
frf_from_time_data(reference_data: TimeHistoryArray, response_data: TimeHistoryArray, samples_per_average: Optional[int] = None, overlap: float = 0.0, method: str = 'H1', window=array([1.]), **timedata2frf_kwargs)

Computes a transfer function from reference and response time histories

  • reference_data (TimeHistoryArray) – Time data to be used as a reference

  • response_data (TimeHistoryArray) – Time data to be used as responses

  • samples_per_average (int, optional) – Number of samples used to split up the signals into averages. The default is None, meaning the data is treated as a single measurement frame.

  • overlap (float, optional) – The overlap as a fraction of the frame (e.g. 0.5 specifies 50% overlap). The default is 0.0, meaning no overlap is used.

  • method (str, optional) – The method for creating the frequency response function. ‘H1’ is default if not specified.

  • window (np.ndarray or str, optional) – A 1D ndarray with length samples_per_average that specifies the coefficients of the window. No window is applied if not specified. If a string is specified, then the window will be obtained from scipy.

  • **timedata2frf_kwargs (various) – Additional keyword arguments that may be passed into the timedata2frf function in sdynpy.frf.


ValueError – Raised if reference and response functions do not have consistent abscissa


A transfer function array computed from the specified references and responses.

Return type
