Source code for pyapprox.expdesign.linear_oed

import copy
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import solve_triangular

from scipy.optimize import (
    Bounds, minimize, LinearConstraint, NonlinearConstraint
from pyapprox.variables.risk import conditional_value_at_risk

from pyapprox.optimization.cvar_regression import (

def compute_prediction_variance(design_prob_measure, pred_factors,
                                homog_outer_prods, noise_multiplier=None,
    M0, M1 = get_M0_and_M1_matrices(
        homog_outer_prods, design_prob_measure, noise_multiplier,
    u = np.linalg.solve(M1, pred_factors.T)
    if M0 is not None:
        M0u =
        variances = np.sum(u*M0u, axis=0)
        variances = np.sum(pred_factors.T*u, axis=0)
    return variances

def compute_homoscedastic_outer_products(factors):

    .. math:: f(x_i)f(x_i)^T\quad \forall i=0,\ldots,M

    at a set of design pts :math:`x_i`.

    for the linear model

    .. math::  y(x) = F(x)\theta+\eta(x)\epsilon

    factors : np.ndarray (M,N)
        The N factors F of the linear model evaluated at the M design pts

    homoscedastic_outer_products : np.ndarray (N,N,M)
       The outer products of each row of F with itself, i.e.
    num_design_pts, num_factors = factors.shape
    homoscedastic_outer_products = np.empty(
        (num_factors, num_factors, num_design_pts), dtype=float)
    for ii in range(num_design_pts):
        homoscedastic_outer_products[:, :, ii] = np.outer(
            factors[ii, :], factors[ii, :])
    return homoscedastic_outer_products

def get_M0_and_M1_matrices(
        homog_outer_prods, design_prob_measure, noise_multiplier,
    Compute the matrices :math:`M_0` and :math:`M_1` used to compute the
    asymptotic covariance matrix :math:`C(\mu) = M_1^{-1} M_0 M^{-1}` of the
    linear model

    .. math::  y(x) = F(x)\theta+\eta(x)\epsilon.

    For least squares

    .. math:: M_0 = \sum_{i=1}^M\eta(x_i)^2f(x_i)f(x_i)^Tr_i

    .. math:: M_1 = \sum_{i=1}^Mf(x_i)f(x_i)^Tr_i

    and for quantile regression

    .. math:: M_0 = \sum_{i=1}^M\frac{1}{\eta(x_i)}f(x_i)f(x_i)^Tr_i

    .. math:: M_1 = \sum_{i=1}^Mf(x_i)f(x_i)^Tr_i

    homog_outer_prods : np.ndarray(num_factors,num_factors,num_design_pts)
        The outer products :math:`f(x_i)f(x_i)^T` for each design point

    design_prob_measure : np.ndarray (num_design_pts)
        The weights :math:`r_i` for each design point

    noise_multiplier : np.ndarray (num_design_pts)
        The design dependent noise function :math:`\eta(x)`

    regression_type : string
        The method used to compute the coefficients of the linear model.
        Currently supported options are ``lstsq`` and ``quantile``.

    M0 : np.ndarray (num_factors,num_factors)
        The matrix :math:`M_0`

    M1 : np.ndarray (num_factors,num_factors)
        The matrix :math:`M_1`

    design_prob_measure = design_prob_measure.squeeze()
    if noise_multiplier is None:
        M1 =
        assert M1.ndim == 2
        return None,

    if regression_type == 'lstsq':
        M0 =*noise_multiplier**2)
        M1 =
    elif regression_type == 'quantile':
        M0 =
        M1 =
        msg = f'regression type {regression_type} not supported'
        raise Exception(msg)
    return M0, M1

def ioptimality_criterion(homog_outer_prods, design_factors,
                          pred_factors, design_prob_measure, return_grad=True,
                          noise_multiplier=None, regression_type='lstsq',
    Evaluate the I-optimality criterion for a given design probability measure
    for the linear model

    .. math::  y(x) = F(x)\theta+\eta(x)\epsilon.

    The criteria is

    .. math::  \int_\Xi g(\xi) C(\mu) g(\xi) d\nu(\xi)


    .. math:: C(\mu) = M_1^{-1} M_0 M^{-1}

    homog_outer_prods : np.ndarray (num_design_factors,num_design_factors,
       The outer_products :math:`f(x_i)f(x_i)^T` for each design point

    design_factors : np.ndarray (num_design_pts,num_design_factors)
       The design factors evaluated at each of the design points

    pred_factors : np.ndarray (num_pred_pts,num_pred_factors)
       The prediction factors :math:`g` evaluated at each of the prediction

    design_prob_measure : np.ndarray (num_design_pts)
       The prob measure :math:`\mu` on the design points

    return_grad : boolean
       True  - return the value and gradient of the criterion
       False - return only the value of the criterion

    noise_multiplier : np.ndarray (num_design_pts)
        The design dependent noise function :math:`\eta(x)`

    regression_type : string
        The method used to compute the coefficients of the linear model.
        Currently supported options are ``lstsq`` and ``quantile``.

    pred_prob_measure : np.ndarray (num_pred_pts)
        The prob measure :math:`\nu` on the prediction points. If none then
        assumes samples are random and
        pred_prob_measure[ii] =  1/num_pred_factors for all uu

    value : float
        The value of the objective function

    grad : np.ndarray (num_design_pts)
        The gradient of the objective function. Only if return_grad is True.
    # import time
    # t0=time.time()
    num_design_pts, num_design_factors = design_factors.shape
    num_pred_pts,   num_pred_factors = pred_factors.shape

    if pred_prob_measure is None:
        pred_prob_measure = np.ones(num_pred_pts)/num_pred_pts

