Compadre  1.5.7
Go to the documentation of this file.
4 #include "Compadre_GMLS.hpp"
6 namespace Compadre {
8 /*! \brief Evaluates the polynomial basis under a particular sampling function. Generally used to fill a row of P.
9  \param data [in] - GMLSBasisData struct
10  \param teamMember [in] - Kokkos::TeamPolicy member type (created by parallel_for)
11  \param delta [in/out] - scratch space that is allocated so that each thread has its own copy. Must be at least as large as the _basis_multipler*the dimension of the polynomial basis.
12  \param thread_workspace [in/out] - scratch space that is allocated so that each thread has its own copy. Must be at least as large as the _poly_order*the spatial dimension of the polynomial basis.
13  \param target_index [in] - target number
14  \param neighbor_index [in] - index of neighbor for this target with respect to local numbering [0,...,number of neighbors for target]
15  \param alpha [in] - double to determine convex combination of target and neighbor site at which to evaluate polynomials. (1-alpha)*neighbor + alpha*target
16  \param dimension [in] - spatial dimension of basis to evaluate. e.g. dimension two basis of order one is 1, x, y, whereas for dimension 3 it is 1, x, y, z
17  \param poly_order [in] - polynomial basis degree
18  \param specific_order_only [in] - boolean for only evaluating one degree of polynomial when true
19  \param V [in] - orthonormal basis matrix size _dimensions * _dimensions whose first _dimensions-1 columns are an approximation of the tangent plane
20  \param reconstruction_space [in] - space of polynomial that a sampling functional is to evaluate
21  \param sampling_strategy [in] - sampling functional specification
22  \param evaluation_site_local_index [in] - local index for evaluation sites (0 is target site)
23 */
24 template <typename BasisData>
26 void calcPij(const BasisData& data, const member_type& teamMember, double* delta, double* thread_workspace, const int target_index, int neighbor_index, const double alpha, const int dimension, const int poly_order, bool specific_order_only = false, const scratch_matrix_right_type* V = NULL, const ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space = ReconstructionSpace::ScalarTaylorPolynomial, const SamplingFunctional polynomial_sampling_functional = PointSample, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) {
27 /*
28  * This class is under two levels of hierarchical parallelism, so we
29  * do not put in any finer grain parallelism in this function
30  */
31  const int my_num_neighbors = data._pc._nla.getNumberOfNeighborsDevice(target_index);
33  // store precalculated factorials for speedup
34  const double factorial[15] = {1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880, 3628800, 39916800, 479001600, 6227020800, 87178291200};
36  int component = 0;
37  if (neighbor_index >= my_num_neighbors) {
38  component = neighbor_index / my_num_neighbors;
39  neighbor_index = neighbor_index % my_num_neighbors;
40  } else if (neighbor_index < 0) {
41  // -1 maps to 0 component
42  // -2 maps to 1 component
43  // -3 maps to 2 component
44  component = -(neighbor_index+1);
45  }
47  XYZ relative_coord;
48  if (neighbor_index > -1) {
49  // Evaluate at neighbor site
50  for (int i=0; i<dimension; ++i) {
51  // calculates (alpha*target+(1-alpha)*neighbor)-1*target = (alpha-1)*target + (1-alpha)*neighbor
52  relative_coord[i] = (alpha-1)*data._pc.getTargetCoordinate(target_index, i, V);
53  relative_coord[i] += (1-alpha)*data._pc.getNeighborCoordinate(target_index, neighbor_index, i, V);
54  }
55  } else if (evaluation_site_local_index > 0) {
56  // Extra evaluation site
57  for (int i=0; i<dimension; ++i) {
58  // evaluation_site_local_index is for evaluation site, which includes target site
59  // the -1 converts to the local index for ADDITIONAL evaluation sites
60  relative_coord[i] = data._additional_pc.getNeighborCoordinate(target_index, evaluation_site_local_index-1, i, V);
61  relative_coord[i] -= data._pc.getTargetCoordinate(target_index, i, V);
62  }
63  } else {
64  // Evaluate at the target site
65  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) relative_coord[i] = 0;
66  }
68  // basis ActualReconstructionSpaceRank is 0 (evaluated like a scalar) and sampling functional is traditional
69  if ((polynomial_sampling_functional == PointSample ||
70  polynomial_sampling_functional == VectorPointSample ||
71  polynomial_sampling_functional == ManifoldVectorPointSample ||
72  polynomial_sampling_functional == VaryingManifoldVectorPointSample)&&
73  (reconstruction_space == ScalarTaylorPolynomial || reconstruction_space == VectorOfScalarClonesTaylorPolynomial)) {
75  double cutoff_p = data._epsilons(target_index);
76  const int start_index = specific_order_only ? poly_order : 0; // only compute specified order if requested
78  ScalarTaylorPolynomialBasis::evaluate(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, dimension, poly_order, cutoff_p, relative_coord.x, relative_coord.y, relative_coord.z, start_index);
80  // basis ActualReconstructionSpaceRank is 1 (is a true vector basis) and sampling functional is traditional
81  } else if ((polynomial_sampling_functional == VectorPointSample ||
82  polynomial_sampling_functional == ManifoldVectorPointSample ||
83  polynomial_sampling_functional == VaryingManifoldVectorPointSample) &&
84  (reconstruction_space == VectorTaylorPolynomial)) {
86  const int dimension_offset = GMLS::getNP(data._poly_order, dimension, reconstruction_space);
87  double cutoff_p = data._epsilons(target_index);
88  const int start_index = specific_order_only ? poly_order : 0; // only compute specified order if requested
90  for (int d=0; d<dimension; ++d) {
91  if (d==component) {
92  ScalarTaylorPolynomialBasis::evaluate(teamMember, delta+component*dimension_offset, thread_workspace, dimension, poly_order, cutoff_p, relative_coord.x, relative_coord.y, relative_coord.z, start_index);
93  } else {
94  for (int n=0; n<dimension_offset; ++n) {
95  *(delta+d*dimension_offset+n) = 0;
96  }
97  }
98  }
99  } else if ((polynomial_sampling_functional == VectorPointSample) &&
100  (reconstruction_space == DivergenceFreeVectorTaylorPolynomial)) {
101  // Divergence free vector polynomial basis
102  double cutoff_p = data._epsilons(target_index);
104  DivergenceFreePolynomialBasis::evaluate(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, dimension, poly_order, component, cutoff_p, relative_coord.x, relative_coord.y, relative_coord.z);
105  } else if (reconstruction_space == BernsteinPolynomial) {
106  // Bernstein vector polynomial basis
107  double cutoff_p = data._epsilons(target_index);
109  BernsteinPolynomialBasis::evaluate(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, dimension, poly_order, component, cutoff_p, relative_coord.x, relative_coord.y, relative_coord.z);
111  } else if ((polynomial_sampling_functional == StaggeredEdgeAnalyticGradientIntegralSample) &&
