Source code for pyapprox.surrogates.interp.tensorprod

import numpy as np
from functools import partial
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

from pyapprox.util.pya_numba import njit
from pyapprox.util.utilities import (
    cartesian_product, get_tensor_product_quadrature_rule
from pyapprox.surrogates.orthopoly.quadrature import (
from pyapprox.surrogates.orthopoly.leja_quadrature import (
from pyapprox.surrogates.interp.barycentric_interpolation import (

def piecewise_quadratic_interpolation(samples, mesh, mesh_vals, ranges):
    assert mesh.shape[0] == mesh_vals.shape[0]
    vals = 0
    samples = (samples-ranges[0])/(ranges[1]-ranges[0])
    mesh = (mesh-ranges[0])/(ranges[1]-ranges[0])
    assert mesh.shape[0] % 2 == 1
    for ii in range(0, mesh.shape[0]-2, 2):
        xl = mesh[ii]
        xr = mesh[ii+2]
        x = (samples-xl)/(xr-xl)
        interval_vals = canonical_piecewise_quadratic_interpolation(
            x, mesh_vals[ii:ii+3])
        # to avoid double counting we set left boundary of each interval to
        # zero except for first interval
        if ii == 0:
            interval_vals[(x < 0) | (x > 1), :] = 0.
            interval_vals[(x <= 0) | (x > 1), :] = 0.
        vals += interval_vals
    return vals

def canonical_piecewise_quadratic_interpolation(x, nodal_vals):
    Piecewise quadratic interpolation of nodes at [0,0.5,1]
    Assumes all values are in [0,1].
    assert x.ndim == 1
    assert nodal_vals.shape[0] == 3
    if nodal_vals.ndim == 1:
        nodal_vals = nodal_vals[:, None]
    x = x[:, None]
    vals = (nodal_vals[0]*(1.0-3.0*x+2.0*x**2) +
            nodal_vals[1]*(4.0*x-4.0*x**2) +
    return vals

def gradient_of_tensor_product_function(univariate_functions,
                                        univariate_derivatives, samples):
    num_samples = samples.shape[1]
    num_vars = len(univariate_functions)
    assert len(univariate_derivatives) == num_vars
    gradient = np.empty((num_vars, num_samples))
    # precompute data which is reused multiple times
    function_values = []
    for ii in range(num_vars):
        function_values.append(univariate_functions[ii](samples[ii, :]))

    for ii in range(num_vars):
        gradient[ii, :] = univariate_derivatives[ii](samples[ii, :])
        for jj in range(ii):
            gradient[ii, :] *= function_values[jj]
        for jj in range(ii+1, num_vars):
            gradient[ii, :] *= function_values[jj]
    return gradient

def evaluate_tensor_product_function(univariate_functions, samples):
    num_samples = samples.shape[1]
    num_vars = len(univariate_functions)
    values = np.ones((num_samples))
    for ii in range(num_vars):
        values *= univariate_functions[ii](samples[ii, :])
    return values

def piecewise_univariate_linear_quad_rule(range_1d, npoints):
    Compute the points and weights of a piecewise-linear quadrature
    rule that can be used to compute a definite integral

    range_1d : iterable (2)
       The lower and upper bound of the definite integral

    xx : np.ndarray (npoints)
        The points of the quadrature rule

    ww : np.ndarray (npoints)
        The weights of the quadrature rule
    if npoints == 1:
        return (np.array([(range_1d[1]+range_1d[0])/2]),
    xx = np.linspace(range_1d[0], range_1d[1], npoints)
    ww = np.ones((npoints), dtype=float)/(npoints-1)*(range_1d[1]-range_1d[0])
    ww[0] *= 0.5
    ww[-1] *= 0.5
    return xx, ww

def piecewise_univariate_quadratic_quad_rule(range_1d, npoints):
    Compute the points and weights of a piecewise-quadratic quadrature
    rule that can be used to compute a definite integral

    range_1d : iterable (2)
       The lower and upper bound of the definite integral

    xx : np.ndarray (npoints)
        The points of the quadrature rule

    ww : np.ndarray (npoints)
        The weights of the quadrature rule
    if npoints == 1:
        return (np.array([(range_1d[1]+range_1d[0])/2]),
    xx = np.linspace(range_1d[0], range_1d[1], npoints)
    dx = 4/(3*(npoints-1))
    ww = dx*np.ones((npoints))*(range_1d[1]-range_1d[0])
    ww[0::2] *= 0.5
    ww[0] *= 0.5
    ww[-1] *= 0.5
    return xx, ww