    if design_prob_measure.ndim == 2:
        assert design_prob_measure.shape[1] == 1
        design_prob_measure = design_prob_measure[:, 0]
    M0, M1 = get_M0_and_M1_matrices(
        homog_outer_prods, design_prob_measure, noise_multiplier,
    if noise_multiplier is not None:
        Q, R = np.linalg.qr(M1)
        u = solve_triangular(R,
        M0u =
        # value = np.sum(u*M0u) / num_pred_pts
        value = np.sum(u*pred_prob_measure*M0u)
        if return_grad:
            gamma = -solve_triangular(R, (
            Fu =
            t = noise_multiplier[:, np.newaxis] * Fu
            Fgamma =
            if regression_type == 'lstsq':
                # gradient = 2*np.sum(Fu*Fgamma, axis=1) + np.sum(t**2, axis=1)
                # gradient /= num_pred_pts
                gradient = 2*np.sum(Fu*Fgamma*pred_prob_measure, axis=1) +\
                    np.sum(t**2*pred_prob_measure, axis=1)
            elif regression_type == 'quantile':
                # gradient = 2*np.sum(
                #    Fu*Fgamma/noise_multiplier[:, np.newaxis], axis=1) + \
                #    np.sum(Fu**2, axis=1)
                # gradient /= num_pred_pts
                gradient = 2*np.sum(
                    Fu*Fgamma/noise_multiplier[:, np.newaxis] *
                    pred_prob_measure, axis=1) + np.sum(
                        Fu**2*pred_prob_measure, axis=1)
            # print('that took',time.time()-t0)
            return value, gradient.T
            return value
        # import time
        # t0=time.time()
        u = np.linalg.solve(M1, pred_factors.T)
        # Value
        # We want to sum the variances, i.e. the enties of the diagonal of
        # We know that diag( = (A*B).axis=0)
        # The following sums over all entries of A*B we get the mean of the
        # variance
        # value = np.sum(pred_factors*u.T) / num_pred_pts
        # print(pred_prob_measure)
        value = np.sum(np.sum(pred_factors*u.T, axis=1)*pred_prob_measure)
        if not return_grad:
            return value
        # Gradient
        # F_M1_inv_P =
        # gradient = -np.sum(F_M1_inv_P**2, axis=1) / num_pred_pts
        F_M1_inv_P =
        gradient = -np.sum(F_M1_inv_P**2*pred_prob_measure, axis=1)
        # print('That took', time.time()-t0)
        return value, gradient.T

def ioptimality_criterion_more_design_pts_than_params(
        homog_outer_prods, design_factors,
        pred_factors, design_prob_measure, return_grad=True,
        noise_multiplier=None, regression_type='lstsq',

    num_design_pts, num_design_factors = design_factors.shape
    num_pred_pts,   num_pred_factors = pred_factors.shape
    if pred_prob_measure is None:
        pred_prob_measure = np.ones(num_pred_pts)/num_pred_pts

    pred_outer_prods = compute_homoscedastic_outer_products(pred_factors)
    B =
    B[B < 0] = 0
    M0, M1 = get_M0_and_M1_matrices(
        homog_outer_prods, design_prob_measure, noise_multiplier,

    # TODO: do not use u_vecs, v_vecs in computations when identity
    # TODO: do not compute wv_vecs when noise_multiplier is None
    num_unknowns = M1.shape[0]
    u_vecs = np.eye(num_unknowns)
    v_vecs = B

    # print(pred_prob_measure)

    # solve state equations
    # wu_vecs = np.linalg.solve(M1, u_vecs)
    # wv_vecs = np.linalg.solve(M1, v_vecs)
    Q, R = np.linalg.qr(M1)
    wu_vecs = solve_triangular(R,
    if noise_multiplier is not None:
        wv_vecs = solve_triangular(R,
        # value = np.trace(
        value = np.sum(wu_vecs*
        # dont need inv(M).dot(v_vecs) for value but do need it for gradient
        # see below
        wv_vecs = v_vecs
        # value = np.trace(
        value = np.sum(wu_vecs*wv_vecs)

    if not return_grad:
        return value

    # solve adjoint equations
    if noise_multiplier is not None:
        lamu_vecs = np.linalg.solve(M1,
        lamv_vecs = np.linalg.solve(M1,
        lamu_vecs = -solve_triangular(R,
        lamv_vecs = -wu_vecs

    # compute gradient
    gradient = np.zeros(num_design_pts)
    for ii in range(num_design_pts):
        M0_grad_ii = homog_outer_prods[:, :, ii]
        if noise_multiplier is not None:
            M0_grad_ii *= noise_multiplier[ii]**2
        M1_grad_ii = homog_outer_prods[:, :, ii]
        for jj in range(num_unknowns):
            gradient[ii] += (
                wu_vecs[:, jj][:, jj])) +
                lamu_vecs[:, jj][:, jj]) +
                lamv_vecs[:, jj][:, jj]))

    return value, gradient

def coptimality_criterion(homog_outer_prods, design_factors,
                          design_prob_measure, return_grad=True,
                          noise_multiplier=None, regression_type='lstsq'):
    Evaluate the C-optimality criterion for a given design probability measure
    for the linear model

    .. math::  y(x) = F(x)\theta+\eta(x)\epsilon.

    The criteria is

    .. math:: c^T C(\mu) c


    .. math:: C(\mu) = M_1^{-1} M_0 M^{-1}

    for some vector :math:`c`. Here we assume without loss of genearlity

    homog_outer_prods : np.ndarray (num_design_factors,num_design_factors,
       The hessian M_1 of the error for each design point

    design_factors : np.ndarray (num_design_pts,num_design_factors)
       The design factors evaluated at each of the design points

    design_prob_measure : np.ndarray (num_design_pts)
       The prob measure :math:`\mu` on the design points

    return_grad : boolean
       True  - return the value and gradient of the criterion
       False - return only the value of the criterion

    noise_multiplier : np.ndarray (num_design_pts)
        The design dependent noise function :math:`\eta(x)`

    regression_type : string
        The method used to compute the coefficients of the linear model.
        Currently supported options are ``lstsq`` and ``quantile``.

    value : float
        The value of the objective function

    grad : np.ndarray (num_design_pts)
        The gradient of the objective function. Only if return_grad is True.
    num_design_pts, num_design_factors = design_factors.shape
    c = np.ones((num_design_factors, 1))
    if design_prob_measure.ndim == 2:
        assert design_prob_measure.shape[1] == 1
        design_prob_measure = design_prob_measure[:, 0]
    M0, M1 = get_M0_and_M1_matrices(
        homog_outer_prods, design_prob_measure, noise_multiplier, regression_type)
    if noise_multiplier is not None:
        Q, R = np.linalg.qr(M1)
        u = solve_triangular(R,
        M0u =
        value =
        if return_grad:
            gamma = -solve_triangular(R, (
            Fu =
            t = noise_multiplier[:, np.newaxis] * Fu
            Fgamma =
            if regression_type == 'lstsq':
                gradient = 2*Fu*Fgamma + t**2
            elif regression_type == 'quantile':
                gradient = 2*Fu*Fgamma/noise_multiplier[:, np.newaxis] + Fu**2
            return value, gradient.T
            return value
        u = np.linalg.solve(M1, c)
        value =
        if not return_grad:
            return value
        # Gradient
        F_M1_inv_c =
        gradient = -F_M1_inv_c**2
        return value, gradient.T

def doptimality_criterion(homog_outer_prods, design_factors,
                          design_prob_measure, return_grad=True,
    Evaluate the D-optimality criterion for a given design probability measure
    for the linear model

    .. math::  y(x) = F(x)\theta+\eta(x)\epsilon.

