Source code for ufjc.potential

"""A module for handling potentials.

This module contains several different classes representing potentials,
each having methods to compute relevant nondimensional quantities as
functions of nondimensional force or stretch.
This module also contains the parent class ``Potential`` that is used to
assign a potential to a given model using keyword arguments.

    Create a Lennard-Jones potential model with
    a nondimensional potential energy scale of 8 and evaluate
    the nondimensional potential energy at a stretch of 1.23:

        >>> from ufjc.potential import LennardJonesPotential
        >>> model = LennardJonesPotential(varepsilon=8)
        >>> model.beta_u(1.23)

    Do the same with the Lenard-Jones-FENE potential:

        >>> from ufjc.potential import LJFENEPotential
        >>> model = LJFENEPotential(varepsilon=(8, 8))
        >>> model.beta_u(1.23)

    Create a single-link model in one dimension, instantiate it with
    the Morse potential, and compute the incremental link stretch under
    a nondimensional force of 8:

        >>> from ufjc.potential import Potential
        >>> class Link1D(Potential):
        ...     def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        ...         Potential.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        >>> _ = Link1D(potential='morse').delta_lambda(8)
        >>> Link1D(potential='lj-fene').eta_link(1)


# Import external modules
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import lambertw

[docs]class HarmonicPotential(object): r"""The harmonic potential. Attributes: varepsilon (float): The nondimensional energy scale. kappa (float): The nondimensional stiffness :math:`\kappa=\varepsilon`. c (float): The correction parameter :math:`c=1`. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initializes the ``HarmonicPotential`` class. Args: **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Can be used to specify ``varepsilon`` (default 88). """ self.varepsilon = kwargs.get('varepsilon', 88) self.kappa = self.varepsilon self.c = 1
[docs] def phi(self, lambda_): r"""The scaled nondimensional potential energy function, .. math:: \phi(\lambda) = \frac{1}{2}(\lambda-1)^2 . Args: lambda_ (array_like): The stretch(s). Returns: numpy.ndarray: The scaled nondimensional potential energy(s). """ return 0.5*(lambda_ - 1)**2
[docs] def beta_u(self, lambda_): r"""The nondimensional potential energy function, .. math:: \beta u(\lambda) = \varepsilon\phi(\lambda) . Args: lambda_ (array_like): The stretch(s). Returns: numpy.ndarray: The nondimensional potential energy(s). """ return self.varepsilon*self.phi(lambda_)
[docs] def delta_lambda(self, eta): r"""The incremental stretch as a function of nondimensional force, .. math:: \Delta\lambda(\eta) = \frac{\eta}{\varepsilon} . Args: eta (array_like): The nondimensional force(s). Returns: numpy.ndarray: The incremental stretch(s). """ return eta/self.varepsilon
[docs]class LogSquaredPotential(object): r"""The log-squared potential :cite:`potential-mao2017rupture`. Attributes: varepsilon (float): The nondimensional energy scale. kappa (float): The nondimensional stiffness :math:`\kappa=\varepsilon`. c (float): The correction parameter :math:`c=2/5`. eta_max (float): The maximum nondimensional force :math:`\eta_\mathrm{max} = e^{-1}\varepsilon`. lambda_max (float): The stretch at the maximum nondimensional force, :math:`\lambda_\mathrm{max} = e^{1}`. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initializes the ``LogSquaredPotential`` class. Args: **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Can be used to specify ``varepsilon`` (default 88). """ self.varepsilon = kwargs.get('varepsilon', 88) self.kappa = self.varepsilon self.c = 2/5 self.eta_max = self.varepsilon/np.exp(1) self.lambda_max = np.exp(1)
[docs] def phi(self, lambda_): r"""The scaled nondimensional potential energy function, .. math:: \phi(\lambda) = \frac{1}{2}\big[\ln(\lambda)\big]^2 . Args: lambda_ (array_like): The stretch(s). Returns: numpy.ndarray: The scaled nondimensional potential energy(s). """ return 0.5*np.log(lambda_)**2
[docs] def beta_u(self, lambda_): r"""The nondimensional potential energy function, .. math:: \beta u(\lambda) = \varepsilon\phi(\lambda) . Args: lambda_ (array_like): The stretch(s). Returns: numpy.ndarray: The nondimensional potential energy(s). """ return self.varepsilon*self.phi(lambda_)
