
mimo_transfer_mat(transfer_mat, zero_freq=True)[source]

Create a block matrix of the MIMO transfer function.

The input is a complex transfer matrix that relates the complex Fourier representation of two variables. For example, it can be an impedance matrix or an RAO transfer matrix. The input complex impedance matrix has shape :python`(nfreq, ndof, ndof)`.

Returns the 2D real matrix that transform the state representation of the input variable variable to the state representation of the output variable. Here, a state representation x consists of the mean (DC) component followed by the real and imaginary components of the Fourier coefficients (excluding the imaginary component of the 2-point wave) as x=[X0, Re(X1), Im(X1), ..., Re(Xn)].

If zero_freq = False (not default), the mean (DC) component X0 is excluded, and the matrix/vector length is reduced by 1.

  • transfer_mat (DataArray) – Complex transfer matrix.

  • zero_freq (bool | None) – Whether the first frequency should be zero.

Return type:
