Source code for pyapprox.surrogates.approximate

import copy
import numpy as np
from functools import partial
from scipy.optimize import OptimizeResult
from scipy.linalg import LinAlgWarning

from sklearn.linear_model import (
    LassoCV, LassoLarsCV, LarsCV, OrthogonalMatchingPursuitCV, Lasso,
    LassoLars, Lars, OrthogonalMatchingPursuit
from sklearn.exceptions import ConvergenceWarning
from sklearn.utils._testing import ignore_warnings
from sklearn.linear_model._base import LinearModel

from pyapprox.util.utilities import hash_array
from pyapprox.surrogates.interp.indexing import (
    get_forward_neighbor, get_backward_neighbor,
from pyapprox.variables.sampling import (
from pyapprox.surrogates.polychaos.adaptive_polynomial_chaos import (
    AdaptiveLejaPCE, variance_pce_refinement_indicator, AdaptiveInducedPCE
from pyapprox.surrogates.orthopoly.leja_sequences import christoffel_weights
from pyapprox.variables.marginals import is_bounded_continuous_variable
from pyapprox.surrogates.interp.adaptive_sparse_grid import (
    CombinationSparseGrid, constant_increment_growth_rule,
    max_level_admissibility_function, get_unique_max_level_1d,
from pyapprox.variables.joint import IndependentMarginalsVariable
from pyapprox.variables.transforms import (
from pyapprox.expdesign.low_discrepancy_sequences import halton_sequence
from pyapprox.surrogates.gaussianprocess.gaussian_process import (
    AdaptiveGaussianProcess, CholeskySampler, GaussianProcess
from pyapprox.surrogates.gaussianprocess.kernels import (
    Matern, WhiteKernel, ConstantKernel)
from pyapprox.surrogates.polychaos.gpc import (
    PolynomialChaosExpansion, define_poly_options_from_variable_transformation
from pyapprox.surrogates.neural_networks import NeuralNetwork

class ApproximateResult(OptimizeResult):

def adaptive_approximate_sparse_grid(
        fun, variables, callback=None,
        univariate_quad_rule_info=None, max_nsamples=100, tol=0, verbose=0,
        config_variables_idx=None, config_var_trans=None, cost_function=None,
        max_level_1d=None, max_level=None, basis_type="barycentric"):
    Compute a sparse grid approximation of a function.

    fun : callable
        The function to be approximated

        ``fun(z) -> np.ndarray``

        where ``z`` is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars,nsamples) and the
        output is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nsamples,nqoi)

    variables : IndependentMarginalsVariable
        A set of independent univariate random variables

    callback : callable
        Function called after each iteration with the signature


        where approx_k is the current approximation object.

    refinement_indicator : callable
        A function that retuns an estimate of the error of a sparse grid
        subspace with signature

        ``refinement_indicator(subspace_index,nnew_subspace_samples,sparse_grid) -> float, float``

        where ``subspace_index`` is 1D np.ndarray of size (nvars),
        ``nnew_subspace_samples`` is an integer specifying the number
        of new samples that will be added to the sparse grid by adding the
        subspace specified by subspace_index and ``sparse_grid`` is the current
        :class:`pyapprox.adaptive_sparse_grid.CombinationSparseGrid` object.
        The two outputs are, respectively, the indicator used to control
        refinement of the sparse grid and the change in error from adding the
        current subspace. The indicator is typically but now always dependent
        on the error.

    univariate_quad_rule_info : list
        List containing four entries. The first entry is a list
        (or single callable) of univariate quadrature rules for each variable
        with signature


        where the integer ``l`` specifies the level of the quadrature rule and
        ``x`` and ``w`` are 1D np.ndarray of size (nsamples) containing the
        quadrature rule points and weights, respectively.

        The second entry is a list (or single callable) of growth rules
        with signature


        where the output ``nsamples`` specifies the number of samples in the
        quadrature rule of level ``l``.

        If either entry is a callable then the same quad or growth rule is
        applied to every variable.

        The third entry is a list of np.ndarray (or single scalar) specifying
        the variable dimensions that each unique quadrature rule is applied to.

        The forth entry is a list which specifies the maximum level of each
        unique quadrature rule. If None then max_level is assumed to be np.inf
        for each quadrature rule. If a scalar then the same value is applied
        to all quadrature rules. This entry is useful for certain quadrature
        rules, e.g. Gauss Patterson, or Leja sequences for bounded discrete
        variables where there is a limit on the number of levels that can be

    max_nsamples : float
        If ``cost_function==None`` then this argument is the maximum number of
        evaluations of fun. If fun has configure variables

        If ``cost_function!=None`` Then max_nsamples is the maximum cost of
        constructing the sparse grid, i.e. the sum of the cost of evaluating
        each point in the sparse grid.

        The ``cost_function!=None` same behavior as ``cost_function==None``
        can be obtained by setting cost_function = lambda config_sample: 1.

        This is particularly useful if ``fun`` has configure variables
        and evaluating ``fun`` at these different values of these configure
        variables has different cost. For example if there is one configure
        variable that can take two different values with cost 0.5, and 1
        then 10 samples of both models will be measured as 15 samples and
        so if max_nsamples is 19 the algorithm will not terminate because
        even though the number of samples is the sparse grid is 20.

    tol : float
        Tolerance for termination. The construction of the sparse grid is
        terminated when the estimate error in the sparse grid (determined by
        ``refinement_indicator`` is below tol.

    verbose : integer
        Controls messages printed during construction.

    config_variable_idx : integer
        The position in a sample array that the configure variables start

    config_var_trans : pyapprox.adaptive_sparse_grid.ConfigureVariableTransformation
        An object that takes configure indices in [0,1,2,3...]
        and maps them to the configure values accepted by ``fun``

    cost_function : callable
        A function with signature

        ``cost_function(config_sample) -> float``

        where config_sample is a np.ndarray of shape (nconfig_vars). The output
        is the cost of evaluating ``fun`` at ``config_sample``. The units can
        be anything but the units must be consistent with the units of
        max_nsamples which specifies the maximum cost of constructing the
        sparse grid.

    max_level_1d : np.ndarray (nvars)
        The maximum level of the sparse grid in each dimension. If None
        There is no limit

    max_level : integer
        The maximum level l of the sparse grid. Only subspaces with indices
        i that satisfy : math:`\lvert i \rvert_1\le l` can be added. If None

    basis_type : string (default="barycentric")
        Specify the basis type to use. Currently the same basis must be used
        for all dimensions. Options "barycentric", "linear", "quadratic"

    result : :class:`pyapprox.surrogates.approximate.ApproximateResult`
         Result object with the following attributes

    approx : :class:`pyapprox.adaptive_sparse_grid.CombinationSparseGrid`
        The sparse grid approximation
    var_trans = AffineTransform(variables)
    nvars = var_trans.num_vars()
    if config_var_trans is not None:
        nvars += config_var_trans.num_vars()
    sparse_grid = CombinationSparseGrid(nvars, basis_type)

    if max_level_1d is None:
        max_level_1d = [np.inf]*nvars
    elif np.isscalar(max_level_1d):
        max_level_1d = [max_level_1d]*nvars

    if max_level is None:
        max_level = np.inf

    if univariate_quad_rule_info is None:
        quad_rules, growth_rules, unique_quadrule_indices, \
            unique_max_level_1d = \
                var_trans, method='pdf')
        # Some quadrature rules have max_level enforce this here
        for ii in range(len(unique_quadrule_indices)):
            for ind in unique_quadrule_indices[ii]:
                max_level_1d[ind] = min(
                    max_level_1d[ind], unique_max_level_1d[ii])
        quad_rules, growth_rules, unique_quadrule_indices, \
            unique_max_level_1d = univariate_quad_rule_info
        if unique_max_level_1d is None:
            max_level_1d = np.minimum([np.inf]*nvars, max_level_1d)
        elif np.isscalar(unique_max_level_1d):
            max_level_1d = np.minimum(
                [unique_max_level_1d]*nvars, max_level_1d)
            nunique_vars = len(quad_rules)
            assert len(unique_max_level_1d) == nunique_vars
            for ii in range(nunique_vars):
                for jj in unique_quadrule_indices[ii]:
                    max_level_1d[jj] = np.minimum(
                        unique_max_level_1d[ii], max_level_1d[jj])