    The criteria is

    .. math:: \log \mathrm{determinant} [ C(\mu) ]


    .. math:: C(\mu) = M_1^{-1} M_0 M^{-1}

    homog_outer_prods : np.ndarray (num_design_factors,num_design_factors,
       The outer_products :math:`f(x_i)f(x_i)^T` for each design point

    design_factors : np.ndarray (num_design_pts,num_design_factors)
       The design factors evaluated at each of the design points

    design_prob_measure : np.ndarray (num_design_pts)
       The prob measure :math:`\mu` on the design points

    return_grad : boolean
       True  - return the value and gradient of the criterion
       False - return only the value of the criterion

    noise_multiplier : np.ndarray (num_design_pts)
        The design dependent noise function :math:`\eta(x)`

    regression_type : string
        The method used to compute the coefficients of the linear model.
        Currently supported options are ``lstsq`` and ``quantile``.

    value : float
        The value of the objective function

    grad : np.ndarray (num_design_pts)
        The gradient of the objective function. Only if return_grad is True.
    if return_hessian:
        assert return_grad
    num_design_pts, num_design_factors = design_factors.shape
    if design_prob_measure.ndim == 2:
        assert design_prob_measure.shape[1] == 1
        design_prob_measure = design_prob_measure[:, 0]
    # M1 =
    M0, M1 = get_M0_and_M1_matrices(
        homog_outer_prods, design_prob_measure, noise_multiplier,
    M1_inv = np.linalg.inv(M1)
    if noise_multiplier is not None:
        gamma =
        value = np.log(np.linalg.det(
        if return_grad:
            M0_inv = np.linalg.inv(M0)
            # ident = np.eye(gamma.shape[0])
            # kappa  =
            # gradient = np.zeros(num_design_pts)
            # for ii in range(num_design_pts):
            #     if regression_type=='lstsq':
            #         gradient[ii] = np.sum(
            #    [:,:,ii])*(
            #             -2*gamma.T+noise_multiplier[ii]**2*ident).dot(M1_inv))
            #     elif regression_type=='quantile':
            #         gradient[ii] = np.sum(
            #  [:,:,ii])*(
            #                -2/noise_multiplier[:,np.newaxis][ii]*gamma.T+
            #                ident).dot(M1_inv))
            # return value, gradient

            if regression_type == 'lstsq':
                # computing diagonal elements with trace is more efficient than
                # extracting diagonal (below) and looping through each element
                # (above)
                # gradient = -2*np.diag([:,np.newaxis]*[:,np.newaxis]*design_factors).T)))
                gradient = -2*np.sum(design_factors.T*(, axis=0)+np.sum(
                    (noise_multiplier[:, np.newaxis]*design_factors).T*([:, np.newaxis]*design_factors).T)), axis=0)
            elif regression_type == 'quantile':
                gradient = -2*np.sum(design_factors.T*([:, np.newaxis]).T)), axis=0)+np.sum(
                    design_factors.T*(, axis=0)
            return value, gradient
            return value
        if use_cholesky:
            chol_factor = np.linalg.cholesky(M1)
            value = -2 * np.log(np.diag(chol_factor)).sum()
            value = np.log(np.linalg.det(M1_inv))
        # Gradient
        if (return_grad):
            if use_cholesky:
                from scipy.linalg import solve_triangular
                temp = solve_triangular(
                    chol_factor, design_factors.T, lower=True)
                gradient = -(temp**2).sum(axis=0)
                temp =  # precompute for hessian
                temp = design_factors.T*
                gradient = -(temp).sum(axis=0)
            if not return_hessian:
                return value, gradient.T
                hessian =
                return value, gradient.T, hessian

            return value

def aoptimality_criterion(homog_outer_prods, design_factors,
                          design_prob_measure, return_grad=True,
    Evaluate the A-optimality criterion for a given design probability measure
    for the linear model

    .. math::  y(x) = F(x)\theta+\eta(x)\epsilon.

    The criteria is

    .. math:: \mathrm{trace}[ C(\mu) ]


    .. math:: C(\mu) = M_1^{-1} M_0 M^{-1}

    homog_outer_prods : np.ndarray (num_design_factors,num_design_factors,
       The hessian M_1 of the error for each design point

    design_factors : np.ndarray (num_design_pts,num_design_factors)
       The design factors evaluated at each of the design points

    design_prob_measure : np.ndarray (num_design_pts)
       The prob measure :math:`\mu` on the design points

    return_grad : boolean
       True  - return the value and gradient of the criterion
       False - return only the value of the criterion

    noise_multiplier : np.ndarray (num_design_pts)
        The design dependent noise function :math:`\eta(x)`

    regression_type : string
        The method used to compute the coefficients of the linear model.
        Currently supported options are ``lstsq`` and ``quantile``.

    value : float
        The value of the objective function

    grad : np.ndarray (num_design_pts)
        The gradient of the objective function. Only if return_grad is True.

    num_design_pts, num_design_factors = design_factors.shape
    # [:,:,0] just changes shape from (N,N,1) to (N,N)
    if design_prob_measure.ndim == 2:
        assert design_prob_measure.shape[1] == 1
        design_prob_measure = design_prob_measure[:, 0]
    M0, M1 = get_M0_and_M1_matrices(
        homog_outer_prods, design_prob_measure, noise_multiplier,
    M1_inv = np.linalg.inv(M1)
    if noise_multiplier is not None:
        gamma =
        value = np.trace(
        if (return_grad):
            ident = np.eye(gamma.shape[0])
            gradient = np.zeros(num_design_pts)
            for ii in range(num_design_pts):
                if regression_type == 'lstsq':
                    gradient[ii] = np.trace(
              [:, :, ii]).dot(
                elif regression_type == 'quantile':
                    gradient[ii] = np.trace(
              [:, :, ii]).dot(
                            -2*gamma.T/noise_multiplier[:, np.newaxis][ii] +
            return value, gradient.T
            return value
        value = np.trace(M1_inv)
        # Gradient
        if (return_grad):
            # gradient = -np.array([(M1_inv*homog_outer_prods[:,:,ii].dot(M1_inv)).sum() for ii in range(homog_outer_prods.shape[2])])
            # below is faster than above
            temp =
            gradient = -np.sum(design_factors.T *
                               (temp).dot(design_factors.T), axis=0)
            return value, gradient.T
            return value

def roptimality_criterion(beta, homog_outer_prods, design_factors,
                          pred_factors, design_prob_measure, return_grad=True,
                          noise_multiplier=None, regression_type='lstsq',
                          eps=0, tt=None, pred_prob_measure=None):
    Evaluate the R-optimality criterion for a given design probability measure
    for the linear model

    .. math::  y(x) = F(x)\theta+\eta(x)\epsilon.

