Coverage for cli/src/xyfigure/ 59%
173 statements
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2# standard library imports
3import os
4from datetime import datetime
5from pathlib import Path
6import socket
8# related third-party imports
9import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
10from PIL import Image
11from tzlocal import get_localzone
13# local application/library specific imports
14# from xyfigure.xybase import XYBase
15# from xyfigure.code.xybase import XYBase
16from xyfigure.xybase import XYBase
19class XYViewBase(XYBase):
20 """The base class used by all XYViews."""
22 def __init__(self, guid, **kwargs):
23 super().__init__(guid, **kwargs)
24 self._models = []
25 self._model_keys = kwargs.get("model_keys", None)
26 self._figure = None
27 # self._folder = kwargs.get('folder', None)
28 self._file_base = self._file.split(".")[0]
30 self._title = kwargs.get("title", "default title")
31 self._xlabel = kwargs.get("xlabel", "default x axis label")
32 self._ylabel = kwargs.get("ylabel", "default y axis label")
34 self._xticks = kwargs.get("xticks", None)
35 self._yticks = kwargs.get("yticks", None)
37 self._size = kwargs.get("size", [11.0, 8.5])
38 self._dpi = kwargs.get("dpi", 100)
39 self._xlim = kwargs.get("xlim", None)
40 self._ylim = kwargs.get("ylim", None)
42 self._display = kwargs.get("display", True)
43 self._details = kwargs.get("details", True)
44 # self._serialize = kwargs.get('serialize', False) # moved up to XYBase
45 self._latex = kwargs.get("latex", False)
46 if self._latex:
47 from matplotlib import rc
49 rc("text", usetex=True)
50 rc("font", family="serif")
52 # default value if axes_kwargs not client-supplied
53 #
54 #
55 # whether frame (rectangle outline) appears on all axes
56 self._frame = kwargs.get("frame", True)
58 #
59 #
60 #
61 # default to empty dictionary
62 self._tick_params = kwargs.get("tick_params", {})
64 print("Finished XYViewBase constructor.")
66 @property
67 def models(self):
68 return self._models
70 @models.setter
71 def models(self, value):
72 self._models = value
74 @property
75 def model_keys(self):
76 return self._model_keys
78 def figure(self):
79 pass
81 def serialize(self, folder, filename): # extend base class
82 # deprecated
83 # super().serialize(folder, filename)
84 # self._figure.savefig(
85 # self._path_file_output, dpi=self._dpi, bbox_inches="tight"
86 # ) # avoid cutoff of labels
87 # print(f" Serialized view to: {self._path_file_output}")
89 # New for XYView class, the so-called input file (input by the user) is the
90 # output file to which the figure should be serialized.
91 self._figure.savefig(
92 self._path_file_input, dpi=self._dpi, bbox_inches="tight"
93 ) # avoid cutoff of labels
94 print(f" Serialized view to: {self._path_file_input}")
97class XYView(XYViewBase):
98 """Creates a view that sees models."""
100 def __init__(self, guid, **kwargs):
101 super().__init__(guid, **kwargs)
102 # self._models = []
103 # self._model_keys = kwargs.get("model_keys", None)
104 # self._figure = None
105 # # self._folder = kwargs.get('folder', None)
106 # self._file_base = self._file.split(".")[0]
108 # default value if figure_kwargs not client-supplied
109 # self._title = kwargs.get("title", "default title")
110 # self._xlabel = kwargs.get("xlabel", "default x axis label")
111 # self._ylabel = kwargs.get("ylabel", "default y axis label")
113 # self._xticks = kwargs.get("xticks", None)
114 # self._yticks = kwargs.get("yticks", None)
116 self._xaxislog = kwargs.get("xaxis_log", False)
117 self._yaxislog = kwargs.get("yaxis_log", False)
119 # default = {'scale': 1, 'label': 'ylabel_rhs', 'verification': 0}
120 self._yaxis_rhs = kwargs.get("yaxis_rhs", None)
122 # inches, U.S. paper, landscape
123 # self._size = kwargs.get("size", [11.0, 8.5])
124 # self._dpi = kwargs.get("dpi", 100)
125 # self._xlim = kwargs.get("xlim", None)
126 # self._ylim = kwargs.get("ylim", None)
128 self._background_image = kwargs.get("background_image", None)
130 # self._display = kwargs.get("display", True)
131 # self._details = kwargs.get("details", True)
132 # # self._serialize = kwargs.get('serialize', False) # moved up to XYBase
133 # self._latex = kwargs.get("latex", False)
134 # if self._latex:
135 # from matplotlib import rc
137 # rc("text", usetex=True)
138 # rc("font", family="serif")
140 # @property
141 # def models(self):
142 # return self._models
144 # @models.setter
145 # def models(self, value):
146 # self._models = value
148 # @property
149 # def model_keys(self):
150 # return self._model_keys
152 def figure(self):
153 """Create a figure (view) of the registered models to the screen."""