    if config_var_trans is not None:
        if max_level_1d is None:
            msg = "max_level_1d must be set if config_var_trans is provided"
            #raise ValueError(msg)
        for ii, cv in enumerate(config_var_trans.config_values):
            if len(cv) <= max_level_1d[config_variables_idx+ii]:
                msg = f"maxlevel_1d {max_level_1d} and "
                msg += "config_var_trans.config_values with shapes {0}".format(
                    [len(v) for v in config_var_trans.config_values])
                msg += " are inconsistent."
                raise ValueError(msg)

    assert len(max_level_1d) == nvars
    # todo change np.inf to argument that is passed into approximate
    admissibility_function = partial(
        max_level_admissibility_function, max_level, max_level_1d, max_nsamples,
        tol, verbose=verbose)
        fun, config_variables_idx, refinement_indicator,
        admissibility_function, growth_rules, quad_rules,
        var_trans, unique_quadrule_indices=unique_quadrule_indices,
        verbose=verbose, cost_function=cost_function,
    return ApproximateResult({'approx': sparse_grid})

def adaptive_approximate_polynomial_chaos(
        fun, variable, method="leja", options={}):
    methods = {"leja": adaptive_approximate_polynomial_chaos_leja,
               "induced": adaptive_approximate_polynomial_chaos_induced}
    # "random": adaptive_approximate_polynomial_chaos_random}

    if method not in methods:
        msg = f'Method {method} not found.\n Available methods are:\n'
        for key in methods.keys():
            msg += f"\t{key}\n"
        raise Exception(msg)

    if options is None:
        options = {}
    return methods[method](fun, variable, **options)

def __initialize_leja_pce(
        variables, generate_candidate_samples, ncandidate_samples):

    for rv in variables.marginals():
        if not is_bounded_continuous_variable(rv):
            msg = "For now leja sampling based PCE is only supported for "
            msg += " bounded continouous random variables when"
            msg += " generate_candidate_samples is not provided."
            if generate_candidate_samples is None:
                raise Exception(msg)

    nvars = variables.num_vars()
    if generate_candidate_samples is None:
        # Todo implement default for non-bounded variables that uses induced
        # sampling
        # candidate samples must be in canonical domain
        candidate_samples = -np.cos(
            np.pi*halton_sequence(nvars, int(ncandidate_samples), 1))
        # candidate_samples = -np.cos(
        #    np.random.uniform(0,np.pi,(nvars,int(ncandidate_samples))))
        candidate_samples = generate_candidate_samples(ncandidate_samples)

    pce = AdaptiveLejaPCE(
        nvars, candidate_samples, factorization_type='fast')
    return pce

def __setup_adaptive_pce(pce, verbose, fun, var_trans, growth_rules,
                         refinement_indicator, tol, max_nsamples, callback,
    pce.verbose = verbose
    pce.set_function(fun, var_trans)
    if growth_rules is None:
        growth_incr = 2
        growth_rules = partial(constant_increment_growth_rule, growth_incr)
    assert callable(growth_rules)
    unique_quadrule_variables, unique_quadrule_indices = \
    growth_rules = [growth_rules]*len(unique_quadrule_indices)

    admissibility_function = None  # provide after growth_rules have been added
        refinement_indicator, admissibility_function, growth_rules,

    nvars = var_trans.num_vars()
    if max_level_1d is None:
        max_level_1d = [np.inf]*nvars
    elif np.isscalar(max_level_1d):
        max_level_1d = [max_level_1d]*nvars

    unique_max_level_1d = get_unique_max_level_1d(
        var_trans, pce.compact_univariate_growth_rule)
    nunique_vars = len(unique_quadrule_indices)
    assert len(unique_max_level_1d) == nunique_vars
    for ii in range(nunique_vars):
        for jj in unique_quadrule_indices[ii]:
            max_level_1d[jj] = np.minimum(
                unique_max_level_1d[ii], max_level_1d[jj])

    admissibility_function = partial(
        max_level_admissibility_function, np.inf, max_level_1d, max_nsamples,
        tol, verbose=verbose)
    pce.admissibility_function = admissibility_function

def adaptive_approximate_polynomial_chaos_induced(
        fun, variables,
        growth_rules=None, max_nsamples=100, tol=0, verbose=0,
        max_level_1d=None, induced_sampling=True, cond_tol=1e6,
        fit_opts={'omp_tol': 0}):
    Compute an adaptive Polynomial Chaos Expansion of a function based upon
    random induced or probability measure sampling.

    fun : callable
        The function to be minimized

        ``fun(z) -> np.ndarray``

        where ``z`` is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars,nsamples) and the
        output is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nsamples,nqoi)

    variables : IndependentMarginalsVariable
        A set of independent univariate random variables

    callback : callable
        Function called after each iteration with the signature


        where approx_k is the current approximation object.

    refinement_indicator : callable
        A function that retuns an estimate of the error of a sparse grid
        subspace with signature

        ``refinement_indicator(subspace_index,nnew_subspace_samples,sparse_grid) -> float, float``

        where ``subspace_index`` is 1D np.ndarray of size (nvars),
        ``nnew_subspace_samples`` is an integer specifying the number

        of new samples that will be added to the sparse grid by adding the
        subspace specified by subspace_index and ``sparse_grid`` is the current
        :class:`pyapprox.adaptive_sparse_grid.CombinationSparseGrid` object.
        The two outputs are, respectively, the indicator used to control
        refinement of the sparse grid and the change in error from adding the
        current subspace. The indicator is typically but now always dependent
        on the error.

    growth_rules : list or callable
        a list (or single callable) of growth rules with signature


        where the output ``nsamples`` specifies the number of indices of the
        univariate basis of level ``l``.

        If the entry is a callable then the same growth rule is
        applied to every variable.

    max_nsamples : integer
        The maximum number of evaluations of fun.

    tol : float
        Tolerance for termination. The construction of the sparse grid is
        terminated when the estimate error in the sparse grid (determined by
        ``refinement_indicator`` is below tol.

    verbose : integer
        Controls messages printed during construction.

    max_level_1d : np.ndarray (nvars)
        The maximum level of the sparse grid in each dimension. If None
        There is no limit

    induced_sampling : boolean
        True - use induced sampling
        False - sample from probability measure

    cond_tol : float
        The maximum allowable condition number of the regression problem.
        If induced_sampling is False and cond_tol < 0 then we do not sample
        until cond number is below cond_tol but rather simply add
        nnew_indices*abs(cond_tol) samples. That is we specify an
        over sampling factor

    result : :class:`pyapprox.surrogates.approximate.ApproximateResult`
         Result object with the following attributes

    approx: :class:`pyapprox.surrogates.polychaos.gpc.PolynomialChaosExpansion`
        The PCE approximation
    var_trans = AffineTransform(variables)

    pce = AdaptiveInducedPCE(
        var_trans.num_vars(), induced_sampling=induced_sampling,
        cond_tol=cond_tol, fit_opts=fit_opts)

