Source code for pyapprox.interface.async_model

import os
import numpy as np
import tempfile
import subprocess
import shutil
import re
import glob

[docs]class AynchModel(object): """ Evaluate a model in parallel when model instances are invoked by a shell script. Parameters ---------- process_sample: callable function (default=None) Function that overwrites the basic implementation which reads the sample in from a file called params_filename. This is useful if there are a number of pre-processing steps needed by the model before shall command is executed. load_results: callable function (default=None) Function that overwrites the basic implementation which reads the results from a files called results_filename This is useful if there are a number of post-processing steps needed by the model after the shell command is executed. If evaluation fails this function must return None workdir_basename: string (default=None): The name of the directory to store local copies or soft links of files. The shell command will be executed in these directories. If None temporary directories with python generated names will be created and then deleted once the shell command has been run. save_workdirs : string (default=True) 'no' - do not save workdirs 'yes' - save all files in each workdir 'limited' - save only params and results files If workdir_basename is None this variable is ignored the tmp directories that are created will always be deleted. model_name : string (default=None) A identifier used when printing model evaluation info saved_data_basename : string (default=None) The basename of the file used to store the output data from the model. A new file is created every time __call__ is exceuted. a unique identifier is created based upon the value of evaluation id when __call__ is started. link_filenames : list (default=[]) List of filenames (strings), including their absolute path that will be made available in each workdirectory using soft links max_eval_concurrency : integer (default=1) How many shell commands to execute a synchronously. params_filename : string (default='') The name of the file containing the sample realization read in by the shell script. results_filename : string (default='results.out') The name of the file containing the model output written by the shell script. params_file_header : string (default='') A header that will be added to the params_file, which may be required by some scripts. """ def __init__(self, shell_command, max_eval_concurrency=1, workdir_basename=None, link_filenames=[], params_filename='', results_filename='results.out', params_file_header='', process_sample=None, load_results=None, saved_data_basename=None, save_workdirs='yes', model_name=None): self.shell_command = shell_command self.max_eval_concurrency = max_eval_concurrency self.workdir_basename = workdir_basename self.link_filenames = link_filenames self.params_filename = params_filename self.results_filename = results_filename self.params_file_header = params_file_header # ensure process sample is not a member function. If it is # this model will not pikcle self.process_sample = process_sample self.load_results = load_results self.saved_data_basename = saved_data_basename self.save_workdirs = save_workdirs if (not ((save_workdirs == 'no') or (save_workdirs == 'yes') or (save_workdirs == 'limited'))): raise Exception('save_workdirs must be ["no","yes","limited"]') self.model_name = model_name if self.saved_data_basename is not None: saved_data_dir = os.path.split(saved_data_basename)[0] if not saved_data_dir == '' and not os.path.exists(saved_data_dir): os.makedirs(saved_data_dir) self.running_procs = [] self.running_workdirs = [] self.function_eval_id = 0 self.num_qoi = 0 self.current_vals = []
[docs] def cleanup_threads(self, opts): verbosity = opts.get("verbosity", 0) finished_proc_indices = [] for i in range(len(self.running_procs)): proc = self.running_procs[i] if proc.poll() is not None: finished_proc_indices.append(i) curdir = os.getcwd() for i in range(len(finished_proc_indices)): workdir = self.running_workdirs[finished_proc_indices[i]] os.chdir(workdir) function_eval_id = int(re.findall( r'[0-9]+', os.path.split(workdir)[1])[-1]) if self.load_results is None: if not os.path.exists(self.results_filename): if verbosity > 0: print('Eval %d: %s was not found in directory %s' % ( function_eval_id, self.results_filename, workdir)) vals = None else: vals = np.loadtxt(self.results_filename, usecols=[0]) shutil.copy( self.results_filename, self.results_filename+'.