063  auto this_T = _T;
1064  // rearrange data on device from data given on host
1065  Kokkos::parallel_for("copy tangent vectors", Kokkos::RangePolicy<device_execution_space>(0, num_targets), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int i) {
1066  scratch_matrix_right_type T( + i*this_dimensions*this_dimensions, this_dimensions, this_dimensions);
1067  for (int j=0; j<this_dimensions; ++j) {
1068  for (int k=0; k<this_dimensions; ++k) {
1069  T(j,k) = tangent_directions(i, j, k);
1070  }
1071  }
1072  });
1075  // copy data from device back to host in rearranged format
1076  _host_T = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(_T);
1077  Kokkos::deep_copy(_host_T, _T);
1078  this->resetCoefficientData();
1079  }
1081  //! (OPTIONAL)
1082  //! Sets outward normal direction. For manifolds this may be used for orienting surface. It is also accessible
1083  //! for sampling operators that require a normal direction.
1084  template<typename view_type>
1085  void setReferenceOutwardNormalDirection(view_type outward_normal_directions, bool use_to_orient_surface = true) {
1086  // accept input from user as a rank 2 tensor
1088  // allocate memory on device
1089  _ref_N = decltype(_ref_N)("device normal directions", _pc._target_coordinates.extent(0)*_dimensions);
1090  // to assist LAMBDA capture
1091  auto this_ref_N = this->_ref_N;
1092  auto this_dimensions = this->_dimensions;
1094  // rearrange data on device from data given on host
1095  Kokkos::parallel_for("copy normal vectors", Kokkos::RangePolicy<device_execution_space>(0, _pc._target_coordinates.extent(0)), KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int i) {
1096  for (int j=0; j<this_dimensions; ++j) {
1097  this_ref_N(i*this_dimensions + j) = outward_normal_directions(i, j);
1098  }
1099  });
1100  Kokkos::fence();
1104  // copy data from device back to host in rearranged format
1105  _host_ref_N = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(_ref_N);
1106  Kokkos::deep_copy(_host_ref_N, _ref_N);
1107  this->resetCoefficientData();
1108  }
1110  //! (OPTIONAL)
1111  //! Sets extra data to be used by sampling functionals in certain instances.
1112  template<typename view_type>
1113  void setSourceExtraData(view_type extra_data) {
1115  // allocate memory on device
1116  _source_extra_data = decltype(_source_extra_data)("device source extra data", extra_data.extent(0), extra_data.extent(1));
1118  auto host_extra_data = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(_source_extra_data);
1119  Kokkos::deep_copy(host_extra_data, extra_data);
1120  // copy data from host to device
1121  Kokkos::deep_copy(_source_extra_data, host_extra_data);
1122  this->resetCoefficientData();
1123  }
1125  //! (OPTIONAL)
1126  //! Sets extra data to be used by sampling functionals in certain instances. (device)
1127  template<typename view_type>
1128  void setSourceExtraData(decltype(_source_extra_data) extra_data) {
1129  // allocate memory on device
1130  _source_extra_data = extra_data;
1131  this->resetCoefficientData();
1132  }
1134  //! (OPTIONAL)
1135  //! Sets extra data to be used by target operations in certain instances.
