Source code for pyapprox.bayesian_inference.markov_chain_monte_carlo

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pymc3 as pm
import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as tt
from scipy.optimize import approx_fprime

[docs]class GaussianLogLike(object): r""" A Gaussian log-likelihood function for a model with parameters given in sample """ def __init__(self,model,data,noise_covar): r""" Initialise the Op with various things that our log-likelihood function requires. Parameters ---------- model : callable The model relating the data and noise data : np.ndarray (nobs) The "observed" data noise_covar : float, np.ndarray (nobs), np.ndarray (nobs,nobs) The noise covariance """ self.model=model assert self.ndata = data.shape[0] self.noise_covar_inv = self.noise_covariance_inverse(noise_covar)
[docs] def noise_covariance_inverse(self,noise_covar): if np.isscalar(noise_covar): inv_covar = 1/noise_covar elif noise_covar.ndim==1: assert noise_covar.shape[0][0] inv_covar = 1/noise_covar elif noise_covar.ndim==2: assert noise_covar.shape==[self.ndata,self.ndata] inv_covar = np.linalg.inv(noise_covar) return inv_covar
# def noise_covariance_determinant(self, noise_covar): # r"""The determinant is only necessary in log likelihood if the noise # covariance has a hyper-parameter which is being inferred which is # not currently supported""" # if np.isscalar(noise_covar): # determinant = noise_covar**self.ndata # elif noise_covar.ndim==1: # determinant = # else: # determinant = np.linalg.det(noise_covar) # return determinant
[docs] def __call__(self,samples): model_vals = self.model(samples) assert model_vals.ndim==2 assert model_vals.shape[1]==self.ndata vals = np.empty((model_vals.shape[0],1)) for ii in range(model_vals.shape[0]): residual = - model_vals[ii,:] if (np.isscalar(self.noise_covar_inv) or self.noise_covar_inv.ndim==1): vals[ii]=(residual.T*self.noise_covar_inv).dot(residual) else: vals[ii] vals *= -0.5 return vals
[docs]class LogLike(tt.Op): r""" Specify what type of object will be passed and returned to the Op when it is called. In our case we will be passing it a vector of values (the parameters that define our model) and returning a single "scalar" value (the log-likelihood) """ itypes = [tt.dvector] # expects a vector of parameter values when called otypes = [tt.dscalar] # outputs a single scalar value (the log likelihood) def __init__(self, loglike): # add inputs as class attributes self.likelihood = loglike def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs): samples, = inputs # important # call the log-likelihood function logl = self.likelihood(samples) outputs[0][0] = np.array(logl) # output the log-likelihood
# define a theano Op for our likelihood function
[docs]class LogLikeWithGrad(LogLike): itypes = [tt.dvector] # expects a vector of parameter values when called otypes = [tt.dscalar] # outputs a single scalar value (the log likelihood) def __init__(self, loglike, loglike_grad=None): r""" Initialise with various things that the function requires. Below are the things that are needed in this particular example. Parameters ---------- loglike: The log-likelihood (or whatever) function we've defined loglike: The log-likelihood (or whatever) function we've defined """ super().__init__(loglike) # initialise the gradient Op (below) self.logpgrad = LogLikeGrad(self.likelihood,loglike_grad) def grad(self, inputs, g): # the method that calculates the gradients - it actually returns the # vector-Jacobian product - g[0] is a vector of parameter values samples, = inputs # important return [g[0]*self.logpgrad(samples)]
[docs]class LogLikeGrad(tt.Op): r""" This Op will be called with a vector of values and also return a vector of values - the gradients in each dimension. """ itypes = [tt.dvector] otypes = [tt.dvector] def __init__(self, loglike, loglike_grad=None): r""" Initialise with various things that the function requires. Below are the things that are needed in this particular example. Parameters ---------- loglike: The log-likelihood (or whatever) function we've defined """ self.likelihood = loglike self.likelihood_grad = loglike_grad def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs): samples,=inputs # calculate gradients if self.likelihood_grad is None: # define version of likelihood function to pass to # derivative function def lnlike(values): return self.likelihood(values) grads = approx_fprime( samples,lnlike,2*np.sqrt(np.finfo(float).eps)) else: grads = self.likelihood_grad(samples) outputs[0][0] = grads
