Compadre  1.6.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Compadre: COMpatible PArticle Discretization and REmap Toolkit
4 //
5 // Copyright 2018 NTESS and the Compadre contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
9 #include "Compadre_GMLS.hpp"
10 #include "Compadre_Functors.hpp"
12 namespace Compadre {
14 void GMLS::generatePolynomialCoefficients(const int number_of_batches, const bool keep_coefficients, const bool clear_cache) {
16  compadre_assert_release( (keep_coefficients==false || number_of_batches==1)
17  && "keep_coefficients is set to true, but number of batches exceeds 1.");
19  /*
20  * Verify PointConnections are valid
21  */
22  this->verifyPointConnections(true);
25  // ensure that solution set has neighbor list consistent with point connections
29  /*
30  * Generate Quadrature
31  */
34  /*
35  * Generate SolutionSet on device
36  */
39  /*
40  * Operations to Device
41  */
43  // copy over operations
44  _operations = decltype(_operations)("operations", _h_ss._lro.size());
45  _host_operations = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(_operations);
47  // make sure at least one target operation specified
48  compadre_assert_release((_h_ss._lro.size() > 0)
49  && "No target operations added to GMLS class before calling generatePolynomialCoefficients().");
51  // loop through list of linear reconstruction operations to be performed and set them on the host
52  for (size_t i=0; i<_h_ss._lro.size(); ++i) _host_operations(i) = _h_ss._lro[i];
54  // get copy of operations on the device
55  Kokkos::deep_copy(_operations, _host_operations);
57  /*
58  * Initialize Alphas and Prestencil Weights
59  */
61  // throw an assertion for QR solver incompatibility
62  // TODO: this is a temporary location for this check, in the future the
63  // constraint type could be an object that can check when given a dense_solver_type
66  && "Cannot solve GMLS problems with the NEUMANN_GRAD_SCALAR constraint using QR Factorization.");
68  // calculate the additional size for different constraint problems
72  // initialize all alpha values to be used for taking the dot product with data to get a reconstruction
73  try {
75  int total_added_alphas = _pc._target_coordinates.extent(0)*_d_ss._added_alpha_size;
76  _d_ss._alphas =
77  decltype(_d_ss._alphas)("alphas", (total_neighbors + TO_GLOBAL(total_added_alphas))
79  // this deep copy writes to all theoretically allocated memory,
80  // ensuring that allocation attempted was successful
81  Kokkos::deep_copy(_d_ss._alphas, 0.0);
82  } catch(std::exception &e) {
83  printf("Insufficient memory to store alphas: \n\n%s", e.what());
84  throw e;
85  }
87  // initialize the prestencil weights that are applied to sampling data to put it into a form
88  // that the GMLS operator will be able to operate on
89  auto sro = _data_sampling_functional;
90  int max_num_neighbors = _pc._nla.getMaxNumNeighbors();
91  try {
92  _prestencil_weights = decltype(_prestencil_weights)("Prestencil weights",
93  std::pow(2,sro.use_target_site_weights),
94  (sro.transform_type==DifferentEachTarget
95  || sro.transform_type==DifferentEachNeighbor) ?
96  this->getNeighborLists()->getNumberOfTargets() : 1,
97  (sro.transform_type==DifferentEachNeighbor) ?
98  max_num_neighbors : 1,
99  (sro.output_rank>0) ?
100  _local_dimensions : 1,
101  (sro.input_rank>0) ?
102  _global_dimensions : 1);
103  } catch(std::exception &e) {
104  printf("Insufficient memory to store prestencil weights: \n\n%s", e.what());
105  throw e;
106  }
107  Kokkos::fence();
109  /*
110  * Determine if Nonstandard Sampling Dimension or Basis Component Dimension
111  */
113  // calculate the dimension of the basis (a vector space on a manifold requires two components, for example)
116  // calculate sampling dimension
119  // effective number of components in the basis
122  // special case for using a higher order for sampling from a polynomial space that are gradients of a scalar polynomial
124  // if the reconstruction is being made with a gradient of a basis, then we want that basis to be one order higher so that
125  // the gradient is consistent with the convergence order expected.
