Source code for pyapprox.models.wrappers

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
                        print_function, unicode_literals)
import numpy as np
import subprocess, os, glob
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool

[docs]def get_num_args(function): """ Return the number of arguments of a function. If function is a member function of a class the self argument is not counted. Parameters ---------- function : callable The Python callable to be interrogated Return ------ num_args : integer The number of arguments to the function including args, varargs, keywords """ import inspect args = inspect.getfullargspec(function) num_args = 0 if args[0] is not None: num_args += len(args[0]) if 'self' in args[0]: num_args-=1 if args[1] is not None: num_args += len(args[1]) if args[2] is not None: num_args += len(args[2]) # do not count defaults of keywords conatined in args[3] #if args[3] is not None: # num_args += len(args[3]) return num_args
[docs]def evaluate_1darray_function_on_2d_array(function,samples,opts=None): """ Evaluate a function at a set of samples using a function that only takes one sample at a time Parameters ---------- function : callable A function with signature ``function(sample) -> np.ndarray``` where sample is a 1d np.ndarray of shape (num_vars) and the output is a np.ndarray of values of shape (num_qoi). The output can also be a scalar samples : np.ndarray (num_vars, num_samples) The samples at which to evaluate the model opts : dictionary A set of options that are needed to evaluate the model Returns ------- values : np.ndarray (num_samples, num_qoi) The value of each requested QoI of the model for each sample """ num_args = get_num_args(function) assert samples.ndim==2 num_samples = samples.shape[1] if num_args==2: values_0 = function(samples[:,0], opts) else: values_0 = function(samples[:,0]) values_0 = np.atleast_1d(values_0) assert values_0.ndim==1 num_qoi = values_0.shape[0] values = np.empty((num_samples,num_qoi),float) values[0,:]=values_0 for i in range(1, num_samples): if num_args==2: values[i,:] = function(samples[:,i], opts) else: values[i,:] = function(samples[:,i]) return values
[docs]class PyFunction(object): def __init__(self,function): self.function=function
[docs] def __call__(self,samples,opts=dict()): return evaluate_1darray_function_on_2d_array(self.function,samples,opts)
[docs]def run_shell_command(shell_command, opts={}): """ Execulte a shell command. Parameters ---------- shell_command : string The command that you want executed output_verbosity : integer (default=0) 0 - supress all model output 1 - write output to file 2 - write output to stdout filename : string (default=None) The filename to which the output of the shell command is written. A file is only written if output_verbosity=1. If output_verbosity=1 and filename is None then filename = shell_command.out env : os.environ (default=None) Mapping that defines the environment variables for the new process; these are used instead of inheriting the current process environment, which is the default behavior. """ output_verbosity = opts.get('verbosity',1) env = opts.get('env',None) filename = opts.get('filename',None) if output_verbosity==0: out = subprocess.check_output(shell_command, shell=True, env=env) elif output_verbosity==1: if filename is None: filename = 'shell_command.out' with open( filename, 'w' ) as f:, shell=True, stdout=f, stderr=f, env=env) else:, shell=True, env=env)
from pyapprox.utilities import hash_array
[docs]class DataFunctionModel(object):
[docs] def hash_sample(self,sample): # if samples have undergone a transformation thier value # may not be exactly the same so make hash on samples # with fixed precision # sample = np.round(sample, self.digits) # I = np.where(np.abs(sample)<self.tol)[0] # sample[I] = 0. key = hash_array(sample)#,decimals=self.digits) return key
def __init__(self,function,data=None,data_basename=None, save_frequency=None,use_hash=True,digits=16): self.function=function self.samples=np.zeros((0,0)) self.values=None self.num_evaluations_ran=0 self.num_evaluations=0 self.digits = digits self.tol = 10**(-self.digits) self.use_hash=use_hash self.data_basename = data_basename self.save_frequency=save_frequency if self.data_basename is not None: assert save_frequency is not None if self.save_frequency and self.data_basename is None: msg = 'Warning save_frequency not being used because data_basename' msg += ' is None' print(msg) if data_basename is not None: file_data=combine_saved_model_data(data_basename) if file_data[0] is not None: self.add_new_data(file_data) if data is not None: self.samples,self.values=data assert self.samples.shape[1]==self.values.shape[0] self.add_new_data(data)