1136  template<typename view_type>
1137  void setTargetExtraData(view_type extra_data) {
1139  // allocate memory on device
1140  _target_extra_data = decltype(_target_extra_data)("device target extra data", extra_data.extent(0), extra_data.extent(1));
1142  auto host_extra_data = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(_target_extra_data);
1143  Kokkos::deep_copy(host_extra_data, extra_data);
1144  // copy data from host to device
1145  Kokkos::deep_copy(_target_extra_data, host_extra_data);
1146  this->resetCoefficientData();
1147  }
1149  //! (OPTIONAL)
1150  //! Sets extra data to be used by target operations in certain instances. (device)
1151  template<typename view_type>
1152  void setTargetExtraData(decltype(_target_extra_data) extra_data) {
1153  // allocate memory on device
1154  _target_extra_data = extra_data;
1155  this->resetCoefficientData();
1156  }
1158  //! Set dense solver type type
1160  _dense_solver_type = dst;
1161  this->resetCoefficientData();
1162  }
1164  //! Set constraint type
1166  _constraint_type = ct;
1167  this->resetCoefficientData();
1168  }
1170  //! Type for weighting kernel for GMLS problem
1171  void setWeightingType( const std::string &wt) {
1172  std::string wt_to_lower = wt;
1173  transform(wt_to_lower.begin(), wt_to_lower.end(), wt_to_lower.begin(), ::tolower);
1174  if (wt_to_lower == "power") {
1176  } else if (wt_to_lower == "gaussian") {
1178  } else if (wt_to_lower == "cubicspline") {
1180  } else if (wt_to_lower == "cardinalcubicbspline") {
1182  } else if (wt_to_lower == "cosine") {
1184  } else if (wt_to_lower == "sigmoid") {
1186  } else {
1187  // Power is default
1189  }
1190  this->resetCoefficientData();
1191  }
1193  //! Type for weighting kernel for GMLS problem
1195  _weighting_type = wt;
1196  this->resetCoefficientData();
1197  }
1199  //! Type for weighting kernel for curvature
1200  void setCurvatureWeightingType( const std::string &wt) {
1201  std::string wt_to_lower = wt;
1202  transform(wt_to_lower.begin(), wt_to_lower.end(), wt_to_lower.begin(), ::tolower);
1203  if (wt_to_lower == "power") {
1205  } else if (wt_to_lower == "gaussian") {
1207  } else if (wt_to_lower == "cubicspline") {
1209  } else if (wt_to_lower == "cardinalcubicbspline") {
1211  } else if (wt_to_lower == "cosine") {
1213  } else if (wt_to_lower == "sigmoid") {
1215  } else {
1216  // Power is default
1218  }
1219  this->resetCoefficientData();
1220  }
1222  //! Type for weighting kernel for curvature
1225  this->resetCoefficientData();
1226  }
1228  //! Sets basis order to be used when reconstructing any function
1229  void setPolynomialOrder(const int poly_order) {
1230  compadre_assert_release(poly_order<11 && "Unsupported polynomial order (>=11).");
1231  _poly_order = poly_order;
1232  _NP = this->getNP(_poly_order, _dimensions, _reconstruction_space);
1233  this->resetCoefficientData();
1234  }
1236  //! Sets basis order to be used when reconstruction curvature
1237  void setCurvaturePolynomialOrder(const int curvature_poly_order) {
1238  compadre_assert_release(curvature_poly_order<11 && "Unsupported curvature polynomial order (>=11).");
1239  _curvature_poly_order = curvature_poly_order;
1240  this->resetCoefficientData();
1241  }
1243  //! Parameter for weighting kernel for GMLS problem
1244  //! index = 0 sets p paramater for weighting kernel
1245  //! index = 1 sets n paramater for weighting kernel
1246  void setWeightingParameter(int wp, int index = 0) {
1247  if (index==1) {
1248  _weighting_n = wp;
1249  } else {
1250  _weighting_p = wp;
1251  }
1252  this->resetCoefficientData();
1253  }
1255  //! Parameter for weighting kernel for curvature
1256  //! index = 0 sets p paramater for weighting kernel
1257  //! index = 1 sets n paramater for weighting kernel
1258  void setCurvatureWeightingParameter(int wp, int index = 0) {
1259  if (index==1) {
1261  } else {
1263  }
1264  this->resetCoefficientData();
1265  }
1267  //! Number quadrature points to use
1268  void setOrderOfQuadraturePoints(int order) {
1270  this->resetCoefficientData();
1271  }
1273  //! Dimensions of quadrature points to use
1276  this->resetCoefficientData();
1277  }
1279  //! Type of quadrature points
1280  void setQuadratureType(std::string quadrature_type) {
1281  _quadrature_type = quadrature_type;
1282  this->resetCoefficientData();
1283  }
1285  //! Adds a target to the vector of target functional to be applied to the reconstruction
1287  _h_ss.addTargets(lro);
1288  this->resetCoefficientData();
1289  }
1291  //! Adds a vector of target functionals to the vector of target functionals already to be applied to the reconstruction
1292  void addTargets(std::vector<TargetOperation> lro) {
1293  _h_ss.addTargets(lro);
1294  this->resetCoefficientData();
1295  }
1297  //! Empties the vector of target functionals to apply to the reconstruction