126  _poly_order += 1;
128  }
130  /*
131  * Dimensions
132  */
134  // for tallying scratch space needed for device kernel calls
135  int team_scratch_size_a = 0;
137  // TEMPORARY, take to zero after conversion
138  int team_scratch_size_b = 0;
139  int thread_scratch_size_a = 0;
140  int thread_scratch_size_b = 0;
142  // dimensions that are relevant for each subproblem
143  int max_num_rows = _sampling_multiplier*max_num_neighbors;
144  int this_num_cols = _basis_multiplier*_NP;
145  int manifold_NP = 0;
147  // determines whether RHS will be stored implicitly
148  // if true, instead of RHS storing the full sqrt(W) explicitly,
149  // only the diagonal entries of sqrt(W) will be stored as a
150  // 1D array beginning at entry with matrix coordinate (0,0)
151  bool implicit_RHS = (_dense_solver_type != DenseSolverType::LU);
153  int basis_powers_space_multiplier = (_reconstruction_space == BernsteinPolynomial) ? 2 : 1;
155  // these dimensions already calculated differ in the case of manifolds
158  const int max_manifold_NP = (manifold_NP > _NP) ? manifold_NP : _NP;
159  this_num_cols = _basis_multiplier*max_manifold_NP;
160  const int max_poly_order = (_poly_order > _curvature_poly_order) ? _poly_order : _curvature_poly_order;
162  /*
163  * Calculate Scratch Space Allocations
164  */
166  team_scratch_size_b += scratch_matrix_right_type::shmem_size(_dimensions, _dimensions); // PTP matrix
167  team_scratch_size_b += scratch_vector_type::shmem_size( (_dimensions-1)*max_num_neighbors ); // manifold_gradient
169  thread_scratch_size_a += scratch_vector_type::shmem_size(this_num_cols); // delta, used for each thread
170  thread_scratch_size_a += scratch_vector_type::shmem_size(
171  (max_poly_order+1)*_global_dimensions*basis_powers_space_multiplier); // temporary space for powers in basis
173  team_scratch_size_b += scratch_vector_type::shmem_size(max_num_neighbors); // t1 work vector for prestencils
174  team_scratch_size_b += scratch_vector_type::shmem_size(max_num_neighbors); // t2 work vector for prestencils
175  thread_scratch_size_b += scratch_vector_type::shmem_size(_dimensions*_dimensions); // temporary tangent calculations, used for each thread
176  }
178  // allocate data on the device (initialized to zero)
180  _T = Kokkos::View<double*>("tangent approximation",_pc._target_coordinates.extent(0)*_dimensions*_dimensions);
181  Kokkos::deep_copy(_T, 0.0);
182  } else {
184  "Provided tangent_directions has number of targets different than target_coordinates");
185  }
186  _manifold_curvature_coefficients = Kokkos::View<double*>("manifold curvature coefficients",
187  _pc._target_coordinates.extent(0)*manifold_NP);
188  Kokkos::deep_copy(_manifold_curvature_coefficients, 0.0);
190  } else { // Standard GMLS
192  /*
193  * Calculate Scratch Space Allocations
194  */
196  thread_scratch_size_a += scratch_vector_type::shmem_size(this_num_cols); // delta, used for each thread
197  thread_scratch_size_a += scratch_vector_type::shmem_size(
198  (_poly_order+1)*_global_dimensions*basis_powers_space_multiplier); // temporary space for powers in basis
200  }
201  _pm.setTeamScratchSize(0, team_scratch_size_a);
202  _pm.setTeamScratchSize(1, team_scratch_size_b);
203  _pm.setThreadScratchSize(0, thread_scratch_size_a);
204  _pm.setThreadScratchSize(1, thread_scratch_size_b);
206  /*
207  * Calculate the size for matrix P and RHS
208  */
210  int RHS_dim_0, RHS_dim_1;
211  getRHSDims(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, max_num_rows, this_num_cols, RHS_dim_0, RHS_dim_1);
213  int P_dim_0, P_dim_1;
214  getPDims(_dense_solver_type, _constraint_type, _reconstruction_space, _dimensions, max_num_rows, this_num_cols, P_dim_0, P_dim_1);
216  /*
217  * Allocate Global Device Storage of Data Needed Over Multiple Calls
218  */
220  global_index_type max_batch_size = (_pc._target_coordinates.extent(0) + TO_GLOBAL(number_of_batches) - 1) / TO_GLOBAL(number_of_batches);
221  try {
222  _RHS = Kokkos::View<double*>("RHS", max_batch_size*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_dim_0)*TO_GLOBAL(RHS_dim_1));
223  _P = Kokkos::View<double*>("P", max_batch_size*TO_GLOBAL(P_dim_0)*TO_GLOBAL(P_dim_1));
224  _w = Kokkos::View<double*>("w", max_batch_size*TO_GLOBAL(max_num_rows));
225  _Z = Kokkos::View<double*>("Z", max_batch_size*TO_GLOBAL(_d_ss._total_alpha_values*_d_ss._max_evaluation_sites_per_target*this_num_cols));
227  } catch (std::exception &e) {
228  printf("Failed to allocate space for RHS, P, and w. Consider increasing number_of_batches: \n\n%s", e.what());
229  throw e;
230  }
231  Kokkos::fence();
233  /*
234  * Calculate Optimal Threads Based On Levels of Parallelism
235  */
239  && "Normal vectors are required for solving GMLS problems with the NEUMANN_GRAD_SCALAR constraint.");
240  }
243  for (int batch_num=0; batch_num<number_of_batches; ++batch_num) {
245  auto this_batch_size = std::min(_pc._target_coordinates.extent(0)-_initial_index_for_batch, max_batch_size);
246  Kokkos::deep_copy(_RHS, 0.0);
247  Kokkos::deep_copy(_P, 0.0);
248  Kokkos::deep_copy(_w, 0.0);
249  Kokkos::deep_copy(_Z, 0.0);
251  auto gmls_basis_data = this->extractBasisData();
252  auto gmls_solution_data = this->extractSolutionData();
255  // even kernels that should run on other # of vector lanes do not (on GPU)
256  auto tp = _pm.TeamPolicyThreadsAndVectors(this_batch_size, _pm._default_threads, 1);
