- class Exodus(filename, mode='r', title=None, num_dims=None, num_nodes=None, num_elem=None, num_blocks=None, num_node_sets=None, num_side_sets=None, clobber=False)[source]
Read or write exodus files.
This class creates functionality to read or write exodus files using the netCDF4 python module.
- Parameters
filename (str) – The path string to the file that will be opened
mode (str) – Mode with which the file is opened, ‘r’ - Read, ‘w’ - Write, ‘a’ - Append. Default is ‘r’.
title (str) – Title of the exodus file, only required if mode=’w’.
num_dims (int) – Number of dimensions in the exodus file, only required if mode=’w’.
num_nodes (int) – Number of nodes in the exodus file, only required if mode=’w’.
num_elem (int) – Number of elements in the exodus file, only required if mode=’w’.
num_blocks (int) – Number of blocks in the exodus file, only required if mode=’w’.
num_node_sets (int) – Number of node sets in the exodus file, only required if mode = ‘w’.
num_side_sets (int) – Number of side sets in the exodus file, only required if mode=’w’.
- __init__(filename, mode='r', title=None, num_dims=None, num_nodes=None, num_elem=None, num_blocks=None, num_node_sets=None, num_side_sets=None, clobber=False)[source]
(filename[, mode, title, num_dims, ...])close
(*args, **kwargs)get_block_surface
(block_id[, ...])Gets the node indices and element connectivity of surface elements
(index)Retrieve the coordinates of the specified node in the exodus file.
Retrieve the coordinate names in the exodus file.
Retrieve the coordinates of the nodes in the exodus file.
([displacement_name, ...])get_elem_attr
(id)Gets the element attributes for a given block
Gets a list of the element block ID numbers in the exodus file
Gets the element block information for the specified element block ID
Gets the element connectivity matrix for a given block
Retrieve the list of local element IDs from the exodus file.
(id)Gets the element type for a given block
Gets a tuple of element variable names from the exodus file
Gets the element variable table
(block_id, ...[, step])Gets an element's variable value for the specified timestep
(block_id, name_or_index)Gets a block's element variable values for the specified timestep
Gets a tuple of global variable names from the exodus file
(name_or_index[, step])Gets the global variable value for the specified timesteps
Get the information records in the exodus file
Retrieve the list of local node IDs from the exodus file.
Get the distribution factors of the specified node set
Gets a list of the node set ID numbers in the exodus file
Retrieve the node set names in the exodus file.
Get the nodes in the specified node set
Get the number of nodes in the specified node set
Gets a tuple of nodal variable names from the exodus file
(name_or_index, ...)Gets a node variable value for the specified timestep
(name_or_index[, step])Gets the node variable values for the specified timestep
Get the quality assurance records in the exodus file
Get the distribution factors of the specified side set
Get the faces in the specified side set
Gets a list of the side set ID numbers in the exodus file
Retrieve the side set names in the exouds file.
Get the number of faces in the specified side set
([indices])Gets the time values from the exodus file
([close, variables, ...])Loads the exodus file into an ExodusInMemory object
(id)Gets the number of attributes per element for an element block
(id)Gets the number of elements in an element block
Gets the number of nodes per element in an element block
(coord_names)Puts the coordinate names into the exodus file
(coords)Puts the coordinate values into the exodus file
(block_ids)Puts a list of the element block ID numbers in the exodus file
(id, elem_type, ...[, ...])Puts the element block information for an element block ID into the exodus file
(elem_num_map)Puts a list of local element IDs into the exodus file.
(elem_var_names[, ...])Puts the specified variable names in the exodus file
(global_var_names)Puts the specified global variable names in the exodus file
(records)Puts the information records in the exodus file
(node_num_map)Puts a list of local node IDs into the exodus file.