[docs]def extract_mcmc_chain_from_pymc3_trace(trace,var_names,ndraws,nburn,njobs): nvars = len(var_names) samples = np.empty((nvars,(ndraws-nburn)*njobs)) effective_sample_size = -np.ones(nvars) for ii in range(nvars): samples[ii,:]=trace.get_values( var_names[ii],burn=nburn,chains=np.arange(njobs)) try: effective_sample_size[ii]=pm.ess(trace)[var_names[ii]].values except: print('could not compute ess. likely issue with theano') return samples,effective_sample_size
[docs]def extract_map_sample_from_pymc3_dict(map_sample_dict,var_names): nvars = len(var_names) map_sample = np.empty((nvars,1)) for ii in range(nvars): map_sample[ii]=map_sample_dict[var_names[ii]] return map_sample
from pyapprox.variables import get_distribution_info
[docs]def get_pymc_variables(variables,pymc_var_names=None): nvars = len(variables) if pymc_var_names is None: pymc_var_names = ['z_%d'%ii for ii in range(nvars)] assert len(pymc_var_names)==nvars pymc_vars = [] for ii in range(nvars): pymc_vars.append( get_pymc_variable(variables[ii],pymc_var_names[ii])) return pymc_vars, pymc_var_names
[docs]def get_pymc_variable(rv,pymc_var_name): name, scales, shapes = get_distribution_info(rv) if'norm': return pm.Normal( pymc_var_name,mu=scales['loc'],sigma=scales['scale']) if'uniform': return pm.Uniform(pymc_var_name,lower=scales['loc'], upper=scales['loc']+scales['scale']) msg = f'Variable type: {name} not supported' raise Exception(msg)
[docs]def run_bayesian_inference_gaussian_error_model( loglike,variables,ndraws,nburn,njobs, algorithm='nuts',get_map=False,print_summary=False,loglike_grad=None, seed=None): r""" Draw samples from the posterior distribution using Markov Chain Monte Carlo for data that satisfies .. math:: y=f(z)+\epsilon where :math:`y` is a vector of observations, :math:`z` are the parameters of a function which are to be inferred, and :math:`\epsilon` is Gaussian noise. Parameters ---------- loglike : pyapprox.bayesian_inference.markov_chain_monte_carlo.GaussianLogLike A log-likelihood function associated with a Gaussian error model variables : pya.IndependentMultivariateRandomVariable Object containing information of the joint density of the inputs z. This is used to generate random samples from this join density ndraws : integer The number of posterior samples nburn : integer The number of samples to discard during initialization njobs : integer The number of prallel chains algorithm : string The MCMC algorithm should be one of - 'nuts' - 'metropolis' - 'smc' get_map : boolean If true return the MAP print_summary : boolean If true print summary statistics about the posterior samples loglike_grad : callable Function with signature ``loglikegrad(z) -> np.ndarray (nvars)`` where ``z`` is a 2D np.ndarray with shape (nvars,nsamples random_seed : int or list of ints A list is accepted if ``cores`` is greater than one. PyMC3 does not produce consistent results by setting numpy.random.seed instead seed must be passed in """ # create our Op if algorithm!='nuts': logl = LogLike(loglike) else: logl = LogLikeWithGrad(loglike,loglike_grad) # use PyMC3 to sampler from log-likelihood with pm.Model(): # must be defined inside with pm.Model() block pymc_variables, pymc_var_names = get_pymc_variables( variables.all_variables()) # convert m and c to a tensor vector theta = tt.as_tensor_variable(pymc_variables) # use a DensityDist (use a lamdba function to "call" the Op) pm.DensityDist( 'likelihood', lambda v: logl(v), observed={'v': theta}) if get_map: map_sample_dict = pm.find_MAP() if algorithm=='smc': assert njobs==1 # njobs is always 1 when using smc trace = pm.sample_smc(ndraws); else: if algorithm=='metropolis': step=pm.Metropolis(pymc_variables) elif algorithm=='nuts': step=pm.NUTS(pymc_variables) trace = pm.sample( ndraws, tune=nburn, discard_tuned_samples=True, start=None,cores=njobs,step=step, compute_convergence_checks=False,random_seed=seed) # compute_convergence_checks=False avoids bugs in theano if print_summary: try: print(pm.summary(trace)) except: print('could not print summary. likely issue with theano') samples, effective_sample_size=extract_mcmc_chain_from_pymc3_trace( trace,pymc_var_names,ndraws,nburn,njobs) if get_map: map_sample = extract_map_sample_from_pymc3_dict( map_sample_dict,pymc_var_names) else: map_samples = None return samples, effective_sample_size, map_sample
[docs]class PYMC3LogLikeWrapper(): r""" Turn pyapprox model in to one which can be used by PYMC3. Main difference is that PYMC3 often passes 1d arrays where as Pyapprox assumes 2d arrays. """ def __init__(self,loglike,loglike_grad=None): self.loglike=loglike self.loglike_grad=loglike_grad
[docs] def __call__(self,x): if x.ndim==1: xr = x[:,np.newaxis] else: xr=x vals = self.loglike(xr) return vals.squeeze()
[docs] def gradient(self,x): if x.ndim==1: xr = x[:,np.newaxis] else: xr=x return self.loglike_grad(xr).squeeze()