    __setup_adaptive_pce(pce, verbose, fun, var_trans, growth_rules,
                         refinement_indicator, tol, max_nsamples, callback,
    return ApproximateResult({'approx': pce})

def adaptive_approximate_polynomial_chaos_leja(
        fun, variables,
        growth_rules=None, max_nsamples=100, tol=0, verbose=0,
        ncandidate_samples=1e4, generate_candidate_samples=None):
    Compute an adaptive Polynomial Chaos Expansion of a function based upon
    multivariate Leja sequences.

    fun : callable
        The function to be minimized

        ``fun(z) -> np.ndarray``

        where ``z`` is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars,nsamples) and the
        output is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nsamples,nqoi)

    variables : IndependentMarginalsVariable
        A set of independent univariate random variables

    callback : callable
        Function called after each iteration with the signature


        where approx_k is the current approximation object.

    refinement_indicator : callable
        A function that retuns an estimate of the error of a sparse grid
        subspace with signature

        ``refinement_indicator(subspace_index,nnew_subspace_samples,sparse_grid) -> float, float``

        where ``subspace_index`` is 1D np.ndarray of size (nvars),
        ``nnew_subspace_samples`` is an integer specifying the number

        of new samples that will be added to the sparse grid by adding the
        subspace specified by subspace_index and ``sparse_grid`` is the current
        :class:`pyapprox.adaptive_sparse_grid.CombinationSparseGrid` object.
        The two outputs are, respectively, the indicator used to control
        refinement of the sparse grid and the change in error from adding the
        current subspace. The indicator is typically but now always dependent
        on the error.

    growth_rules : list or callable
        a list (or single callable) of growth rules with signature


        where the output ``nsamples`` specifies the number of indices of the
        univariate basis of level ``l``.

        If the entry is a callable then the same growth rule is
        applied to every variable.

    max_nsamples : integer
        The maximum number of evaluations of fun.

    tol : float
        Tolerance for termination. The construction of the sparse grid is
        terminated when the estimate error in the sparse grid (determined by
        ``refinement_indicator`` is below tol.

    verbose : integer
        Controls messages printed during construction.

    max_level_1d : np.ndarray (nvars)
        The maximum level of the sparse grid in each dimension. If None
        There is no limit

    ncandidate_samples : integer
        The number of candidate samples used to generate the Leja sequence
        The Leja sequence will be a subset of these samples.

    generate_candidate_samples : callable
        A function that generates the candidate samples used to build the Leja
        sequence with signature

        ``generate_candidate_samples(ncandidate_samples) -> np.ndarray``

        The output is a 2D np.ndarray with size(nvars,ncandidate_samples)

    result : :class:`pyapprox.surrogates.approximate.ApproximateResult`
         Result object with the following attributes

    approx: :class:`pyapprox.surrogates.polychaos.gpc.PolynomialChaosExpansion`
        The PCE approximation
    var_trans = AffineTransform(variables)

    pce = __initialize_leja_pce(
        variables, generate_candidate_samples, ncandidate_samples)

    __setup_adaptive_pce(pce, verbose, fun, var_trans, growth_rules,
                         refinement_indicator, tol, max_nsamples, callback,
    return ApproximateResult({'approx': pce})

def adaptive_approximate_gaussian_process(
        fun, variable, callback=None,
        max_nsamples=100, verbose=0, ncandidate_samples=1e4,
        checkpoints=None, nu=np.inf, n_restarts_optimizer=1,
        normalize_y=False, alpha=0,
        noise_level=None, noise_level_bounds='fixed',
        length_scale_bounds=(1e-2, 10),
    Adaptively construct a Gaussian process approximation of a function using
    weighted-pivoted-Cholesky sampling and the Matern kernel

    .. math::

       k(z_i, z_j) =  \frac{1}{\Gamma(\nu)2^{\nu-1}}\Bigg(
       \frac{\sqrt{2\nu}}{l} \lVert z_i - z_j \rVert_2\Bigg)^\nu K_\nu\Bigg(
       \frac{\sqrt{2\nu}}{l} \lVert z_i - z_j \rVert_2\Bigg)

    where :math:`\lVert \cdot \rVert_2` is the Euclidean distance,
    :math:`\Gamma(\cdot)` is the gamma function, :math:`K_\nu(\cdot)` is the
    modified Bessel function.

    Starting from an initial guess, the algorithm learns the kernel length
    scale as more training data is collected.

    fun : callable
        The function to be approximated

        ``fun(z) -> np.ndarray``

        where ``z`` is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars,nsamples) and the
        output is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nsamples,nqoi)

    variable : IndependentMarginalsVariable
        A set of independent univariate random variables

    callback : callable
        Function called after each iteration with the signature


        where approx_k is the current approximation object.

    nu : string
        The parameter :math:`\nu` of the Matern kernel. When :math:`\nu\to\inf`
        the Matern kernel is equivalent to the squared-exponential kernel.

    checkpoints : iterable
        The set of points at which the length scale of the kernel will be
        recomputed and new training data obtained. If None then
        ``checkpoints = np.linspace(10, max_nsamples, 10).astype(int)``

    max_nsamples : float
        The maximum number of evaluations of fun. If fun has configure

    ncandidate_samples : integer
        The number of candidate samples used to select the training samples
        The final training samples will be a subset of these samples.

    alpha : float
        Nugget added to diagonal of the covariance kernel evaluated at
        the training data. Used to improve numerical conditionining. This
        parameter is different to noise_level which applies to both training
        and test data

    normalize_y : bool
        True - normalize the training values to have zero mean and unit

    length_scale : float
        The initial length scale used to generate the first batch of training

    length_scale_bounds : tuple (2)
        The lower and upper bound on length_scale used in optimization of
        the Gaussian process hyper-parameters

    noise_level : float
        The noise_level used when training the GP

    noise_level_bounds : tuple (2)
        The lower and upper bound on noise_level used in optimization of
        the Gaussian process hyper-parameters

    kernel_variance : float
        The kernel_variance used when training the GP

    noise_level_bounds : tuple (2)
        The lower and upper bound on kernel_variance used in optimization of
        the Gaussian process hyper-parameters

    n_restarts_optimizer : int
        The number of local optimizeation problems solved to find the
        GP hyper-parameters

    verbose : integer
        Controls the amount of information printed to screen

    generate_candidate_samples : callable
        A function that generates the candidate samples used to build the Leja
        sequence with signature

        ``generate_candidate_samples(ncandidate_samples) -> np.ndarray``

        The output is a 2D np.ndarray with size(nvars,ncandidate_samples)

    weight_function : callable
        Function used to precondition kernel with the signature

        ``weight_function(samples) -> np.ndarray (num_samples)``

        where samples is a np.ndarray (num_vars,num_samples)

    result : :class:`pyapprox.surrogates.approximate.ApproximateResult`
         Result object with the following attributes

    approx : :class:`pyapprox.surrogates.gaussianprocess.gaussian_process.AdaptiveGaussianProcess`
        The Gaussian process
    assert max_nsamples <= ncandidate_samples

    nvars = variable.num_vars()

    if normalize_inputs:
        var_trans = AffineTransform(variable)
        var_trans = None

    if normalize_y:
        raise ValueError("normalize_y=True not currently supported")

    kernel = __setup_gaussian_process_kernel(
        nvars, length_scale, length_scale_bounds,
        kernel_variance, kernel_variance_bounds,
        noise_level, noise_level_bounds, nu)

    sampler = CholeskySampler(
        nvars, ncandidate_samples, variable,
    sampler_kernel = copy.deepcopy(kernel)

    gp = AdaptiveGaussianProcess(
        kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=n_restarts_optimizer, alpha=alpha,
    gp.setup(fun, sampler)
    if var_trans is not None:

    if checkpoints is None:
        nsteps = 10
        if max_nsamples-10 < nsteps:
            nsteps = max_nsamples-10
        checkpoints = np.linspace(10, max_nsamples, nsteps).astype(int)
    checkpoints = np.unique(checkpoints.astype(int))
    assert checkpoints[-1] <= max_nsamples

    nsteps = len(checkpoints)
    for kk in range(nsteps):
        chol_flag = gp.refine(checkpoints[kk])
        if callback is not None:
        if chol_flag != 0:
            msg = "Cannot add additional samples. "
            msg += "Kernel is now ill conditioned. "
            msg += 'If more samples are really required increase alpha or '
            msg += 'manually fix kernel_length to a smaller value'
            print('Exiting: ' + msg)
            # print(gp.kernel_)
            # print(np.linalg.norm(gp.sampler.candidate_samples))
    return ApproximateResult({'approx': gp})

def compute_l2_error(f, g, variable, nsamples, rel=False):
    Compute the :math:`\ell^2` error of the output of two functions f and g,