1298  void clearTargets() {
1299  _h_ss.clearTargets();
1300  this->resetCoefficientData();
1301  }
1303  //! Verify whether _pc is valid
1304  bool verifyPointConnections(bool assert_valid = false) {
1305  bool result = (_pc._target_coordinates.extent_int(0)==_pc._nla.getNumberOfTargets());
1306  compadre_assert_release((!assert_valid || result) &&
1307  "Target coordinates and neighbor lists have different size.");
1309  result &= (_pc._source_coordinates.extent(1)==_pc._target_coordinates.extent(1));
1310  compadre_assert_release((!assert_valid || result) &&
1311  "Source coordinates and target coordinates have different dimensions.");
1313  result &= (_pc._source_coordinates.extent(0)>0||_pc._target_coordinates.extent(0)==0);
1314  compadre_assert_release((!assert_valid || result) &&
1315  "Source coordinates not set in GMLS class before calling generatePolynomialCoefficients.");
1316  return result;
1317  }
1319  //! Verify whether _additional_pc is valid
1320  bool verifyAdditionalPointConnections(bool assert_valid = false) {
1321  bool result = (_additional_pc._target_coordinates.extent_int(0)==_additional_pc._nla.getNumberOfTargets());
1322  compadre_assert_release((!assert_valid || result) &&
1323  "Target coordinates and additional evaluation indices have different size.");
1325  result &= (_pc._target_coordinates.extent(0)==_additional_pc._target_coordinates.extent(0));
1326  compadre_assert_release((!assert_valid || result) &&
1327  "Target coordinates and additional evaluation indices have different size.");
1329  if (_additional_pc._source_coordinates.extent(0)>0) {
1330  result &= (_additional_pc._target_coordinates.extent(1)==_additional_pc._source_coordinates.extent(1));
1331  compadre_assert_release((!assert_valid || result) &&
1332  "Target coordinates and additional evaluation coordinates have different dimensions.");
1333  }
1334  return result;
1335  }
1337  /*! \brief Generates polynomial coefficients by setting up and solving least squares problems
1338  Sets up the batch of GMLS problems to be solved for. Provides alpha values
1339  that can later be contracted against data or degrees of freedom to form a
1340  global linear system.
1342  \param number_of_batches [in] - how many batches to break up the total workload into (for storage)
1343  \param keep_coefficients [in] - whether to store (P^T W P)^-1 * P^T * W
1344  \param clear_cache [in] - clear whatever temporary memory was used for calculations that
1345  \a keep_coefficients hasn't indicated needs to be saved
1347  \a clear_cache should be \a false to be used for debugging as it will leave all data structures used to
1348  compute the solution intact. If \a clear_cache is set \a true and \a keep_coefficients is \a true, it will
1349  allow the polynomial coefficients to persist after calculation.
1350  */
1351  void generatePolynomialCoefficients(const int number_of_batches = 1, const bool keep_coefficients = false,
1352  const bool clear_cache = true);
1354  /*! \brief Meant to calculate target operations and apply the evaluations to the previously
1355  constructed polynomial coefficients. But now that is inside of generatePolynomialCoefficients because
1356  it must be to handle number_of_batches>1. Effectively, this just calls generatePolynomialCoefficients.
1358  \param number_of_batches [in] - how many batches to break up the total workload into (for storage)
1359  \param keep_coefficients [in] - whether to store (P^T W P)^-1 * P^T * W
1360  \param clear_cache [in] - clear whatever temporary memory was used for calculations that
1361  \a keep_coefficients hasn't indicated needs to be saved
1363  \a clear_cache should be \a false to be used for debugging as it will leave all data structures used to
1364  compute the solution intact. If \a clear_cache is set \a true and \a keep_coefficients is \a true, it will
1365  allow the polynomial coefficients to persist after calculation.
1366  */
1367  void generateAlphas(const int number_of_batches = 1, const bool keep_coefficients = false,
1368  const bool clear_cache = true);
1370 ///@}
1373 }; // GMLS Class
1374 } // Compadre
1376 #endif
Kokkos::View< int *, host_execution_space > host_managed_local_index_type
#define compadre_kernel_assert_release(condition)
compadre_kernel_assert_release is similar to compadre_assert_release, but is a call on the device,...
#define compadre_assert_debug(condition)
compadre_assert_debug is used for assertions that are checked in loops, as these significantly impact...
Kokkos::View< double **, layout_right, Kokkos::MemoryTraits< Kokkos::Unmanaged > > scratch_matrix_right_type
#define compadre_assert_release(condition)
compadre_assert_release is used for assertions that should always be checked, but generally are not e...
Lightweight Evaluator Helper This class is a lightweight wrapper for extracting and applying all rele...