257  //auto tp = _pm.TeamPolicyThreadsAndVectors(this_batch_size, _pm._default_threads, _pm._default_vector_lanes);
258  //const auto work_item_property = Kokkos::Experimental::WorkItemProperty::HintLightWeight;
259  //const auto tp2 = Kokkos::Experimental::require(tp, work_item_property);
263  /*
264  * MANIFOLD Problems
265  */
267  //auto functor_name = Name(gmls_basis_data);
268  //Kokkos::parallel_for("Name", tp, functor_name);
269  if (!_orthonormal_tangent_space_provided) { // user did not specify orthonormal tangent directions, so we approximate them first
270  // coarse tangent plane approximation construction of P^T*P
271  auto functor_compute_coarse_tangent_plane = ComputeCoarseTangentPlane(gmls_basis_data);
272  Kokkos::parallel_for("ComputeCoarseTangentPlane", tp, functor_compute_coarse_tangent_plane);
274  // if the user provided the reference outward normal direction, then orient the computed or user provided
275  // outward normal directions in the tangent bundle
277  // use the reference outward normal direction provided by the user to orient
278  // the tangent bundle
279  auto functor_fix_tangent_direction_ordering = FixTangentDirectionOrdering(gmls_basis_data);
280  Kokkos::parallel_for("FixTangentDirectionOrdering", tp, functor_fix_tangent_direction_ordering);
281  }
283  // assembles the P*sqrt(weights) matrix and constructs sqrt(weights)*Identity for curvature
284  auto functor_assemble_curvature_psqrtw = AssembleCurvaturePsqrtW(gmls_basis_data);
285  Kokkos::parallel_for("AssembleCurvaturePsqrtW", tp, functor_assemble_curvature_psqrtw);
288  // solves P^T*P against P^T*W with LU, stored in P
289  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("Curvature LU Factorization");
290  // batchLU expects layout_left matrix tiles for B
291  // by giving it layout_right matrix tiles with reverse ordered ldb and ndb
292  // it effects a transpose of _P in layout_left
293  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchQRPivotingSolve<layout_right,layout_left,layout_right>(_pm,, RHS_dim_0, RHS_dim_1,, P_dim_1, P_dim_0, manifold_NP, manifold_NP, max_num_neighbors, this_batch_size, implicit_RHS);
294  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
295  } else {
296  // solves P*sqrt(weights) against sqrt(weights)*Identity with QR, stored in RHS
297  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("Curvature QR+Pivoting Factorization");
298  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchQRPivotingSolve<layout_right,layout_right,layout_right>(_pm,, P_dim_0, P_dim_1,, RHS_dim_0, RHS_dim_1, max_num_neighbors, manifold_NP, max_num_neighbors, this_batch_size, implicit_RHS);
299  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
300  }
302  // evaluates targets, applies target evaluation to polynomial coefficients for curvature
303  auto functor_get_accurate_tangent_directions = GetAccurateTangentDirections(gmls_basis_data);
304  Kokkos::parallel_for("GetAccurateTangentDirections", tp, functor_get_accurate_tangent_directions);
306  // Due to converting layout, entries that are assumed zeros may become non-zeros.
307  Kokkos::deep_copy(_P, 0.0);
309  if (batch_num==number_of_batches-1) {
310  // copy tangent bundle from device back to host
311  _host_T = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(_T);
312  Kokkos::deep_copy(_host_T, _T);
313  }
314  }
316  // this time assembling curvature PsqrtW matrix is using a highly accurate approximation of the tangent, previously calculated
317  // assembles the P*sqrt(weights) matrix and constructs sqrt(weights)*Identity for curvature
318  auto functor_assemble_curvature_psqrtw = AssembleCurvaturePsqrtW(gmls_basis_data);
319  Kokkos::parallel_for("AssembleCurvaturePsqrtW", tp, functor_assemble_curvature_psqrtw);
322  // solves P^T*P against P^T*W with LU, stored in P
323  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("Curvature LU Factorization");
324  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchQRPivotingSolve<layout_right,layout_left,layout_right>(_pm,, RHS_dim_0, RHS_dim_1,, P_dim_1, P_dim_0, manifold_NP, manifold_NP, max_num_neighbors, this_batch_size, implicit_RHS);
325  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
326  } else {
327  // solves P*sqrt(weights) against sqrt(weights)*Identity, stored in RHS
328  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("Curvature QR+Pivoting Factorization");
329  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchQRPivotingSolve<layout_right,layout_right,layout_right>(_pm,, P_dim_0, P_dim_1,, RHS_dim_0, RHS_dim_1, max_num_neighbors, manifold_NP, max_num_neighbors, this_batch_size, implicit_RHS);
330  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
331  }
333  // evaluates targets, applies target evaluation to polynomial coefficients for curvature
334  auto functor_apply_curvature_targets = ApplyCurvatureTargets(gmls_basis_data);
335  Kokkos::parallel_for("ApplyCurvatureTargets", tp, functor_apply_curvature_targets);
336  Kokkos::fence();
338  // prestencil weights calculated here. appropriate because:
339  // precedes polynomial reconstruction from data (replaces contents of _RHS)
340  // follows reconstruction of geometry
341  // calculate prestencil weights
342  auto functor_compute_prestencil_weights = ComputePrestencilWeights(gmls_basis_data);
343  Kokkos::parallel_for("ComputePrestencilWeights", tp, functor_compute_prestencil_weights);
345  // Due to converting layout, entried that are assumed zeros may become non-zeros.
