Compadre  1.6.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @HEADER
2 // *****************************************************************************
3 // Compadre: COMpatible PArticle Discretization and REmap Toolkit
4 //
5 // Copyright 2018 NTESS and the Compadre contributors.
6 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
7 // *****************************************************************************
8 // @HEADER
12 #include "Compadre_Typedefs.hpp"
14 #include <Kokkos_Core.hpp>
16 namespace Compadre {
18 //! All vairables and functionality related to the layout and storage of GMLS
19 //! solutions (alpha values)
20 template <typename memory_space = device_memory_space>
21 struct SolutionSet {
23  //! vector of user requested target operations
24  Kokkos::View<TargetOperation*, memory_space> _lro;
26  //! vector containing a mapping from a target functionals enum value to the its place in the list
27  //! of target functionals to be applied
28  Kokkos::View<int*, memory_space> _lro_lookup;
30  //! index for where this operation begins the for _alpha coefficients
31  Kokkos::View<int*, memory_space> _lro_total_offsets;
33  //! dimensions ^ rank of tensor of output for each target functional
34  Kokkos::View<int*, memory_space> _lro_output_tile_size;
36  //! dimensions ^ rank of tensor of output for each sampling functional
37  Kokkos::View<int*, memory_space> _lro_input_tile_size;
39  //! tensor rank of target functional (device)
40  Kokkos::View<int*, memory_space> _lro_output_tensor_rank;
42  //! tensor rank of sampling functional (device)
43  Kokkos::View<int*, memory_space> _lro_input_tensor_rank;
45  //! generated alpha coefficients (device)
46  Kokkos::View<double*, layout_right, memory_space> _alphas;
48  //! additional alpha coefficients due to constraints
51  //! maximum number of evaluation sites for each target (includes target site)
54  //! used for sizing P_target_row and the _alphas view
57  //! whether internal alpha values are valid (set externally on a solve)
60  //
61  // Redundant variables (already exist in GMLS class)
62  //
64  //! Accessor to get neighbor list data, offset data, and number of neighbors per target
67  //! generally the same as _polynomial_sampling_functional, but can differ if specified at
68  //! GMLS class instantiation
71  //! dimension of the problem, set at class instantiation only
74  //! dimension of the problem, set at class instantiation only. For manifolds, generally _global_dimensions-1
77  //! problem type for GMLS problem, can also be set to STANDARD for normal or MANIFOLD for manifold problems
80 /** @name Constructors
81  */
82 ///@{
84  //! \brief Constructor for SolutionSet
85  SolutionSet(SamplingFunctional data_sampling_functional,
86  int dimensions,
87  int local_dimensions,
88  const ProblemType problem_type) :
93  _data_sampling_functional(data_sampling_functional),
94  _dimensions(dimensions),
95  _local_dimensions(local_dimensions),
96  _problem_type(problem_type) {}
100  //! \brief Copy constructor (can be used to move data from device to host or vice-versa)
101  template <typename other_memory_space>
104  _dimensions(other._dimensions),
111  _contains_valid_alphas = false; // false until copyAlphas() is called
114  // copy from other_memory_space to memory_space (if needed)
115  if (_lro.extent(0) != other._lro.extent(0)) {
116  Kokkos::resize(_lro, other._lro.extent(0));
117  }
118  if (_lro_lookup.extent(0) != other._lro_lookup.extent(0)) {
119  Kokkos::resize(_lro_lookup, other._lro_lookup.extent(0));
120  }
121  if (_lro_total_offsets.extent(0) != other._lro_total_offsets.extent(0)) {
122  Kokkos::resize(_lro_total_offsets, other._lro_total_offsets.extent(0));
123  }
124  if (_lro_output_tile_size.extent(0) != other._lro_output_tile_size.extent(0)) {
125  Kokkos::resize(_lro_output_tile_size, other._lro_output_tile_size.extent(0));
126  }
127  if (_lro_input_tile_size.extent(0) != other._lro_input_tile_size.extent(0)) {
128  Kokkos::resize(_lro_input_tile_size, other._lro_input_tile_size.extent(0));
129  }
130  if (_lro_output_tensor_rank.extent(0) != other._lro_output_tensor_rank.extent(0)) {
131  Kokkos::resize(_lro_output_tensor_rank, other._lro_output_tensor_rank.extent(0));
132  }
133  if (_lro_input_tensor_rank.extent(0) != other._lro_input_tensor_rank.extent(0)) {
134  Kokkos::resize(_lro_input_tensor_rank, other._lro_input_tensor_rank.extent(0));
135  }
136  Kokkos::deep_copy(_lro, other._lro);
137  Kokkos::deep_copy(_lro_lookup, other._lro_lookup);
138  Kokkos::deep_copy(_lro_total_offsets, other._lro_total_offsets);
139  Kokkos::deep_copy(_lro_output_tile_size, other._lro_output_tile_size);
140  Kokkos::deep_copy(_lro_input_tile_size, other._lro_input_tile_size);
141  Kokkos::deep_copy(_lro_output_tensor_rank, other._lro_output_tensor_rank);
142  Kokkos::deep_copy(_lro_input_tensor_rank, other._lro_input_tensor_rank);
144  // don't copy _alphas (expensive)
145  // _alphas only copied using copyAlphas
146  }
148 ///@}
150 /** @name Public Accessors
151  */
152 ///@{
154  // ON DEVICE
156  //! Handles offset from operation input/output + extra evaluation sites
157  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<!std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
