
check_radiation_damping(hydro_data, min_damping=1e-06, uniform_shift=False)[source]

Ensure that the linear hydrodynamics (friction + radiation damping) have positive damping.

Shifts the friction or radiation_damping up if necessary. Returns the (possibly) updated Dataset with damping \(>=\) min_damping.

  • hydro_data (Dataset) – Linear hydrodynamic data.

  • min_damping (float | None) – Minimum threshold for damping. Default is 1e-6.

  • uniform_shift (bool | None) – Boolean that determines whether the damping correction for each degree of freedom is frequency dependent or not. If True, the damping correction is applied to friction and shifts the damping for all frequencies. If False, the damping correction is applied to radiation_damping and only shifts the damping for frequencies with negative damping values. Default is False.

Return type:
