Compadre  1.6.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Compadre: COMpatible PArticle Discretization and REmap Toolkit
4 //
5 // Copyright 2018 NTESS and the Compadre contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
12 #include "Compadre_GMLS.hpp"
13 namespace Compadre {
15 /*! \brief For applying the evaluations from a target functional to the polynomial coefficients
16  \param data [out/in] - GMLSSolutionData struct (stores solution in data._d_ss._alphas)
17  \param teamMember [in] - Kokkos::TeamPolicy member type (created by parallel_for)
18  \param Q [in] - 2D Kokkos View containing the polynomial coefficients
19  \param P_target_row [in] - 1D Kokkos View where the evaluation of the polynomial basis is stored
20 */
21 template <typename SolutionData>
23 void applyTargetsToCoefficients(const SolutionData& data, const member_type& teamMember, scratch_matrix_right_type Q, scratch_matrix_right_type P_target_row) {
25  const int target_index = data._initial_index_for_batch + teamMember.league_rank();
27 #if defined(COMPADRE_USE_CUDA)
28 // // GPU
29 // for (int j=0; j<_operations.size(); ++j) {
30 // for (int k=0; k<_lro_output_tile_size[j]; ++k) {
31 // for (int m=0; m<_lro_input_tile_size[j]; ++m) {
32 // const int alpha_offset = (_lro_total_offsets[j] + m*_lro_output_tile_size[j] + k)*_neighbor_lists(target_index,0);
33 // const int P_offset =_basis_multiplier*target_NP*(_lro_total_offsets[j] + m*_lro_output_tile_size[j] + k);
34 // Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(teamMember,
35 // _pc._nla.getNumberOfNeighborsDevice(target_index)), [=] (const int i) {
36 //
37 // double alpha_ij = 0;
38 // if (_sampling_multiplier>1 && m<_sampling_multiplier) {
39 // const int m_neighbor_offset = i+m*_pc._nla.getNumberOfNeighborsDevice(target_index);
40 // Kokkos::parallel_reduce(Kokkos::ThreadVectorRange(teamMember,
41 // _basis_multiplier*target_NP), [=] (const int l, double &talpha_ij) {
42 // //for (int l=0; l<_basis_multiplier*target_NP; ++l) {
43 // talpha_ij += P_target_row(P_offset + l)*Q(ORDER_INDICES(m_neighbor_offset,l));
44 // }, alpha_ij);
45 // //}
46 // } else if (_sampling_multiplier == 1) {
47 // Kokkos::parallel_reduce(Kokkos::ThreadVectorRange(teamMember,
48 // _basis_multiplier*target_NP), [=] (const int l, double &talpha_ij) {
49 // //for (int l=0; l<_basis_multiplier*target_NP; ++l) {
50 // talpha_ij += P_target_row(P_offset + l)*Q(ORDER_INDICES(i,l));
51 // }, alpha_ij);
52 // //}
53 // }
54 // Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerThread(teamMember), [&] () {
55 // t1(i) = alpha_ij;
56 // });
57 // });
58 // Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::ThreadVectorRange(teamMember,
59 // _pc._nla.getNumberOfNeighborsDevice(target_index)), [=] (const int i) {
60 // _alphas(ORDER_INDICES(target_index, alpha_offset + i)) = t1(i);
61 // });
62 // teamMember.team_barrier();
63 // }
64 // }
65 // }
67  // GPU
68  const auto n_evaluation_sites_per_target = data.additional_number_of_neighbors_list(target_index) + 1;
69  const auto nn = data.number_of_neighbors_list(target_index);
70  auto alphas = data._d_ss._alphas;
71  Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(teamMember,
72  nn + data._d_ss._added_alpha_size), [&] (const int i) {
73  for (int e=0; e<n_evaluation_sites_per_target; ++e) {
74  for (int j=0; j<(int)data.operations_size; ++j) {
75  for (int k=0; k<data._d_ss._lro_output_tile_size[j]; ++k) {
76  for (int m=0; m<data._d_ss._lro_input_tile_size[j]; ++m) {
77  const int offset_index_jmke = data._d_ss.getTargetOffsetIndex(j,m,k,e);
78  const int alphas_index = data._d_ss.getAlphaIndex(target_index, offset_index_jmke);
79  double alpha_ij = 0;
80  if (data._sampling_multiplier>1 && m<data._sampling_multiplier) {
81  const int m_neighbor_offset = i+m*nn;
82  Kokkos::parallel_reduce(Kokkos::ThreadVectorRange(teamMember, data.this_num_cols),
83  [&] (int& l, double& t_alpha_ij) {
84  t_alpha_ij += P_target_row(offset_index_jmke, l)*Q(l, m_neighbor_offset);