112  (reconstruction_space == ScalarTaylorPolynomial)) {
113  double cutoff_p = data._epsilons(target_index);
114  const int start_index = specific_order_only ? poly_order : 0; // only compute specified order if requested
115  // basis is actually scalar with staggered sampling functional
116  ScalarTaylorPolynomialBasis::evaluate(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, dimension, poly_order, cutoff_p, relative_coord.x, relative_coord.y, relative_coord.z, start_index, 0.0, -1.0);
117  relative_coord.x = 0;
118  relative_coord.y = 0;
119  relative_coord.z = 0;
120  ScalarTaylorPolynomialBasis::evaluate(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, dimension, poly_order, cutoff_p, relative_coord.x, relative_coord.y, relative_coord.z, start_index, 1.0, 1.0);
121  } else if (polynomial_sampling_functional == StaggeredEdgeIntegralSample) {
122  Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerThread(teamMember), [&] () {
123  if (data._problem_type == ProblemType::MANIFOLD) {
124  double cutoff_p = data._epsilons(target_index);
125  int alphax, alphay;
126  double alphaf;
127  const int start_index = specific_order_only ? poly_order : 0; // only compute specified order if requested
129  for (int quadrature = 0; quadrature<data._qm.getNumberOfQuadraturePoints(); ++quadrature) {
131  int i = 0;
133  XYZ tangent_quadrature_coord_2d;
134  XYZ quadrature_coord_2d;
135  for (int j=0; j<dimension; ++j) {
136  // calculates (alpha*target+(1-alpha)*neighbor)-1*target = (alpha-1)*target + (1-alpha)*neighbor
137  quadrature_coord_2d[j] = (data._qm.getSite(quadrature,0)-1)*data._pc.getTargetCoordinate(target_index, j, V);
138  quadrature_coord_2d[j] += (1-data._qm.getSite(quadrature,0))*data._pc.getNeighborCoordinate(target_index, neighbor_index, j, V);
139  tangent_quadrature_coord_2d[j] = data._pc.getTargetCoordinate(target_index, j, V);
140  tangent_quadrature_coord_2d[j] -= data._pc.getNeighborCoordinate(target_index, neighbor_index, j, V);
141  }
142  for (int j=0; j<data._basis_multiplier; ++j) {
143  for (int n = start_index; n <= poly_order; n++){
144  for (alphay = 0; alphay <= n; alphay++){
145  alphax = n - alphay;
146  alphaf = factorial[alphax]*factorial[alphay];
148  // local evaluation of vector [0,p] or [p,0]
149  double v0, v1;
150  v0 = (j==0) ? std::pow(quadrature_coord_2d.x/cutoff_p,alphax)
151  *std::pow(quadrature_coord_2d.y/cutoff_p,alphay)/alphaf : 0;
152  v1 = (j==0) ? 0 : std::pow(quadrature_coord_2d.x/cutoff_p,alphax)
153  *std::pow(quadrature_coord_2d.y/cutoff_p,alphay)/alphaf;
155  double dot_product = tangent_quadrature_coord_2d[0]*v0 + tangent_quadrature_coord_2d[1]*v1;
157  // multiply by quadrature weight
158  if (quadrature==0) {
159  *(delta+i) = dot_product * data._qm.getWeight(quadrature);
160  } else {
161  *(delta+i) += dot_product * data._qm.getWeight(quadrature);
162  }
163  i++;
164  }
165  }
166  }
167  }
168  } else {
169  // Calculate basis matrix for NON MANIFOLD problems
170  double cutoff_p = data._epsilons(target_index);
171  int alphax, alphay, alphaz;
172  double alphaf;
173  const int start_index = specific_order_only ? poly_order : 0; // only compute specified order if requested
175  for (int quadrature = 0; quadrature<data._qm.getNumberOfQuadraturePoints(); ++quadrature) {
177  int i = 0;
179  XYZ quadrature_coord_3d;
180  XYZ tangent_quadrature_coord_3d;
181  for (int j=0; j<dimension; ++j) {
182  // calculates (alpha*target+(1-alpha)*neighbor)-1*target = (alpha-1)*target + (1-alpha)*neighbor
183  quadrature_coord_3d[j] = (data._qm.getSite(quadrature,0)-1)*data._pc.getTargetCoordinate(target_index, j, NULL);
184  quadrature_coord_3d[j] += (1-data._qm.getSite(quadrature,0))*data._pc.getNeighborCoordinate(target_index, neighbor_index, j, NULL);
185  tangent_quadrature_coord_3d[j] = data._pc.getTargetCoordinate(target_index, j, NULL);
186  tangent_quadrature_coord_3d[j] -= data._pc.getNeighborCoordinate(target_index, neighbor_index, j, NULL);
187  }
188  for (int j=0; j<data._basis_multiplier; ++j) {
189  for (int n = start_index; n <= poly_order; n++) {
190  if (dimension == 3) {
191  for (alphaz = 0; alphaz <= n; alphaz++){
192  int s = n - alphaz;
193  for (alphay = 0; alphay <= s; alphay++){
194  alphax = s - alphay;
195  alphaf = factorial[alphax]*factorial[alphay]*factorial[alphaz];
197  // local evaluation of vector [p, 0, 0], [0, p, 0] or [0, 0, p]
198  double v0, v1, v2;
199  switch(j) {
200  case 1:
201  v0 = 0.0;
202  v1 = std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.x/cutoff_p,alphax)
203  *std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.y/cutoff_p,alphay)
204  *std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.z/cutoff_p,alphaz)/alphaf;
205  v2 = 0.0;
206  break;
207  case 2:
208  v0 = 0.0;
209  v1 = 0.0;
210  v2 = std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.x/cutoff_p,alphax)
211  *std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.y/cutoff_p,alphay)
212  *std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.z/cutoff_p,alphaz)/alphaf;
213  break;
214  default:
215  v0 = std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.x/cutoff_p,alphax)
216  *std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.y/cutoff_p,alphay)
217  *std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.z/cutoff_p,alphaz)/alphaf;
218  v1 = 0.0;
219  v2 = 0.0;
220  break;
221  }
223  double dot_product = tangent_quadrature_coord_3d[0]*v0 + tangent_quadrature_coord_3d[1]*v1 + tangent_quadrature_coord_3d[2]*v2;
225  // multiply by quadrature weight
226  if (quadrature == 0) {
227  *(delta+i) = dot_product * data._qm.getWeight(quadrature);
228  } else {
229  *(delta+i) += dot_product * data._qm.getWeight(quadrature);
230  }
231  i++;
232  }
233  }
234  } else if (dimension == 2) {
235  for (alphay = 0; alphay <= n; alphay++){
236  alphax = n - alphay;
237  alphaf = factorial[alphax]*factorial[alphay];
239  // local evaluation of vector [p, 0] or [0, p]
240  double v0, v1;
241  switch(j) {
242  case 1:
243  v0 = 0.0;
244  v1 = std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.x/cutoff_p,alphax)
245  *std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.y/cutoff_p,alphay)/alphaf;
246  break;
247  default:
248  v0 = std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.x/cutoff_p,alphax)
249  *std::pow(quadrature_coord_3d.y/cutoff_p,alphay)/alphaf;
250  v1 = 0.0;
251  break;
252  }
254  double dot_product = tangent_quadrature_coord_3d[0]*v0 + tangent_quadrature_coord_3d[1]*v1;
256  // multiply by quadrature weight
257  if (quadrature == 0) {
258  *(delta+i) = dot_product * data._qm.getWeight(quadrature);
259  } else {
260  *(delta+i) += dot_product * data._qm.getWeight(quadrature);
261  }
262  i++;
263  }
264  }
265  }
266  }
267  }
269  });
270  } else if ((polynomial_sampling_functional == FaceNormalIntegralSample ||
271  polynomial_sampling_functional == EdgeTangentIntegralSample ||
272  polynomial_sampling_functional == FaceNormalAverageSample ||