    .. math:: \lVert f(z)-g(z)\rVert\approx \sum_{m=1}^M f(z^{(m)})

    from a set of random draws :math:`\mathcal{Z}=\{z^{(m)}\}_{m=1}^M`
    from the PDF of :math:`z`.

    f : callable
        Function with signature

        ``g(z) -> np.ndarray``

        where ``z`` is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars,nsamples) and the
        output is a 2D np.ndarray with shaoe (nsamples,nqoi)

    g : callable
        Function with signature

        ``f(z) -> np.ndarray``

        where ``z`` is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars,nsamples) and the
        output is a 2D np.ndarray with shaoe (nsamples,nqoi)

    variable : pya.IndependentMarginalsVariable
        Object containing information of the joint density of the inputs z.
        This is used to generate random samples from this join density

    nsamples : integer
        The number of samples used to compute the :math:`\ell^2` error

    rel : boolean
        True - compute relative error
        False - compute absolute error

    error : np.ndarray (nqoi)

    validation_samples = generate_independent_random_samples(
        variable, nsamples)
    validation_vals = f(validation_samples)
    approx_vals = g(validation_samples)
    assert validation_vals.shape == approx_vals.shape
    error = np.linalg.norm(approx_vals-validation_vals, axis=0)
    if not rel:
        error /= np.sqrt(validation_samples.shape[1])
        error /= np.linalg.norm(validation_vals, axis=0)
    return error