[docs]def get_tensor_product_piecewise_polynomial_quadrature_rule( nsamples_1d, ranges, degree=1): """ Compute the nodes and weights needed to integrate a 2D function using piecewise linear interpolation """ nrandom_vars = len(ranges)//2 if isinstance(nsamples_1d, int): nsamples_1d = np.array([nsamples_1d]*nrandom_vars) assert nrandom_vars == len(nsamples_1d) if degree == 1: piecewise_univariate_quad_rule = piecewise_univariate_linear_quad_rule elif degree == 2: piecewise_univariate_quad_rule = \ piecewise_univariate_quadratic_quad_rule else: raise ValueError("degree must be 1 or 2") univariate_quad_rules = [ partial(piecewise_univariate_quad_rule, ranges[2*ii:2*ii+2]) for ii in range(nrandom_vars)] x_quad, w_quad = get_tensor_product_quadrature_rule( nsamples_1d, nrandom_vars, univariate_quad_rules) return x_quad, w_quad
@njit(cache=True) def piecewise_quadratic_basis(level, xx): """ Evaluate each piecewise quadratic basis on a dydatic grid of a specified level. Parameters ---------- level : integer The level of the dydadic grid. The number of points in the grid is nbasis=2**level+1, except at level 0 when nbasis=1 xx : np.ndarary (nsamples) The samples at which to evaluate the basis functions Returns ------- vals : np.ndarary (nsamples, nbasis) Evaluations of each basis function """ assert level > 0 h = 1/float(1 << level) N = (1 << level)+1 vals = np.zeros((xx.shape[0], N)) for ii in range(N): xl = (ii-1.0)*h xr = xl+2.0*h if ii % 2 == 1: vals[:, ii] = np.maximum(-(xx-xl)*(xx-xr)/(h*h), 0.0) continue II = np.where((xx > xl-h) & (xx < xl+h))[0] xx_II = xx[II] vals[II, ii] = (xx_II**2-h*xx_II*(2*ii-3)+h*h*(ii-1)*(ii-2))/(2.*h*h) JJ = np.where((xx >= xl+h) & (xx < xr+h))[0] xx_JJ = xx[JJ] vals[JJ, ii] = (xx_JJ**2-h*xx_JJ*(2*ii+3)+h*h*(ii+1)*(ii+2))/(2.*h*h) return vals @njit(cache=True) def irregular_piecewise_left_constant_basis(nodes, xx): # abscissa are not equidistant assert xx.ndim == 1 assert nodes.ndim == 1 nnodes = nodes.shape[0] vals = np.zeros((xx.shape[0], nnodes-1)) for ii in range(nnodes-1): xl = nodes[ii] xr = nodes[ii+1] II = np.where((xx >= xl) & (xx < xr))[0] vals[II, ii] = np.ones(II.shape[0], dtype=float) return vals @njit(cache=True) def irregular_piecewise_right_constant_basis(nodes, xx): # abscissa are not equidistant assert xx.ndim == 1 assert nodes.ndim == 1 nnodes = nodes.shape[0] vals = np.zeros((xx.shape[0], nnodes-1)) for ii in range(1, nnodes): xr = nodes[ii] xl = nodes[ii-1] II = np.where((xx > xl) & (xx <= xr))[0] vals[II, ii] = np.ones(II.shape[0], dtype=float) return vals @njit(cache=True) def irregular_piecewise_midpoint_constant_basis(nodes, xx): # abscissa are not equidistant assert xx.ndim == 1 assert nodes.ndim == 1 nnodes = nodes.shape[0] vals = np.zeros((xx.shape[0], nnodes-1)) for ii in range(nnodes-1): xl = nodes[ii] xr = nodes[ii+1] if ii < nnodes-1: II = np.where((xx >= xl) & (xx < xr))[0] else: II = np.where((xx >= xl) & (xx <= xr))[0] vals[II, ii] = np.ones(II.shape[0], dtype=float) return vals @njit(cache=True) def irregular_piecewise_linear_basis(nodes, xx): # abscissa are not equidistant assert xx.ndim == 1 assert nodes.ndim == 1 nnodes = nodes.shape[0] vals = np.zeros((xx.shape[0], nnodes)) for ii in range(nnodes): xm = nodes[ii] if ii > 0: xl = nodes[ii-1] II = np.where((xx >= xl) & (xx <= xm))[0] vals[II, ii] = (xx[II]-xl)/(xm-xl) if ii < nnodes-1: xr = nodes[ii+1] JJ = np.where((xx >= xm) & (xx <= xr))[0] vals[JJ, ii] = (xr-xx[JJ])/(xr-xm) return vals def irregular_piecewise_linear_quadrature_weights(nodes): assert nodes.ndim == 1 nnodes = nodes.shape[0] weights = np.zeros((nnodes,)) for ii in range(nnodes): xm = nodes[ii] if ii > 0: xl = nodes[ii-1] weights[ii] += 0.5*(xm-xl) if ii < nnodes-1: xr = nodes[ii+1] weights[ii] += 0.5*(xr-xm) return weights @njit(cache=True) def irregular_piecewise_quadratic_basis(nodes, xx): # nodes are not equidistant assert xx.ndim == 1 nnodes = nodes.shape[0] if nodes.ndim != 1 or nnodes % 2 != 1: raise ValueError("nodes has the wrong shape") vals = np.zeros((xx.shape[0], nnodes)) for ii in range(nnodes): if ii % 2 == 1: xl, xm, xr = nodes[ii-1:ii+2] II = np.where((xx >= xl) & (xx <= xr))[0] vals[II, ii] = (xx[II]-xl)/(xm-xl)*(xx[II]-xr)/(xm-xr) continue if ii < nnodes-2: xl, xm, xr = nodes[ii:ii+3] II = np.where((xx >= xl) & (xx <= xr))[0] vals[II, ii] = (xx[II]-xm)/(xl-xm)*(xx[II]-xr)/(xl-xr) if ii > 1: xl, xm, xr = nodes[ii-2:ii+1] II = np.where((xx >= xl) & (xx <= xr))[0] vals[II, ii] = (xx[II]-xl)/(xr-xl)*(xx[II]-xm)/(xr-xm) return vals @njit(cache=True) def irregular_piecewise_quadratic_quadrature_weights(nodes): # nodes are not equidistant nnodes = nodes.shape[0] if nodes.ndim != 1 or nnodes % 2 != 1: raise ValueError("nodes has the wrong shape") weights = np.zeros((nnodes,)) for ii in range(nnodes): if ii % 2 == 1: xl, xm, xr = nodes[ii-1:ii+2] weights[ii] = (xl-xr)**3/(6*(xm-xl)*(xm-xr)) continue if ii < nnodes-2: xl, xm, xr = nodes[ii:ii+3] weights[ii] += (((xr - xl)*(2*xl - 3*xm + xr))/(6*(xl - xm))) if ii > 1: xl, xm, xr = nodes[ii-2:ii+1] weights[ii] += ((xl - xr)*(xl - 3*xm + 2*xr))/(6*(xm - xr)) return weights @njit(cache=True) def irregular_piecewise_cubic_basis(nodes, xx): # nodes are not equidistant assert xx.ndim == 1 nnodes = nodes.shape[0] if (nodes.ndim != 1 or nnodes < 4 or (nnodes-4) % 3 != 0): raise ValueError("nodes has the wrong shape") vals = np.zeros((xx.shape[0], nnodes)) for ii in range(nnodes): if ii % 3 == 1: x1, x2, x3, x4 = nodes[ii-1:ii+3] II = np.where((xx >= x1) & (xx <= x4))[0] vals[II, ii] = ((xx[II]-x1)/(x2-x1)*(xx[II]-x3)/(x2-x3) * (xx[II]-x4)/(x2-x4)) continue if ii % 3 == 2: x1, x2, x3, x4 = nodes[ii-2:ii+2] II = np.where((xx >= x1) & (xx <= x4))[0] vals[II, ii] = ((xx[II]-x1)/(x3-x1)*(xx[II]-x2)/(x3-x2) * (xx[II]-x4)/(x3-x4)) continue if ii % 3 == 0 and ii < nnodes-3: x1, x2, x3, x4 = nodes[ii:ii+4] II = np.where((xx >= x1) & (xx <= x4))[0] vals[II, ii] = ((xx[II]-x2)/(x1-x2)*(xx[II]-x3)/(x1-x3) * (xx[II]-x4)/(x1-x4)) if ii % 3 == 0 and ii >= 3: x1, x2, x3, x4 = nodes[ii-3:ii+1] II = np.where((xx >= x1) & (xx <= x4))[0] vals[II, ii] = ((xx[II]-x1)/(x4-x1)*(xx[II]-x2)/(x4-x2) * (xx[II]-x3)/(x4-x3)) return vals def irregular_piecewise_cubic_quadrature_weights(nodes): # An interpolating quadrature with n + 1 nodes that are symmetrically # placed around the center of the interval will integrate polynomials up to # degree n exactly when n is odd, and up to degree n + 1 exactly when # n is even. nnodes = nodes.shape[0] if (nodes.ndim != 1 or nnodes < 4 or (nnodes-4) % 3 != 0): raise ValueError(f"nodes has the wrong shape {nnodes}") weights = np.zeros((nnodes,)) for ii in range(nnodes): if ii % 3 == 1: a, b, c, d = nodes[ii-1:ii+3] weights[ii] = ((a-d)**3*(a-2*c+d))/(12*(-a+b)*(b-c)*(b-d)) continue if ii % 3 == 2: a, b, c, d = nodes[ii-2:ii+2] weights[ii] = ((a-d)**3*(a-2*b+d))/(12*(-a+c)*(-b+c)*(c - d)) continue if ii % 3 == 0 and ii < nnodes-3: a, b, c, d = nodes[ii:ii+4] weights[ii] += (((d-a)*(3*a**2+6*b*c-2*(b+c)*d+d**2 + 2*a*(-2*(b+c)+d)))/(12*(a-b)*(a-c))) if ii % 3 == 0 and ii >= 3: a, b, c, d = nodes[ii-3:ii+1] weights[ii] += ((a-d)*(a**2+6*b*c-2*a*(b+c-d)-4*b*d-4*c*d + 3*d**2))/(12*(b-d)*(-c+d)) return weights class UnivariateInterpolatingBasis(ABC): @abstractmethod def __call__(self, nodes, samples): raise NotImplementedError def quadrature_weights(self, nodes): raise NotImplementedError def __repr__(self): return "{0}".format(self.__class__.__name__) def integrate(self, nodes, vals): weights = self.quadrature_weights(nodes) return (weights[:, None]*vals).sum() class UnivariatePiecewiseLeftConstantBasis(UnivariateInterpolatingBasis): @staticmethod def __call__(nodes, samples): return irregular_piecewise_left_constant_basis(nodes, samples) @staticmethod def quadrature_weights(nodes): # unlike other higherorder methods weights.shape[0] != nodes.shape[0] return np.diff(nodes) def integrate(self, nodes, vals): weights = self.quadrature_weights(nodes) return (weights[:, None]*vals[:-1]).sum() class UnivariatePiecewiseRightConstantBasis(UnivariateInterpolatingBasis): @staticmethod def __call__(nodes, samples): return irregular_piecewise_right_constant_basis(nodes, samples) @staticmethod def quadrature_weights(nodes): # unlike other higherorder methods weights.shape[0] != nodes.shape[0] return np.diff(nodes) def integrate(self, nodes, vals): weights = self.quadrature_weights(nodes) return (weights[:, None]*vals[1:]).sum() class UnivariatePiecewiseMidPointConstantBasis(UnivariateInterpolatingBasis): @staticmethod def __call__(nodes, samples): return irregular_piecewise_midpoint_constant_basis(nodes, samples) @staticmethod def quadrature_weights(nodes): # unlike other higherorder methods weights.shape[0] != nodes.shape[0] return np.diff(nodes) class UnivariatePiecewiseLinearBasis(UnivariateInterpolatingBasis): @staticmethod def __call__(nodes, samples): return irregular_piecewise_linear_basis(nodes, samples) @staticmethod def quadrature_weights(nodes): return irregular_piecewise_linear_quadrature_weights(nodes) class UnivariatePiecewiseQuadraticBasis(UnivariateInterpolatingBasis): @staticmethod def __call__(nodes, samples): return irregular_piecewise_quadratic_basis(nodes, samples) @staticmethod def quadrature_weights(nodes): return irregular_piecewise_quadratic_quadrature_weights(nodes) class UnivariatePiecewiseCubicBasis(UnivariateInterpolatingBasis): @staticmethod def __call__(nodes, samples): return irregular_piecewise_cubic_basis(nodes, samples) @staticmethod def quadrature_weights(nodes): return irregular_piecewise_cubic_quadrature_weights(nodes) class UnivariateLagrangeBasis(UnivariateInterpolatingBasis): @staticmethod def __call__(nodes, samples): return univariate_lagrange_polynomial(nodes, samples) def get_univariate_interpolation_basis(basis_type): basis_dict = {"linear": UnivariatePiecewiseLinearBasis, "quadratic": UnivariatePiecewiseQuadraticBasis, "cubic": UnivariatePiecewiseCubicBasis, "lagrange": UnivariateLagrangeBasis} if basis_type not in basis_dict: raise ValueError("basis_type {0} not supported must be in {1}".format( basis_type, list(basis_dict.keys()))) return basis_dict[basis_type]() class TensorProductBasis(): def __init__(self, bases_1d): self._bases_1d = bases_1d def __call__(self, nodes_1d, samples): # assumes each array in nodes_1d is