273  polynomial_sampling_functional == EdgeTangentAverageSample) &&
274  reconstruction_space == VectorTaylorPolynomial) {
276  compadre_kernel_assert_debug(data._local_dimensions==2 &&
277  "FaceNormalIntegralSample, EdgeTangentIntegralSample, FaceNormalAverageSample, \
278  and EdgeTangentAverageSample only support 2d or 3d with 2d manifold");
280  compadre_kernel_assert_debug(data._qm.getDimensionOfQuadraturePoints()==1 \
281  && "Only 1d quadrature may be specified for edge integrals");
283  compadre_kernel_assert_debug(data._qm.getNumberOfQuadraturePoints()>=1 \
284  && "Quadrature points not generated");
286  compadre_kernel_assert_debug(data._source_extra_data.extent(0)>0 && "Extra data used but not set.");
288  compadre_kernel_assert_debug(!specific_order_only &&
289  "Sampling functional does not support specific_order_only");
291  double cutoff_p = data._epsilons(target_index);
292  auto global_neighbor_index = data._pc.getNeighborIndex(target_index, neighbor_index);
293  int alphax, alphay;
294  double alphaf;
296  /*
297  * requires quadrature points defined on an edge, not a target/source edge (spoke)
298  *
299  * data._source_extra_data will contain the endpoints (2 for 2D, 3 for 3D) and then the unit normals
300  * (e0_x, e0_y, e1_x, e1_y, n_x, n_y, t_x, t_y)
301  */
303  int quadrature_point_loop = data._qm.getNumberOfQuadraturePoints();
305  const int TWO = 2; // used because of # of vertices on an edge
306  double G_data[3*TWO]; // max(2,3)*TWO
307  double edge_coords[3*TWO];
308  for (int i=0; i<data._global_dimensions*TWO; ++i) G_data[i] = 0;
309  for (int i=0; i<data._global_dimensions*TWO; ++i) edge_coords[i] = 0;
310  // 2 is for # vertices on an edge
311  scratch_matrix_right_type G(G_data, data._global_dimensions, TWO);
312  scratch_matrix_right_type edge_coords_matrix(edge_coords, data._global_dimensions, TWO);
314  // neighbor coordinate is assumed to be midpoint
315  // could be calculated, but is correct for sphere
316  // and also for non-manifold problems
317  // uses given midpoint, rather than computing the midpoint from vertices
318  double radius = 0.0;
319  // this midpoint should lie on the sphere, or this will be the wrong radius
320  for (int j=0; j<data._global_dimensions; ++j) {
321  edge_coords_matrix(j, 0) = data._source_extra_data(global_neighbor_index, j);
322  edge_coords_matrix(j, 1) = data._source_extra_data(global_neighbor_index, data._global_dimensions + j) - edge_coords_matrix(j, 0);
323  radius += edge_coords_matrix(j, 0)*edge_coords_matrix(j, 0);
324  }
325  radius = std::sqrt(radius);
327  // edge_coords now has:
328  // (v0_x, v0_y, v1_x-v0_x, v1_y-v0_y)
329  auto E = edge_coords_matrix;
331  // get arc length of edge on manifold
332  double theta = 0.0;
333  if (data._problem_type == ProblemType::MANIFOLD) {
334  XYZ a = {E(0,0), E(1,0), E(2,0)};
335  XYZ b = {E(0,1)+E(0,0), E(1,1)+E(1,0), E(2,1)+E(2,0)};
336  double a_dot_b = a[0]*b[0] + a[1]*b[1] + a[2]*b[2];
337  double norm_a_cross_b = getAreaFromVectors(teamMember, a, b);
338  theta = std::atan(norm_a_cross_b / a_dot_b);
339  }
341  // loop
342  double entire_edge_length = 0.0;
343  for (int quadrature = 0; quadrature<quadrature_point_loop; ++quadrature) {
345  double G_determinant = 1.0;
346  double scaled_transformed_qp[3] = {0,0,0};
347  double unscaled_transformed_qp[3] = {0,0,0};
348  for (int j=0; j<data._global_dimensions; ++j) {
349  unscaled_transformed_qp[j] += E(j,1)*data._qm.getSite(quadrature, 0);
350  // adds back on shift by endpoint
351  unscaled_transformed_qp[j] += E(j,0);
352  }
354  // project onto the sphere
355  if (data._problem_type == ProblemType::MANIFOLD) {
356  // unscaled_transformed_qp now lives on cell edge, but if on manifold,
357  // not directly on the sphere, just near by
359  // normalize to project back onto sphere
360  double transformed_qp_norm = 0;
361  for (int j=0; j<data._global_dimensions; ++j) {
362  transformed_qp_norm += unscaled_transformed_qp[j]*unscaled_transformed_qp[j];
363  }
364  transformed_qp_norm = std::sqrt(transformed_qp_norm);
365  // transformed_qp made unit length
366  for (int j=0; j<data._global_dimensions; ++j) {
367  scaled_transformed_qp[j] = unscaled_transformed_qp[j] * radius / transformed_qp_norm;
368  }
370  G_determinant = radius * theta;
371  XYZ qp = XYZ(scaled_transformed_qp[0], scaled_transformed_qp[1], scaled_transformed_qp[2]);
372  for (int j=0; j<data._local_dimensions; ++j) {
373  relative_coord[j] = data._pc.convertGlobalToLocalCoordinate(qp,j,*V)
374  - data._pc.getTargetCoordinate(target_index,j,V);
375  // shift quadrature point by target site
376  }
377  relative_coord[2] = 0;
378  } else { // not on a manifold, but still integrated
379  XYZ endpoints_difference = {E(0,1), E(1,1), 0};
380  G_determinant = data._pc.EuclideanVectorLength(endpoints_difference, 2);
381  for (int j=0; j<data._local_dimensions; ++j) {
382  relative_coord[j] = unscaled_transformed_qp[j]
383  - data._pc.getTargetCoordinate(target_index,j,V);
384  // shift quadrature point by target site
385  }
386  relative_coord[2] = 0;
387  }
389  // get normal or tangent direction (ambient)
390  XYZ direction;
391  if (polynomial_sampling_functional == FaceNormalIntegralSample
392  || polynomial_sampling_functional == FaceNormalAverageSample) {
393  for (int j=0; j<data._global_dimensions; ++j) {
394  // normal direction
395  direction[j] = data._source_extra_data(global_neighbor_index, 2*data._global_dimensions + j);
396  }
397  } else {
398  if (data._problem_type == ProblemType::MANIFOLD) {
399  // generate tangent from outward normal direction of the sphere and edge normal
400  XYZ k = {scaled_transformed_qp[0], scaled_transformed_qp[1], scaled_transformed_qp[2]};
401  double k_norm = std::sqrt(k[0]*k[0]+k[1]*k[1]+k[2]*k[2]);
402  k[0] = k[0]/k_norm; k[1] = k[1]/k_norm; k[2] = k[2]/k_norm;
403  XYZ n = {data._source_extra_data(global_neighbor_index, 2*data._global_dimensions + 0),
404  data._source_extra_data(global_neighbor_index, 2*data._global_dimensions + 1),
405  data._source_extra_data(global_neighbor_index, 2*data._global_dimensions + 2)};
407  double norm_k_cross_n = getAreaFromVectors(teamMember, k, n);
408  direction[0] = (k[1]*n[2] - k[2]*n[1]) / norm_k_cross_n;
409  direction[1] = (k[2]*n[0] - k[0]*n[2]) / norm_k_cross_n;
410  direction[2] = (k[0]*n[1] - k[1]*n[0]) / norm_k_cross_n;
411  } else {
412  for (int j=0; j<data._global_dimensions; ++j) {
413  // tangent direction
414  direction[j] = data._source_extra_data(global_neighbor_index, 3*data._global_dimensions + j);
415  }
416  }
417  }
419  // convert direction to local chart (for manifolds)
420  XYZ local_direction;
421  if (data._problem_type == ProblemType::MANIFOLD) {
422  for (int j=0; j<data._basis_multiplier; ++j) {
423  // Project ambient normal direction onto local chart basis as a local direction.
424  // Using V alone to provide vectors only gives tangent vectors at
425  // the target site. This could result in accuracy < 3rd order.