Generalized Moving Least Squares (GMLS)
SolutionSet< device_memory_space > _d_ss
int _sampling_multiplier
actual dimension of the sampling functional e.g.
void setWindowSizes(decltype(_epsilons) epsilons)
Sets window sizes, also called the support of the kernel (device)
neighbor_lists_type * getNeighborLists() const
Get neighbor list accessor.
host_managed_local_index_type getPolynomialCoefficientsMemorySize() const
Returns 2D array size in memory on which coefficients are stored.
decltype(_RHS) getFullPolynomialCoefficientsBasis() const
Get a view (device) of all polynomial coefficients basis.
Kokkos::View< const double *****, layout_right >::HostMirror _host_prestencil_weights
generated weights for nontraditional samples required to transform data into expected sampling functi...
void addTargets(TargetOperation lro)
Adds a target to the vector of target functional to be applied to the reconstruction.
double getPreStencilWeight(SamplingFunctional sro, const int target_index, const int neighbor_index, bool for_target, const int output_component=0, const int input_component=0) const
Returns a stencil to transform data from its existing state into the input expected for some sampling...
void setDimensionOfQuadraturePoints(int dim)
Dimensions of quadrature points to use.
void setCurvatureWeightingType(const WeightingFunctionType wt)
Type for weighting kernel for curvature.
int _weighting_p
first parameter to be used for weighting kernel
std::string _quadrature_type
quadrature rule type
void setSourceExtraData(decltype(_source_extra_data) extra_data)
(OPTIONAL) Sets extra data to be used by sampling functionals in certain instances.
std::enable_if< view_type::rank==1 &&std::is_same< neighbor_lists_type::internal_view_type, view_type >::value==0, void >::type setAuxiliaryEvaluationIndicesLists(view_type additional_evaluation_indices, view_type number_of_neighbors_list)
(OPTIONAL) Sets the additional target evaluation indices list information from compressed row format ...
Kokkos::View< double * > _T
Rank 3 tensor for high order approximation of tangent vectors for all problems.
point_connections_type _additional_pc
(OPTIONAL) connections between additional points and neighbors
void setWeightingType(const WeightingFunctionType wt)
Type for weighting kernel for GMLS problem.
int getLocalDimensions() const
Local dimension of the GMLS problem (less than global dimension if on a manifold),...
void addTargets(std::vector< TargetOperation > lro)
Adds a vector of target functionals to the vector of target functionals already to be applied to the ...
bool _reference_outward_normal_direction_provided
whether or not the reference outward normal directions were provided by the user.
int _basis_multiplier
dimension of the reconstructed function e.g.
std::enable_if< view_type::rank==2, void >::type setAuxiliaryEvaluationIndicesLists(view_type additional_evaluation_indices)
(OPTIONAL) Sets the additional target evaluation indices list information.
ReconstructionSpace _reconstruction_space
reconstruction space for GMLS problems, set at GMLS class instantiation
int _reconstruction_space_rank
actual rank of reconstruction basis
void setProblemData(view_type_1 cr_neighbor_lists, view_type_1 number_of_neighbors_list, view_type_2 source_coordinates, view_type_3 target_coordinates, view_type_4 epsilons)
Sets basic problem data (neighbor lists data, number of neighbors list, source coordinates,...
Kokkos::View< double * > _manifold_metric_tensor_inverse
metric tensor inverse for all problems
int getOrderOfQuadraturePoints() const
Order of quadrature points.
const GMLSSolutionData extractSolutionData() const
Get GMLS solution data.
void setReferenceOutwardNormalDirection(view_type outward_normal_directions, bool use_to_orient_surface=true)
(OPTIONAL) Sets outward normal direction.
int _order_of_quadrature_points
order of exact polynomial integration for quadrature rule
void setCurvatureWeightingParameter(int wp, int index=0)
Parameter for weighting kernel for curvature index = 0 sets p paramater for weighting kernel index = ...
int getDimensions() const
Dimension of the GMLS problem, set only at class instantiation.
int _global_dimensions
spatial dimension of the points, set at class instantiation only
void setSourceExtraData(view_type extra_data)
(OPTIONAL) Sets extra data to be used by sampling functionals in certain instances.
void generatePolynomialCoefficients(const int number_of_batches=1, const bool keep_coefficients=false, const bool clear_cache=true)
Generates polynomial coefficients by setting up and solving least squares problems Sets up the batch ...