[docs] def delta_lambda(self, eta): r"""The incremental stretch as a function of nondimensional force, .. math:: \Delta\lambda(\eta) = e^{-\mathcal{W}(-\eta/\varepsilon)} ,\qquad \eta\in[0,\eta_\mathrm{max}] . Args: eta (array_like): The nondimensional force(s). Returns: numpy.ndarray: The incremental stretch(s). """ return (np.exp(-lambertw(-eta/self.varepsilon)) - 1).real
[docs]class MorsePotential(object): r"""The Morse potential :cite:`potential-morse1929diatomic`. Attributes: varepsilon (float): The nondimensional energy scale. alpha (float): The Morse parameter. kappa (float): The nondimensional stiffness :math:`\kappa=2\varepsilon\alpha^2`. c (float): The correction parameter :math:`c=1/(1+3\alpha/2)`. eta_max (float): The maximum nondimensional force :math:`\eta_\mathrm{max} = \sqrt{\kappa\varepsilon/8}`. lambda_max (float): The stretch at the maximum nondimensional force, :math:`\lambda_\mathrm{max} = 1+\ln(2)/\alpha`. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initializes the ``MorsePotential`` class. Args: **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Can be used to specify ``varepsilon`` (default 88) and ``alpha`` (default 1). """ self.varepsilon = kwargs.get('varepsilon', 88) self.alpha = kwargs.get('alpha', 1) self.kappa = 2*self.varepsilon*self.alpha**2 self.c = 1/(1 + 3/2*self.alpha) self.eta_max = np.sqrt(self.kappa*self.varepsilon/8) self.lambda_max = 1 + np.log(2)/self.alpha
[docs] def phi(self, lambda_): r"""The scaled nondimensional potential energy function, .. math:: \phi(\lambda) = \left[1 - e^{-\alpha(\lambda - 1)}\right]^2 . Args: lambda_ (array_like): The stretch(s). Returns: numpy.ndarray: The scaled nondimensional potential energy(s). """ return (1 - np.exp(-self.alpha*(lambda_ - 1)))**2
[docs] def beta_u(self, lambda_): r"""The nondimensional potential energy function, .. math:: \beta u(\lambda) = \varepsilon\phi(\lambda) . Args: lambda_ (array_like): The stretch(s). Returns: numpy.ndarray: The nondimensional potential energy(s). """ return self.varepsilon*self.phi(lambda_)
[docs] def delta_lambda(self, eta): r"""The incremental stretch as a function of nondimensional force, .. math:: \Delta\lambda(\eta) = \ln\left(\frac{2}{1 + \sqrt{1 - \eta/\eta_\mathrm{max}}}\right)^{1/\alpha} ,\qquad \eta\in[0,\eta_\mathrm{max}] . Args: eta (array_like): The nondimensional force(s). Returns: numpy.ndarray: The incremental stretch(s). """ return np.log( 2/(1 + np.sqrt(1 - eta/self.eta_max)) )/self.alpha
[docs]class LennardJonesPotential(object): r"""The Lennard-Jones potential :cite:`potential-jones1924determinationii`. Attributes: varepsilon (float): The nondimensional energy scale. kappa (float): The nondimensional stiffness :math:`\kappa=72\varepsilon`. c (float): The correction parameter :math:`c=2/23`. eta_max (float): The maximum nondimensional force :math:`\eta_\mathrm{max} = \eta(\lambda_\mathrm{max})`. lambda_max (float): The stretch at the maximum nondimensional force, :math:`\lambda_\mathrm{max} = (13/7)^{1/6}`. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initializes the ``LennardJonesPotential`` class. Args: **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Can be used to specify ``varepsilon`` (default 88). """ self.varepsilon = kwargs.get('varepsilon', 88) self.kappa = 72*self.varepsilon self.c = 2/23 self.lambda_max = (13/7)**(1/6) self.eta_max = self.eta_link(self.lambda_max)
[docs] def phi(self, lambda_): r"""The scaled nondimensional potential energy function, .. math:: \phi(\lambda) = \frac{1}{\lambda^{12}} - \frac{2}{\lambda^6} + 1 . Args: lambda_ (array_like): The stretch(s). Returns: numpy.ndarray: The scaled nondimensional potential energy(s). """ return 1/lambda_**12 - 2/lambda_**6 + 1
[docs] def beta_u(self, lambda_): r"""The nondimensional potential energy function, .. math:: \beta u(\lambda) = \varepsilon\phi(\lambda) . Args: lambda_ (array_like): The stretch(s). Returns: numpy.ndarray: The nondimensional potential energy(s). """ return self.varepsilon*self.phi(lambda_)