    The criteria is

    .. math:: \mathrm{CVaR}\left[\sigma^2f(x)^T\left(F(\mathcal{X})^TF(\mathcal{X})\right)^{-1}f(x)\right]


    .. math:: C(\mu) = M_1^{-1} M_0 M^{-1}

    beta : float
       The confidence level of CVAR

    homog_outer_prods : np.ndarray (num_design_factors,num_design_factors,
       The hessian M_1 of the error for each design point

    design_factors : np.ndarray (num_design_pts,num_design_factors)
       The design factors evaluated at each of the design points

    pred_factors : np.ndarray (num_pred_pts,num_pred_factors)
       The prediction factors :math:`g` evaluated at each of the prediction

    design_prob_measure : np.ndarray (num_design_pts)
       The prob measure :math:`\mu` on the design points

    return_grad : boolean
       True  - return the value and gradient of the criterion
       False - return only the value of the criterion

    noise_multiplier : np.ndarray (num_design_pts)
        The design dependent noise function :math:`\eta(x)`

    regression_type : string
        The method used to compute the coefficients of the linear model.
        Currently supported options are ``lstsq`` and ``quantile``.

    eps : float
        Hyper-parameter controlling the smoothness of smooth cvar
        if eps==0 then no smoothing is used.

    tt : float
        The current estimate of t used to compute cvar

    pred_prob_measure : np.ndarray (num_pred_pts)
        The prob measure :math:`\nu` on the prediction points. If none then
        assumes samples are random and
        pred_prob_measure[ii] =  1/num_pred_factors for all uu

    value : float
        The value of the objective function

    grad : np.ndarray (num_design_pts)
        The gradient of the objective function. Only if return_grad is True.
    if (eps > 0 and tt is None) or (eps == 0 and tt is not None):
        raise ValueError("If eps>0 tt must both be specified")
    if beta < 0 or beta >= 1:
        raise ValueError("Beta must be in [0,1)")

    num_design_pts, num_design_factors = design_factors.shape
    num_pred_pts,   num_pred_factors = pred_factors.shape

    if pred_prob_measure is None:
        pred_prob_measure = np.ones(num_pred_pts)/num_pred_pts
    if design_prob_measure.ndim == 2:
        assert design_prob_measure.shape[1] == 1
        design_prob_measure = design_prob_measure[:, 0]

    M0, M1 = get_M0_and_M1_matrices(
        homog_outer_prods, design_prob_measure, noise_multiplier,
    if noise_multiplier is not None:
        Q, R = np.linalg.qr(M1)
        u = solve_triangular(R,
        M0u =
        variances = np.sum(u*M0u, axis=0)
        if eps == 0:
            value = conditional_value_at_risk(
                variances, beta, pred_prob_measure)
            value = smooth_conditional_value_at_risk_split(
                0, eps, beta, variances, tt, pred_prob_measure)
        if not return_grad:
            return value

        gamma = -solve_triangular(R, (
        Fu =
        t = noise_multiplier[:, np.newaxis] * Fu
        Fgamma =
        if eps == 0:
            cvar_grad = conditional_value_at_risk_subgradient(
                variances, beta, pred_prob_measure)
            grad = smooth_conditional_value_at_risk_gradient_split(
                0, eps, beta, variances, tt, pred_prob_measure)
            cvar_grad, t_grad = grad[:-1], grad[-1]
        if regression_type == 'lstsq':
            gradient = (np.sum((2*Fu*Fgamma+t**2).T *
                               cvar_grad[:, np.newaxis], axis=0)).T
        elif regression_type == 'quantile':
            gradient = (np.sum(
                (2*Fu*Fgamma/noise_multiplier[:, np.newaxis]+Fu**2).T *
                cvar_grad[:, np.newaxis], axis=0)).T
        if eps == 0:
            return value, gradient

        return value, np.hstack((gradient, t_grad))
        u = np.linalg.solve(M1, pred_factors.T)
        # Value
        # We want to sum the variances, i.e. the enties of the diagonal of
        # We know that diag( = (A*B).axis=0)
        # The following sums over all entries of A*B we get the diagonal
        # variances
        variances = np.sum(pred_factors*u.T, axis=1)
        if eps == 0:
            value = conditional_value_at_risk(
                variances, beta, pred_prob_measure)
            value = smooth_conditional_value_at_risk_split(
                0, eps, beta, variances, tt, pred_prob_measure)

        if (not return_grad):
            return value
        # Gradient
        F_M1_inv_P =
        if eps == 0:
            cvar_grad = conditional_value_at_risk_subgradient(
                variances, beta, pred_prob_measure)
            grad = smooth_conditional_value_at_risk_gradient_split(
                0, eps, beta, variances, tt, pred_prob_measure)
            cvar_grad = grad[:-1]
            t_grad = grad[-1]
        gradient = -np.sum(F_M1_inv_P.T**2*cvar_grad[:, np.newaxis], axis=0).T
        if eps == 0:
            return value, gradient

        return value, np.hstack((gradient, t_grad))

def goptimality_criterion(homog_outer_prods, design_factors,
                          pred_factors, design_prob_measure, return_grad=True,
                          noise_multiplier=None, regression_type='lstsq',
    valuate the G-optimality criterion for a given design probability measure
    for the linear model

    .. math::  y(x) = F(x)\theta+\eta(x)\epsilon.

    The criteria is

    .. math:: \max{sup}_{xi\in\Xi_\text{pred}} \sigma^2f(x)^T\left(F(\mathcal{X})^TF(\mathcal{X})\right)^{-1}f(x)


    .. math:: C(\mu) = M_1^{-1} M_0 M^{-1}

    homog_outer_prods : np.ndarray (num_design_factors,num_design_factors,
       The hessian M_1 of the error for each design point

    design_factors : np.ndarray (num_design_pts,num_design_factors)
       The design factors evaluated at each of the design points

    pred_factors : np.ndarray (num_pred_pts,num_pred_factors)
       The prediction factors g evaluated at each of the prediction points

    design_prob_measure : np.ndarray (num_design_pts)
       The prob measure :math:`\mu` on the design points

    return_grad : boolean
       True  - return the value and gradient of the criterion
       False - return only the value of the criterion

    noise_multiplier : np.ndarray (num_design_pts)
        The design dependent noise function :math:`\eta(x)`

    regression_type : string
        The method used to compute the coefficients of the linear model.
        Currently supported options are ``lstsq`` and ``quantile``.