ReconstructionSpace getReconstructionSpace() const
Get the reconstruction space specified at instantiation.
Kokkos::View< double * > _epsilons
h supports determined through neighbor search (device)
PointConnections< Kokkos::View< double **, layout_right >, Kokkos::View< double **, layout_right >, NeighborLists< Kokkos::View< int * > > > point_connections_type
GMLS(ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, SamplingFunctional dual_sampling_strategy, const int poly_order, const int dimensions=3, const std::string dense_solver_type=std::string("QR"), const std::string problem_type=std::string("STANDARD"), const std::string constraint_type=std::string("NO_CONSTRAINT"), const int manifold_curvature_poly_order=2)
Constructor for the case when nonstandard sampling functionals or reconstruction spaces are to be use...
WeightingFunctionType _weighting_type
weighting kernel type for GMLS
ProblemType _problem_type
problem type for GMLS problem, can also be set to STANDARD for normal or MANIFOLD for manifold proble...
int getPolynomialCoefficientsSize() const
Returns size of the basis used in instance's polynomial reconstruction.
int getDimensionOfQuadraturePoints() const
Dimensions of quadrature points.
int _data_sampling_multiplier
effective dimension of the data sampling functional e.g.
std::string getQuadratureType() const
Type of quadrature points.
bool containsValidAlphas() const
Check if GMLS solution set contains valid alpha values (has generateAlphas been called)
int getPolynomialOrder() const
Get basis order used for reconstruction.
void setSourceSites(coordinates_type source_coordinates)
Sets source coordinate information.
void setTangentBundle(view_type tangent_directions)
(OPTIONAL) Sets orthonormal tangent directions for reconstruction on a manifold.
Kokkos::View< double **, layout_right > _source_extra_data
Extra data available to basis functions (optional)
WeightingFunctionType getManifoldWeightingType() const
Type for weighting kernel for curvature.
DenseSolverType _dense_solver_type
solver type for GMLS problem - can be QR, SVD or LU
Kokkos::View< TargetOperation * > _curvature_support_operations
vector containing target functionals to be applied for curvature
void setAdditionalEvaluationSitesData(view_type_1 additional_evaluation_indices, view_type_2 additional_evaluation_coordinates)
(OPTIONAL) Sets additional evaluation sites for each target site
DenseSolverType getDenseSolverType() const
Get dense solver type.
int getGlobalDimensions() const
Dimension of the GMLS problem's point data (spatial description of points in ambient space),...
void setDenseSolverType(const DenseSolverType dst)
Set dense solver type type.
Kokkos::View< double * > _Z
stores evaluations of targets applied to basis
int _initial_index_for_batch
initial index for current batch
void clearTargets()
Empties the vector of target functionals to apply to the reconstruction.
decltype(_ref_N) * getReferenceNormalDirections()
Get a view (device) of all reference outward normal directions.
Kokkos::View< TargetOperation * >::HostMirror _host_operations
vector containing target functionals to be applied for reconstruction problem (host)
void setAdditionalEvaluationSitesData(view_type_1 cr_additional_evaluation_indices, view_type_1 number_of_additional_evaluation_indices, view_type_2 additional_evaluation_coordinates)
(OPTIONAL) Sets additional evaluation sites for each target site
void setWeightingParameter(int wp, int index=0)
Parameter for weighting kernel for GMLS problem index = 0 sets p paramater for weighting kernel index...
int _NP
dimension of basis for polynomial reconstruction
void generateAlphas(const int number_of_batches=1, const bool keep_coefficients=false, const bool clear_cache=true)
Meant to calculate target operations and apply the evaluations to the previously constructed polynomi...
decltype(_pc) * getPointConnections()
Get a view (device) of all point connection info.
void setTargetExtraData(decltype(_target_extra_data) extra_data)
(OPTIONAL) Sets extra data to be used by target operations in certain instances.
void setCurvaturePolynomialOrder(const int curvature_poly_order)
Sets basis order to be used when reconstruction curvature.
int getWeightingParameter(const int index=0) const
Get parameter for weighting kernel for GMLS problem.
int _poly_order
order of basis for polynomial reconstruction
void setAuxiliaryEvaluationCoordinates(view_type evaluation_coordinates)
(OPTIONAL) Sets additional points for evaluation of target operation on polynomial reconstruction.
void setOrderOfQuadraturePoints(int order)
Number quadrature points to use.
bool verifyPointConnections(bool assert_valid=false)
Verify whether _pc is valid.
decltype(_d_ss) * getSolutionSetDevice(bool alpha_validity_check=true)
Get solution set on device.