[docs]class LJFENEPotential(object): r"""The Lennard-Jones-FENE potential :cite:`potential-kremer1990dynamics`. Attributes: varepsilon (float): The nondimensional energy scale. kappa (float): The nondimensional stiffness. c (float): The correction parameter. eta_max (float): The maximum nondimensional force :math:`\eta_\mathrm{max} = \eta(\lambda_\mathrm{max})`. lambda_max (float): The stretch at the maximum nondimensional force. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initializes the ``LJFENEPotential`` class. Args: **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Can be used to specify ``varepsilon`` (default (88, 230)) and ``lambda_max`` (default 1.5). """ self.varepsilon_1, self.varepsilon_2 = \ kwargs.get('varepsilon', (88, 230)) self.varepsilon = self.varepsilon_2 self.lambda_max = kwargs.get('lambda_max', 1.5) self.kappa = 72*self.varepsilon_1 + self.varepsilon_2 * \ (self.lambda_max**2 + 1)/(self.lambda_max**2 - 1)**2 self.c = 1/(1 - ( -1512 + (6*self.lambda_max**2 + 2)/(self.lambda_max**2 - 1)**3 )/(2*self.kappa/self.varepsilon_2) ) self.eta_max = self.eta_link(self.lambda_max)
[docs] def phi(self, lambda_): r"""The scaled nondimensional potential energy function, .. math:: \phi(\lambda) = \frac{\varepsilon_1}{\varepsilon_2}\left( \frac{1}{\lambda^{12}} - \frac{2}{\lambda^6} + 1 \right) - \frac{1}{2}\,\ln\left[ 1 - \left(\frac{\lambda}{\lambda_\mathrm{max}}\right)^2 \right] . Args: lambda_ (array_like): The stretch(s). Returns: numpy.ndarray: The scaled nondimensional potential energy(s). """ lambda_fene = (lambda_ < self.lambda_max)*lambda_ return self.varepsilon_1/self.varepsilon_2*( 1/lambda_**12 - 2/lambda_**6 + 1 ) - 0.5*np.log( 1 - (lambda_fene/self.lambda_max)**2 )*(lambda_ < self.lambda_max)
[docs] def beta_u(self, lambda_): r"""The nondimensional potential energy function, .. math:: \beta u(\lambda) = \varepsilon\phi(\lambda) = \varepsilon_1\left( \frac{1}{\lambda^{12}} - \frac{2}{\lambda^6} + 1 \right) - \frac{\varepsilon_2}{2}\,\ln\left[ 1 - \left(\frac{\lambda}{\lambda_\mathrm{max}}\right)^2 \right] . Args: lambda_ (array_like): The stretch(s). Returns: numpy.ndarray: The nondimensional potential energy(s). """ return self.varepsilon*self.phi(lambda_)
[docs]class MiePotential(object): r"""The Mie potential :cite:`potential-mie1903kinetischen`. Attributes: varepsilon (float): The nondimensional energy scale. n (float): The repulsive exponent. m (float): The attractive exponent. kappa (float): The nondimensional stiffness :math:`\kappa=nm\varepsilon`. c (float): The correction parameter :math:`c=\frac{4m(m+1)-2n(n+1)}{2m(m^2+5m+4)-n(n^2+5n+4)}`. eta_max (float): The maximum nondimensional force :math:`\eta_\mathrm{max} = \eta(\lambda_\mathrm{max})`. lambda_max (float): The stretch at the maximum nondimensional force, :math:`\lambda_\mathrm{max}=\left[\frac{n+1}{m+1}\right]^{1/(n-m)}` . """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initializes the ``MiePotential`` class. Args: **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Can be used to specify ``varepsilon`` (default 88) ``n`` (default 12) and ``m`` (default 6). """ self.varepsilon = kwargs.get('varepsilon', 88) self.m = kwargs.get('m', 6) self.n = kwargs.get('n', 12) self.kappa = self.n*self.m*self.varepsilon self.c = ( 4*self.m*(self.m + 1) - 2*self.n*(self.n + 1) )/( 2*self.m*(self.m**2 + 5*self.m + 4) - self.n*(self.n**2 + 5*self.n + 4) ) self.lambda_max = ( (self.n + 1)/(self.m + 1) )**( 1/(self.n - self.m) ) self.eta_max = self.eta_link(self.lambda_max)
[docs] def phi(self, lambda_): r"""The scaled nondimensional potential energy function, .. math:: \phi(\lambda) = \frac{1}{(n-m)} \left(\frac{m}{\lambda^n} - \frac{n}{\lambda^m}\right) . Args: lambda_ (array_like): The stretch(s). Returns: numpy.ndarray: The scaled nondimensional potential energy(s). """ return ( self.m/lambda_**self.n - self.n/lambda_**self.m )/( self.n - self.m )
[docs] def beta_u(self, lambda_): r"""The nondimensional potential energy function, .. math:: \beta u(\lambda) = \varepsilon\phi(\lambda) . Args: lambda_ (array_like): The stretch(s). Returns: numpy.ndarray: The nondimensional potential energy(s). """ return self.varepsilon*self.phi(lambda_)