[docs] def add_new_data(self,data): samples,values=data for ii in range(samples.shape[1]): if self.use_hash: key = self.hash_sample(samples[:,ii]) if key in if not np.allclose(self.values[[key]],values[ii]): msg = 'Duplicate samples found but values do not match' raise Exception(msg) found=True else:[key]=ii found=False else: found = False for jj in range(self.samples.shape[1]): if np.allclose(self.samples[:,jj],samples[:,ii], atol=self.tol): found = True break if not found: if self.samples.shape[1]>0: self.samples=np.hstack([self.samples,samples[:,ii:ii+1]]) self.values=np.vstack([self.values,values[ii:ii+1,:]]) else: self.samples=samples[:,ii:ii+1] self.values=values[ii:ii+1,:] # set counter so that next file takes into account all previously # ran samples self.num_evaluations_ran=self.samples.shape[1]
def _batch_call(self,samples): assert self.save_frequency>0 num_batch_samples = self.save_frequency lb = 0 vals = None while lb<samples.shape[1]: ub = min(lb+num_batch_samples,samples.shape[1]) num_evaluations_ran=self.num_evaluations_ran batch_vals, new_sample_indices = self._call(samples[:,lb:ub]) data_filename = self.data_basename+'-%d-%d.npz'%( num_evaluations_ran, num_evaluations_ran+len(new_sample_indices)-1) np.savez(data_filename,vals=batch_vals[new_sample_indices], samples=samples[:,lb:ub][:,new_sample_indices]) if vals is None: vals = batch_vals else: vals = np.vstack((vals,batch_vals)) lb=ub return vals def _call(self,samples): evaluated_sample_indices = [] new_sample_indices = [] for ii in range(samples.shape[1]): if self.use_hash: key = self.hash_sample(samples[:,ii]) if key in evaluated_sample_indices.append([ii,[key]]) else: new_sample_indices.append(ii) else: found = False for jj in range(self.samples.shape[1]): if np.allclose(self.samples[:,jj],samples[:,ii], atol=self.tol): found = True break if found: evaluated_sample_indices.append([ii,jj]) else: new_sample_indices.append(ii) evaluated_sample_indices = np.asarray(evaluated_sample_indices) if len(new_sample_indices)>0: new_samples = samples[:,new_sample_indices] new_values = self.function(new_samples) num_qoi = new_values.shape[1] else: num_qoi = self.values.shape[1] values = np.empty((samples.shape[1],num_qoi),dtype=float) if len(new_sample_indices)>0: values[new_sample_indices,:]=new_values if len(new_sample_indices)<samples.shape[1]: values[evaluated_sample_indices[:,0]] = \ self.values[evaluated_sample_indices[:,1],:] if len(new_sample_indices)>0: if self.samples.shape[1]==0: jj=0 self.samples=samples self.values=values else: jj=self.samples.shape[0] self.samples=np.hstack( (self.samples,samples[:,new_sample_indices])) self.values=np.vstack((self.values,new_values)) for ii in range(len(new_sample_indices)): key = hash_array(samples[:,new_sample_indices[ii]])[key]=jj+ii self.num_evaluations_ran+=len(new_sample_indices) # increment the number of samples pass to __call__ since object created # includes samples drawn from arxiv and samples used to evaluate # self.function self.num_evaluations+=samples.shape[1] return values, new_sample_indices
[docs] def __call__(self,samples): if self.save_frequency is not None and self.save_frequency>0: values = self._batch_call(samples) else: values = self._call(samples)[0] return values
[docs]def run_model_samples_in_parallel(model,max_eval_concurrency,samples,pool=None, assert_omp=True): """ Warning ------- serializes each argument and so if model is a class, any of its member variables that are updated in __call__ will not persist once each __call__ to pool completes. """ num_samples = samples.shape[1] if assert_omp and max_eval_concurrency>1: if ('OMP_NUM_THREADS' not in os.environ or not int(os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'])==1): msg = 'User set assert_omp=True but OMP_NUM_THREADS has not been ' msg += 'set to 1. Run script with OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 python' raise Exception(msg) if pool is None: pool = Pool(max_eval_concurrency) result = model,[(samples[:,ii:ii+1]) for ii in range(samples.shape[1])]) num_qoi = result[0].shape[1] values = np.empty((num_samples,num_qoi)) for ii in range(len(result)): values[ii,:]=result[ii][0,:] return values
import time
[docs]def time_function_evaluations(function,samples): vals = [] times = [] for ii in range(samples.shape[1]): t0 = time.time() val = function(samples[:,ii:ii+1])[0,:] t1 = time.time() vals.append(val) times.append([t1-t0]) vals = np.asarray(vals) times = np.asarray(times) return np.hstack([vals,times])
[docs]class TimerModelWrapper(object): def __init__(self,function,base_model=None): self.function_to_time=function self.base_model=base_model
[docs] def x__getattr__(self,name): """ Cannot get following to work If defining a custom __getattr__ it seems I cannot have member variables with the same name in this class and class definition of function if self.function is itself a model object allow the access of using Note __getattr__ will be invoked on python objects only when the requested attribute is not found in the particular object's space. """ if hasattr(self.function_to_time,name): attr=getattr(self.function_to_time,name) return attr raise AttributeError( f" {self} or its member {self}.function has no attribute '{name}'")