154 if self._figure is None:
156 # dpi versus fig size
157 #
158 # fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, dpi=self._dpi)
159 self._figure, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, dpi=self._dpi)
160 if self._verbose:
161 print(f" Figure dpi set to {self._dpi}")
163 # ax.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='scientific')
164 # ax.ticklabel_format(axis='both', style='scientific', scilimits=(0,0))
166 #
167 # fig.set_size_inches(self._size)
168 self._figure.set_size_inches(self._size)
169 if self._verbose:
170 print(" Figure size set to " + str(self._size) + " inches.")
172 if self._background_image:
173 folder = self._background_image.get("folder", ".")
174 file = self._background_image.get("file", None)
175 # rel_path_and_file = os.path.join(
176 # folder, file
177 # ) # relative to current run location
178 path_file = Path(folder).expanduser().joinpath(file)
179 # im =
180 im =
182 left = self._background_image.get("left", 0.0)
183 right = self._background_image.get("right", 1.0)
184 bottom = self._background_image.get("bottom", 0.0)
185 top = self._background_image.get("top", 1.0)
186 al = self._background_image.get("alpha", 1.0)
188 #
189 #
190 bounds = [left, right, bottom, top]
191 im = ax.imshow(im, zorder=0, extent=bounds, alpha=al, aspect="auto")
193 for model in self._models:
194 # needs rearchitecting, a logview descends from a view
195 if self._xaxislog and not self._yaxislog: # needs rearchitecting
196 ax.semilogx(model.x, model.y, **model.plot_kwargs)
197 elif not self._xaxislog and self._yaxislog:
198 ax.semilogy(model.x, model.y, **model.plot_kwargs)
199 elif self._xaxislog and self._yaxislog:
200 ax.loglog(model.x, model.y, **model.plot_kwargs)
201 else:
202 ax.plot(model.x, model.y, **model.plot_kwargs)
204 if self._xticks:
205 ax.set_xticks(self._xticks)
207 if self._yticks:
208 ax.set_yticks(self._yticks)
210 if self._xlim:
211 ax.set_xlim(self._xlim)
213 if self._ylim:
214 ax.set_ylim(self._ylim)
216 if self._yaxis_rhs:
217 rhs_axis_scale = self._yaxis_rhs.get("scale", 1)
218 rhs_axis_label = self._yaxis_rhs.get("label", None)
219 # rhs_yticks_str = self._yaxis_rhs.get('yticks', None)
220 rhs_yticks = self._yaxis_rhs.get("yticks", None)
222 # ax2 = fig.add_subplot(111, sharex=ax, frameon=False)
223 ax2 = self._figure.add_subplot(111, sharex=ax, frameon=False)
224 bottom, top = ax.get_ylim() # get from left-hand-side y-axis
225 ax2.set_ylim(rhs_axis_scale * bottom, rhs_axis_scale * top)
226 ax2.yaxis.tick_right()
227 # ax2.ticklabel_format(axis='both', style='scientific', scilimits=(0,0))
228 # ax.ticklabel_format(axis='both', style='scientific', scilimits=(0,0))
229 # _ticklabel_format = self._yaxis_rhs.get('ticklabel_format', None)
230 # _ticklabel_format = self._yaxis_rhs.get('ticklabel_format', None)
231 # if _ticklabel_format:
232 # scilimits_str = _ticklabel_format.get('scilimitsl', "(0, 0)")
233 # ax2.ticklabel_format(**_ticklabel_format)
234 # ax2.ticklabel_format(axis='both', style='scientific', scilimits=(0,0))
235 # plt.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='scientific', useOffset=False)
236 # ax2.ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='scientific', useOffset=False)
237 if rhs_yticks:
238 ax2.set_yticks(rhs_yticks)
239 ax2.yaxis.set_label_position("right")
240 ax2.set_ylabel(rhs_axis_label)
242 # fig.suptitle(self._title)
243 self._figure.suptitle(self._title)
244 ax.set_xlabel(self._xlabel)
245 ax.set_ylabel(self._ylabel)
246 # set frame on or off based on the Bool "frame" in .json input
247 ax.set_frame_on(b=self._frame)
248 if len(self._tick_params) > 0:
249 ax.tick_params(**self._tick_params)
250 ax.grid()
251 ax.legend()
253 if self._details:
254 # Get the local timezone
255 local_timezone = get_localzone()
257 # Get the current time in the local timezone
258 current_time =
260 # Format the date and time stamp
261 timestamp = current_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z%z")
263 user = str(os.getlogin())
264 # host = str(os.getenv("HOSTNAME"))
265 host = socket.gethostname()
266 details_str = (
267 self._file + " created " + timestamp + " by " + user + " on " + host
268 )
270 ax.set_title(details_str, fontsize=8, ha="center", color="dimgray")
272 if self._display:
275 if self._serialize:
276 self.serialize(self._folder, self._file)
278 plt.close("all")
279 self._figure = None
281 # def serialize(self, folder, filename): # extend base class
282 # # deprecated
283 # # super().serialize(folder, filename)
284 # # self._figure.savefig(
285 # # self._path_file_output, dpi=self._dpi, bbox_inches="tight"
286 # # ) # avoid cutoff of labels
287 # # print(f" Serialized view to: {self._path_file_output}")
289 # # New for XYView class, the so-called input file (input by the user) is the
290 # # output file to which the figure should be serialized.