    pred_prob_measure : np.ndarray (num_pred_pts)
         The prob measure :math:`\nu` on the prediction points. G optimality
         ignores this

    value : np.ndarray (num_pred_pts)
        The value of the objective function

    grad : np.ndarray (num_pred_pts,num_design_pts)
        The gradient of the objective function. Only if return_grad is True.
    num_design_pts, num_design_factors = design_factors.shape
    num_pred_pts,   num_pred_factors = pred_factors.shape
    if design_prob_measure.ndim == 2:
        assert design_prob_measure.shape[1] == 1
        design_prob_measure = design_prob_measure[:, 0]
    M0, M1 = get_M0_and_M1_matrices(
        homog_outer_prods, design_prob_measure, noise_multiplier,
    if noise_multiplier is not None:
        Q, R = np.linalg.qr(M1)
        u = solve_triangular(R,
        M0u =
        variances = np.sum(u*M0u, axis=0)
        value = variances
        if (return_grad):
            gamma = -solve_triangular(R, (
            Fu =
            t = noise_multiplier[:, np.newaxis] * Fu
            Fgamma =
            if regression_type == 'lstsq':
                gradient = 2*Fu*Fgamma + t**2
            elif regression_type == 'quantile':
                gradient = 2*Fu*Fgamma/noise_multiplier[:, np.newaxis] + Fu**2
            return value, gradient.T
            return value
        u = np.linalg.solve(M1, pred_factors.T)
        # Value
        # We want to sum the variances, i.e. the enties of the diagonal of
        # We know that diag( = (A*B).axis=0)00
        # The following sums over all entries of A*B we get the diagonal
        # variances
        variances = np.sum(pred_factors*u.T, axis=1)
        value = variances
        if (not return_grad):
            return value
        # Gradient
        F_M1_inv_P =
        gradient = -F_M1_inv_P**2
        return value, gradient.T

def minimax_oed_objective(x):
    return x[0]

def minimax_oed_objective_jacobian(x):
    vec = np.zeros_like(x)
    vec[0] = 1
    return vec

def minimax_oed_constraint_objective(local_oed_obj, x):
    return x[0]-local_oed_obj(x[1:])

def minimax_oed_constraint_jacobian(local_oed_jac, x):
    jac = -local_oed_jac(x[1:])
    jac = np.atleast_2d(jac)
    return np.hstack([np.ones((jac.shape[0], 1)), jac])

def get_minimax_bounds(num_design_pts):
    return Bounds(
        [0]+[0]*num_design_pts, [np.inf]+[1]*num_design_pts)

def get_minimax_default_initial_guess(num_design_pts):
    x0 = np.ones(num_design_pts+1)/num_design_pts
    x0[0] = 1
    return x0

def get_minimax_linear_constraints(num_design_pts):
    lb_con = ub_con = np.atleast_1d(1)
    A_con = np.ones((1, num_design_pts+1))
    A_con[0, 0] = 0
    return LinearConstraint(A_con, lb_con, ub_con)

def extract_minimax_design_from_optimize_result(res):
    return res.x[1:]

def r_oed_objective(beta, pred_weights, x):
    num_pred_pts = pred_weights.shape[0]
    u = x[1:num_pred_pts+1].squeeze()
    return x[0]+1/(1-beta)*

def r_oed_objective_jacobian(beta, pred_weights, x):
    num_pred_pts = pred_weights.shape[0]
    vec = np.zeros(x.shape[0])
    vec[0] = 1
    vec[1:num_pred_pts+1] = pred_weights/(1-beta)
    return vec

def r_oed_constraint_objective(num_design_pts, local_oed_obj, x):
    num_pred_pts = x.shape[0]-(1+num_design_pts)
    t = x[0]
    u = x[1:num_pred_pts+1].squeeze()
    return t+u-local_oed_obj(x[num_pred_pts+1:]).T

def r_oed_constraint_jacobian(num_design_pts, local_oed_jac, x):
    num_pred_pts = x.shape[0]-(1+num_design_pts)
    jac = -local_oed_jac(x[num_pred_pts+1:])
    assert jac.ndim == 2 and jac.shape == (num_pred_pts, num_design_pts)
    jac = np.hstack(
        [np.ones((jac.shape[0], 1)), np.eye(jac.shape[0], num_pred_pts), jac])
    return jac

def r_oed_sparse_constraint_jacobian(num_design_pts, local_oed_jac, x):
    num_pred_pts = x.shape[0]-(1+num_design_pts)
    local_jac = -local_oed_jac(x[num_pred_pts+1:])
    assert local_jac.ndim == 2 and local_jac.shape == (
        num_pred_pts, num_design_pts)
    jac = np.empty((num_pred_pts, 2+num_design_pts))
    jac[:, :2] = 1
    jac[:, 2:] = local_jac
    jac = jac.ravel()
    return jac

def get_r_oed_bounds(num_pred_pts, num_design_pts):
    return Bounds(

def get_r_oed_default_initial_guess(num_pred_pts, num_design_pts):
    x0 = np.ones(1+num_pred_pts+num_design_pts)/num_design_pts
    x0[:num_pred_pts+1] = 1
    return x0

def get_r_oed_linear_constraints(num_pred_pts, num_design_pts):
    lb_con = ub_con = np.atleast_1d(1)
    A_con = np.ones((1, 1+num_pred_pts+num_design_pts))
    A_con[0, :num_pred_pts+1] = 0
    return LinearConstraint(A_con, lb_con, ub_con)

def extract_r_oed_design_from_optimize_result(num_design_pts, res):
    num_pred_pts = res.x.shape[0]-(1+num_design_pts)
    return res.x[num_pred_pts+1:]

def get_r_oed_jacobian_structure(num_pred_pts, num_design_pts):
    nonlinear_constraint_structure = np.hstack(
        [np.ones((num_pred_pts, 1)), np.eye(num_pred_pts, num_pred_pts),
         np.ones((num_pred_pts, num_design_pts))])
    linear_constraint_structure = np.zeros((1, num_pred_pts+num_design_pts+1))
    linear_constraint_structure[0, 1+num_pred_pts:] = 1
    structure = np.vstack(
        [linear_constraint_structure, nonlinear_constraint_structure])
    return np.nonzero(structure)