in ascending order nvars = len(nodes_1d) nnodes_1d = np.array([n.shape[0] for n in nodes_1d]) active_vars = np.arange(nvars)[nnodes_1d > 1] nactive_vars = active_vars.shape[0] if nactive_vars == 0: return np.ones((samples.shape[1], 1)) nsamples = samples.shape[1] nnodes_1d_active = nnodes_1d[active_vars] nnodes_1d_max = np.max(nnodes_1d_active) basis_vals_1d = np.empty( (nactive_vars, nnodes_1d_max, nsamples), dtype=np.float64) for dd in range(nactive_vars): idx = active_vars[dd] basis_vals_1d[dd, :nnodes_1d_active[dd], :] = self._bases_1d[idx]( nodes_1d[idx], samples[idx, :]).T temp1 = basis_vals_1d.reshape( (nactive_vars*basis_vals_1d.shape[1], nsamples)) indices = cartesian_product([np.arange(N) for N in nnodes_1d_active]) nindices = indices.shape[1] temp2 = temp1[indices.ravel()+np.repeat( np.arange(nactive_vars)*basis_vals_1d.shape[1], nindices), :].reshape(nactive_vars, nindices, nsamples) basis_vals =, axis=0).T return basis_vals def _single_basis_fun(self, nodes_1d, idx, xx): return self(nodes_1d, xx)[:, idx] def plot_single_basis(self, ax, nodes_1d, ii, jj, nodes=None, plot_limits=[-1, 1, -1, 1], num_pts_1d=101, surface_cmap="coolwarm", contour_cmap="gray"): from pyapprox.util.visualization import ( get_meshgrid_function_data, plot_surface) idx = jj*nodes_1d[0].shape[0]+ii single_basis_fun = partial(self._single_basis_fun, nodes_1d, idx) X, Y, Z = get_meshgrid_function_data( single_basis_fun, plot_limits, num_pts_1d) if surface_cmap is not None: plot_surface(X, Y, Z, ax, axis_labels=None, limit_state=None, alpha=0.3, cmap=surface_cmap, zorder=3, plot_axes=False) if contour_cmap is not None: num_contour_levels = 30 offset = -(Z.max()-Z.min())/2 ax.contourf( X, Y, Z, zdir='z', offset=offset, levels=np.linspace(Z.min(), Z.max(), num_contour_levels), cmap=contour_cmap, zorder=-1) if nodes is None: return ax.plot(nodes[0, :], nodes[1, :], offset*np.ones(nodes.shape[1]), 'o', zorder=100, color='b') x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100) y = nodes[1, idx]*np.ones((x.shape[0])) z = single_basis_fun(np.vstack((x[None, :], y[None, :]))) ax.plot(x, Y.max()*np.ones((x.shape[0])), z, '-r') ax.plot(nodes_1d[0], Y.max()*np.ones( (nodes_1d[0].shape[0])), np.zeros(nodes_1d[0].shape[0]), 'or') y = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100) x = nodes[0, idx]*np.ones((y.shape[0])) z = single_basis_fun(np.vstack((x[None, :], y[None, :]))) ax.plot(X.min()*np.ones((x.shape[0])), y, z, '-r') ax.plot(X.min()*np.ones( (nodes_1d[1].shape[0])), nodes_1d[1], np.zeros(nodes_1d[1].shape[0]), 'or') class TensorProductInterpolant(): def __init__(self, bases_1d): self.basis = TensorProductBasis(bases_1d) self._nodes_1d = None self._nnodes_1d = None self._values = None def tensor_product_grid(self, nodes_1d): return cartesian_product(nodes_1d) def fit(self, nodes_1d, values): self._nodes_1d = nodes_1d self._nnodes =[n.shape[0] for n in nodes_1d]) if values.shape[0] != self._nnodes: raise ValueError("nodes_1d and values are inconsistent") if values.ndim == 1: values = values[:, None] self._values = values def __call__(self, samples): basis_mat = self.basis(self._nodes_1d, samples) return basis_mat @ self._values def __repr__(self): return "{0}(bases={1})".format( self.__class__.