Here you can find a collection of tutorials and accompanying files.
Tutorial 1: Building a Simple 2D Model
A two-layer waveguide is developed and analyzed. This problem mirrors a Pekeris Waveguide and incorporates both a water and sediment layer with constant properties. The energy from a continuous noise source spreads through a range-independent domain and diminishes in value as it spreads and is absorbed by the sediment layer. This tutorial walks users through the development, solution, and analysis of the problem.
Tutorial 2: Pre-processing for a 2D Model
A 2D cross-section is pulled from bathymetric data around Newport, Oregon, USA. This problem mirrors the setup in Tutorial 1 of a Pekeris Waveguide and incorporates both a water and sediment layer with constant properties. The energy from a continuous noise source spreads through a range-independent domain and diminishes in value as it spreads and is absorbed by the sediment layer. This tutorial walks users through the setup of the problem.
Tutorial 3: Post-processing for a Simple 2D Model
Tutorial 3 expands upon the post-processing performed in Tutorial 1. Further details are given to help navigate the netCDF output files and perform more detailed analysis with the time-history of pressure at individual points and plotting the planar pressure field solutions.
Additional Example Files
These examples provide additional MATALB scripts to develop a range of problems that can be solved with Paracousti. While the final NetCDF input and output files are not included here, they are available upon request.
Unbounded Spherical Spreading
A standard validation problem is to determine how a sound pulse travels and decays as it moves away from its source. In an unbounded system a monopole source spreads evenly in all directions and its energy decays inversely with range.
2-Layer Waveguide along a Coastline
These files develop a model similar to that in Tutorial 1, but adds increasingly complex bathymetry by interpolating measurements from a file.