Model Results Directories

For a comprehensive analysis, you’ll need to specify two distinct directories from your model results:
  1. Baseline Model Results Directory: Contains the model results without devices.

  2. Device Model Results Directory: Contains the model results with devices.

Interface to choose the Model Results Directory in SEAT's GUI.

All the results must be in netcdf format. Multiple run outputs can be structured in the following ways:

  1. A single *.nc file with the model run number as its first dimension, arranged as [RunNum, Depth, X, Y]. Ensure there’s only one file per directory when using this format.

  2. Multiple files, each named in the format:
    • name is the common prefix for all files.

    • RunNum is the model run number.

    • map is the map name.

    • The files should be arranged in the following structure: - - -


The number of baseline model files should be identical to the number of device model files to maintain consistency in your analysis.