__name__, "["+", ".join(map("{}".format, self._bases_1d)) + "]") def piecewise_linear_basis(level, xx): """ Evaluate each piecewise linear basis on a dydatic grid of a specified level. Parameters ---------- level : integer The level of the dydadic grid. The number of points in the grid is nbasis=2**level+1, except at level 0 when nbasis=1 xx : np.ndarary (nsamples) The samples at which to evaluate the basis functions Returns ------- vals : np.ndarary (nsamples, nbasis) Evaluations of each basis function """ assert level > 0 N = (1 << level)+1 vals = np.maximum( 0, 1-np.absolute((1 << level)*xx[:, None]-np.arange(N)[None, :])) return vals def nsamples_dydactic_grid_1d(level): """ The number of points in a dydactic grid. Parameters ---------- level : integer The level of the dydadic grid. Returns ------- nsamples : integer The number of points in the grid """ if level == 0: return 1 return (1 << level)+1 def dydactic_grid_1d(level): """ The points in a dydactic grid. Parameters ---------- level : integer The level of the dydadic grid. Returns ------- samples : np.ndarray(nbasis) The points in the grid """ if level == 0: return np.array([0.0]) return np.linspace(-1, 1, nsamples_dydactic_grid_1d(level)) def tensor_product_piecewise_polynomial_basis( levels, samples, basis_type="linear"): """ Evaluate each piecewise polynomial basis on a tensor product dydactic grid Parameters ---------- levels : array_like (nvars) The levels of each 1D dydadic grid. samples : np.ndarray (nvars, nsamples) The samples at which to evaluate the basis functions basis_type : string The type of piecewise polynomial basis, i.e. 'linear' or 'quadratic' Returns ------- basis_vals : np.ndarray(nsamples, nbasis) Evaluations of each basis function """ assert samples.min() >= -1 and samples.max() <= 1 samples = (samples+1)/2 assert samples.min() >= 0 and samples.max() <= 1 nvars = samples.shape[0] levels = np.asarray(levels) if len(levels) != nvars: msg = "levels {0} and samples {1} are inconsistent".format( levels, nvars) raise ValueError(msg) basis_fun = {"linear": piecewise_linear_basis, "quadratic": piecewise_quadratic_basis}[basis_type] active_vars = np.arange(nvars)[levels > 0] nactive_vars = active_vars.shape[0] if nactive_vars == 0: return np.ones((samples.shape[1], 1)) nsamples = samples.shape[1] N_active = [nsamples_dydactic_grid_1d(ll) for ll in levels[active_vars]] N_max = np.max(N_active) basis_vals_1d = np.empty((nactive_vars, N_max, nsamples), dtype=np.float64) for dd in range(nactive_vars): idx = active_vars[dd] basis_vals_1d[dd, :N_active[dd], :] = basis_fun( levels[idx], samples[idx, :]).T # assumes that basis functions are nested, i.e. # basis for x=0.5, 0, 1, 0.25, 0.75 and so on indices = clenshaw_curtis_poly_indices_to_quad_rule_indices( levels[idx]) basis_vals_1d[dd, :N_active[dd], :] = ( basis_vals_1d[dd, :N_active[dd], :][indices, :]) temp1 = basis_vals_1d.reshape( (nactive_vars*basis_vals_1d.shape[1], nsamples)) indices = cartesian_product([np.arange(N) for N in N_active]) nindices = indices.shape[1] temp2 = temp1[indices.ravel()+np.repeat( np.arange(nactive_vars)*basis_vals_1d.shape[1], nindices), :].reshape( nactive_vars, nindices, nsamples) basis_vals =, axis=0).T return basis_vals def tensor_product_piecewise_polynomial_interpolation_with_values( samples, fn_vals, levels, basis_type="linear"): """ Use a piecewise polynomial basis to interpolate a function from values defined on a tensor product dydactic grid. Parameters ---------- samples : np.ndarray (nvars, nsamples) The samples at which to evaluate the basis functions fn_vals : np.ndarary (nbasis, nqoi) The values of the function on the dydactic grid levels : array_like (nvars) The levels of each 1D dydadic grid. basis_type : string The type of piecewise polynomial basis, i.e. 