[docs]def adaptive_approximate(fun, variable, method, options=None): r""" Adaptive approximation of a scalar or vector-valued function of one or more variables. These methods choose the samples to at which to evaluate the function being approximated. Parameters ---------- fun : callable The function to be minimized ``fun(z) -> np.ndarray`` where ``z`` is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars,nsamples) and the output is a 2D np.ndarray with shaoe (nsamples,nqoi) method : string Type of approximation. Should be one of - 'sparse_grid' - 'polynomial_chaos' - 'gaussian_process' Returns ------- result : :class:`pyapprox.surrogates.approximate.ApproximateResult` Result object. For more details see - :func:`pyapprox.surrogates.approximate.adaptive_approximate_sparse_grid` - :func:`pyapprox.surrogates.approximate.adaptive_approximate_polynomial_chaos` - :func:`pyapprox.surrogates.approximate.adaptive_approximate_gaussian_process` """ methods = {'sparse_grid': adaptive_approximate_sparse_grid, 'polynomial_chaos': adaptive_approximate_polynomial_chaos, 'gaussian_process': adaptive_approximate_gaussian_process} if type(variable) != IndependentMarginalsVariable: variable = IndependentMarginalsVariable( variable) if method not in methods: msg = f'Method {method} not found.\n Available methods are:\n' for key in methods.keys(): msg += f"\t{key}\n" raise Exception(msg) if options is None: options = {} return methods[method](fun, variable, **options)
def approximate_polynomial_chaos(train_samples, train_vals, verbosity=0, basis_type='expanding_basis', variable=None, options=None, poly_opts=None): r""" Compute a Polynomial Chaos Expansion of a function from a fixed data set. Parameters ---------- train_samples : np.ndarray (nvars,nsamples) The inputs of the function used to train the approximation train_vals : np.ndarray (nvars,nsamples) The values of the function at ``train_samples`` basis_type : string Type of approximation. Should be one of - 'hyperbolic_cross' see :func:`pyapprox.surrogates.approximate.cross_validate_pce_degree` - 'expanding_basis' see :func:`pyapprox.surrogates.approximate.expanding_basis_pce` - 'fixed' see :func:`pyapprox.surrogates.approximate.approximate_fixed_pce` variable : pya.IndependentMarginalsVariable Object containing information of the joint density of the inputs z. This is used to generate random samples from this join density verbosity : integer Controls the amount of information printed to screen poly_opts : dictionary Dictionary definining the custom configuration of the polynomial chaos expansion basis. See :func:`pyapprox.surrogates.polychaos.gpc.PolynomialChaosExpansion.configure` Returns ------- result : :class:`pyapprox.surrogates.approximate.ApproximateResult` Result object. For more details see - :func:`pyapprox.surrogates.approximate.cross_validate_pce_degree` - :func:`pyapprox.surrogates.approximate.expanding_basis_pce` - :func:`pyapprox.surrogates.approximate.approximate_fixed_pce` """ funcs = {'expanding_basis': expanding_basis_pce, 'hyperbolic_cross': cross_validate_pce_degree, 'fixed': approximate_fixed_pce} if variable is None: msg = 'pce requires that variable be defined' raise Exception(msg) if basis_type not in funcs: msg = f'Basis type {basis_type} not found.\n Available types are:\n' for key in funcs.keys(): msg += f"\t{key}\n" raise Exception(msg) poly = PolynomialChaosExpansion() if poly_opts is None: var_trans = AffineTransform(variable) poly_opts = define_poly_options_from_variable_transformation( var_trans) poly.configure(poly_opts) if options is None: options = {} res = funcs[basis_type](poly, train_samples, train_vals, **options) return res def approximate_neural_network(train_samples, train_vals, network_opts, verbosity=0, variable=None, optimizer_opts=None, x0=None): print(network_opts) network = NeuralNetwork(network_opts) if x0 is None: nrestarts = 10 x0 = np.random.uniform(-1, 2, (network.nparams, nrestarts)) if optimizer_opts is None: optimizer_opts = {"method": "L-BFGS-B", "options": {"maxiter": 1000}}, train_vals, x0, verbose=verbosity, opts=optimizer_opts) return ApproximateResult({'approx': network})
[docs]def approximate(train_samples, train_vals, method, options=None): r""" Approximate a scalar or vector-valued function of one or more variables from a set of points provided by the user Parameters ---------- train_samples : np.ndarray (nvars,nsamples) The inputs of the function used to train the approximation train_vals : np.ndarray (nvars,nsamples) The values of the function at ``train_samples`` method : string Type of approximation. Should be one of - 'polynomial_chaos' - 'gaussian_process' Returns ------- result : :class:`pyapprox.surrogates.approximate.ApproximateResult` """ methods = {'polynomial_chaos': approximate_polynomial_chaos, 'gaussian_process': approximate_gaussian_process, 'neural_network': approximate_neural_network} # 'tensor-train':approximate_tensor_train, if method not in methods: msg = f'Method {method} not found.\n Available methods are:\n' for key in methods.keys(): msg += f"\t{key}\n" raise Exception(msg) if options is None: options = {} return methods[method](train_samples, train_vals, **options)
class LinearLeastSquares(LinearModel): def __init__(self, alpha=0.): self.alpha = alpha def fit(self, X, y): gram_mat = gram_mat += self.alpha*np.eye(gram_mat.shape[0]) self.coef_ = np.linalg.lstsq( gram_mat,, rcond=None)[0] # Do not current support fit_intercept = True self.intercept_ = 0 return self class LinearLeastSquaresCV(LinearModel): """ Parameters ---------- - None, to use the default 5-fold cross-validation - integer to specify the number of folds """ def __init__(self, alphas=[0.], cv=None, random_folds=True): if cv is None: # sklearn RidgeCV can only be applied with leave one out cross # validation. Use this as the default here cv = 1 = cv self.alphas = alphas self.random_folds = random_folds def fit(self, X, y): if y.ndim == 1: y = y[:, None] assert y.shape[1] == 1 if != y.shape[0]: fold_sample_indices = get_random_k_fold_sample_indices( X.shape[0],, self.random_folds) results = [leave_many_out_lsq_cross_validation( X, y, fold_sample_indices, alpha) for alpha in self.alphas] else: results = [leave_one_out_lsq_cross_validation( X, y, alpha) for alpha in self.alphas] cv_scores = [r[1] for r in results] ii_best_alpha = np.argmin(cv_scores) self.cv_score_ = cv_scores[ii_best_alpha][0] self.alpha_ = self.alphas[ii_best_alpha] self.coef_ = results[ii_best_alpha][2] # Do not current support fit_intercept = True self.intercept_ = 0 return self @ignore_warnings(category=ConvergenceWarning) @ignore_warnings(category=LinAlgWarning) @ignore_warnings(category=RuntimeWarning) def fit_linear_model(basis_matrix, train_vals, solver_type, **kwargs): # verbose=1 will display lars path on entire data setUp # verbose>1 will also show this plus paths on each cross validation set solvers = {'lasso': [LassoLarsCV, LassoLars], 'lasso_grad': [LassoCV, Lasso], 'lars': [LarsCV, Lars], 'omp': [OrthogonalMatchingPursuitCV, OrthogonalMatchingPursuit], 'lstsq': [LinearLeastSquaresCV, LinearLeastSquares]} if solver_type not in solvers: msg = f'Solver type {solver_type} not supported\n' msg += 'Supported solvers are:\n' for key in solvers.keys(): msg += f'\t{key}\n' raise Exception(msg) if solver_type == 'lars': msg = 'Currently lars does not exit when alpha starts to grow ' msg += 'this causes problems with cross validation. The lasso variant ' msg += 'lars does work because this exit condition is implemented' raise Exception(msg) assert train_vals.ndim == 2 assert train_vals.shape[1] == 1 # The following comment and two conditional statements are only true # for lars which I have switched off. # cv interpolates each residual onto a common set of alphas # This is problematic if the alpha path is not monotonically decreasing # For some problems alpha will increase for last few sample sizes. This # messes up interpolation and causes the best_alpha to be estimated # very poorly in some cases. I belive all_alphas = np.unique(all_alphas) # is the culprit. To avoid the aforementioned issue set max_iter to # ntrain_samples//2 This is typically stops the algorithm after # what would have been chosen as the best_alpha but before # alphas start increasing. Ideally sklearn should exit when # alphas increase. # if solver_type != 'lstsq' and 'max_iter' not in kwargs: # kwargs['max_iter'] = basis_matrix.shape[0]//2 # if 'max_iter' in kwargs and kwargs['max_iter'] > basis_matrix.shape[0]//2: # msg = "Warning: max_iter is set large this can effect not just " # msg += "Computational cost but also final accuracy" # print(msg) if solver_type == 'omp' and 'max_iter' in kwargs: # unlike lasso/lars max iter is not allowed to be greater than # number of columns (features/bases) kwargs['max_iter'] = min(kwargs['max_iter'], basis_matrix.shape[1]) # for