346  Kokkos::deep_copy(_P, 0.0);
348  // assembles the P*sqrt(weights) matrix and constructs sqrt(weights)*Identity
349  auto functor_assemble_manifold_psqrtw = AssembleManifoldPsqrtW(gmls_basis_data);
350  Kokkos::parallel_for("AssembleManifoldPsqrtW", tp, functor_assemble_manifold_psqrtw);
352  // solves P*sqrt(weights) against sqrt(weights)*Identity, stored in RHS
354  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("Manifold LU Factorization");
355  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchQRPivotingSolve<layout_right,layout_left,layout_right>(_pm,, RHS_dim_0, RHS_dim_1,, P_dim_1, P_dim_0, this_num_cols, this_num_cols, max_num_rows, this_batch_size, implicit_RHS);
356  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
357  } else {
358  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("Manifold QR+Pivoting Factorization");
359  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchQRPivotingSolve<layout_right,layout_right,layout_right>(_pm,, P_dim_0, P_dim_1,, RHS_dim_0, RHS_dim_1, max_num_rows, this_num_cols, max_num_rows, this_batch_size, implicit_RHS);
360  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
361  }
362  Kokkos::fence();
364  } else {
366  /*
367  * STANDARD GMLS Problems
368  */
370  // assembles the P*sqrt(weights) matrix and constructs sqrt(weights)*Identity
371  auto functor_assemble_standard_psqrtw = AssembleStandardPsqrtW(gmls_basis_data);
372  //printf("size of assemble: %lu\n", sizeof(functor_assemble_standard_psqrtw));
373  Kokkos::parallel_for("AssembleStandardPsqrtW", tp, functor_assemble_standard_psqrtw);
374  Kokkos::fence();
376  // solves P*sqrt(weights) against sqrt(weights)*Identity, stored in RHS
378  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("LU Factorization");
379  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchQRPivotingSolve<layout_right,layout_left,layout_right>(_pm,, RHS_dim_0, RHS_dim_1,, P_dim_1, P_dim_0, this_num_cols + added_coeff_size, this_num_cols + added_coeff_size, max_num_rows + _d_ss._added_alpha_size, this_batch_size, implicit_RHS);
380  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
381  } else {
382  Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion("QR+Pivoting Factorization");
384  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchQRPivotingSolve<layout_right,layout_right,layout_right>(_pm,, RHS_dim_0, RHS_dim_1,, P_dim_1, P_dim_0, this_num_cols + added_coeff_size, this_num_cols + added_coeff_size, max_num_rows + _d_ss._added_alpha_size, this_batch_size, implicit_RHS);
385  } else {
386  GMLS_LinearAlgebra::batchQRPivotingSolve<layout_right,layout_right,layout_right>(_pm,, P_dim_0, P_dim_1,, RHS_dim_0, RHS_dim_1, max_num_rows, this_num_cols, max_num_rows, this_batch_size, implicit_RHS);
387  }
388  Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion();
389  }
391  auto functor_compute_prestencil_weights = ComputePrestencilWeights(gmls_basis_data);
392  Kokkos::parallel_for("ComputePrestencilWeights", tp, functor_compute_prestencil_weights);
393  Kokkos::fence();
394  }
396  /*
397  * Calculate Optimal Threads Based On Levels of Parallelism
398  */
403  /*
404  * MANIFOLD Problems
405  */
407  // evaluates targets, applies target evaluation to polynomial coefficients to store in _alphas
408  auto functor_evaluate_manifold_targets = EvaluateManifoldTargets(gmls_basis_data);
409  Kokkos::parallel_for("EvaluateManifoldTargets", tp, functor_evaluate_manifold_targets);
411  } else {
413  /*
414  * STANDARD GMLS Problems
415  */
417  // evaluates targets, applies target evaluation to polynomial coefficients to store in _alphas
418  auto functor_evaluate_standard_targets = EvaluateStandardTargets(gmls_basis_data);
419  Kokkos::parallel_for("EvaluateStandardTargets", tp, functor_evaluate_standard_targets);
420  }
423  // fine grain control over applying target (most expensive part after QR solve)
424  ParallelManager pm;
425  tp = pm.TeamPolicyThreadsAndVectors(this_batch_size, pm._default_threads, pm._default_vector_lanes);
426  const auto work_item_property = Kokkos::Experimental::WorkItemProperty::HintLightWeight;