(ns_ids)Puts a list of the node set ID numbers in the exodus file
(id, nodes[, dist_fact])Puts the node set information for a node set ID into the exodus file
(ns_names)Puts the node set names into the exodus file
(node_var_names)Puts the specified variable names in the exodus file
(records)Puts the quality assurance records in the exodus file
(ss_ids)Puts a list of the side set ID numbers in the exodus file
(id, elements, sides[, ...])Puts the side set information for a side set ID into the exodus file
(ss_names)Puts the side set names into the exodus file
(*args, **kwargs)set_elem_attr
(id, attributes)Sets the element attributes for a given block
(id, connectivity)Sets the element connectivity matrix for a given block
(block_id, ...)Sets an element variable value for the specified timestep
(block_id, ...)Sets a block's element variable values for the specified timestep
(name_or_index, ...)Sets the global variable values for the specified timestep
(name_or_index, ...)Sets the node variable values for the specified timestep
(name_or_index, ...)Sets the node variable values for the specified timestep
(step, value)Sets the time value of a given step in the exodus file
(values)Sets the time vector for the exodus file
Triangulate a surface mesh for plotting patches
Get the title of the exodus file
- get_block_surface(block_id, keep_midside_nodes=False, warn=True)[source]
Gets the node indices and element connectivity of surface elements
This function “skins” the element block, returning a list of node indices and a surface connectivity matrix.
- Parameters
block_id (int) – The ID number of the block that will be skinned.
keep_midside_nodes (bool) – Specifies whether or not to keep midside nodes in the surface mesh. Default is False.
warn (bool) – Specifies whether or not to warn the user if the block ID doesn’t have a skinning method defined for its element type. Default is True.
- Returns
element_block_information – A list of tuples of element information. These data are element_type, node_indices, block_surface_connectivity, and block_surface_original_elements. The element_type is a string representing the new block element type (‘quad4’,’tri3’,etc.). The node_indices can be used as an index into the coordinate or nodal variable arrays to select nodes corresponding to this block. The block_surface_connectivity represents the connectivity array of the surface faces of the block. Values in this array correspond to indices into the node_indices array. To recover the connectivity array in the original node indices of the exodus file, it can be passed through the node_indices as node_indices[block_surface_connectivity]. The block_surface_original_elements array shows the original element indices of the block that each surface came from. This can be used to map element variables to the new surface mesh. This list will normally be length 1 unless an element type is processed that has two different surface elements in it (e.g. wedges have tris and quads)
- Return type
- get_coord(index)[source]
Retrieve the coordinates of the specified node in the exodus file.
- Parameters
index (int) – The global node index (not node number) of the node of which the coordinates are desired
- Returns
coords – Returns an array with size num_dims
- Return type
- get_coord_names()[source]
Retrieve the coordinate names in the exodus file.
- Returns
coord_names – Returns a tuple of strings containing the coordinate names in the exodus file.
- Return type
- get_coords()[source]
Retrieve the coordinates of the nodes in the exodus file.
- Returns
coords – Returns a 2D array with size num_dims x num_nodes
- Return type
- get_elem_attr(id)[source]
Gets the element attributes for a given block
- Parameters
id (int) – The block id for which the element connectivity matrix is desired.
- Returns
attributes – The 2d attribute matrix for the block with dimensions num_elem x num_attributes
- Return type
- get_elem_blk_ids()[source]
Gets a list of the element block ID numbers in the exodus file
- Returns
block_ids – A tuple containing the block ID numbers
- Return type
- get_elem_blk_info(id)[source]
Gets the element block information for the specified element block ID
- Parameters
id (int) – Element Block ID number
- Returns
element_type (str) – Name of the Element Type
elements_in_block (int) – Number of elements in the block
nodes_per_element (int) – Number of nodes per element in the block
attributes_per_element (int) – Number of attributes per element
- get_elem_connectivity(id)[source]
Gets the element connectivity matrix for a given block
- Parameters
id (int) – The block id for which the element connectivity matrix is desired.
- Returns
connectivity – The 2d connectivity matrix for the block with dimensions num_elem x num_nodes_per_element. The returned value is converted from the 1-based Exodus indexing to 0-based Python/NumPy indexing.
- Return type
- get_elem_num_map()[source]
Retrieve the list of local element IDs from the exodus file.
- Returns
elem_num_map – Returns a 1D array with size num_elems, denoting the element number for the element in each index
- Return type
If there is no elem_num_map in the exodus file, this function simply returns an array from 1 to self.num_elems
- get_elem_type(id)[source]
Gets the element type for a given block
- Parameters
id (int) – The block id for which the element connectivity matrix is desired.
