Getting Started

SNL-SWAN is a modification of the open source spectral wave mode, SWAN. Use of the baseline features of the SNL code in SNL-SWAN is the same. For more information on the SWAN code, and how to setup and run baseline SWAN models, please refer to the SWAN website and online documentation:

Downloading SNL-SWAN

SNL-SWAN is distributed through the SNL-SWAN GitHub site. There are three ways of obtaining the SNL-SWAN code, each of which are described in this section.

Option 3: Static Code Download

The easiest way to obtain a copy of SNL-SWAN is to download the latest tagged release of the SNL-SWAN code available on Github, SNL-SWAN Release.


This is a static download of the SNL-SWAN code. If you chose this method, you will have to re-download the code in order to receive code updates.