427  const auto tp2 = Kokkos::Experimental::require(tp, work_item_property);
428  auto functor_apply_targets = ApplyTargets(gmls_solution_data);
429  //printf("size of apply: %lu\n", sizeof(functor_apply_targets));
430  Kokkos::parallel_for("ApplyTargets", tp2, functor_apply_targets);
433  _initial_index_for_batch += this_batch_size;
434  if ((size_t)_initial_index_for_batch == _pc._target_coordinates.extent(0)) break;
435  } // end of batch loops
437  if (clear_cache) {
438  // deallocate _P and _w
439  _w = Kokkos::View<double*>("w",0);
440  _Z = Kokkos::View<double*>("Z",0);
441  if (number_of_batches > 1) { // no reason to keep coefficients if they aren't all in memory
442  _RHS = Kokkos::View<double*>("RHS",0);
443  _P = Kokkos::View<double*>("P",0);
445  } else {
447  _RHS = Kokkos::View<double*>("RHS", 0);
448  if (!keep_coefficients) _P = Kokkos::View<double*>("P", 0);
449  } else {
451  _P = Kokkos::View<double*>("P", 0);
452  if (!keep_coefficients) _RHS = Kokkos::View<double*>("RHS", 0);
453  } else {
454  _RHS = Kokkos::View<double*>("RHS", 0);
455  if (!keep_coefficients) _P = Kokkos::View<double*>("P", 0);
456  }
457  }
458  if (keep_coefficients) _store_PTWP_inv_PTW = true;
459  }
460  }
462  /*
463  * Device to Host Copy Of Solution
464  */
465  // copy computed alphas back to the host
466  this->_d_ss._contains_valid_alphas = true;
469  _host_prestencil_weights = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(_prestencil_weights);
470  Kokkos::deep_copy(_host_prestencil_weights, _prestencil_weights);
471  }
473 }
475 void GMLS::generateAlphas(const int number_of_batches, const bool keep_coefficients, const bool clear_cache) {
477  this->generatePolynomialCoefficients(number_of_batches, keep_coefficients, clear_cache);
479 }
482  auto gmls = *this;
483  auto data = GMLSSolutionData();
484  data._sampling_multiplier = gmls._sampling_multiplier;
485  data._initial_index_for_batch = gmls._initial_index_for_batch;
486  data._d_ss = gmls._d_ss;
488  // store results of calculation in struct
489  const int max_num_neighbors = gmls._pc._nla.getMaxNumNeighbors();
490  const int max_num_rows = gmls._sampling_multiplier*max_num_neighbors;
492  // applyTargetsToCoefficients currently uses data.this_num_cols for the
493  // dot product range. Even for manifold problems, it is still appropriate to
494  // use gmls._basis_multiplier*gmls._NP. If GMLSSolutionData was ever to be
495  // used for applying solution coefficients for the curvature reconstruction,
496  // the manifolf_NP would have to be used for that application (requiring an
497  // extra argument to applyTargetsToCoefficients)
498  data.this_num_cols = gmls._basis_multiplier*gmls._NP;
500  int RHS_dim_0, RHS_dim_1;
501  getRHSDims(gmls._dense_solver_type, gmls._constraint_type, gmls._reconstruction_space,
502  gmls._dimensions, max_num_rows, data.this_num_cols, RHS_dim_0, RHS_dim_1);
503  int P_dim_0, P_dim_1;
504  getPDims(gmls._dense_solver_type, gmls._constraint_type, gmls._reconstruction_space,
505  gmls._dimensions, max_num_rows, data.this_num_cols, P_dim_0, P_dim_1);
507  if ((gmls._constraint_type == ConstraintType::NO_CONSTRAINT) && (gmls._dense_solver_type != DenseSolverType::LU)) {
508  data.Coeffs_data =;
509  data.Coeffs_dim_0 = RHS_dim_0;
510  data.Coeffs_dim_1 = RHS_dim_1;
511  } else {
512  data.Coeffs_data =;
513  data.Coeffs_dim_0 = P_dim_1;
514  data.Coeffs_dim_1 = P_dim_0;
515  }
517  data.P_target_row_dim_0 = gmls._d_ss._total_alpha_values*gmls._d_ss._max_evaluation_sites_per_target;
518  data.P_target_row_dim_1 = data.this_num_cols;
519  data.P_target_row_data =;
521  data.operations_size = gmls._operations.size();
523  data.number_of_neighbors_list = gmls._pc._nla._number_of_neighbors_list;
524  data.additional_number_of_neighbors_list = gmls._additional_pc._nla._number_of_neighbors_list;
526  return data;
527 }
530  auto gmls = *this;
531  auto data = GMLSBasisData();
532  data._source_extra_data = gmls._source_extra_data;
533  data._target_extra_data = gmls._target_extra_data;
534  data._pc = gmls._pc;
535  data._epsilons = gmls._epsilons ;
536  data._prestencil_weights = gmls._prestencil_weights ;
537  data._additional_pc = gmls._additional_pc;