- Returns
type – The element type of the block
- Return type
- get_elem_variable_names()[source]
Gets a tuple of element variable names from the exodus file
- Returns
elem_var_names – Returns a tuple containing the names of the element variables in the exodus file.
- Return type
tuple of strings
- get_elem_variable_table()[source]
Gets the element variable table
Gets the element variable table showing which elements are defined for which blocks.
- Returns
elem_var_table – A 2D array with dimension num_blocks x num_element_variables. If the jth element variable is defined for the ith block, elem_var_table[i,j] == True
- Return type
- get_elem_variable_value(block_id, name_or_index, element_index, step=None)[source]
Gets an element’s variable value for the specified timestep
- Parameters
block_id (int) – Block id number for the block from which element variable value is desired.
name_or_index (str or int) – Name or Index of the element variable that is desired. If type(name_or_index) == str, then it is assumed to be the name. If type(name_or_index) == int, then it is assumed to be the index.
element_index (int) – element index at which to recover the nodal variable
step (int) – Time step at which to recover the nodal variable
- Returns
elem_variable_value – The variable values for the specified element at the specified time step.
- Return type
- get_elem_variable_values(block_id, name_or_index, step=None)[source]
Gets a block’s element variable values for the specified timestep
- Parameters
block_id (int) – Block id number for the block from which element variable values are desired.
name_or_index (str or int) – Name or Index of the element variable that is desired. If type(name_or_index) == str, then it is assumed to be the name. If type(name_or_index) == int, then it is assumed to be the index.
step (int) – Time step at which to recover the element variable
- Returns
elem_variable_values – A 1d array consisting of the variable values for each element in the specified block at the specified time step.
- Return type
- get_global_variable_names()[source]
Gets a tuple of global variable names from the exodus file
- Returns
global_var_names – Returns a tuple containing the names of the global variables in the exodus file.
- Return type
tuple of strings
- get_global_variable_values(name_or_index, step=None)[source]
Gets the global variable value for the specified timesteps
- Parameters
name_or_index (str or int) – Name or Index of the global variable that is desired. If type(name_or_index) == str, then it is assumed to be the name. If type(name_or_index) == int, then it is assumed to be the index.
step (int) – Time step at which to recover the nodal variable
- Returns
global_variable_values – A 1d array or floating point number consisting of the variable values at the specified time steps.
- Return type
maskedarray or float
- get_info_records()[source]
Get the information records in the exodus file
- Returns
info_records – Returns a tuple of strings where the index is the record number.
- Return type
- get_node_num_map()[source]
Retrieve the list of local node IDs from the exodus file.
- Returns
node_num_map – Returns a 1D array with size num_nodes, denoting the node number for the node in each index
- Return type
If there is no node_num_map in the exodus file, this function simply returns an array from 1 to self.num_nodes
- get_node_set_dist_factors(id)[source]
Get the distribution factors of the specified node set
- Parameters
id (int) – Node set ID (not index)
- Returns
dist_factor – The distribution factors in the node set
- Return type
- get_node_set_ids()[source]
Gets a list of the node set ID numbers in the exodus file
- Returns
ns_ids – A tuple containing the node set ID numbers
- Return type
- get_node_set_names()[source]
Retrieve the node set names in the exodus file.
- Returns
ns_names – Returns a tuple of strings containing the node set names in the exodus file.
- Return type
- get_node_set_nodes(id)[source]
Get the nodes in the specified node set
- Parameters
id (int) – Node set ID (not index)
- Returns
nodes – The node indices of nodes in the node set. Note that while the Exodus file format uses 1-based indexing, the returned nodes array is converted so it is 0-based.
- Return type
- get_node_set_num_nodes(id)[source]
Get the number of nodes in the specified node set
- Parameters
id (int) – Node set ID (not index)
- Returns
num_nodes – The number of nodes in the node set.
- Return type
- get_node_variable_names()[source]
Gets a tuple of nodal variable names from the exodus file
- Returns
node_var_names – Returns a tuple containing the names of the nodal variables in the exodus file.