[docs] def __call__(self,samples): return time_function_evaluations(self.function_to_time,samples)
[docs]class WorkTracker(object): """ Store the cost needed to evaluate a function under different configurations, e.g. mesh resolution of a finite element model used to solve a PDE. """ def __init__(self): self.costs = dict()
[docs] def __call__(self,config_samples): """ Read the cost of evaluating the functions with the ids given in a set of config_samples. Parameters ---------- config_samples : np.ndarray (nconfig_vars,nsamples) The configuration indices """ num_config_vars, nqueries = config_samples.shape costs = np.empty((nqueries)) for ii in range(nqueries): key = tuple([int(ll) for ll in config_samples[:,ii]]) if key not in self.costs: msg='Asking for cost before function cost has been provided' raise Exception(msg) else: costs[ii] = np.median(self.costs[key]) return costs
[docs] def update(self,config_samples,costs): """ Update the cost of evaluating the functions with the ids given in a set of config_samples. Parameters ---------- config_samples : np.ndarray (nconfig_vars,nsamples) The configuration indices costs : np.ndarray (nsamples) The costs of evaluating the function index by each index in ``config_samples`` """ num_config_vars, nqueries = config_samples.shape assert costs.shape[0]==nqueries assert costs.ndim==1 for ii in range(nqueries): key = tuple([int(ll) for ll in config_samples[:,ii]]) if key in self.costs: self.costs[key].append(costs[ii]) else: self.costs[key] = [costs[ii]]
def __str__(self): msg = 'WorkTracker Cost Summary\n' msg += '{:<10} {:<10}\n'.format('Funtion ID','Median Cost') for item in self.costs.items(): msg += '{:<10} {:<10}\n'.format(str(item[0]),np.median(item[1])) return msg
[docs]def eval(function,samples): return function(samples)
[docs]class WorkTrackingModel(object): def __init__(self,function,base_model=None,num_config_vars=0): """ Keep track of the wall time needed to evaluate a function. Parameters ---------- function : callable A function with signature ``function(w) -> np.ndarray (nsamples,nqoi+1)`` where ``w`` is a np.ndarray of shape (nvars,nsamples). The last qoi returned by function (i.e. the last column of the output array) must be the cost of the simulation. This column is removed from the output of __call__. base_model : callable A function with signature ``base_model(w) -> float`` where ``w`` is a np.ndarray of shape (nvars,nsamples). This is useful when function is a wrapper of another model, i.e. base_model and algorithms or the user want access to the attribtes of the base_model. num_config_vars : integer The number of configuration variables of fun. For most functions this will be zero. Notes ----- If defining a custom __getattr__ it seems I cannot have member variables with the same name in this class and class definition of function """ self.wt_function=function self.work_tracker = WorkTracker() self.base_model=base_model self.num_config_vars=num_config_vars
[docs] def __call__(self,samples): """ Evaluate self.function Parameters ---------- samples : np.ndarray (nvars,nsamples) Samples used to evaluate self.function Returns ------- values : np.ndarray (nsamples,nqoi) The values of self.function. The last qoi returned by self.function (i.e. the last column of the output array of size (nsamples,nqoi+1) is the cost of the simulation. This column is not included in values. """ #data = self.wt_function(samples) data = eval(self.wt_function,samples) values = data[:,:-1] work = data[:,-1] if self.num_config_vars>0: config_samples = samples[-self.num_config_vars:,:] else: config_samples = np.zeros((1,samples.shape[1])) self.work_tracker.update(config_samples,work) return values
[docs] def cost_function(self,config_samples): """ Retrun the cost of evaluating the functions with the ids given in a set of config_samples. Parameters ---------- config_samples : np.ndarray (nconfig_vars,nsamples) The configuration indices """ return self.work_tracker(config_samples)
[docs]class PoolModel(object): def __init__(self,function,max_eval_concurrency,assert_omp=True, base_model=None): """ Evaluate a function at multiple samples in parallel using multiprocessing.Pool Parameters ---------- function : callable A function with signature ``function(w) -> np.ndarray (nsamples,nqoi+1)`` where ``w`` is a np.ndarray of shape (nvars,nsamples). max_eval_concurrency : integer The maximum number of simulations that can be run in parallel. Should be no more than the maximum number of cores on the computer being used assert_omp : boolean If True make sure that python is only using one thread per model instance. On OSX and Linux machines this means that the environement variable OMP_NUM_THREADS has been set to 1 with, e.g. export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 This is useful because often many python packages, e.g. SciPy, NumPy use multiple threads and this can cause running multiple evaluations of function to be slow because of resource allocation issues. base_model : callable A function with signature ``base_model(w) -> float`` where ``w`` is a np.ndarray of shape (nvars,nsamples). This is useful when function is a wrapper of another model, i.e. base_model and algorithms or the user want access to the attribtes of the base_model. Notes ----- If defining a custom __getattr__ it seems I cannot have member variables with the same name in this class and class definition of function """ self.base_model=base_model self.set_max_eval_concurrency(max_eval_concurrency) self.num_evaluations=0 self.assert_omp=assert_omp self.pool_function=function