538  data._poly_order = gmls._poly_order ;
539  data._curvature_poly_order = gmls._curvature_poly_order;
540  data._NP = gmls._NP;
541  data._global_dimensions = gmls._global_dimensions;
542  data._local_dimensions = gmls._local_dimensions;
543  data._dimensions = gmls._dimensions;
544  data._reconstruction_space = gmls._reconstruction_space;
545  data._reconstruction_space_rank = gmls._reconstruction_space_rank;
546  data._dense_solver_type = gmls._dense_solver_type;
547  data._problem_type = gmls._problem_type;
548  data._constraint_type = gmls._constraint_type;
549  data._polynomial_sampling_functional = gmls._polynomial_sampling_functional;
550  data._data_sampling_functional = gmls._data_sampling_functional;
551  data._curvature_support_operations = gmls._curvature_support_operations;
552  data._operations = gmls._operations;
553  data._weighting_type = gmls._weighting_type;
554  data._curvature_weighting_type = gmls._curvature_weighting_type;
555  data._weighting_p = gmls._weighting_p;
556  data._weighting_n = gmls._weighting_n;
557  data._curvature_weighting_p = gmls._curvature_weighting_p;
558  data._curvature_weighting_n = gmls._curvature_weighting_n;
559  data._basis_multiplier = gmls._basis_multiplier;
560  data._sampling_multiplier = gmls._sampling_multiplier;
561  data._data_sampling_multiplier = gmls._data_sampling_multiplier;
562  data._initial_index_for_batch = gmls._initial_index_for_batch;
563  data._pm = gmls._pm;
564  data._order_of_quadrature_points = gmls._order_of_quadrature_points;
565  data._dimension_of_quadrature_points = gmls._dimension_of_quadrature_points;
566  data._qm = gmls._qm;
567  data._d_ss = gmls._d_ss;
569  data.max_num_neighbors = gmls._pc._nla.getMaxNumNeighbors();
570  data.max_num_rows = gmls._sampling_multiplier*data.max_num_neighbors;
571  int basis_powers_space_multiplier = (gmls._reconstruction_space == BernsteinPolynomial) ? 2 : 1;
572  if (gmls._problem_type == ProblemType::MANIFOLD) {
573  data.manifold_NP = GMLS::getNP(gmls._curvature_poly_order, gmls._dimensions-1,
575  data.max_manifold_NP = (data.manifold_NP > gmls._NP) ? data.manifold_NP : gmls._NP;
576  data.this_num_cols = gmls._basis_multiplier*data.max_manifold_NP;
577  data.max_poly_order = (gmls._poly_order > gmls._curvature_poly_order) ?
578  gmls._poly_order : gmls._curvature_poly_order;
580  data.ref_N_data =;
581  data.ref_N_dim = gmls._dimensions;
583  data.thread_workspace_dim = (data.max_poly_order+1)*gmls._global_dimensions*basis_powers_space_multiplier;
584  data.manifold_gradient_dim = (gmls._dimensions-1)*data.max_num_neighbors;
586  data.manifold_curvature_coefficients_data =;
588  } else {
589  data.manifold_NP = 0;
590  data.this_num_cols = gmls._basis_multiplier*gmls._NP;
591  data.thread_workspace_dim = (gmls._poly_order+1)*gmls._global_dimensions*basis_powers_space_multiplier;
592  data.manifold_gradient_dim = 0;
593  }
596  data.T_data =;
598  data.P_target_row_dim_0 = gmls._d_ss._total_alpha_values*gmls._d_ss._max_evaluation_sites_per_target;
599  data.P_target_row_dim_1 = data.this_num_cols;
600  data.P_target_row_data =;
602  data.RHS_data =;
603  getRHSDims(gmls._dense_solver_type, gmls._constraint_type, gmls._reconstruction_space,
604  gmls._dimensions, data.max_num_rows, data.this_num_cols, data.RHS_dim_0, data.RHS_dim_1);
606  data.P_data =;
607  getPDims(gmls._dense_solver_type, gmls._constraint_type, gmls._reconstruction_space,
608  gmls._dimensions, data.max_num_rows, data.this_num_cols, data.P_dim_0, data.P_dim_1);
610  data.w_data =;
612  if ((gmls._constraint_type == ConstraintType::NO_CONSTRAINT) && (gmls._dense_solver_type != DenseSolverType::LU)) {
613  data.Coeffs_data =;
614  data.Coeffs_dim_0 = data.RHS_dim_0;
615  data.Coeffs_dim_1 = data.RHS_dim_1;
616  } else {
617  data.Coeffs_data =;
618  data.Coeffs_dim_0 = data.P_dim_1;
619  data.Coeffs_dim_1 = data.P_dim_0;
620  }
622  return data;
623 }
625 } // Compadre
std::size_t global_index_type
#define TO_GLOBAL(variable)
#define compadre_assert_release(condition)
compadre_assert_release is used for assertions that should always be checked, but generally are not e...
