import proveit
from proveit import k, t, v, vi, vk, N, Variable
from proveit.logic import InSet
from proveit.linear_algebra import ScalarMult, VecAdd, VecSpaces, VecSum
from proveit.numbers import (zero, one, two, eight, i, e, pi, Exp, Integer,
Interval, Less, Mult, Neg, num)
%begin demonstrations
i_var = Variable('i') # to distinguish from imaginary number i
vec_sum_01, vec_sum_02, vec_sum_03, vec_sum_04, vec_sum_05 = (
VecSum(i_var, vi, domain=Interval(two, two)),
VecSum(i_var, vi, domain=Interval(one, eight)),
VecSum(k, vk, domain=Interval(zero, Exp(two, t))),
VecSum(k, ScalarMult(Exp(e, Mult(two, pi, i, k)), vk), domain=Interval(zero, N)),
VecSum(k, v, domain=Interval(one, eight)))
will take a single-item vector summation and return the equality of that sum with the vector evaluated at the single index value.
# Here we temporarily set auto_simplify=False to see the underlying shift
vec_sum_03.shifting(Neg(one), assumptions=[InSet(Exp(two, t), Integer)], auto_simplify=False)
# Then we allow auto_simplify to proceed as usual
vec_sum_03.shifting(Neg(one), assumptions=[InSet(Exp(two, t), Integer)])
¶vec_sum_02.partitioning(split_index=num(5), side='after')
vec_sum_02.partitioning(split_index=num(5), side='before')
assumptions=[InSet(Exp(two, t), Integer), Less(zero, Exp(two, t))])
from proveit.logic import Forall, CartExp
from proveit.numbers import Complex, Natural, NaturalPos
from proveit import defaults, n
Cn = CartExp(Complex, n)
defaults.assumptions = [InSet(n, NaturalPos), InSet(N, NaturalPos), Forall(k, InSet(vk, Cn), domain=Natural)]
defaults.assumptions + vec_sum_04.domain_conditions()
defaults.assumptions[-1].instantiate({k:zero}, assumptions=defaults.assumptions)
¶from proveit import defaults
from proveit import a, b, c, i, u, v, w, x, y, z, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, fi
from proveit.linear_algebra import TensorProd, VecZero
from proveit.logic import CartExp, Forall, InSet, NotEquals
from proveit.numbers import three, Complex, Natural, Real
Let's set some defaults for convienience in our testing below.
R3 = CartExp(Real, three)
C3 = CartExp(Complex, three)
defaults.assumptions = [
InSet(u, R3), InSet(v, R3), InSet(w, R3),
InSet(x, R3), InSet(y, R3), InSet(z, R3),
NotEquals(x, VecZero(R3)), NotEquals(z, VecZero(R3)),
InSet(a, Real), InSet(alpha, Complex), InSet(beta, Real),
InSet(gamma, Real), InSet (delta, Real),
Forall(i, InSet(fi, R3), domain=Natural)]
Mult(alpha, beta, gamma, delta).factorization(Mult(beta, gamma))
vec_add_01 = VecAdd(ScalarMult(a, x), ScalarMult(Mult(beta, a), y))
vec_add_02 = VecAdd(TensorProd(x, y), TensorProd(z, y))
vec_add_03 = VecAdd(TensorProd(x, y, z), TensorProd(x, y, w), TensorProd(x, y, v))
vec_add_01_factored = vec_add_01.factorization(a, pull='left')
Testing Begin Here! (Needs to be cleaned up and reorganized later.)
supposed_vec_space_membership = TensorProd(x, y).deduce_in_vec_space(field=Real)
supposed_vec_space = supposed_vec_space_membership.domain
# perhaps this will help the experiment further below?
from proveit.linear_algebra.vector_spaces import containing_vec_space
containing_vec_space(TensorProd(y, z), field=Real)
vec_add_02_factored = vec_add_02.factorization(y, pull='right', field=Real)
Investigating error when Prove-It is trying to perform the following:
return tensor_prod_is_in_tensor_prod_space.instantiate( {a: _a_sub, i: _i_sub, K: _K_sub, V: vec_spaces})
in for the case of $x\otimes((y\otimes z) + (y\otimes w) + (y\otimes v))$
# reminder of assumptions:
# this one will work OK (see next cell)
temp_factored_tensor_prod_01 = TensorProd(TensorProd(x, y), VecAdd(z, w, v))
InSet(temp_factored_tensor_prod_01, TensorProd(R3, R3, R3)).conclude()
temp_factored_tensor_prod_02 = TensorProd(x, VecAdd(TensorProd(y, z), TensorProd(y, w), TensorProd(y, v)))
deduction_as_vec_space = TensorProd(R3, R3, R3).deduce_as_vec_space()
deduced_field = deduction_as_vec_space.domain.field
# interestingly, we also can already do this:
VecSpaces.known_vec_space(x, field=Real)
TensorProd(x, TensorProd(y, z)).simplification()
from proveit.logic import Equals
Equals(TensorProd(R3, TensorProd(R3, R3)), TensorProd(R3, R3, R3)).prove()
vec_add_03_factored_02 = vec_add_03.factorization(x, pull='left', field=Real)
TensorProd(x, TensorProd(y, z)).shallow_simplification()
# This will not yet work, since the factor is a vector and
# appears in the scaled portion of each ScalarMult but is not a TensorProd factor
VecAdd(ScalarMult(two, x), ScalarMult(three, x)).factorization(x)
except Exception as the_exception:
print("Exception: {}".format(the_exception))
defaults.assumptions = [InSet(w, R3), InSet(x, R3), InSet(y, R3), InSet(z, R3)]
Equals(VecAdd(w, x, y, z), VecAdd(z, y, w, x)).prove()
Equals(VecAdd(y, z, x, w), VecAdd(x, w, y, z)).prove()
%end demonstrations