'linear' or 'quadratic' Returns ------- basis_vals : np.ndarray(nsamples, nqoi) Evaluations of the interpolant at the samples """ basis_vals = tensor_product_piecewise_polynomial_basis( levels, samples, basis_type) if fn_vals.shape[0] != basis_vals.shape[1]: raise ValueError("The size of fn_vals is inconsistent with levels") # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # print(fn_vals) # II = np.argsort(samples[0]) # plt.plot(samples[0, II], basis_vals[II]) # plt.plot(samples[0, II], basis_vals[II].dot(fn_vals)) # return
[docs]def tensor_product_piecewise_polynomial_interpolation( samples, levels, fun, basis_type="linear", var_trans=None, return_all=False): """ Use tensor-product piecewise polynomial basis to interpolate a function. Parameters ---------- samples : np.ndarray (nvars, nsamples) The samples at which to evaluate the basis functions levels : array_like (nvars) The levels of each 1D dydadic grid. fun : callable Function with the signature `fun(samples) -> np.ndarray (nx, nqoi)` where samples is np.ndarray (nvars, nx) basis_type : string The type of piecewise polynomial basis, i.e. 'linear' or 'quadratic' Returns ------- basis_vals : np.ndarray(nsamples, nqoi) Evaluations of the interpolant at the samples """ samples_1d = [dydactic_grid_1d(ll)[ clenshaw_curtis_poly_indices_to_quad_rule_indices(ll)] for ll in levels] grid_samples = cartesian_product(samples_1d) if var_trans is not None: grid_samples = var_trans.map_from_canonical(grid_samples) samples = var_trans.map_to_canonical(samples) fn_vals = fun(grid_samples) approx_vals = ( tensor_product_piecewise_polynomial_interpolation_with_values( samples, fn_vals, levels, basis_type)) if not return_all: return approx_vals return approx_vals, grid_samples, fn_vals
def canonical_univariate_piecewise_polynomial_quad_rule( basis_type, level, return_weights_for_all_levels=True): ordered_weights_1d = [] for ll in range(level+1): npts = clenshaw_curtis_rule_growth(ll) if basis_type == "linear": x, w = piecewise_univariate_quadratic_quad_rule([-1, 1], npts) elif basis_type == "quadratic": x, w = piecewise_univariate_quadratic_quad_rule([-1, 1], npts) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"{basis_type} not supported") # piecewise rules are for lebesque integation # so must divide w/2 so that integation is respcet to # uniform measure w = w / 2 quad_indices = clenshaw_curtis_poly_indices_to_quad_rule_indices( ll) ordered_weights_1d.append(w[quad_indices]) # ordered samples for last x ordered_samples_1d = x[quad_indices] if return_weights_for_all_levels: return ordered_samples_1d, ordered_weights_1d return ordered_samples_1d, w[quad_indices] def get_univariate_leja_quadrature_rules_from_variable( variable, growth_rules, levels, canonical=False, **kwargs): levels = np.atleast_1d(levels) if levels.shape[0] == 1: levels = np.ones(variable.num_vars(), dtype=int)*levels[0] if levels.shape[0] != variable.num_vars(): raise ValueError( "levels must be an integer or specfied for each marginal") univariate_quad_rules = [] for ii, marginal in enumerate(variable.marginals()): quad_rule = get_univariate_leja_quadrature_rule( marginal, growth_rules[ii], **kwargs) univariate_quad_rules.append(quad_rule) return univariate_quad_rules