SolutionSet< device_memory_space > _d_ss
int _sampling_multiplier
actual dimension of the sampling functional e.g.
neighbor_lists_type * getNeighborLists() const
Get neighbor list accessor.
Kokkos::View< const double *****, layout_right >::HostMirror _host_prestencil_weights
generated weights for nontraditional samples required to transform data into expected sampling functi...
std::string _quadrature_type
quadrature rule type
Kokkos::View< double * > _T
Rank 3 tensor for high order approximation of tangent vectors for all problems.
point_connections_type _additional_pc
(OPTIONAL) connections between additional points and neighbors
bool _reference_outward_normal_direction_provided
whether or not the reference outward normal directions were provided by the user.
int _basis_multiplier
dimension of the reconstructed function e.g.
ReconstructionSpace _reconstruction_space
reconstruction space for GMLS problems, set at GMLS class instantiation
const GMLSSolutionData extractSolutionData() const
Get GMLS solution data.
int _order_of_quadrature_points
order of exact polynomial integration for quadrature rule
int _global_dimensions
spatial dimension of the points, set at class instantiation only
void generatePolynomialCoefficients(const int number_of_batches=1, const bool keep_coefficients=false, const bool clear_cache=true)
Generates polynomial coefficients by setting up and solving least squares problems Sets up the batch ...
ProblemType _problem_type
problem type for GMLS problem, can also be set to STANDARD for normal or MANIFOLD for manifold proble...
int _data_sampling_multiplier
effective dimension of the data sampling functional e.g.
DenseSolverType _dense_solver_type
solver type for GMLS problem - can be QR, SVD or LU
Kokkos::View< double * > _Z
stores evaluations of targets applied to basis
int _initial_index_for_batch
initial index for current batch
Kokkos::View< TargetOperation * >::HostMirror _host_operations
vector containing target functionals to be applied for reconstruction problem (host)
int _NP
dimension of basis for polynomial reconstruction
void generateAlphas(const int number_of_batches=1, const bool keep_coefficients=false, const bool clear_cache=true)
Meant to calculate target operations and apply the evaluations to the previously constructed polynomi...
int _poly_order
order of basis for polynomial reconstruction
bool verifyPointConnections(bool assert_valid=false)
Verify whether _pc is valid.
Kokkos::View< double * > _manifold_curvature_coefficients
curvature polynomial coefficients for all problems
SamplingFunctional _data_sampling_functional
generally the same as _polynomial_sampling_functional, but can differ if specified at
SolutionSet< host_memory_space > _h_ss
Solution Set (contains all alpha values from solution and alpha layout methods)
ConstraintType _constraint_type
constraint type for GMLS problem
int _dimensions
dimension of the problem, set at class instantiation only
int _curvature_poly_order
order of basis for curvature reconstruction
bool _use_reference_outward_normal_direction_provided_to_orient_surface
whether or not to use reference outward normal directions to orient the surface in a manifold problem...
ParallelManager _pm
determines scratch level spaces and is used to call kernels
Kokkos::View< TargetOperation * > _operations
vector containing target functionals to be applied for reconstruction problem (device)
bool _orthonormal_tangent_space_provided
whether or not the orthonormal tangent directions were provided by the user.
Kokkos::View< double * > _RHS
sqrt(w)*Identity matrix for all problems, later holds polynomial coefficients for all problems
SamplingFunctional _polynomial_sampling_functional
polynomial sampling functional used to construct P matrix, set at GMLS class instantiation NOTE: ca...
Kokkos::View< double * > _P
P*sqrt(w) matrix for all problems.
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getNP(const int m, const int dimension=3, const ReconstructionSpace r_space=ReconstructionSpace::ScalarTaylorPolynomial)
Returns size of the basis for a given polynomial order and dimension General to dimension 1....
const GMLSBasisData extractBasisData() const
Get GMLS basis data.
point_connections_type _pc
connections between points and neighbors
Kokkos::View< double *****, layout_right > _prestencil_weights
generated weights for nontraditional samples required to transform data into expected sampling functi...
Kokkos::View< double * > _w
contains weights for all problems
bool _entire_batch_computed_at_once
whether entire calculation was computed at once the alternative is that it was broken up over many sm...
int _local_dimensions
dimension of the problem, set at class instantiation only. For manifolds, generally _global_dimension...