159  int getTargetOffsetIndex(const int lro_num, const int input_component, const int output_component, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
160  return ( _total_alpha_values*evaluation_site_local_index
161  + _lro_total_offsets[lro_num]
162  + input_component*_lro_output_tile_size[lro_num]
163  + output_component );
164  }
166  //! Helper function for getting alphas for scalar reconstruction from scalar data
167  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<!std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
169  double getAlpha0TensorTo0Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int neighbor_index, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
170  // e.g. Dirac Delta target of a scalar field
171  return getAlpha(lro, target_index, 0, 0, neighbor_index, 0, 0, evaluation_site_local_index);
172  }
174  //! Helper function for getting alphas for vector reconstruction from scalar data
175  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<!std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
177  double getAlpha0TensorTo1Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component, const int neighbor_index, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
178  // e.g. gradient of a scalar field
179  return getAlpha(lro, target_index, output_component, 0, neighbor_index, 0, 0, evaluation_site_local_index);
180  }
182  //! Helper function for getting alphas for matrix reconstruction from scalar data
183  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<!std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
185  double getAlpha0TensorTo2Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component_axis_1, const int output_component_axis_2, const int neighbor_index, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
186  return getAlpha(lro, target_index, output_component_axis_1, output_component_axis_2, neighbor_index, 0, 0, evaluation_site_local_index);
187  }
189  //! Helper function for getting alphas for scalar reconstruction from vector data
190  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<!std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
192  double getAlpha1TensorTo0Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
193  // e.g. divergence of a vector field
194  return getAlpha(lro, target_index, 0, 0, neighbor_index, input_component, 0, evaluation_site_local_index);
195  }
197  //! Helper function for getting alphas for vector reconstruction from vector data
198  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<!std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
200  double getAlpha1TensorTo1Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
201  // e.g. curl of a vector field
202  return getAlpha(lro, target_index, output_component, 0, neighbor_index, input_component, 0, evaluation_site_local_index);
203  }
205  //! Helper function for getting alphas for matrix reconstruction from vector data
206  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<!std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
208  double getAlpha1TensorTo2Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component_axis_1, const int output_component_axis_2, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
209  // e.g. gradient of a vector field
210  return getAlpha(lro, target_index, output_component_axis_1, output_component_axis_2, neighbor_index, input_component, 0, evaluation_site_local_index);
211  }
213  //! Helper function for getting alphas for scalar reconstruction from matrix data
214  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<!std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
216  double getAlpha2TensorTo0Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component_axis_1, const int input_component_axis_2, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
217  return getAlpha(lro, target_index, 0, 0, neighbor_index, input_component_axis_1, input_component_axis_2, evaluation_site_local_index);
218  }
220  //! Helper function for getting alphas for vector reconstruction from matrix data
221  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<!std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
223  double getAlpha2TensorTo1Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component_axis_1, const int input_component_axis_2, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
224  return getAlpha(lro, target_index, output_component, 0, neighbor_index, input_component_axis_1, input_component_axis_2, evaluation_site_local_index);
225  }
227  //! Helper function for getting alphas for matrix reconstruction from matrix data
228  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<!std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
230  double getAlpha2TensorTo2Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component_axis_1, const int output_component_axis_2, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component_axis_1, const int input_component_axis_2, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
231  return getAlpha(lro, target_index, output_component_axis_1, output_component_axis_2, neighbor_index, input_component_axis_1, input_component_axis_2, evaluation_site_local_index);
232  }
234  //! Gives index into alphas given two axes, which when incremented by the neighbor number transforms access into
235  //! alphas from a rank 1 view into a rank 3 view.