426  local_direction[j] = data._pc.convertGlobalToLocalCoordinate(direction,j,*V);
427  }
428  }
430  int i = 0;
431  for (int j=0; j<data._basis_multiplier; ++j) {
432  for (int n = 0; n <= poly_order; n++){
433  for (alphay = 0; alphay <= n; alphay++){
434  alphax = n - alphay;
435  alphaf = factorial[alphax]*factorial[alphay];
437  // local evaluation of vector [0,p] or [p,0]
438  double v0, v1;
439  v0 = (j==0) ? std::pow(relative_coord.x/cutoff_p,alphax)
440  *std::pow(relative_coord.y/cutoff_p,alphay)/alphaf : 0;
441  v1 = (j==1) ? std::pow(relative_coord.x/cutoff_p,alphax)
442  *std::pow(relative_coord.y/cutoff_p,alphay)/alphaf : 0;
444  // either n*v or t*v
445  double dot_product = 0.0;
446  if (data._problem_type == ProblemType::MANIFOLD) {
447  // alternate option for projection
448  dot_product = local_direction[0]*v0 + local_direction[1]*v1;
449  } else {
450  dot_product = direction[0]*v0 + direction[1]*v1;
451  }
453  // multiply by quadrature weight
454  if (quadrature==0) {
455  *(delta+i) = dot_product * data._qm.getWeight(quadrature) * G_determinant;
456  } else {
457  *(delta+i) += dot_product * data._qm.getWeight(quadrature) * G_determinant;
458  }
459  i++;
460  }
461  }
462  }
463  entire_edge_length += G_determinant * data._qm.getWeight(quadrature);
464  }
465  if (polynomial_sampling_functional == FaceNormalAverageSample ||
466  polynomial_sampling_functional == EdgeTangentAverageSample) {
467  int k = 0;
468  for (int j=0; j<data._basis_multiplier; ++j) {
469  for (int n = 0; n <= poly_order; n++){
470  for (alphay = 0; alphay <= n; alphay++){
471  *(delta+k) /= entire_edge_length;
472  k++;
473  }
474  }
475  }
476  }
477  } else if (polynomial_sampling_functional == CellAverageSample ||
478  polynomial_sampling_functional == CellIntegralSample) {
480  compadre_kernel_assert_debug(data._local_dimensions==2 &&
481  "CellAverageSample only supports 2d or 3d with 2d manifold");
482  auto global_neighbor_index = data._pc.getNeighborIndex(target_index, neighbor_index);
483  double cutoff_p = data._epsilons(target_index);
484  int alphax, alphay;
485  double alphaf;
487  double G_data[3*3]; //data._global_dimensions*3
488  double triangle_coords[3*3]; //data._global_dimensions*3
489  for (int i=0; i<data._global_dimensions*3; ++i) G_data[i] = 0;
490  for (int i=0; i<data._global_dimensions*3; ++i) triangle_coords[i] = 0;
491  // 3 is for # vertices in sub-triangle
492  scratch_matrix_right_type G(G_data, data._global_dimensions, 3);
493  scratch_matrix_right_type triangle_coords_matrix(triangle_coords, data._global_dimensions, 3);
495  // neighbor coordinate is assumed to be midpoint
496  // could be calculated, but is correct for sphere
497  // and also for non-manifold problems
498  // uses given midpoint, rather than computing the midpoint from vertices
499  double radius = 0.0;
500  // this midpoint should lie on the sphere, or this will be the wrong radius
501  for (int j=0; j<data._global_dimensions; ++j) {
502  // midpoint
503  triangle_coords_matrix(j, 0) = data._pc.getNeighborCoordinate(target_index, neighbor_index, j);
504  radius += triangle_coords_matrix(j, 0)*triangle_coords_matrix(j, 0);
505  }
506  radius = std::sqrt(radius);
508  // NaN in entry (data._global_dimensions) is a convention for indicating fewer vertices
509  // for this cell and NaN is checked by entry!=entry
510  int num_vertices = 0;
511  for (int j=0; j<data._source_extra_data.extent_int(1); ++j) {
512  auto val = data._source_extra_data(global_neighbor_index, j);
513  if (val != val) {
514  break;
515  } else {
516  num_vertices++;
517  }
518  }
519  num_vertices = num_vertices / data._global_dimensions;
520  auto T = triangle_coords_matrix;
522  // loop over each two vertices
523  // made for flat surfaces (either dim=2 or on a manifold)
524  double entire_cell_area = 0.0;
525  for (int v=0; v<num_vertices; ++v) {
526  int v1 = v;
527  int v2 = (v+1) % num_vertices;
529  for (int j=0; j<data._global_dimensions; ++j) {
530  triangle_coords_matrix(j,1) = data._source_extra_data(global_neighbor_index,
531  v1*data._global_dimensions+j)
532  - triangle_coords_matrix(j,0);
533  triangle_coords_matrix(j,2) = data._source_extra_data(global_neighbor_index,
534  v2*data._global_dimensions+j)
535  - triangle_coords_matrix(j,0);
536  }
538  // triangle_coords now has:
539  // (midpoint_x, midpoint_y, midpoint_z,
540  // v1_x-midpoint_x, v1_y-midpoint_y, v1_z-midpoint_z,
541  // v2_x-midpoint_x, v2_y-midpoint_y, v2_z-midpoint_z);
542  for (int quadrature = 0; quadrature<data._qm.getNumberOfQuadraturePoints(); ++quadrature) {
543  double unscaled_transformed_qp[3] = {0,0,0};
544  double scaled_transformed_qp[3] = {0,0,0};
545  for (int j=0; j<data._global_dimensions; ++j) {
546  for (int k=1; k<3; ++k) { // 3 is for # vertices in subtriangle
547  // uses vertex-midpoint as one direction
548  // and other vertex-midpoint as other direction
549  unscaled_transformed_qp[j] += T(j,k)*data._qm.getSite(quadrature, k-1);
550  }
551  // adds back on shift by midpoint
552  unscaled_transformed_qp[j] += T(j,0);
553  }
555  // project onto the sphere
556  double G_determinant = 1.0;
557  if (data._problem_type == ProblemType::MANIFOLD) {
558  // unscaled_transformed_qp now lives on cell, but if on manifold,
559  // not directly on the sphere, just near by
561  // normalize to project back onto sphere
562  double transformed_qp_norm = 0;
563  for (int j=0; j<data._global_dimensions; ++j) {
564  transformed_qp_norm += unscaled_transformed_qp[j]*unscaled_transformed_qp[j];
565  }
566  transformed_qp_norm = std::sqrt(transformed_qp_norm);
567  // transformed_qp made unit length
568  for (int j=0; j<data._global_dimensions; ++j) {
569  scaled_transformed_qp[j] = unscaled_transformed_qp[j] * radius / transformed_qp_norm;
570  }
573  // u_qp = midpoint + r_qp[1]*(v_1-midpoint) + r_qp[2]*(v_2-midpoint)
574  // s_qp = u_qp * radius / norm(u_qp) = radius * u_qp / norm(u_qp)
575  //
576  // so G(:,i) is \partial{s_qp}/ \partial{r_qp[i]}
577  // where r_qp is reference quadrature point (R^2 in 2D manifold in R^3)
578  //
579  // G(:,i) = radius * ( \partial{u_qp}/\partial{r_qp[i]} * (\sum_m u_qp[k]^2)^{-1/2}
580  // + u_qp * \partial{(\sum_m u_qp[k]^2)^{-1/2}}/\partial{r_qp[i]} )
581  //
582  // = radius * ( T(:,i)/norm(u_qp) + u_qp*(-1/2)*(\sum_m u_qp[k]^2)^{-3/2}
583  // *2*(\sum_k u_qp[k]*\partial{u_qp[k]}/\partial{r_qp[i]}) )
584  //
585  // = radius * ( T(:,i)/norm(u_qp) + u_qp*(-1/2)*(\sum_m u_qp[k]^2)^{-3/2}
586  // *2*(\sum_k u_qp[k]*T(k,i)) )
587  //
588  // NOTE: we do not multiply G by radius before determining area from vectors,
589  // so we multiply by radius**2 after calculation
590  double qp_norm_sq = transformed_qp_norm*transformed_qp_norm;
591  for (int j=0; j<data._global_dimensions; ++j) {
592  G(j,1) = T(j,1)/transformed_qp_norm;
593  G(j,2) = T(j,2)/transformed_qp_norm;
594  for (int k=0; k<data._global_dimensions; ++k) {
595  G(j,1) += unscaled_transformed_qp[j]*(-0.5)*std::pow(qp_norm_sq,-1.5)
596  *2*(unscaled_transformed_qp[k]*T(k,1));
597  G(j,2) += unscaled_transformed_qp[j]*(-0.5)*std::pow(qp_norm_sq,-1.5)
598  *2*(unscaled_transformed_qp[k]*T(k,2));
599  }
600  }
601  G_determinant = getAreaFromVectors(teamMember,
602  Kokkos::subview(G, Kokkos::ALL(), 1), Kokkos::subview(G, Kokkos::ALL(), 2));
603  G_determinant *= radius*radius;
604  XYZ qp = XYZ(scaled_transformed_qp[0], scaled_transformed_qp[1], scaled_transformed_qp[2]);
605  for (int j=0; j<data._local_dimensions; ++j) {
606  relative_coord[j] = data._pc.convertGlobalToLocalCoordinate(qp,j,*V)