Kokkos::View< double * >::HostMirror _host_T
tangent vectors information (host)
bool verifyAdditionalPointConnections(bool assert_valid=false)
Verify whether _additional_pc is valid.
bool _store_PTWP_inv_PTW
whether polynomial coefficients were requested to be stored (in a state not yet applied to data)
int _dimension_of_quadrature_points
dimension of quadrature rule
Quadrature _qm
manages and calculates quadrature
void setThreadScratchSize(const int level, const int value)
Kokkos::TeamPolicy< device_execution_space > TeamPolicyThreadsAndVectors(const global_index_type batch_size, const int threads_per_team=-1, const int vector_lanes_per_thread=-1) const
Creates a team policy for a parallel_for parallel_for will break out over loops over teams with each ...
void setTeamScratchSize(const int level, const int value)
template void batchQRPivotingSolve< layout_right, layout_left, layout_right >(ParallelManager, double *, int, int, double *, int, int, int, int, int, const int, const bool)
template void batchQRPivotingSolve< layout_right, layout_right, layout_right >(ParallelManager, double *, int, int, double *, int, int, int, int, int, const int, const bool)
constexpr SamplingFunctional VaryingManifoldVectorPointSample
For integrating polynomial dotted with normal over an edge.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getAdditionalCoeffSizeFromConstraintAndSpace(DenseSolverType dense_solver_type, ConstraintType constraint_type, ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, const int dimension)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void getRHSDims(DenseSolverType dense_solver_type, ConstraintType constraint_type, ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, const int dimension, const int M, const int N, int &RHS_row, int &RHS_col)
Neumann Gradient Scalar Type.
No constraint.
constexpr SamplingFunctional PointSample
Available sampling functionals.
@ BernsteinPolynomial
Bernstein polynomial basis.
@ ScalarTaylorPolynomial
Scalar polynomial basis centered at the target site and scaled by sum of basis powers e....
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int calculateBasisMultiplier(const ReconstructionSpace rs, const int local_dimensions)
Calculate basis_multiplier.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int calculateSamplingMultiplier(const ReconstructionSpace rs, const SamplingFunctional sro, const int local_dimensions)
Calculate sampling_multiplier.
constexpr SamplingFunctional StaggeredEdgeAnalyticGradientIntegralSample
Analytical integral of a gradient source vector is just a difference of the scalar source at neighbor...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getAdditionalAlphaSizeFromConstraint(DenseSolverType dense_solver_type, ConstraintType constraint_type)
Solve GMLS problem on a manifold (will use QR or SVD to solve the resultant GMLS problem dependent on...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void getPDims(DenseSolverType dense_solver_type, ConstraintType constraint_type, ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, const int dimension, const int M, const int N, int &out_row, int &out_col)
@ LU
LU factorization performed on P^T*W*P matrix.
@ QR
QR+Pivoting factorization performed on P*sqrt(w) matrix.
@ DifferentEachNeighbor
Each target applies a different transform for each neighbor.
@ DifferentEachTarget
Each target applies a different data transform, but the same to each neighbor.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getOutputDimensionOfSampling(SamplingFunctional sro, const int local_dimensions)
Dimensions ^ output rank for sampling operation (always in local chart if on a manifold,...
Functor to evaluate curvature targets and apply to coefficients of curvature reconstruction.
Functor to apply target evaluation to polynomial coefficients to store in _alphas.
Functor to assemble the P*sqrt(weights) matrix and construct sqrt(weights)*Identity for curvature.
Functor to assemble the P*sqrt(weights) matrix and construct sqrt(weights)*Identity.
Functor to assemble the P*sqrt(weights) matrix and construct sqrt(weights)*Identity.
Functor to create a coarse tangent approximation from a given neighborhood of points.
Functor to calculate prestencil weights to apply to data to transform into a format expected by a GML...
Functor to evaluate targets on a manifold.
Functor to evaluate targets operations on the basis.
Functor to determine if tangent directions need reordered, and to reorder them if needed We require t...
Functor to evaluate curvature targets and construct accurate tangent direction approximation for mani...
global_index_type getTotalNeighborsOverAllListsHost() const
Get the sum of the number of neighbors of all targets' neighborhoods (host)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getMaxNumNeighbors() const
Get the maximum number of neighbors of all targets' neighborhoods (host/device)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getNumberOfTargets() const
Get number of total targets having neighborhoods (host/device).
device_mirror_target_view_type _target_coordinates
Kokkos::View< TargetOperation *, memory_space > _lro
vector of user requested target operations
NeighborLists< Kokkos::View< int * > > _neighbor_lists
Accessor to get neighbor list data, offset data, and number of neighbors per target.
int _max_evaluation_sites_per_target
maximum number of evaluation sites for each target (includes target site)
Kokkos::View< double *, layout_right, memory_space > _alphas
generated alpha coefficients (device)
int _added_alpha_size
additional alpha coefficients due to constraints
bool _contains_valid_alphas
whether internal alpha values are valid (set externally on a solve)
int _total_alpha_values
used for sizing P_target_row and the _alphas view