Kokkos::View< double * > _manifold_curvature_coefficients
curvature polynomial coefficients for all problems
SamplingFunctional _data_sampling_functional
generally the same as _polynomial_sampling_functional, but can differ if specified at
SolutionSet< host_memory_space > _h_ss
Solution Set (contains all alpha values from solution and alpha layout methods)
ConstraintType _constraint_type
constraint type for GMLS problem
Kokkos::View< double **, layout_right > _target_extra_data
Extra data available to target operations (optional)
WeightingFunctionType getWeightingType() const
Type for weighting kernel for GMLS problem.
std::enable_if< view_type::rank==1 &&std::is_same< neighbor_lists_type::internal_view_type, view_type >::value==1, void >::type setAuxiliaryEvaluationIndicesLists(view_type additional_evaluation_indices, view_type number_of_neighbors_list)
(OPTIONAL) Sets the additional target evaluation indices list information from compressed row format ...
double getReferenceNormalDirection(const int target_index, const int component) const
Get component of tangent or normal directions for manifold problems.
decltype(_h_ss) * getSolutionSetHost(bool alpha_validity_check=true)
Get solution set on host.
static ProblemType parseProblemType(const std::string &problem_type)
Parses a string to determine problem type.
static ConstraintType parseConstraintType(const std::string &constraint_type)
Parses a string to determine constraint type.
int _dimensions
dimension of the problem, set at class instantiation only
int _curvature_poly_order
order of basis for curvature reconstruction
GMLS(const int poly_order, const int dimensions=3, const std::string dense_solver_type=std::string("QR"), const std::string problem_type=std::string("STANDARD"), const std::string constraint_type=std::string("NO_CONSTRAINT"), const int manifold_curvature_poly_order=2)
Constructor for the case when the data sampling functional does not match the polynomial sampling fun...
int _curvature_weighting_p
first parameter to be used for weighting kernel for curvature
decltype(_epsilons) * getWindowSizes()
Get a view (device) of all window sizes.
bool _use_reference_outward_normal_direction_provided_to_orient_surface
whether or not to use reference outward normal directions to orient the surface in a manifold problem...
void setQuadratureType(std::string quadrature_type)
Type of quadrature points.
int getManifoldWeightingParameter(const int index=0) const
Get parameter for weighting kernel for curvature.
void setProblemData(view_type_1 neighbor_lists, view_type_2 source_coordinates, view_type_3 target_coordinates, view_type_4 epsilons)
Sets basic problem data (neighbor lists, source coordinates, and target coordinates)
ParallelManager _pm
determines scratch level spaces and is used to call kernels
std::enable_if< view_type::rank==1 &&std::is_same< neighbor_lists_type::internal_view_type, view_type >::value==0, void >::type setNeighborLists(view_type neighbor_lists, view_type number_of_neighbors_list)
Sets neighbor list information from compressed row neighborhood lists data (if different view_type).
WeightingFunctionType _curvature_weighting_type
weighting kernel type for curvature problem
void setWeightingType(const std::string &wt)
Type for weighting kernel for GMLS problem.
int _weighting_n
second parameter to be used for weighting kernel
int getCurvaturePolynomialOrder() const
Get basis order used for curvature reconstruction.
void setConstraintType(const ConstraintType ct)
Set constraint type.
Kokkos::View< TargetOperation * > _operations
vector containing target functionals to be applied for reconstruction problem (device)
bool _orthonormal_tangent_space_provided
whether or not the orthonormal tangent directions were provided by the user.
Kokkos::View< double * > _RHS
sqrt(w)*Identity matrix for all problems, later holds polynomial coefficients for all problems
SamplingFunctional _polynomial_sampling_functional
polynomial sampling functional used to construct P matrix, set at GMLS class instantiation NOTE: ca...
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getNN(const int m, const int dimension=3, const ReconstructionSpace r_space=ReconstructionSpace::ScalarTaylorPolynomial)
Returns number of neighbors needed for unisolvency for a given basis order and dimension.
Kokkos::View< double * > _P
P*sqrt(w) matrix for all problems.
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getNP(const int m, const int dimension=3, const ReconstructionSpace r_space=ReconstructionSpace::ScalarTaylorPolynomial)
Returns size of the basis for a given polynomial order and dimension General to dimension 1....
void setPolynomialOrder(const int poly_order)
Sets basis order to be used when reconstructing any function.