86  compadre_kernel_assert_extreme_debug(P_target_row(offset_index_jmke, l)==P_target_row(offset_index_jmke, l)
87  && "NaN in P_target_row matrix.");
88  compadre_kernel_assert_extreme_debug(Q(l, m_neighbor_offset)==Q(l, m_neighbor_offset)
89  && "NaN in Q coefficient matrix.");
91  }, alpha_ij);
92  } else if (data._sampling_multiplier == 1) {
93  Kokkos::parallel_reduce(Kokkos::ThreadVectorRange(teamMember, data.this_num_cols),
94  [&] (int& l, double& t_alpha_ij) {
95  t_alpha_ij += P_target_row(offset_index_jmke, l)*Q(l,i);
97  compadre_kernel_assert_extreme_debug(P_target_row(offset_index_jmke, l)==P_target_row(offset_index_jmke, l)
98  && "NaN in P_target_row matrix.");
99  compadre_kernel_assert_extreme_debug(Q(l,i)==Q(l,i)
100  && "NaN in Q coefficient matrix.");
102  }, alpha_ij);
103  }
104  // could use a PerThread here, but performance takes a hit
105  // and it isn't necessary
106  alphas(alphas_index+i) = alpha_ij;
107  compadre_kernel_assert_extreme_debug(alpha_ij==alpha_ij && "NaN in alphas.");
109  }
110  }
111  }
112  }
113  });
114 #else
116  // CPU
117  const int alphas_per_tile_per_target = data.number_of_neighbors_list(target_index) + data._d_ss._added_alpha_size;
118  const global_index_type base_offset_index_jmke = data._d_ss.getTargetOffsetIndex(0,0,0,0);
119  const global_index_type base_alphas_index = data._d_ss.getAlphaIndex(target_index, base_offset_index_jmke);
121  scratch_matrix_right_type this_alphas( + TO_GLOBAL(base_alphas_index), data._d_ss._total_alpha_values*data._d_ss._max_evaluation_sites_per_target, alphas_per_tile_per_target);
123  auto n_evaluation_sites_per_target = data.additional_number_of_neighbors_list(target_index) + 1;
124  const auto nn = data.number_of_neighbors_list(target_index);
125  for (int e=0; e<n_evaluation_sites_per_target; ++e) {
126  // evaluating alpha_ij
127  for (size_t j=0; j<data.operations_size; ++j) {
128  for (int k=0; k<data._d_ss._lro_output_tile_size[j]; ++k) {
129  for (int m=0; m<data._d_ss._lro_input_tile_size[j]; ++m) {
130  const int offset_index_jmke = data._d_ss.getTargetOffsetIndex(j,m,k,e);
131  for (int i=0; i<nn + data._d_ss._added_alpha_size; ++i) {
132  double alpha_ij = 0;
133  const int Q_col = i+m*nn;
134  // one thread per team on CPU, so no reason to add inner parallel reductions here
135  // or Kokkos::single. Either will cause significant slowdown.
136  for (int l=0; l<data.this_num_cols; ++l) {
137  if (data._sampling_multiplier>1 && m<data._sampling_multiplier) {
139  alpha_ij += P_target_row(offset_index_jmke, l)*Q(l, Q_col);
141  compadre_kernel_assert_extreme_debug(P_target_row(offset_index_jmke, l)==P_target_row(offset_index_jmke, l)
142  && "NaN in P_target_row matrix.");
143  compadre_kernel_assert_extreme_debug(Q(l, i+m*data.number_of_neighbors_list(target_index))==Q(l, i+m*data.number_of_neighbors_list(target_index))
144  && "NaN in Q coefficient matrix.");
146  } else if (data._sampling_multiplier == 1) {
148  alpha_ij += P_target_row(offset_index_jmke, l)*Q(l, i);
150  compadre_kernel_assert_extreme_debug(P_target_row(offset_index_jmke, l)==P_target_row(offset_index_jmke, l)
151  && "NaN in P_target_row matrix.");
153  && "NaN in Q coefficient matrix.");
155  } else {
156  alpha_ij += 0;
157  }
158  }
159  this_alphas(offset_index_jmke,i) = alpha_ij;
160  }
161  }
162  }
163  }
164  }
165 #endif
167  teamMember.team_barrier();
168 }
170 } // Compadre
171 #endif
std::size_t global_index_type
team_policy::member_type member_type
#define TO_GLOBAL(variable)
#define compadre_kernel_assert_extreme_debug(condition)
Kokkos::View< double **, layout_right, Kokkos::MemoryTraits< Kokkos::Unmanaged > > scratch_matrix_right_type
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void applyTargetsToCoefficients(const SolutionData &data, const member_type &teamMember, scratch_matrix_right_type Q, scratch_matrix_right_type P_target_row)
For applying the evaluations from a target functional to the polynomial coefficients.