236  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<!std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
238  global_index_type getAlphaIndex(const int target_index, const int alpha_column_offset) const {
240  global_index_type total_neighbors_before_target = _neighbor_lists.getRowOffsetDevice(target_index);
241  int total_added_alphas_before_target = target_index*_added_alpha_size;
243  int alphas_per_tile_per_target = _neighbor_lists.getNumberOfNeighborsDevice(target_index) + _added_alpha_size;
245  return (total_neighbors_before_target+TO_GLOBAL(total_added_alphas_before_target))
247  + TO_GLOBAL(alpha_column_offset*alphas_per_tile_per_target);
249  }
251  //! Retrieves the offset for an operator based on input and output component, generic to row
252  //! (but still multiplied by the number of neighbors for each row and then needs a neighbor number added
253  //! to this returned value to be meaningful)
254  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<!std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
256  int getAlphaColumnOffset(TargetOperation lro, const int output_component_axis_1,
257  const int output_component_axis_2, const int input_component_axis_1,
258  const int input_component_axis_2, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
260  const int lro_number = _lro_lookup[(int)lro];
261  compadre_kernel_assert_debug((lro_number >= 0) && "getAlphaColumnOffset called for a TargetOperation that was not registered.");
263  // the target functional input indexing is sized based on the output rank of the sampling
264  // functional used, which can not be inferred unless a specification of target functional,
265  // reconstruction space, and sampling functional are all known (as was the case at the
266  // construction of this class)
267  const int input_index = getSamplingOutputIndex(_data_sampling_functional, input_component_axis_1, input_component_axis_2);
268  const int output_index = getTargetOutputIndex((int)lro, output_component_axis_1, output_component_axis_2, _dimensions);
270  return getTargetOffsetIndex(lro_number, input_index, output_index, evaluation_site_local_index);
271  }
273  //! Underlying function all interface helper functions call to retrieve alpha values
274  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<!std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
276  double getAlpha(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component_axis_1, const int output_component_axis_2, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component_axis_1, const int input_component_axis_2, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
277  // lro - the operator from TargetOperations
278  // target_index - the # for the target site where information is required
279  // neighbor_index - the # for the neighbor of the target
280  //
281  // This code support up to rank 2 tensors for inputs and outputs
282  //
283  // scalar reconstruction from scalar data: rank 0 to rank 0
284  // provides 1 piece of information for each neighbor
285  // scalar reconstruction from vector data (e.g. divergence): rank 1 to rank 0
286  // provides 'd' pieces of information for each neighbor
287  // vector reconstruction from scalar data (e.g. gradient): rank 0 to rank 1
288  // provides 'd' piece of information for each neighbor
289  // vector reconstruction from vector data (e.g. curl): rank 1 to rank 1
290  // provides 'd'x'd' pieces of information for each neighbor
291  //
292  // This function would more reasonably be called from one of the getAlphaNTensorFromNTensor
293  // which is much easier to understand with respect to indexing and only requesting indices
294  // that are relavent to the operator in question.
