Entity Process and Hold

Entity Process and Hold#

Fissile Facility Flow Modeler/Common


The entity process and hold block holds a discrete entity for a period of time before releasing. If reduction multipliers are specified, then the entity is changed according to the reduction multipliers after any hold period has elapsed. The internal queue uses a First In First Out (FIFO) scheme. A continuous inventory term is updated when entities leave the queue.


The inventory does not reflect that the original entity has been modified. This block is intended to simulate process operations, not material loss. If looking to simulate a loss, see the Signal Material Loss block.

Both the residual entity (which has reduction multipliers applied) and the removed entity (the part that was removed from the original entity) are subtracted from the inventory. This results in a consistent mass balance across the block where In(D) = Res(D) + Rmvd(D).

Mask dialog options#

Process time (hr) : float

The amount of time to hold each entity that enters the block. Value should be \(\in[0, \infty)\).

Reduction multipliers : float

The fraction by which to reduce the input entity for a specific species. These can be added or removed using the buttons under the table. Species specification can are to be elemental or isotopic in nature without any hyphenation; e.g.; h or cs137. Reduction multipliers are expected to be floats \(\in[0,1]\) with 1 indicating all of the species is removed and 0 that none is removed. By default, species not entered in this table will be assumed to have a value of 0.


Isotope or Element

Reduction Multiplier





Here, 10% of h3 and 100% of c12 is removed from incoming entities, In(D), and placed into the Rmvd(D) entity.


Entries in the reduction multiplier table are processed in order. Consequently, earlier entries might be overwritten by later entries. For example the table:

Isotope or Element

Reduction Multiplier





10% of all carbon will be removed except for c12. All of the c12 will be removed. Similar behavior occurs if specifying all as an entry followed by specific elements or isotopes.

It is important to consider the order of entries in the table! Specifying all as the final table entry will result in overwriting all previously entered table values with the value from all


In(D) : entity

Entity to process and hold. Expects an entity with attributes:

  • isovec (signal): Has shape [1677, 1] that represents the different isotopes tracked by F3M

  • auxparam (scalar): Function varies based on user implementation


Res(D) : entity

Residual entity after reduction multipliers have been applied.

Rmvd(D) : entity

Entity representing the component that was removed from the original entity.

Inv : signal

Continuous inventory signal with shape [1677, 1]. Updated when entities enter or leave the block. Both Res(D) and Rmvd(D) is removed from inventory when leaving the block.