Signal Species Selector

Signal Species Selector#

Fissile Facility Flow Modeler/Common


The signal species selector extracts the specified isotope signal or element signal (multiple if several isotopes for the element are tracked). This is a convenience block to select certain species of interest from the [1677, 1] shaped signal that F3M uses for most modeling operations.

Mask dialog options#

Element or isotope : string

Element or unhyphenated isotope with z number for species of interest.


In(C) : signal

Signal to downselect. Has shape [1677, 1] that represents the different isotopes tracked by F3M


Slct(C) : signal

Selected signal. Shape varies; if an isotope is selected then signal is [1, 1], if an element is selected then signal is [n, 1] depending on how many isotopes are tracked for that specific element.