NeighborLists< Kokkos::View< int * > > neighbor_lists_type
GMLS(ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, const SamplingFunctional polynomial_sampling_strategy, const SamplingFunctional data_sampling_strategy, const int poly_order, const int dimensions, const DenseSolverType dense_solver_type, const ProblemType problem_type, const ConstraintType constraint_type, const int manifold_curvature_poly_order)
Maximal constructor, not intended for users.
SamplingFunctional getDataSamplingFunctional() const
Get the data sampling functional specified at instantiation (often the same as the polynomial samplin...
decltype(_T) * getTangentDirections()
Get a view (device) of all tangent direction bundles.
void resetCoefficientData()
const GMLSBasisData extractBasisData() const
Get GMLS basis data.
void setTargetSites(view_type target_coordinates)
Sets target coordinate information. Rows of this 2D-array should correspond to rows of the neighbor l...
static DenseSolverType parseSolverType(const std::string &dense_solver_type)
Parses a string to determine solver type.
Kokkos::View< double **, layout_right > coordinates_type
point_connections_type _pc
connections between points and neighbors
SamplingFunctional getPolynomialSamplingFunctional() const
Get the polynomial sampling functional specified at instantiation.
void setSourceSites(view_type source_coordinates)
Sets source coordinate information.
Kokkos::View< double *****, layout_right > _prestencil_weights
generated weights for nontraditional samples required to transform data into expected sampling functi...
Kokkos::View< double * >::HostMirror _host_ref_N
reference outward normal vectors information (host)
decltype(_additional_pc) * getAdditionalPointConnections()
(OPTIONAL) Get a view (device) of all additional evaluation point connection info
ProblemType getProblemType() const
Get problem type.
ConstraintType getConstraintType() const
Get constraint type.
void setCurvatureWeightingType(const std::string &wt)
Type for weighting kernel for curvature.
Kokkos::View< double * > _w
contains weights for all problems
host_managed_local_index_type getPolynomialCoefficientsDomainRangeSize() const
Returns (size of the basis used in instance's polynomial reconstruction) x (data input dimension)
void setWindowSizes(view_type epsilons)
Sets window sizes, also called the support of the kernel.
int _curvature_weighting_n
second parameter to be used for weighting kernel for curvature
bool _entire_batch_computed_at_once
whether entire calculation was computed at once the alternative is that it was broken up over many sm...
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double Wab(const double r, const double h, const WeightingFunctionType &weighting_type, const int p, const int n)
Evaluates the weighting kernel.
int _local_dimensions
dimension of the problem, set at class instantiation only. For manifolds, generally _global_dimension...
GMLS(ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, const SamplingFunctional polynomial_sampling_strategy, const SamplingFunctional data_sampling_strategy, const int poly_order, const int dimensions=3, const std::string dense_solver_type=std::string("QR"), const std::string problem_type=std::string("STANDARD"), const std::string constraint_type=std::string("NO_CONSTRAINT"), const int manifold_curvature_poly_order=2)
Maximal constructor, but with string arguments.
std::enable_if< view_type::rank==2, void >::type setNeighborLists(view_type neighbor_lists)
Sets neighbor list information.
Kokkos::View< double * > _manifold_curvature_gradient
_dimension-1 gradient values for curvature for all problems
Kokkos::View< double * >::HostMirror _host_T
tangent vectors information (host)
neighbor_lists_type * getAdditionalEvaluationIndices() const
(OPTIONAL) Get additional evaluation sites neighbor list-like accessor
std::enable_if< view_type::rank==1 &&std::is_same< neighbor_lists_type::internal_view_type, view_type >::value==1, void >::type setNeighborLists(view_type neighbor_lists, view_type number_of_neighbors_list)
Sets neighbor list information from compressed row neighborhood lists data (if same view_type).
bool verifyAdditionalPointConnections(bool assert_valid=false)
Verify whether _additional_pc is valid.
bool _store_PTWP_inv_PTW
whether polynomial coefficients were requested to be stored (in a state not yet applied to data)
int _dimension_of_quadrature_points
dimension of quadrature rule
void setTargetExtraData(view_type extra_data)
(OPTIONAL) Sets extra data to be used by target operations in certain instances.
double getTangentBundle(const int target_index, const int direction, const int component) const
Get component of tangent or normal directions for manifold problems.
void setTargetSites(coordinates_type target_coordinates)
Sets target coordinate information. Rows of this 2D-array should correspond to rows of the neighbor l...
