Source code for pyapprox.multifidelity.visualize

import numpy as np

from pyapprox.util.visualization import plt, mathrm_label
from pyapprox.multifidelity._visualize import _autolabel
from pyapprox.multifidelity.factory import (
    compute_variance_reductions, ComparisonCriteria)

[docs]def plot_model_costs(costs, model_names=None, ax=None): if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 6)) nmodels = len(costs) if model_names is None: model_names = [r"$f_{%d}$" % ii for ii in range(nmodels)], costs) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(nmodels)) ax.set_xticklabels(model_names)
def plot_estimator_variances(optimized_estimators, est_labels, ax, ylabel=None, relative_id=0, cost_normalization=1, criteria=ComparisonCriteria("det")): """ Plot the estimator variance for a list of estimators. Parameters ---------- optimized_estimators : list Each entry is a list of optimized estimators for a set of target costs est_labels : list (nestimators) String used to label each estimator relative_id : integer The model id used to normalize variance cost_normalization : float Costs are divided by this value. Useful, for example, when you want to plot variances as a function of the equivalent number of high-fidelity evaluations in which case cost_normalization=costs[0] criteria : callable A function that returns a scalar metric of the estimator covariance with signature `criteria(cov) -> float` where cov is an np.ndarray (nstats, nstats) is the estimator covariance """ linestyles = ['-', '--', ':', '-.', (0, (5, 10)), '-'] nestimators = len(est_labels) est_criteria = [] for ii in range(nestimators): est_total_costs = np.array( [est._rounded_target_cost for est in optimized_estimators[ii]]) est_criteria.append(np.array( [criteria(est._covariance_from_npartition_samples( est._rounded_npartition_samples), est) for est in optimized_estimators[ii]])) est_total_costs *= cost_normalization for ii in range(nestimators): ax.loglog(est_total_costs, est_criteria[ii]/est_criteria[relative_id][0], label=est_labels[ii], ls=linestyles[ii], marker='o') if ylabel is None: ylabel = mathrm_label("Estimator variance") ax.set_xlabel(mathrm_label("Target cost")) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.legend()
[docs]def plot_estimator_variance_reductions(optimized_estimators, est_labels, ax, ylabel=None, criteria=ComparisonCriteria("det"), **bar_kawrgs): """ Plot the variance reduction (relative to single model MC) for a list of optimized estimtors. Parameters ---------- optimized_estimators : list Each entry is a list of optimized estimators for a set of target costs est_labels : list (nestimators) String used to label each estimator criteria : callable A function that returns a scalar metric of the estimator covariance with signature `criteria(cov) -> float` where cov is an np.ndarray (nstats, nstats) is the estimator covariance """ est_labels = est_labels.copy() var_red, est_criterias, sf_criterias = compute_variance_reductions( optimized_estimators, criteria) rects =, var_red, **bar_kawrgs) rects = [r for r in rects] # convert to list _autolabel(ax, rects, ['$%1.2f$' % (v) for v in var_red]) if ylabel is None: ylabel = mathrm_label("Estimator variance reduction") ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) return var_red, est_criterias, sf_criterias
[docs]def plot_correlation_matrix(corr_matrix, ax=None, model_names=None, format_string='{:1.3f}', cmap="jet", nqoi=1, label_fontsize=16): """ Plot a correlation matrix Parameters ---------- corr_matrix : np.ndarray (nvars, nvars) The correlation between a set of random variabels """ if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 6)) im = ax.matshow(corr_matrix, cmap=cmap, aspect="auto") for (i, j), z in np.ndenumerate(corr_matrix): if format_string is not None: ax.text(j, i, format_string.format(z), ha='center', va='center', fontsize=12, color='w') plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax) if model_names is None: nmodels = corr_matrix.shape[0] model_names = [r"$f_{%d}$" % ii for ii in range(nmodels)] ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(model_names))*nqoi) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(len(model_names))*nqoi) ax.set_yticklabels(model_names, fontsize=label_fontsize) ax.set_xticklabels(model_names, rotation=60, fontsize=label_fontsize) return ax
[docs]def plot_estimator_sample_allocation_comparison( estimators, model_labels, ax, legendloc=[0.925, 0.25], xlabels=None): """ Plot the number of samples allocated to each model for a set of estimators Parameters ---------- estimators : list Each entry is a MonteCarlo like estimator model_labels : list (nestimators) String used to label each estimator """ nestimators = len(estimators) xlocs = np.arange(nestimators) from matplotlib.pyplot import cm for jj, est in enumerate(estimators): cnt = 0 # warning currently colors will not match if estimators use different # models colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, est._nmodels)) rects = [] est.model_labels = model_labels for ii in range(est._nmodels): if jj == 0: label = est.model_labels[ii] else: label = None cost_ratio = (est._costs[ii]*est._rounded_nsamples_per_model[ii] / est._rounded_target_cost) rect = xlocs[jj:jj+1], cost_ratio, bottom=cnt, edgecolor='white', label=label, color=colors[ii]) rects.append(rect) cnt += cost_ratio _autolabel(ax, rects, ['$%d$' % int(est._rounded_nsamples_per_model[ii]) for ii in range(est._nmodels)]) ax.set_xticks(xlocs) # number of samples are rounded cost est_rounded cost, # but target cost is not rounded if xlabels is None: ax.set_xticklabels( ['$%1.2f$' % est._rounded_target_cost for est in estimators]) else: ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels) ax.set_xlabel(mathrm_label("Target cost")) # / $N_\alpha$') ax.set_ylabel( mathrm_label("Precentage of target cost")) if legendloc is not None: ax.legend(loc=legendloc)