omp to work sklean must be patched to store mse_path_. # Add the line self.mse_path_ = mse_folds.T # as the last line (913) before return self in the function fit of # OrthogonalMatchingPursuitCV in # site-packages/sklearn/linear_model/ if 'cv' not in kwargs or kwargs['cv'] is False: solver_idx = 1 else: solver_idx = 0 if kwargs.get('precondition', False): weights = np.sqrt(christoffel_weights(basis_matrix))[:, None] basis_matrix = basis_matrix.copy()*weights train_vals = train_vals.copy()*weights if 'precondition' in kwargs: del kwargs['precondition'] fit = solvers[solver_type][solver_idx](**kwargs).fit res = fit(basis_matrix, train_vals[:, 0]) coef = res.coef_ if coef.ndim == 1: coef = coef[:, np.newaxis] # some methods allow fit_intercept to be set. If True this method # extracts of mean of data before computing coefficients. # res.predict then makes predictions as + res.intercept_ # I assume first coefficient is constant basis and want to be able # to simply return (e.g. as done be Polynomial Chaos # Expansion). Thus add res.intercept_ to first coefficient, i.e. coef[0] += res.intercept_ if 'cv' in kwargs: cv_score = extract_cross_validation_score(res) best_regularization_param = extract_best_regularization_parameters(res) else: cv_score = None best_regularization_param = None return coef, cv_score, best_regularization_param def extract_best_regularization_parameters(res): if (type(res) == LassoLarsCV or type(res) == LinearLeastSquaresCV): return res.alpha_ elif type(res) == LarsCV: assert len(res.n_iter_) == 1 # The Lars (not LarsCV) model takes max_iters as regularization # parameter so return it here as well as the alpha. Sklearn # has an inconsistency alpha is used to choose best cv score but Lars # uses max_iters to stop algorithm early. return (res.alpha_, res.n_iter_[0]) elif type(res) == OrthogonalMatchingPursuitCV: return res.n_nonzero_coefs_ else: raise Exception() def extract_cross_validation_score(linear_model): if hasattr(linear_model, 'cv_score_'): return linear_model.cv_score_ elif hasattr(linear_model, 'mse_path_'): return np.sqrt(linear_model.mse_path_.mean(axis=-1).min()) else: raise Exception('attribute mse_path_ not found') def cross_validate_pce_degree( pce, train_samples, train_vals, min_degree=1, max_degree=3, hcross_strength=1, solver_type='lasso', verbose=0, linear_solver_options={'cv': 10}): r""" Use cross validation to find the polynomial degree which best fits the data. A polynomial is constructed for each degree and the degree with the highest cross validation score is returned. Parameters ---------- train_samples : np.ndarray (nvars,nsamples) The inputs of the function used to train the approximation train_vals : np.ndarray (nvars,nsamples) The values of the function at ``train_samples`` min_degree : integer The minimum degree to consider max_degree : integer The maximum degree to consider. All degrees in ``range(min_degree,max_deree+1)`` are considered hcross_strength : float The strength of the hyperbolic cross index set. hcross_strength must be in (0,1]. A value of 1 produces total degree polynomials cv : integer The number of cross validation folds used to compute the cross validation error solver_type : string The type of regression used to train the polynomial - 'lasso' - 'lars' - 'lasso_grad' - 'omp' - 'lstsq' verbose : integer Controls the amount of information printed to screen Returns ------- result : :class:`pyapprox.surrogates.approximate.ApproximateResult` Result object with the following attributes approx: :class:`pyapprox.surrogates.polychaos.gpc.PolynomialChaosExpansion` The PCE approximation scores : np.ndarray (nqoi) The best cross validation score for each QoI degrees : np.ndarray (nqoi) The best degree for each QoI reg_params : np.ndarray (nqoi) The best regularization parameters for each QoI chosen by cross validation. """ coefs = [] scores = [] indices = [] degrees = [] reg_params = [] indices_dict = dict() unique_indices = [] nqoi = train_vals.shape[1] for ii in range(nqoi): if verbose > 1: print(f'Approximating QoI: {ii}') pce_ii, score_ii, degree_ii, reg_param_ii = _cross_validate_pce_degree( pce, train_samples, train_vals[:, ii:ii+1], min_degree, max_degree, hcross_strength, linear_solver_options, solver_type, verbose) coefs.append(pce_ii.get_coefficients()) scores.append(score_ii) indices.append(pce_ii.get_indices()) degrees.append(degree_ii) reg_params.append(reg_param_ii) for index in indices[ii].T: key = hash_array(index) if key not in indices_dict: indices_dict[key] = len(unique_indices) unique_indices.append(index) unique_indices = np.array(unique_indices).T all_coefs = np.zeros((unique_indices.shape[1], nqoi)) for ii in range(nqoi): for jj, index in enumerate(indices[ii].T): key = hash_array(index) all_coefs[indices_dict[key], ii] = coefs[ii][jj, 0] pce.set_indices(unique_indices) pce.set_coefficients(all_coefs) return ApproximateResult({'approx': pce, 'scores': np.array(scores), 'degrees': np.array(degrees), 'reg_params': reg_params}) def _cross_validate_pce_degree( pce, train_samples, train_vals, min_degree=1, max_degree=3, hcross_strength=1, linear_solver_options={'cv': 10}, solver_type='lasso', verbose=0): assert train_vals.shape[1] == 1 if min_degree is None: min_degree = 2 if max_degree is None: max_degree = np.iinfo(int).max-1 best_coef = None best_cv_score = np.finfo(np.double).max best_degree = min_degree prev_num_terms = 0 if verbose > 0: print("{:<8} {:<10} {:<18}".format('degree', 'num_terms', 'cv score',)) rng_state = np.random.get_state() for degree in range(min_degree, max_degree+1): indices = compute_hyperbolic_indices( pce.num_vars(), degree, hcross_strength) pce.set_indices(indices) if ((pce.num_terms() > 100000) and (100000-prev_num_terms < pce.num_terms()-100000)): break basis_matrix = pce.basis_matrix(train_samples) # use the same state (thus cross validation folds) for each degree np.random.set_state(rng_state) coef, cv_score, reg_param = fit_linear_model( basis_matrix, train_vals, solver_type, **linear_solver_options) np.random.set_state(rng_state) pce.set_coefficients(coef) if verbose > 0: print("{:<8} {:<10} {:<18} ".format( degree, pce.num_terms(), cv_score)) if ((cv_score >= best_cv_score) and (degree-best_degree > 1)): break if (cv_score < best_cv_score): best_cv_score = cv_score best_coef = coef.copy() best_degree = degree best_reg_param = reg_param prev_num_terms = pce.num_terms() pce.set_indices(compute_hyperbolic_indices( pce.num_vars(), best_degree, hcross_strength)) pce.set_coefficients(best_coef) if verbose > 0: print('best degree:', best_degree) return pce, best_cv_score, best_degree, best_reg_param def restrict_basis(indices, coefficients, tol): II = np.where(np.absolute(coefficients) > tol)[0] restricted_indices = indices[:, II] degrees = indices.sum(axis=0) JJ = np.where(degrees == 0)[0] assert JJ.shape[0] == 1 if JJ not in II: # always include zero degree polynomial in restricted_indices restricted_indices = np.concatenate( [indices[:JJ], restricted_indices]) return restricted_indices def expand_basis(indices): nvars, nindices = indices.shape indices_set = set() for ii in range(nindices): indices_set.add(hash_array(indices[:, ii])) new_indices = [] for ii in range(nindices): index = indices[:, ii] for dd in range(nvars): forward_index = get_forward_neighbor(index, dd) key = hash_array(forward_index) if key not in indices_set: admissible = True active_vars = np.nonzero(forward_index) for kk in active_vars: backward_index = get_backward_neighbor(forward_index, kk) if hash_array(backward_index) not in indices_set: admissible = False break if admissible: indices_set.add(key) new_indices.append(forward_index) return np.asarray(new_indices).T def expanding_basis_pce(pce, train_samples, train_vals, hcross_strength=1, verbose=1, max_num_init_terms=None, max_num_terms=None, solver_type='lasso', linear_solver_options={'cv': 10}, restriction_tol=np.finfo(float).eps*2, max_num_expansion_steps_iter=1, max_iters=20, max_num_step_increases=1): r""" Iteratively expand and restrict the polynomial basis and use cross validation to find the best basis [JESJCP2015]_ Parameters ---------- train_samples : np.ndarray (nvars,nsamples) The inputs of the function used to train the approximation train_vals : np.ndarray (nvars,nqoi) The values of the function at ``train_samples`` hcross_strength : float The strength of the hyperbolic cross index set. hcross_strength must be in (0,1]. A value of 1 produces total degree polynomials cv : integer The number of cross validation folds used to compute the cross validation error solver_type : string The type of regression used to train the polynomial - 'lasso' - 'lars' - 'lasso_grad' - 'omp' - 'lstsq' verbose : integer Controls the amount of information printed to screen restriction_tol : float The tolerance used to prune inactive indices max_num_init_terms : integer The