Kokkos::View< double * > _ref_N
Rank 2 tensor for high order approximation of tangent vectors for all problems.
int getNumberOfQuadraturePoints() const
Number of quadrature points.
void setAuxiliaryEvaluationCoordinates(coordinates_type evaluation_coordinates)
(OPTIONAL) Sets additional points for evaluation of target operation on polynomial reconstruction.
Quadrature _qm
manages and calculates quadrature
decltype(_prestencil_weights) getPrestencilWeights() const
Get a view (device) of all rank 2 preprocessing tensors This is a rank 5 tensor that is able to provi...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getNumberOfQuadraturePoints() const
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getSize(const int degree, const int dimension)
Returns size of basis.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getSize(const int degree, const int dimension)
Returns size of basis.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getSize(const int degree, const int dimension)
Returns size of basis.
NeighborLists< view_type_1d > Convert2DToCompressedRowNeighborLists(view_type_2d neighbor_lists)
Converts 2D neighbor lists to compressed row neighbor lists.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void getRHSDims(DenseSolverType dense_solver_type, ConstraintType constraint_type, ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, const int dimension, const int M, const int N, int &RHS_row, int &RHS_col)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getActualReconstructionSpaceRank(const int &index)
Number of actual components in the ReconstructionSpace.
Constraint type.
Neumann Gradient Scalar Type.
No constraint.
constexpr SamplingFunctional PointSample
Available sampling functionals.
Space in which to reconstruct polynomial.
@ DivergenceFreeVectorTaylorPolynomial
Divergence-free vector polynomial basis.
@ BernsteinPolynomial
Bernstein polynomial basis.
@ ScalarTaylorPolynomial
Scalar polynomial basis centered at the target site and scaled by sum of basis powers e....
@ VectorOfScalarClonesTaylorPolynomial
Scalar basis reused as many times as there are components in the vector resulting in a much cheaper p...
Problem type, that optionally can handle manifolds.
Standard GMLS problem type.
Solve GMLS problem on a manifold (will use QR or SVD to solve the resultant GMLS problem dependent on...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void getPDims(DenseSolverType dense_solver_type, ConstraintType constraint_type, ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, const int dimension, const int M, const int N, int &out_row, int &out_col)
constexpr SamplingFunctional ManifoldVectorPointSample
Point evaluations of the entire vector source function (but on a manifold, so it includes a transform...
constexpr SamplingFunctional VectorPointSample
Point evaluations of the entire vector source function.
Dense solver type.
@ LU
LU factorization performed on P^T*W*P matrix.
@ QR
QR+Pivoting factorization performed on P*sqrt(w) matrix.
@ DifferentEachNeighbor
Each target applies a different transform for each neighbor.
@ DifferentEachTarget
Each target applies a different data transform, but the same to each neighbor.
Available target functionals.
@ GradientOfScalarPointEvaluation
Point evaluation of the gradient of a scalar.
Available weighting kernel function types.
NeighborLists assists in accessing entries of compressed row neighborhood lists.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getMaxNumNeighbors() const
Get the maximum number of neighbors of all targets' neighborhoods (host/device)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getNumberOfTargets() const
Get number of total targets having neighborhoods (host/device).
Combines NeighborLists with the PointClouds from which it was derived Assumed that memory_space is th...
void setSourceCoordinates(view_type_2 source_coordinates)
Update only source coordinates.
void setNeighborLists(nla_type nla)
Update only target coordinates.
void setTargetCoordinates(view_type_1 target_coordinates)
Update only target coordinates.
device_mirror_source_view_type _source_coordinates
device_mirror_target_view_type _target_coordinates
int transform_type
Describes the SamplingFunction relationship to targets, neighbors.
void addTargets(TargetOperation lro)
Adds a target to the vector of target functional to be applied to the reconstruction.
void clearTargets()
Empties the vector of target functionals to apply to the reconstruction.
int _max_evaluation_sites_per_target
maximum number of evaluation sites for each target (includes target site)
bool _contains_valid_alphas
whether internal alpha values are valid (set externally on a solve)
void copyAlphas(SolutionSet< other_memory_space > &other)
Copies alphas between two instances of SolutionSet Copying of alphas is intentionally omitted in copy...