291 # self._figure.savefig(
292 # self._path_file_input, dpi=self._dpi, bbox_inches="tight"
293 # ) # avoid cutoff of labels
294 # print(f" Serialized view to: {self._path_file_input}")
297class XYViewAbaqus(XYViewBase):
298 """Creates an ABAQUS view that sees ABAQUS models."""
300 def __init__(self, guid, **kwargs):
301 super().__init__(guid, **kwargs)
302 # self._models = []
303 # self._model_keys = kwargs.get("model_keys", None)
304 # self._figure = None
305 # # self._folder = kwargs.get('folder', None)
306 # self._file_base = self._file.split(".")[0]
308 # default value if figure_kwargs not client-supplied
309 # self._title = kwargs.get("title", "default title")
310 # self._xlabel = kwargs.get("xlabel", "default x axis label")
311 # self._ylabel = kwargs.get("ylabel", "default y axis label")
313 # self._xticks = kwargs.get("xticks", None)
314 # self._yticks = kwargs.get("yticks", None)
316 # inches, U.S. paper, landscape
317 # self._size = kwargs.get("size", [11.0, 8.5])
318 # self._dpi = kwargs.get("dpi", 100)
319 # self._xlim = kwargs.get("xlim", None)
320 # self._ylim = kwargs.get("ylim", None)
322 # self._display = kwargs.get("display", True)
323 # self._details = kwargs.get("details", True)
324 # # self._serialize = kwargs.get('serialize', False) # moved up to XYBase
325 # self._latex = kwargs.get("latex", False)
326 # if self._latex:
327 # from matplotlib import rc
329 # rc("text", usetex=True)
330 # rc("font", family="serif")
332 @property
333 def models(self):
334 return self._models
336 @models.setter
337 def models(self, value):
338 self._models = value
340 @property
341 def model_keys(self):
342 return self._model_keys
344 def figure(self):
345 """Create a figure (view) of the registered models to the screen."""
346 if self._figure is None:
348 self._figure, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, dpi=self._dpi)
349 if self._verbose:
350 print(f" Figure dpi set to {self._dpi}")
352 self._figure.set_size_inches(self._size)
353 if self._verbose:
354 print(" Figure size set to " + str(self._size) + " inches.")
356 for model in self._models:
357 xs, ys, _ = zip(*model._nodes)
359 for face in model._elements:
360 xf = tuple(xs[k - 1] for k in face) # 1-base index to 0-base index
361 yf = tuple(ys[k - 1] for k in face)
362 # plt.fill(
363 # xf,
364 # yf,
365 # linestyle="dotted",
366 # edgecolor="magenta",
367 # alpha=0.5,
368 # facecolor="gray",
369 # )
370 plt.fill(
371 xf,
372 yf,
373 alpha=model._alpha,
374 edgecolor=model._edgecolor,
375 facecolor=model._facecolor,
376 linestyle=model._linestyle,
377 linewidth=model._linewidth,
378 )
380 if self._xticks:
381 ax.set_xticks(self._xticks)
383 if self._yticks:
384 ax.set_yticks(self._yticks)
386 if self._xlim:
387 ax.set_xlim(self._xlim)
389 if self._ylim:
390 ax.set_ylim(self._ylim)
392 if self._xlabel:
393 ax.set_xlabel(self._xlabel)
395 if self._ylabel:
396 ax.set_ylabel(self._ylabel)
398 # set frame on or off based on the Bool "frame" in .json input
399 ax.set_frame_on(b=self._frame)
400 if len(self._tick_params) > 0:
401 ax.tick_params(**self._tick_params)
403 if self._display:
406 if self._serialize:
407 self.serialize(self._folder, self._file)
409 plt.close("all")
410 self._figure = None
414Copyright 2023 Sandia National Laboratories
416Notice: This computer software was prepared by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of
417Sandia, LLC, hereinafter the Contractor, under Contract DE-NA0003525 with the Department of Energy
418(DOE). All rights in the computer software are reserved by DOE on behalf of the United States
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423copies of this computer software. Export of this data may require a license from the United States