- Return type
tuple of strings
- get_node_variable_value(name_or_index, node_index, step=None)[source]
Gets a node variable value for the specified timestep
- Parameters
name_or_index (str or int) – Name or Index of the nodal variable that is desired. If type(name_or_index) == str, then it is assumed to be the name. If type(name_or_index) == int, then it is assumed to be the index.
node_index (int) – Node index at which to recover the nodal variable
step (int) – Time step at which to recover the nodal variable
- Returns
node_variable_value – The variable values for the specified node at the specified time step.
- Return type
- get_node_variable_values(name_or_index, step=None)[source]
Gets the node variable values for the specified timestep
- Parameters
name_or_index (str or int) – Name or Index of the nodal variable that is desired. If type(name_or_index) == str, then it is assumed to be the name. If type(name_or_index) == int, then it is assumed to be the index.
step (int) – Time step at which to recover the nodal variable
- Returns
node_variable_values – A 1d array consisting of the variable values for each node at the specified time step.
- Return type
- get_qa_records()[source]
Get the quality assurance records in the exodus file
- Returns
qa_records – Returns a nested tuple of strings where the first index is the record number, and the second is the line in the record.
- Return type
- get_side_set_dist_factors(id)[source]
Get the distribution factors of the specified side set
- Parameters
id (int) – Side set ID (not index)
- Returns
dist_factor – The distribution factors in the node set
- Return type
- get_side_set_faces(id)[source]
Get the faces in the specified side set
- Parameters
id (int) – Side set ID (not index)
- Returns
elements (np.array) – The element of each face in the sideset (converted from 1-based exodus indexing to 0-based python indexing)
sides (np.array) – The element side of each face in the sideset (converted from 1-based exodus indexing to 0-based python indexing)
- get_side_set_ids()[source]
Gets a list of the side set ID numbers in the exodus file
- Returns
ss_ids – A tuple containing the side set ID numbers
- Return type
- get_side_set_names()[source]
Retrieve the side set names in the exouds file.
- Returns
ss_names – Returns a tuple of strings containing the side set names in the exodus file
- Return type
- get_side_set_num_faces(id)[source]
Get the number of faces in the specified side set
- Parameters
id (int) – Side set ID (not index)
- Returns
num_faces – The number of faces in the side set.
- Return type
- get_times(indices=None)[source]
Gets the time values from the exodus file
- Returns
time_array – A masked_array containing the time values.
- Return type
- load_into_memory(close=True, variables=None, timesteps=None, blocks=None)[source]
Loads the exodus file into an ExodusInMemory object
This function loads the exodus file into memory in an ExodusInMemory format. Not for use with large files.
- Parameters
close (bool) – Close the netcdf file upon loading into memory. Optional argument, default is true.
variables (iterable) – A list of variable names that are loaded into memory. Default is to load all variables
timesteps (iterable) – A list of timestep indices that are loaded into memory. Default is to load all timesteps.
blocks (iterable) – A list of block ids that are loaded into memory. Default is to load all blocks.
- Returns
fexo – The exodus file in an ExodusInMemory format
- Return type
- num_attr(id)[source]
Gets the number of attributes per element for an element block
- Parameters
d (int) – The block id for which the number of attributes is desired
- Returns
attr_per_element – The number of attributes per element in a block
- Return type
- property num_blks
- property num_dimensions
- property num_elem_variables
- property num_elems
- num_elems_in_blk(id)[source]
Gets the number of elements in an element block
- Parameters
d (int) – The block id for which the number of attributes is desired
- Returns
elem_per_element – The number of elements in the block
- Return type
- property num_global_variables
- property num_node_sets
- property num_node_variables
- property num_nodes
- num_nodes_per_elem(id)[source]
Gets the number of nodes per element in an element block
- Parameters
d (int) – The block id for which the number of attributes is desired
- Returns
nodes_per_elem – The number of nodes per element in the block
- Return type
- property num_side_sets
- property num_times
- put_coord_names(coord_names)[source]
Puts the coordinate names into the exodus file
- Parameters
coord_names (sequence of strings) – A sequence (list/tuple/etc.) containing the coordinate names.
- put_coords(coords)[source]
Puts the coordinate values into the exodus file
- Parameters
coords (np.ndarray) – A 2d array containing coordinate values.