607  - data._pc.getTargetCoordinate(target_index,j,V);
608  // shift quadrature point by target site
609  }
610  relative_coord[2] = 0;
611  } else {
612  G_determinant = getAreaFromVectors(teamMember,
613  Kokkos::subview(T, Kokkos::ALL(), 1), Kokkos::subview(T, Kokkos::ALL(), 2));
614  for (int j=0; j<data._local_dimensions; ++j) {
615  relative_coord[j] = unscaled_transformed_qp[j]
616  - data._pc.getTargetCoordinate(target_index,j,V);
617  // shift quadrature point by target site
618  }
619  relative_coord[2] = 0;
620  }
622  int k = 0;
623  compadre_kernel_assert_debug(!specific_order_only &&
624  "CellAverageSample does not support specific_order_only");
625  for (int n = 0; n <= poly_order; n++){
626  for (alphay = 0; alphay <= n; alphay++){
627  alphax = n - alphay;
628  alphaf = factorial[alphax]*factorial[alphay];
629  double val_to_sum = G_determinant * (data._qm.getWeight(quadrature)
630  * std::pow(relative_coord.x/cutoff_p,alphax)
631  * std::pow(relative_coord.y/cutoff_p,alphay) / alphaf);
632  if (quadrature==0 && v==0) *(delta+k) = val_to_sum;
633  else *(delta+k) += val_to_sum;
634  k++;
635  }
636  }
637  entire_cell_area += G_determinant * data._qm.getWeight(quadrature);
638  }
639  }
640  if (polynomial_sampling_functional == CellAverageSample) {
641  int k = 0;
642  for (int n = 0; n <= poly_order; n++){
643  for (alphay = 0; alphay <= n; alphay++){
644  *(delta+k) /= entire_cell_area;
645  k++;
646  }
647  }
648  }
649  } else {
650  compadre_kernel_assert_release((false) && "Sampling and basis space combination not defined.");
651  }
652 }
654 /*! \brief Evaluates the gradient of a polynomial basis under the Dirac Delta (pointwise) sampling function.
655  \param data [in] - GMLSBasisData struct
656  \param teamMember [in] - Kokkos::TeamPolicy member type (created by parallel_for)
657  \param delta [in/out] - scratch space that is allocated so that each thread has its own copy. Must be at least as large is the _basis_multipler*the dimension of the polynomial basis.
658  \param thread_workspace [in/out] - scratch space that is allocated so that each thread has its own copy. Must be at least as large as the _poly_order*the spatial dimension of the polynomial basis.
659  \param target_index [in] - target number
660  \param neighbor_index [in] - index of neighbor for this target with respect to local numbering [0,...,number of neighbors for target]
661  \param alpha [in] - double to determine convex combination of target and neighbor site at which to evaluate polynomials. (1-alpha)*neighbor + alpha*target
662  \param partial_direction [in] - direction that partial is taken with respect to, e.g. 0 is x direction, 1 is y direction
663  \param dimension [in] - spatial dimension of basis to evaluate. e.g. dimension two basis of order one is 1, x, y, whereas for dimension 3 it is 1, x, y, z
664  \param poly_order [in] - polynomial basis degree
665  \param specific_order_only [in] - boolean for only evaluating one degree of polynomial when true
666  \param V [in] - orthonormal basis matrix size _dimensions * _dimensions whose first _dimensions-1 columns are an approximation of the tangent plane
667  \param reconstruction_space [in] - space of polynomial that a sampling functional is to evaluate
668  \param sampling_strategy [in] - sampling functional specification
669  \param evaluation_site_local_index [in] - local index for evaluation sites (0 is target site)
670 */
671 template <typename BasisData>
673 void calcGradientPij(const BasisData& data, const member_type& teamMember, double* delta, double* thread_workspace, const int target_index, int neighbor_index, const double alpha, const int partial_direction, const int dimension, const int poly_order, bool specific_order_only, const scratch_matrix_right_type* V, const ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, const SamplingFunctional polynomial_sampling_functional, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) {
674 /*
675  * This class is under two levels of hierarchical parallelism, so we
676  * do not put in any finer grain parallelism in this function
677  */
679  const int my_num_neighbors = data._pc._nla.getNumberOfNeighborsDevice(target_index);
681  int component = 0;
682  if (neighbor_index >= my_num_neighbors) {
683  component = neighbor_index / my_num_neighbors;
684  neighbor_index = neighbor_index % my_num_neighbors;
685  } else if (neighbor_index < 0) {
686  // -1 maps to 0 component
687  // -2 maps to 1 component
688  // -3 maps to 2 component
689  component = -(neighbor_index+1);
690  }
692  // alpha corresponds to the linear combination of target_index and neighbor_index coordinates
693  // coordinate to evaluate = alpha*(target_index's coordinate) + (1-alpha)*(neighbor_index's coordinate)
695  // partial_direction - 0=x, 1=y, 2=z
696  XYZ relative_coord;
697  if (neighbor_index > -1) {
698  for (int i=0; i<dimension; ++i) {
699  // calculates (alpha*target+(1-alpha)*neighbor)-1*target = (alpha-1)*target + (1-alpha)*neighbor
700  relative_coord[i] = (alpha-1)*data._pc.getTargetCoordinate(target_index, i, V);
701  relative_coord[i] += (1-alpha)*data._pc.getNeighborCoordinate(target_index, neighbor_index, i, V);
702  }
703  } else if (evaluation_site_local_index > 0) {
704  for (int i=0; i<dimension; ++i) {
705  // evaluation_site_local_index is for evaluation site, which includes target site
706  // the -1 converts to the local index for ADDITIONAL evaluation sites
707  relative_coord[i] = data._additional_pc.getNeighborCoordinate(target_index, evaluation_site_local_index-1, i, V);
708  relative_coord[i] -= data._pc.getTargetCoordinate(target_index, i, V);
709  }
710  } else {
711  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) relative_coord[i] = 0;
712  }
714  double cutoff_p = data._epsilons(target_index);
715  const int start_index = specific_order_only ? poly_order : 0; // only compute specified order if requested
717  if ((polynomial_sampling_functional == PointSample ||
718  polynomial_sampling_functional == VectorPointSample ||
719  polynomial_sampling_functional == ManifoldVectorPointSample ||
720  polynomial_sampling_functional == VaryingManifoldVectorPointSample) &&
721  (reconstruction_space == ScalarTaylorPolynomial || reconstruction_space == VectorOfScalarClonesTaylorPolynomial)) {
723  ScalarTaylorPolynomialBasis::evaluatePartialDerivative(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, dimension, poly_order, partial_direction, cutoff_p, relative_coord.x, relative_coord.y, relative_coord.z, start_index);
725  } else if ((polynomial_sampling_functional == VectorPointSample) &&
726  (reconstruction_space == DivergenceFreeVectorTaylorPolynomial)) {
728  // Divergence free vector polynomial basis
729  DivergenceFreePolynomialBasis::evaluatePartialDerivative(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, dimension, poly_order, component, partial_direction, cutoff_p, relative_coord.x, relative_coord.y, relative_coord.z);
731  } else if (reconstruction_space == BernsteinPolynomial) {
733  // Bernstein vector polynomial basis
734  BernsteinPolynomialBasis::evaluatePartialDerivative(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, dimension, poly_order, component, partial_direction, cutoff_p, relative_coord.x, relative_coord.y, relative_coord.z);
736  } else {
737  compadre_kernel_assert_release((false) && "Sampling and basis space combination not defined.");
738  }
739 }
741 /*! \brief Evaluates the Hessian of a polynomial basis under the Dirac Delta (pointwise) sampling function.