%d' % function_eval_id) else: try: vals = self.load_results(opts) except ImportError: vals = None # load results may not have generated a results file # so write one here if vals is not None: np.savetxt( self.results_filename+'.%d' % function_eval_id, vals) sample = np.loadtxt(self.params_filename+'.%d' % function_eval_id) if (self.workdir_basename is not None and self.save_workdirs == 'limited'): filenames_to_delete = glob.glob('*') if vals is not None: filenames_to_delete.remove( self.results_filename+'.%d' % function_eval_id) filenames_to_delete.remove( self.params_filename+'.%d' % function_eval_id) if verbosity > 0: filenames_to_delete.remove('stdout.txt') for filename in filenames_to_delete: os.remove(filename) if verbosity > 0: print('Model %s: completed eval %d' % ( self.model_name, function_eval_id)) self.current_vals.append(vals) self.current_samples.append(sample) self.completed_function_eval_ids.append(function_eval_id) os.chdir(curdir) if self.workdir_basename is None or self.save_workdirs == 'no': shutil.rmtree(workdir) self.running_procs = [v for i, v in enumerate( self.running_procs) if i not in finished_proc_indices] self.running_workdirs = [v for i, v in enumerate( self.running_workdirs) if i not in finished_proc_indices]
[docs] def create_work_dir(self): if self.workdir_basename is None: tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory( suffix='.%d' % self.function_eval_id) tmpdirname = else: tmpdirname = self.workdir_basename+'.%d' % self.function_eval_id if not os.path.exists(tmpdirname): os.makedirs(tmpdirname) else: msg = 'work_dir %s already exists. ' % (tmpdirname) msg += 'Exiting so as not to overwrite previous results' raise Exception(msg) tmpdir = None return tmpdir, tmpdirname
[docs] def asynchronous_evaluate_using_shell_command(self, sample, opts): verbosity = opts.get("verbosity", 0) curdir = os.getcwd() workdir, workdirname = self.create_work_dir() os.chdir(workdirname) for filename in self.link_filenames: if not os.path.exists(os.path.split(filename)[1]): os.symlink( filename, os.path.split(filename)[1]) else: msg = '%s exists in %s cannot create soft link' % ( filename, workdirname) raise Exception(msg) # default of savetxt is to write header with # at start of line # comments='' removes the # if self.process_sample is not None: self.process_sample(sample) else: np.savetxt(self.params_filename, sample, header=self.params_file_header, comments='') if verbosity > 0: out = open("stdout.txt", "wb") else: out = open(os.devnull, 'w') proc = subprocess.Popen( self.shell_command, shell=True, stdout=out, stderr=out) out.close() self.running_procs.append(proc) self.running_workdirs.append(workdirname) # store a copy of the parameters and return values with # a unique filename shutil.copy( self.params_filename, self.params_filename+'.%d' % self.function_eval_id) self.function_eval_id += 1 os.chdir(curdir) if workdir is not None: workdir.cleanup()
[docs] def __call__(self, samples, opts=dict()): self.current_vals = [] self.current_samples = [] self.completed_function_eval_ids = [] nsamples = samples.shape[1] for i in range(nsamples): while len(self.running_procs) >= self.max_eval_concurrency: self.cleanup_threads(opts) self.asynchronous_evaluate_using_shell_command( samples[:, i], opts) while len(self.running_procs) > 0: self.cleanup_threads(opts) if self.saved_data_basename is not None: data_filename = self.saved_data_basename+'-%d-%d.npz' % ( self.function_eval_id-nsamples, self.function_eval_id) else: data_filename = None vals = self.prepare_values( self.current_samples, self.current_vals, self.completed_function_eval_ids, data_filename) return vals
[docs] def prepare_values(self, samples, vals, completed_function_eval_ids, data_filename): nsamples = len(vals) # get number of QoI num_qoi = 0 for i in range(nsamples): if vals[i] is not None: num_qoi = vals[i].shape[0] break if num_qoi == 0 and vals[0] is None: raise Exception('All model evaluations failed') # return nan for failed function evaluations for i in range(nsamples): if vals[i] is None: vals[i] = np.zeros((num_qoi))+np.nan II = np.argsort(np.array(completed_function_eval_ids)) prepared_vals = np.array(vals)[II, :] samples = np.asarray(samples).T[:, II] if data_filename is not None: np.savez(data_filename, vals=prepared_vals, samples=samples) return prepared_vals