295  //
297  compadre_kernel_assert_debug(this->_contains_valid_alphas &&
298  "getAlpha called on SolutionSet with _contains_valid_alphas=false");
300  const int alpha_column_offset = this->getAlphaColumnOffset( lro, output_component_axis_1,
301  output_component_axis_2, input_component_axis_1, input_component_axis_2, evaluation_site_local_index);
303  auto alphas_index = this->getAlphaIndex(target_index, alpha_column_offset);
304  return _alphas(alphas_index + neighbor_index);
305  }
307  //! Get the local index (internal) to GMLS for a particular TargetOperation
308  //! Every TargetOperation has a global index which can be readily found in Compadre::TargetOperation
309  //! but this function returns the index used inside of the GMLS class
310  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<!std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
313  return _lro_lookup[(int)lro];
314  }
316  //! Handles offset from operation input/output + extra evaluation sites
317  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
318  int getTargetOffsetIndex(const int lro_num, const int input_component, const int output_component, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
319  return ( _total_alpha_values*evaluation_site_local_index
320  + _lro_total_offsets[lro_num]
321  + input_component*_lro_output_tile_size[lro_num]
322  + output_component );
323  }
325  //! Helper function for getting alphas for scalar reconstruction from scalar data
326  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
327  double getAlpha0TensorTo0Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int neighbor_index, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
328  // e.g. Dirac Delta target of a scalar field
329  return getAlpha(lro, target_index, 0, 0, neighbor_index, 0, 0, evaluation_site_local_index);
330  }
332  //! Helper function for getting alphas for vector reconstruction from scalar data
333  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
334  double getAlpha0TensorTo1Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component, const int neighbor_index, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
335  // e.g. gradient of a scalar field
336  return getAlpha(lro, target_index, output_component, 0, neighbor_index, 0, 0, evaluation_site_local_index);
337  }
339  //! Helper function for getting alphas for matrix reconstruction from scalar data
340  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
341  double getAlpha0TensorTo2Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component_axis_1, const int output_component_axis_2, const int neighbor_index, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
342  return getAlpha(lro, target_index, output_component_axis_1, output_component_axis_2, neighbor_index, 0, 0, evaluation_site_local_index);
343  }
345  //! Helper function for getting alphas for scalar reconstruction from vector data
346  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
347  double getAlpha1TensorTo0Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
348  // e.g. divergence of a vector field
349  return getAlpha(lro, target_index, 0, 0, neighbor_index, input_component, 0, evaluation_site_local_index);
350  }
352  //! Helper function for getting alphas for vector reconstruction from vector data
353  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
354  double getAlpha1TensorTo1Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
355  // e.g. curl of a vector field
356  return getAlpha(lro, target_index, output_component, 0, neighbor_index, input_component, 0, evaluation_site_local_index);
357  }
359  //! Helper function for getting alphas for matrix reconstruction from vector data
360  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
361  double getAlpha1TensorTo2Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component_axis_1, const int output_component_axis_2, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
362  // e.g. gradient of a vector field
363  return getAlpha(lro, target_index, output_component_axis_1, output_component_axis_2, neighbor_index, input_component, 0, evaluation_site_local_index);
364  }
366  //! Helper function for getting alphas for scalar reconstruction from matrix data
367  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
368  double getAlpha2TensorTo0Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component_axis_1, const int input_component_axis_2, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
369  return getAlpha(lro, target_index, 0, 0, neighbor_index, input_component_axis_1, input_component_axis_2, evaluation_site_local_index);
370  }
372  //! Helper function for getting alphas for vector reconstruction from matrix data
373  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
374  double getAlpha2TensorTo1Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component_axis_1, const int input_component_axis_2, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
375  return getAlpha(lro, target_index, output_component, 0, neighbor_index, input_component_axis_1, input_component_axis_2, evaluation_site_local_index);
376  }
378  //! Helper function for getting alphas for matrix reconstruction from matrix data
379  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
380  double getAlpha2TensorTo2Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component_axis_1, const int output_component_axis_2, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component_axis_1, const int input_component_axis_2, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
381  return getAlpha(lro, target_index, output_component_axis_1, output_component_axis_2, neighbor_index, input_component_axis_1, input_component_axis_2, evaluation_site_local_index);
382  }
384  //! Gives index into alphas given two axes, which when incremented by the neighbor number transforms access into
385  //! alphas from a rank 1 view into a rank 3 view.