742  \param data [in] - GMLSBasisData struct
743  \param teamMember [in] - Kokkos::TeamPolicy member type (created by parallel_for)
744  \param delta [in/out] - scratch space that is allocated so that each thread has its own copy. Must be at least as large is the _basis_multipler*the dimension of the polynomial basis.
745  \param thread_workspace [in/out] - scratch space that is allocated so that each thread has its own copy. Must be at least as large as the _poly_order*the spatial dimension of the polynomial basis.
746  \param target_index [in] - target number
747  \param neighbor_index [in] - index of neighbor for this target with respect to local numbering [0,...,number of neighbors for target]
748  \param alpha [in] - double to determine convex combination of target and neighbor site at which to evaluate polynomials. (1-alpha)*neighbor + alpha*target
749  \param partial_direction_1 [in] - first direction that partial is taken with respect to, e.g. 0 is x direction, 1 is y direction
750  \param partial_direction_2 [in] - second direction that partial is taken with respect to, e.g. 0 is x direction, 1 is y direction
751  \param dimension [in] - spatial dimension of basis to evaluate. e.g. dimension two basis of order one is 1, x, y, whereas for dimension 3 it is 1, x, y, z
752  \param poly_order [in] - polynomial basis degree
753  \param specific_order_only [in] - boolean for only evaluating one degree of polynomial when true
754  \param V [in] - orthonormal basis matrix size _dimensions * _dimensions whose first _dimensions-1 columns are an approximation of the tangent plane
755  \param reconstruction_space [in] - space of polynomial that a sampling functional is to evaluate
756  \param sampling_strategy [in] - sampling functional specification
757  \param evaluation_site_local_index [in] - local index for evaluation sites (0 is target site)
758 */
759 template <typename BasisData>
761 void calcHessianPij(const BasisData& data, const member_type& teamMember, double* delta, double* thread_workspace, const int target_index, int neighbor_index, const double alpha, const int partial_direction_1, const int partial_direction_2, const int dimension, const int poly_order, bool specific_order_only, const scratch_matrix_right_type* V, const ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, const SamplingFunctional polynomial_sampling_functional, const int evaluation_site_local_index = 0) {
762 /*
763  * This class is under two levels of hierarchical parallelism, so we
764  * do not put in any finer grain parallelism in this function
765  */
767  const int my_num_neighbors = data._pc._nla.getNumberOfNeighborsDevice(target_index);
769  int component = 0;
770  if (neighbor_index >= my_num_neighbors) {
771  component = neighbor_index / my_num_neighbors;
772  neighbor_index = neighbor_index % my_num_neighbors;
773  } else if (neighbor_index < 0) {
774  // -1 maps to 0 component
775  // -2 maps to 1 component
776  // -3 maps to 2 component
777  component = -(neighbor_index+1);
778  }
780  // alpha corresponds to the linear combination of target_index and neighbor_index coordinates
781  // coordinate to evaluate = alpha*(target_index's coordinate) + (1-alpha)*(neighbor_index's coordinate)
783  // partial_direction - 0=x, 1=y, 2=z
784  XYZ relative_coord;
785  if (neighbor_index > -1) {
786  for (int i=0; i<dimension; ++i) {
787  // calculates (alpha*target+(1-alpha)*neighbor)-1*target = (alpha-1)*target + (1-alpha)*neighbor
788  relative_coord[i] = (alpha-1)*data._pc.getTargetCoordinate(target_index, i, V);
789  relative_coord[i] += (1-alpha)*data._pc.getNeighborCoordinate(target_index, neighbor_index, i, V);
790  }
791  } else if (evaluation_site_local_index > 0) {
792  for (int i=0; i<dimension; ++i) {
793  // evaluation_site_local_index is for evaluation site, which includes target site
794  // the -1 converts to the local index for ADDITIONAL evaluation sites
795  relative_coord[i] = data._additional_pc.getNeighborCoordinate(target_index, evaluation_site_local_index-1, i, V);
796  relative_coord[i] -= data._pc.getTargetCoordinate(target_index, i, V);
797  }
798  } else {
799  for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) relative_coord[i] = 0;
800  }
802  double cutoff_p = data._epsilons(target_index);
804  if ((polynomial_sampling_functional == PointSample ||
805  polynomial_sampling_functional == VectorPointSample ||
806  polynomial_sampling_functional == ManifoldVectorPointSample ||
807  polynomial_sampling_functional == VaryingManifoldVectorPointSample) &&
808  (reconstruction_space == ScalarTaylorPolynomial || reconstruction_space == VectorOfScalarClonesTaylorPolynomial)) {
810  ScalarTaylorPolynomialBasis::evaluateSecondPartialDerivative(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, dimension, poly_order, partial_direction_1, partial_direction_2, cutoff_p, relative_coord.x, relative_coord.y, relative_coord.z);
812  } else if ((polynomial_sampling_functional == VectorPointSample) &&
813  (reconstruction_space == DivergenceFreeVectorTaylorPolynomial)) {
815  DivergenceFreePolynomialBasis::evaluateSecondPartialDerivative(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, dimension, poly_order, component, partial_direction_1, partial_direction_2, cutoff_p, relative_coord.x, relative_coord.y, relative_coord.z);
817  } else if (reconstruction_space == BernsteinPolynomial) {
819  BernsteinPolynomialBasis::evaluateSecondPartialDerivative(teamMember, delta, thread_workspace, dimension, poly_order, component, partial_direction_1, partial_direction_2, cutoff_p, relative_coord.x, relative_coord.y, relative_coord.z);
821  } else {
822  compadre_kernel_assert_release((false) && "Sampling and basis space combination not defined.");
823  }
824 }
826 /*! \brief Fills the _P matrix with either P or P*sqrt(w)
827  \param data [in] - GMLSBasisData struct
828  \param teamMember [in] - Kokkos::TeamPolicy member type (created by parallel_for)
829  \param delta [in/out] - scratch space that is allocated so that each thread has its own copy. Must be at least as large is the _basis_multipler*the dimension of the polynomial basis.
830  \param thread_workspace [in/out] - scratch space that is allocated so that each thread has its own copy. Must be at least as large as the _poly_order*the spatial dimension of the polynomial basis.
