Model Results Directories

For a comprehensive analysis, you’ll need to specify two distinct directories from your model results:
  1. Baseline Results Directory: Contains the model results without any devices.

  2. Model Results Directory: Houses the model results with devices incorporated.

Interface to choose the Model Results Directory in SEAT's GUI.

To proceed:

  • Ensure you select the directory that contains the model results with devices, and another for the baseline results without devices.

  • It’s crucial that all model results are in the netCDF format.

There are two accepted formats for the model results:

  1. A single concatenated *.nc file with the model run number as its first dimension, arranged as [RunNum, Depth, X, Y]. Ensure there’s only one file per directory when using this format.

  2. Multiple files, each named in the format: Here, RunNum should precede and be flanked by a single underscore on each side.


The number of baseline model files should be identical to the number of device model files to maintain consistency in your analysis.