[docs]class AlphabetOptimalDesign(object): r""" Construct optimal experimental designs using functions of the fisher information matrix Notes ----- Even though scipy.optimize.minimize may print the warning "UserWarning: delta_grad == 0.0. Check if the approximated function is linear. If the function is linear better results can be obtained by defining the Hessian as zero instead of using quasi-Newton approximations" the Hessian is not zero so do not make this change """ def __init__(self, criteria, design_factors, noise_multiplier=None, opts=None, regression_type='lstsq'): r""" Parameters ---------- criteria : string The name of the optimality criteria design_factors : np.ndarray (num_design_pts, num_design_factors) The design factors evaluated at each of the design points noise_multiplier : np.ndarray (num_design_pts) The design dependent noise function :math:`\eta(x)` opts : dict Options passed to the non-linear optimizer which solves the OED problem regression_type : string The method used to compute the coefficients of the linear model. Currently supported options are ``lstsq`` and ``quantile``. """ self.criteria = criteria self.noise_multiplier = noise_multiplier self.design_factors = design_factors self.opts = opts self.regression_type = regression_type homog_outer_prods = compute_homoscedastic_outer_products( self.design_factors) self.__objective = self.setup_objective( self.criteria, homog_outer_prods, self.design_factors, self.noise_multiplier, self.opts) self.__constraints = self.__setup_constraints( self.criteria, homog_outer_prods, self.design_factors, self.noise_multiplier, self.opts)
[docs] def objective(self, xx, **kwargs): # kwargs needed for smooth version of r-optimality return self.__objective(xx, **kwargs)
[docs] def constraint(self, xx): assert len(self.__constraints) == 1 return self.__constraints[0](xx)
[docs] def setup_objective(self, criteria, homog_outer_prods, design_factors, noise_multiplier, opts): pred_criteria = ["I", "R", "G"] other_criteria = ["A", "C", "D"] if self.criteria in pred_criteria: return self.__setup_pred_objective( criteria, homog_outer_prods, design_factors, noise_multiplier, opts) elif self.criteria in other_criteria: return self.__setup_other_objective( criteria, homog_outer_prods, design_factors, noise_multiplier, opts) else: msg = f'Optimality criteria: {self.criteria} is not supported. ' msg += 'Supported criteria are:\n' for key in pred_criteria+other_criteria: msg += f"\t{key}\n" msg += '\tR\n' raise Exception(msg)
def __setup_pred_objective(self, criteria, homog_outer_prods, design_factors, noise_multiplier, opts): pred_factors = opts['pred_factors'] pred_prob_measure = opts.get("pred_prob_measure", None) if criteria == "I": return partial( ioptimality_criterion, homog_outer_prods, design_factors, pred_factors, noise_multiplier=noise_multiplier, return_grad=True, regression_type=self.regression_type, pred_prob_measure=pred_prob_measure) elif criteria == "R": eps = opts.get('eps', 0) beta = opts['beta'] if eps > 0: return lambda xx: roptimality_criterion( beta, homog_outer_prods, design_factors, pred_factors, xx[:-1], noise_multiplier=noise_multiplier, return_grad=True, regression_type=self.regression_type, eps=eps, pred_prob_measure=pred_prob_measure, tt=xx[-1]) else: if pred_prob_measure is None: num_pred_pts = opts['pred_factors'].shape[0] pred_prob_measure = np.ones(num_pred_pts)/num_pred_pts r_obj = partial(r_oed_objective, beta, pred_prob_measure) r_jac = partial( r_oed_objective_jacobian, beta, pred_prob_measure) return lambda xx: (r_obj(xx), r_jac(xx)) elif criteria == "G": # pred_prob_measure is not used here because we are looking # for worst case return partial( goptimality_criterion, homog_outer_prods, design_factors, pred_factors, noise_multiplier=noise_multiplier, return_grad=True, regression_type=self.regression_type) def __setup_other_objective(self, criteria, homog_outer_prods, design_factors, noise_multiplier, opts): other_criteria_funcs = { 'A': aoptimality_criterion, 'C': coptimality_criterion, 'D': doptimality_criterion} criteria_fun = other_criteria_funcs[criteria] return partial( criteria_fun, homog_outer_prods, design_factors, noise_multiplier=noise_multiplier, return_grad=True, regression_type=self.regression_type) def __setup_constraints(self, criteria, homog_outer_prods, design_factors, noise_multiplier, opts): num_design_pts = design_factors.shape[0] if criteria == "R" and opts.get('eps', 0) == 0: objective = self.setup_objective( "G", homog_outer_prods, design_factors, noise_multiplier, opts) def fun(xx): return objective(xx)[0] def jac(xx): return objective(xx)[1] constraint_obj = partial( r_oed_constraint_objective, num_design_pts, fun) constraint_jac = partial( r_oed_constraint_jacobian, num_design_pts, jac) return [NonlinearConstraint( constraint_obj, 0, np.inf, jac=constraint_jac)] elif criteria == "G": objective = self.setup_objective( "G", homog_outer_prods, design_factors, noise_multiplier, opts) constraint_obj = partial( minimax_oed_constraint_objective, partial( obj_from_obj_plus_jac_fun, objective)) constraint_jac = partial( minimax_oed_constraint_jacobian, partial( jac_from_obj_plus_jac_fun, objective)) return [NonlinearConstraint( constraint_obj, 0, np.inf, jac=constraint_jac)] return None def __minimize(self, x0, objective, jac, options): if 'solver' in options: options = options.copy() method = options['solver'] del options['solver'] else: # method='trust-constr' method = 'slsqp' if method == 'ipopt': # when printing results of derivative_test The first floating point # number is the value given by the user code, and the second number # (after "~") is the finite differences estimation. Finally, the # number in square brackets is the relative difference between # these two numbers. bounds = [ [lb, ub] for lb, ub in zip(, self.bounds.ub)] from scipy.optimize._constraints import new_constraint_to_old con = new_constraint_to_old(self.linear_constraint, x0) from ipopt import minimize_ipopt res = minimize_ipopt( objective, x0, jac=jac, bounds=bounds, constraints=con, options=options) else: res = minimize( objective, x0, method=method, jac=jac, hess=None, constraints=[self.linear_constraint], options=options, bounds=self.bounds) return res def __setup_bounds(self): """ Define the bounds of the optimization variables """ num_design_pts = self.design_factors.shape[0] if self.criteria == "R" and self.opts.get('eps', 0) > 0: # smoothed roptimaility must solve for design and variable tt which # estimates the quantile used in cvar so make bounds correct size return Bounds( [0]*num_design_pts+[-np.inf], [1]*num_design_pts+[np.inf]) else: return Bounds([0]*num_design_pts, [1]*num_design_pts) def __setup_linear_constraint(self): """ Enforce the constraint that the sum of the design probability masses sum to one """ num_design_pts = self.design_factors.shape[0] lb_con = ub_con = np.atleast_1d(1) if self.criteria == "R" and self.opts.get('eps', 0) > 0: # smoothed roptimaility must solve for design and variable tt which # estimates the quantile used in cvar so make constraint correct # size A_con = np.hstack((np.ones((1, num_design_pts)), np.zeros((1, 1)))) else: A_con = np.ones((1, num_design_pts)) return LinearConstraint(A_con, lb_con, ub_con) def __setup_initial_guess(self, init_design): num_design_pts = self.design_factors.shape[0] if self.criteria == "R" and self.opts.get('eps', 0) > 0: # smoothed roptimaility must solve for design and variable tt which # estimates the quantile used in cvar so add initial guess of 1 if init_design is None: return np.hstack((np.ones(num_design_pts)/num_design_pts, 1)) else: return np.hstack((init_design, 1)) if init_design is None: return np.ones(num_design_pts)/num_design_pts else: return init_design def __generic_solve(self, options, init_design, return_full): """ Some criteria can be solved in exactly the same way, that is using the workflow in this function. """ self.bounds = self.