
The graphics module contains graphic functions.


signal_convexhull(signal, scenarios, threshold)

Plots of the signal's 3D convex hull.

signal_xsection(signal, signal_name[, ...])

Plots x-y, x-z, and y-z cross sections.

animate_puffs(puff[, x_range, y_range, repeat])

Plots the horizontal movement of puffs from a GaussianPuff simulation over time.

sensor_locations(sensors[, x_range, ...])

Plots sensor locations., scenarios, threshold, timesteps=None, colormap=None, x_range=(None, None), y_range=(None, None), z_range=(None, None))[source]

Plots of the signal’s 3D convex hull.

  • signal (pandas DataFrame) – Signal data from the simulation. The DataFrame contains columns ‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘Z’, ‘T’, and one column for each scenario.

  • scenarios (list) – Column names for the scenarios to be plotted

  • threshold (float) – The minimum value of the signal to be included

  • timesteps (list (optional)) – List of the time steps to include in the plot

  • colormap (matplotlib.pyplot ColorMap (optional)) – A ColorMap object sent to the contourf function

  • x_range (tuple (optional)) – The x-axis limits for the plot

  • y_range (tuple (optional)) – The y-axis limits for the plot

  • z_range (tuple (optional)) – The z-axis limits for the plot, signal_name, threshold=None, timesteps=None, x_value=None, y_value=None, z_value=None, log_flag=False, colormap=None, alpha=0.7, N=5, x_range=(None, None), y_range=(None, None), z_range=(None, None))[source]

Plots x-y, x-z, and y-z cross sections. The signal is summed over all desired time steps and summed across the axis not included in the plot unless a value for the third access is specified.

  • signal (pandas DataFrame) – Signal data from the simulation. The DataFrame contains columns ‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘Z’, ‘T’, and one column for each scenario.

  • signal_name (string) – Column name for the signal to be plotted

  • threshold (float (optional)) – The minimum value of the signal to be plotted

  • timesteps (list (optional)) – List of the time steps to include in the plot

  • x_value (list (optional)) – List of the x locations to include in the plot

  • y_value (list (optional)) – List of the y locations to include in the plot

  • z_value (list (optional)) – List of the z locations to include in the plot

  • log_flag (boolean (optional)) – Flag specifying whether the signal should be plotted on a log scale

  • colormap (matplotlib.pyplot ColorMap (optional)) – A ColorMap object sent to the contourf function

  • alpha (float (optional)) – Value between 0 and 1 representing the alpha blending value passed to the contourf function

  • N (int (optional)) – The number of levels to include in the plot, passed to the contourf function

  • x_range (tuple (optional)) – The x-axis limits for the plot

  • y_range (tuple (optional)) – The y-axis limits for the plot

  • z_range (tuple (optional)) – The z-axis limits for the plot, x_range=(None, None), y_range=(None, None), repeat=True)[source]

Plots the horizontal movement of puffs from a GaussianPuff simulation over time. Each puff is represented as a circle centered at the puff center location with radius equal to the standard deviation in the horizontal direction (sigmaY).

  • puff (pandas DataFrame) – The puff DataFrame created by a GaussianPuff object

  • x_range (tuple (xmin, xmax) (optional)) – The x-axis limits for the plot

  • y_range (tuple (ymin, ymax) (optional)) – The y-axis limits for the plot

  • repeat (bool, optional) – If True, the animation will repeat, x_range=(None, None), y_range=(None, None), z_range=(None, None), legend=False, colors=None, markers=None)[source]

Plots sensor locations.

  • sensors (dict) – A dictionary of sensors with key:value pairs containing {‘sensor name’: chama Sensor object}

  • x_range (tuple (optional)) – The x-axis limits for the plot

  • y_range (tuple (optional)) – The y-axis limits for the plot

  • z_range (tuple (optional)) – The z-axis limits for the plot

  • legend (Boolean (optional)) – Indicates if legend should be added to the plot

  • colors (dict (optional)) – A dictionary containing the color string to be used when plotting each sensor. The key:value pairs are {‘sensor name’ : String representing the color to be passed to the plot function)

  • markers (dict (optional)) – A dictionary containing the marker to be used when plotting each sensor. The key:value pairs are {‘sensor name’ : String representing the marker to be passed to the plot function)