[docs] def set_max_eval_concurrency(self,max_eval_concurrency): """ Set the number of threads used to evaluate the function Parameters ---------- max_eval_concurrency : integer The maximum number of simulations that can be run in parallel. Should be no more than the maximum number of cores on the computer being used """ self.max_eval_concurrency=max_eval_concurrency self.pool = Pool(self.max_eval_concurrency)
[docs] def __call__(self,samples): """ Evaluate a function at multiple samples in parallel using multiprocessing.Pool Parameters ---------- samples : np.ndarray (nvars,nsamples) Samples used to evaluate self.function """ vals = run_model_samples_in_parallel( self.pool_function,self.max_eval_concurrency,samples, pool=self.pool,assert_omp=self.assert_omp) return vals
from pyapprox.utilities import get_all_sample_combinations
[docs]class ActiveSetVariableModel(object): def __init__(self,function,num_vars,inactive_var_values, active_var_indices): # num_vars can de determined from inputs but making it # necessary allows for better error checking self.function = function assert inactive_var_values.ndim==2 self.inactive_var_values = inactive_var_values self.active_var_indices = active_var_indices assert self.active_var_indices.shape[0]+self.inactive_var_values.shape[0]==num_vars self.num_vars=num_vars assert np.all(self.active_var_indices<self.num_vars) self.inactive_var_indices = np.delete(np.arange(self.num_vars),active_var_indices)
[docs] def __call__(self,reduced_samples): raw_samples = get_all_sample_combinations(self.inactive_var_values,reduced_samples) samples = np.empty_like(raw_samples) samples[self.inactive_var_indices,:] = raw_samples[:self.inactive_var_indices.shape[0]] samples[self.active_var_indices,:] = raw_samples[self.inactive_var_indices.shape[0]:] return self.function(samples)
[docs]def combine_saved_model_data(saved_data_basename): filenames = glob.glob(saved_data_basename+'*.npz') ii =0 for filename in filenames: data = np.load(filename) if ii==0: vals = data['vals'] samples = data['samples'] else: vals = np.vstack((vals,data['vals'])) samples = np.hstack((samples,data['samples'])) ii+=1 if len(filenames)==0: return None,None return samples,vals
[docs]class SingleFidelityWrapper(object): def __init__(self,model,config_values): self.model=model assert config_values.ndim==1 self.config_values = config_values[:,np.newaxis]
[docs] def __call__(self,samples): multif_samples = np.vstack( (samples,np.tile(self.config_values,(1,samples.shape[1])))) return self.model(multif_samples)
[docs]def default_map_to_multidimensional_index(num_config_vars,indices): indices = np.atleast_2d(indices) assert indices.ndim==2 and indices.shape[0]==1 multiindex_indices = np.empty( (num_config_vars,indices.shape[1]),dtype=indices.dtype) for jj in range(indices.shape[1]): multiindex_indices[:,jj] = indices[0,jj] return multiindex_indices
[docs]class MultiLevelWrapper(object): """ Specify a one-dimension model hierachy from a multiple dimensional hierarchy For example if model has configure variables which refine the x and y physical directions then one can specify a multilevel hierarchy by creating new indices with the mapping k=(i,i). map_to_multidimensional_index : callable Function which maps 1D model index to multi-dimensional index See function default_map_to_multidimensional_index """ def __init__(self,model,multiindex_num_config_vars, map_to_multidimensional_index=None): self.model=model self.multiindex_num_config_vars=multiindex_num_config_vars if map_to_multidimensional_index is None: self.map_to_multidimensional_index=\ partial(default_map_to_multidimensional_index,multiindex_num_config_vars) else: self.map_to_multidimensional_index=map_to_multidimensional_index self.num_evaluations=0 self.num_config_vars=1
[docs] def __call__(self,samples): config_values = self.map_to_multidimensional_index(samples[-1:,:]) assert config_values.shape[0]==self.multiindex_num_config_vars multi_index_samples = np.vstack((samples[:-1],config_values)) return self.model(multi_index_samples)
@property def num_evaluations(self): return self.model.num_evaluations @num_evaluations.setter def num_evaluations(self,nn): self.__num_evaluations=nn self.model.num_evaluations=nn