- camera_matrix_from_vic_parameters(intrinsics, extrinsics=None)[source]
Computes K and RT Camera matrices from information in the project.xml file
This function takes VIC3D Camera Calibration information and makes a camera intrinsic and extrinsic matrix. This can be extracted from the project.xml file inside the unzipped Z3D project file.
- Parameters
intrinsics (iterable) – A list of parameters that define the camera intrinsic properties. They are ordered cx, cy, fx, fy, s
extrinsics (iterable) – A list of parameters that define the camera extrinsic properties. They are ordered rx, ry, rz, tx, ty, tz
- Returns
K (ndarray) – A 3 x 3 upper triangular array consisting of the camera intrinisc parameters.
RT (ndarray) – A 3 x 4 array where the first three columns are an orthogonal matrix denoting a rotation matrix, and the last column is a translation.