386  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
387  global_index_type getAlphaIndex(const int target_index, const int alpha_column_offset) const {
389  global_index_type total_neighbors_before_target = _neighbor_lists.getRowOffsetHost(target_index);
390  int total_added_alphas_before_target = target_index*_added_alpha_size;
392  int alphas_per_tile_per_target = _neighbor_lists.getNumberOfNeighborsHost(target_index) + _added_alpha_size;
394  return (total_neighbors_before_target+TO_GLOBAL(total_added_alphas_before_target))
396  + TO_GLOBAL(alpha_column_offset*alphas_per_tile_per_target);
398  }
400  //! Retrieves the offset for an operator based on input and output component, generic to row
401  //! (but still multiplied by the number of neighbors for each row and then needs a neighbor number added
402  //! to this returned value to be meaningful)
403  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
404  int getAlphaColumnOffset(TargetOperation lro, const int output_component_axis_1,
405  const int output_component_axis_2, const int input_component_axis_1,
406  const int input_component_axis_2, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
408  const int lro_number = _lro_lookup[(int)lro];
409  compadre_kernel_assert_debug((lro_number >= 0) && "getAlphaColumnOffset called for a TargetOperation that was not registered.");
411  // the target functional input indexing is sized based on the output rank of the sampling
412  // functional used, which can not be inferred unless a specification of target functional,
413  // reconstruction space, and sampling functional are all known (as was the case at the
414  // construction of this class)
415  const int input_index = getSamplingOutputIndex(_data_sampling_functional, input_component_axis_1, input_component_axis_2);
416  const int output_index = getTargetOutputIndex((int)lro, output_component_axis_1, output_component_axis_2, _dimensions);
418  return getTargetOffsetIndex(lro_number, input_index, output_index, evaluation_site_local_index);
419  }
421  //! Underlying function all interface helper functions call to retrieve alpha values
422  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
423  double getAlpha(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component_axis_1, const int output_component_axis_2, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component_axis_1, const int input_component_axis_2, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) const {
424  // lro - the operator from TargetOperations
425  // target_index - the # for the target site where information is required
426  // neighbor_index - the # for the neighbor of the target
427  //
428  // This code support up to rank 2 tensors for inputs and outputs
429  //
430  // scalar reconstruction from scalar data: rank 0 to rank 0
431  // provides 1 piece of information for each neighbor
432  // scalar reconstruction from vector data (e.g. divergence): rank 1 to rank 0
433  // provides 'd' pieces of information for each neighbor
434  // vector reconstruction from scalar data (e.g. gradient): rank 0 to rank 1
435  // provides 'd' piece of information for each neighbor
436  // vector reconstruction from vector data (e.g. curl): rank 1 to rank 1
437  // provides 'd'x'd' pieces of information for each neighbor
438  //
439  // This function would more reasonably be called from one of the getAlphaNTensorFromNTensor
440  // which is much easier to understand with respect to indexing and only requesting indices
441  // that are relavent to the operator in question.
442  //
444  compadre_assert_debug(this->_contains_valid_alphas &&
445  "getAlpha called on SolutionSet with _contains_valid_alphas=false");
447  const int alpha_column_offset = this->getAlphaColumnOffset( lro, output_component_axis_1,
448  output_component_axis_2, input_component_axis_1, input_component_axis_2, evaluation_site_local_index);
450  auto alphas_index = this->getAlphaIndex(target_index, alpha_column_offset);
451  return _alphas(alphas_index + neighbor_index);
452  }
454  //! Get the local index (internal) to GMLS for a particular TargetOperation
455  //! Every TargetOperation has a global index which can be readily found in Compadre::TargetOperation
456  //! but this function returns the index used inside of the GMLS class
457  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
459  return _lro_lookup[(int)lro];
460  }
463 ///@}
465 /** @name Public Modifiers (can only call from host)
466  */
467 ///@{
469  //! Copies alphas between two instances of SolutionSet
470  //! Copying of alphas is intentionally omitted in copy constructor
471  template <typename other_memory_space>
473  if ((void*)this != (void*)&other) {
474  if (_alphas.extent(0) != other._alphas.extent(0)) {
475  Kokkos::resize(_alphas, other._alphas.extent(0));
476  }
477  Kokkos::deep_copy(_alphas, other._alphas);
478  this->_contains_valid_alphas = other._contains_valid_alphas;
479  }
480  }
483  //! Empties the vector of target functionals to apply to the reconstruction