- put_elem_blk_ids(block_ids)[source]
Puts a list of the element block ID numbers in the exodus file
- Parameters
block_ids (array-like) – A sequency of integers specifying the block id numbers
- put_elem_blk_info(id, elem_type, num_elements, num_nodes_per_element, num_attrs_per_elem=0)[source]
Puts the element block information for an element block ID into the exodus file
- Parameters
id (int) – The block ID (not index) that the information is being specified for
elem_type (str) – The element type (‘SHELL4’,’HEX8’, etc.) in the block
num_elements (int) – The number of elements in the block
num_nodes_per_element (int) – The number of nodes per element in the block
num_attrs_per_element (int) – The number of attributes per element in the block
- put_elem_num_map(elem_num_map)[source]
Puts a list of local element IDs into the exodus file.
- Parameters
elem_num_map (np.array) – A 1D array with size num_elems, denoting the element number for the element in each index
- put_elem_variable_names(elem_var_names, elem_var_table=None)[source]
Puts the specified variable names in the exodus file
- Parameters
elem_var_names (tuple of strings) – A tuple containing the names of the element variables in the exodus file
elem_var_table (2d array-like) – A 2d array of shape num_el_blk x num_elem_var defining which element variables are defined for which element blocks elem_var_table[i,j] should be True if the j-th element variable is defined for the i-th block (index, not id number) in the model. If not specified, it is assumed that all variables are defined for all blocks.
- put_global_variable_names(global_var_names)[source]
Puts the specified global variable names in the exodus file
- Parameters
global_var_names (tuple of strings) – A tuple containing the names of the global variables in the model
- put_info_records(records)[source]
Puts the information records in the exodus file
- Parameters
info_records (sequence of strings) – A sequence (list/tuple/etc.) containing the information records.
- put_node_num_map(node_num_map)[source]
Puts a list of local node IDs into the exodus file.
- Parameters
node_num_map (np.array) – A 1D array with size num_nodes, denoting the node number for the node in each index
- put_node_set_ids(ns_ids)[source]
Puts a list of the node set ID numbers in the exodus file
- Parameters
ns_ids (array-like) – A sequency of integers specifying the node set id numbers
- put_node_set_info(id, nodes, dist_fact=None)[source]
Puts the node set information for a node set ID into the exodus file
- Parameters
id (int) – The node set ID (not index)
nodes (array-like) – A 1d array containing the node indices. Note the array should be zero-based, it will be converted to one based when written to the exodus file.
dist_fact (array-like) – A 1d array containing the node set distribution factors. If not specified, the distribution factors will be assumed to be 1.
- put_node_set_names(ns_names)[source]
Puts the node set names into the exodus file
- Parameters
ns_names (sequence of strings) – A sequence (list/tuple/etc.) containing the node set names.
- put_node_variable_names(node_var_names)[source]
Puts the specified variable names in the exodus file
- Parameters
node_var_names (tuple of strings) – A tuple containing the names of the nodal variables in the model
- put_qa_records(records)[source]
Puts the quality assurance records in the exodus file
- Parameters
qa_records (sequence of sequence of strings) – A nested sequence (list/tuple/etc.) containing the quality assurance records.
Each index in qa_records should consist of a length-4 tuple of strings:
Analysis Code Name
Analysis Code Version
Analysis Date
Analysis Time
- put_side_set_ids(ss_ids)[source]
Puts a list of the side set ID numbers in the exodus file
- Parameters
ss_ids (array-like) – A sequency of integers specifying the side set id numbers
- put_side_set_info(id, elements, sides, dist_fact=None)[source]
Puts the side set information for a side set ID into the exodus file
- Parameters
id (int) – The side set ID (not index)
elements (np.array) – The element of each face in the sideset (converted from 1-based exodus indexing to 0-based python indexing)
sides (np.array) – The element side of each face in the sideset (converted from 1-based exodus indexing to 0-based python indexing)
dist_fact (array-like) – A 1d array containing the node set distribution factors. If not specified, the distribution factors will be assumed to be 1.
- put_side_set_names(ss_names)[source]
Puts the side set names into the exodus file
- Parameters
ss_names (sequence of strings) – A sequence (list/tuple/etc.) containing the side set names.