831  \param P [out] - 2D Kokkos View which will contain evaluation of sampling functional on polynomial basis for each neighbor the target has (stored column major)
832  \param w [out] - 1D Kokkos View which will contain weighting kernel values for the target with each neighbor if weight_p = true
833  \param dimension [in] - spatial dimension of basis to evaluate. e.g. dimension two basis of order one is 1, x, y, whereas for dimension 3 it is 1, x, y, z
834  \param polynomial_order [in] - polynomial basis degree
835  \param weight_p [in] - boolean whether to fill w with kernel weights
836  \param V [in] - orthonormal basis matrix size _dimensions * _dimensions whose first _dimensions-1 columns are an approximation of the tangent plane
837  \param reconstruction_space [in] - space of polynomial that a sampling functional is to evaluate
838  \param sampling_strategy [in] - sampling functional specification
839 */
840 template <typename BasisData>
842 void createWeightsAndP(const BasisData& data, const member_type& teamMember, scratch_vector_type delta, scratch_vector_type thread_workspace, scratch_matrix_right_type P, scratch_vector_type w, const int dimension, int polynomial_order, bool weight_p = false, scratch_matrix_right_type* V = NULL, const ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space = ReconstructionSpace::ScalarTaylorPolynomial, const SamplingFunctional polynomial_sampling_functional = PointSample) {
843  /*
844  * Creates sqrt(W)*P
845  */
846  const int target_index = data._initial_index_for_batch + teamMember.league_rank();
847 // printf("specific order: %d\n", specific_order);
848 // {
849 // const int storage_size = (specific_order > 0) ? GMLS::getNP(specific_order, dimension)-GMLS::getNP(specific_order-1, dimension) : GMLS::getNP(data._poly_order, dimension);
850 // printf("storage size: %d\n", storage_size);
851 // }
852 // printf("weight_p: %d\n", weight_p);
854  // not const b.c. of gcc 7.2 issue
855  int my_num_neighbors = data._pc._nla.getNumberOfNeighborsDevice(target_index);
857  // storage_size needs to change based on the size of the basis
858  int storage_size = GMLS::getNP(polynomial_order, dimension, reconstruction_space);
859  storage_size *= data._basis_multiplier;
860  for (int j = 0; j < delta.extent_int(0); ++j) {
861  delta(j) = 0;
862  }
863  for (int j = 0; j < thread_workspace.extent_int(0); ++j) {
864  thread_workspace(j) = 0;
865  }
866  Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(teamMember,data._pc._nla.getNumberOfNeighborsDevice(target_index)),
867  [&] (const int i) {
869  for (int d=0; d<data._sampling_multiplier; ++d) {
870  // in 2d case would use distance between SVD coordinates
872  // ignores V when calculating weights from a point, i.e. uses actual point values
873  double r;
875  // coefficient muliplied by relative distance (allows for mid-edge weighting if applicable)
876  double alpha_weight = 1;
877  if (data._polynomial_sampling_functional==StaggeredEdgeIntegralSample
878  || data._polynomial_sampling_functional==StaggeredEdgeAnalyticGradientIntegralSample) {
879  alpha_weight = 0.5;
880  }
882  // get Euchlidean distance of scaled relative coordinate from the origin
883  if (V==NULL) {
884  r = data._pc.EuclideanVectorLength(data._pc.getRelativeCoord(target_index, i, dimension) * alpha_weight, dimension);
885  } else {
886  r = data._pc.EuclideanVectorLength(data._pc.getRelativeCoord(target_index, i, dimension, V) * alpha_weight, dimension);
887  }
889  // generate weight vector from distances and window sizes
890  w(i+my_num_neighbors*d) = GMLS::Wab(r, data._epsilons(target_index), data._weighting_type, data._weighting_p, data._weighting_n);
892  calcPij<BasisData>(data, teamMember,,, target_index, i + d*my_num_neighbors, 0 /*alpha*/, dimension, polynomial_order, false /*bool on only specific order*/, V, reconstruction_space, polynomial_sampling_functional);
894  if (weight_p) {
895  for (int j = 0; j < storage_size; ++j) {
896  // no need to convert offsets to global indices because the sum will never be large
897  P(i+my_num_neighbors*d, j) = delta[j] * std::sqrt(w(i+my_num_neighbors*d));
898  compadre_kernel_assert_extreme_debug(delta[j]==delta[j] && "NaN in sqrt(W)*P matrix.");
899  }
901  } else {
902  for (int j = 0; j < storage_size; ++j) {
903  // no need to convert offsets to global indices because the sum will never be large
904  P(i+my_num_neighbors*d, j) = delta[j];
906  compadre_kernel_assert_extreme_debug(delta[j]==delta[j] && "NaN in P matrix.");
907  }
908  }
909  }
910  });
911  teamMember.team_barrier();
912 // Kokkos::single(Kokkos::PerTeam(teamMember), [=] () {
913 // for (int k=0; k<data._pc._nla.getNumberOfNeighborsDevice(target_index); k++) {
914 // for (int l=0; l<_NP; l++) {
915 // printf("%i %i %0.16f\n", k, l, P(k,l) );// << " " << l << " " << R(k,l) << std::endl;
916 // }
917 // }
918 // });
919 }
921 /*! \brief Fills the _P matrix with P*sqrt(w) for use in solving for curvature
923  Uses _curvature_poly_order as the polynomial order of the basis
925  \param data [in] - GMLSBasisData struct
926  \param teamMember [in] - Kokkos::TeamPolicy member type (created by parallel_for)
927  \param delta [in/out] - scratch space that is allocated so that each thread has its own copy. Must be at least as large is the
928 s_multipler*the dimension of the polynomial basis.
929  \param thread_workspace [in/out] - scratch space that is allocated so that each thread has its own copy. Must be at least as large as the
930 _order*the spatial dimension of the polynomial basis.
931  \param P [out] - 2D Kokkos View which will contain evaluation of sampling functional on polynomial basis for each neighbor the target has (stored column major)
932  \param w [out] - 1D Kokkos View which will contain weighting kernel values for the target with each neighbor if weight_p = true
933  \param dimension [in] - spatial dimension of basis to evaluate. e.g. dimension two basis of order one is 1, x, y, whereas for dimension 3 it is 1, x, y, z
934  \param only_specific_order [in] - boolean for only evaluating one degree of polynomial when true
935  \param V [in] - orthonormal basis matrix size _dimensions * _dimensions whose first _dimensions-1 columns are an approximation of the tangent plane
936 */
937 template <typename BasisData>
939 void createWeightsAndPForCurvature(const BasisData& data, const member_type& teamMember, scratch_vector_type delta, scratch_vector_type thread_workspace, scratch_matrix_right_type P, scratch_vector_type w, const int dimension, bool only_specific_order, scratch_matrix_right_type* V = NULL) {
940 /*
941  * This function has two purposes
942  * 1.) Used to calculate specifically for 1st order polynomials, from which we can reconstruct a tangent plane
943  * 2.) Used to calculate a polynomial of data._curvature_poly_order, which we use to calculate curvature of the manifold
944  */
946  const int target_index = data._initial_index_for_batch + teamMember.league_rank();
947  int storage_size = only_specific_order ? GMLS::getNP(1, dimension)-GMLS::getNP(0, dimension) : GMLS::getNP(data._curvature_poly_order, dimension);
948  for (int j = 0; j < delta.extent_int(0); ++j) {
949  delta(j) = 0;
950  }
951  for (int j = 0; j < thread_workspace.extent_int(0); ++j) {
952  thread_workspace(j) = 0;
953  }
954  Kokkos::parallel_for(Kokkos::TeamThreadRange(teamMember,data._pc._nla.getNumberOfNeighborsDevice(target_index)),
955  [&] (const int i) {
957  // ignores V when calculating weights from a point, i.e. uses actual point values
958  double r;
960  // get Euclidean distance of scaled relative coordinate from the origin
961  if (V==NULL) {
962  r = data._pc.EuclideanVectorLength(data._pc.getRelativeCoord(target_index, i, dimension), dimension);
963  } else {
964  r = data._pc.EuclideanVectorLength(data._pc.getRelativeCoord(target_index, i, dimension, V), dimension);
965  }
967  // generate weight vector from distances and window sizes
968  if (only_specific_order) {
969  w(i) = GMLS::Wab(r, data._epsilons(target_index), data._curvature_weighting_type, data._curvature_weighting_p, data._curvature_weighting_n);
970  calcPij<BasisData>(data, teamMember,,, target_index, i, 0 /*alpha*/, dimension, 1, true /*bool on only specific order*/);
971  } else {
972  w(i) = GMLS::Wab(r, data._epsilons(target_index), data._curvature_weighting_type, data._curvature_weighting_p, data._curvature_weighting_n);
973  calcPij<BasisData>(data, teamMember,,, target_index, i, 0 /*alpha*/, dimension, data._curvature_poly_order, false /*bool on only specific order*/, V);
974  }
976  for (int j = 0; j < storage_size; ++j) {
977  P(i, j) = delta[j] * std::sqrt(w(i));
978  }
980  });
981  teamMember.team_barrier();
982 }
984 } // Compadre
985 #endif
#define compadre_kernel_assert_debug(condition)
Kokkos::View< double *, Kokkos::MemoryTraits< Kokkos::Unmanaged > > scratch_vector_type
#define compadre_kernel_assert_release(condition)
compadre_kernel_assert_release is similar to compadre_assert_release, but is a call on the device,...