__setup_bounds() self.linear_constraint = self.__setup_linear_constraint() x0 = self.__setup_initial_guess(init_design) res = self.__minimize(x0, self.objective, True, options) weights = res.x if not return_full: return weights return weights, res def __roptimality_solve(self, options, init_design, return_full): if self.opts.get("eps", 0) == 0: return self.__roptimality_solve_slack( options, init_design, return_full) return self.__roptimality_solve_smooth( options, init_design, return_full) def __roptimality_solve_slack(self, options, init_design, return_full): """ Solve exact reformulation of roptimality by adding slack variables. This adds a lot of constraints and so can be computationally demanding """ num_design_pts = self.design_factors.shape[0] num_pred_pts = self.opts['pred_factors'].shape[0] return self._solve_minimax( self.__constraints, num_design_pts, options, return_full, init_design, objective=self.objective, jac=True, get_bounds=partial(get_r_oed_bounds, num_pred_pts), get_init_guess=partial( get_r_oed_default_initial_guess, num_pred_pts), get_linear_constraint=partial( get_r_oed_linear_constraints, num_pred_pts), extract_design_from_optimize_result=partial( extract_r_oed_design_from_optimize_result, num_design_pts)) def __roptimality_solve_smooth(self, options, init_design, return_full): """ Solve the smoothed version of roptimality. The smoothed version introduces a small error but is much more computationaly efficient than the slack variable baed reformulation. """ weights, res = self.__generic_solve(options, init_design, return_full) # smoothed roptimaility must solve for design and variable tt which # estimates the quantile used in cvar so subtract off tt from design # returned if not return_full: return weights[:-1] return weights[:-1], res def __goptimality_solve(self, options, init_design, return_full): num_design_pts = self.design_factors.shape[0] return self._solve_minimax( self.__constraints, num_design_pts, options, return_full, init_design)
[docs] def solve(self, options=None, init_design=None, return_full=False): if self.criteria in ["A", "D", "C", "I"]: return self.__generic_solve(options, init_design, return_full) if self.criteria == "R": return self.__roptimality_solve(options, init_design, return_full) if self.criteria == 'G': return self.__goptimality_solve(options, init_design, return_full)
def _solve_minimax(self, nonlinear_constraints, num_design_pts, options, return_full, x0, objective=minimax_oed_objective, jac=minimax_oed_objective_jacobian, get_bounds=get_minimax_bounds, get_init_guess=get_minimax_default_initial_guess, get_linear_constraint=get_minimax_linear_constraints, extract_design_from_optimize_result=extract_minimax_design_from_optimize_result): self.linear_constraint = get_linear_constraint(num_design_pts) constraints = [self.linear_constraint] constraints += nonlinear_constraints self.bounds = get_bounds(num_design_pts) if x0 is None: x0 = get_init_guess(num_design_pts) if 'solver' in options: method = options['solver'] options = options.copy() del options['solver'] else: # method='trust-constr' method = 'slsqp' if method == 'ipopt': bounds = [[lb, ub] for lb, ub in zip(, self.bounds.ub)] from scipy.optimize._constraints import new_constraint_to_old constraints = [ new_constraint_to_old(con, x0)[0] for con in constraints] from ipopt import minimize_ipopt try: # if version of ipopt supports it pass in jacobian structure options = options.copy() constraint_jacobianstructure = options.get( 'constraint_jacobianstructure', None) if 'constraint_jacobianstructure' in options: del options['constraint_jacobianstructure'] res = minimize_ipopt( objective, x0, jac=jac, bounds=bounds, constraints=constraints, options=options, constraint_jacobianstructure=constraint_jacobianstructure) except: res = minimize_ipopt( objective, x0, jac=jac, bounds=bounds, constraints=constraints, options=options) else: res = minimize( objective, x0, method=method, jac=jac, hess=None, constraints=constraints, options=options, bounds=self.bounds) weights = extract_design_from_optimize_result(res) if not return_full: return weights else: return weights, res
def obj_from_obj_plus_jac_fun(fun, xx): return fun(xx)[0] def jac_from_obj_plus_jac_fun(fun, xx): return fun(xx)[1]
[docs]class NonLinearAlphabetOptimalDesign(AlphabetOptimalDesign): r""" Construct minimax optimal experimental designs of non-linear models by sampling fisher information matrix at multiple uncertain parameter realizations. """ def __init__(self, criteria, design_factors, noise_multiplier=None, opts=None, regression_type='lstsq'): r""" Parameters ---------- criteria : string The name of the optimality criteria design_factors : np.ndarray (num_design_pts, num_design_factors) The design factors evaluated at each of the design points noise_multiplier : np.ndarray (num_design_pts) The design dependent noise function :math:`\eta(x)` opts : dict Options passed to the non-linear optimizer which solves the OED problem regression_type : string The method used to compute the coefficients of the linear model. Currently supported options are ``lstsq`` and ``quantile``. """ if not callable(design_factors): msg = "design_factors must be a function that returns local" msg += " design factors for a given estimate of the unknown" msg += "model parameters" raise TypeError(msg) self.criteria = criteria self.noise_multiplier = noise_multiplier self.design_factors = design_factors self.opts = opts self.regression_type = regression_type
[docs] def setup_minimax_nonlinear_constraints( self, parameter_samples, design_samples): constraints = [] for ii in range(parameter_samples.shape[1]): design_factors = self.design_factors( parameter_samples[:, ii], design_samples) homog_outer_prods = compute_homoscedastic_outer_products( design_factors) opts = copy.deepcopy(self.opts) if opts is not None and 'pred_factors' in opts: opts['pred_factors'] = opts['pred_factors']( parameter_samples[:, ii], opts['pred_samples']) if self.noise_multiplier is None: noise_multiplier = None else: noise_multiplier = self.noise_multiplier( parameter_samples[:, ii], design_samples).squeeze() assert noise_multiplier.ndim == 1 assert noise_multiplier.shape[0] == design_samples.shape[1] #obj, jac = self.get_objective_and_jacobian( # design_factors.copy(), homog_outer_prods.copy(), # noise_multiplier, copy.deepcopy(opts)) objective = self.setup_objective( self.criteria, homog_outer_prods.copy(), design_factors.copy(), noise_multiplier, copy.deepcopy(opts)) constraint_obj = partial( minimax_oed_constraint_objective, partial( obj_from_obj_plus_jac_fun, objective)) constraint_jac = partial( minimax_oed_constraint_jacobian, partial( jac_from_obj_plus_jac_fun, objective)) constraint = NonlinearConstraint( constraint_obj, 0, np.inf, jac=constraint_jac) constraints.append(constraint) return constraints
