Homework Problems

  1. For the modal_system in this tutorial, compute frequency response functions for Random and Burst Random excitation signals. Compute frequency response functions for the Random signal both using a Hann window and using no window. Compare the frequency response functions. How do they differ, particularly at the lower modes of the system? What would you expect to happen to the damping estimate of the system in each case?

  2. Compute a frequency response function of an impulse signal for the modal_system in this tutorial. Investigate what happens if the entire signal is not included in the measurement frame. Add an Exponential window to the signal to artificially reduce the signal to zero by the end of the frame. How do the frequency response functions from the windowed and un-windowed short measurement frame compare to the un-windowed measurement frame that contains the entire response?

  3. Add noise to the signals in each of the examples in this tutorial. Where do each of the excitation techniques break down if noise is present? Modify the number of averages of each signal and see how the noise on the FRF changes.