484  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
485  void clearTargets() {
486  _lro = decltype(_lro)();
487  for (int i=0; i<TargetOperation::COUNT; ++i) {
488  _lro_lookup[i] = -1;
489  }
490  }
492  //! Adds a target to the vector of target functional to be applied to the reconstruction
493  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
495  std::vector<TargetOperation> temporary_lro_vector(1, lro);
496  this->addTargets(temporary_lro_vector);
497  }
499  //! Adds a vector of target functionals to the vector of target functionals already to be applied to the reconstruction
500  template<typename ms=memory_space, enable_if_t<std::is_same<host_memory_space, ms>::value, int> = 0>
501  void addTargets(std::vector<TargetOperation> lro) {
503  std::vector<TargetOperation> unique_new_lro;
505  auto host_lro_lookup = create_mirror_view(_lro_lookup);
506  if (_lro_lookup.extent(0) == 0) {
507  _lro_lookup = decltype(_lro_lookup)("LRO Lookup", TargetOperation::COUNT);
508  host_lro_lookup = create_mirror_view(_lro_lookup);
509  Kokkos::deep_copy(host_lro_lookup, -1);
510  } else {
511  Kokkos::deep_copy(host_lro_lookup, _lro_lookup);
512  }
514  // loop over requested targets
515  for (size_t i=0; i<lro.size(); ++i) {
517  bool operation_found = false;
518  // loop over existing targets registered
519  for (size_t j=0; j<_lro.size(); ++j) {
521  // if found
522  if (_lro(j)==lro[i]) {
524  operation_found = true;
526  // the operation should now point to where the operation is stored
527  host_lro_lookup[(int)lro[i]] = j;
529  break;
531  }
532  }
534  if (!operation_found) {
535  host_lro_lookup[(int)lro[i]] = _lro.size() + unique_new_lro.size();
536  unique_new_lro.push_back(lro[i]);
537  }
538  }
540  // move unique_new_lro into _lro
541  auto new_lro = decltype(_lro)("LRO", _lro.size() + unique_new_lro.size());
542  for (size_t i=0; i<_lro.size(); ++i) {
543  new_lro(i) = _lro(i);
544  }
545  for (size_t i=0; i<unique_new_lro.size(); ++i) {
546  new_lro(i+_lro.size()) = unique_new_lro[i];
547  }
548  _lro = new_lro;
550  _lro_total_offsets = decltype(_lro_total_offsets)("total offsets for alphas", _lro.size());
551  _lro_output_tile_size = decltype(_lro_output_tile_size)("output tile size for each operation", _lro.size());
552  _lro_input_tile_size = decltype(_lro_input_tile_size)("output tile size for each operation", _lro.size());
553  _lro_output_tensor_rank = decltype(_lro_output_tensor_rank)("output tensor rank", _lro.size());
554  _lro_input_tensor_rank = decltype(_lro_input_tensor_rank)("input tensor rank", _lro.size());
556  auto host_lro_total_offsets = create_mirror_view(_lro_total_offsets);
557  auto host_lro_output_tile_size = create_mirror_view(_lro_output_tile_size);
558  auto host_lro_input_tile_size = create_mirror_view(_lro_input_tile_size);
559  auto host_lro_output_tensor_rank = create_mirror_view(_lro_output_tensor_rank);
560  auto host_lro_input_tensor_rank = create_mirror_view(_lro_input_tensor_rank);
562  int total_offset = 0; // need total offset
564  for (size_t i=0; i<_lro.size(); ++i) {
565  host_lro_total_offsets(i) = total_offset;
567  // allows for a tile of the product of dimension^input_tensor_rank * dimension^output_tensor_rank * the number of neighbors
568  int output_tile_size = getOutputDimensionOfOperation(_lro(i), _local_dimensions);
570  // the target functional input indexing is sized based on the output rank of the sampling
571  // functional used
573  host_lro_output_tile_size(i) = output_tile_size;
574  host_lro_input_tile_size(i) = input_tile_size;
576  total_offset += input_tile_size * output_tile_size;
578  // the target functional output rank is based on the output rank of the sampling
579  // functional used
580  host_lro_input_tensor_rank(i) = _data_sampling_functional.output_rank;
581  host_lro_output_tensor_rank(i) = getTargetOutputTensorRank((int)_lro(i));
582  }
584  _total_alpha_values = total_offset;
587  // if on a manifold, the total alphas values must be large enough to hold the gradient
588  // of the geometry reconstruction
591  }
593  Kokkos::deep_copy(_lro_lookup, host_lro_lookup);
594  Kokkos::deep_copy(_lro_total_offsets, host_lro_total_offsets);
595  Kokkos::deep_copy(_lro_output_tile_size, host_lro_output_tile_size);
596  Kokkos::deep_copy(_lro_input_tile_size, host_lro_input_tile_size);
597  Kokkos::deep_copy(_lro_output_tensor_rank, host_lro_output_tensor_rank);
598  Kokkos::deep_copy(_lro_input_tensor_rank, host_lro_input_tensor_rank);
599  }
601  //! Get a view (device) of all alphas
602  decltype(_alphas) getAlphas() const {
603  compadre_assert_debug(this->_contains_valid_alphas &&
604  "getAlpha called on SolutionSet with _contains_valid_alphas=false");
605  return _alphas;
606  }
608 ///@}
610 }; // SolutionSet
612 } // Compadre namespace
614 #endif
#define compadre_kernel_assert_debug(condition)
std::size_t global_index_type
#define compadre_assert_debug(condition)
compadre_assert_debug is used for assertions that are checked in loops, as these significantly impact...