[docs] def setup_objective(self, criteria, homog_outer_prods, design_factors, noise_multiplier, opts): if criteria == "R": pred_factors = opts['pred_factors'] pred_prob_measure = opts.get("pred_prob_measure", None) eps = 0 # just assume cvar is differentiable and # use subgradients to compute design. This may not always work # but has worked for all examples I have testsed # we can introduce slack variables to make sure problem is # differentiable everywhere but this will be computationally # expensive beta = opts['beta'] return lambda xx: roptimality_criterion( beta, homog_outer_prods, design_factors, pred_factors, xx, noise_multiplier=noise_multiplier, return_grad=True, regression_type=self.regression_type, eps=eps, pred_prob_measure=pred_prob_measure) return super().setup_objective( criteria, homog_outer_prods, design_factors, noise_multiplier, opts)
[docs] def solve_nonlinear_minimax(self, parameter_samples, design_samples, options=None, return_full=False, x0=None): assert callable(self.design_factors) if self.noise_multiplier is not None: assert callable(self.noise_multiplier) self.nonlinear_constraints = self.setup_minimax_nonlinear_constraints( parameter_samples, design_samples) num_design_pts = design_samples.shape[1] return self._solve_minimax( self.nonlinear_constraints, num_design_pts, options, return_full, x0)
[docs] def bayesian_objective_jacobian_components( self, parameter_samples, design_samples): objs = [] for ii in range(parameter_samples.shape[1]): design_factors = self.design_factors( parameter_samples[:, ii], design_samples) homog_outer_prods = compute_homoscedastic_outer_products( design_factors) if self.noise_multiplier is None: noise_multiplier = None else: noise_multiplier = self.noise_multiplier( parameter_samples[:, ii], design_samples).squeeze() assert noise_multiplier.ndim == 1 assert noise_multiplier.shape[0] == design_samples.shape[1] opts = copy.deepcopy(self.opts) if opts is not None and 'pred_factors' in opts: opts['pred_factors'] = opts['pred_factors']( parameter_samples[:, ii], opts['pred_samples']) objective = self.setup_objective( self.criteria, homog_outer_prods.copy(), design_factors.copy(), noise_multiplier, copy.deepcopy(opts)) objs.append(objective) num_design_pts = homog_outer_prods.shape[2] return objs, num_design_pts
[docs] def solve_nonlinear_bayesian(self, samples, design_samples, sample_weights=None, options=None, return_full=False, x0=None): assert callable(self.design_factors) objs, num_design_pts = \ self.bayesian_objective_jacobian_components( samples, design_samples) lb_con = ub_con = np.atleast_1d(1) A_con = np.ones((1, num_design_pts)) linear_constraint = LinearConstraint(A_con, lb_con, ub_con) constraints = [linear_constraint] if sample_weights is None: sample_weights = np.ones( samples.shape[1])/samples.shape[1] assert sample_weights.shape[0] == samples.shape[1] def objective(xx): objective = 0 vec = 0 for obj, weight in zip(objs, sample_weights): val, grad = obj(xx) objective += val*weight vec += grad*weight return objective, vec # def jacobian(x): # vec = 0 # for jac, weight in zip(jacs, sample_weights): # vec += jac(x)*weight # return vec bounds = Bounds( [0]*num_design_pts, [1]*num_design_pts) if x0 is None: x0 = np.ones(num_design_pts)/num_design_pts if 'solver' in options: options = options.copy() method = options['solver'] del options['solver'] else: # method='trust-constr' method = 'slsqp' if method == 'ipopt': bounds = [[lb, ub] for lb, ub in zip(, self.bounds.ub)] from ipopt import minimize_ipopt from scipy.optimize._constraints import new_constraint_to_old con = new_constraint_to_old(self.linear_constraint, x0) res = minimize_ipopt( objective, x0, jac=True, bounds=bounds, constraints=con, options=options) else: res = minimize( objective, x0, method=method, jac=True, hess=None, constraints=constraints, options=options, bounds=bounds) res['obj_fun'] = objective weights = res.x if not return_full: return weights return weights, res
[docs]def optimal_experimental_design( design_pts, fun, criteria, regression_type='lstsq', noise_multiplier=None, solver_opts=None, pred_factors=None, cvar_tol=None): r""" Compute optimal experimental designs for models of the form .. math:: y(\rv)=m(\rv;\theta)+\eta(\rv)\epsilon to be used with estimators, such as least-squares and quantile regression, to find approximate parameters :math:`\hat{\theta}` that are the solutions of .. math:: \mathrm{argmin}_\theta \frac{1}{M}\sum_{i=1}^M e(y_i-m(\rv_i;\theta)) for some loss function :math:`e` Parameters ---------- design_pts : np.ndarray (nvars,nsamples) All possible experimental conditions design_factors : callable or np.ndarray The function :math:`m(\rv;\theta)` with the signature `design_factors(z,p)->np.ndarray` where `z` are the design points and `p` are the unknown parameters of the function which will be estimated from data collected using the optimal design A np.ndarray with shape (nsamples,nfactors) where each column is the jacobian of :math:`m(\rv,\theta)` for some :math:`\theta` criteria : string The optimality criteria. Supported criteria are - ``'A'`` - ``'D'`` - ``'C'`` - ``'I'`` - ``'R'`` - ``'G'`` The criteria I,G and R require pred_factors to be provided. A, C and D optimality do not. R optimality requires cvar_tol to be provided. See [KJHSIAMUQ2020]_ for a definition of these criteria regression_type : string The method used to compute the coefficients of the linear model. This defines the loss function :math:`e`. Currently supported options are - ``'lstsq'`` - ``'quantile'`` Both these options will produce the same design if noise_multiplier is None noise_multiplier : np.ndarray (nsamples) An array specifying the noise multiplier :math:`\eta` at each design point solver_opts : dict Options passed to the non-linear optimizer which solves the OED problem pred_factors : callable or np.ndarray The function :math:`g(\rv;\theta)` with the signature `design_factors(z,p)->np.ndarray` where `z` are the prediction points and `p` are the unknown parameters A np.ndarray with shape (nsamples,nfactors) where each column is the jacobian of :math:`g(\rv,\theta)` for some :math:`\theta` cvar_tol : float The :math:`0\le\beta<1` quantile defining the R-optimality criteria. When :math:`\beta=0`, I and R optimal designs will be the same. Returns ------- final_design_pts : np.ndarray (nvars,nfinal_design_pts) The design points used in the experimental design nrepetitions : np.ndarray (nfinal_design_pts) The number of times to evaluate the model at each design point References ---------- .. [KJHSIAMUQ2020] `D.P. Kouri, J.D. Jakeman, G. Huerta, Risk-Adapted Optimal Experimental Design.` """ if not callable(fun): design_factors = fun opts = None if pred_factors is not None: opts = {'pred_factors': pred_factors} if cvar_tol is not None: opts['beta'] = cvar_tol ncandidate_design_pts = design_pts.shape[1] opt_problem = AlphabetOptimalDesign( criteria, design_factors, regression_type=regression_type, noise_multiplier=noise_multiplier, opts=opts) if solver_opts is None: solver_opts = {'iprint': 1, 'ftol': 1e-8} mu = opt_problem.solve(solver_opts) mu = np.round(mu*ncandidate_design_pts) II = np.where(mu > 0)[0] return design_pts[:, II], mu[II]