Species Threshold File (Optional)
The receptor file serves as an additional input to each module, which can either be in .csv or .tif format.
![Receptor File](../../_images/acoustics_species_threshold.webp)
Contains values indicating thresholds, grid scaling, and variable selections.
File Type: Supports only .csv file format.
Species: Optional; can be used for output.
ParAcousti Variable: Variables and weightings may vary depending on species.
Threshold (db re 1 uPa): Threshold above which negative impacts are expected. Units should match Paracousti Variable.
Depth Averaging (Default: DepthMax):
DepthMax: Use the maximum value for each vertical column.
DepthAverage: Use the average value for each vertical column.
Top: Use the top/surface bin for each vertical column.
Bottom: Use the bottom/bed bin for each vertical column.
Species File Averaged Area (km²): Represents cumulative area for each cell regarding species percent and density; used for scaling to each ParAcousti grid cell. Leave blank or set to 0 to prevent scaling.
Blue Whale
Paracousti Variable
Threshold (dB re 1uPa)
Depth Averaging
species file averaged area (km2)