#define TO_GLOBAL(variable)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int pown(int n, unsigned p)
n^p (n^0 returns 1, regardless of n)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getTargetOutputTensorRank(const int &index)
Rank of target functional output for each TargetOperation Rank of target functional input for each Ta...
constexpr SamplingFunctional PointSample
Available sampling functionals.
Problem type, that optionally can handle manifolds.
Solve GMLS problem on a manifold (will use QR or SVD to solve the resultant GMLS problem dependent on...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getOutputDimensionOfOperation(TargetOperation lro, const int local_dimensions)
Dimensions ^ output rank for target operation.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getTargetOutputIndex(const int operation_num, const int output_component_axis_1, const int output_component_axis_2, const int dimensions)
Helper function for finding alpha coefficients.
Available target functionals.
Should be the total count of all available target functionals.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getOutputDimensionOfSampling(SamplingFunctional sro, const int local_dimensions)
Dimensions ^ output rank for sampling operation (always in local chart if on a manifold,...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getSamplingOutputIndex(const SamplingFunctional sf, const int output_component_axis_1, const int output_component_axis_2)
Helper function for finding alpha coefficients.
NeighborLists assists in accessing entries of compressed row neighborhood lists.
global_index_type getRowOffsetHost(int target_index) const
Get offset into compressed row neighbor lists (host)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION global_index_type getRowOffsetDevice(int target_index) const
Get offset into compressed row neighbor lists (device)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getNumberOfNeighborsDevice(int target_index) const
Get number of neighbors for a given target (device)
int getNumberOfNeighborsHost(int target_index) const
Get number of neighbors for a given target (host)
int output_rank
Rank of sampling functional output for each SamplingFunctional.
All vairables and functionality related to the layout and storage of GMLS solutions (alpha values)
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double getAlpha0TensorTo0Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int neighbor_index, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Helper function for getting alphas for scalar reconstruction from scalar data.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double getAlpha0TensorTo2Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component_axis_1, const int output_component_axis_2, const int neighbor_index, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Helper function for getting alphas for matrix reconstruction from scalar data.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double getAlpha2TensorTo2Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component_axis_1, const int output_component_axis_2, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component_axis_1, const int input_component_axis_2, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Helper function for getting alphas for matrix reconstruction from matrix data.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double getAlpha0TensorTo1Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component, const int neighbor_index, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Helper function for getting alphas for vector reconstruction from scalar data.
void addTargets(TargetOperation lro)
Adds a target to the vector of target functional to be applied to the reconstruction.
Kokkos::View< int *, memory_space > _lro_output_tile_size
dimensions ^ rank of tensor of output for each target functional
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double getAlpha1TensorTo1Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Helper function for getting alphas for vector reconstruction from vector data.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION global_index_type getAlphaIndex(const int target_index, const int alpha_column_offset) const
Gives index into alphas given two axes, which when incremented by the neighbor number transforms acce...
double getAlpha2TensorTo2Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component_axis_1, const int output_component_axis_2, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component_axis_1, const int input_component_axis_2, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Helper function for getting alphas for matrix reconstruction from matrix data.
global_index_type getAlphaIndex(const int target_index, const int alpha_column_offset) const
Gives index into alphas given two axes, which when incremented by the neighbor number transforms acce...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double getAlpha2TensorTo0Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component_axis_1, const int input_component_axis_2, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Helper function for getting alphas for scalar reconstruction from matrix data.
SolutionSet(SamplingFunctional data_sampling_functional, int dimensions, int local_dimensions, const ProblemType problem_type)
Constructor for SolutionSet.
Kokkos::View< int *, memory_space > _lro_input_tensor_rank
tensor rank of sampling functional (device)
void clearTargets()
Empties the vector of target functionals to apply to the reconstruction.
double getAlpha0TensorTo0Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int neighbor_index, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Helper function for getting alphas for scalar reconstruction from scalar data.
int getTargetOffsetIndex(const int lro_num, const int input_component, const int output_component, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Handles offset from operation input/output + extra evaluation sites.
Kokkos::View< int *, memory_space > _lro_input_tile_size
dimensions ^ rank of tensor of output for each sampling functional
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double getAlpha2TensorTo1Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component_axis_1, const int input_component_axis_2, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Helper function for getting alphas for vector reconstruction from matrix data.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getTargetOperationLocalIndex(TargetOperation lro) const
Get the local index (internal) to GMLS for a particular TargetOperation Every TargetOperation has a g...