number of terms used to initialize the algorithm max_num_terms : integer The maximum number of terms allowed max_iters : integer The number of expansion/restriction iterations max_num_expansion_steps_iter : integer (1,2,3) The number of times a basis can expanded after the last restriction step max_num_expansion_steps_iter : integer The number of iterations error does not decrease before terminating Returns ------- result : :class:`pyapprox.surrogates.approximate.ApproximateResult` Result object with the following attributes approx: :class:`pyapprox.surrogates.polychaos.gpc.PolynomialChaosExpansion` The PCE approximation scores : np.ndarray (nqoi) The best cross validation score for each QoI reg_params : np.ndarray (nqoi) The best regularization parameters for each QoI chosen by cross validation. References ---------- .. [JESJCP2015] `J.D. Jakeman, M.S. Eldred, and K. Sargsyan. Enhancing l1-minimization estimates of polynomial chaos expansions using basis selection. Journal of Computational Physics, 289(0):18 – 34, 2015 <>`_ """ coefs = [] scores = [] indices = [] reg_params = [] indices_dict = dict() unique_indices = [] nqoi = train_vals.shape[1] for ii in range(nqoi): if verbose > 1: print(f'Approximating QoI: {ii}') pce_ii, score_ii, reg_param_ii = _expanding_basis_pce( pce, train_samples, train_vals[:, ii:ii+1], hcross_strength, verbose, max_num_init_terms, max_num_terms, solver_type, linear_solver_options, restriction_tol, max_num_expansion_steps_iter, max_iters, max_num_step_increases) coefs.append(pce_ii.get_coefficients()) scores.append(score_ii) indices.append(pce_ii.get_indices()) reg_params.append(reg_param_ii) for index in indices[ii].T: key = hash_array(index) if key not in indices_dict: indices_dict[key] = len(unique_indices) unique_indices.append(index) unique_indices = np.array(unique_indices).T all_coefs = np.zeros((unique_indices.shape[1], nqoi)) for ii in range(nqoi): for jj, index in enumerate(indices[ii].T): key = hash_array(index) all_coefs[indices_dict[key], ii] = coefs[ii][jj, 0] pce.set_indices(unique_indices) pce.set_coefficients(all_coefs) return ApproximateResult({'approx': pce, 'scores': np.array(scores), 'reg_params': reg_params}) def _expanding_basis_pce(pce, train_samples, train_vals, hcross_strength=1, verbose=1, max_num_init_terms=None, max_num_terms=None, solver_type='lasso', linear_solver_options={'cv': 10}, restriction_tol=np.finfo(float).eps*2, max_num_expansion_steps_iter=3, max_iters=20, max_num_step_increases=1): assert train_vals.shape[1] == 1 num_vars = pce.num_vars() if max_num_init_terms is None: max_num_init_terms = train_vals.shape[0] if max_num_terms is None: max_num_terms = 10*train_vals.shape[0] degree = 2 prev_num_terms = 0 while True: indices = compute_hyperbolic_indices(num_vars, degree, hcross_strength) num_terms = indices.shape[1] if (num_terms > max_num_init_terms): break degree += 1 prev_num_terms = num_terms if (abs(num_terms - max_num_init_terms) > abs(prev_num_terms - max_num_init_terms)): degree -= 1 pce.set_indices( compute_hyperbolic_indices(num_vars, degree, hcross_strength)) if verbose > 0: msg = f'Initializing basis with hyperbolic cross of degree {degree} ' msg += f'and strength {hcross_strength} with {pce.num_terms()} terms' print(msg) rng_state = np.random.get_state() basis_matrix = pce.basis_matrix(train_samples) best_coef, best_cv_score, best_reg_param = fit_linear_model( basis_matrix, train_vals, solver_type, **linear_solver_options) np.random.set_state(rng_state) pce.set_coefficients(best_coef) best_indices = pce.get_indices() best_cv_score_iter = best_cv_score best_indices_iter = best_indices.copy() best_coef_iter = best_coef.copy() best_reg_param_iter = best_reg_param if verbose > 0: print("{:<10} {:<10} {:<18}".format('nterms', 'nnz terms', 'cv score')) print("{:<10} {:<10} {:<18}".format( pce.num_terms(), np.count_nonzero(pce.coefficients), best_cv_score)) it = 0 best_it = 0 while True: current_max_num_expansion_steps_iter = 1 best_cv_score_iter = best_cv_score indices_iter = pce.indices.copy() coef_iter = pce.coefficients.copy() while True: # -------------- # # Expand basis # # -------------- # num_expansion_steps_iter = 0 indices = restrict_basis( # pce.indices, pce.coefficients, restriction_tol) indices_iter, coef_iter, restriction_tol) msg = f'Expanding {indices.shape[1]} restricted from ' msg += f'{pce.indices.shape[1]} terms' while (num_expansion_steps_iter < current_max_num_expansion_steps_iter): new_indices = expand_basis(indices) indices = np.hstack([indices, new_indices]) num_expansion_steps_iter += 1 pce.set_indices(indices) num_terms = pce.num_terms() msg += f' New number of terms {pce.indices.shape[1]}' print(msg) # -----------------# # Compute solution # # -----------------# basis_matrix = pce.basis_matrix(train_samples) np.random.set_state(rng_state) coef, cv_score, reg_param = fit_linear_model( basis_matrix, train_vals, solver_type, **linear_solver_options) np.random.set_state(rng_state) pce.set_coefficients(coef) if verbose > 0: print("{:<10} {:<10} {:<18}".format( pce.num_terms(), np.count_nonzero(pce.coefficients), cv_score)) if (cv_score < best_cv_score_iter): best_cv_score_iter = cv_score best_indices_iter = pce.indices.copy() best_coef_iter = pce.coefficients.copy() best_reg_param_iter = reg_param if (num_terms >= max_num_terms): if verbose > 0: print(f'Max number of terms {max_num_terms} reached') break if (current_max_num_expansion_steps_iter >= max_num_expansion_steps_iter): if verbose > 0: msg = 'Max number of inner expansion steps ' msg += f'({max_num_expansion_steps_iter}) reached' print(msg) break current_max_num_expansion_steps_iter += 1 it += 1 pce.set_indices(best_indices_iter) pce.set_coefficients(best_coef_iter) if (best_cv_score_iter < best_cv_score): best_cv_score = best_cv_score_iter best_coef = best_coef_iter.copy() best_indices = best_indices_iter.copy() best_reg_param = best_reg_param_iter best_it = it elif (it - best_it >= max_num_step_increases): if verbose > 0: msg = 'Terminating: error did not decrease' msg += f' in last {max_num_step_increases} iterations' msg += f'best error: {best_cv_score}' print(msg) break if it >= max_iters: if verbose > 0: msg = 'Terminating: max iterations reached' print(msg) break nindices = best_indices.shape[1] II = np.nonzero(best_coef[:, 0])[0] pce.set_indices(best_indices[:, II]) pce.set_coefficients(best_coef[II]) if verbose > 0: msg = f'Final basis has {pce.num_terms()} terms selected from ' msg += f'{nindices} using {train_samples.shape[1]} samples' print(msg) return pce, best_cv_score, best_reg_param def approximate_fixed_pce(pce, train_samples, train_vals, indices, verbose=1, solver_type='lasso', linear_solver_options={}): r""" Estimate the coefficients of a polynomial chaos using regression methods and pre-specified (fixed) basis and regularization parameters Parameters ---------- train_samples : np.ndarray (nvars, nsamples) The inputs of the function used to train the approximation train_vals : np.ndarray (nvars, nqoi) The values of the function at ``train_samples`` indices : np.ndarray (nvars, nindices) The multivariate indices representing each basis in the expansion. solver_type : string The type of regression used to train the polynomial - 'lasso' - 'lars' - 'lasso_grad' - 'omp' - 'lstsq' verbose : integer Controls the amount of information printed to screen Returns ------- result : :class:`pyapprox.surrogates.approximate.ApproximateResult` Result object with the following attributes approx: :class:`pyapprox.surrogates.polychaos.gpc.PolynomialChaosExpansion` The PCE approximation reg_params : np.ndarray (nqoi) The regularization parameters for each QoI. """ nqoi = train_vals.shape[1] coefs = [] if type(linear_solver_options) == dict: linear_solver_options = [linear_solver_options]*nqoi if type(indices) == np.ndarray: indices = [indices.copy() for ii in range(nqoi)] unique_indices = [] indices_dict = dict() for ii in range(nqoi): pce.set_indices(indices[ii]) basis_matrix = pce.basis_matrix(train_samples) coef_ii, _, reg_param_ii = fit_linear_model( basis_matrix, train_vals[:, ii:ii+1], solver_type, **linear_solver_options[ii]) coefs.append(coef_ii) for index in indices[ii].T: key = hash_array(index) if key not in indices_dict: indices_dict[key] = len(unique_indices) unique_indices.append(index) unique_indices = np.array(unique_indices).T all_coefs = np.zeros((unique_indices.shape[1], nqoi)) for ii in range(nqoi): for jj, index in enumerate(indices[ii].T): key = hash_array(index) all_coefs[indices_dict[key], ii] = coefs[ii][jj, 0] pce.set_indices(unique_indices) pce.set_coefficients(all_coefs) return ApproximateResult({'approx': pce}) def __setup_gaussian_process_kernel(nvars, length_scale, length_scale_bounds, kernel_variance, kernel_variance_bounds, noise_level, noise_level_bounds, nu): if np.isscalar(length_scale): length_scale = np.array([length_scale]*nvars) assert length_scale.shape[0] == nvars kernel = Matern(length_scale, length_scale_bounds=length_scale_bounds, nu=nu) # optimize variance if kernel_variance is not None: kernel = ConstantKernel( constant_value=kernel_variance, constant_value_bounds=kernel_variance_bounds)*kernel # optimize gp noise if noise_level is not None: kernel += WhiteKernel( noise_level, noise_level_bounds=noise_level_bounds) # Note noise_level is different to alpha # noise_kernel applies nugget to both training and test data # alpha only applies it to training data return kernel def approximate_gaussian_process(train_samples, train_vals, nu=np.inf, n_restarts_optimizer=5, verbose=0, normalize_y=False, alpha=0, noise_level=None, noise_level_bounds='fixed', kernel_variance=None, kernel_variance_bounds='fixed', var_trans=None, length_scale=1, length_scale_bounds=(1e-2, 10)): r""" Compute a Gaussian process approximation of a function from a fixed data set using the Matern kernel .. math:: k(z_i, z_j) = \frac{1}{\Gamma(\nu)2^{\nu-1}}\Bigg( \frac{\sqrt{2\nu}}{l} \lVert z_i - z_j \rVert_2\Bigg)^\nu K_\nu\Bigg( \frac{\sqrt{2\nu}}{l} \lVert z_i - z_j \rVert_2\Bigg) where :math:`\lVert \cdot \rVert_2` is the Euclidean distance, :math:`\Gamma(\cdot)` is the gamma function, :math:`K_\nu(\cdot)` is the modified Bessel function. Parameters ---------- train_samples : np.ndarray (nvars, nsamples) The inputs of the function used to train the approximation train_vals : np.ndarray (nvars, 1) The values of the function at ``train_samples`` nu : string The parameter :math:`\nu` of the Matern kernel. When :math:`\nu\to\inf` the Matern kernel is equivalent to the squared-exponential kernel. alpha : float Nugget added to diagonal of the covariance kernel evaluated at the training data. Used to improve numerical conditionining. This parameter is different to noise_level which applies to both training and test data normalize_y : bool True - normalize the training values to have zero mean and unit variance length_scale : float The initial length scale used to generate the first batch of training samples length_scale_bounds : tuple (2) The lower and upper bound on length_scale used in optimization of the Gaussian process hyper-parameters noise_level : float The noise_level used when training the GP noise_level_bounds : tuple (2) The lower and upper bound on noise_level used in optimization of the Gaussian process hyper-parameters kernel_variance : float The kernel_variance used when training the GP noise_level_bounds : tuple (2) The lower and upper bound on kernel_variance used in optimization of the Gaussian process hyper-parameters n_restarts_optimizer : int The number of local optimizeation problems solved to find the GP hyper-parameters verbose : integer Controls the amount of information printed to screen Returns ------- result : :class:`pyapprox.surrogates.approximate.ApproximateResult` Result object with the following attributes approx : :class:`pyapprox.surrogates.gaussianprocess.gaussian_process.GaussianProcess` The Gaussian process """ nvars = train_samples.shape[0] kernel = __setup_gaussian_process_kernel( nvars, length_scale, length_scale_bounds, kernel_variance, kernel_variance_bounds, noise_level, noise_level_bounds, nu) gp = GaussianProcess(kernel, n_restarts_optimizer=n_restarts_optimizer, normalize_y=normalize_y, alpha=alpha) if var_trans is not None: gp.set_variable_transformation(var_trans), train_vals) return ApproximateResult({'approx': gp}) from pyapprox.util.utilities import get_random_k_fold_sample_indices, \ leave_many_out_lsq_cross_validation, leave_one_out_lsq_cross_validation def cross_validate_approximation( train_samples, train_vals, options, nfolds, method, random_folds=True): ntrain_samples = train_samples.shape[1] if random_folds != 'sklearn': fold_sample_indices = get_random_k_fold_sample_indices( ntrain_samples, nfolds, random_folds) else: from sklearn.model_selection._split import KFold sklearn_cv = KFold(nfolds) # indices = np.arange(train_samples.shape[1]) fold_sample_indices = [ te for tr, te in sklearn_cv.split(train_vals, train_vals)] approx_list = [] residues_list = [] cv_score = 0 for kk in range(len(fold_sample_indices)): K = np.ones(ntrain_samples, dtype=bool) K[fold_sample_indices[kk]] = False train_samples_kk = train_samples[:, K] train_vals_kk = train_vals[K, :] test_samples_kk = train_samples[:, fold_sample_indices[kk]] test_vals_kk = train_vals[fold_sample_indices[kk]] approx_kk = approximate( train_samples_kk, train_vals_kk, method, options).approx residues = approx_kk(test_samples_kk) - test_vals_kk approx_list.append(approx_kk) residues_list.append(residues) cv_score += np.sum(residues**2, axis=0) cv_score = np.sqrt(cv_score/ntrain_samples) return approx_list, residues_list, cv_score def quadratic_oversampling_ratio(nindices): return nindices**2 def increment_samples_using_oversampling_ratio( train_samples, indices, oversampling_ratio, generate_samples): ndesired_samples = oversampling_ratio(indices.shape[1]) nnew_samples = ndesired_samples-train_samples.shape[1] new_train_samples = generate_samples(nnew_samples) return new_train_samples def increment_samples_using_condition_number( train_samples, indices, pce, generate_samples, sample_growth_factor, cond_tol, max_nsamples): pce.set_indices(indices) ndesired_samples = indices.shape[1] cond_num = np.inf ncurrent_samples = train_samples.shape[1] new_train_samples = np.zeros((pce.num_vars(), 0)) if train_samples.shape[1] == 0: basis_matrix = np.zeros((0, indices.shape[1])) else: basis_matrix = pce.basis_matrix(train_samples) while True: ndesired_samples = min( int(ndesired_samples*sample_growth_factor), max_nsamples) if ndesired_samples < ncurrent_samples: ndesired_samples = int(ncurrent_samples*sample_growth_factor) assert ndesired_samples > ncurrent_samples # generate a new increment of samples nsample_incr = ndesired_samples-( ncurrent_samples+new_train_samples.shape[1]) # print(ncurrent_samples, nsample_incr, train_samples.shape, # ndesired_samples, indices.shape) samples_incr = generate_samples(nsample_incr) # add increment to total set of new samples new_train_samples = np.hstack(( new_train_samples, samples_incr)) # compute basis matrix for sample increment basis_matrix_incr = pce.basis_matrix(samples_incr) # compute condition number of entire sample set basis_matrix = np.vstack((basis_matrix, basis_matrix_incr)) cond_num = np.linalg.cond(basis_matrix) if cond_num <= cond_tol: break if ncurrent_samples + new_train_samples.shape[1] >= max_nsamples: break return new_train_samples def adaptive_approximate_polynomial_chaos_increment_degree( fun, variable, max_degree, max_nsamples=100, cond_tol=None, sample_growth_factor=2, verbose=0, hcross_strength=1, oversampling_ratio=quadratic_oversampling_ratio, solver_type='lasso', linear_solver_options={}, callback=None): var_trans = AffineTransform(variable) pce = PolynomialChaosExpansion() pce_opts = define_poly_options_from_variable_transformation(var_trans) pce.configure(pce_opts) if cond_tol is not None and oversampling_ratio is not None: raise ValueError("cond_tol or over_sampling_ratio must be None") if cond_tol is None and oversampling_ratio is None: raise ValueError("cond_tol or over_sampling_ratio must be None") degree = 0 generate_samples = partial( generate_independent_random_samples, pce.var_trans.variable) train_samples = np.zeros((pce.num_vars(), 0)) while True: if degree > max_degree: break if train_samples.shape[1] > max_nsamples: break indices = compute_hyperbolic_indices( pce.num_vars(), degree, hcross_strength) if cond_tol is not None: new_train_samples = increment_samples_using_condition_number( train_samples, indices, pce, generate_samples, sample_growth_factor, cond_tol, max_nsamples) else: new_train_samples = increment_samples_using_oversampling_ratio( train_samples, indices, oversampling_ratio, generate_samples) new_train_values = fun(new_train_samples) if train_samples.shape[1] == 0: train_values = new_train_values else: train_values = np.vstack((train_values, new_train_values)) train_samples = np.hstack((train_samples, new_train_samples)) # Todo allow expanding basis as well result = approximate_fixed_pce( pce, train_samples, train_values, indices, verbose, solver_type, linear_solver_options) if callback is not None: callback(result.approx) # TODO: if requested add exit condition that checks cross validation # error. For now if want to print cross validation error # implement that inside a callback # if nfolds > 0: # method_opts = {"basis_type": "fixed", "verbose": verbose} # method = approximate_polynomial_chaos() # cv_score = cross_validate_approximation( # train_samples, train_values, method_options, nfolds, method) degree += 1 result = ApproximateResult( {'approx': result.approx, 'train_samples': train_samples, 'train_values': train_values}) return result