- set_elem_attr(id, attributes)[source]
Sets the element attributes for a given block
- Parameters
id (int) – The block id for which the element connectivity matrix is desired.
attributes (2D array-like) – The 2d attribute matrix for the block with dimensions num_elem x num_attributes
- set_elem_connectivity(id, connectivity)[source]
Sets the element connectivity matrix for a given block
- Parameters
id (int) – The block id for which the element connectivity is being assigned
connectivity (2D array-like) – A 2D array of dimension num_elements x num_nodes_per_element defining the element connectivity. Note that the connectivity matrix should be 0-based (first node index is zero) per Python conventions. It will be converted to one-based when it is written to the Exodus file.
- set_elem_variable_value(block_id, name_or_index, element_index, step, value)[source]
Sets an element variable value for the specified timestep
- Parameters
block_id (int) – Block id number for the block from which element variable values are desired.
name_or_index (str or int) – Name or Index of the element variable that is desired. If type(name_or_index) == str, then it is assumed to be the name. If type(name_or_index) == int, then it is assumed to be the index.
step (int) – Time step at which to recover the element variable
value (float) – The variable values for the specified element in the specified block at the specified time step.
If step is not a valid index for the time vector, the time vector will be expanded so that it is.
- set_elem_variable_values(block_id, name_or_index, step, values)[source]
Sets a block’s element variable values for the specified timestep
- Parameters
block_id (int) – Block id number for the block from which element variable values are desired.
name_or_index (str or int) – Name or Index of the element variable that is desired. If type(name_or_index) == str, then it is assumed to be the name. If type(name_or_index) == int, then it is assumed to be the index.
step (int) – Time step at which to recover the element variable
values (array-like) – A 1d array consisting of the variable values for each element in the specified block at the specified time step.
If step is not a valid index for the time vector, the time vector will be expanded so that it is.
- set_global_variable_values(name_or_index, step, value)[source]
Sets the global variable values for the specified timestep
- Parameters
name_or_index (str or int) – Name or Index of the nodal variable that is desired. If type(name_or_index) == str, then it is assumed to be the name. If type(name_or_index) == int, then it is assumed to be the index.
step (int) – Time step at which to recover the nodal variable
value (array-like) – A 1d array consisting of the variable values for each node at the specified time step.
If step is not a valid index for the time vector, the time vector will be expanded so that it is.
- set_node_variable_value(name_or_index, node_index, step, value)[source]
Sets the node variable values for the specified timestep
- Parameters
name_or_index (str or int) – Name or Index of the nodal variable that is desired. If type(name_or_index) == str, then it is assumed to be the name. If type(name_or_index) == int, then it is assumed to be the index.
node_index (int) – Node index at which to recover the nodal variable
step (int) – Time step at which to recover the nodal variable
value (float) – The variable value for the specified node at the specified time step.
If step is not a valid index for the time vector, the time vector will be expanded so that it is.
- set_node_variable_values(name_or_index, step, values)[source]
Sets the node variable values for the specified timestep
- Parameters
name_or_index (str or int) – Name or Index of the nodal variable that is desired. If type(name_or_index) == str, then it is assumed to be the name. If type(name_or_index) == int, then it is assumed to be the index.
step (int) – Time step at which to recover the nodal variable
values (array-like) – A 1d array consisting of the variable values for each node at the specified time step.
If step is not a valid index for the time vector, the time vector will be expanded so that it is.
- set_time(step, value)[source]
Sets the time value of a given step in the exodus file
- Parameters
step (int) – The index in the time vector to set to value
value (float) – A real number to set the value of the specified index in the time vector to.
If step is not a valid index for the time vector, the time vector will be expanded so that it is.
- set_times(values)[source]
Sets the time vector for the exodus file
- Parameters
values (array-like) – A 1-dimensional array that has the time step values as it’s entries
If the vector is longer than the current time step vector, it will be expanded. If the vector is shorter than the current time step vector, only the first len(values) entries of the time vector will be assigned.
- property title
Get the title of the exodus file
- triangulate_surface_mesh()[source]
Triangulate a surface mesh for plotting patches
This function generates a triangle mesh for each block in the model if it can. If there are more than 3 nodes per element in a block, and the triangulation scheme hasn’t been defined in pyexodus.mesh_triangulation_array, it will be skipped.
- Parameters
None –
- Returns
triangulated_mesh_info – A list of tuples containing block id, node_indices, triangulated connectivity, and original block elements
- Return type