Kokkos::View< TargetOperation *, memory_space > _lro
vector of user requested target operations
double getAlpha0TensorTo1Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component, const int neighbor_index, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Helper function for getting alphas for vector reconstruction from scalar data.
int _dimensions
dimension of the problem, set at class instantiation only
int getTargetOperationLocalIndex(TargetOperation lro) const
Get the local index (internal) to GMLS for a particular TargetOperation Every TargetOperation has a g...
NeighborLists< Kokkos::View< int * > > _neighbor_lists
Accessor to get neighbor list data, offset data, and number of neighbors per target.
int _max_evaluation_sites_per_target
maximum number of evaluation sites for each target (includes target site)
SamplingFunctional _data_sampling_functional
generally the same as _polynomial_sampling_functional, but can differ if specified at GMLS class inst...
Kokkos::View< double *, layout_right, memory_space > _alphas
generated alpha coefficients (device)
int _added_alpha_size
additional alpha coefficients due to constraints
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getAlphaColumnOffset(TargetOperation lro, const int output_component_axis_1, const int output_component_axis_2, const int input_component_axis_1, const int input_component_axis_2, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Retrieves the offset for an operator based on input and output component, generic to row (but still m...
Kokkos::View< int *, memory_space > _lro_output_tensor_rank
tensor rank of target functional (device)
double getAlpha(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component_axis_1, const int output_component_axis_2, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component_axis_1, const int input_component_axis_2, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Underlying function all interface helper functions call to retrieve alpha values.
double getAlpha2TensorTo0Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component_axis_1, const int input_component_axis_2, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Helper function for getting alphas for scalar reconstruction from matrix data.
decltype(_alphas) getAlphas() const
Get a view (device) of all alphas.
bool _contains_valid_alphas
whether internal alpha values are valid (set externally on a solve)
double getAlpha0TensorTo2Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component_axis_1, const int output_component_axis_2, const int neighbor_index, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Helper function for getting alphas for matrix reconstruction from scalar data.
Kokkos::View< int *, memory_space > _lro_lookup
vector containing a mapping from a target functionals enum value to the its place in the list of targ...
void addTargets(std::vector< TargetOperation > lro)
Adds a vector of target functionals to the vector of target functionals already to be applied to the ...
double getAlpha1TensorTo1Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Helper function for getting alphas for vector reconstruction from vector data.
double getAlpha1TensorTo2Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component_axis_1, const int output_component_axis_2, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Helper function for getting alphas for matrix reconstruction from vector data.
double getAlpha2TensorTo1Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component_axis_1, const int input_component_axis_2, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Helper function for getting alphas for vector reconstruction from matrix data.
void copyAlphas(SolutionSet< other_memory_space > &other)
Copies alphas between two instances of SolutionSet Copying of alphas is intentionally omitted in copy...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double getAlpha1TensorTo2Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component_axis_1, const int output_component_axis_2, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Helper function for getting alphas for matrix reconstruction from vector data.
Kokkos::View< int *, memory_space > _lro_total_offsets
index for where this operation begins the for _alpha coefficients
int _total_alpha_values
used for sizing P_target_row and the _alphas view
ProblemType _problem_type
problem type for GMLS problem, can also be set to STANDARD for normal or MANIFOLD for manifold proble...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double getAlpha1TensorTo0Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Helper function for getting alphas for scalar reconstruction from vector data.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getTargetOffsetIndex(const int lro_num, const int input_component, const int output_component, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Handles offset from operation input/output + extra evaluation sites.
int getAlphaColumnOffset(TargetOperation lro, const int output_component_axis_1, const int output_component_axis_2, const int input_component_axis_1, const int input_component_axis_2, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Retrieves the offset for an operator based on input and output component, generic to row (but still m...
SolutionSet(const SolutionSet< other_memory_space > &other)
Copy constructor (can be used to move data from device to host or vice-versa)
int _local_dimensions
dimension of the problem, set at class instantiation only. For manifolds, generally _global_dimension...
double getAlpha1TensorTo0Tensor(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Helper function for getting alphas for scalar reconstruction from vector data.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double getAlpha(TargetOperation lro, const int target_index, const int output_component_axis_1, const int output_component_axis_2, const int neighbor_index, const int input_component_axis_1, const int input_component_axis_2, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0) const
Underlying function all interface helper functions call to retrieve alpha values.