team_policy::member_type member_type
Kokkos::View< double **, layout_right, Kokkos::MemoryTraits< Kokkos::Unmanaged > > scratch_matrix_right_type
static KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION int getNP(const int m, const int dimension=3, const ReconstructionSpace r_space=ReconstructionSpace::ScalarTaylorPolynomial)
Returns size of the basis for a given polynomial order and dimension General to dimension 1....
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void evaluatePartialDerivative(const member_type &teamMember, double *delta, double *workspace, const int dimension, const int max_degree, const int component, const int partial_direction, const double h, const double x, const double y, const double z, const int starting_order=0, const double weight_of_original_value=0.0, const double weight_of_new_value=1.0)
Evaluates the first partial derivatives of the Bernstein polynomial basis delta[j] = weight_of_origin...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void evaluateSecondPartialDerivative(const member_type &teamMember, double *delta, double *workspace, const int dimension, const int max_degree, const int component, const int partial_direction_1, const int partial_direction_2, const double h, const double x, const double y, const double z, const int starting_order=0, const double weight_of_original_value=0.0, const double weight_of_new_value=1.0)
Evaluates the second partial derivatives of the Bernstein polynomial basis delta[j] = weight_of_origi...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void evaluate(const member_type &teamMember, double *delta, double *workspace, const int dimension, const int max_degree, const int component, const double h, const double x, const double y, const double z, const int starting_order=0, const double weight_of_original_value=0.0, const double weight_of_new_value=1.0)
Evaluates the Bernstein polynomial basis delta[j] = weight_of_original_value * delta[j] + weight_of_n...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void evaluate(const member_type &teamMember, double *delta, double *workspace, const int dimension, const int max_degree, const int component, const double h, const double x, const double y, const double z, const int starting_order=0, const double weight_of_original_value=0.0, const double weight_of_new_value=1.0)
Evaluates the divergence-free polynomial basis delta[j] = weight_of_original_value * delta[j] + weigh...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void evaluate(const member_type &teamMember, double *delta, double *workspace, const int dimension, const int max_degree, const double h, const double x, const double y, const double z, const int starting_order=0, const double weight_of_original_value=0.0, const double weight_of_new_value=1.0)
Evaluates the scalar Taylor polynomial basis delta[j] = weight_of_original_value * delta[j] + weight_...
Solve GMLS problem on a manifold (will use QR or SVD to solve the resultant GMLS problem dependent on...
constexpr SamplingFunctional VaryingManifoldVectorPointSample
For integrating polynomial dotted with normal over an edge.
constexpr SamplingFunctional FaceNormalIntegralSample
For integrating polynomial dotted with normal over an edge.
constexpr SamplingFunctional StaggeredEdgeIntegralSample
Samples consist of the result of integrals of a vector dotted with the tangent along edges between ne...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void createWeightsAndP(const BasisData &data, const member_type &teamMember, scratch_vector_type delta, scratch_vector_type thread_workspace, scratch_matrix_right_type P, scratch_vector_type w, const int dimension, int polynomial_order, bool weight_p=false, scratch_matrix_right_type *V=NULL, const ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space=ReconstructionSpace::ScalarTaylorPolynomial, const SamplingFunctional polynomial_sampling_functional=PointSample)
Fills the _P matrix with either P or P*sqrt(w)
constexpr SamplingFunctional PointSample
Available sampling functionals.
constexpr SamplingFunctional StaggeredEdgeAnalyticGradientIntegralSample
Analytical integral of a gradient source vector is just a difference of the scalar source at neighbor...
constexpr SamplingFunctional CellAverageSample
For polynomial integrated on cells.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void createWeightsAndPForCurvature(const BasisData &data, const member_type &teamMember, scratch_vector_type delta, scratch_vector_type thread_workspace, scratch_matrix_right_type P, scratch_vector_type w, const int dimension, bool only_specific_order, scratch_matrix_right_type *V=NULL)
Fills the _P matrix with P*sqrt(w) for use in solving for curvature.
constexpr SamplingFunctional CellIntegralSample
For polynomial integrated on cells.
constexpr SamplingFunctional FaceNormalAverageSample
For polynomial dotted with normal on edge.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void calcPij(const BasisData &data, const member_type &teamMember, double *delta, double *thread_workspace, const int target_index, int neighbor_index, const double alpha, const int dimension, const int poly_order, bool specific_order_only=false, const scratch_matrix_right_type *V=NULL, const ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space=ReconstructionSpace::ScalarTaylorPolynomial, const SamplingFunctional polynomial_sampling_functional=PointSample, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0)
Evaluates the polynomial basis under a particular sampling function. Generally used to fill a row of ...
constexpr SamplingFunctional ManifoldVectorPointSample
Point evaluations of the entire vector source function (but on a manifold, so it includes a transform...
constexpr SamplingFunctional VectorPointSample
Point evaluations of the entire vector source function.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void calcHessianPij(const BasisData &data, const member_type &teamMember, double *delta, double *thread_workspace, const int target_index, int neighbor_index, const double alpha, const int partial_direction_1, const int partial_direction_2, const int dimension, const int poly_order, bool specific_order_only, const scratch_matrix_right_type *V, const ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, const SamplingFunctional polynomial_sampling_functional, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0)
Evaluates the Hessian of a polynomial basis under the Dirac Delta (pointwise) sampling function.
constexpr SamplingFunctional EdgeTangentAverageSample
For polynomial dotted with tangent.
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void calcGradientPij(const BasisData &data, const member_type &teamMember, double *delta, double *thread_workspace, const int target_index, int neighbor_index, const double alpha, const int partial_direction, const int dimension, const int poly_order, bool specific_order_only, const scratch_matrix_right_type *V, const ReconstructionSpace reconstruction_space, const SamplingFunctional polynomial_sampling_functional, const int evaluation_site_local_index=0)
Evaluates the gradient of a polynomial basis under the Dirac Delta (pointwise) sampling function.
constexpr SamplingFunctional EdgeTangentIntegralSample
For integrating polynomial dotted with tangent over an edge.
Space in which to reconstruct polynomial.
@ DivergenceFreeVectorTaylorPolynomial
Divergence-free vector polynomial basis.
@ BernsteinPolynomial
Bernstein polynomial basis.
@ VectorTaylorPolynomial
Vector polynomial basis having # of components _dimensions, or (_dimensions-1) in the case of manifol...
@ ScalarTaylorPolynomial
Scalar polynomial basis centered at the target site and scaled by sum of basis powers e....
@ VectorOfScalarClonesTaylorPolynomial
Scalar basis reused as many times as there are components in the vector resulting in a much cheaper p...
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION double getAreaFromVectors(const member_type &teamMember, view_type_1 v1, view_type_2 v2)