[docs]class PolynomialPotential(object): r"""A polynomial potential. Attributes: varepsilon (float): The nondimensional energy scale. coefficients (array_like): The coefficients :math:`a_k`. kappa (float): The nondimensional stiffness :math:`\kappa=a_1\varepsilon`. c (float): The correction parameter :math:`c=(1 - \frac{a_2}{2a_1})^{-1}`. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initializes the ``PolynomialPotential`` class. Args: **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Can be used to specify ``varepsilon`` (default 88) and ``coefficients`` (default 1). """ self.varepsilon = kwargs.get('varepsilon', 88) coef = np.array(kwargs.get('coefficients', [1, 0])) self.eta_c = np.append(np.array([0]), coef) self.phi_c = np.append([0], self.eta_c)*np.append( [0, 0], [1/n for n in range(2, len(coef) + 2)] ) self.kappa = self.varepsilon*self.eta_c[1] if len(self.phi_c) > 3: self.c = 1/(1 - self.phi_c[3]/self.phi_c[2]/2)
[docs] def phi(self, lambda_): r"""The scaled nondimensional potential energy function, .. math:: \phi(\lambda) = \sum_{k=2} \frac{a_{k-1}}{k}\, \lambda^k . Args: lambda_ (array_like): The stretch(s). Returns: numpy.ndarray: The scaled nondimensional potential energy(s). """ return np.polynomial.Polynomial(self.phi_c)(lambda_ - 1)
[docs] def beta_u(self, lambda_): r"""The nondimensional potential energy function, .. math:: \beta u(\lambda) = \varepsilon\phi(\lambda) . Args: lambda_ (array_like): The stretch(s). Returns: numpy.ndarray: The nondimensional potential energy(s). """ return self.varepsilon*self.phi(lambda_)
[docs]class CustomPotential(object): r"""A custom user-defined potential. Attributes: potential (str): The potential name. varepsilon (float): The nondimensional energy scale. phi (function): The scaled nondimensional energy function. eta_link (function): The nondimensional force as a function of stretch. delta_lambda (function): The incremental stretch as a function of the nondimensional force (optional). kappa (float): The nondimensional stiffness. c (float): The correction parameter. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initializes the ``CustomPotential`` class. Args: **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. """ self.potential = kwargs.get('potential', 'custom') self.varepsilon = kwargs.get('varepsilon') self.phi = kwargs.get('phi') self.eta_link = kwargs.get('eta_link') self.kappa = kwargs.get('kappa') self.c = kwargs.get('c') # No defaults if 'delta_lambda' in kwargs: self.delta_lambda = kwargs.get('delta_lambda') if 'lambda_max' in kwargs: self.lambda_max = kwargs.get('lambda_max') if 'eta_max' in kwargs: self.eta_max = kwargs.get('eta_max')
[docs] def beta_u(self, lambda_): r"""The nondimensional potential energy function, .. math:: \beta u(\lambda) = \varepsilon\phi(\lambda) . Args: lambda_ (array_like): The stretch(s). Returns: numpy.ndarray: The nondimensional potential energy(s). """ return self.varepsilon*self.phi(lambda_)
[docs]class Potential(object): r"""A class to assign a potential to a given model through inheritance. Attributes: potential (str): The potential type. pot (object): The potential model instance. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initializes the ``Potential`` class. Args: **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Used to specify the potential and then passed to an instantiation of that potential. Note: An improperly-specified potential will default to harmonic: >>> from ufjc import uFJC >>> model = uFJC(potential='blah') Potential "blah" invalid, defaulting to "harmonic" potential. """ self.potential = kwargs.get('potential', 'harmonic') if self.potential == 'harmonic': self.pot = HarmonicPotential(**kwargs) elif self.potential == 'log-squared': self.pot = LogSquaredPotential(**kwargs) elif self.potential == 'morse': self.pot = MorsePotential(**kwargs) elif self.potential == 'lennard-jones': self.pot = LennardJonesPotential(**kwargs) elif self.potential == 'lj-fene': self.pot = LJFENEPotential(**kwargs) elif self.potential == 'mie': self.pot = MiePotential(**kwargs) elif self.potential == 'polynomial': self.pot = PolynomialPotential(**kwargs) elif self.potential == 'custom': self.pot = CustomPotential(**kwargs) else: print('Potential "' + self.potential + '" invalid, defaulting to "harmonic" potential.') self.pot = HarmonicPotential(**kwargs) def __getattr__(self, attr): """Inherit attributes and methods from the chosen potential. Note: When accessing an attribute of the model to which the potential is assigned, but no attribute is found, and ``AttributeError`` will be raised with respect to the ``pot`` instance, not the overall model instance. This is sub-optimal but typically acceptable, but still should be repaired in the future. """ return getattr(self.pot, attr)