- rigid_body_error(geometry, rigid_shapes, **rigid_shape_kwargs)[source]
Computes rigid shape error based on geometries
Analytic rigid body shapes are computed from the geometry. The supplied rigid_shapes are then projected through these analytic shapes and a residual is computed by subtracting the projected shapes from the original shapes. This residual is a measure of how “non-rigid” the provided shapes were.
- Parameters
geometry (Geometry) – Geometry from which analytic rigid body shapes will be created
rigid_shapes (ShapeArray) – ShapeArray consisting of nominally rigid shapes from which errors are to be computed
**rigid_shape_kwargs (various) – Additional keywords that can be passed to the Geometry.rigid_body_shapes method.
- Returns
coordinates (CoordinateArray) – The coordinates corresponding to the output residual array
residual (np.ndarray) – Residuals computed by subtracting the provided shapes from those same shapes projected through the analytical rigid body shapes.